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In a host–parasite interaction model, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were co-incubated with trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica to determine if the cytotoxic killing of PBMCs involves (NOX)-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Experimental PBMC populations were pre-treated with diphenylene iodonium chloride to inhibit NOX, N-acetylcysteine to inhibit p47phox (a subunit of NOX), and SB202190 to inhibit p38 MAPK, with co-suppression of caspases. Percentage apoptosis, caspase-3 activity and ROS generation were monitored in all PBMC populations. Pre-treatment significantly raised the proportion of apoptotic PBMCs, but changes in caspase-3 activity and ROS production were relatively negligible. These results indicate that p38 MAPK and NOX were cytoprotective determinants in the trophozoite-induced apoptosis of PBMCs. Further, the programmed cell death herein investigated was independent of both caspases and ROS, and the exact mechanism of cell death remains to be an open question.  相似文献   

A mentally retarded girl with a 46,XX/47, XX+r(1) (p11q22q22p11)/47, XX+r(1) (p11q22) fra(1) (p31) fra(1) (p11) fra(1) (q22) karyotype who inherited the fragile sites from the normal mother was studied. The conicidence of fra(1) (p11) and fra(1) (q22) with the ring chromosome breakpoints strongly suggests a cause-effect relationship. This finding agrees with other reported associations between fragile sites and structural chromosome abnormalities and constitutes the fourth reported of a de novo structurally abnormal chromosome as a consequence of presumed in vivo fragile sites instability. Although risk figures for chromosome anomalies and cancer associated with fragile sites are lacking, carriers of fra (1) (p11) may have a higher risk for abnormalities of chromosome 1 in somatic and gonadal cells than the general population.  相似文献   

 在染色体 9p2 1 2 2鼻咽癌杂合性丢失 (lossofheterozygosity,LOH)高频区 ,应用EST介导的定位 侯选克隆策略 ,用RT PCR及Northern杂交检测了 2 2个表达序列标记 (expressedsequencetag ,EST)在鼻咽癌细胞株HNE1和原代培养的正常鼻咽上皮细胞中的表达差异 ,并对其中一个在鼻咽癌细胞株HNE1中表达下调的EST检测了在鼻咽癌活检组织中的表达 .用生物信息学方法获得其全长cDNA序列 ,GenBank登录号AF2 2 2 0 4 3.该基因cDNA全长 2 70 1bp ,其开放阅读框 (openreadingframe ,ORF)编码一个含 50 2个氨基酸、分子量为 55kD的碱性蛋白质 ,在蛋白羧基端含有 2个连续的重要UBA功能域 (ubiquitinassociateddomain) ,属于遍在蛋白相关蛋白家族的一个新成员 ,经国际人类基因命名委员会同意 ,将其命名为UBAP1 (ubiquitinassociatedprotein 1 ) .Northern表达分析显示UBAP1在所检测的人组织中广泛表达 ,但在人的心脏、骨骼肌及肝脏中的表达较强 .UBAP1基因在63 2 % ( 1 2 1 9)的鼻咽癌活检组织中表达下调 .UBAP1基因作为一个遍在蛋白相关蛋白家族的新成员 ,结合其在 9p的重要定位信息 ,有必要进一步研究其表达下调参与鼻咽癌发生发展的可能机制 .  相似文献   

Ndi1p(internal NADH脱氢酶)是酵母线粒体电子传递链的重要组成部分,参与酵母线粒体呼吸、凋亡等多种生理活动. 本文成功建立了酵母Ndi1p突变表达文库, 随机测序表明,每个基因平均含有2个突变. 利用本文库进行了Ndi1p温度敏感突变筛选, 获得了一定数量的温度敏感型菌株, 并对温度敏感机理做了简单探索. 结果表 明,温度敏感酵母在需要Ndi1p脱氢酶活性的培养基上对温度敏感;有趣的是,这些温度敏感株细胞如果在30 ℃生长但在37 ℃测试不表现出温度敏感性,这暗示高温影响温度敏感Ndi1p的生成, 正常温度下Ndi1p正确构象一旦生成则高温不能引起Ndi1p变性. Ndi1p突变表达文库的建立对于Ndi1p参与的细胞呼吸、凋亡等过程的机理研究将有一定意义.  相似文献   

To investigate the RNA polymerase of rabies virus, we cloned a cDNA of the catalytic subunit (called L protein because of its large molecular size) of the HEP-Flury strain, an avirulent strain obtained by high frequencies of serial embryonated hen egg passages. Nucleotide sequencing showed that the cDNA encodes a long polypeptide of 2,127 amino acids (Mr. 242,938). A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with that of other strains (PV and SAD B19) indicated that the sequence was highly conserved, except for several amino acid substitutions which were accumulated in some limited regions. A fragment of the cDNA was used for expression in Escherichia coli (E. coli) to prepare the L antigen for raising the antibodies in rabbits. Immunoprecipitation studies with the rabbit antiserum showed that the polypeptides produced in the L cDNA-transfected COS-7 cells displayed almost the same electrophoretic mobility as that of authentic L protein. Immunofluorescence studies indicated that both L and P (another subunit of RNA polymerase) proteins displayed colocalized distribution with the nucleocapsid antigen (N) in the cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, where envelope proteins (G and M) were absent. On the other hand, expression of the L protein alone did not cause inclusion body-like granular distribution, suggesting that the inclusion body-like accumulation depends on certain interaction(s) with other viral gene products, probably with the ribonucleoproteins comprising the inclusion bodies.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that biosynthesis of the human heart Na+ channel (hH1) protein is rapidly modulated by sympathetic interventions. However, data regarding the intracellular processing of hH1 in vivo are lacking. In this study we sought to establish a model that would allow us to study the subcellular localization of hH1 protein. Such a model could eventually help us to better understand the trafficking of hH1 in vivo and its potential role in cardiac conduction. We labeled the C-terminus of hH1 with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and compared the expression of this construct (hH1-GFP) and hH1 in transfected HEK293 cells. Fusion of GFP to hH1 did not alter its electrophysiological properties. Confocal microscopy revealed that hH1-GFP was highly expressed in intracellular membrane structures. Immuno-electronmicrographs showed that transfection of hH1-GFP and hH1 induced proliferation of three types of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes to accommodate the heterologously expressed proteins. Labeling with specific markers for the ER and the Golgi apparatus indicated that the intracellular channels are almost exclusively retained within the ER. Immunocytochemical labeling of the Na+ channel in dog cardiomyocytes showed strong fluorescence in the perinuclear region of the cells, a result consistent with our findings in HEK293 cells. We propose that the ER may serve as a reservoir for the cardiac Na+ channels and that the transport from the ER to the Golgi apparatus is among the rate-limiting steps for sarcolemmal expression of Na+ channels.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is a pivotal process by which macrophages eliminate microorganisms upon recognition by pathogen sensors. Surprisingly, the self-ligand cell surface receptor Slamf1 functions not only as a co-stimulatory molecule but also as a microbial sensor of several Gram-negative bacteria. Upon entering the phagosome of macrophages Slamf1 induces production of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate, which positively regulates the activity of the NOX2 enzyme and phagolysosomal maturation. Here, we report that in Escherichia coli-containing phagosomes of mouse macrophages, Slamf1 interacts with the class III PI3K Vps34 in a complex with Beclin-1 and UVRAG. Upon phagocytosis of bacteria the NOX2 activity was reduced in macrophages isolated from Beclin-1(+/-) mice compared with wild-type mice. This Slamf1/Beclin-1/Vps34/UVRAG protein complex is formed in intracellular membrane compartments as it is found without inducing phagocytosis in macrophages, human chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells, and transfectant HEK293 cells. Elimination of its cytoplasmic tail abolished the interaction of Slamf1 with the complex, but deletion or mutation of the two ITAM motifs did not. Both the BD and CCD domains of Beclin-1 were required for efficient binding to Slamf1. Because Slamf1 did not interact with Atg14L or Rubicon, which can also form a complex with Vps34 and Beclin-1, we conclude that Slamf1 recruits a subset of Vps34-associated proteins, which is involved in membrane fusion and NOX2 regulation.  相似文献   

CY Huang  CM Shih  NW Tsao  YH Chen  CY Li  YJ Chang  NC Chang  KL Ou  CY Lin  YW Lin  CH Nien  FY Lin 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42808
The expression of vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) by endothelial cells may play a major role in atherogenesis. The actual mechanisms of chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) relate to atherogenesis are unclear. We investigate the influence of VCAM-1 expression in the GroEL1 from C. pneumoniae-administered human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) and hypercholesterolemic rabbits. In this study, we constructed the recombinant GroEL1 from C. pneumoniae. The HCAECs/THP-1 adhesion assay, tube formation assay, western blotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, actinomycin D chase experiment, luciferase reporter assay, and immunohistochemical stainings were performed. The results show that GroEL1 increased both VCAM-1expression and THP-1 cell adhesives, and impaired tube-formation capacity in the HCAECs. GroEL1 significantly increased the VCAM-1 mRNA stability and cytosolic AU-binding factor 1 (AUF1) level. Overexpression of the p37(AUF1) significantly increased VCAM-1 gene expression in GroEL1-induced bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs). GroEL1 prolonged the stability of VCAM-1 mRNA by increasing both p37(AUF1) and the regulation of the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of the VCAM-1 mRNA in BAECs. In hypercholesterolemic rabbits, GroEL1 administration enhanced fatty-streak and macrophage infiltration in atherosclerotic lesions, which may be mediated by elevated VCAM-1 expression. In conclusion, GroEL1 induces VCAM-1 expression by p37(AUF1) in endothelial cells and enhances atherogenesis in hypercholesterolemic rabbits.  相似文献   

Bioactive phytochemicals can suppress the growth of malignant cells, and investigation of the mechanisms responsible can assist in the identification of novel therapeutic strategies for cancer therapy. Ginger has been reported to exhibit potent anti-cancer effects, although previous reports have often focused on a narrow range of specific compounds. Through a direct comparison of various ginger compounds, we determined that gingerenone A selectively kills cancer cells while exhibiting minimal toxicity toward normal cells. Kinase array screening revealed JAK2 and S6K1 as the molecular targets primarily responsible for gingerenone A-induced cancer cell death. The effect of gingerenone A was strongly associated with relative phosphorylation levels of JAK2 and S6K1, and administration of gingerenone A significantly suppressed tumor growth in vivo. More importantly, the combined inhibition of JAK2 and S6K1 by commercial inhibitors selectively induced apoptosis in cancer cells, whereas treatment with either agent alone did not. These findings provide rationale for dual targeting of JAK2 and S6K1 in cancer for a combinatorial therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

The vacuolar H+ ATPases (V-ATPases) are ATP-driven proton pumps that transport protons across both intracellular and plasma membranes. Previous studies have implicated V-ATPases in the invasiveness of various cancer cell lines. In this study, we evaluated the role of V-ATPases in the invasiveness of two closely matched human breast cancer lines. MCF10a cells are a non-invasive, immortalized breast epithelial cell line, and MCF10CA1a cells are a highly invasive, H-Ras-transformed derivative of MCF10a cells selected for their metastatic potential. Using an in vitro Matrigel assay, MCF10CA1a cells showed a much higher invasion than the parental MCF10a cells. Moreover, this increased invasion was completely sensitive to the specific V-ATPase inhibitor concanamycin. MCF10CA1a cells expressed much higher levels of both a1 and a3 subunit isoforms relative to the parental line. Isoforms of subunit a are responsible for subcellular localization of V-ATPases, with a3 and a4 targeting V-ATPases to the plasma membrane of specialized cells. Knockdown of either a3 alone or a3 and a4 together using isoform-specific siRNAs inhibited invasion by MCF10CA1a cells. Importantly, overexpression of a3 but not the other a subunit isoforms greatly increased the invasiveness of the parental MCF10a cells. Similarly, overexpression of a3 significantly increased expression of V-ATPases at the plasma membrane. These studies suggest that breast tumor cells employ particular a subunit isoforms to target V-ATPases to the plasma membrane, where they function in tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

为了研究DNA损伤反应中p2 7Kip1的表达及其调控机制 ,应用免疫印迹的实验结果表明 :10Gy 60 Coγ射线照射后 3h ,HeLa细胞中p2 7Kip1蛋白水平开始下降并持续到 2 4h ,进而失去它对CDKs的抑制功能 .Northern印迹结果显示 ,电离辐射 (IR)对p2 7Kip1mRNA表达水平无明显影响 ,说明电离辐射诱导p2 7Kip1表达水平的降低主要与蛋白质降解相关 ,但其具体的调控机制还不清楚 .已知在G1—S期p2 7Kip1蛋白的降低主要依赖细胞周期蛋白E Cdk2激酶将其磷酸化后的泛素化蛋白酶体途径 (ubiquitin proteasomepathway) .酶动力学研究结果揭示 :电离辐射后细胞周期蛋白E Cdk2激酶活性增高 ,12h细胞周期蛋白E Cdk2激酶活性达到最大 .当在照前用细胞周期蛋白E Cdk2抑制剂olomoucine (10 μmol L)抑制细胞周期蛋白E Cdk2激酶活性时 ,p2 7Kip1蛋白表达水平增加 .此外 ,还观察到电离辐射可诱导p2 7Kip1泛素化水平的增高 ,而在使用蛋白酶体抑制剂MG 132 (5 μmol L)处理HeLa细胞后 ,可抑制辐射诱导p2 7Kip1蛋白水平的下调 .研究结果提示 :泛素化蛋白酶体途径参与了辐射诱导P2 7Kip1蛋白表达下调的降解机制 .  相似文献   

Two variants of the promoter of the squash aspartic acid protease inhibitor multigene family were isolated from Cucurbita maxima cv. ‘Supermarket’ Hybrid genomic DNA. The isolated promoters, possibly not full length, comprised a 5′-untranslated region (UTR) of 202–208 bp, contained a 63-bp upstream open reading frame (uORF) and the immediate upstream sequences of 441–445 bp. The two promoters contained several small deletions relative to each other and 22 single base differences but exhibit overall 92.5% homology over 654 bp. When the promoters were fused to a β-glucuronidase reporter gene and expressed in tobacco, one variant was highly expressed in the companion cells of the inner and outer phloem of leaves and at lower levels in other organs. The other variant was expressed at high levels in the long glandular trichomes of the leaf. Deletion analysis identified a region of ~280 bp immediately upstream of the 5′-UTR containing the TATA box that was responsible for phloem specific expression and a further region of ~180 bp that enhanced expression in one promoter and conferred trichome expression in the other. Removal of the 5′-UTR, including the uORF, inactivated the phloem promoter.  相似文献   

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