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The effects of the synthetic auxin and herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D) on K$ and Cl uptake and H$ release by youngexcised maize roots has been studied. Brief exposure to 2,4-D(0.01 mmol dm–3) at pH 3.5 causes a large depolarizationof the electrical potential across the root plasma membranesand converts K$ uptake to K$ leakage into the bathing solution.These results can be explained by the increased H$ permeabilityof the membranes induced by the weak acid 2,4-D. The depolarizationresults in a less favourable electrochemical potential gradientfor K$ uptake across these membranes. These effects are notrelated to the auxin properties of 2,4-D as the nonauxin 3,5-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (3,5-D) gives rise to similar effects. The relative depolarizationsinduced by a range of weak acids appear to be unrelated to theiroil/water partition coefficients. In contrast, on bathing the roots for longer periods in solutions(pH > 5) containing 2,4-D (0.01 mmol dm–3) K$ and Cluptake and H$ release are inhibited. These effects are not shownwith 3,5-D suggesting an auxin-linked action for 2,4-D. Alsothe electrical potential across the plasma membranes is onlyslightly depolarized so that a change in the electrochemicalpotential gradient cannot be invoked to explain the loweredion fluxes. The evidence is consistent with the removal of anenergy supply to a metabolically linked K/H exchangemechanism in the plasma membranes. It is likely that both modes of action would operate to lowerion uptake under soil-grown conditions, the former becomingmore manifest in acidic soils.  相似文献   

Ion Uptake Efficiency of Sunflower Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The term ion uptake efficiency is used for the rate of uptake of a particular ion from nutrient solutions holding a standard concentration of that ion (0.5 mM sulphate, 1.5 mM phosphate or 2.0 mM rubidium). The uptake efficiency for rubidium and phosphate in roots of intact sunflower plants depended on the salt status of the plants and on the concentration of the ion under investigation in pretreatment solutions. The effect of pretreatment was a rapid process causing differences of more than 300% in ion uptake efficiency within 1 h, depending on the composition of the pretreatment solution. At concentrations above 0.1 mM the rate of uptake of rubidium in the root was higher than the net potassium uptake necessary for adequate growth. The rate of sulphate uptake was related to potassium uptake but not to phosphate uptake. It is suggested that ion uptake of the roots is regulated by internal factors as well as by direct interactions between the medium and the absorbing surfaces.  相似文献   

Dark-grown, decapitated corn (Zea mays L.) seedlings that hadbeen grown without nitrogen were used to characterize relationshipsamong uptake, translocation and in vivo reduction of [15N] nitrateduring induction of the nitrate uptake process and throughoutthe subsequent steady-state period. During induction, cumulativenitrate reduction increased from less than 20%of cumulativenitrate uptake to about 30%Concurrently, translocation of nitrateincreased from less than 30%to over 50%of that absorbed. Duringthe following steady-state period, partitioning of incomingnitrate between reduction and translocation remained relativelyconstant. Initially, removal of the endosperm had little effecton nitrate uptake, but by 6 h cumulative uptake had been depressed30%relative to control plants. In contrast, endosperm removallimited nitrate reduction within 1 h, and as a consequence nitratereduction during the 6 h exposure period was 60% less in endosperm-freetissues. Collectively these observations indicate that nitrateuptake and reduction are independent processes, since they developat dissimilar rates upon initial exposure to nitrate, and sincethey differ markedly in response to endosperm removal. However,the constancy of nitrate reduction during steady-state uptake(30% of incoming nitrate), does reflect an association betweenthe two processes. Key words: uptake, reduction, -N translocation, Induction, Post-induction  相似文献   

When excised barley (Hodeum Vulgare L.) roots were aged, the rate of uptake of K and C1 increased raching a maximum in about 14 to 18 h. At its maximum the uptake rate was approxiamately twice that of the freshly excised root materila. Respiratory activity declined markedly during the aging period. Although excision was an essential requirement for uptake enhancement, washing was not. Both the uptake and aging processes were shown ot be unresponsive to the presence or absence of Ca in the tratment solutions. Because of cation exchange properties, the change in the total cation content of the root material was a more meaningful measure of the metabolically mediated cation uptake than was the change in content of the test cation itself. The pluggin of xylem vessels with protein and pectin-like substances was observed to increase with aging. It is proposed that the occlusion of the vessels may account for an apparent increaase in uptake since the obstruction could reduce a concurrent loss of ions through the cut ends of the root segments.  相似文献   

Evidence for Symplasmic Ion Transport in Maize Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excised maize roots, placed in saturated water vapour to limitthe external ionic supply, continued to produce exudates attheir basal ends for at least 24 h. The mean rate of fluid exudationfrom roots in water vapour was about 28 per cent of the correspondingrate in ‘control’ roote placed in a solution containing0.1 mil CaCl2 and 1 mM KC1. Moreover, the net fluxes (mean ±S.E.)of potassium and calcium ions into the exudate were reducedfrom (35.8±3.2) x 10 and (4.37±0.39) xlO–9 mole cm–2 h for roots in solution to(10.9±0.6) x 10–9 and (l.00±0.06)x 10–9molecm–2 h–1 respectively for roots in vapour. It isconsidered that the observation of a prolonged exudation ofwater and ions from the roots placed in water vapour demonstratesthe existence of an alternative ionic supply within the roottissue itself and that this parallel route of ion transportto the exudate constitutes the cortical symplasmic pathway. Pre-treatment of the excised roots with 0.8 M mannitol beforeexudation studies in water vapour and solution led to a significantreduction in the rates of fluid and ion exudation which hadbeen observed in untreated roots under similar conditions. Itis concluded that the plas-molysis, induced by mannitol, disruptedthe symplasmic connections between root cells and that thisperturbation significantly reduced the operation of the symplasmicmode of ion transport into the exudate.  相似文献   

The uptake and compartmentation of manganese by maize roots,from solutions containing between 1 µM and 1 mM Mn2+,was monitored in vivo by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)spectroscopy. Qualitatively, NMR provided a convenient methodfor observing the effects of pH, anoxia, metabolic inhibitors,and competition with magnesium on the uptake of manganese andthe resultshighlighted the role of the vacuole as a sink forMn2+. Quantitatively, it was established thatroot tissues couldmaintain a low concentration of free Mn2+ in the cytoplasm duringmanganese uptake and that there is a non-equilibrium distributionof Mn2+ between the cytoplasm and the vacuole. Typically exposureto Mn2+ in the range 10–100 µM resulted in a submicromolarpool of Mn2+ in the cytoplasm and a vacuolar pool of 10 µMand it was concluded that the movement of Mn2+ out of the cytoplasmmust be energy consuming. Overall the results draw attentionto the similarity between the subcellular distribution of manganeseand calcium and provide some support for the suggestion thatmanganese, like calcium, might have a control function in normalcells. Key words: Cytoplasm, intracellular compartmentation, manganese, 31P-NMR, vacuole  相似文献   

The effects of carbon dioxide concentrations up to 8 per centin air on uptake of potassium and chloride at two pH levels,nominally pH 6 and 8, werestudied. In all experiments, enhanced uptake of potassium occurred atthe higher pH level with carbon dioxidefree air, but chlorideuptake was generally unaffected. At nominal pH 6, 1 per cent carbon dioxide reduced and 6 percent increased potassium uptake. There was no effect on chlorideuptake except with 1 per cent carbon dioxide where a markedenhancement was recorded. At nominal pH 8, l and 2 per cent carbon dioxide increased potassiumuptake whereas 6 and 8 per cent were inhibitory. Chloride uptakewas favoured by 1 and 8 per cent concentrations of the gas.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of a reduced maize root-system size on root growth and nitrogen (N) uptake and flow within plants. Restriction of shoot-borne root growth caused a strong decrease in the absorption of root: shoot dry weight ratio and a reduction in shoot growth. On the other hand, compensatory growth and an increased N uptake rate in the remaining roots were observed. Despite the limited long-distance transport pathway in the mesocotyl with restriction of shoot-borne root growth, N cycling within these plants was higher than those in control plants, implying that xylem and phloem flow velocities via the mesocotyl were considerably higher than in plants with an intact root system. The removal of the seminal roots in addition to restricting shoot-borne root development did not affect whole plant growth and N uptake, except for the stronger compensatory growth of the primary roots. Our results suggest that an adequate N supply to maize plant is maintained by compensatory growth of the remaining roots, increased N uptake rate and flow velocities within the xylem and phloem via the mesocotyl, and reduction in the shoot growth rate.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of a reduced maize root-system size on root growth and nitrogen (N) uptake and flow within plants. Restriction of shoot-borne root growth caused a strong decrease in the absorption of root : shoot dry weight ratio and a reduction in shoot growth. On the other hand, compensatory growth and an increased N uptake rate in the remaining roots were observed. Despite the limited long-distance transport pathway in the mesocotyl with restriction of shoot-borne root growth, N cycling within these plants was higher than those in control plants, implying that xylem and phloem flow velocities via the mesocotyl were considerably higher than in plants with an intact root system. The removal of the seminal roots in addition to restricting shoot-borne root development did not affect whole plant growth and N uptake, except for the stronger compensatory growth of the primary roots. Our results suggest that an adequate N supply to maize plant is maintained by compensatory growth of the remaining roots, increased N uptake rate and flow velocities within the xylem and phloem via the mesocotyl, and reduction in the shoot growth rate.  相似文献   

Rapid Effects of Abscisic Acid on Ion Uptake in Sunflower Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short-term effects of ABA, ABA + kinetin and kinetin on ion (86Rb-potassium and phosphate) and water uptake in sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus var. californicus) were examined with a continuous-recording technique. Ion uptake in the roots and transport to the shoots were also investigated by conventional tracer uptake experiments and by sap bleeding experiments with excised roots. After addition of 5 × 10?6-4 × 10?5M ABA to the root medium there was an immediate decrease (30–70%) in the rate of ion uptake which lasted 30–70 min. The rate of water uptake was not significantly affected as measured with this method. Ion transport to the shoots and to the bleeding sap of excised roots was decreased by ABA. ABA-induced inhibition of ion uptake was abolished by the presence of kinetin, and uptake was slightly stimulated by 2 × 10?5M kinetin alone. We suggest that concentration gradients of ABA or rapid changes in the ABA-kinetin balance in the roots affect ion uptake and transport.  相似文献   

Uptake of Proteins by Plant Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The patterns of uptake of fluorescein-labelled lysozyme (Fl-lysozyme) by barley, maize, onion, tomato and vetch are similar as revealed by fluorescence microscopy. Penetration of the root cap and through the epidermis into the cortex increases with time of exposure and decreases with higher salt concentrations. In fact, one molar ethylammonium chloride can remove most of the absorbed protein from treated roots and the space observed to be stained by Fl-lysozyme in this manner can be visualized as “free space”. Results with sterile and non-sterile barley roots were indistinguishable. At low ionic strength, Fl-lysozyme can penetrate cells and complex with nucleoli. Such cell protoplasts appear “coagulated”. Uptake results with fluorescein per se were unlike those with protein. The uptake of a much larger molecule, ferritin, is confined to the epidermis and root cell walls. Localized, absorbed protein and root growth inhibition by basic proteins have yet to be related.  相似文献   

The amino acid and protein metabolism of roots of maize has been studied. The important role of the free amino acids and proteins of the roots as active agents in nitrogen assimilation is pointed out. Nitrogen supplied as nitrate is preferably incorporated into α-ketoglutaric acid, and then by trans-aminases transferred to other ketoacids. In the case of ammonia supply the function of a nitrogen-accumulating assimilation system leading to the formation of Arg, Glu-NH2 and Asp-NH2 is shown.  相似文献   

The quantitative relationships between pH-dependent ion and 2,4-D uptake in winter wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Yubileynaya 50) have been investigated. The movement of various ions (potassium, phosphate, nitrate and ammonium) and 2,4-D across the root membranes was monitored with radioactive and stable isotope tracer methods. It was found that the H+ ion concentration of the absorption solution strongly influences the 2,4-D uptake of the roots. Simultaneously, the 2,4-D uptake stimulates secretion of H+ into the absorption solution, that is, a H+ efflux can accompany the uptake of 2,4-D. This finding is consistent with the acid secretion theory of auxin and fusicoccin action. At pH 4 the 2,4-D uptake was much higher than at pH 6, thereby inhibiting the ion uptake and increasing the phytotoxicity in the plant. The results indicate that 2,4-D enters the root cells rapidly at the lower pH, mostly as undissociated molecules. With reference to the 2,4-D concentration in the roots at pH 4, a possible transport mechanism of the auxin herbicide is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing concentrations of cyclopropane up to about 95 % C3H6—5 % O2 caused an increasing inhibition of uptake by excised barley roots from KC1 solution, much more so for Cl than K. No inhibition of K uptake from K2SO4 occurred under similar conditions. It is suggested that the small decrease in K uptake from KC1 is related to the large decrease in Cl uptake and that C3H6 primarily inhibits Cl uptake with little or no effect on K uptake. Time curves of uptake in 80 % C3H6 20 % O2 revealed no indication of cumulative injury in either KC1 or K2SO4 for periods up to 3 hours. The amount of organic acid production associated with K uptake from K2SO4 was about the same in 80 % C3Hg— 20 % O2 as in air. Oxygen consumption in K2SO4 was unaffected by the gas mixture and only slightly affected in KC1. Protoplasmic streaming in epidermal cells was rapidly stopped at C3H6 concentrations of 20 % or higher. In 80 % C3H6–20 % O2 the effect on streaming was confined mostly to the outer two or three layers of root cells. A connection between the cessation of streaming and the inhibition of Cl uptake appeared to exist but very little if any relationship between streaming and K uptake was observed.  相似文献   

Xylem sap was collected from nitrogen-starved maize plants and investigations were made on the nitrogen transported. It appears from the results that several pools for different amino acids exist, which have different relations to the transport of nitrogen taken up. While in maize roots Glu, Glu-NH2 and Arg are transported directly from the place of their synthesis, the transported Asp and Ala predominantly derive from the pool of amino acids synthetized before application of nitrogen. An explanation of this observation is offered.  相似文献   

Multiphasic kinetics were indicated for uptake of ammonium and potassium by intact cirtrus seedlings as measured by a continuous flow technique. Uptake at low concentration, below 10?3M, was biphasis. The patterns for ammonium uptake by 60-day-old and 180-day-old seedlings were similar, but the rates of uptake per g dry weight of root were greater for the younger plants.  相似文献   

The uptake and assimilation of nitrate and ammonia have been studied in Zea mays. Nitrogen-starved maize roots are capable of accumulating a potential capacity for nitrogen uptake and assimilation. Reestablishment of nitrogen supply leads to intense uptake, reaching 154 % of the reference variant level after 24 hours when nitrate is supplied, and 121 % when ammonia is supplied. After 24 hours the insoluble nitrogen fraction accounts for 80, 54 and 55 % of the total taken up in the PK + NO3-, PK + NH4+ and NPK variants respectively.  相似文献   

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