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Summary The compensatory optomotor turning reaction as well as the turning response towards objects play an important role in visual orientation. On the basis of behavioural experiments under precisely defined stimulus conditions it is concluded that in female house-flies these motion-dependent responses are mediated by two parallel control systems with different dynamic and spatial integration properties. One of them (large-field system) is most sensitive to the motion of large textured patterns and controls the yaw torque mainly at low oscillation frequencies (below 0.1 Hz) of the stimulus panorama. In contrast, the other control system (small-field system) is tuned to the detection of relatively small moving patterns and shows its strongest responses at high oscillation frequencies (between 1 and 4 Hz), i.e. in a frequency range where the large-field system contributes to the turning response with only a relatively small gain.In free flight, house-flies do not curve smoothly but in sequences of rapid turns which induce retinal large-field motion of continually changing sign (Wagner 1986b). The dynamic properties of the large-field system might thus be interpreted as a simple strategy to almost eliminate the unwanted optomotor yaw torque induced by active self-motion. In contrast, the small-field system might still be operational under these conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis for leaf rust reaction of two widely adapted cultivars, Sonalika and WL 711, has been done using 21 near isogenic Lr lines and rust culture IL004 — avirulent on the two cultivars and all the Lr lines used. The segregation pattern in the F2 generation indicated the presence of a recessive gene in Sonalika and of a dominant gene in WL 711. These genes in cultivars Sonalika and WL 711 have been identified as Lr 11 and Lr 13, respectively. Gene Lr 13 is no longer effective in WL 711 but it continues to give field resistance in the backgrounds of Chris, Prelude and Thatcher. There has been no significant change in the virulence spectrum of the leaf rust pathogen in India with the release of WL 711. High susceptibility of WL 711 seems to be due to the evolution of more aggressive forms of the pathogen to this cultivar. The gene Lr 11, which behaves as a recessive in Sonalika, was effective against leaf rust when this cultivar was released. The high susceptibility of Sonalika is probably due to an increase in the frequency of race 77 virulent on Lr 11. Lr 11 has shown a dominance reversal in the background of Sonalika. Present results suggest that interaction of resistance genes with the background genotype must be studied for their effective use in breeding programme.  相似文献   

Summary The establishment and development of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi were studied in three cultivars of potato, which differed in susceptibility to Late blight, in a field experiment on a lateritic sandy-loam during two growing seasons (1980 and 1981). The cultivars SSC 1174 (highly resistant) and Kufri Jyoti (resistant) showed an earlier establishment and more rapid development of VAM fungi than up-to-date (highly susceptible). The first mycorrhizal infection in both SSC 1174 and Kufri Jyoti was observed after 12 days in 1980 and 8 days in 1981, whereas in up-to-date it was observed after 19 and 12 days respectively. The mycorrhizal infection increased with the age of the plants in all the three cultivars.  相似文献   

In floating rice, stem elongation begins much earlier than in non-floating rice, which is the major survival mechanism for flooding. Inheritance of this early elongation ability was studied using diallel and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses. The diallel analysis was undertaken using a set of 6×6 half-diallel crosses involving four floating (Goai, Habiganj Aman VIII, Badal 106, and Oryza rufipogon strain W120) and two non-floating (Latisail and Patnai 23) parents. The additive gene effects were higher than the dominant effects. The dominant alleles were concentrated in the cultivated floating parents (Goai, Habiganj Aman VIII, and Badal 106), whereas the recessive alleles were in the wild floating parent (W120). A QTL analysis using a Patnai 23 × Goai F2 population detected two putative QTLs. Of these QTLs, the one on chromosome 12 behaved as a partially dominant major gene that explained more than half of the total genetic variation.Communicated by D.J. Mackill  相似文献   

Summary The optomotor system of Drosophila is investigated in a flight simulator in which the fly's yaw torque controls the angular velocity of the panorama (striped drum, negative feedback). Flies in the flight simulator maintain a stable orientation even in a homogeneously textured panorama without landmarks. During straight flight, torque is not zero. It consists of small pulses mostly alternating in polarity. The course is controlled by the duration (and possibly amplitude) of the pulses. The system operates under reafference control. By comparing the pulses with the visual input the system continuously measures and adjusts the efficacy of the torque output. The comparison, however, is not between angular velocity and yaw torque but, instead, between visual acceleration and pretorque, the first time derivative of torque. For comparison, the system first computes a cross-correlation. If the correlation coefficient is above a certain threshold the system calculates the external gain and adjusts its internal gain so as to keep the total gain constant. With the correlation coefficient below threshold, however, the system keeps the internal gain low despite the infinitely small external gain. We propose that for a reafferent optomotor system the coupling coefficient and the correlation coefficient of pretorque and visual acceleration are more relevant than the distinction between exafference and reafference.Abbreviation EMD elementary movement detector  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1961 und 1962 wurden Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der Exosmose-Methode durchgeführt, um sich über die Frostresistenz von nahezu 100 Apfelsorten zu orientieren. Die Versuchsergebnisse (ausgedrückt in RLF-Werten, d. h. als Proportion des elektrolytischen Widerstandes zwischen den Kontrollen und den kältebehandelten Pflanzenteilen) zeigen gute Übereinstimmung mit den Resultaten anderer Härtebeurteilungsmethoden, z. B. mit den Gefrierversuchen in Gefrierkammern und mit den amerikanischen, deutschen und schweidischen Freilandbeobachtungen. Die berechneten Korrelationskoeffizienten gaben Werte von r=>+0,750 mit einer statistischen Sicherheit von P=<0,001. Es gibt jedoch Sorten, welche sich unter den verschiedenen Versuchsbedingungen nicht gleichartig verhielten. In diese Gruppe gehören die Sorten Goldparmäne, James Grieve, Lanes Prince Albert, Schöner aus Nordhausen, Slava Petersburga und Transparente de Croncels. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der geographischen Herkunft und der Frostresistenz ist augenfällig. Die durchschnittlichen RLF-Werte der frostempfindlichen oder sehr frostempfindlichen französischen Sorten liegen bei ungefähr 150, die der finnischen und baltischen frostharten Sorten dagegen unter 110. Die Rangordnung der verschiedenen Klimagebiete erfolgte entsprechend der geographischen Lage. Es gab Sorten, die der allgemeinen Tendenz nicht folgten und sich abweichend verhielten. Hierzu gehören: Transparente de Croncels, (Frankreich), Wealthy (USA), Cox Pomona und Ribston (Großbritannien). Über eine wesentlich schlechtere Resistenz, als auf Grund des Ursprungsgebietes zu erwarten war, verfügt Ontario (Kanada).  相似文献   

The interaction of 3,5-bis-O-(,,,-tetrafluoropyrid--yl)thymidine with various nucleophilic reagents was studied to evaluate the possibility of molecular design of new types of nucleic acid analogues using S NAr reactions. The reactions with morpholine and sodium azide led to the introduction of one and two nucleophilic residues into each of the polyfluorinated pyridine rings. The nucleophilic polycondensation with bifunctional reagents ethylenediamine and hexamethylenediamine depended on the nature of nucleophile and reaction conditions and resulted in the formation of supramolecules containing about five or more than 20 pyrimidine bases.  相似文献   

Summary Five subunits (-, -, -, - and -subunits) of the six -and -subunits) in the F1 portion (F1ATPase) of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase were isolated by an electrophoretic method. The - and -subunits were not distinguishable immunologically but showed completely different tryptic peptide maps, indicating that they were different molecular species. In vitro protein synthesis with isolated sweet potato root mitochondria produced only the -subunit when analyzed with anti-sweet potato F1ATPase antibody reacting with all the subunits except the -subunit. Sweet potato root poly(A)+RNA directed the synthesis of six polypeptides which were immunoprecipitated by the antibody: two of them immunologically related to the -subunit and the others to the - and -subunits. We conclude that the -subunit of the F1ATPase is synthesized only in the mitochondria and the -, - and -subunits are in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Résumé En l'absence de son propre couvain,Solenopsis fugax a élevé des larves deLeptothorax nylanderi, à la température de 22°C. Les ouvrières deSolenopsis détruisirent une partie de ces larves mais nourrirent celles qu'elles épargnèrent; ces dernières grossirent lentement pendant cinq à six mois, sans atteindre le stade prénymphe. Lorsque les ouvrières deS. fugax et les larves deL. nylanderi furent soumises ensemble à un hivernage préalable, elles donnèrent les mêmes résultats que sans hivernage. La présence d'une jeune reine deSolenopsis fut défavorable aux larves deLeptothorax.Inversement,L. nylanderi fut capable d'élever, à la température de 22°C, des larves deS. fugax et de les amener jusqu'au stade adulte. En présence de leurs propres larves, les ouvrières deL. nylanderi détruisirent tapidement toutes les larves deS. fugax introduites dans leur nid. D'autre part, un jeune couvain deLeptothorax remplaçait plus ou moins rapidement les larves deLeptothorax enlevées au préalable; sa présence était alors défavorable au développement des larves deSolenopsis. Un hivernage en début d'expérience fut plutôt favorable auxS. fugax, de même que la présence d'une reine féconde deLeptothorax. LesSolenopsis ainsi obtenus n'ont pas vécu plus de sept semaines. Ils étaient tous de caste ouvrière et de taille très petite.
Summary When its own eggs and larvae missed,Solenopsis fugax bred larvae ofLeptothorax nylanderi, at a temperature of 22°C. TheSolenopsis workers killed some of this larvae and fed the others; these slowly grew bigger during five or six months but never reached the pre-pupa stage. The result was the same if the workers ofS. fugax and the larvae ofL. nylanderi overwintered together or not at all. A youngSolenopsis queen being there was noxious to the larvae ofLeptothorax.On the contrary,L. nylanderi has been able to breed larvae ofS. fugax up to the imago stage, at a temperature of 22°C. When its own larvae were in the nest, together with larvae ofS. fugax, the workers ofL. nylanderi killed the larvae ofS. fugax. On the other hand, new eggs and young larvae ofLeptothorax had to replace, more or less quickly, the larvae which had been taken away, and that was noxious to the growth ofSolenopsis larvae. An overwintering at the beginning of the experiment was rather favourable toS. fugax as was the presence of a fecundLeptothorax queen. TheSolenopsis thus obtained lived no longer than seven weeks. They all were workers and very small.

S. Fugax L. Nylanderi 22° . Leptothorax , , , , . . S. Fugax Leptothorax.,L. Nylanderi 22° S. Fugax . L. Nylanderi ( )Leptothorax ; S. Fugax Solenopsis, Leptothorax. S. Fugax . .

Résumé Nous avons fait élever des larves d'Anergates atratulus par des ouvrières deMyrmica laevinodis à 22°C. Pour y parvenir, il n'est pas utile de faire hivernerensemble les larves d'Anergates et les ouvrières deMyrmica. La présence de larves autochtones n'empêche pas lesMyrmica d'élever des larves d'Anergates. Dans toutes les expériences lesMyrmica ont été soumises au fridavant de recevoir des larves d'Anergates. Aucune reine deMyrmica n'a été utilisée dans ces expériences.Sur les 64 larves d'Anergates que nous avons utilisées, 38 se sont transformées en imagos. C'est au début de l'adoption et au moment des métamorphoses que périrent la plupart des 26Anergates perdus. Les femelles vécurent en général 2 ou 3 jours et cherchèrent très tôt à quitter le nid natal. Les mâles vécurent 2 à 3 semaines.
Summary Larvae ofAnergates atratulus were experimentally reared by workers ofMyrmica laevinodis, at 22°C. An overwintering of both larvae ofAnergates and workers ofMyrmica is not necessary for the success of that experiment. The presence of larvae ofMyrmica does not keep theMyrmica from rearing larvae ofAnergates. The workers ofMyrmica have been cooled, in all the experiments, before receiving larvae ofAnergates. No queen ofMyrmica have been used in that experiments.38 of the 64 larvae ofAnergates used became imagos. Most of the 26 lostAnergates died at the beginning of the adoption and during the metamorphosis. The females lived generally 2 or 3 days and tried, very early, to leave their native nest. The males lived 2 or 3 weeks.

Anergates atratulus Myrmica laevinodis, 22 . bmecme Anergates Myrmica. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica . 64 Anergates , 38 . 26 Anergates 2 3 . 2 3 .

Summary Evaporation of a solution of thymidine plus either theexo or theendo diastereomer of uridine cyclic 2,3-O, O-phosphorothioate (U > p(S) in 1,2-diaminoethane hydrochloride buffer gave the 2,5 and 3,5 isomers of (P-thio) uridylylthymidine (Up(S)dT) in a ratio of 1:2 with a combined yield of about 20%. These isomers were re-converted to U > p(S) and dT by a reaction that is known to proceed by an in-line mechanism. Both the 2,5 and 3,5 isomers gave as product the same diastereomer of U > p(S) that had been used originally in their formation. These dry-state prebiotic reactions (Verlander, Lohrmann, and Orgel 1973) are thus shown to be stereospecific, and both the 2,5 and 3,5 internucleotide bonds are formed by an in-line mechanism.Abbreviations DAE 1,2-diaminoethane - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - RNase bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, EC - TEAB triethylammonium bicarbonate - tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - UMP(S) uridine monophosphorothioate - U > p uridine cyclic 2,3-phosphate - U > p(S) uridine cyclic 2,3-O, O-phosphorothioate - Up(S)dT (P-thio)uridylylthymidine - U2p(Rp-S)5dT (P-thio)uridylylthymidine with theR configuration at phosphorous, and a 2,5 internucleotide linkage  相似文献   

Data are presented to evaluate further the abundance/biomass comparison method for the detection of pollution disturbance in marine benthic communities. The results suggest that this technique cannot be used in estuarine intertidal communities. The grossly polluted configurations appeared under unpolluted conditions, while undisturbed patterns were found under polluted conditions. The results support similar conclusions by BEUKEMA (1988) for the intertidal flats of the Dutch Wadden Sea.Communication nr. 497 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke.  相似文献   

Purified ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC was strongly and equally inhibited either by ADP or GDP and to a lesser extent by IDP. AMP or ATP exerted little effect on activity. Inhibition by the nucleotide diphosphates was competitive with respect to RuBP and non-competitive with respect to CO2 and Mg2+, respectively. Treatment of the enzyme with urea or guanidine-HCl resulted in rapid loss of activity that was not restored by dialysis even in the presence of Mg2+ and cysteine. Sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis of 8.0 M urea treated enzyme revealed the presence of a fast-moving (small) sub-unit with molecular weight 14150 and a slower moving (large) sub-unit with molecular weight 68000. Examination of native enzyme by sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis gave sub-units of 13700 and 55500 respectively. The amino acid content standardized to phenylalanine was essentially similar to that from other sources. Arrhenius plots showed a break at 29°C with an E a of 12.34 kcal per mole for the steeper part of the curve and a H of 11.43 kcal per mole while for the less steep region, the E a was 1.04 kcal per mole and the H 1.92 kcal per mole.Abbreviations ADP adenosine-5-diphosphate - AMP adenosine-5-monophosphate - ATP adenosine-5-triphosphate - CDP cytidine-5-diphosphate - CMP cytidine-5-monophosphate - CTP cytidine-5-triphosphate - FDP fructose-1,6-diphosphate - F6P fructose-6-phosphate - GDP guanosine-5-diphosphate - GMP guanosine-5-monophosphate - G6P glucose-6-phosphate - GTP guanosine-5-triphosphate - IDP inosine-5-diphosphate - IMP inosine-5-monophosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - 6PG 6-phosphogluconate - R1P ribose-1-phosphate - R5P ribose-5-phosphate - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TDP thymidine-5-diphosphate - TMP thymidine-5-monophosphate - TTP thymidine-5-triphosphate - UDP uridine-5-diphosphate - UMP uridine-5-monophosphate - UTP uridine-5-triphosphate  相似文献   

Wind illness is a very common complaint among the Northern Thai, yet is rarely recognized by Thai physicians trained in biomedicine. Persons most susceptible to wind illness are adult women who have ever borne a child. Consequently, data were obtained from 415 everparous women, 43% of whom reported ever having had wind illness and 57%, never having had it. In addition, 20 individuals who had ever had the syndrome were followed for case study, and 13 indigenous healers who traditionally treat clients suffering wind illness were interviewed. Their perceptions of the etiology, symptomatology and treatment of wind illness are reported in Part I. Part II is an attempt to define wind illness in terms of biomedicine and as a consequence of fertility. Part III synthesizes the emic and etic accounts with explanations for the perdurance of wind illness despite the advances of biomedicine and the recent fertility decline in Northern Thailand.  相似文献   

Summary Short oligocytidylates can act as templates for the self-condensation of guanosine 5-phosphorimidazolide. In the absence of a catalytic metal ion or in the presence of Pb2+ a noticeable template effect is already observed with the dimer and the yield of long oligomers reaches a plateau with a hexamer template. Short templates give oligomers longers than the template length. The products are predominantly 2-5 linked for the Pb2+-catalyzed reaction while mixed linkages are observed in the uncatalyzed reaction.In the presence of Zn2+, a template effect is first observed with the pentamer and is maximal by the heptamer. The products are predominantly 3-5 linked. Oligomers shorter than or as long as the template are obtained in substantial yield, and longer products in much lower yields.Abbreviations G Guanosine - Gp guanosine 2(3)-phosphate - pG guanosine 5-phosphate - Gp! guanosine cyclic 2,3-phosphate - ImpG guanosine 5-phosphorimidazolide - ImpG* [8-14C]-guanosine 5-phosphorimidazolide - pGp 5-phosphoguanosine 2(3)-phosphate - G2pG guanylyl-[2-5]-guanosine - G3pG guanylyl-[3-5]-guanosine - ImpGpG 5-phosphorimidazolide of GpG - (pG)n (n = 2,3) oligomers of pG - GppG P1, P2-diguanosine 5-diphosphate - GppGpG 5-[guanosine 5-pyrophosphate] of GpG - NH2pG guanosine 5-phosphoramidate - (pG)4+ tetramer and higher oligoguanylates with 5 terminal phosphate - oligo(G) oligoguanylate - Cp cytidine 2(3)-phosphate - Cp! cytidine cyclic 2,3-phosphate - (Cp)n–1 Cp! (n= 2,3,4) oligocytidylates terminated by 5-OH groups and 2,3-cyclic phosphates - oligo(C) oligocytidylate - poly(C) polycytidylic acid - poly(U) polyuridylic acid - poly(C,G) random copolymer of C and G - BAP bacterial alkaline phosphatase (E. coli) - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - Rf chromatographic mobility  相似文献   

The seed storage globulins from sixHelianthus and four hybrids were studied using mono and bidimensional gel SDS electrophoresis (+ 2 mercaptoethanol). The polypeptide composition of each subunit was determined. Different pairs are specifically expressed according to the species studied. Three typical patterns were discriminated. All the studied species exhibit five subunits: two of them are expressed in all the species (11 and 22). The subunit corresponding to the 11 pair is present inH. petiolaris and in the three populations ofH. annuus studied. The 2b2 pair is common toH. annuus andH. argophyllus. H. petiolaris presents two specific 2a2 and 44 pairs andH. annuus a specific 33 pair. InH. argophyllus 11 33 or 44 are never observed but are replaced by 13 and 31 pairs. Some globulins, poorly represented, are of forms but present chains of higher molecular weights (in the range 54–56 kDa). Expressing variations in the banding patterns between these species by the use of a similarity index reveals complete identity between the three populations ofH. annuus. Identity between the twoH. petiolaris studied is also observed.H. annuus andH. argophyllus appear to be closer to each other thanH. petiolaris concerning the seed storage globulins.  相似文献   

On age morphological changes of males of Chydoridae (Cladocera)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
N. N. Smirnov 《Hydrobiologia》1967,30(3-4):555-571
Summary Young and adult males of 11 species of Chydoridae are studied, their figures being published here (fig. 1–15). The necessity is stressed to distinguish young forms of males and gynandromorphic individuals.Pleuroxus balatonicus is considered to be described from the population ofPleuroxus unicatus having under Balaton Lake conditions retarded transformation of young males into adult form, and accordingly having unusually numerous young males. \qO\qs\qn\qo\qv\qn\qy\ye \qr\ye\qz\qu\ql\Qj\qt\qa\qt\qy 11 (. 1–15). . , Pleuroxus uncinatus , Pleuroxus balatonicus.  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented for the verification of the specific interaction step of the adsorbed template biogeochemical cycle, a simple model for a primitive prebiotic replication system. The experimental system consisted of gypsum as the mineral to which an oligonucleotide template attaches (Poly-C or Poly-U) and 5-AMP, 5-GMP, 5-CMP and 5-UMP as the interacting biomonomers. When Poly-C or Poly-U were used as adsorbed templates, 5-GMP and 5-AMP, respectively were observed to be the most strongly adsorbed species. Moreover, there exists a direct quantitative relationship between the quantity of cytidine or uracil residues in the adsorbed state and the amount of the complementary mononucleotide that is attached to it. NaCl added to the system in order to create conditions of high ionic strength seems to enhance the selectivity of the adsorption of the monmucleotides to these adsorbed templates.  相似文献   

Summary An exotic Zea mays L. population (Tuxpeno) was adapted to North Carolina conditions by first introducing genes for adaptability from two North Carolina varieties ([(Jarvis X Indian Chief)Tuxpeno]Tuxpeno) including four generations of intermating, and then selecting for adaptability using maturity as the primary measure. The study evaluated selection for adaptability and the diversity available between adapted Tuxpeno and the local varieties, Jarvis and Indian Chief. Analytical procedures were developed to quantify the diversity between populations and the complementation of local varieties by introduced germ plasms. The analyses utilized the specific effects available from the diallel mating design.Three replicate selections responded similarly under simple recurrent mass selection (1/10) for the earliest disease-free plants initially and additionally for plant types (primarily height) in the final generation. The 1/4 local germ plasm permitted rapid adaptation of Tuxpeno gene pool to local conditions. The adapted Tuxpeno populations yielded similarly to the local populations with an average heterosis for grain yield of 28% when crossed to the local populations used as source of genes for adaptability. The diversity found between adapted Tuxpeno lines and these local varieties based on genes affecting grain yield was 1.5 to 2.5 times that measured between the local varieties (Jarvis and Indian Chief). Diversity lost through intergradation with local material was a reasonable investment. Yield genes introduced from Tuxpeno complemented local gene pools through nonadditive, primarily dominance-associated, gene effects. Reassortment of major gene blocks apparently occurred leading to significant divergence among replicate selections involving both additive-associated and dominance-associated gene effects.Paper No. 6355 of the North Carolina Agri. Res. Ser., Raleigh, NC. Research supported in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation and CIMMYT, D.F. (Mexico)  相似文献   

Summary The results of previous behavioral studies can be so interpreted that the prey-catching behavior in the toad is elicited if there is a local motion restricted with-in a small part of the visual field, while it is suppressed if there is a global motion over a large part of the visual field. This has led us to design experiments to answer a specific question (yet a very essential one for understanding neural processes underlying this behavior): Are there local motion detectors in the toad's visual system that are not activated by global motion over a large part of the visual field but are activated by local motion confined within a smaller part of it? The present study showed that (1) the majority of the toad's tectal neurons exhibit properties of the local motion detectors as defined above, and (2) these properties can be explained from the receptive field structure revealed in the present experiments. Based on these results, we suggest that the tectal local motion detectors are essential for the detection and localization of small moving prey-objects in the natural environment while ignoring the large moving objects or the self-induced motion of the visual field.Abbreviations ERF excitatory receptive field - G1-5 group 1–5 neurons  相似文献   

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