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Post-learning sleep facilitates negative memory consolidation and also helps preserve it over several years. It is believed, therefore, that sleep deprivation may help prevent consolidation of fearful memory. Its effect, however, on consolidation of negative/frightening memories is not known. Cued fear-conditioning (CuFC) is a widely used model to understand the neural basis of negative memory associated with anxiety disorders. In this study, we first determined the suitable circadian timing for consolidation of CuFC memory and changes in sleep architecture after CuFC. Thereafter, we studied the effect of sleep deprivation on CuFC memory consolidation. Three sets of experiments were performed in male Wistar rat (n = 51). In experiment-I, animals were conditioned to cued-fear by presenting ten tone-shock paired stimuli during lights-on (7 AM) (n = 9) and lights-off (7 PM) (n = 9) periods. In experiment-II, animals were prepared for polysomnographic recording (n = 8) and changes in sleep architecture after CuFC was determined. Further in experiment-III, animals were cued fear-conditioned during the lights-off period and were randomly divided into four groups: Sleep-Deprived (SD) (n = 9), Non-Sleep Deprived (NSD) (n = 9), Stress Control (SC) (n = 9) and Tone Control (n = 7). Percent freezing amount, a hallmark of fear, was compared statistically in these groups. Rats trained during the lights-off period exhibited significantly more freezing compared to lights-on period. In CuFC trained animals, total sleep amount did not change, however, REM sleep decreased significantly. Further, out of total sleep time, animals spent proportionately more time in NREM sleep. Nevertheless, SD animals exhibited significantly less freezing compared to NSD and SC groups. These data suggest that sleep plays an important role in the consolidation of cued fear-conditioned memory.  相似文献   

Leucine accumulates in fluids and tissues of patients affected by maple syrup urine disease, an inherited metabolic disorder, predominantly characterized by neurological dysfunction. Although, a variable degree of cognition/psychomotor delay/mental retardation is found in a considerable number of individuals affected by this deficieny, the mechanisms underlying the neuropathology of these alterations are still not defined. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acute intra-hippocampal leucine administration in the step-down test in rats. In addition, the leucine effects on the electrophysiological parameter, long-term potentiation generation, and on the activities of the respiratory chain were also investigated. Male Wistar rats were bilaterally administrated with leucine (80 nmol/hippocampus; 160 nmol/rat) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (controls) into the hippocampus immediately post-training in the behavioral task. Twenty-four hours after training in the step-down test, the latency time was evaluated and afterwards animals were sacrificed for assessing the ex vivo biochemical measurements. Leucine-treated animals showed impairment in memory consolidation and a complete inhibition of long-term potentiation generation at supramaximal stimulation. In addition, a significant increment in complex IV activity was observed in hippocampus from leucine-administered rats. These data strongly indicate that leucine compromise memory consolidation, and that impairment of long-term potentiation generation and unbalance of the respiratory chain may be plausible mechanisms underlying the deleterious leucine effect on cognition.  相似文献   

Unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), including omega-3, omega-6 polyunsaturated and omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids, are essential components and modulators of neuromembranes and may affect various aspects of physiology and cognition. UFAs are suggested to positively affect spatial learning and memory and also to diminish the negative consequences of physiological stress on cognitive abilities. Due to pronounced sex differences in neurophysiological functions, we hypothesize that these UFA-related effects might differ between male and female individuals. We therefore determined the effects of dietary UFAs on cognitive performances in a radial-Y-maze in male and female guinea pigs in relation to saliva cortisol concentrations, a marker for physiological stress. Animals were assigned to four treatment groups and maintained on diets enriched in either chia seeds (omega-3), walnuts (omega-6), or peanuts (omega-9), or a control diet. Female learning abilities throughout a three-day learning phase were positively affected by omega-3 and omega-9, as determined by a decreasing latency to pass the test and the number of conducted errors, while males generally showed distinct learning abilities, irrespective of the diet. A sex difference in learning performances was found in the control group, with males outperforming females, which was not detected in the UFA-supplemented groups. This was paralleled by significantly increased saliva cortisol concentrations in males throughout the cognition test compared to females. Three days after this learning phase, UFA-supplemented males and all females showed unchanged performances, while control males showed an increased latency and therefore an impaired performance. These results were corroborated by pronounced differences in the plasma UFA-status, corresponding to the different dietary treatments. Our findings indicate sex-specific effects of dietary UFAs, apparently enhancing spatial learning abilities only in females and protecting males from long-term memory impairment, while male learning abilities seem to be more strongly affected by an acute physiological stress response to the maze task.  相似文献   

While having the highest vitamin C (VitC) concentrations in the body, specific functions of VitC in the brain have only recently been acknowledged. We have shown that postnatal VitC deficiency in guinea pigs causes impairment of hippocampal memory function and leads to 30% less neurons. This study investigates how prenatal VitC deficiency affects postnatal hippocampal development and if any such effect can be reversed by postnatal VitC repletion. Eighty pregnant Dunkin Hartley guinea pig dams were randomized into weight stratified groups receiving High (900 mg) or Low (100 mg) VitC per kg diet. Newborn pups (n = 157) were randomized into a total of four postnatal feeding regimens: High/High (Control); High/Low (Depleted), Low/Low (Deficient); and Low/High (Repleted). Proliferation and migration of newborn cells in the dentate gyrus was assessed by BrdU labeling and hippocampal volumes were determined by stereology. Prenatal VitC deficiency resulted in a significant reduction in postnatal hippocampal volume (P<0.001) which was not reversed by postnatal repletion. There was no difference in postnatal cellular proliferation and survival rates in the hippocampus between dietary groups, however, migration of newborn cells into the granular layer of the hippocampus dentate gyrus was significantly reduced in prenatally deficient animals (P<0.01). We conclude that a prenatal VitC deficiency in guinea pigs leads to persistent impairment of postnatal hippocampal development which is not alleviated by postnatal repletion. Our findings place attention on a yet unrecognized consequence of marginal VitC deficiency during pregnancy.  相似文献   



Anesthetic exposure early in life affects neural development and long-term cognitive function, but our understanding of the types of memory that are altered is incomplete. Specific cognitive tests in rodents that isolate different memory processes provide a useful approach for gaining insight into this issue.


Postnatal day 7 (P7) rats were exposed to either desflurane or isoflurane at 1 Minimum Alveolar Concentration for 4 h. Acute neuronal death was assessed 12 h later in the thalamus, CA1-3 regions of hippocampus, and dentate gyrus. In separate behavioral experiments, beginning at P48, subjects were evaluated in a series of object recognition tests relying on associative learning, as well as social recognition.


Exposure to either anesthetic led to a significant increase in neuroapoptosis in each brain region. The extent of neuronal death did not differ between groups. Subjects were unaffected in simple tasks of novel object and object-location recognition. However, anesthetized animals from both groups were impaired in allocentric object-location memory and a more complex task requiring subjects to associate an object with its location and contextual setting. Isoflurane exposure led to additional impairment in object-context association and social memory.


Isoflurane and desflurane exposure during development result in deficits in tasks relying on associative learning and recognition memory. Isoflurane may potentially cause worse impairment than desflurane.  相似文献   

Practice on a procedural task involves within-session learning and between-session consolidation of learning, with the latter requiring a minimum of about four hours to evolve due to involvement of slower cellular processes. Learning to attend to threats is vital for survival and thus may involve faster memory consolidation than simple procedural learning. Here, we tested whether attention to threat modulates the time-course and magnitude of learning and memory consolidation effects associated with skill practice. All participants (N = 90) practiced in two sessions on a dot-probe task featuring pairs of neutral and angry faces followed by target probes which were to be discriminated as rapidly as possible. In the attend-threat training condition, targets always appeared at the angry face location, forming an association between threat and target location; target location was unrelated to valence in a control training condition. Within each attention training condition, duration of the between-session rest interval was varied to establish the time-course for emergence of consolidation effects. During the first practice session, we observed robust improvement in task performance (online, within-session gains), followed by saturation of learning. Both training conditions exhibited similar overall learning capacities, but performance in the attend-threat condition was characterized by a faster learning rate relative to control. Consistent with the memory consolidation hypothesis, between-session performance gains (delayed gains) were observed only following a rest interval. However, rest intervals of 1 and 24 hours yielded similar delayed gains, suggesting accelerated consolidation processes. Moreover, attend-threat training resulted in greater delayed gains compared to the control condition. Auxiliary analyses revealed that enhanced performance was retained over several months, and that training to attend to neutral faces resulted in effects similar to control. These results provide a novel demonstration of how attention to threat can accelerate and enhance memory consolidation effects associated with skill acquisition.  相似文献   

Patients with sepsis are often immune suppressed, and experimental mouse models of sepsis also display this feature. However, acute sepsis in mice is also characterized by a generalized B cell activation and plasma cell differentiation, resulting in a marked increase in serum antibody concentration. Its effects on humoral memory are not clearly defined. We measured the effects of experimental sepsis on long-term immunological memory for a defined antigen: we induced colon ascendens stent peritonitis (CASP) 8 weeks after 2 rounds of immunization with ovalbumin. Four weeks later, the antigen-specific bone marrow plasma cell count had doubled in immunized non-septic animals, but remained unchanged in immunized septic animals. Sepsis also caused a decrease in antigen-specific serum antibody concentration. We conclude that sepsis weakens humoral memory by impeding the antigen-specific plasma cell pool’s development, which is not complete 8 weeks after secondary immunization.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic appearance of three independant spermatozoa autoantigens (S, P and T) has been studied in guinea pig germinal cells by immunofluorescence and comparison with cytology and histological structures during early maturation of seminiferous tubule cells. The maturation of 120 testes from 60 guinea pigs studied from day 1 to day 50 after birth has shown an evolution in 3 periods. During the first, or negative, period (day 1 to day 25), only spermatogonia (from day 1) and spermatocytes I (from day 16) are present. No significant PAS-positive formations are seen and no autoantigen is detected. During the second, or transitional, period (day 26 to 29), spermatocytes II and spermatids appear as well as paranuclear PAS-positive golgian proacrosomal and acrosomal granules. At the same time, the three autoantigens S, P and T are detected on the same PAS-positive formations with a frequency that increases from day to day. During the third, or positive, period (from day 30) all testes present cells with PAS-positive formation, progressive maturation of acrosomes in spermatids and appearance of spermatozoa (present on day 39) leading to the adult structure of seminiferous tubules. The three autoantigens are constantly present during that period. The simultaneous appearance of the 3 antigens in haploid germinal cells (spermatids and possibly spermatocytes II) as an early expression of cytodifferentiation and their total absence from diploid germinal cells (spermatogonia and spermatocytes I) seem to be of biological significance.  相似文献   

An experimental model of nonbacteremic pneumonia with a virulent strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was successfully established in guinea pigs immunosuppressed with cortisone acetate although the organisms were eliminated rapidly from the lungs without cortisone treatment. Using a pocket nebulizer, almost all the animals which received 106 organisms/g-lung developed bronchopneumonia without any septic findings as long as 10 days after challenge. The lesions produced in such animals were characterized by dissemination of multiple purulogranulomatous changes. In the early stage of infection, infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in the bronchiolar and alveolar spaces was diffuse, later showing multifocal accumulation with the formation of central spherical grains enclosing bacterial colonies. In the later stage, granulation tissue consisting of large mononuclear cells, fibroblasts and collagen fibers developed around the PMN accumulation. The animals which received 107 organisms/g-lung, on the other hand, developed severe pulmonary hemorrhages and necrosis followed by septic death.  相似文献   

Behavioural phenotypes can be studied from a variety of perspectives. Recent developments have focused on the individual, seeking patterns of behaviour that are stable over time and/or across different contexts (animal personalities). This study applied this method of understanding individual behavioural variability to domestic guinea pigs. Two behavioural domains were investigated: emotionality and social behaviour. Additionally, individual cortisol–stress reactivity and dominance status were examined. Adult male domestic guinea pigs living in large mixed‐sex colonies were subjected to a series of behavioural and physiological tests twice with an intertest interval of 8 wk. Individual consistency over time was found regarding social behaviour, cortisol reactivity and dominance status, whereas no stability regarding emotional behaviour was detected. Furthermore, no stability over contexts was found. Our results suggest that the concept of animal personality is applicable to domestic guinea pigs. The ecological relevance of these data is underscored by the fact that they were obtained in animals from a very rich, socially complex scenario. Moreover, our study highlights that behaviour alone is not sufficient to describe individual phenotypic consistency. Physiological parameters such as stress reactivity should be included in animal personality research. Furthermore dominance – a relative measure which is not an absolute attribute of individuals – proved to be stable over time and thus also shed light on individuality.  相似文献   

Noise exposure at low levels or low doses can damage hair cell afferent ribbon synapses without causing permanent threshold shifts. In contrast to reports in the mouse cochleae, initial damage to ribbon synapses in the cochleae of guinea pigs is largely repairable. In the present study, we further investigated the repair process in ribbon synapses in guinea pigs after similar noise exposure. In the control samples, a small portion of afferent synapses lacked synaptic ribbons, suggesting the co-existence of conventional no-ribbon and ribbon synapses. The loss and recovery of hair cell ribbons and post-synaptic densities (PSDs) occurred in parallel, but the recovery was not complete, resulting in a permanent loss of less than 10% synapses. During the repair process, ribbons were temporally separated from the PSDs. A plastic interaction between ribbons and postsynaptic terminals may be involved in the reestablishment of synaptic contact between ribbons and PSDs, as shown by location changes in both structures. Synapse repair was associated with a breakdown in temporal processing, as reflected by poorer responses in the compound action potential (CAP) of auditory nerves to time-stress signals. Thus, deterioration in temporal processing originated from the cochlea. This deterioration developed with the recovery in hearing threshold and ribbon synapse counts, suggesting that the repaired synapses had deficits in temporal processing.  相似文献   

Several forms of learning, including classical conditioning of the eyeblink, depend upon the cerebellum. In examining mechanisms of eyeblink conditioning in rabbits, reversible inactivations of the control circuitry have begun to dissociate aspects of cerebellar cortical and nuclear function in memory consolidation. It was previously shown that post-training cerebellar cortical, but not nuclear, inactivations with the GABAA agonist muscimol prevented consolidation but these findings left open the question as to how final memory storage was partitioned across cortical and nuclear levels. Memory consolidation might be essentially cortical and directly disturbed by actions of the muscimol, or it might be nuclear, and sensitive to the raised excitability of the nuclear neurons following the loss of cortical inhibition. To resolve this question, we simultaneously inactivated cerebellar cortical lobule HVI and the anterior interpositus nucleus of rabbits during the post-training period, so protecting the nuclei from disinhibitory effects of cortical inactivation. Consolidation was impaired by these simultaneous inactivations. Because direct application of muscimol to the nuclei alone has no impact upon consolidation, we can conclude that post-training, consolidation processes and memory storage for eyeblink conditioning have critical cerebellar cortical components. The findings are consistent with a recent model that suggests the distribution of learning-related plasticity across cortical and nuclear levels is task-dependent. There can be transfer to nuclear or brainstem levels for control of high-frequency responses but learning with lower frequency response components, such as in eyeblink conditioning, remains mainly dependent upon cortical memory storage.  相似文献   

Many insects exhibit excellent capability of visual learning, but the molecular and neural mechanisms are poorly understood. This is in contrast to accumulation of information on molecular and neural mechanisms of olfactory learning in insects. In olfactory learning in insects, it has been shown that cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling critically participates in the formation of protein synthesis-dependent long-term memory (LTM) and, in some insects, nitric oxide (NO)-cyclic GMP (cGMP) signaling also plays roles in LTM formation. In this study, we examined the possible contribution of NO-cGMP signaling and cAMP signaling to LTM formation in visual pattern learning in crickets. Crickets that had been subjected to 8-trial conditioning to associate a visual pattern with water reward exhibited memory retention 1 day after conditioning, whereas those subjected to 4-trial conditioning exhibited 30-min memory retention but not 1-day retention. Injection of cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, into the hemolymph prior to 8-trial conditioning blocked formation of 1-day memory, whereas it had no effect on 30-min memory formation, indicating that 1-day memory can be characterized as protein synthesis-dependent long-term memory (LTM). Injection of an inhibitor of the enzyme producing an NO or cAMP prior to 8-trial visual conditioning blocked LTM formation, whereas it had no effect on 30-min memory formation. Moreover, injection of an NO donor, cGMP analogue or cAMP analogue prior to 4-trial conditioning induced LTM. Induction of LTM by an NO donor was blocked by DDA, an inhibitor of adenylyl cyclase, an enzyme producing cAMP, but LTM induction by a cAMP analogue was not impaired by L-NAME, an inhibitor of NO synthase. The results indicate that cAMP signaling is downstream of NO signaling for visual LTM formation. We conclude that visual learning and olfactory learning share common biochemical cascades for LTM formation.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats received bilateral infusions of vehicle (VEH) or aminophosphonopentanoic acid (AP5), an N-metil-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, into the dorsal hippocampus immediately after inhibitory avoidance (IA) training. Intrahippocampal infusion of AP5 blocked 24 h IA retention. In the second experiment, animals were preexposed to the IA training context 24 h prior to training and received an infusion of either VEH or AP5 immediately after the preexposure trial and a second infusion of VEH or AP5 immediately after IA training. AP5 did not affect retention in animals preexposed to the IA box and given VEH after preexposure, but blocked retention when given after both preexposure and training. AP5 impaired retention in rats preexposed to an environment distinct from the IA box. These results suggest that NMDA receptors in the dorsal hippocampus mediate the formation of a contextual representation of the task environment.  相似文献   

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