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Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form an intimate symbiosis with roots of more than 80% of land plants without eliciting a significant defense response, and how they do so is yet to be determined. Typically, plants mount a defense response upon sensing chitin in fungal walls, and to counteract this response, plant-pathogenic fungi secrete small effector proteins with chitin-binding LysM domains. In the AM fungus, Rhizophagus irregularis, a small, putatively-secreted LysM protein, which we refer to as RiSLM, is among the most highly expressed effector-like proteins during symbiosis. Here, we show that RiSLM expression is reduced during non-functional symbiosis with Medicago mutants, mtpt4-2 and vapyrin. We demonstrate that RiSLM can bind to both chitin and chitosan, and we model the protein-ligand interaction to identify possible binding sites. Finally, we have identified RiSLM homologs in five published R. irregularis isolate genomes and demonstrate that the gene is subject to a high rate of evolution and is experiencing positive selection, while still conserving putative function. Our results present important clues for elucidating a role for a LysM effector, RiSLM, in AM symbiosis.  相似文献   

Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) species cocolonizing the same host plant are still little understood in spite of major ecological significance of mycorrhizal symbiosis and widespread occurrence of these fungi in communities rather than alone. Furthermore, shifting the composition of AMF communities has demonstrated consequences for the provision of symbiotic benefits to the host as well as for the qualities of ecosystem services. Therefore, here we addressed the nature and strength of interactions between three different AMF species in all possible two‐species combinations on a gradient of inoculation densities. Fungal communities were established in pots with Medicago truncatula plants, and their composition was assessed with taxon‐specific real‐time PCR markers. Nature of interactions between the fungi was varying from competition to facilitation and was influenced by both the identity and relative abundance of the coinoculated fungi. Plants coinoculated with Claroideoglomus and Rhizophagus grew bigger and contained more phosphorus than with any of these two fungi separately, although these fungi obviously competed for root colonization. On the other hand, plants coinoculated with Gigaspora and Rhizophagus, which facilitated each other's root colonization, grew smaller than with any of these fungi separately. Our results point to as yet little understood complexity of interactions in plant‐associated symbiotic fungal communities, which, depending on their composition, can induce significant changes in plant host growth and/or phosphorus acquisition in either direction.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are known to exhibit high intra‐organism genetic variation. However, information about intra‐ vs. interspecific variation among the genes commonly used in diversity surveys is limited. Here, the nuclear small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene portions were sequenced from 3 to 5 individual spores from each of two isolates of Rhizophagus irregularis and Gigaspora margarita. A total of 1482 Sanger sequences (0.5 Mb) from 239 clones were obtained, spanning ~4370 bp of the ribosomal operon when concatenated. Intrasporal and intra‐isolate sequence variation was high for all three regions even though variant numbers were not exhausted by sequencing 12–40 clones per isolate. Intra‐isolate nucleotide variation levels followed the expected order of ITS > LSU > SSU, but the values were strongly dependent on isolate identity. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) densities over 4 SNP/kb in the ribosomal operon were detected in all four isolates. Automated operational taxonomic unit picking within the sequence set of known identity overestimated species richness with almost all cut‐off levels, markers and isolates. Average intraspecific sequence similarity values were 99%, 96% and 94% for amplicons in SSU, LSU and ITS, respectively. The suitability of the central part of the SSU as a marker for AM fungal community surveys was further supported by its level of nucleotide variation, which is similar to that of the ITS region; its alignability across the entire phylum; its appropriate length for next‐generation sequencing; and its ease of amplification in single‐step PCR.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi establish symbiotic interactions with plants, providing the host plant with minerals, i.e. phosphate, in exchange for organic carbon. Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi of the order Glomerales produce vesicles which store lipids as an energy and carbon source. Acyl‐acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterases (Fat) are essential components of the plant plastid‐localized fatty acid synthase and determine the chain length of de novo synthesized fatty acids. In addition to the ubiquitous FatA and FatB thioesterases, AM‐competent plants contain an additional, AM‐specific, FatM gene. Here, we characterize FatM from Lotus japonicus by phenotypically analyzing fatm mutant lines and by studying the biochemical function of the recombinant FatM protein. Reduced shoot phosphate content in fatm indicates compromised symbiotic phosphate uptake due to reduced arbuscule branching, and the fungus shows reduced lipid accumulation accompanied by the occurrence of smaller and less frequent vesicles. Lipid profiling reveals a decrease in mycorrhiza‐specific phospholipid forms, AM fungal signature fatty acids (e.g. 16:1ω5, 18:1ω7 and 20:3) and storage lipids. Recombinant FatM shows preference for palmitoyl (16:0)‐ACP, indicating that large amounts of 16:0 fatty acid are exported from the plastids of arbuscule‐containing cells. Stable isotope labeling with [13C2]acetate showed reduced incorporation into mycorrhiza‐specific fatty acids in the fatm mutant. Therefore, colonized cells reprogram plastidial de novo fatty acid synthesis towards the production of extra amounts of 16:0, which is in agreement with previous results that fatty acid‐containing lipids are transported from the plant to the fungus.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) is established by the entry of AM fungi into the host plant roots and the formation of symbiotic structures called arbuscules. The host plant supplies photosynthetic products to the AM fungi, which in return provide phosphate and other minerals to the host through the arbuscules. Both partners gain great advantages from this symbiotic interaction, and both regulate AM development. Our recent work revealed that gibberellic acids (GAs) are required for AM development in the legume Lotus japonicus. GA signaling interact with symbiosis signaling pathways, directing AM fungal colonization in host roots. Expression analysis showed that genes for GA biosynthesis and metabolism were induced in host roots around AM fungal hyphae, suggesting that the GA signaling changes with both location and time during AM development. The fluctuating GA concentrations sometimes positively and sometimes negatively affect the expression of AM-induced genes that regulate AM fungal infection and colonization.  相似文献   

Most land plants live symbiotically with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Establishment of this symbiosis requires signals produced by both partners: strigolactones in root exudates stimulate pre‐symbiotic growth of the fungus, which releases lipochito‐oligosaccharides (Myc‐LCOs) that prepare the plant for symbiosis. Here, we have investigated the events downstream of this early signaling in the roots. We report that expression of miR171h, a microRNA that targets NSP2, is up‐regulated in the elongation zone of the root during colonization by Rhizophagus irregularis (formerly Glomus intraradices) and in response to Myc‐LCOs. Fungal colonization was much reduced by over‐expressing miR171h in roots, mimicking the phenotype of nsp2 mutants. Conversely, in plants expressing an NSP2 mRNA resistant to miR171h cleavage, fungal colonization was much increased and extended into the elongation zone of the roots. Finally, phylogenetic analyses revealed that miR171h regulation of NSP2 is probably conserved among mycotrophic plants. Our findings suggest a regulatory mechanism, triggered by Myc‐LCOs, that prevents over‐colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by a mechanism involving miRNA‐mediated negative regulation of NSP2.  相似文献   

The use of inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in nursery represents a promising field in horticulture because of its known benefits in terms of plant growth and bioprotection. The present work was undertaken to determine the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis in a nursery medium on the containment of melon root rot and vine decline (MRRVD) caused by the soil‐borne pathogen Monosporascus cannonballus. The percentage of mycorrhization, biomass and yield following mycorrhizal inoculation were also evaluated. Biocontrol activity was assessed in greenhouse pot experiments upon artificial inoculation of M. cannonballus and in a two‐season field experiment under production conditions in an unheated greenhouse with a history of MRRVD. On the basis of the mycorrhization parameters, the interaction appeared to be established within 30 days after inoculation. The total shoot growth in the mycorrhized plants was significantly higher when compared to the control, while the root growth was unaffected. Upon artificial inoculation of M. cannonballus, mycorrhization provided complete protection against the pathogen. Greenhouse experiments under production conditions during spring cropping season showed that pretransplanting inoculation with R. irregularis significantly decreased the severity of the disease. Also, the average fruit weight of mycorrhized plants was significantly higher than the untreated control. Nevertheless, in summer crop, the bioprotection activity of AMF failed. Present results indicate that the use of AMF in a nursery setting can contribute to the prevention of the onset of this problematic soil‐borne disease within a sustainable and integrated soil‐borne disease management.  相似文献   

The impact of different defoliation intensities on the ability of Lotus tenuis plants to regrowth, mobilise nutrients and to associate with native AM fungi and Rhizobium in a saline‐sodic soil was investigated. After 70 days, plants were subjected to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% defoliation and shoot regrowth was assessed at the end of subsequent 35 days. Compared to non‐defoliated plants, low or moderate defoliation up to 75% did not affect shoot regrowth. However, 100% treatment affected shoot regrowth and the clipped plants were not able to compensate the growth attained by non‐defoliated plants. Root growth was more affected by defoliation than shoot growth. P and N concentrations in shoots and roots increased with increasing defoliation while Na+ concentration in shoots of non‐defoliated and moderately defoliated plants was similar. Non‐defoliated and moderately defoliated plants prevented increases of Na+ concentration in shoots through both reducing Na+ uptake and Na+ transport to shoots by accumulating Na+ in roots. At high defoliation, the salinity tolerance mechanism is altered and Na+ concentration in shoots was higher than in roots. Reduction in the photosynthetic capacity induced by defoliation neither changed the root length colonised by AM fungi nor arbuscular colonisation but decreased the vesicular colonisation. Spore density did not change, but hyphal density and Rhizobium nodules increased with defoliation. The strategy of the AM symbiont consists in investing most of the C resources to preferentially retain arbuscular colonisation as well as inoculum density in the soil.  相似文献   

Host‐induced gene silencing (HIGS) is an RNA interference‐based approach in which small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are produced in the host plant and subsequently move into the pathogen to silence pathogen genes. As a proof‐of‐concept, we generated stable transgenic lettuce plants expressing siRNAs targeting potentially vital genes of Bremia lactucae, a biotrophic oomycete that causes downy mildew, the most important disease of lettuce worldwide. Transgenic plants, expressing inverted repeats of fragments of either the Highly Abundant Message #34 (HAM34) or Cellulose Synthase (CES1) genes of B. lactucae, specifically suppressed expression of these genes, resulting in greatly reduced growth and inhibition of sporulation of B. lactucae. This demonstrates that HIGS can provide effective control of B. lactucae in lettuce; such control does not rely on ephemeral resistance conferred by major resistance genes and therefore offers new opportunities for durable control of diverse diseases in numerous crops.  相似文献   

Little is known about the potential for acclimatization or adaptation of corals to ocean acidification and even less about the molecular mechanisms underpinning these processes. Here, we examine global gene expression patterns in corals and their intracellular algal symbionts from two replicate population pairs in Papua New Guinea that have undergone long‐term acclimatization to natural variation in pCO2. In the coral host, only 61 genes were differentially expressed in response to pCO2 environment, but the pattern of change was highly consistent between replicate populations, likely reflecting the core expression homeostasis response to ocean acidification. Functional annotations highlight lipid metabolism and a change in the stress response capacity of corals as key parts of this process. Specifically, constitutive downregulation of molecular chaperones was observed, which may impact response to combined climate change‐related stressors. Elevated CO2 has been hypothesized to benefit photosynthetic organisms but expression changes of in hospite Symbiodinium in response to acidification were greater and less consistent among reef populations. This population‐specific response suggests hosts may need to adapt not only to an acidified environment, but also to changes in their Symbiodinium populations that may not be consistent among environments, adding another challenging dimension to the physiological process of coping with climate change.  相似文献   

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