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With growing interest in the value of animal companionship to human health, and increasing business awareness of promoting work-based health innovations and improving employees’ feelings of support, there has been a rise in interest about allowing dogs in the workplace (e.g., “Take your dog to work day” initiative; Pet Sitters International, 2015). However, there is little scientific literature about the advantages or disadvantages of such practice to support decision makers. We report the results of an internationally promoted survey to assess perceptions of dogs in the workplace, promoted through a “Take your dog to work” initiative. Responses to four open-ended questions were analyzed for themes across 776 participants. Common barriers to allowing dogs at work included the suitability of the working environment (44%) and health and safety concerns (31.3%). Where dogs were permitted in the workplace, there appeared to be little regulation of this, with few formal policies in place (63.8% had no guidelines/policies). The majority of those surveyed believed their colleagues had no concerns about having dogs at work (63.3%); the main potential problems that were recognized included a dislike of dogs (16.7%) and cleanliness issues (6.7%). Respondents made generally positive comments about having dogs at work (43.1%), referring to specific benefits including increased social interactions and reduced stress and improved atmosphere of the office. The implications of these findings are discussed for businesses and the development of “dog in the workplace” policies.  相似文献   



Exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP) has been linked to cardiovascular and lung diseases. Combustion of jet fuel and diesel powered handling equipment emit UFP resulting in potentially high exposure levels among employees working at airports. High levels of UFP have been reported at several airports, especially on the apron, but knowledge on individual exposure profiles among different occupational groups working at an airport is lacking.


The aim of this study was to compare personal exposure to UFP among five different occupational groups working at Copenhagen Airport (CPH).


30 employees from five different occupational groups (baggage handlers, catering drivers, cleaning staff and airside and landside security) at CPH were instructed to wear a personal monitor of particle number concentration in real time and a GPS device. The measurements were carried out on 8 days distributed over two weeks in October 2012. The overall differences between the groups were assessed using linear mixed model.


Data showed significant differences in exposure levels among the groups when adjusted for variation within individuals and for effect of time and date (p<0.01). Baggage handlers were exposed to 7 times higher average concentrations (geometric mean, GM: 37×103 UFP/cm3, 95% CI: 25–55×103 UFP/cm3) than employees mainly working indoors (GM: 5×103 UFP/cm3, 95% CI: 2–11×103 UFP/cm3). Furthermore, catering drivers, cleaning staff and airside security were exposed to intermediate concentrations (GM: 12 to 20×103 UFP/cm3).


The study demonstrates a strong gradient of exposure to UFP in ambient air across occupational groups of airport employees.  相似文献   



Nanoparticle emission assessment technique was developed to semi-quantitatively evaluate nanomaterial exposures and employs a combination of filter based samples and portable real-time particle monitors, including a condensation particle counter (CPC) and an optical particle counter (OPC), to detect nanomaterial releases. This laboratory study evaluated the results from CPC and OPC simultaneously measuring a polydisperse aerosol to assess their variability and accuracy.

Methods and Results

Two CPCs and two OPCs were used to evaluate a polydisperse sodium chloride aerosol within an enclosed chamber. The measurement results for number concentration versus time were compared between paired particle monitors of the same type, and to results from the Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer (SMPS) which was widely used to measure concentration of size-specific particles. According to analyses by using the Bland-Altman method, the CPCs displayed a constant mean percent difference of −3.8% (95% agreement limits: −9.1 to 1.6%; range of 95% agreement limit: 10.7%) with the chamber particle concentration below its dynamic upper limit (100,000 particles per cubic centimeter). The mean percent difference increased from −3.4% to −12.0% (range of 95% agreement limits: 7.1%) with increasing particle concentrations that were above the dynamic upper limit. The OPC results showed the percent difference within 15% for measurements in particles with size ranges of 300 to 500 and 500 to 1000 regardless of the particle concentration. Compared with SMPS measurements, the CPC gave a mean percent difference of 22.9% (95% agreement limits: 10.5% to 35.2%); whereas the measurements from OPC were not comparable.


This study demonstrated that CPC and OPC are useful for measuring nanoparticle exposures but the results from an individual monitor should be interpreted based upon the instrument''s technical parameters. Future research should challenge these monitors with particles of different sizes, shapes, or composition, to determine measurement comparability and accuracy across various workplace nanomaterials.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to estimate the health risk to workers exposed to 1-bromopropane (1-BP) used as a cleaning solvent in their workplaces. Fifty samples from 10 workplaces that use 1-BP as a cleaning solvent were obtained to assess 1-BP concentrations. An exposure assessment revealed central tendency exposure (CTE) and reasonable maximum exposure (RME) levels of 82.1 and 214.8 mg/m3, respectively. For risk characterization, the 1-BP exposure concentrations for reproductive and developmental toxicities were calculated as 2.8 and 8.5 mg/m3, respectively, and compared with the reference concentrations in the workplace. The CTE and RME hazard quotients (HQ) were, respectively, 29.4 and 77.0 for reproductive toxicity and 9.6 and 25.2 for developmental toxicity. The results of our 1-BP risk assessment indicated that the CTE-HQs for both categories were higher than the acceptable risk value of 1, indicating that 1-BP may be considered as harmful to workers.  相似文献   

The use of animal vs. human data for the purposes of establishing human risk was examined for four pharmaceutical compounds: acetylsalicylic acid, cyclophosphamide, indomethacin and clofibric acid. Literature searches were conducted to identify preclinical and clinical data useful for the derivation of acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) from which a number of risk values including occupational exposure limits (OELs) could be calculated. OELs were calculated using human data and then again using animal data exclusively. For two compounds, ASA and clofibric acid use of animal data alone led to higher OELs (not health protective), while for indomethacin and cyclophosphamide use of animal data resulted in the same or lower OELs based on human data alone. In each case arguments were made for why the use of human data was preferred. The results of the analysis support a basic principle of risk assessment that all available data be considered  相似文献   



Foodborne Campylobacter jejuni infection has been associated with an increased risk of autoimmune peripheral neuropathy, but risks of occupational exposure to C. jejuni have received less attention. This study compared anti-C. jejuni IgA, IgG, and IgM antibody levels, as well as the likelihood of testing positive for any of five anti-ganglioside autoantibodies, between animal farmers and non-farmers. Anti-C. jejuni antibody levels were also compared between farmers with different animal herd or flock sizes. The relationship between anti-C. jejuni antibody levels and detection of anti-ganglioside autoantibodies was also assessed.


Serum samples from 129 Agricultural Health Study swine farmers (some of whom also worked with other animals) and 46 non-farmers, all from Iowa, were analyzed for anti-C. jejuni antibodies and anti-ganglioside autoantibodies using ELISA. Information on animal exposures was assessed using questionnaire data. Anti-C. jejuni antibody levels were compared using Mann-Whitney tests and linear regression on log-transformed outcomes. Fisher’s Exact Tests and logistic regression were used to compare likelihood of positivity for anti-ganglioside autoantibodies.


Farmers had significantly higher levels of anti-C. jejuni IgA (p < 0.0001) and IgG (p = 0.02) antibodies compared to non-farmers. There was no consistent pattern of anti-C. jejuni antibody levels based on animal herd or flock size. A higher percentage of farmers (21%) tested positive for anti-ganglioside autoantibodies compared to non-farmers (9%), but this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.11). There was no significant association between anti-C. jejuni antibody levels and anti-ganglioside autoantibodies.


The findings provide evidence that farmers who work with animals may be at increased risk of exposure to C. jejuni. Future research should include longitudinal studies of exposures and outcomes, as well as studies of interventions to reduce exposure. Policies to reduce occupational exposure to C. jejuni should be considered.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between body weight and the likelihood that people perceive that they have been the victims of racial discrimination in the workplace among the unemployed. I find that unemployed obese men and women are 8.4 percentage points and 7.7 percentage points, respectively, more likely to have experienced racial discrimination before becoming unemployed than their non-obese counterparts. For unemployed men, the relationship between body weight and perceived racial discrimination does not seem to be associated with race. For unemployed women, being black and obese significantly increases the likelihood of perceiving racial discrimination.  相似文献   

Pesticide use and farmers’ perceptions of risk of unsafe use of pesticides were explored in Fars Province, Iran. One hundred and fifty-five farmers engaged in pesticide handling were selected through a proportional stratified random sampling method with age as the stratification variable. Most of the farmers were not following basic pesticide safety measures and the majority of them (about 60%) were not using any protective equipment when spraying pesticides. Based on four identified factors, which explained 58% of the total variance in risk perceptions of unsafe use of pesticides, three segments of farmers were revealed. Segment A included 30.3% of the farmers who had the lowest perceived risk of unsafe use of pesticides (i.e., they perceived unsafe use of pesticides as not so dangerous). Segment B, which was the largest segment revealed, showed intermediate perceived risk of unsafe use of pesticides and all of four factors as well. However, segment C with 16.7% of farmers, reported the highest perceived risk of unsafe use of pesticides (i.e., they perceived unsafe use of pesticides as very dangerous). To develop a more targeted agricultural extension program, selected characteristics with respect to each segment were explored and compared.  相似文献   

Ectothermic organisms often face dramatic traverses of environmentaltemperature on a daily or seasonal basis; exemplars among thisgroup are invertebrates and fish of the rocky intertidal zone.Because of the extremes of temperature exposure, intertidalanimals have served as an excellent study system to examinethe expression of heat shock proteins (Hsps) in response tonatural variation in environmental temperature. Ecologicallyrelevant variation in Hsp expression has been observed withseasonal acclimatization, with small-scale temperature gradientsthat occur in microhabitats and between species with differentintertidal distributions. The maturing understanding of Hspexpression patterns in marine organisms has established a solidfoundation on which to build the next set of questions. In thispaper, I present an overview of the variation of Hsp expressionin intertidal animals in nature and then address two emergingareas of investigation in the ecological physiology of Hsps.One area addresses the plasticity of Hsp expression in marineinvertebrates and focuses on the mechanism of regulation ofHsp gene expression by environmental temperature. A second emergingarea of investigation concerns whether Hsps as molecular chaperonesdisplay functional diversity that correlates with species' adaptationtemperature.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine if brief exposure to a dog behaving badly or in a friendly manner affects subsequent perceptions of the target dog's and other dogs' adoptability. Participants viewed a videotape of an adoptable German shepherd behaving either aggressively or prosocially and were then asked to rate the characteristics and adoptability of the same and different dogs. The results showed that people who saw the aggressive behavioral schema perceived only the target dog and a dog of the same breed to be significantly less adoptable than dogs of other breeds (p < .01). Results of a principal components analysis showed participants perceived the adoptability of dogs to be related to “sociability”: Adoptable dogs were more approachable, friendly, intelligent, and less dangerous and aggressive (p < .01). Brief exposure to a misbehaving dog prior to making a decision to adopt may unfairly penalize other dogs perceived to be similar to the misbehaving dog.  相似文献   



The practice of sharing sanitation facilities does not meet the current World Health Organization/UNICEF definition for what is considered improved sanitation. Recommendations have been made to categorize shared sanitation as improved sanitation if security, user access, and other conditions can be assured, yet limited data exist on user preferences with respect to shared facilities.


This study analyzed user perceptions of shared sanitation facilities in rural households in East Java, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.


Cross-sectional studies of 2,087 households in East Java and 3,000 households in Bangladesh were conducted using questionnaires and observational methods. Relative risks were calculated to analyze associations between sanitation access and user perceptions of satisfaction, cleanliness, and safety.


In East Java, 82.4% of households with private improved sanitation facilities reported feeling satisfied with their place of defecation compared to 68.3% of households with shared improved facilities [RR 1.19, 95% CI 1.09, 1.31]. In Bangladesh, 87.7% of households with private improved facilities reported feeling satisfied compared to 74.5% of households with shared improved facilities [RR 1.15, 95% CI 1.10, 1.20]. In East Java, 79.5% of households who reported a clean latrine also reported feeling satisfied with their place of defecation; only 38.9% of households who reported a dirty latrine also reported feeling satisfied [RR 1.74, 95% CI 1.45, 2.08].


Simple distinctions between improved and unimproved sanitation facilities tend to misrepresent the variability observed among households sharing sanitation facilities. Our results suggest that private improved sanitation is consistently preferred over any other sanitation option. An increased number of users appeared to negatively affect toilet cleanliness, and lower levels of cleanliness were associated with lower levels of satisfaction. However, when sanitation facilities were clean and shared by a limited number of households, users of shared facilities often reported feeling both satisfied and safe.  相似文献   

The oceans of the world are regularly depicted as under threat from human exploitation with the problem portrayed as being of ‘global’ concern. In a world market characterised by the division of labour, many of those who eat fish do so without directly experiencing the ocean as a domain of productive utility. Rather, their encounters are with representations that depict the ‘natural’ world as an aesthetic object of contemplation, and environmentalist discourses that identify human activities as threatening marine ecosystems. So prevalent is this experience that tangible institutions, such as state fisheries management bodies, have emerged, acting to reinforce the ontology of this ‘contemplated’ ocean, giving weight to the illusion that humans can, and should, appreciate it only from afar. In this representation, commercial fishers are regularly depicted as transgressing a ‘natural’ boundary between humans and the environment. It is when the world is simultaneously encountered as an object of consumptive utility and aesthetic utility that the human role in the environment becomes ambiguous and a sense of crisis arises. This paper investigates disjunctions in experiences and understandings that contribute to environmental anxiety, and debates over the appropriate use of the ocean.  相似文献   

The coalescence of next-generation DNA sequencing methods, ecological perspectives, and bioinformatics analysis tools is rapidly advancing our understanding of the evolution and function of vertebrate-associated bacterial communities. Delineation of host-microbe associations has applied benefits ranging from clinical treatments to protecting our natural waters. Microbial communities follow some broad-scale patterns observed for macroorganisms, but it remains unclear how the specialization of intestinal vertebrate-associated communities to a particular host environment influences broad-scale patterns in microbial abundance and distribution. We analyzed the V6 region of 16S rRNA genes amplified from 106 fecal samples spanning Aves, Mammalia, and Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish). We investigated the interspecific abundance-occupancy relationship, where widespread taxa tend to be more abundant than narrowly distributed taxa, among operational taxonomic units (OTUs) within and among host species. In a separate analysis, we identified specialist OTUs that were highly abundant in a single host and rare in all other hosts by using a multinomial model without excluding undersampled OTUs a priori. We show that intestinal microbes in humans and other vertebrates display abundance-occupancy relationships, but because intestinal host-associated communities have undergone intense specialization, this trend is violated by a disproportionately large number of specialist taxa. Although it is difficult to distinguish the effects of dispersal limitations, host selection, historical contingency, and stochastic processes on community assembly, results suggest that intestinal bacteria can be shared among diverse hosts in ways that resemble the distribution of “free-living” bacteria in the extraintestinal environment.  相似文献   

The present paper was based on both qualitative observations and quantitative survey data. Major findings are as follows: (1) The sacred or magical-religious tradition of Chinese medicine is accepted by a relatively small portion (roughly one-fifth) of the ordinary Chinese people in urban Hong Kong, and is relatively more popular among women or less educated people. (2) Both the classical-professional and the local-empirical traditions of secular medicine are resorted to by many Chinese people (over one half) either for treating diseases or for strengthening their constitution. The acceptance of secular Chinese medicine does not vary significantly among different sex, age, education, or income groups. It should be noted that secular Chinese medicine is often used in addition to or in combination with modern Western medicine. (3) It appears that most people are more confident in the Chinese medical tradition than in Chinese-style practitioners in Hong Kong, and that people's confidence in secular Chinese medicine has been increasing in recent years. (4) There are reasons for the confidence in secular Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is generally perceived to be better than or as good as Western, scientific medicine in some ways, such as for tonic care, for fewer side effects, for curing the cause (not symptoms) of diseases, and for treating certain diseases. Therefore, to ordinary Chinese people, Chinese and Western medicine may perform either equivalent or complementary functions. (5) As regards the process of seeking medical care, most people seem to follow the pattern of moving from self-medication, using Chinese and/or Western home remedies, to Western-style doctors, to Chinese-style practitioners, and finally to a Western medical hospital. Policy and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   



Hydrazine is carcinogenic in animals, but there is inadequate evidence to determine if it is carcinogenic in humans. This study aimed to evaluate the association between hydrazine exposure and the risk of lung cancer.


The cause specific mortality rates of a cohort of 427 men who were employed at an English factory that produced hydrazine between 1945 and 1971 were compared with national mortality rates.


By the end of December 2012 205 deaths had occurred. For men in the highest exposure category with greater than two years exposure and after more than ten years since first exposure the relative risks compared with national rates were: 0.85 (95% CI: 0.18–2.48) for lung cancer, 0.61 (95% CI: 0.07–2.21) for cancers of the digestive system, and 0.44 (95% CI: 0.05–1.57) for other cancers.


After 50 years of follow up, the results provide no evidence of an increased risk of death from lung cancer or death from any other cause.  相似文献   



Studies suggest that ambient sunlight plays an important role in the pathogenesis of non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC). However, there is ongoing controversy regarding the relevance of occupational exposure to natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation (UV) radiation.


We investigated potential associations between natural and artificial UV radiation exposure at work with NMSC in a case-control study conducted in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.


Occupational exposures were classified by expert assessment for 527 controls and 618 NMSC cases (515 basal cell carcinoma, BCC). Covariate information was collected via interview and multiple logistic regression models were used to assess associations between UV exposure and NMSC.


Lifetime prevalence of occupational exposure in the participants was 13% for natural UV radiation and 7% for artificial UV radiation. Significant negative associations between occupational exposure to natural UV radiation and NMSC were detected for all who had ever been exposed (odds ratio (OR) 0.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.27–0.80); similar results were detected using a semi-quantitative metric of cumulative exposure. The effects were modified by skin complexion, with significantly decreased risks of BCC among participants with light skin complexion. No associations were observed in relation to occupational artificial UV radiation exposure.


The protective effect of occupational exposure to natural UV radiation was unexpected, but limited to light-skinned people, suggesting adequate sun-protection behaviors. Further investigations focusing on variations in the individual genetic susceptibility and potential interactions with environmental and other relevant factors are planned.  相似文献   

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