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干旱胁迫对枳橙内源激素含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究干旱胁迫对枳橙内源激素含量的影响。方法:以一年生枳橙砧木苗为试验材料,采用盆栽试验,测定不同土壤失水率下枳橙叶片以及失水率为40%时枳橙根中内源激素含量的变化。结果:当土壤失水率为40%时,枳橙根和叶片中GA3和Z含量均降低、IAA含量增加,而根中ABA含量降低,叶片中ABA含量增加。不同土壤失水率下,叶片中ABA含量随失水率增加逐渐上升,IAA含量先上升后下降,当失水率为50%时达到最高,GA3和Z含量都呈先下降后上升再下降的变化趋势。结论:枳橙的内源激素受干旱胁迫影响。轻度胁迫下IAA等促进枳橙生长的内源激素含量增加,说明适度的干旱胁迫能促进枳橙的生长发育。  相似文献   


Heat stress (HS) seriously affects crop growth, causing significant crop yield losses worldwide. The regulatory mechanisms controlling HS tolerance in plants are not well understood. Phytohormones are important molecules for coordinating myriad of phenomena related to plant growth and development. They are also essential endogenous signaling molecules that actively mediate numerous physiological responses under abiotic stress by triggering stress-responsive regulatory genes involved in plant growth. This review updates the central role of various phytohormones—indole acetic acid, gibberellic acid, abscisic acid, cytokinins, ethylene, salicylic acid, brassinosteroids, strigolactone, and jasmonic acid—in regulating the HS response so that plants can adapt to increasing temperature stress. We also reveal how these stress-responsive phytohormones switch on various regulatory gene(s) and genes encoding antioxidants and heat shock proteins (HSPs) to combat HS in various plant species.


植物激素是由植物自身代谢产生的一类从产生部位移动到作用部位发挥调控功能的微量小分子有机物质,在植物生长发育、响应环境胁迫过程中起到关键作用.苔藓植物作为早期登陆的非维管植物,处于陆生植物进化早期的阶段,具有许多不同于维管植物的形态和生理特征.大部分苔藓中普遍存在8种主要的植物激素及其衍生物(包括ABA、JA、ET、SA...  相似文献   

Plants are known for their high capacity to acclimatise to fluctuating environmental conditions. A wide range of environmental conditions can lead to suboptimal physiological efficiency. However, recent studies have shown that plants can withstand repeated periods of stress. To find out how they do it, we studied photosynthetic adjustments to repeated water stress in Aptenia cordifolia: a facultative, invasive CAM species. Plants were subjected to three cycles of water deficit, and photosynthetic parameters and chloroplast antioxidants were quantified to gain an understanding of the mechanisms by which they cope with repeated stress periods. Significant modification of the photosystems’ antenna and reaction centres was observed in plants subjected to previous water stress cycles, and this led to higher PSII efficiency than in plants challenged with drought for the first time. These findings underline the biological significance of stress memory and show how plants can adjust their photosynthetic apparatus to fluctuating environmental conditions and thus optimise photosynthesis and photoprotection under drought conditions.  相似文献   

The extent to which photorespiration occurs in CrassulaceanAcid Metabolism (CAM) plants has received limited attention.No comparative studies of C3 and CAM development have been made.To address this problem, activities of several photorespiratoryenzymes were measured in a facultative CAM plant—Mesembryanthemumcrystallinum L.—during induction of CAM by water stress(NaCl-treatment). Salt-treatment over a 22 d period produceda progressive change in metabolism from C3 to CAM. This wasconfirmed by (I) changes in gas exchange from C3 fixation tothe characteristic CAM pattern of nocturnal CO2 uptake; (2)increases in did acid fluctuation and (3) a 30-fold increasein phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) carboxylase activity. In contrast,no significant changes were observed in the activities of glycollateoxidase (GO), NAD-dependent-hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR),glutamine synthetase (GS) or glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) whenplants were induced into CAM. Ion exchange chromatography onDEAE Sephacel detected only one GS isoenzyme (GS2, chloroplastic)at all stages of CAM induction, Western blot analysis, however,detected an additional, although minor, band of GS1 (cytosolic),in C3 plants, which disappeared following CAM induction. Ourresults show that, after development of CAM, these plants stillretain the capacity to photorespire. This may be an essentialrequirement of CAM plants growing in habitats with variablerainfall. When water availability is high, stomata may openin the light allowing ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase(Rubisco) activity and photorespiration to occur. The inherentcapacity to photorespire would allow plants to survive variableperiods of rainfall. Key words: Mesembryanthemum, C3, CAM, photorespiration  相似文献   

Primary study of NAD-malic enzyme was carried out in facultative CAM plants Sedum aizoon and Mesembryanthemum cordifolium. When 5 mmol/L MnC12, 6 mmol/L Mal and 50μmol/L CoA are present, the optimum pH is 7. The activity of this enzyme fluctuates with the seasons, in July, its activity reaches the summit. Its activity has a diurnal change also, being higher during the day and lower during the night. After water stress, the activity of this enzyme increases 2—3 times. The authors consider that the CAM activity may be regulated by carboxylate and decarboxylate system together.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse study, we aimed to determine whether a temporary water deficit induces ‘drought memory’ in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), and whether this effect can be quantified by alterations in the fluorescence signature of the leaves. Plants were subjected to three consecutive water deficit phases, each followed by a recovery period, and in each cycle new, fully developed leaves were analyzed. Changes in the photosynthetic performance and pigment fluorescence were recorded with a hand-held fluorescence sensor, a laser-induced fluorescence spectrometer, and a leaf gas exchange analyzer. Parameters such as osmotic potential, proline, and chlorophyll content were used as indicators for biochemical modifications and quantification of stress intensity. In general, the evaluated cultivars showed a similar response pattern to water deficit, although the intensity of the stress-induced modification was not always on the same level in the distinct parameters. The long-term and repeated drought caused a decrease of net photosynthesis, increase of far-red fluorescence, and a decrease of both the ‘Simple Fluorescence Ratio’ and the fluorescence lifetime (LT mean) in the blue spectral region. In the second drought cycle, changes in osmotic potential and proline content were lower, but alterations in photosynthesis and fluorescence were as strong as in the first and third drought cycles. This indicates that even if a drought stress memory might occur, it was not possible to precisely identify it using gas exchange and pigment fluorescence determinations. Irrespective of that, the photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence-based parameters (RF, SFR) clearly indicated with high temporal resolution the response of sugar beet plants to the stress, and their partial recovery.  相似文献   

Rapid commercialization, industrialization and the use of nanotechnology has led to an increase in the distribution of nanoparticles (NPs) in the environment. The most common metal oxide NPs which is present within products is Titanium dioxide (TiO2). TiO2 NPs have photocatalytic nature and can affect plant growth. The current study investigated the morphological, anatomical and biochemical features of Baby sun rose (Aptenia cordifolia) after exposure to different concentrations of TiO2 nanoparticles (0, 1, 5, 10 and 20 mg L−1). Treatment with TiO2 NPs showed changes in the morphological features and increased photosynthetic pigmentation within the plant. An increase in the level of phenolics (12%) and flavonoid compounds (13%) was observed when plants were treated with moderate levels of TiO2 NPs. A reduction in the diameter of the vascular bundles and increased thickening of the transverse wall were observed in several samples. The number of scattered vascular bundles in the stems increased. The morphological, biochemical, and anatomical responses of Baby sun rose indicates that plants can adapt to environments contaminated with up to 20 mg L−1 TiO2 NPs. The cultivation of Baby sun rose plants in environments polluted with TiO2 NPs is recommended. This study enhances the knowledge of the effect of TiO2 NPs on the growth of Baby sun rose which is an ornamental plant, widely cultivated in different regions of Iran. The results of this study suggest that contaminated environments up to 20 mg L−1 TiO2 NPs can be managed by phytoremediation. Further studies are needed to investigate this plant''s tolerance strategies against stress caused by TiO2 NPs and bulk TiO2 as well as the effect of other nanoparticles on plant.  相似文献   

通过停止浇水产生水分胁迫使兼性CAM植物长叶景天(Sedum spectabile Boreau)叶片光合途径由C3型转为CAM型.干旱15 d时观察到典型的CAM生理特征,且叶片的δ13C值与含水量成线性相关.水分胁迫改变了叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化能力,ΦPSⅡ和qP降低50%和34%,NPQ提高约180%,SOD活性和清除DPPH@ 自由基能力也明显下降, 但膜半透性变化不大.当将处于C3(浇水)和诱导为CAM(缺水)型的叶圆片用外源甲基紫精(MV)和强光作光氧化处理后,与C3型叶片相比,诱导CAM型叶片的NPQ不能提高,qP和ΦPSⅡ降至很低水平,光系统处于高还原态,光能供给与消耗失衡(1-qP=0.86和(1-qP)/NPQ>1),膜系统几乎失去完整性.这种严重的光氧化损伤表明,与我们以前报告的专性CAM植物不同,以兼性CAM植物诱导表达的CAM型未能显示比C3型较强的耐光氧化优势.讨论了出现这种光氧化敏感性差别的可能原因.  相似文献   

兼性CAM植物长叶景天叶片在C3和CAM型时的光氧化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过停止浇水产生水分胁迫使兼性CAM植物长叶景天 (SedumspectabileBoreau)叶片光合途径由C3 型转为CAM型。干旱 15d时观察到典型的CAM生理特征 ,且叶片的δ13 C值与含水量成线性相关。水分胁迫改变了叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化能力 ,ΦPSⅡ 和qP 降低 5 0 %和 34% ,NPQ提高约 180 % ,SOD活性和清除DPPH·自由基能力也明显下降 ,但膜半透性变化不大。当将处于C3 (浇水 )和诱导为CAM(缺水 )型的叶圆片用外源甲基紫精 (MV)和强光作光氧化处理后 ,与C3 型叶片相比 ,诱导CAM型叶片的NPQ不能提高 ,qP 和ΦPSⅡ 降至很低水平 ,光系统处于高还原态 ,光能供给与消耗失衡 (1-qP=0 .86和 (1-qP) /NPQ >1) ,膜系统几乎失去完整性。这种严重的光氧化损伤表明 ,与我们以前报告的专性CAM植物不同 ,以兼性CAM植物诱导表达的CAM型未能显示比C3 型较强的耐光氧化优势。讨论了出现这种光氧化敏感性差别的可能原因  相似文献   

An NAD-malate dehydrogenase (NAD-MDH, EC was purified and characterized from leaves of Aptenia cordifolia L. f. (Schwant). This plant performs crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), as indicated by: (a) elevated levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and NAD(P) malic enzyme; (b) regulation of PEPC compatible with its function during the night; (c) characteristic day/night changes in titratable acidity; and (d) gas exchange profile consistent with that shown by CAM plants. These features remained unchanged by water availability or salt stress, suggesting constitutive CAM. The purified MDH showed a subunit molecular mass of 39.4 kDa, a native mass of 83 kDa (dimer) and a pI of 5.8. It cross-reacted with antibodies against cytosolic malate dehydrogenase (cMDH) from pineapple. Maximum activities for oxaloacetate (OAA) reduction or malate oxidation were observed at pH 7.0 and between pH 7.2 and 8.4, respectively. The enzyme was inhibited by excess OAA, in a pH-dependent manner. A discontinuity was observed in Arrhenius plots at 33 °C, with an activation energy twice as high below this temperature. Although immunologically related, some physical and kinetic dissimilarities between the Acordifolia and pineapple enzymes suggest that diverse CAM metabolic subtypes may require different MDH isozymes to carry out OAA reduction.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - De-etiolation or transition from etiolated growth (skotomorphogenesis) to photomorphogenesis is one of the most intriguing and intricate stages of plant...  相似文献   

ASR(ABA, stress, ripening induced protein)是一类响应植物干旱胁迫的关键转录因子, 在许多植物中已有报道, 然而尚未见香蕉(Musa acuminata)中ASR与抗旱作用的相关研究。该实验从香蕉果实cDNA文库中筛选出1个ASR基因, 即MaASR1(登录号为AY628102)。干旱胁迫下, 该基因在叶片中的表达量高于根部。将MaASR1转入拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana), Southern检测确定了两株独立表达的转基因株系(命名为L14和L38)。表型观察发现, 此两转基因株系的叶片变小且变厚; Northern和Western检测结果表明, MaASR1在L14和L38中表达。控水处理后, L14和L38的存活率及脯氨酸含量均高于野生型。经干旱胁迫和外源ABA处理后, 对MaASR1转基因株系中ABA/胁迫响应基因的表达分析, 发现MaASR1可增强转基因株系对ABA信号的敏感度, 但不能增强植株依赖于ABA途径的抗旱性。  相似文献   

Three facultative CAM plants, Sedum spectabile, S. aizoon and Mesembryanthemum cordifolium, could take up CO2 throughout the night and daytime, and no phase Ill was observed during cloudy weather. The CO2 exchange patterns during cloudy day differed obviously from that during sunny day. But in the obligate CAM plants, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, Orostachys fimbriatus and Bryophyllum pinnatum, there were phase Ⅲ during cloudy day. These results showed that the COs exchange patterns with uptake of CO2 throughout the night and daytime were universal in facultative CAM plants during cloudy day, but not in obligate CAM plants, of which the CO2 exchange patterns were very stable. In the three facultative CAM plants, the difference of exchange patterns between cloudy and sunny days depended mainly on temperature change. The effect of the temperature on CO2 exchange patterns was mediated by the decarboxylation rate. At high temperature, the decarboxylation rate could be enhanced. It was found that the accumulation of malic acid at night in the three obligate CAM plants was much more than that in the three facultative C AM plants. So during cloudy day, the decarboxytion rate in the three obligate CAM plants was also higher. This might be an important cause that obligate CAM plants need not to take up CO2 during the daytime.  相似文献   

A Possible Role for Calcium in Oxidative Plant Stress   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Disruption of calcium homoeostasis may be crucially important in damaging animal cells under oxidising conditions. In hepatocytes, oxidative stress causes an increase in cytosolic calcium, a process which is thought to be largely responsible for subsequent cell death. The oxidation of glutathione precedes a flux of calcium into the cytoplasm from internal and external sources. The possibility that similar events occur in plant cells has been tested using strips of epidermis taken from leaves of Commelina communis. The closure of stomata in response to many chemical or physical stimuli is thought to involve a transient rise in cytosolic calcium. Paraquat (10-4 M) and hydrogen peroxide (10-3 M) caused a marked reduction in stomatal aperture when included in the incubation medium of illuminated epidermal strips. The calcium channel blocker verapamil (10-5 M) protected stomata from hydrogen peroxide-induced closure while the ion chelator EGTA (2 × 10-3 M) protected stomata in both oxidising treatments. These results are discussed in so far as they support the hypothesis that a rise in cytosolic calcium may play a role in the pathology of oxidative stress in plant cells through a mechanism analogous to the liver cell system.  相似文献   

Role of Phytohormones in Sex Differentiation in Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of phytohormones in sex expression in plants is briefly surveyed. The interaction of hereditary and environmental factors in sex expression is considered. A major role of gibberellins and cytokinins in the regulation of sex expression in dioecious and monoecious flowering plants and in some muscoids is demonstrated. The evidence for the effect of other phytohormones and physiologically active compounds on sex expression in plants is examined.  相似文献   

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