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Proteins to be secreted are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus. The transport of these proteins requires the localization and activity of proteins that create ER exit sites, coat proteins to collect cargo and to reshape the membrane into a transport container, and address labels—SNARE proteins—to target the vesicles specifically to the Golgi apparatus. In addition some proteins may need export chaperones or export receptors to enable their exit into transport vesicles. ER export factors, SNAREs, and misfolded Golgi-resident proteins must all be retrieved from the Golgi to the ER again. This retrieval is also part of the organellar homeostasis pathway essential to maintaining the identity of the ER and of the Golgi apparatus. In this review, I will discuss the different processes in retrograde transport from the Golgi to the ER and highlight the mechanistic insights we have obtained in the last couple of years.Proteins that are exposed at the plasma membrane or populate a membrane-bounded organelle are synthesized into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the ER, the folding of these proteins takes place and posttranslational modifications such as N-glycosylation and disulfide bridge formation occur. Upon adopting a suitable, often correct, conformation, proteins destined to locations beyond the ER are concentrated at so-called ER exit sites (ERES) and incorporated into nascent COPII-coated vesicles. These COPII vesicles eventually bud off the ER membrane and are transported to the Golgi (in yeast, Drosophila, and C. elegans) or the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (in mammalian cells) (Schweizer et al. 1990; Kondylis and Rabouille 2003; Spang 2009; Witte et al. 2011).It is assumed that the vesicle coat is at least partially destabilized through the hydrolysis of GTP by the small GTPase Sar1 (Oka and Nakano 1994; Springer et al. 1999). However, some of the destabilized coat components have to stay on the vesicle until it has reached the Golgi apparatus because coat components participate in the recognition and the tethering process (Barlowe 1997; Cai et al. 2007; Lord et al. 2011; Zong et al. 2012). Subsequently, SNARE proteins on the vesicles (v-SNAREs) zipper up with cognate SNAREs on the Golgi (target SNAREs, t-SNAREs) to drive membrane fusion (Hay et al. 1998; Cao and Barlowe 2000; Parlati et al. 2002). The content of the ER-derived COPII vesicles is thereby released into the lumen of the cis-cisterna of the Golgi apparatus. Most proteins will continue their journey through the Golgi apparatus and encounter further modifications such as extension of the glycosylation tree or lipidation. However, some proteins, especially those involved in the fusion process, i.e., the v-SNAREs or proteins that act as export factors of the ER, such as Vma21, which is essential for export of the correctly folded and assembled V0 sector of the V-ATPase, need to be recycled back to the ER for another round of transport (Ballensiefen et al. 1998; Malkus et al. 2004). Moreover, cis-Golgi proteins are returned to the ER for quality/functional control (Todorow et al. 2000; Sato et al. 2004; Valkova et al. 2011). Finally, some ER-resident proteins, such as the ER Hsp70 chaperone BiP/Kar2, can escape the ER, but are captured at the cis-Golgi by the H/KDEL receptor Erd2 and returned to the ER (Lewis et al. 1990; Semenza et al. 1990; Aoe et al. 1997).Unfortunately, the retrograde transport route is also hijacked by toxins. For example, endocytosed cholera toxin subunit A contains a KDEL sequence and can thereby exploit the system to access the ER (Majoul et al. 1996, 1998). From there, it is retro-translocated into the cytoplasm where it can exert its detrimental function.  相似文献   

PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum (ER) kinase (PERK) is an ER-associated stress sensor protein which phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) to induce translation attenuation in response to ER stress. PERK is also a regulator of lipogenesis during adipocyte differentiation through activation of the cleavage of sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP1), resulting in the upregulation of lipogenic enzymes. Our recent studies have shown that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection in human fibroblasts (HF) induces adipocyte-like lipogenesis through the activation of SREBP1. Here, we report that PERK expression is highly increased in HCMV-infected cells and is necessary for HCMV growth. Depletion of PERK, using short hairpin RNA (shRNA), resulted in attenuation of HCMV growth, inhibition of lipid synthesis and reduction of lipogenic gene expression. Examination of the cleavage of SREBP proteins showed PERK depletion inhibited the cleavage of SREBP1, but not SREBP2, in HCMV-infected cells, suggesting different cleavage regulatory mechanisms for SREBP1 and 2. Further studies showed that the depletion of SREBP1, but not SREBP2, reduced lipid synthesis in HCMV infection, suggesting that activation of SREBP1 is sufficient to induce lipogenesis in HCMV infection. The reduction of lipid synthesis by PERK depletion can be partially restored by expressing a Flag-tagged nuclear form of SREBP1a. Our studies also suggest that the induction of PERK in HCMV-infected cells stimulates SREBP1 cleavage by reducing levels of Insig1 (Insulin inducible gene 1) protein; this occurs independent of the phosphorylation of eIF2α. Introduction of an exogenous Insig1-Myc into HCMV infected cells significantly reduced HCMV growth and lipid synthesis. Our data demonstrate that the induction of PERK during HCMV infection is necessary for full activation of lipogenesis; this effect appears to be mediated by limiting the levels of Insig1 thus freeing SREBP1-SCAP complexes for SREBP1 processing.  相似文献   

Silkworm posterior silkgland is a model for studying intracellular trafficking. Here, using this model, we identify several potential cargo proteins of BmKinesin-1 and focus on one candidate, BmCREC. BmCREC (also known as Bombyx mori DNA supercoiling factor, BmSCF) was previously proposed to supercoil DNA in the nucleus. However, we show here that BmCREC is localized in the ER lumen. Its C-terminal tetrapeptide HDEF is recognized by the KDEL receptor, and subsequently it is retrogradely transported by coat protein I (COPI) vesicles to the ER. Lacking the HDEF tetrapeptide of BmCREC or knocking down COPI subunits results in decreased ER retention and simultaneously increased secretion of BmCREC. Furthermore, we find that BmCREC knockdown markedly disrupts the morphology of the ER and Golgi apparatus and leads to a defect of posterior silkgland tube expansion. Together, our results clarify the ER retention mechanism of BmCREC and reveal that BmCREC is indispensable for maintaining ER/Golgi morphology.  相似文献   

Clofibrate-induced retrograde Golgi membrane movement was blocked or retarded when NRK cells were treated with sodium azide/2-deoxyglucose, nocodazole, taxol, and destruxin B, indicating that it depends on energy, and the dynamic state of microtubules, and being acidic or vacuolar-type ATPase function. PDMP and phospholipase A2 inhibitors also blocked it. These characteristics are similar to those of brefeldin A (BFA) and nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), inducers of retrograde Golgi membrane movement. However, clofibrate was distinguished from BFA in that BFA action was insensitive to phospholipase A2 inhibitors and from NDGA in that NDGA stabilized microtubules against nocodazole and its action was almost insensitive to taxol. The trans Golgi network (TGN) was resistant to clofibrate, while BFA and NDGA dispersed it. To our knowledge, clofibrate is the first drug to show such different effects on the Golgi and TGN and, therefore, is expected to be a useful tool to distinguish their architecture and/or membrane dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dynamins are 100-kilodalton guanosine triphosphatases that participate in the formation of nascent vesicles during endocytosis. Here, we have tested if novel dynamin-like proteins are expressed in mammalian cells to support vesicle trafficking processes at cytoplasmic sites distinct from the plasma membrane. Immunological and molecular biological methods were used to isolate a cDNA clone encoding an 80-kilodalton novel dynamin-like protein, DLP1, that shares up to 42% homology with other dynamin-related proteins. DLP1 is expressed in all tissues examined and contains two alternatively spliced regions that are differentially expressed in a tissue-specific manner. DLP1 is enriched in subcellular membrane fractions of cytoplasmic vesicles and endoplasmic reticulum. Morphological studies of DLP1 in cultured cells using either a specific antibody or an expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)- DLP1 fusion protein revealed that DLP1 associates with punctate cytoplasmic vesicles that do not colocalize with conventional dynamin, clathrin, or endocytic ligands. Remarkably, DLP1-positive structures coalign with microtubules and, most strikingly, with endoplasmic reticulum tubules as verified by double labeling with antibodies to calnexin and Rab1 as well as by immunoelectron microscopy. These observations provide the first evidence that a novel dynamin-like protein is expressed in mammalian cells where it associates with a secretory, rather than endocytic membrane compartment.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sugar transporters of the Golgi apparatus play an essential role in the glycosylation of proteins, lipids, and proteoglycans. Down-regulation of expression of the transporters for CMP-sialic acid, GDP-fucose, or both unexpectedly resulted in accumulation of glycoconjugates in the Golgi apparatus rather than in the plasma membrane. Pulse-chase experiments with radiolabeled sugars and amino acids showed decreased synthesis and secretion of both nonglycoproteins and glycoproteins. Further studies revealed that the above silencing induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and inhibited protein translation initiation. Together these results suggest that global inhibition of Golgi apparatus glycosylation may lead to important secondary metabolic changes, unrelated to glycosylation.  相似文献   

Intracellular trafficking of the nonstructural movement proteins of plant viruses plays a crucial role in sequestering and targeting viral macromolecules in and between cells. Many of the movement proteins traffic in unconventional, yet mechanistically unknown, pathways to localize to the cell periphery. Here we study trafficking strategies associated with two integral membrane movement proteins TGBp2 and TGBp3 of Potexvirus in yeast. We demonstrate that this simple eukaryote recapitulates the targeting of TGBp2 to the peripheral bodies at the cell cortex by TGBp3. We found that these viral movement proteins traffic as an ~1:1 stoichiometric protein complex that further polymerizes to form punctate structures. Many punctate structures depart from the perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and move along the tubular ER to the cortical ER, supporting that it involves a lateral sorting event via the ER network. Furthermore, the peripheral bodies are associated with cortical ER tubules that are marked by the ER shaping protein reticulon in both yeast and plants. Thus, our data support a model in which the peripheral bodies partition into and/or stabilize at highly curved membrane environments.  相似文献   

A novel membrane protein, Yml067c in the systematic ORF name, was discovered as a component of immunoisolated vesicles of the early Golgi compartment of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Cho et al., FEBS Lett. 469, 151-154 (2000)). Conserved sequences having sequence similarity to Yml067c were widely distributed in the eukaryotes and one of them, Yal042w, was found in the Saccharomyces genome database. In the yeast cell, Yml067c and Yal042w were found to form a heterooligomeric complex by immunoprecipitation of their tagged derivatives from the detergent-solubilized membrane. Cell fractionation and indirect immunofluorescent staining indicated that the majority of these proteins were localized on the ER membrane. Therfore, the Yml067c-Yal042w complex should shuttle between the ER and the early Golgi compartment as well as the p24-family proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract: Various glycolipid-binding toxins are internalized from the cell surface to the Golgi apparatus. Prominent among these is cholera toxin (CT), which consists of a pentameric B subunit that binds to ganglioside GM1 and an A subunit that mediates toxicity. We now demonstrate that rhodamine (Rh)-CT can be further internalized from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in cultured hippocampal neurons and in neuroblastoma N18TG-2 cells and that the A subunit is essential for retrograde transport to the ER. In addition, the rate of internalization of Rh-CT to the Golgi apparatus and ER decreases dramatically as hippocampal neurons mature. The Golgi apparatus was labeled in almost all 1-day-old neurons after <1 h of incubation with Rh-CT but was labeled in <10% of 14-day-old neurons after 1 h. During the first 14 days in culture, there was a 15-fold increase in the number of 125I-CT-binding sites per cell, indicating that the decrease in the rate of internalization of Rh-CT is not due to reduced levels of cell surface GM1 in older neurons. These results imply that the rate of retrograde transport of CT from the plasma membrane to the Golgi apparatus and ER is regulated during neuronal development and differentiation.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2014,53(5):700-709
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KIF1C is a new member of the kinesin superfamily of proteins (KIFs), which act as microtubule-based molecular motors involved in intracellular transport. We cloned full-length mouse kif1C cDNA, which turned out to have a high homology to a mitochondrial motor KIF1Balpha and to be expressed ubiquitously. To investigate the in vivo significance of KIF1C, we generated kif1C(-/-) mice by knocking in the beta-galactosidase gene into the motor domain of kif1C gene. On staining of LacZ, we detected its expression in the heart, liver, hippocampus, and cerebellum. Unexpectedly, kif1C(-/-) mice were viable and showed no obvious abnormalities. Because immunocytochemistry showed partial colocalization of KIF1C with the Golgi marker protein, we compared the organelle distribution in primary lung fibroblasts from kif1C(+/+) and kif1C(-/-) mice. We found that there was no significant difference in the distribution of the Golgi apparatus or in the transport from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) facilitated by brefeldin A between the two cells. This retrograde membrane transport was further confirmed to be normal by time-lapse analysis. Consequently, KIF1C is dispensable for the motor-dependent retrograde transport from the Golgi apparatus to the ER.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a continuous membrane network in eukaryotic cells comprising the nuclear envelope, the rough ER, and the smooth ER. The ER has multiple critical functions and a characteristic structure. In this study, we identified a new protein of the ER, TMCC1 (transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 1). The TMCC family consists of at least 3 putative proteins (TMCC1–3) that are conserved from nematode to human. We show that TMCC1 is an ER protein that is expressed in diverse human cell lines. TMCC1 contains 2 adjacent transmembrane domains near the C-terminus, in addition to coiled-coil domains. TMCC1 was targeted to the rough ER through the transmembrane domains, whereas the N-terminal region and C-terminal tail of TMCC1 were found to reside in the cytoplasm. Moreover, the cytosolic region of TMCC1 formed homo- or hetero-dimers or oligomers with other TMCC proteins and interacted with ribosomal proteins. Notably, overexpression of TMCC1 or its transmembrane domains caused defects in ER morphology. Our results suggest roles of TMCC1 in ER organization.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of specialized cells can undergo dramatic changes in structural organization, including formation of concentric whorls. We previously reported that depletion of Yip1A, an integral membrane protein conserved between yeast and mammals, caused ER whorl formation reminiscent of that seen in specialized cells. Yip1A and its yeast homologue Yip1p cycle between the ER and early Golgi, have been implicated in a number of distinct trafficking steps, and interact with a conserved set of binding partners including Yif1p/Yif1A and the Ypt1/Ypt31 Rab GTPases. Here, we carried out a mutational analysis of Yip1A to obtain insight into how it regulates ER whorl formation. Most of the Yip1A cytoplasmic domain was dispensable, whereas the transmembrane (TM) domain, especially residues within predicted TM helices 3 and 4, were sensitive to mutagenesis. Comprehensive analysis revealed two discrete functionally required determinants. One was E95 and flanking residues L92 and L96 within the cytoplasmic domain; the other was K146 and nearby residue V152 within the TM domain. Notably, the identified determinants correspond closely to two sites previously found to be essential for yeast viability (E76 and K130 in Yip1p corresponding to E95 and K146 in Yip1A, respectively). In contrast, a third site (E89) also essential for yeast viability (E70 in Yip1p) was dispensable for regulation of whorl formation. Earlier work showed that E76 (E95) was dispensable for binding Yif1p or Ypt1p/Ypt31p, whereas E70 (E89) was required. Collectively, these findings suggest that the ability of Yip1A to bind its established binding partners may be uncoupled from its ability to control ER whorl formation. In support, Yif1A knockdown did not cause ER whorl formation. Thus Yip1A may use the sites identified herein to interact with a novel binding partner to regulate ER membrane organization.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in understanding store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) regulation, the fundamental question of how ER morphology affects this process remains unanswered. Here we show that the loss of RTN4, is sufficient to alter ER morphology and severely compromise SOCE. Mechanistically, we show this to be the result of defective STIM1-Orai1 coupling because of loss of ER tubulation and redistribution of STIM1 to ER sheets. As a functional consequence, RTN4-depleted cells fail to sustain elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels via SOCE and therefor are less susceptible to Ca2+ overload induced apoptosis. Thus, for the first time, our results show a direct correlation between ER morphology and SOCE and highlight the importance of RTN4 in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria form a dynamic tubular reticulum within eukaryotic cells. Currently, quantitative understanding of its morphological characteristics is largely absent, despite major progress in deciphering the molecular fission and fusion machineries shaping its structure. Here we address the principles of formation and the large-scale organization of the cell-wide network of mitochondria. On the basis of experimentally determined structural features we establish the tip-to-tip and tip-to-side fission and fusion events as dominant reactions in the motility of this organelle. Subsequently, we introduce a graph-based model of the chondriome able to encompass its inherent variability in a single framework. Using both mean-field deterministic and explicit stochastic mathematical methods we establish a relationship between the chondriome structural network characteristics and underlying kinetic rate parameters. The computational analysis indicates that mitochondrial networks exhibit a percolation threshold. Intrinsic morphological instability of the mitochondrial reticulum resulting from its vicinity to the percolation transition is proposed as a novel mechanism that can be utilized by cells for optimizing their functional competence via dynamic remodeling of the chondriome. The detailed size distribution of the network components predicted by the dynamic graph representation introduces a relationship between chondriome characteristics and cell function. It forms a basis for understanding the architecture of mitochondria as a cell-wide but inhomogeneous organelle. Analysis of the reticulum adaptive configuration offers a direct clarification for its impact on numerous physiological processes strongly dependent on mitochondrial dynamics and organization, such as efficiency of cellular metabolism, tissue differentiation and aging.  相似文献   

The various splice variants of the three SERCA- and the two SPCA-pump genes in higher vertebrates encode P-type ATPases of the P2A group found respectively in the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and the secretory pathway. Of these, SERCA2b and SPCA1a represent the housekeeping isoforms. The SERCA2b form is characterized by a luminal carboxy terminus imposing a higher affinity for cytosolic Ca2+ compared to the other SERCAs. This is mediated by intramembrane and luminal interactions of this extension with the pump. Other known affinity modulators like phospholamban and sarcolipin decrease the affinity for Ca2+. The number of proteins reported to interact with SERCA is rapidly growing. Here, we limit the discussion to those for which the interaction site with the ATPase is specified: HAX-1, calumenin, histidine-rich Ca2+-binding protein, and indirectly calreticulin, calnexin, and ERp57. The role of the phylogenetically older and structurally simpler SPCAs as transporters of Ca2+, but also of Mn2+, is also addressed.All cells invest a considerable part of their total energy budget in active transport to keep up transmembrane (TM) ion gradients (Rolfe and Brown 1997). Prokaryotes already evolved P-type ion-transport ATPases/ion pumps to that aim (Axelsen and Palmgren 1998). The name P-type refers to the transient transfer of the γ-phosphate group of ATP to a highly conserved aspartate group in the enzyme forming a phospho-intermediate. This autophosphorylation is an important step in the pump’s catalytic cycle (Kuhlbrandt 2004). Based on amino-acid sequence comparisons and on the exon/intron layout of the corresponding genes, three types of P-type Ca2+ pumps can be discerned in Eumetazoa: the SERCA-, the SPCA-, and the PMCA-type. Whereas ancestral representatives of each type are recognized in some Eubacteria and Archaea, it is also remarkable that some Eukaryotes have apparently lost either SERCA or SPCA pumps. Yeast for instance lacks SERCA pumps whereas plants thrive well without SPCAs (Mills et al. 2008). The SERCA pumps, which are found in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of eukaryotic cells and the evolutionary older secretory pathway ATPases (SPCA) found in the Golgi apparatus, are closely related to each other and together belong to the P2A subfamily. They form the topic of this review. The plasma-membrane Ca2+-pumps (PMCA), on the other hand, appear to be phylogenetically the oldest of the three and form the P2B-subfamily branch. PMCAs are addressed in an article by Brini and Carafoli (2009). Some further information on the evolution of the three types of ATPases was recently reviewed by Palmgren and Axelsen (1998) and Vangheluwe et al. (2009). Of the three families, only SERCA pumps translocate two Ca2+ ions and hydrolyze one ATP for each catalytic turnover. They possess two Ca2+-transport sites: site I and site II; the numbers specify the sequence of filling of the respective sites. The single Ca2+-binding site of the SPCA and PMCA pumps structurally corresponds to site II of SERCA (Toyoshima 2009).  相似文献   

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