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The methods available for analysis of the chromatin of Schizosaccharomyces pombe are time consuming (>8 h) and/or result in some degradation of the chromatin. Here we report an optimised method for the preparation of spheroplasts and the isolation of nuclei which takes <25 min and is suitable for analysis of chromatin structure by micrococcal nuclease, restriction endonuclease or by immunoprecipitation.  相似文献   

Modulation of transcription from chromatin assembled in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L J Holland  B J McCarthy 《Biochemistry》1980,19(13):2965-2976

Changes in the volume of rat liver nuclei have been monitored as a function of modifications in ionic environment (from 0 to 20 mM), temperature (from 4 to 37°C) and pH (from 1 to 8). An abrupt reduction of nuclear volume occurred with increasing ion concentration, this contraction being more pronounced with bivalent (either Ca2+ or Mg2+) than with monovalent (either Na+ or K+) cations. The lowering of pH produced a similar effect. Parallel changes in chromatin structure took place at the same time as phase-like transitions. Atomic absorption spectroscopy allowed determination of free and nuclei-bound ions, pointing to the presence of a sizeable number of free binding sites for chromatin-DNA even within intact nuclei. DNA-phosphate sites appear to be neutralized by ions strictly according to the size of the electric charge and polyelectrolyte theory. Partial digestion (by micrococcal nuclease) or simple breaks (by chemical carcinogens) of the chromatin-DNA fiber caused respectively elimination or reduction of the abrupt volume changes in the intact nuclei. The apparent role of chromatin structure versus nuclear matrix in determining the shape and volume of intact nuclei is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop four measures to describe the distribution of nuclear chromatin. These measures attempt to describe in an objective and meaningful way the heterogeneity, granularity, condensation, and margination of chromatin in cell nuclei. Starting with a high-resolution digitized image of a cell where the nuclear pixels have been identified, the four measures may be rapidly estimated. The range of each is derived and the interpretation of the measures in the context of chromatin compaction and distribution is developed. Implementation issues such as sampling density, thresholding and subsequent pre-processing, and algorithmic complexity are discussed.  相似文献   

Properties of condensed chromatin in barley nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. Muller  G. Philipps  C. Gigot 《Planta》1980,149(1):69-77
A method for isolation and purification of intact nuclei from barley leaves was developed and several properties of the chromatin were studied. The dense structure of the main part of the chromatin does not alter the accessibility of the DNA to nucleases. 60% of the nuclear DNA can be degraded by micrococcal endonuclease. Nevertheless the solubility of the chromatin fragments depends on the extent of nuclease digestion; solubilisation occurring only when the major part of the internucleosomal DNA was degraded (30% of digestion). Electron microscopic observations suggest that this was due to particularly dense organization of the chromatin in situ. The possible physiological meaning of some of these properties are discussed.  相似文献   

Texture parameters of the nuclear chromatin pattern can contribute to the automated classification of specimens on the basis of single cell analysis in cervical cytology. Current texture parameters are abstract and therefore hamper understanding. In this paper texture parameters are described that can be derived from the chromatin pattern after segmentation of the nuclear image. These texture parameters are more directly related to the visual properties of the chromatin pattern. The image segmentation procedure is based on a region grow algorithm which specifically isolates high chromatin density. The texture analysis method has been tested on a data set of images of 112 cervical nuclei on photographic negatives digitized with a step size of 0.125 micron. The preliminary results of a classification trial indicate that these visually interpretable parameters have promising discriminatory power for the distinction between negative and positive specimens.  相似文献   

Analysis of the chromatin assembled in germinal vesicles of Xenopus oocytes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
We have injected circular DNA, labeled with 32P at a single restriction site, into germinal vesicles of Xenopus laevis oocytes in order to study the nucleosome arrangement on the assembled minichromosomes. Two types of genes were used in these studies, the somatic 5 S RNA gene unit of Xenopus borealis and the histone gene unit of Drosophila melanogaster. We find that injections of labeled DNA alone, at 1 ng DNA per oocyte, results in irregularly spaced nucleosomes and partially supercoiled DNA molecules. However, perfectly spaced nucleosomes are assembled and fully supercoiled DNA is recovered if 5 to 20 nanograms of cold vector DNA is coinjected with the labeled DNA. At the optimum chromatin assembly conditions, the nucleosomes are perfectly spaced with a 180 base-pair periodicity, but they are randomly positioned on the DNA. The assembly of a periodic chromatin structure is accompanied by a dramatic enhancement in the expression of the injected 5 S RNA gene.  相似文献   

Histones are involved in the regulation of almost all events within the eukaryotic cell nucleus that utilize DNA as a substrate. We have developed a novel approach for examining the function of histone proteins and specific domains of these proteins in these various nuclear processes, and in particular assembly of chromatin throughout the cell cycle. This approach exploits several unique characteristics of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum, including the natural synchrony of all (approximately 10(8)) nuclei throughout the cell cycle and the ability of this organism to take up exogenous proteins. Here, culture techniques and biochemical procedures for the incorporation of exogenous core histones into Physarum chromatin in vivo are described. The procedures for subsequent verification of the assembly of exogenous proteins into bona fide nucleosomes are also described.  相似文献   

The chromatin structures of a variety of plasmids and plasmid constructions, transiently transfected into mouse Ltk- cells using the DEAE-dextran procedure, were studied by micrococcal nuclease digestion of nuclei and Southern hybridization. Although regularly arranged nucleosome-like particles clearly were formed on the transfected DNA, the nucleosome ladders, in some cases with 13-14 bands, were anomalous. Most often, a ladder of DNA fragments with lengths of approximately 300, 500, 700, 900 bp, etc. was generated. In contrast, typical 180-190 bp multiples were generated from bulk cellular or endogenous beta-actin gene chromatin. Very similar results were obtained with all DNA's transfected, and in a variety of cell lines, provided that plasmid replication did not occur. Additionally, after digestion of nuclei, about 90% of the chromatin fragments that contained transfected DNA sequences could not be solubilized at low ionic strength, in contrast with bulk cellular chromatin, suggesting association with nuclear structures or nuclear matrix. The remaining 10% of transfected DNA sequences, arising from soluble chromatin fragments, generated a typical nucleosome ladder. These results are consistent with the idea that assembly of atypical chromatin structures might be induced by proximity to elements of the nuclear pore complex or by nuclear compartmentalization.  相似文献   

The major part of the genetic information of eukaryotes is packed into chromosomes within the nucleus. Interactions of histones, nonhistone proteins and DNA play a central part in chromatin structure as well as in gene regulation. Parasites living in tissue spaces or even intracellularly, such as trypanosomes, are hardly eliminated by currently used drugs. If their packing of the genetic information and their gene regulation were to diverge from those of higher eukaryotes, new possibilities in the fight against trypanosomal infections would open up. Investigations of the past few years have revealed a chromatin organization of trypanosomes that differs in various parameters from that of their possible hosts, as discussed here by Hermann Hecker, Bruno Betschart, Markus Burri and Wolfram Schlimme.  相似文献   

Evidence is provided that some condensed linker histone-containing chromatin structures are highly flexible in solutions containing 2 mM Mg2+. Chromatin assembled in vitro ± histone H5 on a 6.3 kb linear DNA fragment in 90 mM NaCl using the polyglutamic acid method sedimented fairly homogeneously. The H5-containing sample had s20, w values that were 58–69% greater than the sample lacking H5. Chromatin assembled on linear pUC19 plasmid DNA was treated with T4 DNA ligase in solutions containing 2 mM Mg2+ over a range of DNA concentrations. It was found that the intramolecular DNA ends of the chromatin could be joined together more efficiently than the intramolecular ends of the naked DNA at the higher DNA concentrations. This result could not be attributed to the effective reduction in DNA length by nucleosome formation. The chromatin structures formed did not have naked DNA tails extending from the ends as assessed by exonuclease III digestion. Chromatin assembled on DNA shortened by up to 420 bp gave very similar results, suggesting that the structure was a flexible one, rather than a rigid one having DNA ends that were fortuitously juxtaposed.  相似文献   

We describe novel structural domains in in vitro reconstituted Xenopus sperm nuclei, which we term RPA bodies; RPA is the only known marker of these structures. These bodies contain DNA and represent special chromatin domains as seen by transmission electron microscopy. We show that RPA bodies exhibit a similar ultrastructure in nuclei assembled in high-speed supernatant (HSS) of Xenopus egg extract and in nuclei assembled in HSS supplemented with low-speed supernatant (HSS + LSS nuclei). Moreover, RPA bodies are also formed when sperm chromatin containing double-stranded DNA breaks is incubated with HSS of egg extracts. RPA bodies appear to be compartmentalized. By immunoelectron microscopy we show that RPA is preferentially localized at the periphery of the bodies where DNA synthesis also occurs in HSS + LSS nuclei.  相似文献   

We have used neutron diffraction to study chromatin structure in interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes as a function of decreasing ion concentration. Aliquots of a suspension of rat liver nuclei prepared in a polyamine-free buffer were washed in buffers of 1/3, 1/6 and 1/12 if the original concentration of monovalent and divalent cations (40 mM KCl; 20 mM NaCl; 1.2 mM MgCl2). After the first dilution step (1/1 to 1/3), only small changes occurred in the diffraction pattern. They can be interpreted by a loosening of the original structure, i.e. by the formation of isolated buffer-filled spaces with an overall size of the order of 35-45 nm. Drastic changes in the diffraction pattern were observed, however, when the nuclei were washed in the more diluted buffers (1/6 and 1/12). The profiles of the distances distribution functions indicate the formation of supranucleosomal particles with an overall diameter of 40-50 nm. The compact chromatin structure disassembled directly into these fundamental structural units. Structural transformations in the Chinese hamster ovary metaphase chromosomes were induced by diminishing the Ca2+ ion concentration of the buffer from originally 3.0 mM to 0.3 mM and/or by increasing the pH value of the buffer from originally 7.0 up to 8.0. The neutron diffraction patterns remained essentially unchanged during these treatments, i.e. the decondensation of the chromosomes as observed in the light microscope is not accompanied by disassembly at the ultrastructural level between 2 nm and 150 nm.  相似文献   

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