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In meiosis, chromosome cohesion is maintained by the cohesin complex, which is released in a two‐step manner. At meiosis I, the meiosis‐specific cohesin subunit Rec8 is cleaved by the protease Separase along chromosome arms, allowing homologous chromosome segregation. Next, in meiosis II, cleavage of the remaining centromere cohesin results in separation of the sister chromatids. In eukaryotes, protection of centromeric cohesion in meiosis I is mediated by SHUGOSHINs (SGOs). The Arabidopsis genome contains two SGO homologs. Here we demonstrate that Atsgo1 mutants show a premature loss of cohesion of sister chromatid centromeres at anaphase I and that AtSGO2 partially rescues this loss of cohesion. In addition to SGOs, we characterize PATRONUS which is specifically required for the maintenance of cohesion of sister chromatid centromeres in meiosis II. In contrast to the Atsgo1 Atsgo2 double mutant, patronus T‐DNA insertion mutants only display loss of sister chromatid cohesion after meiosis I, and additionally show disorganized spindles, resulting in defects in chromosome segregation in meiosis. This leads to reduced fertility and aneuploid offspring. Furthermore, we detect aneuploidy in sporophytic tissue, indicating a role for PATRONUS in chromosome segregation in somatic cells. Thus, ploidy stability is preserved in Arabidopsis by PATRONUS during both meiosis and mitosis.  相似文献   

A eukaryotic chromosome consists of a centromere, two telomeres and a number of replication origins, and ‘artificial chromosomes’ may be created in yeast and mammals when these three elements are artificially joined and introduced into cells. Plant artificial chromosomes (PACs) have been suggested as new vectors for the development of new crops and as tools for basic research on chromosomes. However, indisputable PAC formation has not yet been confirmed. Here, we present a method for generating PACs in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana using the Cre/LoxP and Activator/Dissociation element systems. The successfully generated PAC, designated AtARC1 (A. thaliana artificial ring chromosome 1), originated from a centromeric edge of the long arm of chromosome 2, but its size (2.85 Mb) is much smaller than that of the original chromosome (26.3 Mb). Although AtARC1 contains only a short centromere domain consisting of 180 bp repeats approximately 250 kb in length, compared with the 3 Mb domain on the original chromosome 2, centromere‐specific histone H3 (HTR12) was detected on the centromeric region. This result supported the observed stability of the PAC during mitosis in the absence of selection, and transmission of the PAC to the next generation through meiosis. Because AtARC1 contains a unique LoxP site driven by the CaMV 35S promoter, it is possible to introduce a selectable marker and desired transgenes into AtARC1 at the LoxP site using Cre recombinase. Therefore, AtARC1 meets the criteria for a PAC and is a promising vector.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in understanding the influence of physical and genetic factors on the patterns of cell division in various model systems. However, how each of these factors directs changes in subcellular structures has remained unclear. Generic machineries for the execution of cell expansion and division have been characterized, but how these are influenced by genetic regulators and physical cell properties remains an open question. To a large degree, the complexity of growing post‐embryonic tissues and a lack of precise predictability have prevented the extraction of rigid correlations between subcellular structures and future orientation of cell division. The Arabidopsis embryo offers an exquisitely predictable and simple model for studying such correlations, but so far the tools and methodology for studying subcellular structures in the early embryo have been lacking. Here, we describe a set of markers to visualize a range of subcellular structures in the early Arabidopsis embryo. We have designed a series of fluorescent cellular reporters optimized for embryos, and demonstrate the effectiveness of using these ‘ACE’ reporters with simple three‐dimensional imaging procedures that preserve delicate cellular structures. We describe the ontogeny of subcellular structures in the early embryo and find that central/peripheral cell polarity is established much earlier than suspected. In addition, we show that the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton has distinct topologies in the embryo. These tools and methods will allow detailed analysis of the events of cellular reorganization that underlie morphogenesis in the Arabidopsis embryo.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is key to the maintenance of genome integrity and the creation of genetic diversity. At the mechanistic level, recombination involves the invasion of a homologous DNA template by broken DNA ends, repair of the break and exchange of genetic information between the two DNA molecules. Invasion of the template in eukaryotic cells is catalysed by the RAD51 and DMC1 recombinases, assisted by a number of accessory proteins, including the RAD51 paralogues. Eukaryotic genomes encode a variable number of RAD51 paralogues, ranging from two in yeast to five in animals and plants. The RAD51 paralogues form at least two distinct protein complexes, believed to play roles in the assembly and stabilization of the RAD51‐DNA nucleofilament. Somatic recombination assays and immunocytology confirm that the three ‘non‐meiotic’ paralogues of Arabidopsis, RAD51B, RAD51D and XRCC2, are involved in somatic homologous recombination, and that they are not required for the formation of radioinduced RAD51 foci. Given the presence of all five proteins in meiotic cells, the apparent absence of a meiotic role for RAD51B, RAD51D and XRCC2 is surprising, and perhaps simply the result of a more subtle meiotic phenotype in the mutants. Analysis of meiotic recombination confirms this, showing that the absence of XRCC2, and to a lesser extent RAD51B, but not RAD51D, increases rates of meiotic crossing over. The roles of RAD51B and XRCC2 in recombination are thus not limited to mitotic cells.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized cell division essential for sexual reproduction. During meiosis the chromosomes are highly organized, and correct chromosome architecture is required for faithful segregation of chromosomes at anaphase I and II. Condensin is involved in chromosome organization during meiotic and mitotic cell divisions. Three condensin subunits, AtSMC4 and the condensin I and II specific subunits AtCAP‐D2 and AtCAP‐D3, respectively, have been studied for their role in meiosis. This has revealed that both the condensin I and condensin II complexes are required to maintain normal structural integrity of the meiotic chromosomes during the two nuclear divisions. Their roles appear functionally distinct in that condensin I is required to maintain normal compaction of the centromeric repeats and 45S rDNA, whereas loss of condensin II was associated with extensive interchromosome connections at metaphase I. Depletion of condensin is also associated with a slight reduction in crossover formation, suggesting a role during meiotic prophase I.  相似文献   

Owing to duplication events in its progenitor, more than 90% of the genes in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome are members of multigene families. A set of 2108 gene families, each consisting of precisely two unlinked paralogous genes, was identified in the nuclear genome of A. thaliana on the basis of sequence similarity. A systematic method for the creation of double knock‐out lines for such gene pairs, designated as DUPLO lines, was established and 200 lines are now publicly available. Their initial phenotypic characterisation led to the identification of seven lines with defects that emerge only in the adult stage. A further six lines display seedling lethality and 23 lines were lethal before germination. Another 14 lines are known to show phenotypes under non‐standard conditions or at the molecular level. Knock‐out of gene pairs with very similar coding sequences or expression profiles is more likely to produce a mutant phenotype than inactivation of gene pairs with dissimilar profiles or sequences. High coding sequence similarity and highly similar expression profiles are only weakly correlated, implying that promoter and coding regions of these gene pairs display different degrees of diversification.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin is believed to influence almost every aspect of plant growth and development. Auxin transport, biosynthesis and degradation combine to form gradients of the hormone that influence a range of key developmental and environmental response processes. There is abundant genetic evidence for the existence of multiple pathways for auxin biosynthesis and degradation. The complexity of these pathways makes it difficult to obtain a clear picture of the relative importance of specific metabolic pathways during development. We have developed a sensitive mass spectrometry‐based method to simultaneously profile the majority of known auxin precursors and conjugates/catabolites in small amounts of Arabidopsis tissue. The method includes a new derivatization technique for quantification of the most labile of the auxin precursors. We validated the method by profiling the auxin metabolome in root and shoot tissues from various Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and auxin over‐producing mutant lines. Substantial differences were shown in metabolite patterns between the lines and tissues. We also found differences of several orders of magnitude in the abundance of auxin metabolites, potentially indicating the relative importance of these compounds in the maintenance of auxin levels and activity. The method that we have established will enable researchers to obtain a better understanding of the dynamics of auxin metabolism and activity during plant growth and development.  相似文献   

The movement of chromosomes during meiosis involves location of their telomeres at the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. Sad1/UNC‐84 (SUN) domain proteins are inner nuclear envelope proteins that are part of complexes linking cytoskeletal elements with the nucleoskeleton, connecting telomeres to the force‐generating mechanism in the cytoplasm. These proteins play a conserved role in chromosome dynamics in eukaryotes. Homologues of SUN domain proteins have been identified in several plant species. In Arabidopsis thaliana, two proteins that interact with each other, named AtSUN1 and AtSUN2, have been identified. Immunolocalization using antibodies against AtSUN1 and AtSUN2 proteins revealed that they were associated with the nuclear envelope during meiotic prophase I. Analysis of the double mutant Atsun11 Atsun22 has revealed severe meiotic defects, namely a delay in the progression of meiosis, absence of full synapsis, the presence of unresolved interlock‐like structures, and a reduction in the mean cell chiasma frequency. We propose that in Arabidopsis thaliana, overlapping functions of SUN1 and SUN2 ensure normal meiotic recombination and synapsis.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositolphosphates (PIPs) are phospholipids that contain a phosphorylated inositol head group. PIPs represent a minor fraction of total phospholipids, but are involved in many regulatory processes, such as cell signalling and intracellular trafficking. Membrane compartments are enriched or depleted in specific PIPs, providing a unique composition for these compartments and contributing to their identity. The precise subcellular localization and dynamics of most PIP species is not fully understood in plants. Here, we designed genetically encoded biosensors with distinct relative affinities and expressed them stably in Arabidopsis thaliana. Analysis of this multi‐affinity ‘PIPline’ marker set revealed previously unrecognized localization of various PIPs in root epidermis. Notably, we found that PI(4,5)P2 is able to localize PIP2‐interacting protein domains to the plasma membrane in non‐stressed root epidermal cells. Our analysis further revealed that there is a gradient of PI4P, with the highest concentration at the plasma membrane, intermediate concentration in post‐Golgi/endosomal compartments, and the lowest concentration in the Golgi. Finally, we also found a similar gradient of PI3P from high in late endosomes to low in the tonoplast. Our library extends the range of available PIP biosensors, and will allow rapid progress in our understanding of PIP dynamics in plants.  相似文献   

Chromosomal inversions can provide windows onto the cytogenetic, molecular, evolutionary and demographic histories of a species. Here we investigate a paracentric 1.17‐Mb inversion on chromosome 4 of Arabidopsis thaliana with nucleotide precision of its borders. The inversion is created by Vandal transposon activity, splitting an F‐box and relocating a pericentric heterochromatin segment in juxtaposition with euchromatin without affecting the epigenetic landscape. Examination of the RegMap panel and the 1001 Arabidopsis genomes revealed more than 170 inversion accessions in Europe and North America. The SNP patterns revealed historical recombinations from which we infer diverse haplotype patterns, ancient introgression events and phylogenetic relationships. We find a robust association between the inversion and fecundity under drought. We also find linkage disequilibrium between the inverted region and the early flowering Col‐FRIGIDA allele. Finally, SNP analysis elucidates the origin of the inversion to South‐Eastern Europe approximately 5000 years ago and the FRI‐Col allele to North‐West Europe, and reveals the spreading of a single haplotype to North America during the 17th to 19th century. The ‘American haplotype’ was identified from several European localities, potentially due to return migration.  相似文献   

Understanding how flowers develop from undifferentiated stem cells has occupied developmental biologists for decades. Key to unraveling this process is a detailed knowledge of the global regulatory hierarchies that control developmental transitions, cell differentiation and organ growth. These hierarchies may be deduced from gene perturbation experiments, which determine the effects on gene expression after specific disruption of a regulatory gene. Here, we tested experimental strategies for gene perturbation experiments during Arabidopsis thaliana flower development. We used artificial miRNAs (amiRNAs) to disrupt the functions of key floral regulators, and expressed them under the control of various inducible promoter systems that are widely used in the plant research community. To be able to perform genome‐wide experiments with stage‐specific resolution using the various inducible promoter systems for gene perturbation experiments, we also generated a series of floral induction systems that allow collection of hundreds of synchronized floral buds from a single plant. Based on our results, we propose strategies for performing dynamic gene perturbation experiments in flowers, and outline how they may be combined with versions of the floral induction system to dissect the gene regulatory network underlying flower development.  相似文献   

Identifying sets of genes that are specifically expressed in certain tissues or in response to an environmental stimulus is useful for designing reporter constructs, generating gene expression markers, or for understanding gene regulatory networks. We have developed an easy‐to‐use online tool for defining a desired expression profile (a modification of our Expression Angler program), which can then be used to identify genes exhibiting patterns of expression that match this profile as closely as possible. Further, we have developed another online tool, Cistome, for predicting or exploring cis‐elements in the promoters of sets of co‐expressed genes identified by such a method, or by other methods. We present two use cases for these tools, which are freely available on the Bio‐Analytic Resource at http://BAR.utoronto.ca .  相似文献   

We present a high‐resolution map of genomic transformation‐competent artificial chromosome (TAC) clones extending over all Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) chromosomes. The Arabidopsis genomic TAC clones have been valuable genetic tools. Previously, we constructed an Arabidopsis genomic TAC library consisting of more than 10 000 TAC clones harboring large genomic DNA fragments extending over the whole Arabidopsis genome. Here, we determined 13 577 end sequences from 6987 Arabidopsis TAC clones and mapped 5937 TAC clones to precise locations, covering approximately 90% of the Arabidopsis chromosomes. We present the large‐scale data set of TAC clones with high‐resolution mapping information as a Java application tool, the Arabidopsis TAC Position Viewer, which provides ready‐to‐go transformable genomic DNA clones corresponding to certain loci on Arabidopsis chromosomes. The TAC clone resources will accelerate genomic DNA cloning, positional walking, complementation of mutants and DNA transformation for heterologous gene expression.  相似文献   

Although quantitative characterization of growth phenotypes is of key importance for the understanding of essential networks driving plant growth, the majority of growth‐related genes are still being identified based on qualitative visual observations and/or single‐endpoint quantitative measurements. We developed an in vitro growth imaging system (IGIS) to perform time‐resolved analysis of rosette growth. In this system, Arabidopsis plants are grown in Petri dishes mounted on a rotating disk, and images of each plate are taken on an hourly basis. Automated image analysis was developed in order to obtain several growth‐related parameters, such as projected rosette area, rosette relative growth rate, compactness and stockiness, over time. To illustrate the use of the platform and the resulting data, we present the results for the growth response of Col–0 plants subjected to three mild stress conditions. Although the reduction in rosette area was relatively similar at 19 days after stratification, the time‐lapse analysis demonstrated that plants react differently to salt, osmotic and oxidative stress. The rosette area was altered at various time points during development, and leaf movement and shape parameters were also affected differently. We also used the IGIS to analyze in detail the growth behavior of mutants with enhanced leaf size. Analysis of several growth‐related parameters over time in these mutants revealed several specificities in growth behavior, underlining the high complexity of leaf growth coordination. These results demonstrate that time‐resolved imaging of in vitro rosette growth generates a better understanding of growth phenotypes than endpoint measurements.  相似文献   

Replication factor C1 (RFC1), which is conserved in eukaryotes, is involved in DNA replication and checkpoint control. However, a RFC1 product participating in DNA repair at meiosis has not been reported in Arabidopsis. Here, we report functional characterization of AtRFC1 through analysis of the rfc1–2 mutant. The rfc1–2 mutant displayed normal vegetative growth but showed silique sterility because the male gametophyte was arrested at the uninucleus microspore stage and the female at the functional megaspore stage. Expression of AtRFC1 was concentrated in the reproductive organ primordia, meiocytes and developing gametes. Chromosome spreads showed that pairing and synapsis were normal, and the chromosomes were broken when desynapsis began at late prophase I, and chromosome fragments remained in the subsequent stages. For this reason, homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids segregated unequally, leading to pollen sterility. Immunolocalization revealed that the AtRFC1 protein localized to the chromosomes during zygotene and pachytene in wild‐type but were absent in the spo11–1 mutant. The chromosome fragmentation of rfc1–2 was suppressed by spo11–1, indicating that AtRFC1 acted downstream of AtSPO11‐1. The similar chromosome behavior of rad51 rfc1–2 and rad51 suggests that AtRFC1 may act with AtRAD51 in the same pathway. In summary, AtRFC1 is required for DNA double‐strand break repair during meiotic homologous recombination of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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