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Distinct molecular mechanisms integrate changes in ambient temperature into the genetic pathways that govern flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Temperature‐dependent eviction of the histone variant H2A.Z from nucleosomes has been suggested to facilitate the expression of FT by PIF4 at elevated ambient temperatures. Here we show that, in addition to PIF4, PIF3 and PIF5, but not PIF1 and PIF6, can promote flowering when expressed specifically in phloem companion cells (PCC), where they can induce FT and its close paralog, TSF. However, despite their strong potential to promote flowering, genetic analyses suggest that the PIF genes seem to have only a minor role in adjusting flowering in response to photoperiod or high ambient temperature. In addition, loss of PIF function only partially suppressed the early flowering phenotype and FT expression of the arp6 mutant, which is defective in H2A.Z deposition. In contrast, the chemical inhibition of gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis resulted in a strong attenuation of early flowering and FT expression in arp6. Furthermore, GA was able to induce flowering at low temperature (15°C) independently of FT, TSF, and the PIF genes, probably directly at the shoot apical meristem. Together, our results suggest that the timing of the floral transition in response to ambient temperature is more complex than previously thought and that GA signaling might play a crucial role in this process.  相似文献   

Plants constantly monitor changes in photoperiod and temperature throughout the year to synchronize flowering with optimal environmental conditions. In the temperate zones, both photoperiod and temperature fluctuate in a somewhat predictable manner through the seasons, although a transient shift to low temperature is also encountered during changing seasons, such as early spring. Although low temperatures are known to delay flowering by inducing the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), it is not fully understood how temperature signals are coordinated with photoperiodic signals in the timing of seasonal flowering. Here, we show that the cold signaling activator INDUCER OF CBF EXPRESSION 1 (ICE1), FLC and the floral promoter SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1) constitute an elaborate signaling network that integrates cold signals into flowering pathways. The cold‐activated ICE1 directly induces the gene encoding FLC, which represses SOC1 expression, resulting in delayed flowering. In contrast, under floral promotive conditions, SOC1 inhibits the binding of ICE1 to the promoters of the FLC gene, inducing flowering with a reduction of freezing tolerance. These observations indicate that the ICE1‐FLC‐SOC1 signaling network contributes to the fine‐tuning of flowering during changing seasons.  相似文献   

  • H3K9ac, an epigenetic marker, is widely distributed in plant genomes. H3K9ac enhances gene expression, which is highly conserved in eukaryotes. However, genome‐wide studies of H3K9ac in monocot species are limited, and the changes in H3K9ac under drought stress for individual genes are still not clear.
  • We analysed changes in the H3K9ac level of Brachypodium distachyon under 20% PEG‐6000‐simulated drought stress conditions. We also performed chromatin immunoprecipitation, followed by next generation sequencing (ChIP‐seq) on H3K9ac to reveal changes in H3K9ac for individual genes at the genome‐wide level.
  • Our study showed that H3K9ac was mainly enriched in gene exon regions. Drought increased or decreased the H3K9ac level at specific genomic loci. We identified 40 genes associated with increased H3K9ac levels and 36 genes associated with decreased H3K9ac levels under drought stress. Further, RT‐qPCR analyses showed that H3K9ac was positively associated with gene expression of those drought‐responsive genes.
  • We conclude that H3K9ac enhances the expression level of a large number of drought‐responsive genes under drought stress in B. distachyon. The data presented here will help to reveal the correlation of some specific drought‐responsive genes and their enriched H3K9ac levels in the model plant B. distachyon.

Grass lignins contain substantial amounts of p‐coumarate (pCA) that acylate the side‐chains of the phenylpropanoid polymer backbone. An acyltransferase, named p‐coumaroyl‐CoA:monolignol transferase (OsPMT), that could acylate monolignols with pCA in vitro was recently identified from rice. In planta, such monolignol‐pCA conjugates become incorporated into lignin via oxidative radical coupling, thereby generating the observed pCA appendages; however p‐coumarates also acylate arabinoxylans in grasses. To test the authenticity of PMT as a lignin biosynthetic pathway enzyme, we examined Brachypodium distachyon plants with altered BdPMT gene function. Using newly developed cell wall analytical methods, we determined that the transferase was involved specifically in monolignol acylation. A sodium azide‐generated Bdpmt‐1 missense mutant had no (<0.5%) residual pCA on lignin, and BdPMT RNAi plants had levels as low as 10% of wild‐type, whereas the amounts of pCA acylating arabinosyl units on arabinoxylans in these PMT mutant plants remained unchanged. pCA acylation of lignin from BdPMT‐overexpressing plants was found to be more than three‐fold higher than that of wild‐type, but again the level on arabinosyl units remained unchanged. Taken together, these data are consistent with a defined role for grass PMT genes in encoding BAHD (BEAT, AHCT, HCBT, and DAT) acyltransferases that specifically acylate monolignols with pCA and produce monolignol p‐coumarate conjugates that are used for lignification in planta.  相似文献   

Due to a large and growing collection of genomic and experimental resources, Brachypodium distachyon has emerged as a powerful experimental model for the grasses. To add to these resources we sequenced 21 165 T‐DNA lines, 15 569 of which were produced in this study. This increased the number of unique insertion sites in the T‐DNA collection by 21 078, bringing the overall total to 26 112. Thirty‐seven per cent (9754) of these insertion sites are within genes (including untranslated regions and introns) and 28% (7217) are within 500 bp of a gene. Approximately 31% of the genes in the v.2.1 annotation have been tagged in this population. To demonstrate the utility of this collection, we phenotypically characterized six T‐DNA lines with insertions in genes previously shown in other systems to be involved in cellulose biosynthesis, hemicellulose biosynthesis, secondary cell wall development, DNA damage repair, wax biosynthesis and chloroplast synthesis. In all cases, the phenotypes observed supported previous studies, demonstrating the utility of this collection for plant functional genomics. The Brachypodium T‐DNA collection can be accessed at http://jgi.doe.gov/our-science/science-programs/plant-genomics/brachypodium/brachypodium-t-dna-collection/ .  相似文献   

In cultivated grasses, tillering, spike architecture and seed shattering represent major agronomical traits. In barley, maize and rice, the NOOT‐BOP‐COCH‐LIKE (NBCL) genes play important roles in development, especially in ligule development, tillering and flower identity. However, compared with dicots, the role of grass NBCL genes is underinvestigated. To better understand the role of grass NBCLs and to overcome any effects of domestication that might conceal their original functions, we studied TILLING nbcl mutants in the non‐domesticated grass Brachypodium distachyon. In B. distachyon, the NBCL genes BdUNICULME4 (CUL4) and BdLAXATUM‐A (LAXA) are orthologous, respectively, to the barley HvUniculme4 and HvLaxatum‐a, to the maize Zmtassels replace upper ears1 and Zmtassels replace upper ears2 and to the rice OsBLADE‐ON‐PETIOLE1 and OsBLADE‐ON‐PETIOLE2/3. In B. distachyon, our reverse genetics study shows that CUL4 is not essential for the establishment of the blade–sheath boundary but is necessary for the development of the ligule and auricles. We report that CUL4 also exerts a positive role in tillering and a negative role in spikelet meristem activity. On the other hand, we demonstrate that LAXA plays a negative role in tillering, positively participates in spikelet development and contributes to the control of floral organ number and identity. In this work, we functionally characterized two new NBCL genes in a context of non‐domesticated grass and highlighted original roles for grass NBCL genes that are related to important agronomical traits.  相似文献   

Root chicory (Cichorium intybus var. sativum) is a biennial crop, but is harvested to obtain root inulin at the end of the first growing season before flowering. However, cold temperatures may vernalize seeds or plantlets, leading to incidental early flowering, and hence understanding the molecular basis of vernalization is important. A MADS box sequence was isolated by RT‐PCR and named FLC‐LIKE1 (CiFL1) because of its phylogenetic positioning within the same clade as the floral repressor Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS C (AtFLC). Moreover, over‐expression of CiFL1 in Arabidopsis caused late flowering and prevented up‐regulation of the AtFLC target FLOWERING LOCUS T by photoperiod, suggesting functional conservation between root chicory and Arabidopsis. Like AtFLC in Arabidopsis, CiFL1 was repressed during vernalization of seeds or plantlets of chicory, but repression of CiFL1 was unstable when the post‐vernalization temperature was favorable to flowering and when it de‐vernalized the plants. This instability of CiFL1 repression may be linked to the bienniality of root chicory compared with the annual lifecycle of Arabidopsis. However, re‐activation of AtFLC was also observed in Arabidopsis when a high temperature treatment was used straight after seed vernalization, eliminating the promotive effect of cold on flowering. Cold‐induced down‐regulation of a MADS box floral repressor and its re‐activation by high temperature thus appear to be conserved features of the vernalization and de‐vernalization responses in distant species.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase/SHAGGY‐like kinases (SKs) are a highly conserved family of signaling proteins that participate in many developmental, cell‐differentiation, and metabolic signaling pathways in plants and animals. Here, we investigate the involvement of SKs in legume nodulation, a process requiring the integration of multiple signaling pathways. We describe a group of SKs in the model legume Lotus japonicus (LSKs), two of which respond to inoculation with the symbiotic nitrogen‐fixing bacterium Mesorhizobium loti. RNAi knock‐down plants and an insertion mutant for one of these genes, LSK1, display increased nodulation. Ηairy‐root lines overexpressing LSK1 form only marginally fewer mature nodules compared with controls. The expression levels of genes involved in the autoregulation of nodulation (AON) mechanism are affected in LSK1 knock‐down plants at low nitrate levels, both at early and late stages of nodulation. At higher levels of nitrate, these same plants show the opposite expression pattern of AON‐related genes and lose the hypernodulation phenotype. Our findings reveal an additional role for the versatile SK gene family in integrating the signaling pathways governing legume nodulation, and pave the way for further study of their functions in legumes.  相似文献   

Argonaute proteins and their associated small RNAs (sRNAs) are evolutionarily conserved regulators of gene expression. Gametocyte‐specific factor 1 (Gtsf1) proteins, characterized by two tandem CHHC zinc fingers and an unstructured C‐terminal tail, are conserved in animals and have been shown to interact with Piwi clade Argonautes, thereby assisting their activity. We identified the Caenorhabditis elegans Gtsf1 homolog, named it gtsf‐1 and characterized it in the context of the sRNA pathways of C. elegans. We report that GTSF‐1 is not required for Piwi‐mediated gene silencing. Instead, gtsf‐1 mutants show a striking depletion of 26G‐RNAs, a class of endogenous sRNAs, fully phenocopying rrf‐3 mutants. We show, both in vivo and in vitro, that GTSF‐1 interacts with RRF‐3 via its CHHC zinc fingers. Furthermore, we demonstrate that GTSF‐1 is required for the assembly of a larger RRF‐3 and DCR‐1‐containing complex (ERIC), thereby allowing for 26G‐RNA generation. We propose that GTSF‐1 homologs may act to drive the assembly of larger complexes that act in sRNA production and/or in imposing sRNA‐mediated silencing activities.  相似文献   

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