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Pablo Suárez Cleusa Yoshiko Nagamachi Cecilia Lanzone Matias Maximiliano Malleret Patricia Caroline Mary O’Brien Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith Julio Cesar Pieczarka 《PloS one》2015,10(12)
Sigmodontinae rodents represent one of the most diverse and complex components of the mammalian fauna of South America. Among them most species belongs to Oryzomyini and Akodontini tribes. The highly specific diversification observed in both tribes is characterized by diploid complements, which vary from 2n = 10 to 86. Given this diversity, a consistent hypothesis about the origin and evolution of chromosomes depends on the correct establishment of synteny analyzed in a suitable phylogenetic framework. The chromosome painting technique has been particularly useful for identifying chromosomal synteny. In order to extend our knowledge of the homeological relationships between Akodontini and Oryzomyini species, we analyzed the species Akodon montensis (2n = 24) and Thaptomys nigrita (2n = 52) both from the tribe Akodontini, with chromosome probes of Hylaeamys megacephalus (2n = 54) of the tribe Oryzomyini. The results indicate that at least 12 of the 26 autosomes of H. megacephalus show conserved synteny in A. montensis and 14 in T. nigrita. The karyotype of Akodon montensis, as well as some species of the Akodon cursor species group, results from many chromosomal fusions and therefore the syntenic associations observed probably represent synapomorphies. Our finding of a set of such associations revealed by H. megacephalus chromosome probes (6/21; 3/25; 11/16/17; and, 14/19) provides phylogenetic information for both tribes. An extension of these observations to other members of Akodontini and Oryzomyini tribes should improve our knowledge about chromosome evolution in both these groups. 相似文献
Camilla Bruno Di-Nizo Karen Ventura Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith Patricia Caroline Mary O’Brien Yatiyo Yonenaga-Yassuda Maria José de J. Silva 《PloS one》2015,10(2)
Oligoryzomys belongs to the tribe Oryzomyini, and contains about 22 species. Diploid numbers range from 2n = 44 in Oligoryzomys sp. 2 to 2n = 72 in O. utiaritensis and phylogenetic relationships are not well defined. The high morphological convergence leads to misidentification of taxonomic entities and the species are often identified by chromosomal characters. Until now, the genus has been studied only by classical cytogenetic approaches. To understand the chromosomal evolution of Oligoryzomys, we developed chromosome probes from a female of Oligoryzomys moojeni (OMO) with 2n = 70 and hybridized to other five Oligoryzomys species. The probes painted 31 segments on O. fornesi (OFO) with 2n = 62; 32 segments on O. microtis (OMI), 2n = 64; 33 segments on O. nigripes (ONI), 2n = 62 and on O. rupestris (ORU), 2n = 46; and 34 on Oligoryzomys sp. 2 (OSP), 2n = 44. OMO probes 4 and 5 showed a syntenic association in O. fornesi, O. microtis and O. nigripes and were also presented in the same pair, although disrupted, in O. rupestris and Oligoryzomys sp. 2. Concerning O. rupestris and Oligoryzomys sp. 2, species with the lowest diploid numbers of the genus, a total of 8 probes hybridized to 11 segments on the largest pair of ORU 1 and 9 probes hybridized to 12 segments on OSP 1. Also, OMO 6 painted three segments in ORU, corresponding to the proximal segment of ORU 2q, and the whole of ORU 19 and 20. In OSP, the segment corresponding to ORU 20 was homologous to OSP 1p. OMO X showed signals of hybridization in both X and Y chromosomes. Extensive chromosomal rearrangements, that could not be detected by classical cytogenetic techniques, such as pericentric inversions or repositioning of centromeres, Robertsonian rearrangements and tandem fusions/fissions, as well as gain/activation or loss/inactivation of centromeres and telomeric sequences have driven the huge genome reshuffling in these closely related species. 相似文献
Jaqueline Andrades-Miranda Luiz F. B. de Oliveira C. André V. Lima-Rosa Denis A. Sana Andrea P. Nunes Margarete S. Mattevi 《Acta theriologica》2002,47(2):125-135
Karyotypic polymorphism of five taxa of the rodent genusRhipidomys from the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes was analysed.Rhipidomys nitela Thomas, 1901 from Amazon has 2n=48, FN=68. The other species, all have 2n=44, but can be separated into two groups, one with high FNs (76, 80) and the other with low FNs (48, 52). Two cytotypes ofR. mastacalis (Lund, 1840) with high FNs were trapped in four localities of the Cerrado, showing 19 and 17 biarmed autosomes, respectively. A low FN (48) was observed inR. leucodactylus (Tschudi, 1844) in two localities of the Cerrado and FN=52 in one locality in the Cerrado and the Amazon. All taxa with 2n=44 have a medium-sized acrocentric X chromosome and a small Y.Rhipidomys nitela is different from the species with 2n=44 by presenting a heterochromatic short arm of the X chromosome. In all karyotypes analysed, the nucleolus organizer regions were located in the short arms of two to six pairs and the (T2AG3)n telomeric probes hybridizedin situ in both the short and long arms of all pairs of the karyotypes. 相似文献
A new karyotype of the genus Oligoryzomys was described for specimens collected in Brazilian Cerrado in Tocantins and Goiás States. Conventional staining, G-, C-banding, and Ag-NOR staining techniques were used for describe this karyotype with 2n=70, AN=74 or 76. The chromosome complement, with the highest diploid number known among Oligoryzomys species, differs from all others previously reported. This small sized Oligoryzomys species can be differentiated from other Brazilian Oligoryzomys not only by chromosomal complement, but also in some morphological attributes. The new species is apparently restricted in distribution and endemic of Brazilian Cerrado, occurring only in Rio Tocantins basin. 相似文献
María I. Ortiz Elsa Pinna-Senn Graciela Dalmasso José A. Lisanti 《Mammalian Biology》2009,74(2):125-129
The populations of several species of Akodon present, besides XX females, a variable proportion of fertile XY females. In Akodon azarae, a correspondence exists between the X-chromosome C-banding pattern and the sexual phenotype of XY individuals: males carry a determinate X-chromosome type, defined by its C-banding pattern, and XY females, any of two others. To confirm the relation between X-chromosome type and the XY female condition and to investigate the hereditary transmission of these different X-chromosomes, we analyzed 50 animals captured in the field and 95 individuals corresponding to the F1 and F2 offspring of 16 crosses.It was seen that the correlation between X type and the sexual phenotype of XY animals is retained, and that the three X types are transmitted to the progeny. It was also observed that the male offspring of XY females receive the X-chromosome from their male parents and the Y from their mothers. These results strongly support the causal role of an X-borne mutation in A. azarae XY sex reversal, and discard a mutation of the Y-chromosome as the sole basis of this phenomenon. 相似文献
The reproduction, development and growth of Akodon lindberghi were studied in captivity. The colony was derived from animals captured in Sim?o Pereira, Minas Gerais state, which represents a new area of geographical distribution known for this species. Twelve males and twelve females were crossed, producing 144 young in 53 litters. Post-partum oestrus was observed and gestation length was estimated in 23 days. Litter size ranged from 1 to 4 with a mean of 2.72 (SD = 0.97, n = 53) and modal size of 3. Sexual dimorphism was neither present in body mass at birth nor at weaning. There was a significant negative correlation between litter size and mass at birth or weaning. Permanent emergence of adult external appearance occurred at 15 days. Puberty for males and females was 43 and 42 days, respectively, and the first fecundation event for two females was recorded at 47 and 54 days of age. The weight growth was described by fitting a Gompertz model. No significant difference was found in any parameter of growth curves for males and females. Measurements (head-body, tail, hind foot and internal and external ear lengths) obtained for adult individuals also did not reveal the presence of sexual dimorphism. 相似文献
Aulchenko YS Araripe LO D'Andrea PS Shishkin AA Cerqueira R Borodin PM Axenovich TI 《Genetical research》2002,80(1):55-62
By means of complex segregation analysis we studied the inheritance of litter size in two large pedigrees of captive-bred colonies of the Brazilian grass mouse Akodon cursor. Genetic analysis has revealed a highly significant influence of genetic factors on the variation of litter size (heritability, h2, was estimated as 0.44). The inheritance followed the classical polygene model: neither the major-gene model nor the polygene with unequal contribution model described the data significantly better. 相似文献
Chromosomal novelties and the level of meiotic and mitotic abnormalities were studied in a hybrid zone between two chromosomally differentiated Spalax cytotypes of 2n = 58 and 2n = 52. These cytotypes differ by five Rb fusions, four centromeric shifts accompanied by heterochromatin deletion, one paracentric inversion, and the Y-chromosome reorganization. Among 149 specimens studied, 82 were hybrids with 64 different karyotypes ranging in diploid numbers from 2n = 50 to 2n = 60. Nine hybrid specimens were mosaics for the chromosome numbers due to occurrence of cell lines with different Robertsonian chromosome arrangements, and six specimens possessed variable number of B-chromosomes. Mosaicism of B-chromosomes was found also in meiotic cells however chromatid breaks and abnormal chromosome pairing during meiosis occurred very rarely. All these results imply some local genomic instability resulting in the spontaneous process of reversible Rb fusions. 相似文献
N. O. Bianchi C. Redi C. Garagna E. Capanna M. G. Manfredi-Romanini 《Journal of molecular evolution》1983,19(5):362-370
Nuclear DNA contents were estimated by microdensitometry in five species of Akodon rodents: Arodon molinae, A. dolores, A. mollis, A. azarae, Bolomys obscurus) and in three chromosomal varieties of A. molinae (2n = 42; 2n = 43, 2n = 22). The data obtained showed that the species with the highest DNA content was B. obscurus, followed in order of decreasing genome size by A. molinae, A. mollis, A. dolores and A. azarae. In A. molinae the forms with 2n = 42 chromosomes had the lowest and the forms with 2n = 44 the highest amount of DNA, while the forms with 2n = 43 had intermediate DNA contents. The variation in DNA amount detected in A. molinae was interpreted as a phenomenon of amplification occurring in the chromosomal areas involved in the chromosomal rearrangement giving rise to the polymorphism exhibited by this species. The DNA contents of shared chromosomes (chromosomes with similar size, morphology and G banding pattern, which are found in two or more phylogenetically related species), were compared and correlated with values of total nuclear DNA. The information obtained indicates that: (a) shared chromosomes have variable amounts of DNA: (b) in a given species there is a correlation between the amount of nuclear and chromosomal DNA in most shared chromosomes (and perhaps in most of the chromosomal complement), e.g., the higher the amount of nuclear DNA, the higher the content of DNA in shared chromosomes; (c) some chromosomes may undergo processes of amplification or deletion restricted to certain regions and usually related with mechanisms of chromosomal rearrangements.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Alexandra dos Santos Pires Fernando Antonio dos Santos Fernandez Barbara Regina Feliciano Daniela de Freitas 《Mammalian Biology》2010,75(3):270-276
The spatial patterns presented by the rodent Necromys lasiurus were studied through capture-mark-recapture in a grassland among Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments in Southeastern Brazil. Males moved farther than females. Males moved similar distances in the dry and wet seasons, whereas females moved significantly longer distances in the dry season. Home ranges sizes were estimated for 32 individuals, and varied from 0.02 to 0.52 ha. Males had larger home ranges than females when all data are pooled and in the wet season; in the dry season home ranges of both sexes were of similar sizes. Home range sizes did not vary significantly between seasons for either sex. Home ranges of males overlapped extensively among themselves and with females, whereas females showed mutually exclusive home ranges. The spatial patterns described here are consistent with the results found for this species in different habitats and they suggest that N. lasiurus has a promiscuous mating system. 相似文献
Two diploid numbers and five karyomorphs were found in ten specimens of Rhipidomys (Sigmodontinae, Rodentia) from three states in Brazil: 2n = 50 from Amazonas, and 2n = 44 from Mato Grosso and Bahia. CBG, GTG, and RBG-banding and Ag-NOR analyses were performed, as well as fluorescence in situ: hybridization with (T2AG3)7 probes. The new diploid number of 2n = 50 was associated with two different fundamental numbers (FN = 71 and 72) as a result of pericentric inversions and addition/deletion of constitutive heterochromatin. The samples from two localities (Aripuan? and Vila Rica) in the state of Mato Grosso shared 2n = 44 and FN = 52, but their karyotypes differed because of pericentric inversions. Although the single specimen from Bahia had the same diploid number as the samples from Mato Grosso, its karyotype and FN were completely distinctive. Karyological comparison of GTG-banding patterns revealed total homology between the karyotypes of the specimens from Bahia and Mato Grosso, implying the occurrence of 14 autosomal pericentric inversions. Homologies between ten of the autosomes in the karyotypes with 2n = 50 (FN = 72) and 2n = 44 (from Vila Rica, MT) were demonstrated. The differentiation between 2n = 44 and 2n = 50 involved five pericentric inversions, addition/deletion of constitutive heterochromatin in both autosomes and sex chromosomes, at least one Robertsonian rearrangement and other not detected rearrangements. Despite the remarkable number of rearrangements, interstitial telomeric sites (ITS) were not detected. Sex chromosomes also exhibited polymorphism in size and morphology. 相似文献
Testoni AF Althoff SL Nascimento AP Steiner-Souza F Sbalqueiro IJ 《Genetics and molecular biology》2010,33(3):479-485
Rhagomys rufescens (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) is an endemic species of the Atlantic forest from Southern and Southeastern Brazil. Some authors consider Rhagomys as part of the tribe Thomasomyini; but its phylogenetic relationships remain unclear. Chromosomal studies on eight specimens of Rhagomys rufescens revealed a diploid number of 2n = 36 and a number of autosome arms FN = 50. GTG, CBG and Ag-NOR banding and CMA(3) /DAPI staining were performed on metaphase chromosomes. Eight biarmed and nine acrocentric pairs were found in the karyotype of this species. The X and Y chromosomes were both acrocentric. Most of the autosomes and the sex chromosomes showed positive C-bands in the pericentromeric region. The X chromosome showed an additional heterochromatic block in the proximal region of the long arm. Nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were located in the pericentromeric region of three biarmed autosomes (pairs 4, 6 and 8) and in the telomeric region of the short arm of three acrocentrics (pairs 10, 12 and 17). CMA (3) /DAPI staining produced fluorescent signals in many autosomes, especially in pairs 4, 6, and 8. This study presents cytogenetic data of Rhagomys rufescens for the first time. 相似文献
The interspecific differentiation of South American rodents of the genus Graomys was assayed at ecological and morphometric levels in two species. At the ecological level, niche modelling was used. At the morphometric level, the hypothesis that the size and shape of the skull vary with the geographic location was tested using geometric morphometrics by assessing the extent and spatial distribution of phenotypic skull variation within and among two species, Graomys griseoflavus and Graomys chacoensis. Our results of niche modelling indicate the spatial differentiation between the two species, with G. chacoensis inhabiting preferably the Chaco ecoregion and G. griseoflavus inhabiting mainly the Monte ecoregion. In multiple linear regressions, approximately 20% of the skull size variation is explained by latitude, altitude, and temperature seasonality. The partial least square analysis reveals strong correlation between shape and environmental variables, mainly with latitude, annual mean temperature, and annual precipitation. Discrimination between G. griseoflavus and G. chacoensis was highly reliable when using geometric morphometric tools. These results permit us to elucidate some evolutionary processes that have occurred in these species. 相似文献