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New sedimentological and paleontological information on the uppermost Moscovian and Kasimovian strata of the Las Llacerias section, a succession exposed in the Picos de Europa region (Cantabrian Mountains) that is considered to bear interest for the global correlation of the Upper Pennsylvanian subsystem, are presented. Based on sedimentological studies, three stratigraphic intervals can be established which record three successive episodes in the evolution of the carbonate platform. The study of the environmental evolution and sea-level fluctuations, as well as biostratigraphic fusulinoidean information, allow the correlation of this section with the synorogenic deposits of the Gamonedo-Cabrales area (northern Picos de Europa region). It is recognized that in the Las Llacerias strata, 7 of the 11 depositional sequences of the latter area are represented. The taxonomy and distribution of smaller foraminifers, a fossil group never studied before in this section, have been analysed. Data obtained show the presence of, at least, 30 genera. In some cases (Syzrania aff. bulbosa, Tezaquina, Mesolasiodiscus, Pseudotaxis and Hemidiscus), their record in the Las Llacerias section significantly extends the stratigraphic genus or species range. The potential role of Protonodosaria and Nodosinelloides species, as well as the acme of Hemigordius schlumbergeri for the correlation of the Kasimovian deposits is reinforced within this study.  相似文献   

Aim We aim to map the distribution of four heath and shrub formations constituting habitats of high conservation priority in Europe, whose occurrence is strongly dependent on human activities. Specifically, we assess whether the use of LANDSAT data in habitat distribution modelling may account for land use management, allowing accurate mapping of real distribution patterns. In particular, we explore whether reflectance values may be a better alternative to other remote sensing data traditionally used in modelling approaches (i.e. spectral vegetation indices and classified land cover maps). Finally, we test whether modelling performance is affected by the ecological traits of the dominant species of the target formations. Location Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). Methods We generated maps for the four formations (two specialists vs. two generalists) using MaxEnt. First, we ran the models with environmental predictors only (topography, climate, lithology and human disturbances). Then, we compared the advantages of including, in turn, different data derived from LANDSAT imagery: reflectance values (corresponding to different wavelength channels of the multispectral image), a spectral index and a land cover map. We assessed changes in explanatory power and also in the formation’s predicted distribution patterns. Results Formations dominated by specialist species were accurately mapped on a base of environmental variables only, whereas those dominated by generalists were overpredicted. Average mean temperature, southness and distance to urban areas were the variables contributing most in predictions of environmental models. LANDSAT channels increased the accuracy of all models, but mainly those for formations dominated by generalist species. They showed advantages against other remote sensing data traditionally used in modelling approaches. Main conclusions Habitat distribution models allowed accurate mapping of heath and shrub formations. The use of reflectance values as predictors improved the accuracy of the models, particularly for formations dominated by generalist species, supplying environmental information that was otherwise unavailable.  相似文献   

An overview is given of the species belonging to the family Rugosochonetidae known from the Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Mts. Their distribution is compared with other occurrences in Eurasia and elsewhere. Subfamily and generic assignments are discussed in some detail. Comments on palaeogeographic and palaeoecological aspects of the rugosochonetid faunas are presented.  相似文献   

Summary The Valdeteja Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit of essentially Bashkirian age widely distributed through the Cantabrian Zone (Iberian Massif, NW Spain). It consists mainly of limestones with subordinate limestone breccias and some marly intercalations, deposited in shallow carbonate platforms and in the adjacent slope and basin settings (see Eichmüller, 1985). Its considerable thickness, rather continuous stratigraphic record and large lateral extent in the Cantabrian Zone have attracted the attention of geologists who have carried out a number of studies dealing with the palaeontological content, sedimentology, and palaeogeography of this formation. In spite of these diverse investigation, the precise age of the Valdeteja Formation, particularly the age of several fossiliferous beds defined at its stratotype, as well as the age of the top of the formation, remain obscure. This paper studies the foraminifera (mainly fusulinoideans) yielded by several beds throughout the type-section. The biostratigraphic information provided by these faunas allows us to establish the age of the mentioned beds in terms of the Russian stratigraphic scale. It confirms an early Moscovian age for the top of the type section, a matter of discussion for a very long time. Moreover, this research may have general interest in Carboniferous stratigraphy since it provides data on the fusulinoidean assemblages existing in western Europe during Bashkirian time, an interval containing a rather poor fossil record in this part of Eurasia.  相似文献   

Rugose corals belonging to the orders Metriophyllina, Stereolasmatina and Plerophyllina have been identified in the upper member of the Picos de Europa Formation (Moscovian). Corals occur in crinoidal limestones containing common bryozoans. The coral assemblage shows a high diversity. Mode of preservation and spatial distribution of corals demonstrate close relationships with biogenic components such as crinoids, bryozoans, brachiopods and bivalves. The morphology of corals provides valuable data for identifying their life strategies, four of which have been identified: liberosessile with straight growth, liberosessile with curved growth, fixosessile with straight growth and fixosessile with curved growth. Most corals from the Picos de Europa Formation appear to have been fixosessile with straight growth; they attached themselves to bioclasts and subsequently developed radiciform processes (mainly talons) to remain straight.  相似文献   

The new species Archaeolithophyllum asymmetricum nov. sp., from the Bachende Formation (Pennsylvanian, Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain), is described herein using cathodoluminescence microscopy. Under plane-polarized light, A. asymmetricum occurs as elongate and arcuate sheets preserved as calcitic mosaics of tiny anhedral to subhedral crystals. Cathodoluminescence has revealed that skeletal walls are composed of dull-bright (locally bright) luminescent calcite that contrasts sharply with the nonluminescent cements filling the intraskeletal pores. Skeletal walls are currently composed of low-Mg calcite (0.5–2 mol % MgCO3) with low Sr content (average 415 ppm). A. asymmetricum shows a strong asymmetry of the thallus organization. The internal tissue is well differentiated into a thick medullar hypothallus and a thin upper cortical perithallus, the latter being composed of nearly rectangular cells arranged in rows perpendicular to the external surface. Cell fusions commonly occur in the perithallial tissue whereas conceptacles exhibit a highly arched geometry lacking any preserved aperture. A. asymmetricum accumulations display a growth pattern similar to that reported from Late Paleozoic “phylloid algae”, and also resemble Miocene frameworks of the corallinacean Mesophyllum. These accumulations of A. asymmetricum formed micrite-rich bioherms with abundant shelter porosities, which are filled up with radiaxial-fibrous calcite (originally high-Mg calcite) and subsequent blocky spar. They constructed a rigid framework that was basically a combination of the foliaceous growth form, crust fusion and division, and synsedimentary marine cementation. Paleontological and sedimentological evidence suggests that A. asymmetricum thrived in an outer platform environment with relative quiet conditions. The exceptional preservation of these algae was favored by a rapid cementation of the intraskeletal pores under oxidizing conditions in a marine phreatic environment, protecting skeletons from early dissolution and recrystallization. Although the resulting neomorphic microsparite fabric suggests an aragonite precursor, the morphological similarities (especially reproductive organs) between Archaeolithophyllum and Recent calcitic corallinaceans, and the similar trace element composition of the algal thalli and the surrounding high-Mg radiaxial-fibrous cements, suggest that originally, Archaeolithophyllum was probably composed of high-Mg calcite. Based on the morphologic features, framework strategies (crust fusion and division) and growth modes, it is suggested that Archaeolithophyllum might be phylogenetically related to the modern coralline algae.  相似文献   

Thomas Wotte 《Facies》2009,55(3):473-487
Detailed litho- and biofacies investigations of the Lower–Middle Cambrian carbonate Láncara Formation resulted in its subdivision into nine lithofacies types: (1) claystone, (2) recrystallized mudstone, (3) laminated mudstone with laminoid-fenestral fabrics, (4) stromatolite, (5) laminated aggregate grainstone, (6) non-laminated aggregate grainstone, (7) oolitic-bioclastic floatstone, (8) echinodermal packstone, and (9) bioclastic grainstone. The thicknesses of lithofacies 1–7 (lower member of the Láncara Formation) decrease from south to north. Lithofacies types 8–9 (upper member of the Láncara Formation) are characterized by similar thicknesses and low facies and faunal gradients and are thus indicative of deposition on a carbonate ramp. From palaeoecological, palaeo(bio)geographical, palaeomagnetic, and tectonic considerations, the depositional environment of the Láncara Formation is re-interpreted as an eastward/north-eastward sloping, low morphology carbonate ramp. The Cantabrian Zone, with a primary lateral extension of about 300 km, is further construed to be an element of a widespread and connected, discontinuous drowned Perigondwanan depositional system.  相似文献   

A new species of Veronica vadiniense in section Veronica is described from material from the Cantabrian Range, in the north-east of the province of León (north-west Spain). Several morphological characters related to stems, leaves, racemes, flowers and capsules are given, and also those related to the indumentum of different parts of the plant, especially calyx lobes and capsule. Indications about distribution and habitat with reference to bioclimatic, biogeographical and phytosociological aspects are provided. Diagnostic features are also given to enable comparison with the most similar species, Veronica officinalis and V. allionii , particularly in the indumentum and consistency of leaves, and in the indumentum and shape of the capsule.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 119–124.  相似文献   

A well-preserved Pennsylvanian (early Moscovian) succession including Donezella mounds, which accumulated in a highly subsiding foreland basin (Cantabrian Zone, NW of Spain), is described and discussed. This succession has been interpreted as one 3rd-order sequence reaching a thickness up to 815?m and recording?~2.3-My duration. It consists of four 4th-order transgressive–regressive (T-R) sequences (105–350?m thick and?~0.6-My duration), each subdivided into several 5th-order (~70-ky duration) meter-scale cycles (23-m average thickness). Nearly all the Donezella mounds are present in the second and third 4th-order sequences defined (Levinco Formation). They are up to?~90?m in thickness and several hundreds of meters wide, showing lenticular to domal morphologies with steep slopes up to 35–40°. Bioherms are composed of micritic boundstones with heterogeneous microfabrics and a diverse biotic community, including the microproblematic Donezella, calcitornellid foraminifers, bryozoans, agglutinated worm tubes, crinoids, and calcareous algae (red Komia/Ungdarella, beresellids, dasycladaceans and phylloids). According to the biotic assemblage and sedimentological features, these Donezella-rich bioherms thrived in a relatively shallow and low-energy environment (below fair-weather wave-base), and resulted from the baffling and binding ability of Donezella and associated biota, and the in situ-precipitation of microbial micrite. The upward evolution of the succession mainly resulted from the interplay between high tectonic subsidence rates and high-frequency moderate-amplitude glacioeustatic sea-level changes. The mounds growth mainly occurred during the transgressive phase of the 3rd-order sequence (Vereian), whereas during the regressive phase (Kashirian), deltaic siliciclastics prograding westward gradually buried and prevented the buildup development.  相似文献   

This paper reports a phytosociological study on managed hay meadow communities in the main mountains of the Spanish Central Range. Multivariate techniques (Cluster analysis and CA-ordination) were applied in the classification of the relevés and ordination of vegetation units and species. Clusters were related to the following associations: Agrostio castellanae–Arrhenatheretum bulbosi, Festuco amplae–Cynosuretum cristati, and F. amplae–Agrostietum castellanae. The scattergram suggested that the dynamic patterns between communities are associated with soil nutrient content and moisture. We propose a new subassociation: F. amplae–A. castellanae gaudinietosum fragilis that includes Salmantincensean Agrostis castellana communities growing in regions with lower supramediterranean thermotype.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct the historical biogeography of Pinus sylvestris in the Cantabrian Range (Iberian Peninsula) during the Holocene, and to consider the interactions between vegetation dynamics, climate change and the role of man in the present‐day distribution of the species. Location The study site is a mire (1300 m a.s.l.) at Vega de Viejos, on a south‐facing slope of the western Cantabrian Range, Spain. The region’s present‐day landscape is almost treeless, with the exception of some patches of Quercus pyrenaica and a few copses of Salix and Betula along stream banks. Methods Tree macrofossils from Vega de Viejos were studied by transmitted light and dark‐field reflection microscopy; strobili were subjected to comparative morphological analyses. Two Pinus macrofossils were dated by conventional 14C methods. Results The taxonomic accuracy achieved in the identification of the macrofossils provided new information regarding the Holocene history of Pinus sylvestris in this territory. Ninety‐five cones of this species were identified; in fact, more than 80% of the 36 identified wood remains were of Pinus gr. sylvestris. Radiocarbon dating revealed that the forest to which the fossils belonged was present until at least 2170 ± 50 yr bp – its disappearance was therefore relatively recent. Main conclusions Pinus sylvestris suffered long‐term isolation, and after the Würm glacial period tended to migrate towards the east. In western Iberia, a temperate climate and autogenic succession favoured broadleaved taxa at the expense of Pinus. Late Holocene human disturbances may have further accelerated the decline of P. sylvestris; in the Cantabrian Range, only a few stands on southern slopes have persisted until the present day. The history of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), a bird characteristic of pure or mixed Palaeartic coniferous forests, was almost certainly affected by the demise of these forests in this area. Cantabrian capercaillies are the only members of this species that live in purely deciduous forests, perhaps a recent adaptation to the regional extinction of pines. Today’s P. sylvestris and capercaillie populations are now highly fragmented and their future, given the predictions of global climate change, is uncertain.  相似文献   

The mountain ranges in NW Spain have a large number of little known wetlands. We report the results of a study carried out on a group of 77 small lakes and mires in the Sierra Segundera and Cordillera Cantábrica. The main physical and chemical variables, and phytoplankton communities from littoral samples were studied. Cantabrian wetlands showed greater variability in all environmental variables measured as well as higher values in those related to mineralisation than the Segundera ones. Many of these ecosystems were oligotrophic and showed a high species richness. Desmids and diatoms were the two most abundant groups, both in the species number and in biovolume. Desmids were the most numerous group in taxa in Sierra Segundera, whereas diatoms were in Cordillera Cantábrica. Differences in species composition of algae communities between both mountain ecosystems were studied. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was carried out on diatom and desmid flora composition. This analysis showed that alkalinity was the most important parameter in diatom distribution and pH the most important one in that of desmids.  相似文献   

In the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) a strong difference exists between Emsian articulate brachiopod species diversity compared to that of other remaining Devonian stages (169 Emsian species versus 210 species for the rest of the Devonian). Historical, paleogeographic and eustatic reasons are presented that could in part explain this numerical asymmetry. The Emsian stratigraphy of the Asturo-Leonian domain Emsian is briefly discussed and related to both global bio-events and eustatic and magnetosusceptibility events. Spiriferids are the most diversified Emsian brachiopod group (44 species). Despite this fact only nine of these spiriferid species have adequately been described and/or figured in recent times. This paper focuses on the Asturo-Leonian domain upper Emsian Spinelloidea and Cyrtospiriferoidea. Nine species (five new) are described and/or figured belonging to six genera (four new). The meaning of the term “crural plates” and its diagnostic value in the taxonomic characterization of the Family Spinellidae is discussed.  相似文献   

Diversity was studied in 10 communities, including the understory of native oak woodland, planted woodlands (pine and eucalypt), and shrublands in the strict sense (heathlands, broom shrublands, gorse shrublands).In each community, species richness, diversity, dominance and evenness were analysed. Differences were observed among communities with regard to species composition, richness in annual herbs, perennial herbs and shrubs, dominant plant families (Ericaceae, Papilionaceae) and diversification of shrub species.The possible relations between environmental stress and/or human influences on differences in diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

With the aim to know the importance of theCastanea pollen in the Galician honey(N. W. Spain), the interannual oscillations withinthe areas of production and the most activephenological period for bees, we have madethe melissopalynological analysis of: 599samples of honey collected during the period1990–1999 in Galicia, the production of 40beehives during three consecutive years(1990, 1991, 1992), the partial production during1990 of two beehives situated at distant pointsin our geography.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):435-448
Between February and December 1988, a total of 261 specimens of Lipophrys pholis were caught in eleven intertidal pools on the western coast of Asturias. This blenniid species mainly feeds on different groups of invertebrates, although algal remains also appear. Mollusca is the most highly represented taxon with the largest number of prey being Gastropoda, followed by Bivalvia and, to a lesser degree, Polyplacophora. Crustacea is well represented by Cirripedia. Isopoda also stands out and Amphipoda, Tanaidacea and Decapoda appear sporadically. Temporal diet analysis throughout the year shows no great differences. Likewise, a great similarity was observed among the feeding of L. pholis specimens collected in pools at a different tidal level, of variable size and with different algal cover. Changes in diet are appreciable as size increases, especially from a length of 6 cm on.  相似文献   

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