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缙云山森林次生演替序列群落的物种多样性动态   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
通过1986 和1996 年对缙云山森林次生演替系列群落的重复调查,运用构成指数对这些群落进行演替排序,研究缙云山森林次生演替过程中的物种多样性动态.结果表明,构成指数( CI) 可适当改变空间代替时间的局限;在缙云山森林次生演替过程中,物种丰富度呈先变大后变小的趋势,物种均匀度没有明显的动态规律,这与种间( 内) 关系密切相关,因而适当干扰有利于群落内物种多样性的增大  相似文献   

A simple nonparameteric test for population structure was applied to temporally spaced samples of HIV-1 sequences from the gag-pol region within two chronically infected individuals. The results show that temporal structure can be detected for samples separated by about 22 months or more. The performance of the method, which was originally proposed to detect geographic structure, was tested for temporally spaced samples using neutral coalescent simulations. Simulations showed that the method is robust to variation in samples sizes and mutation rates, to the presence/absence of recombination, and that the power to detect temporal structure is high. By comparing levels of temporal structure in simulations to the levels observed in real data, we estimate the effective intra-individual population size of HIV-1 to be between 10(3) and 10(4) viruses, which is in agreement with some previous estimates. Using this estimate and a simple measure of sequence diversity, we estimate an effective neutral mutation rate of about 5 x 10(-6) per site per generation in the gag-pol region. The definition and interpretation of estimates of such "effective" population parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】早竹是一种重要的笋用竹种,人工经营的早竹林出笋率高、经济价值大。然而一些蝇类寄生于早竹笋内,导致竹笋品质降低、竹林退笋率增加。通过研究早竹林内蝇类种群动态和物种多样性,为科学防治笋蝇提供依据,以降低早竹笋的退笋率,增加竹笋产量,提高早竹种植的经济效益。【方法】采用黄板诱捕法调查早竹林内蝇类的多样性,运用多元线性回归分析了环境因子对蝇类Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的影响;并使用变异分解的方法分析了空间变量和环境变量对蝇类β多样性的影响。【结果】研究结果显示:在早竹林内共诱捕到的蝇类有8科10种,其中竹笋绒茎蝇Chyliza bambusae、江苏泉蝇Pegomyia kiangsuensis、横带花蝇Anthomyia illocata、常齿股蝇Hydrotaea dentipes、黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteata是早竹林内的优势物种;黄板周围1.5 m范围内成竹数量和幼笋数量对蝇类的多样性有显著性影响,早竹林内蝇类的物种多样性随着成竹数量的增加而降低;空间变量单独对蝇类β多样性的解释量为8.54%,环境变量单独解释的量为28.84%,两者共同解释的量为10.46%,不能被环境变量和空间变量解释的量为52.16%。【结论】本研究展示了早竹林内蝇类多样性变动的动态,并阐释了蝇类多样性的主要影响因子,对于竹林害虫的综合治理、提高竹笋产量具有现实和理论意义。  相似文献   

CD163, a haptoglobin-hemoglobin (Hp-Hb) scavenger receptor, expressed by monocytes and macrophages, is important in resolution of inflammation. Age-related non-AIDS co-morbidities in HIV-infected individuals, particularly dementia and cardiovascular disease, result in part from effects of HIV-1 infection on monocyte and macrophage biology. CD163 co-expression on CD14+CD16++ monocytes has been proposed as a useful biomarker for HIV-1 disease progression and the presence of HIV associated dementia. Here we investigated CD163 expression on monocyte subsets ex vivo, on cultured macrophages, and soluble in plasma, in the setting of HIV-1 infection. Whole blood immunophenotyping revealed CD163 expression on CD14++CD16- monocytes but not on CD14+CD16++ monocytes (P = 0.004), supported by CD163 mRNA levels. Incubation with M-CSF induced CD163 protein expression on CD14+CD16++ monocytes to the same extent as CD14++CD16− monocytes. CD163 expression on CD14++CD16+ monocytes from HIV-infected subjects was significantly higher than from uninfected individuals, with a trend towards increased expression on CD14++CD16− monocytes (P = 0.019 and 0.069 respectively), which is accounted for by HIV-1 therapy including protease inhibitors. Shedding of CD163 was shown to predominantly occur from the CD14++CD16− subset after Ficoll isolation and LPS stimulation. Soluble CD163 concentration in plasma from HIV-1 infected donors was similar to HIV-1 uninfected donors. Monocyte CD163 expression in HIV-1 infected patients showed a complicated relationship with classical measures of disease progression. Our findings clarify technical issues regarding CD163 expression on monocyte subsets and further elucidates its role in HIV-associated inflammation by demonstrating that CD163 is readily lost from CD14++CD16− monocytes and induced in pro-inflammatory CD14+CD16++ monocytes by M-CSF. Our data show that all monocyte subsets are potentially capable of differentiating into CD163-expressing anti-inflammatory macrophages given appropriate stimuli. Levels of CD163 expression on monocytes may be a potential biomarker reflecting efforts by the immune system to resolve immune activation and inflammation in HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

The level of bacterial activity is only poorly defined during asymptomatic Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. The objective was to study the capacity of a new biomarker, the expression of the T cell maturation marker CD27 on MTB-specific CD4 T cells, to identify active tuberculosis (TB) disease in subjects from a MTB and HIV endemic region. The frequency and CD27 expression of circulating MTB-specific CD4 T cells was determined in 96 study participants after stimulation with purified protein derivative (PPD) using intracellular cytokine staining for IFNgamma (IFNγ). Subjects were then stratified by their TB and HIV status. Within PPD responders, a CD27 phenotype was associated with active TB in HIV (p = 0.0003) and HIV+ (p = 0.057) subjects, respectively. In addition, loss of CD27 expression preceded development of active TB in one HIV seroconverter. Interestingly, in contrast to HIV subjects, MTB-specific CD4 T cell populations from HIV+ TB-asymptomatic subjects were often dominated by CD27 cells. These data indicate that down-regulation of CD27 on MTB-specific CD4 T cell could be used as a biomarker of active TB, potentially preceding clinical TB disease. Furthermore, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that late, chronic HIV infection is frequently associated with increased mycobacterial activity in vivo. The analysis of T cell maturation and activation markers might thus be a useful tool to monitor TB disease progression.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS is currently the leading cause of infectious disease mortality around the world. Since many alleles and/or haplotypes of HLA have been reported to be associated with progressive HIV infection, more detailed information on the HLA profile in HIV‐1 infected individuals in Chongqing, southwest China would facilitate further understanding of HIV‐1 infection, help AIDS vaccine design and the planning of effective preventive strategies. In this study, we performed 4‐digit resolution HLA‐A, B, DRB1 genotyping of 759 HIV‐1 seropositive individuals using PCR‐SSO methods. Six alleles were found at more than 10% high frequency: A*1101, A*0201, A*2402, B*4601, B*4001 and DRB1*0901. The most common 2‐ and 3‐locus haplotypes were A*0201‐B*4601, A*1101‐B*4001, A*1101‐B*4601, A*3303/1‐B*5801, A*0201‐B*4601‐DRB1*0901, A*1101‐B*4601‐DRB1*0901 and A*3303/1‐B*5801‐DRB1*0301. 690 HIV‐1 seropositive individuals with records of CD4 counts were divided into two groups: an AIDS patient group comprising 216 subjects with AIDS‐defining symptoms and CD4 counts below 200 cells/mm3 and an asymptomatic, HIV seropositive group of 474 subjects with a stable CD4 count of no less than 200 individuals. In the AIDS patient group, A*3303/1 and B*5801 alleles and the A*3303/1‐B*5801 haplotype were significantly underrepresented as compared to the HIV‐infected group, whereas A*1101‐B*4001, A*1101‐B*1502, A*2402‐B*4801 haplotypes and five common haplotypes from two groups were significantly overrepresented. HLA‐A or B and HLA‐Bw6‐Bw6 homozygotes were also overrepresented in the AIDS patients group. Our observations suggest that the presence of the B*3501 allele, A*2402‐B*4801, common 2‐locus and 3‐locus haplotypes, HLA‐A or B and Bw6‐Bw6 homozygosity may predict a poor disease outcome in HIV‐1 infection. However, HIV‐1 infected individuals who have B*5801 alleles, A*3303/1‐B*5801 haplotype and are heterozygous for Bw4‐Bw6 are more likely to be resistant to progression of AIDS in this Chinese population.  相似文献   



Microbial translocation may contribute to the immunopathogenesis in HIV infection. We investigated if microbial translocation and inflammation were associated with innate and adaptive immune responses in adults with HIV.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This was an observational cohort study. Sera from HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected individuals were analyzed for microbial translocation (soluble CD14, lipopolysaccharides [LPS], endotoxin core antibody, and anti-α-galactosyl antibodies) and inflammatory markers (high sensitivity C-reactive protein, IL-6, IL-1 receptor antagonist, soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor II, and IL-10) with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HIV-infected persons and healthy controls (primed with single-stranded HIV-1-derived RNA) were stimulated with LPS, and cytokine production was measured. Finally, HIV-infected patients were immunized with Prevnar 7vPnC±CpG 7909 followed by Pneumo Novum PPV-23. Effects of microbial translocation and inflammation on immunization were analyzed in a predictive regression model. We included 96 HIV-infected individuals, 76 on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), 20 HAART-naive, and 50 healthy controls. Microbial translocation and inflammatory markers were higher among HIV-infected persons than controls. Cytokine levels following LPS stimulation were increased in PBMCs from HAART-naive compared to HAART-treated HIV-infected persons. Further, RNA-priming of PBMCs from controls acted synergistically with LPS to augment cytokine responses. Finally, high serum LPS levels predicted poor vaccine responses among HAART-naive, but not among HAART-treated HIV-infected individuals.


LPS acts synergistically with HIV RNA to stimulate innate immune responses in vitro and increasing serum LPS levels seem to predict poor antibody responses after vaccination among HAART-naive HIV-infected persons. Thus, our results suggest that microbial translocation may be associated with innate and adaptive immune dysfunction in untreated HIV infection.  相似文献   

HLA class I-mediated selection of immune escape mutations in functionally important Gag epitopes may partly explain slower disease progression in HIV-1-infected individuals with protective HLA alleles. To investigate the impact of Gag function on disease progression, the replication capacities of viruses encoding Gag-protease from 60 individuals in early HIV-1 subtype C infection were assayed in an HIV-1-inducible green fluorescent protein reporter cell line and were correlated with subsequent disease progression. Replication capacities did not correlate with viral load set points (P = 0.37) but were significantly lower in individuals with below-median viral load set points (P = 0.03), and there was a trend of correlation between lower replication capacities and lower rates of CD4 decline (P = 0.09). Overall, the proportion of host HLA-specific Gag polymorphisms in or adjacent to epitopes was negatively associated with replication capacities (P = 0.04), but host HLA-B-specific polymorphisms were associated with higher viral load set points (P = 0.01). Further, polymorphisms associated with host-specific protective HLA alleles were linked with higher viral load set points (P = 0.03). These data suggest that transmission or early HLA-driven selection of Gag polymorphisms results in reduced early cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses and higher viral load set points. In support of the former, 46% of individuals with nonprotective alleles harbored a Gag polymorphism exclusively associated with a protective HLA allele, indicating a high rate of their transmission in sub-Saharan Africa. Overall, HIV disease progression is likely to be affected by the ability to mount effective Gag CTL responses as well as the replication capacity of the transmitted virus.  相似文献   



Primary HIV infection is usually caused by R5 viruses, and there is an association between the emergence of CCXR4-utilizing strains and faster disease progression. We characterized HIV-1 from a cohort of recently infected individuals in Brazil, predicted the virus''s co-receptor use based on the env genotype and attempted to correlate virus profiles with disease progression.


A total of 72 recently infected HIV patients were recruited based on the Serologic Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion and were followed every three to four months for up to 78 weeks. The HIV-1 V3 region was characterized by sequencing nine to twelve weeks after enrollment. Disease progression was characterized by CD4+ T-cell count decline to levels consistently below 350 cells/µL.


Twelve out of 72 individuals (17%) were predicted to harbor CXCR4-utilizing strains; a baseline CD4<350 was more frequent among these individuals (p = 0.03). Fifty-seven individuals that were predicted to have CCR5-utilizing viruses and 10 individuals having CXCR4-utilizing strains presented with baseline CD4>350; after 78 weeks, 33 individuals with CCR5 strains and one individual with CXCR4 strains had CD4>350 (p = 0.001). There was no association between CD4 decline and demographic characteristics or HIV-1 subtype.


Our findings confirm the presence of strains with higher in vitro pathogenicity during early HIV infection, suggesting that even among recently infected individuals, rapid progression may be a consequence of the early emergence of CXCR4-utilizing strains. Characterizing the HIV-1 V3 region by sequencing may be useful in predicting disease progression and guiding treatment initiation decisions.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infected macrophages play a significant role in the neuropathogenesis of AIDS. HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) not only facilitates HIV-1 infection but also contribute to long-lived persistence in macrophages. Our previous studies using SILAC-based proteomic analysis showed that the expression of critical metabolic enzymes in the glycolytic pathway and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle were altered in response to Vpr expression in macrophages. We hypothesized that Vpr-induced modulation of glycolysis and TCA cycle regulates glutamate metabolism and release in HIV-1 infected macrophages.

We assessed the amount of specific metabolites induced by Vpr and HIV-1 in macrophages at the intracellular and extracellular level in a time-dependent manner utilizing multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) targeted metabolomics. In addition, stable isotope-labeled glucose and an MRM targeted metabolomics assay were used to evaluate the de novo synthesis and release of glutamate in Vpr overexpressing macrophages and HIV-1 infected macrophages, throughout the metabolic flux of glycolytic pathway and TCA cycle activation.

The metabolic flux studies demonstrated an increase in glucose uptake, glutamate release and accumulation of α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) and glutamine in the extracellular milieu in Vpr expressing and HIV-1 infected macrophages. Interestingly, glutamate pools and other intracellular intermediates (glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), fructose-6-phosphate (F6P), citrate, malate, α-KG, and glutamine) showed a decreased trend except for fumarate, in contrast to the glutamine accumulation observed in the extracellular space in Vpr overexpressing macrophages.

Our studies demonstrate that dysregulation of mitochondrial glutamate metabolism induced by Vpr in HIV-1 infected macrophages commonly seen, may contribute to neurodegeneration via excitotoxic mechanisms in the context of NeuroAIDS.  相似文献   



HIV-1 exhibits a high degree of genetic diversity and is presently divided into 3 distinct HIV-1 genetic groups designated major (M), non-M/non-O (N) and outlier (O). Group M, which currently comprises 9 subtypes (A-D, F-H, J and K), at least 34 circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) and several unique recombinant forms (URFs) is responsible for most of the HIV-1 epidemic. Most of the current knowledge of HIV-1 central nervous system (CNS) infection is based on subtype B. However, subtypes other than subtype B account for the majority of global HIV-1 infections. Therefore, we investigated whether subtypes have any influence on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) markers of HIV-1 CNS infection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

CSF HIV-1 RNA, CSF neopterin and CSF white blood cell (WBC) count were measured in patients infected with different HIV-1 subtypes. Using multivariate regression analysis, no differences in the CSF WBC count, neopterin and viral load were found between various HIV-1 subtypes.


We did not find any subtype-dependent differences in the markers evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

In resting CD4(+) T lymphocytes harboring human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), replication-competent virus persists in patients responding to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). This small latent reservoir represents between 10(3) and 10(7) cells per patient. However, the efficiency of HIV-1 DNA-positive resting CD4(+) T cells in converting to HIV-1-antigen-secreting cells (HIV-1-Ag-SCs) after in vitro CD4(+)-T-cell polyclonal stimulation has not been satisfactorily evaluated. By using an HIV-1-antigen enzyme-linked immunospot assay, 8 HIV-1-Ag-SCs per 10(6) CD4(+) resting T cells were quantified in 25 patients with a plasma viral load of <20 copies/ml, whereas 379 were enumerated in 10 viremic patients. In parallel, 369 and 1,238 copies of HIV-1 DNA per 10(6) CD4(+) T cells were enumerated in the two groups of patients, respectively. Only a minority of latently HIV-1 DNA-infected CD4(+) T cells could be stimulated in vitro to become HIV-1-Ag-SCs, particularly in aviremic patients. The difference between the number of HIV-1 immunospots in viremic versus aviremic patients could be explained by HIV-1 unintegrated viral DNA that gave additional HIV-1-Ag-SCs after in vitro CD4(+)-T-cell polyclonal stimulation. The ELISPOT approach to targeting the HIV-1-Ag-SCs could be a useful method for identifying latently HIV-1-infected CD4(+) T cells carrying replication-competent HIV-1 in patients responding to HAART.  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3 (Apobec3) antiretroviral factors cause hypermutation of proviral DNA leading to degradation or replication-incompetent HIV-1. However, HIV-1 viral infectivity factor (Vif) suppresses Apobec3 activity through the Cullin 5-Elongin B-Elongin C E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. We examined the effect of genetic polymorphisms in the CUL5 gene (encoding Cullin 5 protein) on AIDS disease progression in five HIV-1 longitudinal cohorts. A total of 12 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning 93 kb in the CUL5 locus were genotyped and their haplotypes inferred. A phylogenetic network analysis revealed that CUL5 haplotypes were grouped into two clusters of evolutionarily related haplotypes. Cox survival analysis and mixed effects models were used to assess time to AIDS outcomes and CD4(+) T cell trajectories, respectively. Relative to cluster I haplotypes, the collective cluster II haplotypes were associated with more rapid CD4(+) T cell loss (relative hazards [RH] = 1.47 and p = 0.009), in a dose-dependent fashion. This effect was mainly attributable to a single cluster II haplotype (Hap10) (RH = 2.49 and p = 0.00001), possibly due to differential nuclear protein-binding efficiencies of a Hap10-specifying SNP as indicated by a gel shift assay. Consistent effects were observed for CD4(+) T cell counts and HIV-1 viral load trajectories over time. The findings of both functional and genetic epidemiologic consequences of CUL5 polymorphism on CD4(+) T cell and HIV-1 levels point to a role for Cullin 5 in HIV-1 pathogenesis and suggest interference with the Vif-Cullin 5 pathway as a possible anti-HIV-1 therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

Although several virologic and immunologic factors associated with an increased risk of perinatal human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission have been described, the mechanism of mother-to-child transmission is still unclear. More specifically, the question of whether selective pressures influence the transmission remains unanswered. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of the transmitted virus after in utero transmission and after peripartum transmission and to compare the viral heterogeneity in the child with the viral heterogeneity in the mother. To allow a very accurate characterization of the viral heterogeneity in a single sample, limiting-dilution sequencing of a 1016-bp fragment of the env gene was performed. Thirteen children were tested, including 6 with in utero infections and 7 with peripartum infections. Samples were taken the day after birth and at the ages of 6 and 14 weeks. A homogeneous virus population was seen in six (46.2%) infants, of whom two were infected in utero and four were infected peripartum. A more heterogeneous virus population was detected in seven infants (53.8%), four infected in utero and three infected peripartum. The phylogenetic trees of the mother-child pairs presented a whole range of different tree topologies and showed infection of the child by one or more maternal variants. In conclusion, after HIV-1 transmission from mother to child a heterogeneous virus population was detected in approximately one-half of the children examined. Heterogeneous virus populations were found after peripartum infection as well as after in utero infection. Phylogenetic tree topologies argue against selection processes as the major mechanism driving mother-to-child transmission but support the hypothesis that virus variability is mainly driven by the inoculum level and/or exposure time.  相似文献   

山西庞泉沟自然保护区森林群落物种多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对山西庞泉沟自然保护区森林群落进行数量分类的基础上,运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数对保护区内森林群落的物种多样性进行了研究,并对森林群落各层片之间的物种多样性进行了相关性分析.结果表明:(1)森林群落15个群丛的丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数能很好地反映各群丛多样性变化规律.(2)各群丛的丰富度指数和物种多样性指数总体上呈现草本层>灌木层>乔木层,草本层的均匀度最小,大多数森林群落乔木层和灌木层的均匀度比较接近.(3) Patrick指数、Simpson指数、Shannon指数以及Pielou指数和Alatalo指数之间表现极显著差异性(P<0.01).(4)群丛3(华北落叶松-土庄绣线菊+美蔷薇-东方草莓群丛)灌木层和草本层之间呈显著负相关(r=-0.643,P<0.05);群丛8(白桦+山杨-灰栒子+美蔷薇-中亚苔草群丛)乔木层和灌木层呈显著负相关(r=-0.458,P<0.05),灌木层和草本层则呈显著正相关(r=0.404,P<0.05);群丛11(白杄-中亚苔草+烟管头草)的乔木层和草本层之间呈显著负相关(r=-0.949,P<0.05).  相似文献   

目的探讨外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病患者阴道菌群多样性的变化。方法采集育龄期女性健康受试者(control,CN,n=50)、细菌性阴道病患者(Bacterial vaginosis,BV,n=50)、外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病患者(Vulvovaginal candidiasis,VVC,n=48)、细菌性阴道病合并外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病患者(Bacterial vaginosis in combination of vulvovaginal candidiasis,BVC,n=32)的阴道拭子,提取细菌基因组DNA,而后应用25%~55%变性梯度的PCR-DGGE进行指纹图谱分析。结果阴道菌群指纹图谱结果显示,VVC组中阴道优势菌群与CN组基本一致,但与BV组和BVC组比较差异均有统计学意义。结论外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病阴道菌群多样性无明显变化。  相似文献   

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