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本实验对齿叶白刺(Nitraria roborowiskii Kom.)和唐古特白刺(N.tangutorum Bobr.)以及疑似杂交个体共48个个体的叶绿体trnL-F序列和核糖体ITS序列进行分析.trnL-F结果显示,齿叶白刺和唐古特白刺在15个位点上存在差异,杂交个体在其中11个位点上与齿叶白刺相同,4个位点...  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1994,18(1):20-32
Goodwin, S. B., and Fry, W. E. 1994. Genetic analyses of interspecific hybrids between Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora mirabilis. Experimental Mycology 18, 20-32. Four crosses were made between isolates of two host-specific Phytophthora species. Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora mirabilis. In the two most successful crosses involving a common P. infestans A2 parent, allozyme analysis confirmed that 79 of 86 progeny were interspecific hybrids, 3 were presumed selfs, and 4 were either selfs or nonrecombinant parental types. Mating type, alleles at the allozyme locus glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, and the + alleles at a number of DNA fingerprinting loci segregated independently according to Mendelian expectation. Three DNA fingerprinting loci were tightly linked in P. mirabilis, but no other linkages were detected among these markers. Mitochondrial DNA was uniparentally inherited, mostly from the P. infestans parent. Growth rate segregated as a quantitative character. None of the 68 progeny tested infected Mirabilis jalapa (the host of P. mirabilis), 3 infected potato, and 4 were weakly pathogenic to tomato. Because most of the F1 hybrids could not infect any of the hosts infected by the parents, host specialization could provide a postzygotic as well as a prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanism for P. infestans and P. mirabilis in central Mexico. These results indicate that P. mirabilis probably is capable of a regular outcrossing mating system.  相似文献   

Candida species cause a variety of mucosal and invasive infections and are, collectively, the most important human fungal pathogens in the developed world. The majority of these infections result from a few related species within the “CUG clade,” so named because they use a nonstandard translation for that codon. Some members of the CUG clade, such as Candida albicans, present significant clinical problems, whereas others, such as Candida (Meyerozyma) guilliermondii, are uncommon in patients. The differences in incidence rates are imperfectly correlated with virulence in animal models of infection, but comparative analyses that might provide an explanation for why some species are effective pathogens and others are not have been rare or incomplete. To better understand the phenotypic basis for these differences, we characterized eight CUG clade species—C. albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, Clavispora lusitaniae, M. guilliermondii, Debaryomyces hansenii, and Lodderomyces elongisporus—for host-relevant phenotypes, including nutrient utilization, stress tolerance, morphogenesis, interactions with phagocytes, and biofilm formation. Two species deviated from expectations based on animal studies and human incidence. C. dubliniensis was quite robust, grouping in nearly all assays with the most virulent species, C. albicans and C. tropicalis, whereas C. parapsilosis was substantially less fit than might be expected from its clinical importance. These findings confirm the utility of in vitro measures of virulence and provide insight into the evolution of virulence in the CUG clade.  相似文献   

Chromosome C-banding patterns were analyzed in three closely related flax species (Linum usitatissimumL., 2n = 30; L. angustifolium Huds., 2n = 30; and L. bienneMill., 2n = 30) and their hybrids. In each case, the karyotype included metacentrics, submetacentrics, and one or two satellite chromosomes. Chromosomes of the three flax species were similar in morphology, size (1–3 m), and C-banding pattern and slightly differed in size of heterochromatic regions. In all accessions, a large major site of ribosomal genes was revealed by hybridization in the pericentric region of a large metacentric. A minor 45S rDNA site was observed on a small chromosome in L. usitatissimum and L. bienne and on a medium-sized chromosome in L. angustifolium. Upon silver staining, a nucleolus-organizing region (NOR) was detected on a large chromosome in all species. InL. angustifolium, an Ag-NOR band was sometimes seen on a medium-sized chromosome. In the karyotypes of interspecific hybrids, silver-stained rDNA loci were observed on satellite chromosomes of both parental species. RAPD analysis with 22 primers revealed a high similarity of the three species. The greatest difference was observed between L. angustifolium and the other two species. The RAPD patterns of L. bienne and L. usitatissimum differed in fewer fragments. A dendrogram of genetic similarity was constructed for the three flax species on the basis of their RAPD patterns. Genome analysis with chromosome and molecular markers showed thatL. bienne must be considered as a subspecies of L. usitatissimum rather than a separate species. The three species were assumed to originate from a common ancestor, L. angustifoliumbeing closest to it.  相似文献   

Multilocus phylogenetic analysis of small-subunit (SSU) rRNA and actin from Cryptosporidium molnari clustered this species with the C. molnari-like genotype of an isolate from the guppy, although the two fish isolates seem to be distinct species. The analysis of available piscine genotypes provides some support for cladistic congruence of the genus Piscicryptosporidium, but additional piscine genotypes are needed.Recent reviews accept more than 20 valid cryptosporidium species (7, 20), and characterization of additional isolates is expanding this list rapidly (http://www.vetsci.usyd.edu.au/staff/JanSlapeta/icrypto/index.htm). In addition, numerous morphotypes or genotypes have been proposed whose taxonomic affiliation is unsettled due to incomplete characterization according to minimum consensus standards (5, 7, 24). Five species have been proposed for fish isolates (15), but only Cryptosporidium molnari and Cryptosporidium scophthalmi (2, 4) stand as valid species (20), although not without discussion (7). Fish cryptosporidia present some unique features, which have even led to the genus Piscicryptosporidium being proposed (13). However, lack of genetic support keeps this genus and several fish morphotypes as incertae sedis (12, 15, 24). Detailed biological data on C. molnari and C. scophthalmi have been previously presented (3, 18, 19), but no molecular characterization has yet been conducted, thus hampering species identification of other fish isolates (7, 24) and evaluation of their relationships within the genus (15). Ribosomal and actin gene data on an isolate from guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) have been obtained, and preliminary analyses of these sequences indicated a basal position in the cryptosporidial tree (17). Although it was regarded as C. molnari-like, biological characterization of this isolate was limited. The purpose of this work was to provide the necessary C. molnari comparative genetic data and to clarify the relationship of available fish isolates in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Trichomonad species inhabit a variety of vertebrate hosts; however, their potential zoonotic transmission has not been clearly addressed, especially with regard to human infection. Twenty-one strains of trichomonads isolated from humans (5 isolates), pigs (6 isolates), rodents (6 isolates), a water buffalo (1 isolate), a cow (1 isolate), a goat (1 isolate), and a dog (1 isolate) were collected in Indonesia and molecularly characterized. The DNA sequences of the partial 18S small subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene or 5.8S rRNA gene locus with its flanking regions (internal transcribed spacer region, ITS1 and ITS2) were identified in various trichomonads; Simplicimonas sp., Hexamastix mitis, and Hypotrichomonas sp. from rodents, and Tetratrichomonas sp. and Trichomonas sp. from pigs. All of these species were not detected in humans, whereas Pentatrichomonas hominis was identified in humans, pigs, the dog, the water buffalo, the cow, and the goat. Even when using the high-resolution gene locus of the ITS regions, all P. hominis strains were genetically identical; thus zoonotic transmission between humans and these closely related mammals may be occurring in the area investigated. The detection of Simplicimonas sp. in rodents (Rattus exulans) and P. hominis in water buffalo in this study revealed newly recognized host adaptations and suggested the existence of remaining unrevealed ranges of hosts in the trichomonad species.  相似文献   

Hydrodistillation of the dried leaves of five Eucalyptus species, E. alba Reinw. ex Blume , E. citriodora Hook ., E. paniculata Sm. , harvested from Choucha arboreta (region of Sejnane, northwest of Tunisia), E. pimpiniana Maiden from Mjez Elbab arboreta (north east of Tunisia) and E. bicolor A.Cunn ex Hook from Sidi Smail arboreta (center of Tunisia), in March 2017, afforded essential oils in yields varying from 1.3±0.2 to 6.0±0.9 % according to the species. E. citriodora provided the highest mean percentage of essential oil amongst all the species. Analysis by GC (RI) and GC/MS allowed the identification of 138 components representing 84.6–98.7 % of the total oil. The content of the different samples varied according to the species. The main components were citronellol, followed by 1,8‐cineole, α‐pinene, τ‐cadinol, 7‐epi‐α‐eudesmol, trans‐pinocarveol, spathulenol, aromadendrene, γ‐cadinene and δ‐cadinene. The principal components and the hierarchical cluster analyses separated the five leaf essential oils into three groups, each group constituted a chemotype.  相似文献   

Recent molecular biological, chemical, physiological and morphological studies indicate that Trichosporon cutaneum and related species should be reclassified. In this study, antigenic characteristics of the species were determined. The results of adsorption experiments revealed that there were at least three serological types: I, II and III. Specific factor sera I, II and III were prepared on the basis of adsorption experiments and isolates were serotyped by cell slide agglutination (CSA). Since the CSA test was difficult to read in some strains, the results of the CSA test were compared with the findings from an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For the ELISA, crude polysaccharide antigens prepared from the culture supernatant were used as the antigen. The types determined by ELISA correlated well with those determined by the CSA test. These data suggest that T. cutaneum and related species have at least three serological types, and that the typing can be done by either CSA or ELISA.  相似文献   

Phytophthora spp. is one of the phytopathogenic Oomycete responsible for many important crop losses. Relevant species are P. infestans (causing potato late blight) and P. capsici (causing blight in pepper). In recent years, the use of conventional fungicides has favoured the appearance of different resistant strains. This study analyses the effect of various compounds on these two Phytophthora species. Those compounds were designed on the basis of known structures of natural compounds to obtain a rational control of these fungal‐like species. All the analysed products showed a fungistatic activity against both strains, one of them reduced mycelial growth by over 46% at 100 p.p.m.  相似文献   

Drosophila mojavensis and other species of the mulleri subgroup contain a duplicate gene encoding the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Studies on the genetic relationship of the two genes using electrophoretic variants show them to be closely linked. We have cloned a 13.5-kb fragment of D. mojavensis DNA into the lambda vector, Charon 30. This fragment contains both Adh genes separated by approximately 2 kb of DNA. The clone hybridized to a single position on chromosome 3 in D. mojavensis following in situ hybridization. It is likely that the genes are tandemly arranged in the genome. One of the two genes shows a complexity in its structure that suggests the close linkage of a pseudogene or part of a gene. The structure of the Adh locus in five species of the mulleri subgroup have been compared by constructing restriction maps of genomic DNA. Two of these species D. arizonensis and D. mojavensis express Adh-1 in the ovaries; the others do not. In comparing these species it is evident that there has been one or two insertions into the region between the Adh genes. It is possible that one of these structural changes is related to the change in Adh tissue-specific expression that has occurred during the evolution of these species.  相似文献   

麻花艽和管花秦艽(龙胆科)之间自然杂交类型的分子验证   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
野外考察发现麻花艽(Gentiana stramineaMaxim.)和管花秦艽(G.siphonantha Maxim.ex Kusn.)同域分布时存在大量形态位于二者之间的个体。经形态变异研究后发现它们可能是这两个物种之间的杂交后代。对两个亲本种以及假设杂交群体共55个个体的核糖体ITS序列和叶绿体trnS-G序列的分析结果表明:中间形态个体是麻花艽和管花秦艽的自然杂交后代。此外分析了两个亲本种以及杂交群内个体间trnS-G和ITS序列的变异状况以及分子标记结果与形态鉴定不一致的可能原因;指出可能是杂交诱导的叶绿体基因组重组以及早期物种分化中的谱系筛选不彻底等原因造成了亲本种群体内序列变异的多样化。  相似文献   

野外考察发现麻花艽( Gentiana straminea Maxim. ) 和管花秦艽( G. siphonantha Maxim . ex Kusn. ) 同域分布时存在大量形态位于二者之间的个体。经形态变异研究后发现它们可能是这两个物种之间的杂交后代。对两个亲本种以及假设杂交群体共55 个个体的核糖体ITS 序列和叶绿体trnS-G 序列的分析结果表明:中间形态个体是麻花艽和管花秦艽的自然杂交后代。此外分析了两个亲本种以及杂交群内个体间trnS-G和ITS 序列的变异状况以及分子标记结果与形态鉴定不一致的可能原因; 指出可能是杂交诱导的叶绿体基因组重组以及早期物种分化中的谱系筛选不彻底等原因造成了亲本种群体内序列变异的多样化。  相似文献   

The production of bananas is threatened by rapid spreading of various diseases and adverse environmental conditions. The preservation and characterization of banana diversity is essential for the purposes of crop improvement. The world''s largest banana germplasm collection maintained at the Bioversity International Transit Centre (ITC) in Belgium is continuously expanded by new accessions of edible cultivars and wild species. Detailed morphological and molecular characterization of the accessions is necessary for efficient management of the collection and utilization of banana diversity. In this work, nuclear DNA content and genomic distribution of 45S and 5S rDNA were examined in 21 diploid accessions recently added to ITC collection, representing both sections of the genus Musa. 2C DNA content in the section Musa ranged from 1.217 to 1.315 pg. Species belonging to section Callimusa had 2C DNA contents ranging from 1.390 to 1.772 pg. While the number of 45S rDNA loci was conserved in the section Musa, it was highly variable in Callimusa species. 5S rRNA gene clusters were found on two to eight chromosomes per diploid cell. The accessions were genotyped using a set of 19 microsatellite markers to establish their relationships with the remaining accessions held at ITC. Genetic diversity done by SSR genotyping platform was extended by phylogenetic analysis of ITS region. ITS sequence data supported the clustering obtained by SSR analysis for most of the accessions. High level of nucleotide diversity and presence of more than two types of ITS sequences in eight wild diploids pointed to their origin by hybridization of different genotypes. This study significantly expands the number of wild Musa species where nuclear genome size and genomic distribution of rDNA loci is known. SSR genotyping identified Musa species that are closely related to the previously characterized accessions and provided data to aid in their classification. Sequence analysis of ITS region provided further information about evolutionary relationships between individual accessions and suggested that some of analyzed accessions were interspecific hybrids and/or backcross progeny.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop multiplex PCR detection method for five Pythium species associated with turfgrass diseases, Pythium aphanidermatum, Pythium arrhenomanes, Pythium graminicola, Pythium torulosum and Pythium vanterpoolii. Species‐specific primers and two common primers were designed based on the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA. Another primer set by which all organisms would be amplified in 18S rDNA was used as a positive control. When these total nine primers were applied to the multiplex PCR, all species were individually discriminated in the mixture of five species culture DNA. Furthermore, all five Pythium species were detected in naturally infected plants using the multiplex PCR.  相似文献   

In the present study three species of Heritiera Aiton (Sterculiaceae) were characterized using 9 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations and the genetic relationship among these three species was assessed, Nine AFLP primer combinations yielded 445 bands out of which 210 were monomorphic and 235 were polymorphic. Out of the 235 polymorphic bands 79 were present only in a single species. Among the total amplified bands 255 were shared between H. fomes and H. littoralis, 225 were shared between H. fomes and H. macrophylla and 306 bands were shared between H. littoralis and H. macrophylla. The cluster analysis showed H. littoralis is closer to H. macrophylla than H. fomes. The similarity between H. fomes and H. littoralis was higher than that of H. fomes and H. macrophylla. The present study indicates that H. littoralis is better classified as mangrove associate or back mangal than a true mangrove. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Gross cell surface antigen (GCSA), associated with expression of endogenous Gross-type murine leukemia virus (G-MuLV) in tissues of mice, is defined by the cytotoxic reaction of a C57BL/6 antiserum, anti-AKR spontaneous leukemia K36, with cells of the Gross virus-induced C57BL/6 leukemia, Emale symbolG2. Sequential lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination of Emale symbolG2 cells, Nonidet P-40 lysis, precipitation with anti-K36 serum, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis identified molecules with properties of polyproteins encoded by the gag region of the viral genome. These cell surface species could also be labeled by in vitro culturing of Emale symbolG2 with radioactive glucosamine. The viral specificity of these molecules and their participation in the GCSA typing system were established as follows. (i) Absorption of anti-K36 serum with GCSA(+), but not GCSA(-), leukemias led to a marked decrease in precipitation of these proteins. (ii) The same Emale symbolG2 cell surface proteins were also precipitated by antisera against the MuLV virion proteins p30 and p15. (iii) Anti-K36 was shown to possess antibodies against Gross virus p30 and p15. (iv) "Clearing" the Emale symbolG2 lysate of molecules reactive with anti-p30 or anti-p15 sera removed molecules reactive with anti-K36 serum. (v) Absorption of anti-K36 serum with disrupted G-MuLV virions or with Gross p30 or p15 removed GCSA cytotoxic antibodies; partial absorption was achieved with disrupted Rauscher-MuLV (R-MuLV) or with R-MuLV p30, and no absorption was found with R-MuLV p15. These data show that Emale symbolG2 cells express, on their surfaces, MuLV core polyproteins that apparently can be glycosylated and on which the determinants of GCSA are located.  相似文献   

Ni  W.-W.  E  G.-X.  Basang  W.-D.  Zhu  Y.-B.  Huang  Y.-F. 《Russian Journal of Genetics》2019,55(8):993-999
Russian Journal of Genetics - The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the SLC11A1 gene in Chinese indigenous goats. A total of 215 individuals from nine goat breeds were...  相似文献   

We characterized radish lines from a genetic collection on the basis of six enzyme systems, identified genes controlling these enzymes, and examined joint inheritance of some biochemical and morphological traits.  相似文献   

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