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Continuous-time birth-death Markov processes serve as useful models in population biology. When the birth-death rates are nonlinear, the time evolution of the first n order moments of the population is not closed, in the sense that it depends on moments of order higher than n. For analysis purposes, the time evolution of the first n order moments is often made to be closed by approximating these higher order moments as a nonlinear function of moments up to order n, which we refer to as the moment closure function. In this paper, a systematic procedure for constructing moment closure functions of arbitrary order is presented for the stochastic logistic model. We obtain the moment closure function by first assuming a certain separable form for it, and then matching time derivatives of the exact (not closed) moment equations with that of the approximate (closed) equations for some initial time and set of initial conditions. The separable structure ensures that the steady-state solutions for the approximate equations are unique, real and positive, while the derivative matching guarantees a good approximation, at least locally in time. Explicit formulas to construct these moment closure functions for arbitrary order of truncation n are provided with higher values of n leading to better approximations of the actual moment dynamics. A host of other moment closure functions previously proposed in the literature are also investigated. Among these we show that only the ones that achieve derivative matching provide a close approximation to the exact solution. Moreover, we improve the accuracy of several previously proposed moment closure functions by forcing derivative matching.  相似文献   

The effect of spatial heterogeneity in epidemic models has improved with computational advances, yet far less progress has been made in developing analytical tools for understanding such systems. Here, we develop two classes of second-order moment closure methods for approximating the dynamics of a stochastic spatial model of the spread of foot and mouth disease. We consider the performance of such ‘pseudo-spatial’ models as a function of R0, the locality in disease transmission, farm distribution and geographically-targeted control when an arbitrary number of spatial kernels are incorporated. One advantage of mapping complex spatial models onto simpler deterministic approximations lies in the ability to potentially obtain a better analytical understanding of disease dynamics and the effects of control. We exploit this tractability by deriving analytical results in the invasion stages of an FMD outbreak, highlighting key principles underlying epidemic spread on contact networks and the effect of spatial correlations.  相似文献   

 We develop a moment closure approximation (MCA) to a network model of sexually transmitted disease (STD) spread through a steady/casual partnership network. MCA has been used previously to approximate static, regular lattices, whereas application to dynamic, irregular networks is a new endeavour, and application to sociologically-motivated network models has not been attempted. Our goals are 1) to investigate issues relating to the application of moment closure approximations to dynamic and irregular networks, and 2) to understand the impact of concurrent casual partnerships on STD transmission through a population of predominantly steady monogamous partnerships. We are able to derive a moment closure approximation for a dynamic irregular network representing sexual partnership dynamics, however, we are forced to use a triple approximation due to the large error of the standard pair approximation. This example underscores the importance of doing error analysis for moment closure approximations. We also find that a small number of casual partnerships drastically increases the prevalence and rate of spread of the epidemic. Finally, although the approximation is derived for a specific network model, we can recover approximations to a broad range of network models simply by varying model parameters which control the structure of the dynamic network. Thus our moment closure approximation is very flexible in the kinds of network models it can approximate. Received: 26 August 2001 / Revised version: 15 March 2002 / Published online: 23 August 2002 C.T.B. was supported by the NSF. Key words or phrases: Moment closure approximation – Network model – Pair approximation – Sexually transmitted diseases – Steady/casual partnership network  相似文献   

It is shown that in a system containingn types of mutually noninteracting binding sites, the association constants are then roots of annth order polynomial while the maximum binding capacities can be evaluated by solving a set ofn simultaneous linear equations. Thenth order polynomial and the system ofn linear equations are defined in terms of 2n intermediate coefficients, the coefficients being themselves evaluated by substituting 2n sets of appropriate experimental data into an auxiliary system of 2n linear equations. The existence and uniqueness of the solutions are established.  相似文献   

Moment closure approximations are used to provide analytic approximations to non-linear stochastic population models. They often provide insights into model behaviour and help validate simulation results. However, existing closure schemes typically fail in situations where the population distribution is highly skewed or extinctions occur. In this study we address these problems by introducing novel second-and third-order moment closure approximations which we apply to the stochastic SI and SIS epidemic models. In the case of the SI model, which has a highly skewed distribution of infection, we develop a second-order approximation based on the beta-binomial distribution. In addition, a closure approximation based on mixture distribution is developed in order to capture the behaviour of the stochastic SIS model around the threshold between persistence and extinction. This mixture approximation comprises a probability distribution designed to capture the quasi-equilibrium probabilities of the system and a probability mass at 0 which represents the probability of extinction. Two third-order versions of this mixture approximation are considered in which the log-normal and the beta-binomial are used to model the quasi-equilibrium distribution. Comparison with simulation results shows: (1) the beta-binomial approximation is flexible in shape and matches the skewness predicted by simulation as shown by the stochastic SI model and (2) mixture approximations are able to predict transient and extinction behaviour as shown by the stochastic SIS model, in marked contrast with existing approaches. We also apply our mixture approximation to approximate a likehood function and carry out point and interval parameter estimation.  相似文献   

In many fields of science including population dynamics, the vast state spaces inhabited by all but the very simplest of systems can preclude a deterministic analysis. Here, a class of approximate deterministic models is introduced into the field of epidemiology that reduces this state space to one that is numerically feasible. However, these reduced state space master equations do not in general form a closed set. To resolve this, the equations are approximated using closure approximations. This process results in a method for constructing deterministic differential equation models with a potentially large scope of application including dynamic directed contact networks and heterogeneous systems using time dependent parameters. The method is exemplified in the case of an SIR (susceptible-infectious-removed) epidemiological model and is numerically evaluated on a range of networks from spatially local to random. In the context of epidemics propagated on contact networks, this work assists in clarifying the link between stochastic simulation and traditional population level deterministic models.  相似文献   

Using network models to approximate spatial point-process models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spatial effects are fundamental to ecological and epidemiological systems, yet the incorporation of space into models is potentially complex. Fixed-edge network models (i.e. networks where each edge has the same fixed strength of interaction) are widely used to study spatial processes but they make simplistic assumptions about spatial scale and structure. Furthermore, it can be difficult to parameterize such models with empirical data. By comparison, spatial point-process models are often more realistic than fixed-edge network models, but are also more difficult to analyze. Here we develop a moment closure technique that allows us to define a fixed-edge network model which predicts the prevalence and rate of epidemic spread of a continuous spatial point-process epidemic model. This approach provides a systematic method for accurate parameterization of network models using data from continuously distributed populations (such as data on dispersal kernels). Insofar as point-process models are accurate representations of real spatial biological systems, our example also supports the view that network models are realistic representations of space.  相似文献   

Estimation of epidemiological and population parameters from molecular sequence data has become central to the understanding of infectious disease dynamics. Various models have been proposed to infer details of the dynamics that describe epidemic progression. These include inference approaches derived from Kingman’s coalescent theory. Here, we use recently described coalescent theory for epidemic dynamics to develop stochastic and deterministic coalescent susceptible–infected–removed (SIR) tree priors. We implement these in a Bayesian phylogenetic inference framework to permit joint estimation of SIR epidemic parameters and the sample genealogy. We assess the performance of the two coalescent models and also juxtapose results obtained with a recently published birth–death-sampling model for epidemic inference. Comparisons are made by analyzing sets of genealogies simulated under precisely known epidemiological parameters. Additionally, we analyze influenza A (H1N1) sequence data sampled in the Canterbury region of New Zealand and HIV-1 sequence data obtained from known United Kingdom infection clusters. We show that both coalescent SIR models are effective at estimating epidemiological parameters from data with large fundamental reproductive number R0 and large population size S0. Furthermore, we find that the stochastic variant generally outperforms its deterministic counterpart in terms of error, bias, and highest posterior density coverage, particularly for smaller R0 and S0. However, each of these inference models is shown to have undesirable properties in certain circumstances, especially for epidemic outbreaks with R0 close to one or with small effective susceptible populations.  相似文献   

The prevalence of structure in biological populations challenges fundamental assumptions at the heart of continuum models of population dynamics based only on mean densities (local or global). Individual-based models (IBMs) were introduced during the last decade in an attempt to overcome this limitation by following explicitly each individual in the population. Although the IBM approach has been quite useful, the capability to follow each individual usually comes at the expense of analytical tractability, which limits the generality of the statements that can be made. For the specific case of spatial structure in populations of sessile (and identical) organisms, space–time point processes with local regulation seem to cover the middle ground between analytical tractability and a higher degree of biological realism. This approach has shown that simplified representations of fecundity, local dispersal and density-dependent mortality weighted by the local competitive environment are sufficient to generate spatial patterns that mimic field observations. Continuum approximations of these stochastic processes try to distill their fundamental properties, and they keep track of not only mean densities, but also higher order spatial correlations. However, due to the non–linearities involved they result in infinite hierarchies of moment equations. This leads to the problem of finding a ‘moment closure’; that is, an appropriate order of (lower order) truncation, together with a method of expressing the highest order density not explicitly modelled in the truncated hierarchy in terms of the lower order densities. We use the principle of constrained maximum entropy to derive a closure relationship for truncation at second order using normalisation and the product densities of first and second orders as constraints, and apply it to one such hierarchy. The resulting ‘maxent’ closure is similar to the Kirkwood superposition approximation, or ‘power-3’ closure, but it is complemented with previously unknown correction terms that depend mainly on the avoidance function of an associated Poisson point process over the region for which third order correlations are irreducible. This domain of irreducible triplet correlations is found from an integral equation associated with the normalisation constraint. This also serves the purpose of a validation check, since a single, non-trivial domain can only be found if the assumptions of the closure are consistent with the predictions of the hierarchy. Comparisons between simulations of the point process, alternative heuristic closures, and the maxent closure show significant improvements in the ability of the truncated hierarchy to predict equilibrium values for mildly aggregated spatial patterns. However, the maxent closure performs comparatively poorly in segregated ones. Although the closure is applied in the context of point processes, the method does not require fixed locations to be valid, and can in principle be applied to problems where the particles move, provided that their correlation functions are stationary in space and time.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the analysis of the early dynamics of an SIS epidemic model defined on networks. The model, introduced by Gross et al. (Phys Rev Lett 96:208701, 2006), is based on the pair-approximation formalism and assumes that, at a given rewiring rate, susceptible nodes replace an infected neighbour by a new susceptible neighbour randomly selected among the pool of susceptible nodes in the population. The analysis uses a triple closure that improves the widely assumed in epidemic models defined on regular and homogeneous networks, and applies it to better understand the early epidemic spread on Poisson, exponential, and scale-free networks. Two extinction scenarios, one dominated by transmission and the other one by rewiring, are characterized by considering the limit system of the model equations close to the beginning of the epidemic. Moreover, an analytical condition for the occurrence of a bistability region is obtained.  相似文献   

The Volterra series is a well-known method of describing non-linear dynamic systems. A major limitation of this technique is the difficulty involved in the calculation of the kernels. More recently, artificial neural networks have been used to produce black box models of non-linear dynamic systems. In this paper we show how a certain class of artificial neural networks are equivalent to Volterra series and give the equation for the nth order Volterra kernel in terms of the internal parameters of the network. The technique is then illustrated using a specific non-linear system. The kernels obtained by the method described in the paper are compared with those obtained by a Toeplitz matrix inversion technique. Received: 4 June 1993/Accepted in revised form: 2 March 1994  相似文献   

This paper considers the time to extinction for a stochastic epidemic model of SEIR form without replacement of susceptibles. It first shows how previous rigorous results can be heuristically explained in terms of the more transparent dynamics of an approximating deterministic system. The model is then extended to include a host population structured into patches, with weak nearest-neighbour mixing of infection. It is shown, by considering the approximating deterministic system, that the expected time to extinction in a population of n + 1 patches each of size N is of the form a log N + bn, provided that N > N c where N c is a critical patch size below which transits are unlikely to occur. This corresponds to the simple decomposition of the time of an epidemic into the time it takes to spread through one patch plus the time it takes to transit to each of n successive patches. Expressions for this threshold and the coefficients of the time to extinction are given in terms of the transmission parameters of infection and the coupling strength between patches. These expressions are compared with numerical results using parameters relevant to a study of phocine distemper virus in North Sea seals, and the agreement is found to be good for large and small N. In the region when NN c , where transits may or may not occur, interesting transitional behaviour is seen, leading to a non-monotonicity of the extinction time as a function of N.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity and host demography have a direct impact on the persistence or extinction of a disease. Natural or human-made landscape features such as forests, rivers, roads, and crops are important to the persistence of wildlife diseases. Rabies, hantaviruses, and plague are just a few examples of wildlife diseases where spatial patterns of infection have been observed. We formulate multi-patch deterministic and stochastic epidemic models and use these models to investigate problems related to disease persistence and extinction. We show in some special cases that a unique disease-free equilibrium exists. In these cases, a basic reproduction number ?0 can be computed and shown to be bounded below and above by the minimum and maximum patch reproduction numbers ? j , j=1, …, n. The basic reproduction number has a simple form when there is no movement or when all patches are identical or when the movement rate approaches infinity. Numerical examples of the deterministic and stochastic models illustrate the disease dynamics for different movement rates between three patches.  相似文献   

One of the body's major defenses against viral diseases and tumors is the killing of abnormal cells by host defense cells, such as T lymphocytes. The mechanism by which killing is accomplished is unknown. Here we develop both stochastic and deterministic models for the kinetics of killing in aggregates which contain a single lymphocyte and multiple target cells (LTn conjugates), as might be seen early in an immune response, and in aggregates containing multiple lymphocytes and a single target cell (LnT conjugates), which is characteristic of the late phase of a successful immune response. Comparing our models with data, we rule out the possibility of certain classes of lytic mechanisms and draw attention to the characteristics of likely mechanisms. Our stochastic model can be viewed as a specialized application of queueing theory to cell biology. For certain choices of arrival-time and service-time distributions, we find an exact correspondence between our stochastic and deterministic models.  相似文献   

Both the threat of bioterrorism and the natural emergence of contagious diseases underscore the importance of quantitatively understanding disease transmission in structured human populations. Over the last few years, researchers have advanced the mathematical theory of scale-free networks and used such theoretical advancements in pilot epidemic models. Scale-free contact networks are particularly interesting in the realm of mathematical epidemiology, primarily because these networks may allow meaningfully structured populations to be incorporated in epidemic models at moderate or intermediate levels of complexity. Moreover, a scale-free contact network with node degree correlation is in accord with the well-known preferred mixing concept. The present author describes a semi-empirical and deterministic epidemic modeling approach that (a) focuses on time-varying rates of disease transmission in both unstructured and structured populations and (b) employs probability density functions to characterize disease progression and outbreak controls. Given an epidemic curve for a historical outbreak, this modeling approach calls for Monte Carlo calculations (that define the average new infection rate) and solutions to integro-differential equations (that describe outbreak dynamics in an aggregate population or across all network connectivity classes). Numerical results are obtained for the 2003 SARS outbreak in Taiwan and the dynamical implications of time-varying transmission rates and scale-free contact networks are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Epidemiologists are interested in using models that incorporate the effects of clustering in the spatial pattern of disease on epidemic dynamics. Bolker (1999, Bull. Math. Biol. 61, 849–874) has developed an approach to study such models based on a moment closure assumption. We show that the assumption works above a thre shold initial level of disease that depends on the spatial dispersal of the pathogen. We test an alternative assumption and show that it does not have this limitation. We examine the relation between lattice and continuous-medium implementations of the approach.  相似文献   

Approximations in population dynamics are gaining popularity since stochastic models in large populations are time consuming even on a computer. Stochastic modeling causes an infinite set of ordinary differential equations for the moments. Closure models are useful since they recast this infinite set into a finite set of ordinary differential equations. This paper systematizes a set of closure approximations. We develop a system, which we call a power p closure of n moments, where 0≤pn. [Keeling, 2000a] and [Keeling, 2000b] approximation with third order moments is shown to be an instantiation of this system which we call a power 3 closure of 3 moments. We present an epidemiological example and evaluate the system for third and fourth moments compared with Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two types of simple epidemic models, namely, deterministic and stochastic wherein the latent period is assumed to be positive. In the deterministic epidemic model, the distributions of susceptibles, inactive infectives, active infectives and that of epidemic curve which gives the rate at which new infections take place have been obtained. The expression for the expected time of the entire epidemic has been derived. Also the partial differential equation for the moment generating function of the proportion of susceptibles in the population is established. In the end, we have studied a stochastic approach of the system.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for predicting and exploring the dynamics of stochastic, spatially interacting populations have proven to have useful application in epidemiology and ecology. An important development has been the increasing interest in spatially explicit models, which require more advanced analytical techniques than the usual mean-field or mass-action approaches. The general principle is the derivation of differential equations describing the evolution of the expected population size and other statistics. As a result of spatial interactions no closed set of equations is obtained. Nevertheless, approximate solutions are possible using closure relations for truncation. Here we review and report recent progress on closure approximations applicable to lattice models with nearest-neighbour interactions, including cluster approximations and elaborations on the pair (or pairwise) approximation. This study is made in the context of an SIS model for plant-disease epidemics introduced in Filipe and Gibson (1998, Studying and approximating spatio-temporal models for epidemic spread and control, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 353, 2153–2162) of which the contact process [Harris, T. E. (1974), Contact interactions on a lattice, Ann. Prob. 2, 969] is a special case. The various methods of approximation are derived and explained and their predictions are compared and tested against simulation. The merits and limitations of the various approximations are discussed. A hybrid pairwise approximation is shown to provide the best predictions of transient and long-term, stationary behaviour over the whole parameter range of the model.  相似文献   

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