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The role played by lung dendritic cells (DCs) which are influenced by external antigens and by their redox state in controlling inflammation is unclear. We studied the role played by nitric oxide (NO) in DC maturation and function. Human DCs were stimulated with a long-acting NO donor, DPTA NONOate, prior to exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Dose-and time-dependent experiments were performed with DCs with the aim of measuring the release and gene expression of inflammatory cytokines capable of modifying T-cell differentiation, towardsTh1, Th2 and Th17 cells. NO changed the pattern of cytokine release by LPS-matured DCs, dependent on the concentration of NO, as well as on the timing of its addition to the cells during maturation. Addition of NO before LPS-induced maturation strongly inhibited the release of IL-12, while increasing the expression and release of IL-23, IL-1β and IL-6, which are all involved in Th17 polarization. Indeed, DCs treated with NO efficiently induced the release of IL-17 by T-cells through IL-1β. Our work highlights the important role that NO may play in sustaining inflammation during an infection through the preferential differentiation of the Th17 lineage.  相似文献   

Inflammasome activation permits processing of interleukins (IL)-1β and 18 and elicits cell death (pyroptosis). Whether these responses are independently licensed or are “hard-wired” consequences of caspase-1 (casp1) activity has not been clear. Here, we show that that each of these responses is independently regulated following activation of NLRP3 inflammasomes by a “non-canonical” stimulus, the secreted Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) p60 protein. Primed murine dendritic cells (DCs) responded to p60 stimulation with reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and secretion of IL-1β and IL-18 but not pyroptosis. Inhibitors of ROS production inhibited secretion of IL-1β, but did not impair IL-18 secretion. Furthermore, DCs from caspase-11 (casp11)-deficient 129S6 mice failed to secrete IL-1β in response to p60 but were fully responsive for IL-18 secretion. These findings reveal that there are distinct licensing requirements for processing of IL-18 versus IL-1β by NLRP3 inflammasomes.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A), a pulmonary collectin, plays a role in lung innate immune host defense. In this study the role of SP-A in regulating the inflammatory response to the flagella of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) was examined. Intra-tracheal infection of SP-A deficient (SP-A-/-) C57BL/6 mice with wild type flagellated PA (PAK) resulted in an increase in inflammatory cell recruitment and increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α, which was not observed with a mutant pseudomonas lacking flagella (fliC). SP-A directly bound flagellin, via the N-linked carbohydrate moieties and collagen-like domain, in a concentration dependent manner and enhanced macrophage phagocytosis of flagellin and wild type PAK. IL-1β was reduced in the lungs of SP-A-/- mice following PAK infection. MH-s cells, a macrophage cell line, generated greater IL-1β when stimulated with flagellin and SP-A. Historically flagella stimulate IL-1β production through the toll-like receptor 5 (TLR-5) pathway and through a caspase-1 activating inflammasome pathway. IL-1β expression became non-detectable in SP-A and flagellin stimulated MH-s cells in which caspase-1 was silenced, suggesting SP-A induction of IL-1β appears to be occurring through the inflammasome pathway. SP-A plays an important role in the pathogenesis of PA infection in the lung by binding flagellin, enhancing its phagocytosis and modifying the macrophage inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a potent pleiotropic cytokine playing a central role in protecting cells from microbial pathogen infection or endogenous stress. After it binds to IL-1RI and recruits IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP), signaling culminates in activation of NF-κB. Many pathophysiological diseases have been attributed to the derailment of IL-1β regulation. Several blocking reagents have been developed based on two mechanisms: blocking the binding of IL-1β to IL-1RI or inhibiting the recruitment of IL-1RAcP to the IL-1β initial complex. In order to simultaneously fulfill these two actions, a human anti-IL-1β neutralizing antibody IgG26 was screened from human genetic phage-display library and furthered structure-optimized to final version, IgG26AW. IgG26AW has a sub-nanomolar binding affinity for human IL-1β. We validated IgG26AW-neutralizing antibodies specific for IL-1β in vivo to prevent human IL-1β-driving IL-6 elevation in C56BL/6 mice. Mice underwent treatments with IgG26AW in A549 and MDA-MB-231 xenograft mouse cancer models have also been observed with tumor shrank and inhibition of tumor metastasis. The region where IgG26 binds to IL-1β also overlaps with the position where IL-1RI and IL-1RAcP bind, as revealed by the 26-Fab/IL-1β complex structure. Meanwhile, SPR experiments showed that IL-1β bound by IgG26AW prevented the further binding of IL-1RI and IL-1RAcP, which confirmed our inference from the result of protein structure. Therefore, the inhibitory mechanism of IgG26AW is to block the assembly of the IL-1β/IL-1RI/IL-1RAcP ternary complex which further inhibits downstream signaling. Based on its high affinity, high neutralizing potency, and novel binding epitope simultaneously occupying both IL-1RI and IL-1RAcP residues that bind to IL-1β, IgG26AW may be a new candidate for treatments of inflammation-related diseases or for complementary treatments of cancers in which the role of IL-1β is critical to pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is induced in vivo by bacterial products including TLR agonists. To determine whether PGE2 is induced directly or via IL-1β, human monocytes and macrophages were cultured with LPS or with Pam3CSK4 in presence of caspase-1 inhibitor, ZVAD, or IL-1R antagonist, Kineret. TLR agonists induced PGE2 in macrophages exclusively via IL-1β-independent mechanisms. In contrast, ZVAD and Kineret reduced PGE2 production in LPS-treated (but not in Pam3CSK4-treated) monocytes, by 30–60%. Recombinant human IL-1β augmented COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA and PGE2 production in LPS-pretreated monocytes but not in un-primed or Pam3CSK4-primed monocytes. This difference was explained by the finding that LPS but not Pam3CSK4 induced phosphorylation of IRF3 in monocytes suggesting activation of the TRIF signaling pathway. Knocking down TRIF, TRAM, or IRF3 genes by siRNA inhibited IL-1β-induced COX-2 and mPGES-1 mRNA. Blocking of TLR4 endocytosis during LPS priming prevented the increase in PGE2 production by exogenous IL-1β. Our data showed that TLR2 agonists induce PGE2 in monocytes independently from IL-1β. In the case of TLR4, IL-1β augments PGE2 production in LPS-primed monocytes (but not in macrophages) through a mechanism that requires TLR4 internalization and activation of the TRIF/IRF3 pathway. These findings suggest a key role for blood monocytes in the rapid onset of fever in animals and humans exposed to bacterial products and some novel adjuvants.  相似文献   



Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is important for host resistance against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infections. The response of the dendritic cell inflammasome during Mtb infections has not been investigated in detail.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we show that Mtb infection of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) induces IL-1β secretion and that this induction is dependent upon the presence of functional ASC and NLRP3 but not NLRC4 or NOD2. The analysis of cell death induction in BMDCs derived from these knock-out mice revealed the important induction of host cell apoptosis but not necrosis, pyroptosis or pyronecrosis. Furthermore, NLRP3 inflammasome activation and apoptosis induction were both reduced in BMDCs infected with the esxA deletion mutant of Mtb demonstrating the importance of a functional ESX-1 secretion system. Surprisingly, caspase-1/11-deficient BMDCs still secreted residual levels of IL-1βand IL-18 upon Mtb infection which was abolished in cells infected with the esxA Mtb mutant.


Altogether we demonstrate the partially caspase-1/11-independent, but NLRP3- and ASC- dependent IL-1β secretion in Mtb-infected BMDCs. These findings point towards a potential role of DCs in the host innate immune response to mycobacterial infections via their capacity to induce IL-1β and IL-18 secretion.  相似文献   

The treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has been hampered by a lack of sensitive and specific non-invasive diagnostic methods. Quantum dots (QD) are nano-crystals with unique photo-physical properties that bypass some of the limitations of conventional dyes and imaging tools. This study is aimed to evaluate the fluorescence properties of a QD probe conjugated with an anti-Aβ antibody (QD–Aβ-Ab). Healthy mice and mice bearing mutated human APP695swe and APP717 V-F transgenes received intracerebroventricular injection of the probe for subsequent imaging. Immunohistochemistry revealed that Aβ1–42 was distributed in the hippocampus CA1 area in the APP transgenic mice. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that fluorescence was mainly observed in the hippocampus area, the cerebral cortex, sagittal septum and striatum of APP transgenic mice. In vivo imaging of mice receiving the QD–Aβ-Ab probe showed that healthy mice exhibited a narrow range of fluorescence and lower fluorescence intensity compared with APP transgenic mice. The mean fluorescence intensity of brain tissues of healthy C57BL mice was 12.3784 ± 3.9826, which was significantly lower than that of 10- and 16-month-old APP transgenic mice (45.03 ± 2.66 and 46.69 ± 3.22, respectively; P < 0.05). In this study we present the first direct evidence that QD–Aβ-Ab conjugate probes can track in vivo state of Aβ accumulation in mice and the findings suggest that such probes may be of potential use for early molecular diagnostic imaging of AD.  相似文献   

Early detection of viruses by the innate immune system is critical for host defense. Antiviral immunity is initiated by germline encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that recognize viral pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) such as nucleic acids. Intracellular PRRs then drive the production of interferons and cytokines to orchestrate immune responses. One key host factor that is critical for antiviral immunity and for systemic inflammatory reactions including fever is interleukin-1beta (IL-1β). Here we discuss current insights into the molecular mechanisms how the cytosolic RNA helicase RIG-I triggers NF-κB signaling and inflammasome activation specifically for RNA virus-induced IL-1β production.  相似文献   

Both sporadic and familial Alzheimer''s disease (AD) patients exhibit increased chromosome aneuploidy, particularly trisomy 21, in neurons and other cells. Significantly, trisomy 21/Down syndrome patients develop early onset AD pathology. We investigated the mechanism underlying mosaic chromosome aneuploidy in AD and report that FAD mutations in the Alzheimer Amyloid Precursor Protein gene, APP, induce chromosome mis-segregation and aneuploidy in transgenic mice and in transfected cells. Furthermore, adding synthetic Aβ peptide, the pathogenic product of APP, to cultured cells causes rapid and robust chromosome mis-segregation leading to aneuploid, including trisomy 21, daughters, which is prevented by LiCl addition or Ca2+ chelation and is replicated in tau KO cells, implicating GSK-3β, calpain, and Tau-dependent microtubule transport in the aneugenic activity of Aβ. Furthermore, APP KO cells are resistant to the aneugenic activity of Aβ, as they have been shown previously to be resistant to Aβ-induced tau phosphorylation and cell toxicity. These results indicate that Aβ-induced microtubule dysfunction leads to aneuploid neurons and may thereby contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.  相似文献   

Cementoblasts are cells that produce, secrete and direct the production of cementum. Resorption lacunae occur in over 90% of teeth at the compression side of the periodontal ligament and might result in an irreversible loss of the original root length. We isolated and cultivated human primary cementoblasts and investigated their expression pattern concerning markers of the osteoblastogenic differentiation (RUNX2, OCN, ALP, and BSP) and CEMP-1. Compared to osteoblasts, cementoblasts displayed an expression pattern comparable to osteoblasts in an early stage of osteoblastogenic differentiation. Next, the human primary cementoblasts were stimulated with IL-1β (1 and 10ng/ml) for 24 and 96h and subsequently subjected to compressive forces (30.3g/cm(2)) for 1 and 6h. Our in vitro data demonstrated that BSP and CEMP-1 expression significantly decreased when stimulation was accompanied by compression, while compression or stimulation alone led to increased levels of BSP and decreased levels of CEMP-1. We concluded that human primary cementoblasts subjected to compression and IL-1β stimulation impeded BSP and CEMP-1 expression, proteins that are associated with cementogenesis.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial effector mechanisms are central to the function of the innate immune response in host defense against microbial pathogens. In humans, activation of Toll-like receptor 2/1 (TLR2/1) on monocytes induces a vitamin D dependent antimicrobial activity against intracellular mycobacteria. Here, we report that TLR activation of monocytes triggers induction of the defensin beta 4 gene (DEFB4), requiring convergence of the IL-1β and vitamin D receptor (VDR) pathways. TLR2/1 activation triggered IL-1β activity, involving the upregulation of both IL-1β and IL-1 receptor, and downregulation of the IL-1 receptor antagonist. TLR2/1L induction of IL-1β was required for upregulation of DEFB4, but not cathelicidin, whereas VDR activation was required for expression of both antimicrobial genes. The differential requirements for induction of DEFB4 and cathelicidin were reflected by differences in their respective promoter regions; the DEFB4 promoter had one vitamin D response element (VDRE) and two NF-κB sites, whereas the cathelicidin promoter had three VDREs and no NF-κB sites. Transfection of NF-κB into primary monocytes synergized with 1,25D3 in the induction of DEFB4 expression. Knockdown of either DEFB4 or cathelicidin in primary monocytes resulted in the loss of TLR2/1-mediated antimicrobial activity against intracellular mycobacteria. Therefore, these data identify a novel mechanism of host defense requiring the induction of IL-1β in synergy with vitamin D activation, for the TLR-induced antimicrobial pathway against an intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

Protein prenylation is a post-translational modification whereby non-sterol isoprenoid lipid chains are added, thereby modifying the molecular partners with which proteins interact. The autoinflammatory disease mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD) is characterized by a severe reduction in protein prenylation. A major class of proteins that are affected are small GTPases, including Rac1 and RhoA. It is not clear how protein prenylation of small GTPases relates to GTP hydrolysis activity and downstream signaling. Here, we investigated the contribution of RhoA prenylation to the biochemical pathways that underlie MKD-associated IL-1β hypersecretion using human cell cultures, Rac1 and RhoA protein variants, and pharmacological inhibitors. We found that when unprenylated, the GTP-bound levels of RhoA decrease, causing a reduction in GTPase activity and increased protein kinase B (PKB) phosphorylation. Cells expressing unprenylated RhoA produce increased levels of interleukin 1β mRNA. Of other phenotypic cellular changes seen in MKD, increased mitochondrial potential and mitochondrial elongation, only mitochondrial elongation was observed. Finally, we show that pharmacological inactivation of RhoA boosts Rac1 activity, a small GTPase whose activity was earlier implied in MKD pathogenesis. Together, our data show that RhoA plays a pivotal role in MKD pathogenesis through Rac1/PKB signaling toward interleukin 1β production and elucidate the effects of protein prenylation in monocytes.  相似文献   



Tubercular lymphadenitis (TL) is the most common form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) consisting about 15–20% of all TB cases. The currently available diagnostic modalities for (TL), are invasive and involve a high index of suspicion, having limited accuracy. We hypothesized that TL would have a distinct cytokine signature that would distinguish it from pulmonary TB (PTB), peripheral tubercular lymphadenopathy (LNTB), healthy controls (HC), other lymphadenopathies (LAP) and cancerous LAP. To assess this twelve cytokines (Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)—α, Interferon (IFN) -γ, Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-12, IL-18, IL-1β, IL-10, IL-6, IL-4, IL-1Receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), IL-8 and TNF-β, which have a role in pathogenesis of tuberculosis, were tested as potential peripheral blood biomarkers to aid the diagnosis of TL when routine investigations prove to be of limited value.

Methods and Findings

A prospective observational cohort study carried out during 2010–2013. This was a multi-center study with three participating hospitals in Delhi, India where through random sampling cohorts were established. The subjects were above 15 years of age, HIV-negative with no predisposing ailments to TB (n = 338). The discovery cohort (n = 218) had LNTB (n = 50), PTB (n = 84) and HC (n = 84). The independent validation cohort (n = 120) composed of patients with cancerous LAP (n = 35), other LAP (n = 20) as well as with independent PTB (n = 30), LNTB (n = 15) and HC (n = 20). Eight out of twelve cytokines achieved statistical relevance upon evaluation by pairwise and ROC analysis. Further, variable selection using random forest backward elimination revealed six serum biosignatures including IL-12, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-8 and TNF-β as optimal for classifying the LNTB status of an individual. For the sake of clinical applicability we further selected a three analyte panel (IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-β) which was subjected to multinomial modeling in the independent validation cohort which was randomised into training and test cohorts, achieving an overwhelming 95.9% overall classifying accuracy for correctly classifying LNTB cases with a minimal (7%) misclassification error rate in the test cohort.


In our study, a three analyte serum biosignatures and probability equations were established which can guide the physician in their clinical decision making and step wise management of LNTB patients. This set of biomarkers has the potential to be a valuable adjunct to the diagnosis of TL in cases where AFB positivity and granulomatous findings elude the clinician.  相似文献   

Women with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) are at risk of recurrent pregnancy loss and obstetrical disorders, such as preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) directly target the placenta by binding beta2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) expressed on the trophoblast. We recently demonstrated in human first trimester trophoblast cells that anti-β2GPI antibodies (Abs) induce the secretion of IL-1β in a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-dependent manner. IL-1β secretion requires processing of pro-IL-1β and this is mediated by the inflammasome, a complex of Nalp3, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC) and caspase-1. The objective of this study was to determine if aPL induce IL-1β production in trophoblast via the inflammasome. Using a human first trimester trophoblast cell line, we demonstrated that a mouse anti-β2GPI mAb and human polyclonal aPL-IgG induce IL-1β processing and secretion, which was partially blocked upon caspase-1 inhibition. Nalp3 and ASC knockdown also attenuated anti-β2GPI Ab-induced IL-1β secretion. Furthermore, aPL stimulated the production of uric acid in a TLR4-dependent manner; and inhibition of uric acid prevented aPL-induced IL-1β production by the trophoblast. These findings demonstrate that aPL, via TLR4 activation, induce a uric acid response in human trophoblast, which in turn activates the Nalp3/ASC inflammasome leading to IL-1β processing and secretion. This novel mechanism may account for the inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface, which causes placental dysfunction and increases the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome in patients with APS.  相似文献   



Astrocytes have critical roles in the human CNS in health and disease. They provide trophic support to neurons and are innate-immune cells with keys roles during states-of-inflammation. In addition, they have integral functions associated with maintaining the integrity of the blood-brain barrier.


We have used cytometric bead arrays and xCELLigence technology to monitor the to monitor the inflammatory response profiles and astrocyte compromise in real-time under various inflammatory conditions. Responses were compared to a variety of inflammatory cytokines known to be released in the CNS during neuroinflammation. Astrocyte compromise measured by xCELLigence was confirmed using ATP measurements, cleaved caspase 3 expression, assessment of nuclear morphology and cell death.


Inflammatory activation (IL-1β or TNFα) of astrocytes results in the transient production of key inflammatory mediators including IL-6, cell surface adhesion molecules, and various leukocyte chemoattractants. Following this phase, the NT2-astrocytes progressively become compromised, which is indicated by a loss of adhesion, appearance of apoptotic nuclei and reduction in ATP levels, followed by DEATH.The earliest signs of astrocyte compromise were observed between 24-48h post cytokine treatment. However, significant cell loss was not observed until at least 72h, where there was also an increase in the expression of cleaved-caspase 3. By 96 hours approximately 50% of the astrocytes were dead, with many of the remaining showing signs of compromise too. Numerous other inflammatory factors were tested, however these effects were only observed with IL-1β or TNFα treatment.


Here we reveal direct sensitivity to mediators of the inflammatory milieu. We highlight the power of xCELLigence technology for revealing the early progressive compromise of the astrocytes, which occurs 24-48 hours prior to substantive cell loss. Death induced by IL-1β or TNFα is relevant clinically as these two cytokines are produced by various peripheral tissues and by resident brain cells.  相似文献   

The human β-globin locus contains the β-like globin genes (i.e. fetal γ-globin and adult β-globin), which heterotetramerize with α-globin subunits to form fetal or adult hemoglobin. Thalassemia is one of the commonest inherited disorders in the world, which results in quantitative defects of the globins, based on a number of genome variations found in the globin gene clusters. Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) also caused by similar types of genomic alterations can compensate for the loss of adult hemoglobin. Understanding the regulation of the human γ-globin gene expression is a challenge for the treatment of thalassemia. A mouse model that facilitates high-throughput assays would simplify such studies. We have generated a transgenic dual reporter mouse model by tagging the γ- and β-globin genes with GFP and DsRed fluorescent proteins respectively in the endogenous human β-globin locus. Erythroid cell lines derived from this mouse model were tested for their capacity to reactivate the γ-globin gene. Here, we discuss the applications and limitations of this fluorescent reporter model to study the genetic basis of red blood cell disorders and the potential use of such model systems in high-throughput screens for hemoglobinopathies therapeutics.  相似文献   

Water quality has become a major environmental concern due to the presence of potentially harmful bacteria, protozoa, and chemicals. In particular, pharmaceuticals have recently gained prominence due to their potential negative effects on both the aquatic environment and on human health. The antimicrobial classes of penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, and fluoroquinolones are among the most frequent pharmaceuticals detected in the environment in Europe. The common route of entry of these antimicrobials into the environment is thought to be through wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent. The main concern with regard to antimicrobial agents is the potential formation of antimicrobial resistance. Evidence suggests WWTPs may promote development of antimicrobial resistance. This study reviews antimicrobial residues typically found in treated water, their sources, process barriers, entry into the environment, and consequent human health concerns. The effects of WWTP on residues and the formation of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria are also discussed in addition to current risk assessment approaches for evaluating human health concerns, including development of antimicrobial resistance and resultant therapeutic failure. The uncertainty surrounding the fate and impact of different classes of antimicrobials in the environment is highlighted in addition to the lack of standardised methods to detect antimicrobials and to assess selective pressures.  相似文献   

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