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Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a devastating progeria most often caused by mutations in the CSB gene encoding a SWI/SNF family chromatin remodeling protein. Although all CSB mutations that cause CS are recessive, the complete absence of CSB protein does not cause CS. In addition, most CSB mutations are located beyond exon 5 and are thought to generate only C-terminally truncated protein fragments. We now show that a domesticated PiggyBac-like transposon PGBD3, residing within intron 5 of the CSB gene, functions as an alternative 3′ terminal exon. The alternatively spliced mRNA encodes a novel chimeric protein in which CSB exons 1–5 are joined in frame to the PiggyBac transposase. The resulting CSB-transposase fusion protein is as abundant as CSB protein itself in a variety of human cell lines, and continues to be expressed by primary CS cells in which functional CSB is lost due to mutations beyond exon 5. The CSB-transposase fusion protein has been highly conserved for at least 43 Myr since the divergence of humans and marmoset, and appears to be subject to selective pressure. The human genome contains over 600 nonautonomous PGBD3-related MER85 elements that were dispersed when the PGBD3 transposase was last active at least 37 Mya. Many of these MER85 elements are associated with genes which are involved in neuronal development, and are known to be regulated by CSB. We speculate that the CSB-transposase fusion protein has been conserved for host antitransposon defense, or to modulate gene regulation by MER85 elements, but may cause CS in the absence of functional CSB protein.  相似文献   

An abundant TIP expressed in mature highly vacuolated cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aquaporins are water channel proteins found in vacuolar membranes and plasma membranes, and belong to the major intrinsic protein (MIP) family of proteins. In the present study, we purified a 75 kDa MIP protein from a crude fraction of spinach leaf intracellular membranes. Upon urea/SDS-PAGE, the 75 kDa protein appeared as a 21 kDa polypeptide, and the 75 kDa species therefore probably represents a tetramer. The corresponding cDNA was obtained by PCR cloning and had an open reading frame encoding a 25.1 kDa protein. The protein, So-deltaTIP, was most homologous to the tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) subfamily of plant MIPs. Using affinity-purified So-deltaTIP-specific peptide antibodies, we investigated the subcellular and tissue distribution of So-deltaTIP. So-deltaTIP was specifically located in the vacuolar membrane. It was abundant in most vacuolated cells in all vegetative organs, but was excluded from the leaf epidermis as well as from the root phloem parenchyma and meristem. In spite of the high sequence homology between delta-TIPs of spinach, Arabidopsis, sunflower and radish, their expression patterns were totally different. However, a comparison of the expression pattern of So-deltaTIP with that of more distantly related TIPs showed similarities with Arabidopsis gamma-TIP, which is expressed in zones of cell elongation/differentiation but excluded from meristematic tissues. Meristematic cells are characterized by many small vacuoles as opposed to elongating and mature cells, which generally harbour a single, large vacuole. Our results indicate that the expression of So-deltaTIP may be induced when the large vacuole is formed.  相似文献   

The tonoplast mediates the transport of various ions and metabolites between the vacuole and cytosol by mechanisms that remain to be elucidated at the molecular level. The primary structure of only one tonoplast protein, the H(+)-ATPase, has been reported to date. Here we report the primary structure of tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP), a 27-kilodalton intrinsic membrane protein that occurs widely in the tonoplasts of the protein storage vacuoles (protein bodies) of seeds [Johnson, K.D., et al. (1989). Plant Physiol. 91, 1006-1013]. Hydropathy plots and secondary structure analysis of the polypeptide predict six membrane-spanning domains connected by short loops and hydrophilic, cytoplasmically oriented N- and C-terminal regions. TIP displays significant homology with several other membrane proteins from diverse sources: major intrinsic polypeptide from bovine lens fiber plasma membrane; NOD 26, a peribacteroid membrane protein in the nitrogen-fixing root nodules of soybean; and interestingly, GIpF, the glycerol facilitator transport protein in the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli. Based on the homology between TIP and GIpF and the knowledge that the protein storage vacuolar membrane and the peribacteroid membrane are active in solute transport, we propose that TIP transports small metabolites between the storage vacuoles and cytoplasm of seed storage tissues.  相似文献   

A gene that encodes a homologue to baculoviral p74, an envelope-associated viral structural protein, has been identified and sequenced on the genome of Choristoneura fumiferana granulovirus (ChfuGV). A part of the ChfuGV p74 gene was located on an 8.9 kb BamHI subgenomic fragment using different sets of degenerated primers. These were designed using the results of the protein sequencing of a major 74 kDa structural protein that is associated with the occlusion-derived virus (ODV). The gene has a 1992 nucleotide (nt) open-reading frame (ORF) that encodes a protein with 663 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 74,812 Da. Comparative studies revealed the presence of two major conserved regions in the ChfuGV p74 protein. This study also shows that all of the p74 proteins contain two putative transmembrane domains at their C-terminal segments. At the nucleotide sequence level, two late promoter motifs (TAAG and GTAAG) were located upstream of the first ATG of the p74 gene. The gene contained a canonical poly(A) signal, AATAAA, at its 3 non-translated region. A phylogenetic tree for baculoviral p74 was constructed using a maximum parsimony analysis. The phylogenetic estimation demonstrated that ChfuGV p74 is related the closest to those of Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) and Phthorimaea operculella granulovirus (PhopGV).  相似文献   

The BRCT domain is a highly conserved module found in many proteins that participate in DNA damage checkpoint regulation, DNA repair, and cell cycle control. Here we describe the cloning, characterization, and targeted mutagenesis of Brctx, a novel gene with a BRCT motif. Brctx was found to be expressed ubiquitously in adult tissues and during development, with the highest levels found in testis. Brctx-deficient mice develop normally, show no pathological abnormalities, and are fertile. BRCTx binds to the C terminus of hRAD18 in yeast two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation assays and colocalizes with this protein in the nucleus. Despite this, Brctx-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) do not show overt sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. MEFs from Brctx-deficient embryos grow at a similar rate to wild-type MEF CD4/CD8 expressions, and the cell cycle parameters of thymocytes from wild-type and Brctx knockout animals are indistinguishable. Intriguingly, the BRCT domain of BRCTx is responsible for mediating its localization to the nucleus and centrosome in interphase cells. We conclude that, although highly conserved, Brctx is not essential for the above-mentioned processes and may be redundant.  相似文献   

The UPF0054 protein family is highly conserved with homologues present in nearly every sequenced bacterium. In some bacteria, the respective gene is essential, while in others its loss results in a highly pleiotropic phenotype. Despite detailed structural studies, a cellular role for this protein family has remained unknown. We report here that deletion of the Escherichia coli homologue, YbeY, causes striking defects that affect ribosome activity, translational fidelity and ribosome assembly. Mapping of 16S, 23S and 5S rRNA termini reveals that YbeY influences the maturation of all three rRNAs, with a particularly strong effect on maturation at both the 5′‐ and 3′‐ends of 16S rRNA as well as maturation of the 5′‐termini of 23S and 5S rRNAs. Furthermore, we demonstrate strong genetic interactions between ybeY and rnc (encoding RNase III), ybeY and rnr (encoding RNase R), and ybeY and pnp (encoding PNPase), further suggesting a role for YbeY in rRNA maturation. Mutation of highly conserved amino acids in YbeY, allowed the identification of two residues (H114, R59) that were found to have a significant effect in vivo. We discuss the implications of these findings for rRNA maturation and ribosome assembly in bacteria.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually via uninucleate, haploid spores, which are produced on morphologically differentiated aerial structures, called conidiophores. These consist of four distinct cell types, a foot with a terminally swollen stalk, metulae, phialides and conidiospores. The molecular mechanisms underlying the morphological changes that occur during conidiophore development have been studied by mutant analysis. We have isolated the hymA mutant, in which conidiophore development is affected at the metula stage. In the mutant metulae do not differentiate properly but come to resemble hyphae (hym?=?hypha-like metulae). In this paper we have analyzed the corresponding gene. It encodes a highly expressed 44?kDa protein which resides in the cytoplasm and has homologues in yeast, plants, fly, worm, fish, mice and man. We constructed hym deletion strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of A. nidulans and found that the gene is essential in S. cerevisiae but is dispensable in the filamentous fungus. A cellular function for the Hym protein has not yet been defined in any organism. To demonstrate functional conservation we constructed a chimeric protein comprised of the N-terminal half of the A.?nidulans and the C-terminal half of the mouse homologue MO25. This hybrid protein could fully substitute for HymA function in A. nidulans. In addition, the mouse protein itself partially rescued the hymA mutation in the fungus. HymA is thus highly conserved in evolution and probably serves similar functions. The fact that hymA is required for conidiophore development in A. nidulans suggests that homologous genes in other organisms might also be involved in morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Circular RNAs are abundant,conserved, and associated with ALU repeats   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Circular RNAs composed of exonic sequence have been described in a small number of genes. Thought to result from splicing errors, circular RNA species possess no known function. To delineate the universe of endogenous circular RNAs, we performed high-throughput sequencing (RNA-seq) of libraries prepared from ribosome-depleted RNA with or without digestion with the RNA exonuclease, RNase R. We identified >25,000 distinct RNA species in human fibroblasts that contained non-colinear exons (a “backsplice”) and were reproducibly enriched by exonuclease degradation of linear RNA. These RNAs were validated as circular RNA (ecircRNA), rather than linear RNA, and were more stable than associated linear mRNAs in vivo. In some cases, the abundance of circular molecules exceeded that of associated linear mRNA by >10-fold. By conservative estimate, we identified ecircRNAs from 14.4% of actively transcribed genes in human fibroblasts. Application of this method to murine testis RNA identified 69 ecircRNAs in precisely orthologous locations to human circular RNAs. Of note, paralogous kinases HIPK2 and HIPK3 produce abundant ecircRNA from their second exon in both humans and mice. Though HIPK3 circular RNAs contain an AUG translation start, it and other ecircRNAs were not bound to ribosomes. Circular RNAs could be degraded by siRNAs and, therefore, may act as competing endogenous RNAs. Bioinformatic analysis revealed shared features of circularized exons, including long bordering introns that contained complementary ALU repeats. These data show that ecircRNAs are abundant, stable, conserved and nonrandom products of RNA splicing that could be involved in control of gene expression.  相似文献   

Tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) is a member of a family of putative membrane channels found in bacteria, animals, and plants. Plants have seed-specific, vegetative/reproductive organ-specific, and water-stress-induced forms of TIP. Here, we report that the seed-specific TIP is a phosphoprotein whose phosphorylation can be monitored in vivo by allowing bean cotyledons to take up [32P]orthophosphate and in vitro by incubating purified tonoplasts with γ-labeled [32P]ATP. Characterization of the in vitro phosphorylation of TIP indicates that a membrane-bound protein kinase phosphorylates TIP in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The capacity of the isolated tonoplast membranes to phosphorylate TIP declined markedly during seed germination, and this decline occurred well before the development-mediated decrease in TIP occurs. Phosphoamino acid analysis of purified, radiolabeled TIP showed that serine is the major, if not only, phosphorylated residue, and cyanogen bromide cleavage yielded a single radioactive peptide peak on a reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatogram. Estimation of the molecular mass of the cyanogen bromide phosphopeptide by laser desorption mass spectroscopy led to its identification as the hydrophilic N-terminal domain of TIP. The putative phosphate-accepting serine residue occurs in a consensus phosphorylation site for serine/threonine protein kinases.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually via uninucleate, haploid spores, which are produced on morphologically differentiated aerial structures, called conidiophores. These consist of four distinct cell types, a foot with a terminally swollen stalk, metulae, phialides and conidiospores. The molecular mechanisms underlying the morphological changes that occur during conidiophore development have been studied by mutant analysis. We have isolated the hymA mutant, in which conidiophore development is affected at the metula stage. In the mutant metulae do not differentiate properly but come to resemble hyphae (hym = hypha-like metulae). In this paper we have analyzed the corresponding gene. It encodes a highly expressed 44 kDa protein which resides in the cytoplasm and has homologues in yeast, plants, fly, worm, fish, mice and man. We constructed hym deletion strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of A. nidulans and found that the gene is essential in S. cerevisiae but is dispensable in the filamentous fungus. A cellular function for the Hym protein has not yet been defined in any organism. To demonstrate functional conservation we constructed a chimeric protein comprised of the N-terminal half of the A.␣nidulans and the C-terminal half of the mouse homologue MO25. This hybrid protein could fully substitute for HymA function in A. nidulans. In addition, the mouse protein itself partially rescued the hymA mutation in the fungus. HymA is thus highly conserved in evolution and probably serves similar functions. The fact that hymA is required for conidiophore development in A. nidulans suggests that homologous genes in other organisms might also be involved in morphogenesis. Received: 11 February 1998 / Accepted: 14 September 1998  相似文献   

Analysis of complex protein samples by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) is often more difficult in the presence of a few predominant proteins. In plasma, proteins such as albumin mask proteins of lower abundance, as well as significantly limiting the amount of protein that can be loaded onto the immobilized pH gradient strip. In this paper the Gradiflow, a preparative electrophoresis system, has been used to deplete human plasma of the highly abundant protein albumin under native and denatured conditions. A three step protocol incorporating a charge separation to collect proteins with an isoelectric point greater than albumin and two size separations to isolate proteins larger and smaller than albumin, was used. When the albumin depleted fractions were analysed on pH 3-10 2-DE gels, proteins that were masked by albumin were revealed and proteins not seen in the unfractionated plasma sample were visualised. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the identification of the protein that lies beneath albumin to be C4B-binding protein alpha chain. The liquid fractions from the Gradiflow separations were also analysed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to confirm the proteins were separated according to their size and charge mobility in an electric field.  相似文献   

In a screen for RNA binding proteins expressed during murine spermatogenesis, we cloned a novel, ancient zinc finger protein possessing a region common to a small class of RNA binding proteins. Zfr (zinc finger RNA binding) encodes a protein of 1052 amino acids with three widely spaced Cys2His2 zinc fingers. Outside of the zinc fingers, ZFR shares a region that is highly conserved between several RNA binding proteins containing copies of the double-stranded RNA binding motif. By northern blotting, Zfr is expressed at highest levels within the testis, ovary and brain. Immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy were used to show that ZFR is highly expressed during meiosis I in males and females and is chromosome associated. Zfr is also expressed in Sertoli cells in the testis and granulosa cells in the ovary where it is localized to the nucleus. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization we mapped Zfr to chromosome 15 region A. ZFR appears to be an ancient protein, as apparent homologs exist in invertebrates (D. melanogaster) nematodes (C. elegans) and humans (H. sapiens).  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rio2p (encoded by open reading frame Ynl207w) is an essential protein of unknown function that displays significant sequence similarity to Rio1p/Rrp10p. The latter was recently shown to be an evolutionarily conserved, predominantly cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase whose presence is required for the final cleavage at site D that converts 20 S pre-rRNA into mature 18 S rRNA. A data base search identified homologs of Rio2p in a wide variety of eukaryotes and Archaea. Detailed sequence comparison and in vitro kinase assays using recombinant protein demonstrated that Rio2p defines a subfamily of protein kinases related to, but both structurally and functionally distinct from, the one defined by Rio1p. Failure to deplete Rio2p in cells containing a GAL-rio2 gene and direct analysis of Rio2p levels by Western blotting indicated the protein to be low abundant. Using a GAL-rio2 gene carrying a point mutation that reduces the kinase activity, we found that depletion of this mutant protein blocked production of 18 S rRNA due to inhibition of the cleavage of cytoplasmic 20 S pre-rRNA at site D. Production of the large subunit rRNAs was not affected. Thus, Rio2p is the second protein kinase that is essential for cleavage at site D and the first in which the processing defect can be linked to its enzymatic activity. Contrary to Rio1p/Rrp10p, however, Rio2p appears to be localized predominantly in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The Su(var)205 gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1), a protein located preferentially within beta-heterochromatin. Mutation of this gene has been associated with dominant suppression of position-effect variegation. We have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding HP1 from Drosophila virilis, a distantly related species. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with Drosophila melanogaster HP1 shows two regions of strong homology, one near the N-terminus (57/61 amino acids identical) and the other near the C-terminus (62/68 amino acids identical) of the protein. Little homology is seen in the 5' and 3' untranslated portions of the gene, as well as in the intronic sequences, although intron/exon boundaries are generally conserved. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of HP1-like proteins from other species shows that the cores of the N-terminal and C-terminal domains have been conserved from insects to mammals. The high degree of conservation suggests that these N- and C-terminal domains could interact with other macromolecules in the formation of the condensed structure of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

HnifU, a gene exhibiting similarity tonifU genes of nitrogen fixation gene clusters, was identified in the course of expressed sequence tag (EST) generation from a human fetal heart cDNA library. Northern blot of human tissues and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using human genomic DNA verified that the hnifU gene represented a human gene rather than a microbial contaminant of the cDNA library. Conceptual translation of the hnifU cDNA yielded a protein product bearing 77% and 70% amino acid identity to NifU-like hypothetical proteins fromHaemophilus influenzae andSaccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively, and 40–44% identity to the N-terminal regions of NifU proteins from several diazatrophs (i.e., nitrogen-fixing organisms). Pairwise determination of amino acid identities between the NifU-like proteins of nondiazatrophs showed that these NifU-like proteins exhibited higher sequence identity to each other (63–77%) than to the diazatrophic NifU proteins (40–48%). Further, the NifU-like proteins of non-nitrogenfixing organisms were similar only to the N-terminal region of diazatrophic NifU proteins and therefore identified a novel modular domain in these NifU proteins. These findings support the hypothesis that NifU is indeed a modular protein. The high degree of sequence similarity between NifU-like proteins from species as divergent as humans andH. influenzae suggests that these proteins perform some basic cellular function and may be among the most highly conserved proteins. Correspondence to: C.-C. Liew  相似文献   

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