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The Alpheidae-possibly the most diverse family of recent decapod crustaceans-offers attractive opportunities to study the evolution of many intriguing phenomena, including key morphological innovations like spectacular snapping claws, highly specialized body forms, facultative and obligate symbioses with many animal groups, and sophisticated behaviors like eusociality. However, studies of these remarkable adaptations remain hampered by insufficient phylogenetic information. We present the first phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships among 36 extant genera of alpheid shrimps, based on a cladistic analysis of 122 morphological characters from 56 species, and we use this hypothesis to explore evolutionary trends in morphology and species diversity. Our results strongly supported a monophyletic Alpheidae that included two hitherto difficult-to-place genera (Yagerocaris and Pterocaris). Of 35+ nodes among genera, all were supported by at least one morphological character (24 were supported by two or more) and 17 received greater than 50% jackknife support. Unfortunately, many basal nodes were only weakly supported. Six genera appeared nonmonophyletic, including the dominant genus Alpheus (paraphyletic due to inclusion of one clade with three minor genera). Evolutionary trends in alpheid claw form shed some revealing light on how key innovations evolve. First, several functionally significant features of the cheliped (claw bearing leg) evolved independently multiple times, including: asymmetry, folding, inverted orientation, sexual dimorphism, adhesive plaques that enhance claw cocking, and tooth-cavity systems on opposing claw fingers, a preadaptation for snapping. Many conspicuous features of alpheid claw form therefore appear prone to parallel evolution. Second, although tooth-cavity systems evolved multiple times, a functional snapping claw, which likely facilitated an explosive radiation of over 550 species, evolved only once (in Synalpheus + [Alpheus + satellite genera]). Third, adhesive plaques (claw cocking aids) also evolved multiple times, and within snapping alpheids are associated with the most diverse clade (Alpheus + derivative genera). This pattern of parallel preadaptation-multiple independent evolutionary origins of precursors (preadaptations) to what ultimately became a key innovation (adaptation)-suggests alpheid shrimp claws are predisposed to develop features like tooth-cavity and adhesive plaque systems for functional or developmental reasons. Such functional/developmental predisposition may facilitate the origin of key innovations. Finally, moderate orbital hoods-anterior projections of the carapace partly or completely covering the eyes-occur in many higher Alpheidae and likely evolved before snapping claws. They are unique among decapod crustaceans, and their elaboration in snapping alpheids suggests they may protect the eyes from the stress of explosive snaps. Thus one key innovation (orbital hoods) may have facilitated evolution of a second (snapping claws).  相似文献   

Although molecular oxygen is a relative newcomer to the biosphere, it has had a profound impact on metabolism. About 700 oxygen‐dependent enzymatic reactions are known, the vast majority of which emerged only after the appearance of oxygen in the biosphere, circa 3 billion years ago. Oxygen was a major driving force for evolutionary innovation—~60% of all known oxygen‐dependent enzyme families emerged as such; that is, the founding ancestor was an O2‐dependent enzyme. The other 40% seem to have diverged by tinkering from pre‐existing proteins whose function was not related to oxygen. Here, we focus on the latter. We describe transitions from various enzyme classes, as well as from non‐enzymatic proteins, and we explore these transitions in terms of catalytic chemistry, metabolism, and protein structure. These transitions vary from subtle ones, such as simply repurposing oxidoreductases by replacing an electron acceptor such as NAD by O2, to drastic changes in reaction mechanism, such as turning carboxylases and hydrolases into oxidases. The latter is more common and can occur with strikingly minor changes, for example, only one mutation in the active site. We further suggest that engineering enzymes to harness the extraordinary reactivity of oxygen may yield higher catabolic power and versatility.  相似文献   



Land plants (embryophytes) are monophyletic and encompass four major clades: liverworts, mosses, hornworts and polysporangiophytes. The liverworts are resolved as the earliest divergent lineage and the mosses as sister to a crown clade formed by the hornworts and polysporangiophytes (lycophytes, monilophytes and seed plants). Alternative topologies resolving the hornworts as sister to mosses plus polysporangiophytes are less well supported. Sporophyte development in liverworts depends only on embryonic formative cell divisions. A transient basal meristem contributes part of the sporophyte in mosses. The sporophyte body in hornworts and polysporangiophytes develops predominantly by post-embryonic meristematic activity.


This paper explores the origin of the sporophyte shoot in terms of changes in embryo organization. Pressure towards amplification of the sporangium-associated photosynthetic apparatus was a major driver of sporophyte evolution. Starting from a putative ancestral condition in which a transient basal meristem produced a sporangium-supporting seta, we postulate that in the hornwort–polysporangiophyte lineage the basal meristem acquired indeterminate meristematic activity and ectopically expressed the sporangium morphogenetic programme. The resulting sporophyte body plan remained substantially unaltered in hornworts, whereas in polysporangiophytes the persistent meristem shifted from a mid-embryo to a superficial position and was converted into an ancestral shoot apical meristem with the evolution of sequential vegetative and reproductive growth.


The sporophyte shoot is interpreted as a sterilized sporangial axis interpolated between the embryo and the fertile sporangium. With reference to the putatively ancestral condition found in mosses, the sporophyte body plans in hornworts and polysporangiophytes are viewed as the product of opposite heterochronic events, i.e. an anticipation and a delay, respectively, in the development of the sporangium. In either case the result was a pedomorphic sporophyte permanently retaining juvenile characters.  相似文献   

The avian beak is a key evolutionary innovation whose flexibility has permitted birds to diversify into a range of disparate ecological niches. We approached the problem of the mechanism behind this innovation using an approach bridging paleontology, comparative anatomy, and experimental developmental biology. First, we used fossil and extant data to show the beak is distinctive in consisting of fused premaxillae that are geometrically distinct from those of ancestral archosaurs. To elucidate underlying developmental mechanisms, we examined candidate gene expression domains in the embryonic face: the earlier frontonasal ectodermal zone (FEZ) and the later midfacial WNT‐responsive region, in birds and several reptiles. This permitted the identification of an autapomorphic median gene expression region in Aves. To test the mechanism, we used inhibitors of both pathways to replicate in chicken the ancestral amniote expression. Altering the FEZ altered later WNT responsiveness to the ancestral pattern. Skeletal phenotypes from both types of experiments had premaxillae that clustered geometrically with ancestral fossil forms instead of beaked birds. The palatal region was also altered to a more ancestral phenotype. This is consistent with the fossil record and with the tight functional association of avian premaxillae and palate in forming a kinetic beak.  相似文献   

Snakes evolved from lizards but have dramatically different eyes. These differences are cited widely as compelling evidence that snakes had fossorial and nocturnal ancestors. Their eyes, however, also exhibit similarities to those of aquatic vertebrates. We used a comparative analysis of ophthalmic data among vertebrate taxa to evaluate alternative hypotheses concerning the ecological origin of the distinctive features of the eyes of snakes. In parsimony and phenetic analyses, eye and orbital characters retrieved groupings more consistent with ecological adaptation rather than accepted phylogenetic relationships. Fossorial lizards and mammals cluster together, whereas snakes are widely separated from these taxa and instead cluster with primitively aquatic vertebrates. This indicates that the eyes of snakes most closely resemble those of aquatic vertebrates, and suggests that the early evolution of snakes occurred in aquatic environments.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 469–482.  相似文献   

The degree to which evolutionary outcomes are historically contingent remains unresolved, with studies at different levels of the biological hierarchy reaching different conclusions. Here we examine historical contingency in the origin of two evolutionary novelties in bryozoans, a phylum of colonial animals whose fossil record is as complete as that of any major group. In cheilostomes, the dominant living bryozoans, key innovations were the costal shield and ascus, which first appeared in the Cretaceous 85–95 Myr ago. We establish the parallel origin of these structures less than 12 Myr ago in an extant bryozoan genus, Cauloramphus, with transitional stages remarkably similar to those inferred for a Cretaceous clade. By one measure, long lag times in the first origins of costal shield and ascus suggest a high degree of historical contingency. This, however, does not equate with dependence on a narrow set of initial conditions or a low probability of evolution. More than one set of initial conditions may lead to an evolutionary outcome, and alternative sets are not entirely independent. We argue that, although historically contingent, the origin of ascus and costal shield was highly likely with sufficient possibilities afforded by time.  相似文献   

The evidence of ethics attitudes are quite difficult to be identified in the archaeological record. One of the first attitudes we can assume from the archeological record are those related with the recognition of death and how this recognition change the attitudes related with the deposition of humans corpses when death. The presence of graves or burials are firstly related with the Middle Palaeolithic in Eurasia. Its presence and distribution present many questions not so easy to solve. With the Upper Palaeolithic, the presence of items like decoration elements and those related broadly with “offerings”, give us the opportunity to understand the role of the individuals in the society.  相似文献   

The appearance of feathers defines the appearance of birds. A number of changes defined, preceded or accompanied the event. The changes were hierarchical in nature and included revolutions in genomic organization (i.e., HOX and the feather keratin genes), protein sequence and shape, the large scale organization of proteins into filaments, and in the geometry of the cells and their roles in the follicle. Changes at each of these levels differ or produced different products than found in its analog in reptiles. They are essentially unique to birds and produced an evolutionary novelty. I used analysis of extant structure and information on development to reconstruct key events in the evolution of feathers. The ancestral reptilian epidermal structure, while probably a scale or tubercles, is still unidentified. The structural genes of feather proteins (φ-keratin) are tandem repeats probably assembled from pre-existing exons. They are unlike the alpha-keratin of vertebrate soft epidermis. Amino-acid composition, shape, and behavior of feather keratins are unique among vertebrates. The 3-dimensional organization of the follicle and the developmental processes are also unique. Although we lack a complete understanding of the appearance and early role of feathers, they are clearly the results of novel events.  相似文献   

An evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) approach to understanding the evolution, homology, and development of structures has proved important for unraveling complex integrated skeletal systems through the use of modules, or modularity. An ocular skeleton, which consists of cartilage and sometimes bone, is present in many vertebrates; however, the origin of these two components remains elusive. Using both paleontological and developmental data, I propose that the vertebrate ocular skeleton is neural crest derived and that a single cranial neural crest module divided early in vertebrate evolution, possibly during the Ordovician, to give rise to an endoskeletal component and an exoskeletal component within the eye. These two components subsequently became uncoupled with respect to timing, placement within the sclera and inductive epithelia, enabling them to evolve independently and to diversify. In some extant groups, these two modules have become reassociated with one another. Furthermore, the data suggest that the endoskeletal component of the ocular skeleton was likely established and therefore evolved before the exoskeletal component. This study provides important insights into the evolution of the ocular skeleton, a region with a long evolutionary history among vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the modern sea urchin species, subclass Euechinoidea, primary mesenchyme cells are derived from the progeny of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage of embryogenesis. The micromeres reside within the vegetal plate epithelium and later ingress into the blastocoel as primary mesenchyme cells which form the larval skeleton. Embryos of Eucidaris tribuloides, a member of the primitive subclass Perischoechinoidea, exhibit several noteworthy differences from euechinoid primary mesenchyme cell lineage including variable numbers and sizes of micromeres, the absence of mesenchyme ingression, and the lack of any detectable primary mesenchyme although a larval skeleton forms. In the present study, the cell lineage of the spiculogenic mesenchyme has been studied in Eucidaris tribuloides and in the euechinoid Lytechinus pictus by microinjecting the fluorescent tracer, Lucifer Yellow, into individual blastomeres of the embryo. In addition, wheat germ agglutinin, a lectin which binds only to primary mesenchyme cells of the early euechinoid embryo, was injected into the blastocoel of embryos of both species in order to examine the distribution of cells which possess primary mesenchyme-specific cell surface markers. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the spiculogenic mesenchyme of both Lytechinus and Eucidaris arise from descendants of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage, although the temporal and spatial distribution of these mesenchyme cells varies considerably between species. Furthermore, the evidence obtained suggests that the information necessary for spicule formation is already segregated to the vegetal pole by the eight cell stage. The results also suggest that there are no gap junctions present between the blastomeres of the early sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

The rapid diversification of early Metazoa remains one of the most puzzling events in the fossil record. Several models have been proposed to explain a critical aspect of this event: the origin of Metazoan development. These include the origin of the eukaryotic cell, environmental triggers, key innovations or selection among cell lineages. Here, the first three hypotheses are evaulated within a phylogenetic framework using fossil, molecular and developmental evidence. Many elements of metazoan development are widely distributed among unicellular eukaryotes, yet only 3 of the 23 multicellular eukaryotic lineages evolved complex development. Molecular evidence indicates the lineage leading to the eukaryotic cell is nearly as old as the eubacterial and archaebacterial lineages, although the symbiotic events established that the eukaryotic cell probably occurred about 1.5 billion years ago. Yet Metazoa did not appear until 1000 to 600 million years ago (Myr), suggesting the origin of metazoan development must be linked to either an environmental trigger, perhaps an increase in atmospheric oxygen, or key innovations such as the development of collagen. Yet the first model fails to explain the unique appearance of complex development in Metazoa, while the latter fails to explain the simultaneous diversification of several ‘protist’ groups along with the Metazoa. A more complete model of the origin of metazoan development combines environmental triggering of a series of innovations, with successive innovations generating radiations of metazoan clades as lineages breached functional thresholds. The elaboration of new cell classes and the appearance of such developmental innovations as cell sheets may have been of particular importance. Evolutionary biologists often implicitly assume that evolution is a uniformitarian, time-homogeneous process without strong temporal asymmetries in evolutionary mechanisms, rate or context. Yet evolutionary patterns do exhibit such asymmetries, raising the possibility that such innovations as metazoan development impose non-uniformities of evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Insertions and deletions of lengths not divisible by 3 in protein-coding sequences cause frameshifts that usually induce premature stop codons and may carry a high fitness cost. However, this cost can be partially offset by a second compensatory indel restoring the reading frame. The role of such pairs of compensatory frameshifting mutations (pCFMs) in evolution has not been studied systematically. Here, we use whole-genome alignments of protein-coding genes of 100 vertebrate species, and of 122 insect species, studying the prevalence of pCFMs in their divergence. We detect a total of 624 candidate pCFM genes; six of them pass stringent quality filtering, including three human genes: RAB36, ARHGAP6, and NCR3LG1. In some instances, amino acid substitutions closely predating or following pCFMs restored the biochemical similarity of the frameshifted segment to the ancestral amino acid sequence, possibly reducing or negating the fitness cost of the pCFM. Typically, however, the biochemical similarity of the frameshifted sequence to the ancestral one was not higher than the similarity of a random sequence of a protein-coding gene to its frameshifted version, indicating that pCFMs can uncover radically novel regions of protein space. In total, pCFMs represent an appreciable and previously overlooked source of novel variation in amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

The origin of Eucalyptus vernicosa, a unique shrub eucalypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The morphology of the Tasmanian yellow gum eucalypts varies clinally over less than 1.5 km on Mt Arrowsmith, from small shrubs on the mountaintops (Eucalyptus vernicosa) , through small trees (E. subcrenulata) in sub-alpine woodland, to tall forest trees near the base of the mountain (classified as E. johnstonii or E. subcrenulata). This cline suggests a possible origin of E. vernicosa by primary differentiation. This study examines the origin of E. vernicosa on Mt Arrowsmith and two other Tasmanian mountains using four microsatellite loci. The analysis confirmed the continuous nature of the morphological variation on Mt Arrowsmith, whereas the variation on the other mountains was discontinuous. However, no corresponding pattern of clinal variation was found in microsatellite markers, with a large discontinuity between the E. vernicosa and E. subcrenulata. Eucalyptus vernicosa populations from widely separated mountains had greater genetic affinities to each other than to parapatric populations of E. subcrenulata. Morphologically intermediate phenotypes between E. vernicosa and E. subcrenulata were genetically indistinguishable from E. vernicosa. This pattern of genetic differentiation suggests that E. vernicosa evolved in allopatry and the cline on Mt Arrowsmith arose from two gene pools converging in morphology from opposite directions.  相似文献   

The origin of eutherian mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Palaeontologically recognizable eutherians originated no later than the Early Cretaceous in warm, probably moderately seasonal climates. Immediate ancestors were small, sharing many anatomical, physiological and reproductive features with small modern marsupials. Development of characteristically eutherian features involved interactions of body size, rates of metabolism, energetic costs of reproduction, anatomical/physiological processes of development and effects of each upon rates of population growth. In contrast to eutherians, marsupials have a narrow range of basal metabolic rates (lacking high rates), and show no direct links between rate of energy expenditure and gestation period, postnatal growth rate, fecundity or reproductive potential. Biological implications of this contrast are most pronounced at small body sizes. When resources are abundant, the relatively higher growth rates and earlier maturation of small eutherians (particularly those with high rates of metabolism) can lead to rapid population growth; among most marsupials, however, both pre- and postnatal constraints apparently preclude attainment of such high rates of reproduction. Also, only eutherians among the amniotes combine intimacy of placentation with prolonged active intra-uterine morphogenesis. Once established, that combination permitted (and even favoured) increases in diversity of adaptation in such disparate aspects as elevated metabolic rate, increased pre- and postnatal growth rates, increased encephalization, greater longevity, increased gregariousness, greater karyotypic flexibility, and augmented variability in adult morphology. However, all such boosts in diversity were probably secondary and dependent upon prior innovation of trophoblastic/uterine wall immunological protection of foetal tissues during prolonged intra-uterine development. Increased metabolic rates followed thereafter, with synergisms that may have speeded evolution among early eutherians. Eutherian-style trophoblast probably originated in the Mesozoic. Dependent adaptations, variably expressed, evolved later in sundry descendant lineages. Reproductive differences between marsupials and eutherians are not biologically trivial; to the contrary, breakthroughs among eutherians assured their dominance: (1) in high intensity food habits; (2) at small body masses; and (3) in very cold climates.  相似文献   

The origin and early evolution of birds   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Birds evolved from and are phylogenetically recognized as members of the theropod dinosaurs; their first known member is the Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx, now represented by seven skeletons and a feather, and their closest known non-avian relatives are the dromaeosaurid theropods such as Deinonychus. Bird flight is widely thought to have evolved from the trees down, but Archaeopteryx and its outgroups show no obvious arboreal or tree-climbing characters, and its wing planform and wing loading do not resemble those of gliders. The ancestors of birds were bipedal, terrestrial, agile, cursorial and carnivorous or omnivorous. Apart from a perching foot and some skeletal fusions, a great many characters that are usually considered ‘avian’ (e.g. the furcula, the elongated forearm, the laterally flexing wrist and apparently feathers) evolved in non-avian theropods for reasons unrelated to birds or to flight. Soon after Archaeopteryx, avian features such as the pygostyle, fusion of the carpometacarpus, and elongated curved pedal claws with a reversed, fully descended and opposable hallux, indicate improved flying ability and arboreal habits. In the further evolution of birds, characters related to the flight apparatus phylogenetically preceded those related to the rest of the skeleton and skull. Mesozoic birds are more diverse and numerous than thought previously and the most diverse known group of Cretaceous birds, the Enantiornithes, was not even recognized until 1981. The vast majority of Mesozoic bird groups have no Tertiary records: Enantiornithes, Hesperornithiformes, Ichthyornithiformes and several other lineages disappeared by the end of the Cretaceous. By that time, a few Linnean ‘Orders’ of extant birds had appeared, but none of these taxa belongs to extant ‘families’, and it is not until the Paleocene or (in most cases) the Eocene that the majority of extant bird ‘Orders’ are known in the fossil record. There is no evidence for a major or mass extinction of birds at the end of the Cretaceous, nor for a sudden ‘bottleneck’ in diversity that fostered the early Tertiary origination of living bird ‘Orders’.  相似文献   

Theories on the origin of vertebrate teeth have long focused on chondrichthyans as reflecting a primitive condition—but this is better informed by the extinct placoderms, which constitute a sister clade or grade to the living gnathostomes. Here, we show that ‘supragnathal’ toothplates from the acanthothoracid placoderm Romundina stellina comprise multi-cuspid teeth, each composed of an enameloid cap and core of dentine. These were added sequentially, approximately circumferentially, about a pioneer tooth. Teeth are bound to a bony plate that grew with the addition of marginal teeth. Homologous toothplates in arthrodire placoderms exhibit a more ordered arrangement of teeth that lack enameloid, but their organization into a gnathal, bound by layers of cellular bone associated with the addition of each successional tooth, is the same. The presence of enameloid in the teeth of Romundina suggests that it has been lost in other placoderms. Its covariation in the teeth and dermal skeleton of placoderms suggests a lack of independence early in the evolution of jawed vertebrates. It also appears that the dentition—manifest as discrete gnathal ossifications—was developmentally discrete from the jaws during this formative episode of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

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