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Gimingham  C. H.  Hobbs  R. J.  Mallik  A. U. 《Plant Ecology》1981,46(1):149-155
The paper describes studies of post-fire succession in heathland vegetation in N.E. Scotland, dominated by Calluna vulgaris. A preliminary model (Legg, 1978) suggested good agreement between simulation of succession on the basis of a Markov chain and observations of stands at different stages of development after burning, at least in the earlier stages. Vegetation transitions are currently being recorded in permanent plots on burnt areas. First results confirm the view that (a) the post-fire succession has the properties of a Markov process, (b) this type of model remains valid when constructed from records of actual transitions, rather than data obtained by inference from evidence of transition. Comparing successional events in stands where, at the time of burning, the Calluna population was in pioneer-, building-, mature-and degenerate phases, shows that transition matrices generally agree with the Markov hypothesis, but not in the case of stands where Calluna was degenerate when burnt. The composition of establishing vegetation 1 year after fire is not confined to species normally associated with the early stages of succession, but reflects the composition of the stand before burning. Redevelopment after fire is described in terms of an initial floristic composition of species with strategies permitting early re-establishment, selected by the recurrence of the fire factor. Subsequent transitions represent changes in their relative abundance due to differing growth properties and competitive interactions. This interpretation applies only under conditions of recurrent incidence of fire (normally once in 10–15 yr). If fire does not recur, Calluna stands pass into the degenerate phase, where changes in the nature of relay floristics may come into play (e.g. with tree colonization).Nomenelature follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962) for vascular plants; Smith (1978) for bryophytes.  相似文献   

Abstract. The decision was taken by an opencast coal mining company to translocate on-site blanket bog vegetation, on completion of mining, at a site in Co. Durham, UK, both to preserve it and to use it to enhance recolonization. The vegetation of the treatments was monitored for seven years after site completion and this paper reports on the progress of the translocated material and its effect on recolonization. Translocation of large turves of blanket bog into carefully prepared receptor cells preserved most of the vegetation intact, but resulted in severe decline in the frequency of Sphagnum, while the design of the receptor site as strips of translocated vegetation enclosing strips of spread, stored peat accelerated recolonization of the intervening bare peat by Calluna vulgaris, but not of other target species. This attempt to translocate blanket bog vegetation and at the same time use it to accelerate recolonization was only partly successful. It was concluded that the ecological requirements of species known to be significant for ecosystem function, such as Sphagnum, must be fulfilled if translocation of blanket bog is to be attempted in future.  相似文献   

Conservation evaluation of large areas ( > 10 000 km2) in Australia requires detailed mapping of vegetation types. Predicting the original vegetation cover of extensive cleared areas in an explicit, consistent and repeatable manner necessitates the use of statistical modelling. This paper describes an integrated approach to vegetation mapping in a region of New South Wales, Australia. The approach uses separate statistical models for each tree and shrub species to predict the vegetation composition in each grid cell in a geographic information system (GIS). Allocation of these grid cells to communities allows communities that no longer exist in the remaining remnants of woodland to be defined. Examples of use of this information for management are presented. This paper addresses the practical considerations which constrain the way statistical modelling can be used for vegetation mapping in an applied project. Constraints include: (1) data availability (use of sampling to fill gaps in existing data), (2) the effects of cover abundance values, (3) availability of GIS predictors, (4) data management, (5) current generalised additive model methods and (6) prediction methods. Careful attention to the practicality of all components of a vegetation mapping study is essential if modern methods are to be applied in regional studies which must provide functional products for land managers with limited resources, skills and finances at their disposal.  相似文献   

  • 1 Advances in dynamic ecosystem modelling have made a number of different approaches to vegetation dynamics possible. Here we compare two models representing contrasting degrees of abstraction of the processes governing dynamics in real vegetation.
  • 2 Model (a) (GUESS) simulates explicitly growth and competition among individual plants. Differences in crown structure (height, depth, area and LAI) influence relative light uptake by neighbours. Assimilated carbon is allocated individually by each plant to its leaf, fine root and sapwood tissues. Carbon allocation and turnover of sapwood to heartwood in turn govern height and diameter growth.
  • 3 Model (b) (LPJ) incorporates a ‘dynamic global vegetation model’ (DGVM) architecture, simulating growth of populations of plant functional types (PFTs) over a grid cell, integrating individual‐level processes over the proportional area (foliar projective cover, FPC) occupied by each PFT. Individual plants are not simulated, but are replaced by explicit parameterizations of their growth and interactions.
  • 4 The models are identical in their representation of core physiological and biogeochemical processes. Both also use the same set of PFTs, corresponding to the major woody plant groups in Europe, plus a grass type.
  • 5 When applied at a range of locations, broadly spanning climatic variation within Europe, both models successfully predicted PFT composition and succession within modern natural vegetation. However, the individual‐based model performed better in areas where deciduous and evergreen types coincide, and in areas subject to pronounced seasonal water deficits, which would tend to favour grasses over drought‐intolerant trees.
  • 6 Differences in model performance could be traced to their treatment of individual‐level processes, in particular light competition and stress‐induced mortality.
  • 7 Our results suggest that an explicit individual‐based approach to vegetation dynamics may be an advantage in modelling of ecosystem structure and function at the resolution required for regional‐ to continental‐scale studies.

Population dynamics of the widespread mangrove Avicennia marina was studied over the complete life-history from zygotes through to adults in southeastern Australia. Zygote survival, propagule dispersal, seedling establishment, seedling recruitment and sapling recruitment were examined by demographic censuses over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Hypotheses about factors regulating survival were tested by manipulative field experiments. Life table statistics for survival and fecundity were used to calculate transition probabilities and their variance for seven stages of life history. These parameters were used as the basis of a stochastic model that predicts population structure after small and large scale perturbations.  相似文献   

Question: Predictive vegetation modelling relies on the use of environmental variables, which are usually derived from abase data set with some level of error, and this error is propagated to any subsequently derived environmental variables. The question for this study is: What is the level of error and uncertainty in environmental variables based on the error propagated from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and how does it vary for both direct and indirect variables? Location: Kioloa region, New South Wales, Australia Methods: The level of error in a DEM is assessed and used to develop an error model for analysing error propagation to derived environmental variables. We tested both indirect (elevation, slope, aspect, topographic position) and direct (average air temperature, net solar radiation, and topographic wetness index) variables for their robustness to propagated error from the DEM. Results: It is shown that the direct environmental variable net solar radiation is less affected by error in the DEM than the indirect variables aspect and slope, but that regional conditions such as slope steepness and cloudiness can influence this outcome. However, the indirect environmental variable topographic position was less affected by error in the DEM than topographic wetness index. Interestingly, the results disagreed with the current assumption that indirect variables are necessarily less sensitive to propagated error because they are less derived. Conclusions: The results indicate that variables exhibit both systematic bias and instability under uncertainty. There is a clear need to consider the sensitivity of variables to error in their base data sets in addition to the question of whether to use direct or indirect variables.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pollen, spores and fungal remains in moss cushions along a transect, traversing a Betula-Quercus forest and a surrounding heathland, were analysed in order to study the relation between present-day vegetation and recent pollen deposition. Pollen and spores are divided into local types from plant species encountered along the transect and regional types, not present along the transect. Relative percentages and absolute concentration of the palynomorphs were estimated. Radiocaesium activity in the moss was measured to assess the minimal duration of palynomorph accumulation (i.e. the age of the moss samples). The absence of simultaneous trends in the regional pollen types indicates that the samples do not have major differences in age. The moss represents the later stages in the heath mosaic cycle. This is supported by the radiocaesium content of the moss. Thus, in this case the concentration values of regional pollen approach deposition values. The values of the local pollen types calculated on such a rather constant regional pollen flux is considered to represent real differences in the local deposition. The local pollen types can be arranged topographically into five groups characteristic of the local vegetation types and their ecotones. The arrangement of the curves of types from phyco-, zoo-, and myco-coenoses suggests their possible origin, either locally from the heath area or from the Betula-Quercus forest, or regionally from elsewhere. Analyses and topographical arrangement of the curves of unknown types contribute in this way to their identification and their possible source of origin.  相似文献   

Luca Borghesio 《Plant Ecology》2009,201(2):723-731
This study focuses on the effect of fire on lowland heathlands at the extreme southern edge of their European distribution (Vauda Nature Reserve, NW Italy). Forty-nine plots (50 m radius) were surveyed between 1999 and 2006. Each year, fire occurrences were recorded and per cent cover of four vegetation types (grassland, heath, low shrubland, and tall shrubland) was estimated in each plot. Vascular plant species richness was also recorded in 255, 1 m2 quadrats. After a fire, grassland vegetation expanded, but then declined rapidly as heath and shrubland recovered: 7 years after a fire, tall shrubland encroached on to more than 40% of the plots, and grassland declined from 50% to 20% cover. Between 1999 and 2006, Betula pendula shrubland greatly expanded, while grassland decreased over most of the Reserve, even where fire frequency was high. Tall shrubland had low plant diversity and was dominated by widespread species of lower conservation value. By contrast, early successional vegetation (grassland and low shrubland) had higher richness and more narrowly distributed species, indication that the development of tall shrubland causes significant species loss in the heathland. Italian lowland heathlands are characterized by high rates of shrubland encroachment that threatens both habitat and species diversity. Burning frequencies of once in 3–6 years seem appropriate in this habitat, but burning alone might not suffice without actions to increase herbivore grazing.  相似文献   

Strong inference techniques were used in a preliminary study of the structure and dynamics of the vegetation the Prince Albert region of the Great Karoo, South Africa. Seedling emergence studies indicate that open areas in the interstices of the existent vegetation are colonized by mound-building species of the Mesembryanthemaceae. Later, these species serve as sites of establishment for seedlings of several species of woody shrubs. Eventually, the woody shrubs replace the mound-building mesems through interspecific competition. The woody shrubs persist in the community until they reach senescence and die or are removed through overgrazing. Superimposed on this dynamic pattern is a further temporal pattern involving a combination of disturbance and subsequent soil changes. Much of this effect is caused by fossorial animals, which are associated with large circular (10–20 m diameter) mounds. Burrowing by these animals changes the soil characteristics and establishes an additional sequence of vegetation succession in which the mounds serve as refuges from which non-palatable species, such as Pteronia pallens, can invade the rangeland. Later, as the mounds are abandoned and disturbance effects cease, more palatable species, such as P. empetrifolia, will replace P. pallens, overcoming finally the effects of the adjacent mounds on the surrounding vegetation.  相似文献   

We explored the small‐scale plant species mobility in a subhumid native grassland subjected to grazing by cattle in south‐western Uruguay. We established four permanent plots of 40 × 40 cm, divided in 16 × 16 cells. In each cell, the presence of species was seasonally recorded for 2 years and annually recorded for 4 years. By nesting the cells, we studied the mobility at different scales, from 6.25 cm2 to 400 cm2. At each scale we measured species richness, cumulative richness and the turnover rates of the dominant species. We found that the cumulative species richness was an increasing power function, with higher accumulation rates with smaller spatial scale. Although species richness showed seasonal fluctuations, the mean species richness was constant during the study period. We detected significant spatio‐temporal variability in mobility patterns among species. Certain species showed a high capacity to colonize new sites, whereas other species rotate among sites that they previously occupied. Grazed communities in Uruguayan Campos are structured as a dense matrix of perennials grasses and forbs, where vegetative propagation is the main form of growth of the species. The small‐scale dynamics and the high variability in the mobility characteristics could be linked with the diversity of growth forms and spatial strategies of the species in this community. We believe that a high degree of small‐scale spatial dynamics contribute to explain the species coexistence and the apparent stability of communities at local scales.  相似文献   

Summary We deal with the causes of the synchronously fluctuating numbers of subpopulations of the carabid species Calathus melanocephalus as compared with the asynchronously fluctuating numbers of subpopulations of the carabid Pterostichus versicolor. Both species continuously occupy a large heath area, Dwingelder Veld (1600 ha), in The Netherlands, and are studied there in the same localities with the same methods. Of the adults of C. melanocephalus, 90% do not cover more than 2 ha during the entire reproductive season, while 90% of adults of P. versicolor cover no more than 12 ha. In C. melanocephalus egg production in the field is usually similar to that under optimal feeding conditions in the laboratory, but in P. versicolor egg production seems to be much lower in the field. In the field 70–80% of the eggs most probably are killed by eelworms, followed by more than 90% mortality among the remaining larvae. Comparing mortality of developmental stages in laboratory experiments with that in field experiments in enclosures, it appears that mortality of larvae is not density-dependent, even when density in the experiments is much higher than it ever is in the field. Larval mortality mainly results from the poor ability of the larvae to find prey, even when in field experiments prey density is increased far above natural densities. We discuss why these poor prey-finding abilities are not improved by natural selection. In the spring breeder P. versicolor differences between localities both in abiotic factors, soil moisture and surface temperature, and biotic factors, reactions of prey species to abiotic factors, in spring and summer when the larvae are maturing contribute to the asynchronous fluctuations of numbers between subpopulations. In the autumn breeder C. melanocephalus possible differences in biotic factors between sites are outnumbered by the effects of winters with a higher or lower than normal amount of precipitation respectively. During a wet winter mortality among the larvae is much higher than during a dry winter. As these winter conditions are similar over large areas (many km2) the fluctuations of numbers between subpopulations are synchronous.Communication No. 443 of The Biological Station, Wijster  相似文献   

理解植物群落组成结构的演化对于阐明荒漠化的过程与驱动机制、制定有效的干旱区生态系统恢复措施具有重要价值。研究干旱区植物群落的空间格局的演化过程有助于深入理解荒漠化和生态恢复的过程与机理。目前大量研究关注于植被退化过程中的群落组成结构变化,而对于生态恢复过程中的植物群落空间格局演化的研究尚不多见。干旱区生态系统中植物通常较为稀疏且个体较小,准确提取植物的分布往往需要分辨率极高的遥感数据。近年来,低空无人机遥感技术的快速发展为精细尺度上植被空间格局的研究提供重要技术支持。利用2 cm空间分辨率的低空无人机遥感数据结合地面群落调查,在精细尺度上研究了宁夏沙坡头草方格生态恢复区内植物群落的空间格局变化。研究结果表明,沙坡头地区草方格生态恢复工程实验区域,相对于未实施生态恢复工程的裸露沙丘区域,植物物种多样性和植被盖度显著提高。恢复工程实施4年后,平均植被盖度增加3倍,物种丰富度增加1倍。在植被恢复过程中,随着植被盖度的增加,植被斑块表现出规模上升、破碎化程度下降、形状复杂化、空间自相关减弱等格局特征变化。这些空间格局特征的变化表明大型植被斑块趋于恢复,整体微环境的改善有利于单独生长的植物个体存活,整体上生态系统退化为裸地的风险降低。利用低空无人机遥感手段,对草方格生态恢复工程的植被恢复过程进行了详细、高分辨率的空间格局调查及分析,结合地面群落调查,从多个方面证明了草方格生态恢复措施的有效性。基于无人机的系统格局连续长期监测有助于深入理解干旱区生态恢复机理,对于科学开展荒漠化生态恢复措施也具有重要价值。  相似文献   

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