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  • Soil salinity severely affects and constrains crop production worldwide. Salinity causes osmotic and ionic stress, inhibiting gas exchange and photosynthesis, ultimately impairing plant growth and development. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) have been shown to maintain light and carbon use efficiency under stress, possibly providing a tool to improve salinity tolerance of the host plants. Thus, it was hypothesized that AM will contribute to improved growth and yield under stress conditions.
  • Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown with (AMF+) or without (AMF?) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation. Plants were subjected to salinity stress (200 mm NaCl) either at pre‐ or post‐anthesis or at both stages. Growth and yield components, leaf chlorophyll content as well as gas exchange parameters and AMF colonization were analysed.
  • AM plants exhibited a higher rate of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance and lower intrinsic water use efficiency. Furthermore, AM wheat plants subjected to salinity stress at both pre‐anthesis and post‐anthesis maintained higher grain yield than non‐AM salinity‐stressed plants.
  • These results suggest that AMF inoculation mitigates the negative effects of salinity stress by influencing carbon use efficiency and maintaining higher grain yield under stress.

Grain size and weight are important components of a suite of yield‐related traits in crops. Here, we showed that the CRISPR‐Cas9 gene editing of TaGW7, a homolog of rice OsGW7 encoding a TONNEAU1‐recruiting motif (TRM) protein, affects grain shape and weight in allohexaploid wheat. By editing the TaGW7 homoeologs in the B and D genomes, we showed that mutations in either of the two or both genomes increased the grain width and weight but reduced the grain length. The effect sizes of mutations in the TaGW7 gene homoeologs coincided with the relative levels of their expression in the B and D genomes. The effects of gene editing on grain morphology and weight traits were dosage dependent with the double‐copy mutant showing larger effect than the respective single copy mutants. The TaGW7‐centered gene co‐expression network indicated that this gene is involved in the pathways regulating cell division and organ growth, also confirmed by the cellular co‐localization of TaGW7 with α‐ and β‐tubulin proteins, the building blocks of microtubule arrays. The analyses of exome capture data in tetraploid domesticated and wild emmer, and hexaploid wheat revealed the loss of diversity around TaGW7‐associated with domestication selection, suggesting that TaGW7 is likely to play an important role in the evolution of yield component traits in wheat. Our study showed how integrating CRISPR‐Cas9 system with cross‐species comparison can help to uncover the function of a gene fixed in wheat for allelic variants targeted by domestication selection and select targets for engineering new gene variants for crop improvement.  相似文献   

Bryophyte consumption is uncommon among bird species globally and is often presumed incidental. We sought to determine whether herbivorous bird species of the high Andes, including the white‐bellied seedsnipe (Attagis malouinus) and Chloephaga geese (C. picta and C. poliocephala), consume bryophytes, and if so, how frequently. We collected 26 seedsnipe and 22 goose droppings from alpine and sub‐alpine habitats of Navarino Island, Chile and examined their contents for bryophyte diaspores. We detected bryophyte fragments in 84.6% and 90.9% of seedsnipe and Chloephaga goose faecal samples, respectively. We also extracted DNA from three bryophyte fragments isolated from goose droppings and sequenced three chloroplast loci for each sample. We inferred through a barcoding analysis that at least one species of Chloephaga goose consumes Polytrichum strictum and Notoligotrichum trichodon. The composition of 11 collected goose droppings was >50% Polytrichaceae bryophyte fragments, suggesting that at least one Chloephaga goose species foraged deliberately on moss species of this family. These new observations suggest that bryophytes are part of the diet of some high Andean birds and that birds might disperse bryophytes internally – via endozoochory – in the sub‐Antarctic.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variability in horn characteristics, such as their size, number and shape, offers the opportunity to elucidate the molecular basis of horn development. The objective of this study was to map the genetic determinant controlling the production of four horns in two breeds, Jacob sheep and Navajo‐Churro, and examine whether an eyelid abnormality occurring in the same populations is related. Genome‐wide association mapping was performed using 125 animals from the two breeds that contain two‐ and four‐horned individuals. A case–control design analysis of 570 712 SNPs genotyped with the ovine HD SNP Beadchip revealed a strong association signal on sheep chromosome 2. The 10 most strongly associated SNPs were all located in a region spanning Mb positions 131.9–132.6, indicating the genetic architecture underpinning the production of four horns is likely to involve a single gene. The closest genes to the most strongly associated marker (OAR2_132568092) were MTX2 and the HOXD cluster, located approximately 93 Kb and 251 Kb upstream respectively. The occurrence of an eyelid malformation across both breeds was restricted to polled animals and those carrying more than two horns. This suggests the eyelid abnormality may be associated with departures from the normal developmental production of two‐horned animals and that the two conditions are developmentally linked. This study demonstrated the presence of separate loci responsible for the polled and four‐horned phenotypes in sheep and advanced our understanding of the complexity that underpins horn morphology in ruminants.  相似文献   

Polar regions are predicted to undergo large increases in winter temperature and an increased frequency of freeze–thaw cycles, which can cause ice layers in the snow pack and ice encasement of vegetation. Early or late winter timing of ice encasement could, however, modify the extent of damage caused to plants. To determine impacts of the date of ice encasement, a novel field experiment was established in sub‐arctic Sweden, with icing events simulated in January and March 2008 and 2009. In the subsequent summers, reproduction, phenology, growth and mortality, as well as physiological indicators of leaf damage were measured in the three dominant dwarf shrubs: Vaccinium uliginosum, Vaccinium vitis‐idaea and Empetrum nigrum. It was hypothesised that January icing would be more damaging compared to March icing due to the longer duration of ice encasement. Following 2 years of icing, E. nigrum berry production was 83% lower in January‐iced plots compared to controls, and V. vitis‐idaea electrolyte leakage was increased by 69%. Conversely, electrolyte leakage of E. nigrum was 25% lower and leaf emergence of V. vitis‐idaea commenced 11 days earlier in March‐iced plots compared to control plots in 2009. There was no effect of icing on any of the other parameters measured, indicating that overall these study species have moderate to high tolerance to ice encasement. Even much longer exposure under the January icing treatment does not clearly increase damage.  相似文献   

Z. Tan  K. Xing  T. Yang  Y. Pan  Y. Wang  S. Mi  D. Sun  C. Wang 《Animal genetics》2018,49(2):127-131
Using the PorcineSNP80 BeadChip, we performed a genome‐wide association study for seven reproductive traits, including total number born, number born alive, litter birth weight, average birth weight, gestation length, age at first service and age at first farrowing, in a population of 1207 Large White pigs. In total, we detected 12 genome‐wide significant and 41 suggestive significant SNPs associated with six reproductive traits. The proportion of phenotypic variance explained by all significant SNPs for each trait ranged from 4.46% (number born alive) to 11.49% (gestation length). Among them, 29 significant SNPs were located within known QTL regions for swine reproductive traits, such as corpus luteum number, stillborn number and litter size, of which one QTL region associated with litter size contained the ALGA0098819 SNP for total number born. Subsequently, we found that 376 functional genes contained or were near these significant SNPs. Of these, 14 genes—BHLHA15, OCM2, IL1B2, GCK, SMAD2, HABP2, PAQR5, GRB10, PRELID2, DMKN, GPI, GPIHBP1, ADCY2 and ACVR2B—were considered important candidates for swine reproductive traits based on their critical roles in embryonic development, energy metabolism and growth development. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the genetic mechanisms for reproductive traits and could have a positive effect on pig breeding programs.  相似文献   

Pre‐mRNA splicing is an important step for gene expression regulation. Yeast Bud13p (bud‐site selection protein 13) regulates the budding pattern and pre‐mRNA splicing in yeast cells; however, no Bud13p homologs have been identified in plants. Here, we isolated two mutants that carry T‐DNA insertions at the At1g31870 locus and shows early embryo lethality and seed abortion. At1g31870 encodes an Arabidopsis homolog of yeast Bud13p, AtBUD13. Although AtBUD13 homologs are widely distributed in eukaryotic organisms, phylogenetic analysis revealed that their protein domain organization is more complex in multicellular species. AtBUD13 is expressed throughout plant development including embryogenesis and AtBUD13 proteins is localized in the nucleus in Arabidopsis. RNA‐seq analysis revealed that AtBUD13 mutation predominantly results in the intron retention, especially for shorter introns (≤100 bases). Within this group of genes, we identified 52 genes involved in embryogenesis, out of which 22 are involved in nucleic acid metabolism. Our results demonstrate that AtBUD13 plays critical roles in early embryo development by effecting pre‐mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

The Icelandic horse is a breed known mainly for its ability to perform the ambling four‐beat gait ‘tölt’ and the lateral two‐beat gait pace. The natural ability of the breed to perform these alternative gaits is highly desired by breeders. Therefore, the discovery that a nonsense mutation (C>A) in the DMRT3 gene was the main genetic factor for horses' ability to perform gaits in addition to walk, trot and canter was of great interest. Although several studies have demonstrated that homozygosity for the DMRT3 mutation is important for the ability to pace, only about 70% of the homozygous mutant (AA) Icelandic horses are reported to pace. The aim of the study was to genetically compare four‐ and five‐gaited (i.e. horses with and without the ability to pace) AA Icelandic horses by performing a genome‐wide association (GWA) analysis. All horses (= 55) were genotyped on the 670K Axiom Equine Genotyping Array, and a GWA analysis was performed using the genabel package in r . No SNP demonstrated genome‐wide significance, implying that the ability to pace goes beyond the presence of a single gene variant. Despite its limitations, the current study provides additional information regarding the genetic complexity of pacing ability in horses. However, to fully understand the genetic differences between four‐ and five‐gaited AA horses, additional studies with larger sample materials and consistent phenotyping are needed.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C (PLC) is an enzyme that plays crucial roles in various signal transduction pathways in mammalian cells. However, the role of PLC in plant development is poorly understood. Here we report involvement of PLC2 in auxin‐mediated reproductive development in Arabidopsis. Disruption of PLC2 led to sterility, indicating a significant role for PLC2 in reproductive development. Development of both male and female gametophytes was severely perturbed in plc2 mutants. Moreover, elevated auxin levels were observed in plc2 floral tissues, suggesting that the infertility of plc2 plants may be associated with increased auxin concentrations in the reproductive organs. We show that expression levels of the auxin reporters DR5:GUS and DR5:GFP were elevated in plc2 anthers and ovules. In addition, we found that expression of the auxin biosynthetic YUCCA genes was increased in plc2 plants. We conclude that PLC2 is involved in auxin biosynthesis and signaling, thus modulating development of both male and female gametophytes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Winter hardiness is important for the adaptation of wheat to the harsh winter conditions in temperate regions and is thus also an important breeding goal. Here, we employed a panel of 407 European winter wheat cultivars to dissect the genetic architecture of winter hardiness. We show that copy number variation (CNV) of CBF (C‐repeat Binding Factor) genes at the Fr‐A2 locus is the essential component for winter survival, with CBF‐A14 CNV being the most likely causal polymorphism, accounting for 24.3% of the genotypic variance. Genome‐wide association mapping identified several markers in the Fr‐A2 chromosomal region, which even after accounting for the effects of CBF‐A14 copy number explained approximately 15% of the genotypic variance. This suggests that additional, as yet undiscovered, polymorphisms are present at the Fr‐A2 locus. Furthermore, CNV of Vrn‐A1 explained an additional 3.0% of the genotypic variance. The allele frequencies of all loci associated with winter hardiness were found to show geographic patterns consistent with their role in adaptation. Collectively, our results from the candidate gene analysis, association mapping and genome‐wide prediction show that winter hardiness in wheat is a quantitative trait, but with a major contribution of the Fr‐A2 locus.  相似文献   

Bread wheat is a leading cereal crop worldwide. Limited amount of superior allele loci restricted the progress of molecular improvement in wheat breeding. Here, we revealed new allelic variation distribution for 13 yield‐related traits in series of genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) using the wheat 90K genotyping assay, characterized in 163 bread wheat cultivars. Agronomic traits were investigated in 14 environments at three locations over 3 years. After filtering SNP data sets, GWAS using 20 689 high‐quality SNPs associated 1769 significant loci that explained, on average, ~20% of the phenotypic variation, both detected already reported loci and new promising genomic regions. Of these, repetitive and pleiotropic SNPs on chromosomes 6AS, 6AL, 6BS, 5BL and 7AS were significantly linked to thousand kernel weight, for example BS00021705_51 on 6BS and wsnp_Ex_c32624_41252144 on 6AS, with phenotypic variation explained (PVE) of ~24%, consistently identified in 12 and 13 of the 14 environments, respectively. Kernel length‐related SNPs were mainly identified on chromosomes 7BS, 6AS, 5AL and 5BL. Plant height‐related SNPs on chromosomes 4DS, 6DL, 2DS and 1BL were, respectively, identified in more than 11 environments, with averaged PVE of ~55%. Four SNPs were confirmed to be important genetic loci in two RIL populations. Based on repetivity and PVE, a total of 41 SNP loci possibly played the key role in modulating yield‐related traits of the cultivars surveyed. Distribution of superior alleles at the 41 SNP loci indicated that superior alleles were getting popular with time and modern cultivars had integrated many superior alleles, especially for peduncle length‐ and plant height‐related superior alleles. However, there were still 19 SNP loci showing less than percentages of 50% in modern cultivars, suggesting they should be paid more attention to improve yield‐related traits of cultivars in the Yellow and Huai wheat region. This study could provide useful information for dissection of yield‐related traits and valuable genetic loci for marker‐assisted selection in Chinese wheat breeding programme.  相似文献   

Pre‐mutation CGG repeat expansions (55–200 CGG repeats; pre‐CGG) within the fragile‐X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene cause fragile‐X‐associated tremor/ataxia syndrome in humans. Defects in neuronal morphology, early migration, and electrophysiological activity have been described despite appreciable expression of fragile‐X mental retardation protein (FMRP) in a pre‐CGG knock‐in (KI) mouse model. The triggers that initiate and promote pre‐CGG neuronal dysfunction are not understood. The absence of FMRP in a Drosophila model of fragile‐X syndrome was shown to increase axonal transport of mitochondria. In this study, we show that dissociated hippocampal neuronal culture from pre‐CGG KI mice (average 170 CGG repeats) express 42.6% of the FMRP levels and 3.8‐fold higher Fmr1 mRNA than that measured in wild‐type neurons at 4 days in vitro. Pre‐CGG hippocampal neurons show abnormalities in the number, mobility, and metabolic function of mitochondria at this early stage of differentiation. Pre‐CGG hippocampal neurites contained significantly fewer mitochondria and greatly reduced mitochondria mobility. In addition, pre‐CGG neurons had higher rates of basal oxygen consumption and proton leak. We conclude that deficits in mitochondrial trafficking and metabolic function occur despite the presence of appreciable FMRP expression and may contribute to the early pathophysiology in pre‐CGG carriers and to the risk of developing clinical fragile‐X‐associated tremor/ataxia syndrome.  相似文献   

ADP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase, comprising two small subunits and two large subunits, is considered a key enzyme in the endosperm starch synthesis pathway in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Two genes, TaAGP‐S1‐7A and TaAGP‐L‐1B, were investigated in this study. Haplotypes of these genes were associated with thousand kernel weight (TKW) in different populations. Mean TKWs of favoured haplotypes were significantly higher than those of nonfavoured ones. Two molecular markers developed to distinguish these haplotypes could be used in molecular breeding. Frequencies of favoured haplotypes were dramatically increased in cultivars released in China after the 1940s. These favoured haplotypes were also positively selected in six major wheat production regions globally. Selection of AGP‐S1 and AGP‐L‐1B in wheat mainly occurred during and after hexaploidization. Strong additive effects of the favoured haplotypes of with other genes for starch synthesis were also detected in different populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive stage water stress leads to spikelet sterility in wheat. Whereas drought stress at anthesis affects mainly grain size, stress at the young microspore stage of pollen development is characterized by abortion of pollen development and reduction in grain number. We identified genetic variability for drought tolerance at the reproductive stage. Drought‐tolerant wheat germplasm is able to maintain carbohydrate accumulation in the reproductive organs throughout the stress treatment. Starch depletion in the ovary of drought‐sensitive wheat is reversible upon re‐watering and cross‐pollination experiments indicate that the ovary is more resilient than the anther. The effect on anthers and pollen fertility is irreversible, suggesting that pollen sterility is the main cause of grain loss during drought conditions in wheat. The difference in storage carbohydrate accumulation in drought‐sensitive and drought‐tolerant wheat is correlated with differences in sugar profiles, cell wall invertase gene expression and expression of fructan biosynthesis genes in anther and ovary (sucrose : sucrose 1‐fructosyl‐transferase, 1‐SST; sucrose : fructan 6‐fructosyl‐transferase, 6‐SFT). Our results indicate that the ability to control and maintain sink strength and carbohydrate supply to anthers may be the key to maintaining pollen fertility and grain number in wheat and this mechanism may also provide protection against other abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

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