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Conservatism in species interaction, meaning that related species tend to interact with similar partners, is an important feature of ecological interactions. Studies at community scale highlight variations in conservatism strength depending on the characteristics of the ecological interaction studied. However, the heterogeneity of datasets and methods used prevent to compare results between mutualistic and antagonistic networks. Here we perform such a comparison by taking plant–insect communities as a study case, with data on plant–herbivore and plant–pollinator networks. Our analysis reveals that plants acting as resources for herbivores exhibit the strongest conservatism in species interaction among the four interacting groups. Conservatism levels are similar for insect pollinators, insect herbivores and plants as interacting partners of pollinators, although insect pollinators tend to have a slightly higher conservatism than the two others. Our results thus clearly support the current view that within antagonistic networks, conservatism is stronger for species as resources than for species as consumer. Although the pattern tends to be opposite for plant–pollinator networks, our results suggest that asymmetry in conservatism is much less pronounced between the pollinators and the plant they interact with. We discuss these differences in conservatism strength in relation with the processes structuring plant–insect communities.  相似文献   

Volcanic ash layers show that the products of Icelandic volcanism reached Britain and Ireland many times during the Holocene. Historical records suggest that at least one eruption, that of Laki in a.d. 1783, was associated with impacts on vegetation. These results raise the question: did Icelandic volcanism affect the Holocene vegetation history of Britain and Ireland? Several studies have used pollen data to address this issue but no clear consensus has been reached. We re-analyse the palynological data using constrained ordination with various representations of potential volcanic impacts. We find that the palynological evidence for volcanic impacts on vegetation is weak but suggest that this is a case of absence of evidence and is not necessarily evidence of absence of impact. To increase the chances of identifying volcanic impacts, future studies need to maximise temporal resolution, replicate results, and investigate a greater number of tephras in a broader range of locations, including more studies from lake sediments.  相似文献   

The 2019–2020 Australian bushfires were unprecedented both in extent and severity, impacting wildlife through direct mortality as well as habitat damage. More than 10% of koala habitat is estimated to have been affected by fires. Estimating the number of koalas lost is crucial to assess koala conservation status and to determine the appropriate management actions required. However, this is not a trivial task, as accurate data on koala distribution and population density before the fires is patchy. Acknowledging this weakness, we sought to estimate fire impact on koalas at specific sites, by comparing habitat areas affected by the fire with habitat areas that were unaffected by the fire, pairing closely related study sites (based on geography and vegetation). To compare koala density, we deployed two koala detection methods; drone-acquired thermal imagery and detection dogs coupled with genetic fingerprinting, in four fire-affected sites paired with four control sites in New South Wales and Queensland. Through drone surveys, we detected 140 koalas in 5,240 ha in New South Wales. The detection dogs found 144 scat samples corresponding to 79 unique koalas in 77 ha of transects in Queensland. Our preliminary results show many koalas were still present in fire-affected areas after the 2019–2020 bushfire season. Koala density was 24 to 71% lower in fire-affected sites compared with control sites in three of the habitat pairs, whereas unexpectedly, in the fourth pair, we observed a 317% higher koala density in the fire-affected site. This underlined that koalas can be present in fire-affected areas and that monitoring their health could be critical for months after the fires.  相似文献   

Selective logging is one of the major drivers of tropical forest degradation, causing important shifts in species composition. Whether such changes modify interactions between species and the networks in which they are embedded remain fundamental questions to assess the ‘health’ and ecosystem functionality of logged forests. We focus on interactions between lianas and their tree hosts within primary and selectively logged forests in the biodiversity hotspot of Malaysian Borneo. We found that lianas were more abundant, had higher species richness, and different species compositions in logged than in primary forests. Logged forests showed heavier liana loads disparately affecting slow-growing tree species, which could exacerbate the loss of timber value and carbon storage already associated with logging. Moreover, simulation scenarios of host tree local species loss indicated that logging might decrease the robustness of liana–tree interaction networks if heavily infested trees (i.e. the most connected ones) were more likely to disappear. This effect is partially mitigated in the short term by the colonization of host trees by a greater diversity of liana species within logged forests, yet this might not compensate for the loss of preferred tree hosts in the long term. As a consequence, species interaction networks may show a lagged response to disturbance, which may trigger sudden collapses in species richness and ecosystem function in response to additional disturbances, representing a new type of ‘extinction debt’.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the biology of Phymaturus lizards including their herbivorous diet, specialized microhabitat use, and viviparous reproductive mode are highly conserved within the group. Here, we explore two aspects of Phymaturus thermal biology and test for the co-evolution among aspects of the thermal biology in these lizards, such as thermal preferenda and critical temperatures. Secondly, we explore correlations among variation in thermal biology with elevation and latitude. To do so, we used phylogenetically based comparative analyses (PCM) together with conventional statistics. Our results show that thermal biology for Phymaturus is conservative and our data do not suggest the co-evolution of thermal variables. Moreover, we detected low levels of variation in the thermal parameters studied, and no clear relationships between climatic and thermal variables. As a significant association between climatic and thermal variables could be demonstrated for a set of syntopic Liolaemus lizards, we suggest that thermal biology in Phymaturus lizards may be evolutionarily or ecologically constrained.  相似文献   

Regeneration and predatory–prey interaction of crinoids are reviewed. Crinoids have strong powers of regeneration, and arm regeneration is common in fossil and Recent crinoids. Regenerated arms commonly start from the ligamentary articulation called syzygy or cryptosyzygy, where crinoids can autotomize their arms. Therefore, regenerated arms can be formed after loss of arms by autotomy of arms, and such autotomy is commonly the response to predatory attacks. Thus, regenerated arms can be used as the clue to estimate the predatory frequencies. Regeneration of “correct” skeletal morphology as in the original depends on the existence of adoral nerve center. A stalk without the adoral nerve center cannot regenerate the “correct” morphology of the original skeleton, but forms of “callus” as skeletal overgrowth. The strong ability of regeneration is a key factor of the success of articulate crinoids in the geologic history since the Triassic onward.  相似文献   

As the highest and largest plateau in the world, the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, with its numerous endemic species, is one of the important alpine biodiversity hotspots. Only recently have the evolutionary histories and underlying adaptations of these alpine plants become clear, through research mostly based on testable experiments and analyses. In this issue, we collected a total of 13 papers related to such aims. In addition, we selected a few published papers to highlight the major findings in the recent past. We also outlined the outlook and direction of future research.  相似文献   

C-M Hung  R M Zink 《Heredity》2014,113(1):42-51
Determining the mechanisms responsible for the distribution of genetic diversity in natural populations has occupied a central role in molecular evolution. Our study was motivated by the unprecedented observation that a widespread Eurasian flycatcher, Ficedula albicilla, exhibited no variation at the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND2 gene in 75 individuals sampled over a 5000-km distance. In contrast, its sister species, F. parva, had low but considerably higher levels of mtDNA variation. We assessed whether natural selection or demographic factors could explain the absence of mtDNA variation in F. albicilla. Eighteen nuclear genes were sequenced to estimate the two species'' phylogeographic histories, and for comparison to the mtDNA data. Multilocus coalescence analyses suggested that F. albicilla experienced a population expansion perhaps following a population bottleneck. Simulations based on this demographic history, however, did not replicate the extremely low level of mtDNA variation. Historical range changes based on ecological niche models also failed to explain the observed mtDNA patterns. Neutrality tests (DHEW and ML-HKA) suggested a non-neutral pattern in the mtDNA of F. albicilla. We found a transmembrane-skewed distribution of nonsynonymous substitutions between the two species, three of which caused functional change; the results implied that positive selection could have targeted mtDNA. Several lines of evidence support selection rather than demographic history as the main force influencing the patterns of mtDNA variation. Despite the influence of natural selection, many of the phylogeographic inferences derived from mtDNA were robust, including species limits and a high level of gene flow among populations within species.  相似文献   

The plasticity of climate-growth relationships of trees is one of the main factors determining the climate-induced changes in forest productivity and composition. In this study, high-frequency variation of tree-ring width (TRW) of four native and three alien tree species and two hybrids of Populus L. growing in Latvia (hemiboreal zone) was compared using a principal component analysis based on TRW indices for the period 1965–2009. The effect of climatic factors was assessed using a bootstrapped correlation analysis. Influence of common climatic factors related to the length of the vegetation season, winter temperature, and water regime in summer was traced in the TRW of the studied species and hybrids. The combination and effect of the identified factors differed by species (and hybrids), to a certain extent explaining the diversity of TRW patterns. Nevertheless, some similarities among the species were also observed, suggesting the plasticity of growth response. Scots pine was generally sensitive to winter temperatures, but Norway spruce was mainly sensitive to summer water regime, while black alder was sensitive to winter temperatures and precipitation in spring. In contrast, silver birch showed the lowest sensitivity to the tested climatic factors (demonstrating sensitivity to winter precipitation in a few sites), suggesting tolerance to weather fluctuations. The TRW of the alien species was primarily sensitive to climatic factors related to water regime in the summer of the year preceding the formation of tree-ring, implying differences in mechanisms regulating wood increment. Nevertheless, temperature in the dormant period was significant for European larch in a few sites, suggesting sensitivity to cold damage. The variation of TRW of Populus hybrids diverged from others, as their growth was negatively correlated with the temperature in autumn, spring, and summer and positively correlated with water balance. Although the annual water balance in Latvia is positive, the effect of water deficit on tree growth was apparent.  相似文献   



Phylogenies reconstructed with only one or a few independently inherited loci may be unresolved or incongruent due to taxon and gene sampling, horizontal gene transfer, or differential selection and lineage sorting at individual loci. In an effort to remedy this situation, we examined the utility of conserved orthologous set (COSII) nuclear loci to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among 29 diploid Solanum species in the sister clades that include tomato and potato, and in Datura inoxia as a far outgroup. We screened 40 COSII markers with intron content over 60% that are mapped in different chromosomes; selected a subset of 19 by the presence of single band amplification of size mostly between 600 and 1200 bp; sequenced these 19 COSII markers, and performed phylogenetic analyses with individual and concatenated datasets. The present study attempts to provide a fully resolved phylogeny among the main clades in potato and tomato that can help to identify the appropriate markers for future studies using additional species.  相似文献   


The life-cycle assessment (LCA) method is typically applied to products, but the potential and demand for extending its use also to other applications are high. In this respect, this paper proposes an LCA concept to be used for the assessment of human beings as new study objects, namely Life-LCA. Key challenges of such a new approach and potential solutions for those are identified and discussed.


The Life-LCA concept was developed based on a detailed desktop research. Several Life-LCA-specific challenges were identified and categorized under three research questions. One of these questions focusses on the conceptual design of a Life-LCA method while the others are addressing operational issues, which are the definition of the new study system and the practical assessment of complex human consumption behaviors. Methodological solutions are proposed, e.g., based on suggestions provided in the existing methods product LCA and organizational LCA (O-LCA).

Results and discussion

Conceptual challenges arise from the general diversity, complexity, and temporal development of human lives and consumption behaviors. We introduce Life-LCA as a two-dimensional method that covers both, the new human life cycle (dimension 1) and the life cycle of the consumed products (dimension 2). Furthermore, the two types Individual Life-LCA and Lifestyle-LCA are differentiated. Especially, the definition of a general system boundary for Life-LCA and data collection and evaluation face many operational challenges. For example, the social behavior of human beings is a new factor to be considered which causes new allocation problems in LCA. Moreover, the high demand for aggregated LCA data requires specific rules for data collection and evaluation as well as a new bottom-up product clustering scheme.


Life-LCA, either used for the assessment of individual lives or lifestyles, has the potential to raise environmental awareness of people by making their specific environmental impacts comprehensively measurable and thus, tangible. However, many challenges need to be solved in future interdisciplinary research to develop a robust and applicable method. This paper conceptualizes such an approach and proposes solutions that can serve as a framework for ongoing method development.


Wildlife–vehicle collisions are of increasing concern with regards to the continuous and accelerating anthropogenic development. Preventing and mitigating collisions with wildlife will require a better understanding of the environmental and biological drivers of collision risks. Because species of large mammals differ in terms of food requirements, habitat selection and movement behaviors we tested, at the management unit level, if the density of collisions with red deer, roe deer and wild boar differed in terms of spatial distribution and explanatory factors. From 20,275 documented collisions in France between years 1990 and 2006, we found marked differences in the most influential environmental factors accounting for the density of collisions among the three large herbivore species. The effect of road density was higher for the red deer than for the two other species and did not level off at our spatial-scale of observation. As expected, the annual hunting harvest—interpreted as a proxy of population abundance—was positively associated with the density of collisions for all species, being the strongest for red deer. While the collision density decreased with the proportion of forest in a management unit for wild boar, it increased with the fragmentation of forest for red deer that commute among forest patches between day and night. To reduce the number of wildlife–vehicle collisions, our results suggest to generalize road fencing and/or a control of abundance of large herbivore populations. Mitigation measures should target units where the collision risk is the highest for the most problematic species.  相似文献   

The microsporidian parasite Edhazardia aedis is capable of vertical or horizontal transmission among individuals of its host, the mosquito Aedes aegypti, and either mode of transmission may follow the other. We show that following the horizontal infection of host larvae, the parasite's subsequent mode of transmission largely depends on host life history traits and their responses to different environmental conditions. In two experiments the intensity of larval exposure to infection and the amount of food available to them were simultaneously manipulated. One experiment followed the dynamics of host development and the parasite's production of spores while the other estimated the outcome of their relationship. Host life history traits varied widely across treatment conditions while those of the parasite did not. Of particular importance was the host's larval growth rate. Horizontal rather than vertical transmission by the parasite was more likely as low food and high dose conditions favoured slower larval growth rates. This pattern of transmission behaviour with host growth rate can be considered in terms of reproductive value: the potential vertical transmission success that female mosquitoes offer the parasite decreases as larval growth rates slow and makes them more attractive to exploitation for horizontal transmission (requiring host mortality). However, the lack of variation in the parasite's life history traits gave rise in some conditions to low estimates for both its vertical and horizontal transmission success. We suggest that the unresponsive behaviour of the parasite's life history traits reflects a bet-hedging strategy to reduce variance in its overall transmission success in the unpredictable environmental conditions and host larval growth rates that this parasite encounters in nature.  相似文献   

Abstract The search for pattern in the ecology and evolutionary biology of insect–plant associations has fascinated biologists for centuries. High levels of tropical (low-latitude) plant and insect diversity relative to poleward latitudes and the disproportionate abundance of host-specialized insect herbivores have been noted. This review addresses several aspects of local insect specialization, host use abilities (and loss of these abilities with specialization), host-associated evolutionary divergence, and ecological (including “hybrid”) speciation, with special reference to the generation of biodiversity and the geographic and taxonomic identification of “species borders” for swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). From ancient phytochemically defined angiosperm affiliations that trace back millions of years to recent and very local specialized populations, the Papilionidae (swallowtail butterflies) have provided a model for enhanced understanding of localized ecological patterns and genetically based evolutionary processes. They have served as a useful group for evaluating the feeding specialization/physiological efficiency hypothesis. They have shown how the abiotic (thermal) environment interacts with host nutrirional suitability to generate “voltinism/suitability” gradients in specialization or preference latitudinally, and geographical mosaics locally. Several studies reviewed here suggest strongly that the oscillation hypothesis for speciation does have considerable merit, but at the same time, some species-level host specializations may lead to evolutionary dead-ends, especially with rapid environmental/habitat changes involving their host plants. Latitudinal gradients in species richness and degree of herbivore feeding specialization have been impacted by recent developments in ecological genetics and evolutionary ecology. Localized insect–plant associations that span the biospectrum from polyphenisms, polymorphisms, biotypes, demes, host races, to cryptic species, remain academically contentious, with simple definitions still debated. However, molecular analyses combined with ecological, ethological and physiological studies, have already begun to unveil some answers for many important ecological/evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

The impacts of climatic change on organisms depend on the interaction of multiple stressors and how these may affect the interactions among species. Consumer–prey relationships may be altered by changes to the abundance of either species, or by changes to the per capita interaction strength among species. To examine the effects of multiple stressors on a species interaction, we test the direct, interactive effects of ocean warming and lowered pH on an abundant marine herbivore (the amphipod Peramphithoe parmerong), and whether this herbivore is affected indirectly by these stressors altering the palatability of its algal food (Sargassum linearifolium). Both increased temperature and lowered pH independently reduced amphipod survival and growth, with the impacts of temperature outweighing those associated with reduced pH. Amphipods were further affected indirectly by changes to the palatability of their food source. The temperature and pH conditions in which algae were grown interacted to affect algal palatability, with acidified conditions only affecting feeding rates when algae were also grown at elevated temperatures. Feeding rates were largely unaffected by the conditions faced by the herbivore while feeding. These results indicate that, in addition to the direct effects on herbivore abundance, climatic stressors will affect the strength of plant–herbivore interactions by changes to the susceptibility of plant tissues to herbivory.  相似文献   

The archaeal phylum ‘Diapherotrites'' was recently proposed based on phylogenomic analysis of genomes recovered from an underground water seep in an abandoned gold mine (Homestake mine in Lead, SD, USA). Here we present a detailed analysis of the metabolic capabilities and genomic features of three single amplified genomes (SAGs) belonging to the ‘Diapherotrites''. The most complete of the SAGs, Candidatus ‘Iainarchaeum andersonii'' (Cand. IA), had a small genome (∼1.24 Mb), short average gene length (822 bp), one ribosomal RNA operon, high coding density (∼90.4%), high percentage of overlapping genes (27.6%) and low incidence of gene duplication (2.16%). Cand. IA genome possesses limited catabolic capacities that, nevertheless, could theoretically support a free-living lifestyle by channeling a narrow range of substrates such as ribose, polyhydroxybutyrate and several amino acids to acetyl-coenzyme A. On the other hand, Cand. IA possesses relatively well-developed anabolic capabilities, although it remains auxotrophic for several amino acids and cofactors. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the majority of Cand. IA anabolic genes were acquired from bacterial donors via horizontal gene transfer. We thus propose that members of the ‘Diapherotrites'' have evolved from an obligate symbiotic ancestor by acquiring anabolic genes from bacteria that enabled independent biosynthesis of biological molecules previously acquired from symbiotic hosts. ‘Diapherotrites'' 16S rRNA genes exhibit multiple mismatches with the majority of archaeal 16S rRNA primers, a fact that could be responsible for their observed rarity in amplicon-generated data sets. The limited substrate range, complex growth requirements and slow growth rate predicted could be responsible for its refraction to isolation.  相似文献   

In habitats where colonization and extinction are recurrent, the distribution of gene frequencies among patches of suitable habitat may reflect the age structure of different populations. In this study, we quantify population genetic structure for a pioneer tree species, Antirhea borbonica, in a chrono-sequence of primary succession on the lava flows of the Piton de La Fournaise volcano (La Réunion). Using microsatellite loci and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, we quantified genetic variation within and among populations for early- and late-succession populations in a landscape where extinction and recolonization are recurrent (the ‘Grand Brûlé’) and for late-succession populations in a more stable landscape. This study produced three main results. First, we detected no evidence that founder events increase genetic differentiation among colonizing populations; FST values among early- and among late-succession populations were similar. Second, we found no evidence for isolation by distance; genetic distance was not correlated with spatial distance within and among populations. Third, FIS values are consistently high in all populations, despite the fact that A. borbonica populations are functionally close to dioecy and thus expected to have an outcrossing mating system. Multiple colonization events from different sources may limit differentiation among young populations and spatial isolation may enhance differentiation among late-succession populations. Ecological processes acting during colonization may create the conditions for spatial aggregation within pioneer populations, and thus contribute to the high FIS values.  相似文献   

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