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Oncidium is a popular ornamental orchid and is produced as a high value cash crop for cut flower sold worldwide. Genetically transformed plants of Oncidium were regenerated after cocultivating protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring pBI121 with OMADS1. The chopped PLBs pre-cultured for 3?days in darkness produced more kanamycin-resistant PLBs. G10 medium containing 200?mg?l?1 kanamycin was effective for the selection of transformed lines at a frequency of 9%. The rooted plantlets were transferred to pots, acclimated for 3?weeks in the culture room and then moved to the greenhouse. OMADS1 transgene was detected in transgenic lines by PCR, Southern blot analysis and RT-PCR were performed, and the results confirmed that OMADS1 was expressed in these 35S::OMADS1 transgenic plants. CaMV35S::OMADS1 transgenic Oncidium orchid plants flowered significantly earlier, produced more flowers and pseudobulbs than non-transgenic plants. The flower organ conversions were not observed in 35S::OMADS1 transgenic flowers of Oncidium. This is the first report on the ectopic expression of MADS box gene in O. Gower Ramsey using a simple and efficient gene transfer protocol.  相似文献   

Hsu HF  Yang CH 《Plant & cell physiology》2002,43(10):1198-1209
cDNA for a B group MADS box gene OMADS3 was isolated and characterized from Oncidium Gower Ramsey, an important species of orchid. OMADS3 encoding a 204 amino acid protein showed high sequence homology to both paleoAP3 and TM6 lineage of B group MADS box gene such as monocots AP3 homologue LMADS1 in lily and GDEF1 in Gerbera hybrida. Despite the sequence homology, consensus motifs identified in the C-terminal region of B group genes were absent in OMADS3. Southern analysis indicated that OMADS3 was present in O. Gower Ramsey genome in low copy numbers. Different from most B group genes, OMADS3 mRNA was detected in all four floral organs as well as in vegetative leaves. This is similar to the expression pattern of GDEF1. 35S::OMADS3 transgenic plants showed novel phenotypes by producing terminal flowers similar to those observed in transgenic plants ectopically expressed A functional genes such as AP1. Ectopic expression of OMADS3 cDNA truncated with the MADS box or C terminal region in Arabidopsis generated novel ap2-like flowers in which sepals and petals were converted into carpel-like and stamen-like structures. Yeast two-hybrid analysis indicated that OMADS3 is able to strongly form homodimers. Our results suggested that OMADS3 might represent an ancestral form of TM6-like gene which was conserved in monocots with a function similar to A functional gene in regulating flower formation as well as floral initiation.  相似文献   

Orchids are one of the most unique and evolved of flowering plants, with many being valuable floricultural crops. Spatial localization of pigments within the flower of the commercially important bi-color Oncidium Gower Ramsey demonstrated a mixture of carotenoids and anthocyanins concentrated in the adaxial epidermis. Chromatography identified the predominant yellow pigment to be an equal mixture of all-trans and 9-cis isomers of violaxanthin, with esterification specific to the 9-cis isomer. Red ornamentation was comprised of the anthocyanins cyanidin and its methylated derivate, peonidin. Five key pigment biosynthesis genes encoding dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), phytoene synthase (PSY), phytoene desaturase, carotenoid isomerase, and the downstream 9-cis epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase were isolated and their expression profiles determined. Northern analyses showed both phytoene desaturase and carotenoid isomerase expression to be up-regulated in floral tissue relative to leaves whereas PSY was not. Three closely related DFR genes were isolated, including one with an insertion in the 3′ coding region. DFR expression occurred throughout flower development in Oncidium, unlike in Dendrobium and Bromheadia orchids. A number of the isolated anthocyanin and carotenoid genes showed variations due to insertion events. These findings raise questions about the genetic stability in interspecific crosses in orchids, such as the tri-specific Oncidium Gower Ramsey.  相似文献   

Variation in flowering time of Arabidopsis thaliana was studied in an experiment with mutant lines. The pleiotropic effects of flowering time genes on morphology and reproductive yield were assessed under three levels of nutrient supply. At all nutrient levels flowering time and number of rosette leaves at flowering varied among mutant lines. The relationship between these two traits depended strongly on nutrient supply. A lower nutrient supply first led to an extension of the vegetative phase, while the mean number of leaves at flowering was hardly affected. A further reduction resulted in no further extension of the vegetative phase and, on average, plants started flowering with a lower leaf number. At low nutrients, early flowering affected the timing of production of siliques rather than the total output, whereas late flowering was favorable at high nutrients. This may explain the fact that many plant species flower at a relatively small size under poor conditions. Flowering time genes had pleiotropic effects on the leaf length, number of rosette and cauline leaves, and number of axillary flowering shoots of the main inflorescence. Silique production was positively correlated with the number of axillary shoots of the main inflorescence; the number of axillary primordia appeared to have a large impact on reproductive yield.  相似文献   

Chiou CY  Wu K  Yeh KW 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(10):1861-1866
Tissue-specific promoters are required for plant molecular breeding to drive a target gene in the appropriate location in plants. A chromoplast-specific, carotenoid-associated gene (OgCHRC) and its promoter (Pchrc) were isolated from Oncidium orchid and characterized. Northern blot analysis revealed that OgCHRC is specifically expressed in flowers, not in roots and leaves. Transient expression assay of Pchrc by bombardment transformation confirmed its differential expression pattern in floral tissues of different horticulture plants and cell-type location in conical papillate cells of adaxial epidermis of flower. These results suggest that Pchrc could serve as a useful tool in ornamental plant biotechnology to modify flower color.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic mechanisms regulating the transition from the vegetative to reproductive growth in Arabidopsis, double mutants between three different early-flowering mutants, early flowering 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, (elf 1-1, 2-1, 3-1) and five different late-flowering mutants, gi-1, ft-1, fwa-1, ld-1, and fca-9, were constructed and phenotypes analyzed. Double mutants in all combinations displayed the late-flowering phenotypes which resembled their respective late-flowering parents in both flowering time and the number of vegetative leaves produced. The results indicate that five late-flowering mutants are epistatic to all three early-flowering mutants tested here. This epistatic relationship suggests that ELF1, ELF2, and ELF3 genes function upstream of these five late-flowering genes no matter if they are functioning in autonomous or photoperiod pathways. These three early-flowering genes may negatively modify the activity of most late-flowering genes to influence the time of the vegetative-to-reproductive transition in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Polyadenylation is a critical 3′‐end processing step during maturation of pre‐mRNAs, and the length of the poly(A) tail affects mRNA stability, nuclear export and translation efficiency. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes three canonical nuclear poly(A) polymerase (PAPS) isoforms fulfilling specialized functions, as reflected by their different mutant phenotypes. While PAPS1 affects several processes, such as the immune response, organ growth and male gametophyte development, the roles of PAPS2 and PAPS4 are largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that PAPS2 and PAPS4 promote flowering in a partially redundant manner. The enzymes act antagonistically to PAPS1, which delays the transition to flowering. The opposite flowering‐time phenotypes in paps1 and paps2 paps4 mutants are at least partly due to decreased or increased FLC activity, respectively. In contrast to paps2 paps4 mutants, plants with increased PAPS4 activity flower earlier than the wild‐type, concomitant with reduced FLC expression. Double mutant analyses suggest that PAPS2 and PAPS4 act independently of the autonomous pathway components FCA, FY and CstF64. The direct polyadenylation targets of the three PAPS isoforms that mediate their effects on flowering time do not include FLC sense mRNA and remain to be identified. Thus, our results uncover a role for canonical PAPS isoforms in flowering‐time control, raising the possibility that modulating the balance of the isoform activities could be used to fine tune the transition to flowering.  相似文献   

We observed substantial variation in the time of flowering among 13 populations of Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) from an extensive latitudinal range when grown under uniform experimental conditions. The later the onset of flowering, the greater was potential reproduction. Later flowering plants also had greater plasticity in a host of morphological and physiological traits measured in nutrient-rich vs. nutrient-poor test environments. This relationship between flowering time and overall plasticity was only apparent for traits measured at the time of seed production, not at the time of flowering or earlier. At the time of seed production in this short-lived annual, the regression of a multivariate measure of overall plasticity on the time of flowering was linear and highly significant (r2 = 0.90, P < 0.0001). These correlations among time of flowering, reproductive fitness, and plasticity support the idea that selection for late-flowering genotypes would select concomitantly for greater plasticity.  相似文献   

The involvement of lipase in flowering is seldom studied, and this research provides evidence that fatty acids produced by lipase affect flowering. OSAG78 encoding a patatin-like protein was isolated from Oncidium Gower Ramsey. OSAG78 fused with green fluorescent protein was found to localize at the cell membrane. Transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing OSAG78 demonstrated higher lipase activity than the wild-type control. In addition, the amount of free linoleic acid and linolenic acid in transgenic Arabidopsis was found to be higher than that in the wild type. Transgenics overexpressing OSAG78 exhibited altered phenotypes, including smaller leaves and rounder flowers, and also demonstrated a late flowering phenotype that could be rescued by gibberellin A(3) (GA(3)) application. Several flowering-related genes were analyzed, indicating that the expression of gibberellin-stimulated genes was decreased in the plants overexpressing OSAG78. Also, the expression of AtGA2ox1, AtGA3ox1 and AtGA20ox1 genes encoding GA2-, GA3- and GA20-oxidases, respectively, which are mainly responsible for gibberellin metabolism, was decreased, and the level of GA(4), a bioactive gibberellin, measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was also reduced in the overexpressing lines. Furthermore, the expression levels of AtGA3ox1 and AtGA20ox1 were significantly decreased in wild-type Arabidopsis treated with linoleic acid, linolenic acid or methyl jasmonate. The membrane-bound OSAG78 might hydrolyze phospholipids to release linoleic acid and linolenic acid, and then depress the expression of genes encoding GA3- and GA20-oxidase. These changes reduced the bioactive gibberellin level, and, finally, late flowering occurred. Our results indicate that a patatin-like membrane protein with lipase activity affects flowering through the regulation of gibberellin metabolism.  相似文献   

The Pot1 (Protection of telomere 1) is a G-rich single-stranded telomeric DNA binding protein, identified first in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and shown to play an important role in stabilizing chromosomes. Pot1-like proteins or their encoding genes have been identified from yeasts to mammals. Based on the N-terminal amino acid sequences of fission yeast and human Pot1, two Pot1-like proteins (AtPOT1-1 and AtPOT1-2) have been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana, but neither of them has been characterized yet. In this study, we amplified their full-length cDNAs by RT-PCR and found three different variants for AtPOT1-1 and two for AtPOT1-2 genes, suggesting that they are exposed to alternative splicing. Alternative splicing also occurs in human Pot1, and only one out of five splicing variants had tissue specificity. However, no tissue specificity was found for any variants of the AtPOT1-1 and AtPOT1-2 genes among buds, flowers, leaves, roots, stems, siliques and cultured cells. Northern blot hybridization indicated that AtPOT1-1 expresses more in meristematic tissues than in vegetative tissues. By western blot analysis, we found that the antibody made against the N-terminal amino acids of AtPOT1-1 recognized three different polypeptides, indicating that all three variants are being translated in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

 We have mapped QTLs (quantitative trait loci) for an adaptive trait, flowering time, in a selfing annual, Arabidopsis thaliana. To obtain a mapping population we made a cross between an early-summer, annual strain, Li-5, and an individual from a late over-wintering natural population, Naantali. From the backcross to Li-5 298 progeny were grown, of which 93 of the most extreme individuals were genotyped. The data were analysed with both interval mapping and composite interval mapping methods to reveal one major and six minor QTLs, with at least one QTL on each of the five chromosomes. The QTL on chromosome 4 was a major one with an effect of 17.3 days on flowering time and explaining 53.4% of the total variance. The others had effects of at most 6.5 days, and they accounted for only small portions of the variance. Epistasis was indicated between one pair of the QTLs. The result of finding one major QTL and little epistasis agrees with previous studies on flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana and other species. That several QTLs were found was expected considering the large number of possible candidate loci. In the light of the suggested genetic models of gene action at the candidate loci, epistasis was to be expected. The data showed that major QTLs for adaptive traits can be detected in non-domesticated species. Received: 15 January 1997/Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

FRIGIDA (FRI) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) are two genes that, unless plants are vernalized, greatly delay flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Natural loss-of-function mutations in FRI cause the early flowering growth habits of many A. thaliana accessions. To quantify the variation among wild accessions due to FRI, and to identify additional genetic loci in wild accessions that influence flowering time, we surveyed the flowering times of 145 accessions in long-day photoperiods, with and without a 30-day vernalization treatment, and genotyped them for two common natural lesions in FRI. FRI is disrupted in at least 84 of the accessions, accounting for only approximately 40% of the flowering-time variation in long days. During efforts to dissect the causes for variation that are independent of known dysfunctional FRI alleles, we found new loss-of-function alleles in FLC, as well as late-flowering alleles that do not map to FRI or FLC. An FLC nonsense mutation was found in the early flowering Van-0 accession, which has otherwise functional FRI. In contrast, Lz-0 flowers late because of high levels of FLC expression, even though it has a deletion in FRI. Finally, eXtreme array mapping identified genomic regions linked to the vernalization-independent, late-flowering habit of Bur-0, which has an alternatively spliced FLC allele that behaves as a null allele.  相似文献   

SAP1-1 and SAP1-2 were isolated from the male reproductive buds of willow (Salix discolor, clone S365). SAP1-1 differs from SAP1-2 based on a few nucleotide substitutions, but the sizes of their full-length cDNAs are identical. The deduced amino acid sequences of SAP1-1 and SAP1-2 were 98% similar and contain the same C-terminal amino acid motif “GYGA” like that of PTAP1-2 from Populus trichocarpa. The expression patterns of SAP1 in various parts of the male reproductive buds of S. discolor implicate this gene in the formation of the inflorescence meristems, bracts, and floral meristems. To characterize the functions of SAP1, we assessed Arabidopsis thaliana transformed with 35S∷SAP1-1. A total of 52 transgenic T1 lines were obtained, and a 3:1 segregation ratio was obtained in the T2 generation of each line. In the T3 generation, five homozygous transgenic lines were obtained, which were used for further analysis. Screening of transgenic lines was greatly facilitated by the detection of GFP expression starting with germinating seeds. Phenotypes of the homozygous transgenic lines included early flowering, conversion of inflorescence branches to solitary flowers, formation of terminal flowers, and formation of flowers with greater number of petals, stamens, and pistils. Northern analysis showed similar expression levels in all five lines. This study provides the first functional analysis of an APETALA1 (AP1)/SQUAMOSA (SQUA) homolog from a dioecious species and suggests that SAP1 is a homolog of the AP1/SQUA gene.  相似文献   

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