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Rab2 is a conserved Rab GTPase with a well-established role in secretory pathway function and phagocytosis. Here we demonstrate that Drosophila Rab2 is recruited to late endosomal membranes, where it controls the fusion of LAMP-containing biosynthetic carriers and lysosomes to late endosomes. In contrast, the lysosomal GTPase Gie/Arl8 is only required for late endosome-lysosome fusion, but not for the delivery of LAMP to the endocytic pathway. We also find that Rab2 is required for the fusion of autophagosomes to the endolysosomal pathway, but not for the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles. Surprisingly, Rab2 does not rely on HOPS-mediated vesicular fusion for recruitment to late endosomal membranes. Our work suggests that Drosophila Rab2 is a central regulator of the endolysosomal and macroautophagic/autophagic pathways by controlling the major heterotypic fusion processes at the late endosome.  相似文献   

Melanosomes are a type of lysosome‐related organelle that is commonly defective in Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome. Biogenesis of melanosomes is regulated by BLOC‐1, ‐2, ‐3, or AP‐1, ‐3 complexes, which mediate cargo transport from recycling endosomes to melanosomes. Although several Rab GTPases have been shown to regulate these trafficking steps, the precise role of Rab9A remains unknown. Here, we found that a cohort of Rab9A associates with the melanosomes and its knockdown in melanocytes results in hypopigmented melanosomes due to mistargeting of melanosomal proteins to lysosomes. In addition, the Rab9A‐depletion phenotype resembles Rab38/32‐inactivated or BLOC‐3‐deficient melanocytes, suggesting that Rab9A works in line with BLOC‐3 and Rab38/32 during melanosome cargo transport. Furthermore, silencing of Rab9A, Rab38/32 or its effector VARP, or BLOC‐3‐deficiency in melanocytes decreased the length of STX13‐positive recycling endosomal tubules and targeted the SNARE to lysosomes. This result indicates a defect in directing recycling endosomal tubules to melanosomes. Thus, Rab9A and its co‐regulatory GTPases control STX13‐mediated cargo delivery to maturing melanosomes.  相似文献   

Retromer, a peripheral membrane protein complex, plays an instrumental role in host of cellular processes by its ability to recycle receptors from endosomes to the trans‐Golgi network. It consists of two distinct sub‐complexes, a membrane recognizing, sorting nexins (SNX) complex and a cargo recognition, vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) complex. Small GTPase, Rab7 is known to recruit retromer on endosomal membrane via interactions with the Vps sub‐complex. The molecular mechanism underlying the recruitment process including the role of individual Vps proteins is yet to be deciphered. In this study, we developed a FRET‐based assay in HeLa cells that demonstrated the interaction of Rab7 with Vps35 and Vps26 in vivo. Furthermore, we showed that Rab7 recruits retromer to late endosomes via direct interactions with N‐terminal conserved regions in Vps35. However, the single point mutation, which disrupts the interaction between Vps35 and Vps26, perturbed the Rab7‐mediated recruitment of retromer in HeLa cells. Using biophysical measurements, we demonstrate that the association of Vps26 with Vps35 resulted in high affinity binding between the Vps sub‐complex and the activated Rab7 suggesting for a possible allosteric role of Vps26. Thus, this study provides molecular insights into the essential role of Vps26 and Vps35 in Rab7‐mediated recruitment of the core retromer complex.   相似文献   

Rab9 is a small GTPase that localizes to the trans‐Golgi Network (TGN) and late endosomes. Its main function has long been connected to the recycling of mannose‐6‐phosphate receptors (MPRs). However, recent studies link Rab9 also to autophagy and lysosome biogenesis. In this paper, using confocal imaging, we characterize for the first time the live dynamics of the Rab9 constitutively active mutant, Rab9Q66L. We find that it localizes predominantly to late endosomes and that its expression in HeLa cells disperses TGN46 and cation‐independent (CI‐MPR) away from the Golgi yet, has no effect on the retrograde transport of CI‐MPR. We also show that CI‐MPR and Rab9 enter the endosomal pathway together at the transition stage between early, Rab5‐positive, and late, Rab7a‐positive, endosomes. CI‐MPR localizes transiently to separate domains on these endosomes, where vesicles carrying CI‐MPR attach and detach within seconds. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Rab9 mediates the delivery of CI‐MPR to the endosomal pathway, entering the maturing endosome at the early‐to‐late transition.   相似文献   

Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia and Chlamydia are prokaryotic phyla, sometimes grouped together as the PVC superphylum of eubacteria. Some PVC species possess interesting attributes, in particular, internal membranes that superficially resemble eukaryotic endomembranes. Some biologists now claim that PVC bacteria are nucleus-bearing prokaryotes and are considered evolutionary intermediates in the transition from prokaryote to eukaryote. PVC prokaryotes do not possess a nucleus and are not intermediates in the prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition. Here we summarise the evidence that shows why all of the PVC traits that are currently cited as evidence for aspiring eukaryoticity are either analogous (the result of convergent evolution), not homologous, to eukaryotic traits; or else they are the result of horizontal gene transfers.  相似文献   

Human Vps13 proteins are associated with several diseases, including the neurodegenerative disorder Chorea‐acanthocytosis (ChAc), yet the biology of these proteins is still poorly understood. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dictyostelium discoideum, Tetrahymena thermophila and Drosophila melanogaster point to the involvement of Vps13 in cytoskeleton organization, vesicular trafficking, autophagy, phagocytosis, endocytosis, proteostasis, sporulation and mitochondrial functioning. Recent findings show that yeast Vps13 binds to phosphatidylinositol lipids via 4 different regions and functions at membrane contact sites, enlarging the list of Vps13 functions. This review describes the great potential of simple eukaryotes to decipher disease mechanisms in higher organisms and highlights novel insights into the pathological role of Vps13 towards ChAc.   相似文献   

The effects of insulin stimulation and muscle contractions on the subcellular distribution of GLUT4 in skeletal muscle have been studied on a preparation of single whole fibers from the rat soleus. The fibers were labeled for GLUT4 by a preembedding technique and observed as whole mounts by immunofluorescence microscopy, or after sectioning, by immunogold electron microscopy. The advantage of this preparation for cells of the size of muscle fibers is that it provides global views of the staining from one end of a fiber to the other and from one side to the other through the core of the fiber. In addition, the labeling efficiency is much higher than can be obtained with ultracryosections. In nonstimulated fibers, GLUT4 is excluded from the plasma membrane and T tubules. It is distributed throughout the muscle fibers with ~23% associated with large structures including multivesicular endosomes located in the TGN region, and 77% with small tubulovesicular structures. The two stimuli cause translocation of GLUT4 to both plasma membrane and T tubules. Quantitation of the immunogold electron microscopy shows that the effects of insulin and contraction are additive and that each stimulus recruits GLUT4 from both large and small depots. Immunofluorescence double labeling for GLUT4 and transferrin receptor (TfR) shows that the small depots can be further subdivided into TfR-positive and TfR-negative elements. Interestingly, we observe that colocalization of TfR and GLUT4 is increased by insulin and decreased by contractions. These results, supported by subcellular fractionation experiments, suggest that TfR-positive depots are only recruited by contractions. We do not find evidence for stimulation-induced unmasking of resident surface membrane GLUT4 transporters or for dilation of the T tubule system (Wang, W., P.A. Hansen, B.A. Marshall, J.O. Holloszy, and M. Mueckler. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 135:415–430).  相似文献   

In neurons, many receptors must be localized correctly to axons or dendrites for proper function. During development, receptors for nerve growth and guidance are targeted to axons and localized to growth cones where receptor activation by ligands results in promotion or inhibition of axon growth. Signaling outcomes downstream of ligand binding are determined by the location, levels and residence times of receptors on the neuronal plasma membrane. Therefore, the mechanisms controlling the trafficking of these receptors are crucial to the proper wiring of circuits. Membrane proteins accumulate on the axonal surface by multiple routes, including polarized sorting in the trans Golgi network, sorting in endosomes and removal by endocytosis. Endosomes also play important roles in the signaling pathways for both growth-promoting and -inhibiting molecules: signaling endosomes derived from endocytosis are important for signaling from growth cones to cell bodies. Growth-promoting neurotrophins and growth-inhibiting Nogo-A can use EHD4/Pincher-dependent endocytosis at the growth cone for their respective retrograde signaling. In addition to retrograde transport of endosomes, anterograde transport to axons in endosomes also occurs for several receptors, including the axon outgrowth-promoting cell adhesion molecule L1/NgCAM and TrkA. L1/NgCAM also depends on EHD4/Pincher-dependent endocytosis for its axonal polarization. In this review, we will focus on receptors whose trafficking has been reported to be modulated by the EHD4/Pincher family of endosomal regulators, namely L1/NgCAM, Trk and Nogo-A. We will first summarize the pathways underlying the axonal transport of these proteins and then discuss the potential roles of EHD4/Pincher in mediating their endocytosis.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila requires the Dot/Icm translocation system to replicate in a vacuolar compartment within host cells. Strains lacking the translocated substrate SdhA form a permeable vacuole during residence in the host cell, exposing bacteria to the host cytoplasm. In primary macrophages, mutants are defective for intracellular growth, with a pyroptotic cell death response mounted due to bacterial exposure to the cytosol. To understand how SdhA maintains vacuole integrity during intracellular growth, we performed high‐throughput RNAi screens against host membrane trafficking genes to identify factors that antagonise vacuole integrity in the absence of SdhA. Depletion of host proteins involved in endocytic uptake and recycling resulted in enhanced intracellular growth and lower levels of permeable vacuoles surrounding the ΔsdhA mutant. Of interest were three different Rab GTPases involved in these processes: Rab11b, Rab8b and Rab5 isoforms, that when depleted resulted in enhanced vacuole integrity surrounding the sdhA mutant. Proteins regulated by these Rabs are responsible for interfering with proper vacuole membrane maintenance, as depletion of the downstream effectors EEA1, Rab11FIP1, or VAMP3 rescued vacuole integrity and intracellular growth of the sdhA mutant. To test the model that specific vesicular components associated with these effectors could act to destabilise the replication vacuole, EEA1 and Rab11FIP1 showed increased density about the sdhA mutant vacuole compared with the wild type (WT) vacuole. Depletion of Rab5 isoforms or Rab11b reduced this aberrant redistribution. These findings are consistent with SdhA interfering with both endocytic and recycling membrane trafficking events that act to destabilise vacuole integrity during infection.  相似文献   

Despite being widely regarded as generalist predators, amphibians exhibit a diversity of tooth shapes and dentition patterns, which may indicate the influence of dietary specialization on the evolution of tooth morphology. Very few studies have analysed the relationship between tooth morphology and diet (i.e., prey items) in amphibians, and those existing studies are highly speculative. We investigated the evolution of salamander teeth and the relationship between tooth morphology and diet in a phylogenetically independent fashion. We used a phylogeny of 23 species of salamander representing three families (Ambystomatidae, Plethodontidae, and Salamandridae) to, first, analyse the divergence of tooth morphology and its relationship to phylogeny and, second, to analyse the relationship between tooth morphology and diet diversity. We used electron scanning microscopy and a statistical comparative approach using Spatial Evolutionary and Ecological Analysis (SEEVA) and phylogenetic generalized least‐squares regression in R. Our results indicated significant divergence in tooth morphology at major phylogenetic splits. Moreover, there was a significant, phylogenetically independent relationship between tooth morphology and diet diversity. The relationship between diet and tooth morphology indicates not only a reflection of phylogenetic history, but also a degree of dietary specialization, indicating that evolution in tooth morphology has had an adaptive aspect in relation to salamander diet.  相似文献   

In Europe, Miocene rails (Aves, Rallidae) are quite abundant, but their phylogenetic placement in the context of recent forms has remained elusive. Rails from the early Miocene of the Saint‐Gérand‐le‐Puy area in central France were first described in the 19th century, and currently, only two species are recognized, namely Palaeoaramides christyi and Paraortygometra porzanoides. Our examination of the material however suggests the presence of four, likely coeval, species of rail from these deposits. Palaeoaramides eximius, previously synonymized with Palaeoaramides christyi, is here shown to probably be a distinct species, and a previously unrecognized rail, Baselrallus intermedius gen. et sp. nov., is described. To find out how these fossil rails are related to modern Rallidae, we compared them with an extensive sample of extant rails and identified plesiomorphic and derived features for crown group Rallidae. Our assessment does not support a particularly close relationship of either Palaeoaramides to Aramides or Paraortygometra to Crex (Ortygometra), and overall, these fossil rails are more primitive than previously assumed. Based on our observations of the morphology of the previously undescribed humerus of Palaeoaramides, we show this taxon to be outside crown group Rallidae, and perhaps closely related to the early Oligocene taxon Belgirallus. On the other hand, Paraortygometra porzanoides bears a resemblance to recent flufftails (Sarothrura spp.) in some elements, but whether it can be included in a clade together with flufftails is uncertain.  相似文献   

Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein gamma (gamma-SNAP) is a member of an eukaryotic protein family involved in intracellular membrane trafficking. The X-ray structure of Brachydanio rerio gamma-SNAP was determined to 2.6 A and revealed an all-helical protein comprised of an extended twisted-sheet of helical hairpins with a helical-bundle domain on its carboxy-terminal end. Structural and conformational differences between multiple observed gamma-SNAP molecules and Sec17, a SNAP family protein from yeast, are analyzed. Conformational variation in gamma-SNAP molecules is matched with great precision by the two lowest frequency normal modes of the structure. Comparison of the lowest-frequency modes from gamma-SNAP and Sec17 indicated that the structures share preferred directions of flexibility, corresponding to bending and twisting of the twisted sheet motif. We discuss possible consequences related to the flexibility of the SNAP proteins for the mechanism of the 20S complex disassembly during the SNAP receptors recycling.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is overexpressed in psoriatic lesions, has been proven to contribute to the hyperproliferation of keratinocytes in psoriasis. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved in miRNAs that can regulate the expression of EGFR could potentially influence the development of psoriasis. The present study investigated the association between a functional SNP of rs2910164 in miR‐146a and the risk of psoriasis in the Chinese Han population. A total of 521 Han Chinese patients with psoriasis and 582 healthy controls were recruited in this study. The miR‐146a rs2910164 SNP was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism. Overall, a significantly increased risk of psoriasis was associated with the rs2910164 miR‐146a CG and GG genotypes (adjusted OR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.06–1.80). Furthermore, the rs2910164G allele in miR‐146a attenuated its inhibitory regulation on the expression of EGFR as well as the proliferation of human keratinocytes, and lowered the level of miR‐146a in the psoriatic lesions. These findings indicate that the rs2910164G allele in miR‐146a weakens its suppression on the proliferation of keratinocytes probably through the decreased inhibition of the target gene, EGFR, which may account for the increased risk of psoriasis in this study population.  相似文献   

Functional genomic studies of many polyploid crops, including rapeseed (Brassica napus), are constrained by limited tool sets. Here we report development of a gain‐of‐function platform, termed ‘iFOX (inducible Full‐length cDNA OvereXpressor gene)‐Hunting’, for inducible expression of B. napus seed cDNAs in Arabidopsis. A Gateway‐compatible plant gene expression vector containing a methoxyfenozide‐inducible constitutive promoter for transgene expression was developed. This vector was used for cloning of random cDNAs from developing B. napus seeds and subsequent Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation of Arabidopsis. The inducible promoter of this vector enabled identification of genes upon induction that are otherwise lethal when constitutively overexpressed and to control developmental timing of transgene expression. Evaluation of a subset of the resulting ~6000 Arabidopsis transformants revealed a high percentage of lines with full‐length B. napus transgene insertions. Upon induction, numerous iFOX lines with visible phenotypes were identified, including one that displayed early leaf senescence. Phenotypic analysis of this line (rsl‐1327) after methoxyfenozide induction indicated high degree of leaf chlorosis. The integrated B. napuscDNA was identified as a homolog of an Arabidopsis acyl‐CoA binding protein (ACBP) gene designated BnACBP1‐like. The early senescence phenotype conferred by BnACBP1‐like was confirmed by constitutive expression of this gene in Arabidopsis and B. napus. Use of the inducible promoter in the iFOX line coupled with RNA‐Seq analyses allowed mechanistic clues and a working model for the phenotype associated with BnACBP1‐like expression. Our results demonstrate the utility of iFOX‐Hunting as a tool for gene discovery and functional characterization of Brassica napus genome.  相似文献   

The intracellular trafficking and proteolytic processing of the membrane‐bound amyloid precursor protein (APP) are coordinated events leading to the generation of pathogenic amyloid‐beta (Aβ) peptides. The membrane transport of newly synthesized APP from the Golgi to the endolysosomal system is not well defined, yet it is likely to be critical for regulating its processing by β‐secretase (BACE1) and γ‐secretase. Here, we show that the majority of newly synthesized APP is transported from the trans‐Golgi network (TGN) directly to early endosomes and then subsequently to the late endosomes/lysosomes with very little transported to the cell surface. We show that Arl5b, a small G protein localized to the TGN, and AP4 are essential for the post‐Golgi transport of APP to early endosomes. Arl5b is physically associated with AP4 and is required for the recruitment of AP4, but not AP1, to the TGN. Depletion of either Arl5b or AP4 results in the accumulation of APP, but not BACE1, in the Golgi, and an increase in APP processing and Aβ secretion. These findings demonstrate that APP is diverted from BACE1 at the TGN for direct transport to early endosomes and that the TGN represents a site for APP processing with the subsequent secretion of Aβ.   相似文献   

Young species complexes that are widespread across ecologically disparate regions offer important insights into the process of speciation because of their relevance to how local adaptation and gene flow influence diversification. We used mitochondrial DNA and up to 28 152 genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms from polytypic barking frogs (Craugastor augusti complex) to infer phylogenetic relationships and test for the signature of introgressive hybridization among diverging lineages. Our phylogenetic reconstructions suggest (i) a rapid Pliocene–Pleistocene radiation that produced at least nine distinct lineages and (ii) that geographic features of the arid Central Mexican Plateau contributed to two independent northward expansions. Despite clear lineage differentiation (many private alleles and high between‐lineage FST scores), D‐statistic tests, which differentiate introgression from ancestral polymorphism, allowed us to identify two putative instances of reticulate gene flow. Partitioned D‐statistics provided evidence that these events occurred in the same direction between clades but at different points in time. After correcting for geographic distance, we found that lineages involved in hybrid gene flow interactions had higher levels of genetic variation than independently evolving lineages. These findings suggest that the nature of hybrid compatibility can be conserved overlong periods of evolutionary time and that hybridization between diverging lineages may contribute to standing levels of genetic variation.  相似文献   

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