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The translational potential of novel treatments should be investigated in severe spinal cord injury (SCI) contusion models. A detailed methodology is described to obtain a consistent model of severe SCI. Use of a stereotactic frame and computer controlled impactor allows for creation of reproducible injury. Hypothermia and urinary tract infection pose significant challenges in the post-operative period. Careful monitoring of animals with daily weight recording and bladder expression allows for early detection of post-operative complications. The functional results of this contusion model are equivalent to transection models. The contusion model can be utilized to evaluate the efficacy of both neuroprotective and neuroregenerative approaches.  相似文献   

基因治疗脊髓损伤(SCI)既不存在胎儿神经组织移植的组织来源问题,且比外周神经组织移植引起的排异性低,是目前脊髓损伤治疗中最有前途的方法.基因治疗的转基因方式有两种:一是将目的基因直接导入体内靶细胞令其表达;二是将基因在体外导入适当的细胞内,并筛选出高效表达的移植细胞作为转基因中介移植到体内靶组织.不论采用何种方式,将基因导入细胞又可用多种手段实现:如微注射、脂质体等物理或化学手段;利用缺陷病毒作为载体感染细胞的生物学手段.因为用生物学手段转基因的细胞移植方法空间定位明确,所以目前最常采用它作为基因治疗效果的研究.虽然SCI基因治疗目前仍停留在实验探索阶段,一些问题尚待解决,但随着基因治疗技术方法的不断提高,它的临床应用前景可以预见.  相似文献   

A cervical spinal cord injury induces permanent paralysis, and often leads to respiratory distress. To date, no efficient therapeutics have been developed to improve/ameliorate the respiratory failure following high cervical spinal cord injury (SCI). Here we propose a murine pre-clinical model of high SCI at the cervical 2 (C2) metameric level to study diverse post-lesional respiratory neuroplasticity. The technique consists of a surgical partial injury at the C2 level, which will induce a hemiparalysis of the diaphragm due to a deafferentation of the phrenic motoneurons from the respiratory centers located in the brainstem. The contralateral side of the injury remains intact and allows the animal recovery. Unlike other SCIs which affect the locomotor function (at the thoracic and lumbar level), the respiratory function does not require animal motivation and the quantification of the deficit/recovery can be easily performed (diaphragm and phrenic nerve recordings, whole body ventilation). This pre-clinical C2 SCI model is a powerful, useful, and reliable pre-clinical model to study various respiratory and non-respiratory neuroplasticity events at different levels (molecular to physiology) and to test diverse putative therapeutic strategies which might improve the respiration in SCI patients.  相似文献   

Reduced spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) (i.e., ischemia) plays a key role in traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) pathophysiology and is accordingly an important target for neuroprotective therapies. Although several techniques have been described to assess SCBF, they all have significant limitations. To overcome the latter, we propose the use of real-time contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging (CEU). Here we describe the application of this technique in a rat contusion model of SCI. A jugular catheter is first implanted for the repeated injection of contrast agent, a sodium chloride solution of sulphur hexafluoride encapsulated microbubbles. The spine is then stabilized with a custom-made 3D-frame and the spinal cord dura mater is exposed by a laminectomy at ThIX-ThXII. The ultrasound probe is then positioned at the posterior aspect of the dura mater (coated with ultrasound gel). To assess baseline SCBF, a single intravenous injection (400 µl) of contrast agent is applied to record its passage through the intact spinal cord microvasculature. A weight-drop device is subsequently used to generate a reproducible experimental contusion model of SCI. Contrast agent is re-injected 15 min following the injury to assess post-SCI SCBF changes. CEU allows for real time and in-vivo assessment of SCBF changes following SCI. In the uninjured animal, ultrasound imaging showed uneven blood flow along the intact spinal cord. Furthermore, 15 min post-SCI, there was critical ischemia at the level of the epicenter while SCBF remained preserved in the more remote intact areas. In the regions adjacent to the epicenter (both rostral and caudal), SCBF was significantly reduced. This corresponds to the previously described “ischemic penumbra zone”. This tool is of major interest for assessing the effects of therapies aimed at limiting ischemia and the resulting tissue necrosis subsequent to SCI.  相似文献   

Background Lower extremity paralysis continues to complicate aortic interventions. The lack of understanding of the underlying pathology has hindered advancements to decrease the occurrence this injury. The current model demonstrates reproducible lower extremity paralysis following thoracic aortic occlusion.Methods Adult male C57BL6 mice were anesthetized with isoflurane. Through a cervicosternal incision the aorta was exposed. The descending thoracic aorta and left subclavian arteries were identified without entrance into pleural space. Skeletonization of these arteries was followed by immediate closure (Sham) or occlusion for 4 min (moderate ischemia) or 8 min (prolonged ischemia). The sternotomy and skin were closed and the mouse was transferred to warming bed for recovery.  Following recovery, functional analysis was obtained at 12 hr intervals until 48 hr.Results Mice that underwent sham surgery showed no observable hind limb deficit. Mice subjected to moderate ischemia for 4 min had minimal functional deficit at 12 hr followed by progression to complete paralysis at 48 hr. Mice subjected to prolonged ischemia had an immediate paralysis with no observable hind-limb movement at any point in the postoperative period. There was no observed intraoperative or post operative mortality.Conclusion Reproducible lower extremity paralysis whether immediate or delayed can be achieved in a murine model. Additionally, by using a median sternotomy and careful dissection, high survival rates, and reproducibility can be achieved.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. After traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI), histological and neurological consequences are developing for several days and even weeks. However, little is known about the dynamics of changes in spinal axonal conductivity. The aim of this study was to record and compare repeated spinal cord evoked potentials (SCEP) after SCI in the rat during a 4 weeks’ interval. These recordings were used: (i) for studying the dynamics of functional changes in spinal axons after SCI, and (ii) to define the value of SCEP as an independent outcome parameter in SCI studies.2. We have used two pairs of chronically implanted epidural electrodes for stimulation/recording. The electrodes were placed below and above the site of injury, respectively. Animals with implanted electrodes underwent spinal cord compression injury induced by epidural balloon inflation at Th8–Th9 level. There were five experimental groups of animals, including one control group (sham-operated, no injury), and four injury groups (different degrees of SCI).3. After SCI, SCEP waveform was either significantly reduced or completely lost. Partial recovery of SCEPs was observed in all groups. The onset and extent of recovery clearly correlated with the severity of injury.There was good correlation between quantitated SCEP variables and the volumes of the compressing balloon. However, sensitivity of electropohysiological parameters was inferior compared to neurological and morphometric outcomes.4. Our study shows for the first time, that the dynamics of axonal recovery depends on the degree of injury. After mild injury, recovery of signal is rapid. However, after severe injury, axonal conductivity can re-appear after as long as 2 weeks postinjury.In conclusion, SCEPs can be used as an independent parameter of outcome after SCI, but in general, the sensitivity of electrophysiological data were worse than standard morphological and neurological evaluations.  相似文献   

脊髓损伤的治疗与康复一直是医学领域的重大难题,尤其是在改善损伤的神经功能方面进展甚微。继发性损伤是造成脊髓损伤后神经功能障碍的主要原因,炎症反应是继发性损伤阶段最重要的病理过程。急性期通过抑制神经炎症来减轻继发性损伤被认为可减轻神经功能损害而达到神经保护作用。炎性小体是一类蛋白质复合体,由模式识别受体中的NLRs家族和PHYIN家族的受体蛋白质作为主要框架组装并命名,常见的炎性小体包括NLRP1、NLRP3、NLRC4(IPAF)、AIM2等。在感染或受到损伤刺激时,炎性小体在细胞质内组装,并激活促炎症蛋白酶胱天蛋白酶1(caspase-1),活化的胱天蛋白酶1一方面促进促炎症细胞因子IL-1β和IL-18的前体成熟和分泌,另一方面介导细胞焦亡。细胞焦亡以细胞肿胀破裂并释放细胞内容物为特征,是在炎症和应激的病理条件下诱导的程序性细胞死亡方式。促炎症细胞因子和焦亡释放的胞内物质都可作为促炎信号引发炎症反应。近期发现,炎性小体通过诱导促炎因子释放以及介导细胞焦亡等途径, 参与激活脊髓损伤后的炎症级联反应,加重继发性神经炎症。靶向抑制炎性小体的激活可减轻炎症反应,促进神经细胞存活,达到神经保护作用。因此,炎性小体有望成为脊髓损伤治疗的新靶点。本文拟从炎性小体的结构及其在脊髓损伤中的作用、激活机制和治疗前景进行综述,以期为后续研究提供思路。  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury is a devastating clinical condition, characterized by a complex of neurological dysfunctions. Animal models of spinal cord injury can be used both to investigate the biological responses to injury and to test potential therapies. Contusion or compression injury delivered to the surgically exposed spinal cord are the most widely used models of the pathology. In this report the experimental contusion is performed by using the Infinite Horizon (IH) Impactor device, which allows the creation of a reproducible injury animal model through definition of specific injury parameters. Stem cell transplantation is commonly considered a potentially useful strategy for curing this debilitating condition. Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of transplanting a variety of stem cells. Here we demonstrate an adapted method for spinal cord injury followed by tail vein injection of cells in CD1 mice. In short, we provide procedures for: i) cell labeling with a vital tracer, ii) pre-operative care of mice, iii) execution of a contusive spinal cord injury, and iv) intravenous administration of post mortem neural precursors. This contusion model can be utilized to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stem cell transplantation in a regenerative medicine approach.  相似文献   

大鼠放射性脊髓损伤脊髓血流量变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:放射性脊髓损伤(Radiation spinal cord injury,RSCI)是头颈部、胸部及上腹部肿瘤放射治疗和射线意外照射时的常见并发症,一般认为,白质坏死、脱髓鞘为其主要的病理学变化.然而,越来越多的证据表明血-脊髓屏障破裂和血管通透性增加等血管损伤远早于白质坏死和脱髓鞘改变.所以本文阐明大鼠放射性脊髓损伤病理生理过程中脊髓血流量变化规律.方法:将60只Sprague-Dawley (SD)大鼠随机分为12组,1组为对照,其余11组采用60Co放射治疗机行30 Gy大鼠颈髓C2-T2单次照射,剂量率为153 cGy/min,源皮距为80 cm,照射时长为1153 s,照射范围为2.0× 1.0 cm,对照组大鼠于麻醉后置于60Co放射治疗机下,佯照,照射前及照射后分别采用激光多普勒法测量脊髓血流量,11组大鼠于照射前以及照射后1、3、7、14、21、30、60、90、120、150、180天进行测量,以照射前测量值为基数,各时间点以基数的百分比表示该时间点脊髓血流量.结果:大鼠放射性脊髓损伤后,脊髓血流量在照射早期即有降低,照射后90天达到最低,随后脊髓血流量进入平台期.结论:阐明了大鼠放射性脊髓损伤后脊髓血流量的变化规律.大鼠放射性脊髓损伤可影响脊髓血流量,导致脊髓长期处于持续低灌流、缺血缺氧状态,最终导致脊髓不可逆性损伤.临床上放射性脊髓损伤的病人感到疲乏无力,出现神经系统的症状体征,通常死于脑疝.本文为临床上疲乏无力,出现神经系统的症状体征,死于脑疝放射性脊髓损伤的病人的早期防治提供病理生理基础.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) cause serious neurological impairment and psychological, economic, and social consequences for patients and their families. Clinically, more than 50% of SCI affect the cervical spine1. As a consequence of the primary injury, a cascade of secondary mechanisms including inflammation, apoptosis, and demyelination occur finally leading to tissue scarring and development of intramedullary cavities2,3. Both represent physical and chemical barriers to cell transplantation, integration, and regeneration. Therefore, shaping the inhibitory environment and bridging cavities to create a supportive milieu for cell transplantation and regeneration is a promising therapeutic target4. Here, a contusion/compression model of cervical SCI using an aneurysm clip is described. This model is more clinically relevant than other experimental models, since complete transection or ruptures of the cord are rare. Also in comparison to the weight drop model, which in particular damage the dorsum columns, circumferential compression of the spinal cord appears advantageous. Clip closing force and duration can be adjusted to achieve different injury severity. A ring spring facilitates precise calibration and constancy of clip force. Under physiological conditions, synthetic self-assembling peptides (SAP) self-assemble into nanofibers and thus, are appealing for application in SCI5. They can be injected directly into the lesion minimizing damage to the cord. SAPs are biocompatible structures erecting scaffolds to bridge intramedullary cavities and thus, equip the damaged cord for regenerative treatments. K2(QL)6K2 (QL6) is a novel SAP introduced by Dong et al.6 In comparison to other peptides, QL6 self-assembles into β-sheets at neutral pH6.14 days after SCI, after the acute stage, SAPs are injected into the center of the lesion and neural precursor cells (NPC) are injected into adjacent dorsal columns. In order to support cell survival, transplantation is combined with continuous subdural administration of growth factors by osmotic micro pumps for 7 days.  相似文献   

方华  王泉云  李昌熙  刘进 《四川动物》2007,26(3):689-692
目的建立兔脊髓分级缺血再灌注损伤模型和探讨受伤脊髓病理变化可能机制。方法采用肾下腹主动脉阻断法,分别阻断腹主动脉30min、45min和60min后开放,再灌注48h观察神经功能变化以及病理学评价脊髓缺血再灌注损伤程度。结果脊髓缺血时间越长,后肢运动功能损害越明显。伤后2天发现受损脊髓出血、水肿、变性坏死,明显的白细胞浸润以及I-κBα、NF-κBp65、ICAM-l表达增加,脊髓灰质的病理损害严重。再灌注脊髓病理损伤程度依次为缺血60min组>缺血45min组>缺血30min组>假手术组。结论该模型是一种较好的脊髓缺血再灌注损伤模型,阻断肾下腹主动脉血流30min、45min、60min后开放可以较好地反应轻、中、重不同程度缺血再灌注损伤脊髓的病理变化特点。  相似文献   

脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury, SCI)是中枢神经系统最严重的创伤之一,其可造成患者感觉和运动功能障碍,并且引发一系列严重的并发症。促进轴突再生是修复脊髓损伤后功能恢复的关键因素。京尼平苷酸(geniposidic acid, GA)具有神经保护作用,但其在脊髓损伤后轴突生长的作用及机制方面尚未见报道。本研究通过提取原代神经元,并建立糖氧剥夺模型(oxygen glucose deprivation, OGD)。通过RT-PCR、Western印迹、免疫荧光等方法,探讨GA对神经元轴突的促进作用及其机制。结果发现,GA可以显著促进神经元轴突生长,并呈剂量依赖性。与OGD组神经元轴突长度(22±5.788 μm)相比,给予10 μmol/L的GA可使神经元轴突长度显著增加(68±17.73 μm)。同时,轴突生长相关蛋白(GAP43,MAP2)的基因和蛋白质水平都显著上升。不仅如此,我们发现,GA促进轴突生长与稳定神经元轴突微管相关,可使A/T的比值增加约1.5倍。同时,通过建立大鼠急性脊髓损伤模型评价GA在体内的效果,与对照组相比,每天腹腔注射GA(10 mg/kg)的大鼠在术后28 d的BBB评分(11.8分)和斜板试验(41.7°)均显著增高。上述结果表明,GA可能通过稳定微管从而促进轴突再生,最终促进脊髓损伤后运动功能的恢复。因此,GA 可能成为治疗脊髓损伤的有前景的候选药物。  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating clinical condition causing permanent changes in sensorimotor and autonomic functions of the spinal cord (SC) below the site of injury. The secondary ischemia that develops following the initial mechanical insult is a serious complication of the SCI and severely impairs the function and viability of surviving neuronal and non-neuronal cells in the SC. In addition, ischemia is also responsible for the growth of lesion during chronic phase of injury and interferes with the cellular repair and healing processes. Thus there is a need to develop a spinal cord ischemia model for studying the mechanisms of ischemia-induced pathology. Focal ischemia induced by photothrombosis (PT) is a minimally invasive and very well established procedure used to investigate the pathology of ischemia-induced cell death in the brain. Here, we describe the use of PT to induce an ischemic lesion in the spinal cord of mice. Following retro-orbital sinus injection of Rose Bengal, the posterior spinal vein and other capillaries on the dorsal surface of SC were irradiated with a green light resulting in the formation of a thrombus and thus ischemia in the affected region. Results from histology and immunochemistry studies show that PT-induced ischemia caused spinal cord infarction, loss of neurons and reactive gliosis. Using this technique a highly reproducible and relatively easy model of SCI in mice can be achieved that would serve the purpose of scientific investigations into the mechanisms of ischemia induced cell death as well as the efficacy of neuroprotective drugs. This model will also allow exploration of the pathological changes that occur following SCI in live mice like axonal degeneration and regeneration, neuronal and astrocytic Ca2+ signaling using two-photon microscopy.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is often accompanied by osteoporosis in the sublesional regions of the pelvis and lower extremities, leading to a higher frequency of fractures 1. As these fractures often occur in regions that have lost normal sensory function, the patient is at a greater risk of fracture-dependent pathologies, including death. SCI-dependent loss in both bone mineral density (BMD, grams/cm2) and bone mineral content (BMC, grams) has been attributed to mechanical disuse 2, aberrant neuronal signaling 3 and hormonal changes 4. The use of rodent models of SCI-induced osteoporosis can provide invaluable information regarding the mechanisms underlying the development of osteoporosis following SCI as well as a test environment for the generation of new therapies 5-7 (and reviewed in 8). Mouse models of SCI are of great interest as they permit a reductionist approach to mechanism-based assessment through the use of null and transgenic mice. While such models have provided important data, there is still a need for minimally-invasive, reliable, reproducible, and quantifiable methods in determining the extent of bone loss following SCI, particularly over time and within the same cohort of experimental animals, to improve diagnosis, treatment methods, and/or prevention of SCI-induced osteoporosis.An ideal method for measuring bone density in rodents would allow multiple, sequential (over time) exposures to low-levels of X-ray radiation. This study describes the use of a new whole-animal scanner, the IVIS Lumina XR (Caliper Instruments) that can be used to provide low-energy (1-3 milligray (mGy)) high-resolution, high-magnification X-ray images of mouse hind limb bones over time following SCI. Significant bone density loss was seen in the tibiae of mice by 10 days post-spinal transection when compared to uninjured, age-matched control (naïve) mice (13% decrease, p<0.0005). Loss of bone density in the distal femur was also detectable by day 10 post-SCI, while a loss of density in the proximal femur was not detectable until 40 days post injury (7% decrease, p<0.05). SCI-dependent loss of mouse femur density was confirmed post-mortem through the use of Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), the current "gold standard" for bone density measurements. We detect a 12% loss of BMC in the femurs of mice at 40 days post-SCI using the IVIS Lumina XR. This compares favorably with a previously reported BMC loss of 13.5% by Picard and colleagues who used DXA analysis on mouse femurs post-mortem 30 days post-SCI 9. Our results suggest that the IVIS Lumina XR provides a novel, high-resolution/high-magnification method for performing long-term, longitudinal measurements of hind limb bone density in the mouse following SCI.  相似文献   

脊髓缺血再灌注损伤(Spinal cord ischemia reperfusion injury,SCIRI)模型对研究临床上SCIRI至关重要。SCIRI动物模型旨在尽可能模拟临床脊髓损伤的病理特点。SCIRI模型因所用动物和方法不同而不同。目前国内外常用的SCIRI模型实验动物包括兔、大鼠和小鼠。大鼠因其脊髓血供和人类相似、相对廉价、繁殖力强且容易获得常常用于制作脊髓再灌注损伤模型。任何模型均有其优缺点。可靠、稳定的动物模型对研究SCIRI的发生机制及评估干预手段的效果和寻求有效的治疗方法具有非常重要的意义。该文就SCIRI动物模型研究进展进行简要综述,为研究者们选择最适合自己研究目标的动物模型提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

Recently, marked therapeutic effects pertaining to the recovery of injured rat spinal cords (1 min compression injury of the sacrocaudal spinal cord (S2-Co1) resulting in tail paralysis) appeared after a single intraperitoneal administration of the stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 at 10 min post-injury. Besides the demonstrated rapid and sustained recovery (1 year), we showed the particular points of the immediate effect of the BPC 157 therapy that began rapidly after its administration, (i) soon after injury (10 min), or (ii) later (4 days), in the rats with a definitive spinal cord injury. Specifically, in counteracting spinal cord hematoma and swelling, (i) in rats that had undergone acute spinal cord injury, followed by intraperitoneal BPC 157 application at 10 min, we focused on the first 10–30 min post-injury period (assessment of gross, microscopic, and gene expression changes). Taking day 4 post-injury as the definitive injury, (ii) we focused on the immediate effects after the BPC 157 intragastric application over 20 min of the post-therapy period. Comparable long-time recovery was noted in treated rats which had definitive tail paralysis: (iii) the therapy was continuously given per orally in drinking water, beginning at day 4 after injury and lasting one month after injury. BPC 157 rats presented only discrete edema and minimal hemorrhage and increased Nos1, Nos2, and Nos3 values (30 min post-injury, (i)) or only mild hemorrhage, and only discrete vacuolation of tissue (day 4, (ii)). In the day 4–30 post-injury study (iii), BPC 157 rats rapidly presented tail function recovery, and no demyelination process (Luxol fast blue staining).  相似文献   

目的:在已有脊髓压迫建模方式基础上,建立一种更好模拟慢性发病的颈脊髓压迫动物模型,并对其神经功能进行初步评价。方法:将20只SD大鼠随机分为模型组、对照组。采用聚氨酯薄膜包裹吸水膨胀性材料聚乙烯醇构建改良慢性膨胀物大鼠脊髓损伤模型,观察不同时间点大鼠行为学运动功能(Basso,BeattieBresnahan locomotor rating scale,BBB scale)评分;苏木精-伊红(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)染色观察脊髓组织形态变化;脱氧核糖核苷酸末端转移酶介导的缺口末端标记法(Td T-mediated d UTP nick end labeling,TUNEL)检测损伤段脊髓组织细胞凋亡情况。结果:手术后模型组大鼠的BBB评分逐渐降低,模型组大鼠各时间点BBB评分均明显低于对照组,且两组差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。HE染色见模型组大鼠较对照组有明显的组织损伤反应。TUNEL染色显示模型组大鼠凋亡细胞明显增多。结论:本研究成功制备了稳定可靠、操作简单的一种改良慢性脊髓压迫模型。  相似文献   

VEGF165 Therapy Exacerbates Secondary Damage Following Spinal Cord Injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) demonstrates potent and well-characterized effects on endothelial cytoprotection and angiogenesis. In an attempt to preserve spinal microvasculature and prolong the endogenous neovascular response observed transiently following experimental spinal cord injury (SCI), exogenous recombinant human VEGF (rhVEGF165) was injected into the injured rat spinal cord. Adult female Fischer 344 rats were subjected to moderate SCI (12.5 g-cm) using the NYU impactor. At 72 h after injury, animals were randomly assigned to three experimental groups receiving no microinjection or injection of saline or saline containing 2 g of rhVEGF165. Acutely, VEGF injection resulted in significant microvascular permeability and infiltration of leukocytes into spinal cord parenchyma. 6 weeks postinjection, no significant differences were observed in most measures of microvascular architecture following VEGF treatment, but analysis of histopathology in spinal cord tissue revealed profound exacerbation of lesion volume. These results support the idea that intraparenchymal application of the proangiogenic factor VEGF may exacerbate SCI, likely through its effect on vessel permeability.  相似文献   

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