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Considerable progress has been made in understanding the influence of physical and genetic factors on the patterns of cell division in various model systems. However, how each of these factors directs changes in subcellular structures has remained unclear. Generic machineries for the execution of cell expansion and division have been characterized, but how these are influenced by genetic regulators and physical cell properties remains an open question. To a large degree, the complexity of growing post‐embryonic tissues and a lack of precise predictability have prevented the extraction of rigid correlations between subcellular structures and future orientation of cell division. The Arabidopsis embryo offers an exquisitely predictable and simple model for studying such correlations, but so far the tools and methodology for studying subcellular structures in the early embryo have been lacking. Here, we describe a set of markers to visualize a range of subcellular structures in the early Arabidopsis embryo. We have designed a series of fluorescent cellular reporters optimized for embryos, and demonstrate the effectiveness of using these ‘ACE’ reporters with simple three‐dimensional imaging procedures that preserve delicate cellular structures. We describe the ontogeny of subcellular structures in the early embryo and find that central/peripheral cell polarity is established much earlier than suspected. In addition, we show that the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton has distinct topologies in the embryo. These tools and methods will allow detailed analysis of the events of cellular reorganization that underlie morphogenesis in the Arabidopsis embryo.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, developing embryos reside in maternal sporophytes. It is known that maternal generation influences the development of next‐generation embryos; however, little is known about the signaling components in the process. Previously, we demonstrated that Arabidopsis mitogen‐activated protein kinase 6 (MPK6) and MPK3 play critical roles in plant reproduction. In addition, we noticed that a large fraction of seeds from mpk6 single‐mutant plants showed a wrinkled seed coat or a burst‐out embryo phenotype. Here, we report that these seed phenotypes can be traced back to defective embryogenesis. The defective embryos have shorter suspensors and reduced growth along the longitudinal axis. Furthermore, the cotyledons fail to bend over to progress to the bent‐cotyledon stage. As a result of the uneven circumference along the axis, the seed coat wrinkles to develop raisin‐like morphology after dehydration. In more severe cases, the embryo can be pushed out from the micropylar end, resulting in the burst‐out embryo seed phenotype. Genetic analyses demonstrated that the defective embryogenesis of the mpk6 mutant is a maternal effect. Heterozygous or homozygous mpk6 embryos have defects only in mpk6 homozygous maternal plants, but not in wild‐type or heterozygous maternal plants. The loss of function of MKK4/MKK5 also results in the same phenotypes, suggesting that MKK4/MKK5 might act upstream of MPK6 in this pathway. The maternal‐mediated embryo defects are associated with changes in auxin activity maxima and PIN localization. In summary, this research demonstrates that the Arabidopsis MKK4/MKK5–MPK6 cascade is an important player in the maternal control of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are central to cellular metabolism and energy conversion. In plants they also enable photosynthesis through additional components and functional flexibility. A majority of those processes relies on the assembly of individual proteins to larger protein complexes, some of which operate as large molecular machines. There has been a strong interest in the makeup and function of mitochondrial protein complexes and protein–protein interactions in plants, but the experimental approaches used typically suffer from selectivity or bias. Here, we present a complexome profiling analysis for leaf mitochondria of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana for the systematic characterization of protein assemblies. Purified organelle extracts were separated by 1D Blue native (BN) PAGE, a resulting gel lane was dissected into 70 slices (complexome fractions) and proteins in each slice were identified by label free quantitative shot‐gun proteomics. Overall, 1359 unique proteins were identified, which were, on average, present in 17 complexome fractions each. Quantitative profiles of proteins along the BN gel lane were aligned by similarity, allowing us to visualize protein assemblies. The data allow re‐annotating the subunit compositions of OXPHOS complexes, identifying assembly intermediates of OXPHOS complexes and assemblies of alternative respiratory oxidoreductases. Several protein complexes were discovered that have not yet been reported in plants, such as a 530 kDa Tat complex, 460 and 1000 kDa SAM complexes, a calcium ion uniporter complex (150 kDa) and several PPR protein complexes. We have set up a tailored online resource ( https://complexomemap.de/at_mito_leaves ) to deposit the data and to allow straightforward access and custom data analyses.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RFC) is a conserved eukaryotic complex consisting of RFC1/2/3/4/5. It plays important roles in DNA replication and the cell cycle in yeast and fruit fly. However, it is not very clear how RFC subunits function in higher plants, except for the Arabidopsis (At) subunits AtRFC1 and AtRFC3. In this study, we investigated the functions of AtRFC4 and found that loss of function of AtRFC4 led to an early sporophyte lethality that initiated as early as the elongated zygote stage, all defective embryos arrested at the two‐ to four‐cell embryo proper stage, and the endosperm possessed six to eight free nuclei. Complementation of rfc4‐1/+ with AtRFC4 expression driven through the embryo‐specific DD45pro and ABI3pro or the endosperm‐specific FIS2pro could not completely restore the defective embryo or endosperm, whereas a combination of these three promoters in rfc4‐1/+ enabled the aborted ovules to develop into viable seeds. This suggests that AtRFC4 functions simultaneously in endosperm and embryo and that the proliferation of endosperm is critical for embryo maturation. Assays of DNA content in rfc4‐1/+ verified that DNA replication was disrupted in endosperm and embryo, resulting in blocked mitosis. Moreover, we observed a decreased proportion of late S‐phase and M‐phase cells in the rfc4‐1/–FIS2;DD45;ABI3pro::AtRFC4 seedlings, suggesting that incomplete DNA replication triggered cell cycle arrest in cells of the root apical meristem. Therefore, we conclude that AtRFC4 is a crucial gene for DNA replication.  相似文献   

Changes in actin organization in the living egg apparatus of Torenia fournieri from anthesis to post-fertilization have been investigated using microinjection and confocal microscopy. Our results revealed that the actin cytoskeleton displays dramatic changes in the egg apparatus and appears to coordinate the events of synergid degeneration, pollen tube arrival and gametic fusion during fertilization. Synergid degeneration occurs after anthesis and is accompanied by actin fragmentation and degradation. The actin cytoskeleton becomes organized with numerous aggregates in the chalazal end of the degenerating synergid, and some of the actin infiltrates into the intercellular gap between synergids, egg and central cell, forming a distinct actin band. An actin cap is present near the filiform apparatus after anthesis and disappears after pollen tube arrival. In the egg cell, actin filaments initially organize into a network and after pollination become fragmented into numerous patches in the cortex. These structures, along with the actin in the degenerating synergid and intercellular spaces form two distinct actin coronas during fertilization. The actin coronas vanish after gametic fusion. This is the first report of changes in actin organization in the living egg apparatus. The reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in the egg apparatus and the presence of the actin coronas during fertilization suggest these events may be a necessary prelude to reception of the pollen tube and fusion of the male and female gametes. Received: 11 November 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

In plants, ethanolamine is considered a precursor for the synthesis of choline, which is an essential dietary nutrient for animals. An enzyme serine decarboxylase (SDC) has been identified and characterized in Arabidopsis, which directly converts serine to ethanolamine, a precursor to phosphorylethanolamine and its subsequent metabolites in plants. However, the importance of SDC and ethanolamine production in plant growth and development remains unclear. Here, we show that SDC is required for ethanolamine biosynthesis in vivo and essential in plant embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. The knockout of SDC1 caused an embryonic lethal defect due to the developmental arrest of the embryos at the heart stage. During embryo development, the expression was observed at the later stages, at which developmental defect occurred in the knockout mutant. Overexpression of SDC1 in planta increased levels of ethanolamine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine both in leaves and siliques. These results suggest that SDC1 plays an essential role in ethanolamine biosynthesis during the embryogenesis in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In meiosis, chromosome cohesion is maintained by the cohesin complex, which is released in a two‐step manner. At meiosis I, the meiosis‐specific cohesin subunit Rec8 is cleaved by the protease Separase along chromosome arms, allowing homologous chromosome segregation. Next, in meiosis II, cleavage of the remaining centromere cohesin results in separation of the sister chromatids. In eukaryotes, protection of centromeric cohesion in meiosis I is mediated by SHUGOSHINs (SGOs). The Arabidopsis genome contains two SGO homologs. Here we demonstrate that Atsgo1 mutants show a premature loss of cohesion of sister chromatid centromeres at anaphase I and that AtSGO2 partially rescues this loss of cohesion. In addition to SGOs, we characterize PATRONUS which is specifically required for the maintenance of cohesion of sister chromatid centromeres in meiosis II. In contrast to the Atsgo1 Atsgo2 double mutant, patronus T‐DNA insertion mutants only display loss of sister chromatid cohesion after meiosis I, and additionally show disorganized spindles, resulting in defects in chromosome segregation in meiosis. This leads to reduced fertility and aneuploid offspring. Furthermore, we detect aneuploidy in sporophytic tissue, indicating a role for PATRONUS in chromosome segregation in somatic cells. Thus, ploidy stability is preserved in Arabidopsis by PATRONUS during both meiosis and mitosis.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an essential coenzyme required for all living organisms. In eukaryotic cells, the final step of NAD+ biosynthesis is exclusively cytosolic. Hence, NAD+ must be imported into organelles to support their metabolic functions. Three NAD+ transporters belonging to the mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) have been biochemically characterized in plants. AtNDT1 (At2g47490), focus of the current study, AtNDT2 (At1g25380), targeted to the inner mitochondrial membrane, and AtPXN (At2g39970), located in the peroxisomal membrane. Although AtNDT1 was presumed to reside in the chloroplast membrane, subcellular localization experiments with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions revealed that AtNDT1 locates exclusively in the mitochondrial membrane in stably transformed Arabidopsis plants. To understand the biological function of AtNDT1 in Arabidopsis, three transgenic lines containing an antisense construct of AtNDT1 under the control of the 35S promoter alongside a T‐DNA insertional line were evaluated. Plants with reduced AtNDT1 expression displayed lower pollen viability, silique length, and higher rate of seed abortion. Furthermore, these plants also exhibited an increased leaf number and leaf area concomitant with higher photosynthetic rates and higher levels of sucrose and starch. Therefore, lower expression of AtNDT1 was associated with enhanced vegetative growth but severe impairment of the reproductive stage. These results are discussed in the context of the mitochondrial localization of AtNDT1 and its important role in the cellular NAD+ homeostasis for both metabolic and developmental processes in plants.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is the only phospholipid in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts of plants, and it is also found in extraplastidial membranes including mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. Previous studies showed that lack of PG in the pgp1‐2 mutant of Arabidopsis deficient in phosphatidylglycerophosphate (PGP) synthase strongly affects thylakoid biogenesis and photosynthetic activity. In the present study, the gene encoding the enzyme for the second step of PG synthesis, PGP phosphatase, was isolated based on sequence similarity to the yeast GEP4 and Chlamydomonas PGPP1 genes. The Arabidopsis AtPGPP1 protein localizes to chloroplasts and harbors PGP phosphatase activity with alkaline pH optimum and divalent cation requirement. Arabidopsis pgpp1‐1 mutant plants contain reduced amounts of chlorophyll, but photosynthetic quantum yield remains unchanged. The absolute content of plastidial PG (34:4; total number of acyl carbons:number of double bonds) is reduced by about 1/3, demonstrating that AtPGPP1 is involved in the synthesis of plastidial PG. PGP 34:3, PGP 34:2 and PGP 34:1 lacking 16:1 accumulate in pgpp1‐1, indicating that the desaturation of 16:0 to 16:1 by the FAD4 desaturase in the chloroplasts only occurs after PGP dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Freezing injury is a major factor limiting the geographical distribution of plant species and the growth and yield of crop plants. Plants from temperate climates are able to increase their freezing tolerance during exposure to low but non‐freezing temperatures in a process termed cold acclimation. Damage to cellular membranes is the major cause of freezing injury in plants, and membrane lipid composition is strongly modified during cold acclimation. Forward and reverse genetic approaches have been used to probe the role of specific lipid‐modifying enzymes in the freezing tolerance of plants. In the present paper we describe an alternative ecological genomics approach that relies on the natural genetic variation within a species. Arabidopsis thaliana has a wide geographical range throughout the Northern Hemisphere with significant natural variation in freezing tolerance that was used for a comparative analysis of the lipidomes of 15 Arabidopsis accessions using ultra‐performance liquid chromatography coupled to Fourier‐transform mass spectrometry, allowing the detection of 180 lipid species. After 14 days of cold acclimation at 4°C the plants from most accessions had accumulated massive amounts of storage lipids, with most of the changes in long‐chain unsaturated triacylglycerides, while the total amount of membrane lipids was only slightly changed. Nevertheless, major changes in the relative amounts of different membrane lipids were also evident. The relative abundance of several lipid species was highly correlated with the freezing tolerance of the accessions, allowing the identification of possible marker lipids for plant freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation has been for decades the preferred tool to generate transgenic plants. During this process, a T-DNA carrying transgenes is transferred from the bacterium to plant cells, where it randomly integrates into the genome via polymerase theta (Polθ)-mediated end joining (TMEJ). Targeting of the T-DNA to a specific genomic locus via homologous recombination (HR) is also possible, but such gene targeting (GT) events occur at low frequency and are almost invariably accompanied by random integration events. An additional complexity is that the product of recombination between T-DNA and target locus may not only map to the target locus (true GT), but also to random positions in the genome (ectopic GT). In this study, we have investigated how TMEJ functionality affects the biology of GT in plants, by using Arabidopsis thaliana mutated for the TEBICHI gene, which encodes for Polθ. Whereas in TMEJ-proficient plants we predominantly found GT events accompanied by random T-DNA integrations, GT events obtained in the teb mutant background lacked additional T-DNA copies, corroborating the essential role of Polθ in T-DNA integration. Polθ deficiency also prevented ectopic GT events, suggesting that the sequence of events leading up to this outcome requires TMEJ. Our findings provide insights that can be used for the development of strategies to obtain high-quality GT events in crop plants.  相似文献   

Roots form highly complex systems varying in growth direction and branching pattern to forage for nutrients efficiently. Here mutations in the KAI2 (KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE) α/β‐fold hydrolase and the MAX2 (MORE AXILLARY GROWTH 2) F‐box leucine‐rich protein, which together perceive karrikins (smoke‐derived butenolides), caused alteration in root skewing in Arabidopsis thaliana. This phenotype was independent of endogenous strigolactones perception by the D14 α/β‐fold hydrolase and MAX2. Thus, KAI2/MAX2 effect on root growth may be through the perception of endogenous KAI2‐ligands (KLs), which have yet to be identified. Upon perception of a ligand, a KAI2/MAX2 complex is formed together with additional target proteins before ubiquitination and degradation through the 26S proteasome. Using a genetic approach, we show that SMAX1 (SUPPRESSOR OF MAX2‐1)/SMXL2 and SMXL6,7,8 (SUPPRESSOR OF MAX2‐1‐LIKE) are also likely degradation targets for the KAI2/MAX2 complex in the context of root skewing. In A. thaliana therefore, KAI2 and MAX2 act to limit root skewing, while kai2's gravitropic and mechano‐sensing responses remained largely unaffected. Many proteins are involved in root skewing, and we investigated the link between MAX2 and two members of the SKS/SKU family. Though KLs are yet to be identified in plants, our data support the hypothesis that they are present and can affect root skewing.  相似文献   

Trans‐generational adaptation is important to respond rapidly to environmental challenges and increase overall plant fitness. Besides well‐known mechanisms such as epigenetic modifications, vertically transmitted endophytic bacteria might contribute to this process. The cultivable and total endophytic communities of several generations of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds harvested from plants exposed to cadmium (Cd) or not exposed were investigated. The diversity and richness of the seed endophytic community decreased with an increasing number of generations. Aeromicrobium and Pseudonocardia were identified as indicator species in seeds from Cd‐exposed plants, while Rhizobium was abundantly present in both seed types. Remarkably, Rhizobium was the only genus that was consistently detected in seeds of all generations, which suggests that the phenotypic characteristics were more important as selection criteria for which bacteria are transferred to the next plant generation than the actual genera. Production of IAA was an important trait for endophytes from both seed types, while ACC deaminase activity and Cd tolerance were mainly associated with seed endophytes from Cd‐exposed plants. Understanding how different factors influence the seed endophytic community can help us to improve seed quality and plant growth through different biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing number of genomic tools, identifying the genetics underlying adaptive complex traits remains challenging in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. This is due, at least in part, to the lack of data on the geographical scale of adaptive phenotypic variation. The aims of this study were (i) to tease apart the historical roles of adaptive and nonselective processes in shaping phenological variation in A. thaliana in France and (ii) to gain insights into the spatial scale of adaptive variation by identifying the putative selective agents responsible for this selection. Forty‐nine natural stands from four climatically contrasted French regions were characterized (i) phenologically for six traits, (ii) genetically using 135 SNP markers and (iii) ecologically for 42 variables. Up to 63% of phenological variation could be explained by neutral genetic diversity. The remaining phenological variation displayed stronger associations with ecological variation within regions than among regions, suggesting the importance of local selective agents in shaping adaptive phenological variation. Although climatic conditions have often been suggested as the main selective agents acting on phenology in A. thaliana, both edaphic conditions and interspecific competition appear to be strong selective agents in some regions. In a first attempt to identify the genetics of phenological variation at different geographical scales, we phenotyped worldwide accessions and local polymorphic populations from the French RegMap in a genome‐wide association (GWA) mapping study. The genomic regions associated with phenological variation depended upon the geographical scale considered, stressing the need to account for the scale of adaptive phenotypic variation when choosing accession panels for GWAS.  相似文献   

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