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Elucidating the function of and patterns among plant traits above ground has been a major research focus, while the patterns and functioning of belowground traits remain less well understood. Even less well known is whether species differences in leaf traits and their associated biogeochemical effects are mirrored by differences in root traits and their effects. We studied fine root decomposition and N dynamics in a common garden study of 11 temperate European and North American tree species (Abies alba, Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Larix decidua, Picea abies, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus robur, Quercus rubra and Tilia cordata) to determine whether leaf litter and fine root decomposition rates are correlated across species as well as which species traits influence microbial decomposition above versus below ground. Decomposition and N immobilization rates of fine roots were unrelated to those of leaf litter across species. The lack of correspondence of above- and belowground processes arose partly because the tissue traits that influenced decomposition and detritus N dynamics different for roots versus leaves, and partly because influential traits were unrelated between roots and leaves across species. For example, while high hemicellulose concentrations and thinner roots were associated with more rapid decomposition below ground, low lignin and high Ca concentrations were associated with rapid aboveground leaf decomposition. Our study suggests that among these temperate trees, species effects on C and N dynamics in decomposing fine roots and leaf litter may not reinforce each other. Thus, species differences in rates of microbially mediated decomposition may not be as large as they would be if above- and belowground processes were working in similar directions (i.e., if faster decomposition above ground corresponded to faster decomposition below ground). Our results imply that studies that focus solely on aboveground traits may obscure some of the important mechanisms by which plant species influence ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Predictions of species responses to climate change often focus on distribution shifts, although responses can also include shifts in body sizes and population demographics. Here, shifts in the distributional ranges (‘climate space’), body sizes (as maximum theoretical body sizes, L∞) and growth rates (as rate at which L∞ is reached, K) were predicted for five fishes of the Cyprinidae family in a temperate region over eight climate change projections. Great Britain was the model area, and the model species were Rutilus rutilus, Leuciscus leuciscus, Squalius cephalus, Gobio gobio and Abramis brama. Ensemble models predicted that the species' climate spaces would shift in all modelled projections, with the most drastic changes occurring under high emissions; all range centroids shifted in a north‐westerly direction. Predicted climate space expanded for R. rutilus and A. brama, contracted for S. cephalus, and for L. leuciscus and G. gobio, expanded under low‐emission scenarios but contracted under high emissions, suggesting the presence of some climate‐distribution thresholds. For R. rutilus, A. brama, S. cephalus and G. gobio, shifts in their climate space were coupled with predicted shifts to significantly smaller maximum body sizes and/or faster growth rates, aligning strongly to aspects of temperature‐body size theory. These predicted shifts in L∞ and K had considerable consequences for size‐at‐age per species, suggesting substantial alterations in population age structures and abundances. Thus, when predicting climate change outcomes for species, outputs that couple shifts in climate space with altered body sizes and growth rates provide considerable insights into the population and community consequences, especially for species that cannot easily track their thermal niches.  相似文献   

  • 1 Altered atmospheric composition, associated with climate change, can modify herbivore population dynamics through CO2 and/or O3‐mediated changes in plant quality.
  • 2 Although pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum genotypes exhibit intraspecific variation in population growth in response to atmospheric composition, the proximate mechanisms underlying this variation are largely unknown.
  • 3 By rearing single (green, pink) and mixed (green + pink) pea aphid genotypes on red clover Trifolium pratense at the Aspen Free Air CO2 and O3 Enrichment (Aspen FACE) site, we assessed whether: (i) elevated CO2 and/or O3 concentrations alter aphid growth and development and (ii) individual aphid growth rates predict aphid population densities.
  • 4 We showed that growth and development of individual green and pink aphids were not influenced by CO2 and/or O3 concentrations when reared as individual or mixed genotypes. Individual growth rates, however, did not predict population densities.
  • 5 Reared as a single genotype, green pea aphid populations decreased in response to elevated CO2 concentrations, but not in response to elevated CO2 + O3 concentrations. Pink pea aphid populations reared as a single genotype were unaffected by augmented CO2 or O3. Populations of mixed genotypes, however, were reduced under elevated CO2 concentrations, irrespective of O3 concentrations.
  • 6 Herbivore population sizes may not readily be predicted from growth rates of individual organisms under atmospheric conditions associated with global climate change.

Local tree species diversity is maintained in part by conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD). This pervasive mechanism occurs in a variety of forms and ecosystems, but research to date has been heavily skewed toward tree seedling survival in tropical forests. To evaluate CNDD more broadly, we investigated how sapling growth rates were affected by conspecific adult neighbors in a fully mapped 25.6 ha temperate deciduous forest. We examined growth rates as a function of the local adult tree neighborhood (via spatial autoregressive modeling) and compared the spatial positioning of faster‐growing and slower‐growing saplings with respect to adult conspecific and heterospecific trees (via bivariate point pattern analysis). In addition, to determine whether CNDD‐driven variation in growth rates leaves a corresponding spatial signal, we extended our point pattern analysis to a static, growth‐independent comparison of saplings and the next larger size class. We found that negative conspecific effects on sapling growth were most prevalent. Five of the nine species that were sufficiently abundant for analysis exhibited CNDD, while only one species showed evidence of a positive conspecific effect, and one or two species, depending on the analysis, displayed heterospecific effects. There was general agreement between the autoregressive models and the point pattern analyses based on sapling growth rates, but point pattern analyses based on single‐point‐in‐time size classes yielded results that differed markedly from the other two approaches. Our work adds to the growing body of evidence that CNDD is an important force in temperate forests, and demonstrates that this process extends to sapling growth rates. Further, our findings indicate that point pattern analyses based solely on size classes may fail to detect the process of interest (e.g., neighborhood‐driven variation in growth rates), in part due to the confounding of tree size and age.  相似文献   

The growth rate and losses of bacterioplankton in the epilimnion of an oligo-mesotrophic reservoir were simultaneously estimated using three different methods for each process. Bacterial production was determined by means of the tritiated thymidine incorporation method, the dialysis bag method and the dilution method, while bacterial mortality was assessed with the dilution method, the disappearance of thymidine-labeled natural cells and ingestion of fluorescent bacterial tracers by heterotrophic flagellates. The different methods used to estimate bacterial growth rates yielded similar results. On the other hand, the mortality rates obtained with the dilution method were significantly lower than those obtained with the use of thymidine-labeled natural cells. The bacterial ingestion rate by flagellates accounted on average for 39% of total bacterial mortality estimated by the dilution method, but this value fell to 5% when the total mortality was measured by the thymidine-labeling method. Bacterial abundance and production varied in opposite phase to flagellate abundance and the various bacterial mortality rates. All this points to the critical importance of methodological aspects in the elaboration of quantitative models of matter and energy flows over the time through microbial trophic networks in aquatic systems, and highlights the role of bacterioplankton as a source of carbon for higher trophic levels in the studied system.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of particle size and composition on seasonal changes in the sedimentation rate, suspended and sedimenting particles were collected from Trout Lake, Wisconsin, USA during the 2002 ice-free season. Particles were characterized with regard to particulate biogenic silicon (PBSi) concentration and distribution between four size classes. The concentration of particulate chlorophyll and chlorophyll degradation products was also measured in water column particles and sediment trap material collected during the first half of the sampling period. The highest rates of mass sedimentation during the stratified period were measured in spring and early summer. Seasonal increases in sedimentation are related to the presence of large colonial diatoms in the water column as indicated by elevated PBSi concentrations. The majority of particulate matter in the water column was found in the smallest (<20 m) size fraction while most of the mass of sediment trap material was in larger size fractions (>20 m). Smaller cells appear to carry out most of the photosynthesis in Trout Lake but larger cells are responsible for seasonal trends in sedimentation. These results may explain how pelagic photosynthesis and sedimentation rates can be quantitatively decoupled across a range of trophic conditions but appear correlated when based on mid-summer measurements.  相似文献   

Zhang  Deshan  Wang  Yongsheng  Tang  Xiaoyan  Zhang  Aiping  Li  Hongbo  Rengel  Zed 《Plant and Soil》2019,442(1-2):285-298
Plant and Soil - Priority effects can be caused by an individual plant within a population that is the first to occupy and explore nutrient patches. However, the magnitude of priority effects of...  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on two important biological rate processes, whole-body rates of oxygen uptake (M dot o2) and protein synthesis (k(s)), were investigated in the temperate intertidal isopod Ligia oceanica at two different times of the year. Animals were collected in January (winter) and June (summer) and either subjected to an acute temperature change after 24 h (acclimatized) or acclimated to various temperatures for 4 wk. In both cases, M dot o2 increased with temperature, with a Q(10) of 2.2 between 5 degrees and 20 degrees C, but increased in thermal sensitivity at 25 degrees C. Winter isopods were characterized by significantly higher M dot o2 levels, greater thermal sensitivities, and lower thermal tolerances than summer animals. Seasonal differences in M dot o2 persisted after acclimation, indicating that temperature alone was not responsible for the changes. In sharp contrast, whole-body k(s) showed no variation with temperature, although overall rates decreased upon acclimation. In acclimatized animals, k(s) was higher in the summer than in the winter. After acclimation, a compensatory increase in RNA capacity in winter animals reversed this situation. The temperature independence of whole-body k(s) in L. oceanica could ensure survival in a highly liable thermal environment, as thermal tolerances of intertidal invertebrates are thought to be more closely related to protein than to energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Climate change is a major threat to species worldwide, yet it remains uncertain whether tropical or temperate species are more vulnerable to changing temperatures. To further our understanding of this, we used a standardised field protocol to (1) study the buffering ability (ability to regulate body temperature relative to surrounding air temperature) of neotropical (Panama) and temperate (the United Kingdom, Czech Republic and Austria) butterflies at the assemblage and family level, (2) determine if any differences in buffering ability were driven by morphological characteristics and (3) used ecologically relevant temperature measurements to investigate how butterflies use microclimates and behaviour to thermoregulate. We hypothesised that temperate butterflies would be better at buffering than neotropical butterflies as temperate species naturally experience a wider range of temperatures than their tropical counterparts. Contrary to our hypothesis, at the assemblage level, neotropical species (especially Nymphalidae) were better at buffering than temperate species, driven primarily by neotropical individuals cooling themselves more at higher air temperatures. Morphology was the main driver of differences in buffering ability between neotropical and temperate species as opposed to the thermal environment butterflies experienced. Temperate butterflies used postural thermoregulation to raise their body temperature more than neotropical butterflies, probably as an adaptation to temperate climates, but the selection of microclimates did not differ between regions. Our findings demonstrate that butterfly species have unique thermoregulatory strategies driven by behaviour and morphology, and that neotropical species are not likely to be more inherently vulnerable to warming than temperate species.  相似文献   

Species' thermal tolerances are used to estimate climate vulnerability, but few studies consider the role of the hydric environment in shaping thermal tolerances. As environments become hotter and drier, organisms often respond by limiting water loss to lower the risk of desiccation; however, reducing water loss may produce trade-offs that lower thermal tolerances if respiration becomes inhibited. Here, we measured the sensitivity of water loss rate and critical thermal maximum (CTmax) to precipitation in nature and laboratory experiments that exposed click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) to acute- and long-term humidity treatments. We also took advantage of their unique clicking behavior to characterize subcritical thermal tolerances. We found higher water loss rates in the dry acclimation treatment compared to the humid, and water loss rates were 3.2-fold higher for individuals that had experienced a recent precipitation event compared to individuals that had not. Acute humidity treatments did not affect CTmax, but precipitation indirectly affected CTmax through its effect on water loss rates. Contrary to our prediction, we found that CTmax was negatively associated with water loss rate, such that individuals with high water loss rate exhibited a lower CTmax. We then incorporated the observed variation of CTmax into a mechanistic niche model that coupled leaf and click beetle temperatures to predict climate vulnerability. The simulations indicated that indices of climate vulnerability can be sensitive to the effects of water loss physiology on thermal tolerances; moreover, exposure to temperatures above subcritical thermal thresholds is expected to increase by as much as 3.3-fold under future warming scenarios. The correlation between water loss rate and CTmax identifies the need to study thermal tolerances from a “whole-organism” perspective that considers relationships between physiological traits, and the population-level variation in CTmax driven by water loss rate complicates using this metric as a straightforward proxy of climate vulnerability.  相似文献   

Holm  Sille  Kaasik  Ants  Javoiš  Juhan  Molleman  Freerk  Õunap  Erki  Tammaru  Toomas 《Evolutionary ecology》2022,36(2):251-262
Evolutionary Ecology - Comparative studies on insects can significantly contribute to understanding the evolution of lifespan, as the trait can feasibly be measured in a high number of species. If...  相似文献   

1. We compared the mean, limits and breadth of the preferred thermal range (PTR) of two Iberian populations of the lizard Psammodromus algirus separated by 700 m altitude in May and July.  相似文献   

The storage of carbon in plant tissues and debris has been proposed as a method to offset anthropogenic increases in atmospheric [CO2]. Temperate forests represent significant above‐ground carbon (AGC) “sinks” because their relatively fast growth and slow decay rates optimise carbon assimilation. Fire is a common disturbance event in temperate forests globally that should strongly influence AGC because: discrete fires consume above‐ground biomass releasing carbon to the atmosphere, and the long‐term application of different fire‐regimes select for specific plant communities that sequester carbon at different rates. We investigated the latter process by quantifying AGC storage at 104 sites in the Sydney Basin Bioregion, Australia, relative to differences in components of the fire regime: frequency, severity and interfire interval. To predict the potential impacts of future climate change on fire/AGC interactions, we stratified our field sites across gradients of mean annual temperature and precipitation and quantified within‐ and between‐factor interactions between the fire and climate variables. In agreement with previous studies, large trees were the primary AGC sink, accounting for ~70% of carbon at sites. Generalised additive models showed that mean annual temperature was the strongest predictor of AGC storage, with a 54% near‐linear decrease predicted across the 6.1°C temperature range experienced at sites. Mean annual precipitation, fire frequency, fire severity and interfire interval were consistently poor predictors of total above‐ground storage, although there were some significant relationships with component stocks. Our results show resilience of AGC to frequent and severe wildfire and suggest temperature mediated decreases in forest carbon storage under future climate change predictions.  相似文献   

The crop simulation model is a suitable tool for evaluating the potential impacts of climate change on crop production and on the environment. This study investigates the effects of climate change on paddy rice production in the temperate climate regions under the East Asian monsoon system using the CERES‐Rice 4.0 crop simulation model. This model was first calibrated and validated for crop production under elevated CO2 and various temperature conditions. Data were obtained from experiments performed using a temperature gradient field chamber (TGFC) with a CO2 enrichment system installed at Chonnam National University in Gwangju, Korea in 2009 and 2010. Based on the empirical calibration and validation, the model was applied to deliver a simulated forecast of paddy rice production for the region, as well as for the other Japonica rice growing regions in East Asia, projecting for years 2050 and 2100. In these climate change projection simulations in Gwangju, Korea, the yield increases (+12.6 and + 22.0%) due to CO2 elevation were adjusted according to temperature increases showing variation dependent upon the cultivars, which resulted in significant yield decreases (?22.1% and ?35.0%). The projected yields were determined to increase as latitude increases due to reduced temperature effects, showing the highest increase for any of the study locations (+24%) in Harbin, China. It appears that the potential negative impact on crop production may be mediated by appropriate cultivar selection and cultivation changes such as alteration of the planting date. Results reported in this study using the CERES‐Rice 4.0 model demonstrate the promising potential for its further application in simulating the impacts of climate change on rice production from a local to a regional scale under the monsoon climate system.  相似文献   

Considering that their distribution is limited to altitudinal gradients along mountains that are likely to become warmer and drier, climate change poses an increased threat to temperate forest species from tropical regions. We studied whether the understorey shrub Lupinus elegans, endemic to temperate forests of west‐central Mexico, will be able to withstand the projected temperature increase under seven climate change scenarios. Seeds were collected along an altitudinal gradient and grown in a shade‐house over 7 months before determining their temperature tolerance as electrolyte leakage. The plants from colder sites tolerated lower temperatures, i.e. the temperature at which half of the maximum electrolyte leakage occurred (LT50), ranged from −6.4 ± 0.7 to −2.4 ± 0.3 °C. In contrast, no pattern was found for tolerance to high temperature (LT50 average 42.8 ± 0.3 °C). The climate change scenarios considered here consistently estimated an increase in air temperature during the present century that was higher for the maximum air temperature than for the mean or minimum. In particular, the anomaly from the normal maximum air temperature at the study region ranged from 2.8 °C by 2030 to 5.8 °C by 2090. In this respect, the inability of L. elegans to adapt to increasingly higher temperatures found here, in addition to a possible inhibition of reproduction caused by warmer winters, may limit its future distribution.  相似文献   

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