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We explore the mutual dependencies and interactions among different groups of species of the plankton population, based on an analysis of the long-term field observations carried out by our group in the North–West coast of the Bay of Bengal. The plankton community is structured into three groups of species, namely, non-toxic phytoplankton (NTP), toxic phytoplankton (TPP) and zooplankton. To find the pair-wise dependencies among the three groups of plankton, Pearson and partial correlation coefficients are calculated. To explore the simultaneous interaction among all the three groups, a time series analysis is performed. Following an Expectation Maximization (E-M) algorithm, those data points which are missing due to irregularities in sampling are estimated, and with the completed data set a Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) model is analyzed. The overall analysis demonstrates that toxin-producing phytoplankton play two distinct roles: the inhibition on consumption of toxic substances reduces the abundance of zooplankton, and the toxic materials released by TPP significantly compensate for the competitive disadvantages among phytoplankton species. Our study suggests that the presence of TPP might be a possible cause for the generation of a complex interaction among the large number of phytoplankton and zooplankton species that might be responsible for the prolonged coexistence of the plankton species in a fluctuating biomass.  相似文献   

Here we consider a reaction diffusion system of three plankton populations, a zooplankton feeding on two phytoplankton populations, in two different settings. Firstly, the two phytoplanktons are both non-toxic and both enhance the growth of the grazing zooplankton. Secondly, we assume that one of the phytoplankton releases toxin and thereby inhibits the growth of the zooplankton. Our analytic and numerical study shows that the spatiotemporal distribution of the plankton species is uniform when both phytoplankton populations are non-toxic. However, in the presence of toxin-producing phytoplankton, the biomass distribution of all the plankton populations becomes inhomogeneous.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of dissolved inorganic nutrients were investigated between May 1996 and April 1997 in Mida Creek, a mangrove area along the north coast region of Kenya. The nutrient levels of pore water from boreholes/wells within the surrounding area of the creek were also investigated for comparison. In addition, phytoplankton distribution in Mida Creek was assessed in three stations within the creek in order to determine the structure and succession stages of the phytoplankton community and to provide an indication of the status of primary productivity of the creek. Measurements carried out within the creek revealed that the mean concentration ranges for NH4+ –N, (NO 2 + NO3)−N, PO43− −P and SiO32− −Si were: 0.002–5.45; 0.12–5.63; 0.10–0.58 and 1.31–81.36 μM, respectively. For the case of boreholes/wells found in the surrounding area, their respective nutrient levels were found to lie in the ranges 0.4–907.0; 16.7–4897.0; 1.09–22.39 and 83.9–596.0 μM. A total of 295 species of phytoplankton belonging to 78 genera were identified with great temporal variability in abundance in all the stations sampled. The most dominant algal members in the Creek included Chaetoceros spp., Chroococcus limneticus and Oscillatoria spp. The diversity values recorded were indicative of mesotrophic conditions. The highest nutrient concentration levels within the creek were measured during the wet season as compared to dry season and this trend closely corresponded with that of the phytoplankton productivity. However, no significant variation ( p > 0.05) was found in all cases with respect to the tidal cycles. On the contrary, diurnal nutrient concentrations especially in areas with high flooding duration (>12 h) were found to be highest during the dry season as opposed to wet season for all nutrients except for SiO32−. The relatively high nutrient laden groundwater outflow into the creek water, coupled with surface runoff events during wet season, are the two main factors responsible for the elevated nutrients in the creek waters in the absence of river inflow into the creek.  相似文献   

The most important message of Levin (Ecol Res 21:328–333, 2006) is that “Ecologists and economists have much incentive for interaction.” Recent studies that account for evolutionary processes and local interactions support this view by obtaining results that run counter to conventional wisdom within resource economics. A second major message of the article is that to meet environmental challenges, humanity must develop social norms that enhance cooperative responses. Successful examples of resource management systems back up norms with economic incentives: rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad. Economic incentives are especially important if rapid and large changes in human behavior are desired.  相似文献   

Both spatial heterogeneity and temporal fluctuation of the environment are important mechanisms promoting species coexistence, but they work in different manners. We consider many pairs of species with randomly generated survivorship and fertility in the lottery model, and examine how the variability in demographic processes affects the outcome of competition. The results are: [1] Coexistence is easier if habitat difference in mortality is greater, or if year-to-year variation in reproductive rate is larger. But neither habitat-difference in fertility nor temporal variation in mortality promotes coexistence. [2] Mean fertility does not affect the outcome if CV remains constant. In contrast, enhanced mean mortality decreases the fraction of coexisting pairs if the environment fluctuates temporally. [3] We also investigate the effect of limited dispersal of propagules between habitats. Compared with the complete mixing case, the fraction of coexisting pairs is clearly enhanced if the spatial heterogeneity is the major source of environmental variation, but shows slight increase if the temporal fluctuation is dominant. We conclude that spatial heterogeneity is likely to work more effectively in promoting species coexistence than temporal fluctuation, especially when the species suffer relatively high mortality, and disperse their propagules in a limited spatial scale.  相似文献   

In a companion paper (Lof et al., in Bull. Math. Biol., 2008), we describe a spatio-temporal model for insect behavior. This model includes chemical information for finding resources and conspecifics. As a model species, we used Drosophila melanogaster, because its behavior is documented comparatively well. We divide a population of Drosophila into three states: moving, searching, and settled. Our model describes the number of flies in each state, together with the concentrations of food odor and aggregation pheromone, in time and in two spatial dimensions. Thus, the model consists of 5 spatio-temporal dependent variables, together with their constituting relations. Although we tried to use the simplest submodels for the separate variables, the parameterization of the spatial model turned out to be quite difficult, even for this well-studied species. In the first part of this paper, we discuss the relevant results from the literature, and their possible implications for the parameterization of our model. Here, we focus on three essential aspects of modeling insect behavior. First, there is the fundamental discrepancy between the (lumped) measured behavioral properties (i.e., fruit fly displacements) and the (detailed) properties of the underlying mechanisms (i.e., dispersivity, sensory perception, and state transition) that are adopted as explanation. Detailed quantitative studies on insect behavior when reacting to infochemicals are scarce. Some information on dispersal can be used, but quantitative data on the transition between the three states could not be found. Second, a dose-response relation as used in human perception research is not available for the response of the insects to infochemicals; the behavioral response relations are known mostly in a qualitative manner, and the quantitative information that is available does not depend on infochemical concentration. We show how a commonly used Michaelis–Menten type dose-response relation (incorporating a saturation effect) can be adapted to the use of two different but interrelated stimuli (food odors and aggregation pheromone). Although we use all available information for its parameterization, this model is still overparameterized. Third, the spatio-temporal dispersion of infochemicals is hard to model: Modeling turbulent dispersal on a length scale of 10 m is notoriously difficult. Moreover, we have to reduce this inherently three-dimensional physical process to two dimensions in order to fit in the two-dimensional model for the insects. We investigate the consequences of this dimension reduction, and we demonstrate that it seriously affects the parameterization of the model for the infochemicals. In the second part of this paper, we present the results of a sensitivity analysis. This sensitivity analysis can be used in two manners: firstly, it tells us how general the simulation results are if variations in the parameters are allowed, and secondly, we can use it to infer which parameters need more precise quantification than is available now. It turns out that the short term outcome of our model is most sensitive to the food odor production rate and the fruit fly dispersivity. For the other parameters, the model is quite robust. The dependence of the model outcome with respect to the qualitative model choices cannot be investigated with a parameter sensitivity analysis. We conclude by suggesting some experimental setups that may contribute to answering this question.  相似文献   

The frequency of dispersal of invertebrates among lakes depends upon perspective and spatial scale. Effective passive dispersal requires both the transport of propagules and the establishment of populations large enough to be detected. At a global scale, biogeographic patterns of cladoceran zooplankton species suggest that effective dispersal among continents was originally rare, but greatly increased in the past century with expanded commerce. Genetic analysis allows some reconstruction of past dispersal events. Allozyme and mitochondrial DNA comparisons among New World and Old-World populations of several exotic cladocerans have provided estimates for likely source populations of colonists, their dispersal corridors, and timing of earlier dispersal events. Detecting the Old-World tropical exotic Daphnia lumholtzi early in its invasion of North America has allowed detailed analysis of its spatial spread. Twelve years of collection records indicate a rapid invasion of reservoirs in the United States, by both regional spread and long-distance jumps to new regions. Combining landscape features with zooplankton surveys from south-central US reservoirs revealed higher colonization rates of D. lumholtzi at lower landscape positions, a result which can be explained by either greater propagule load or by higher susceptibility of these downstream reservoirs. Because invaded reservoirs provide a source of propagules for nearby floodplain ponds, the rarity of this species in ponds suggests limitation by local environments. Such analyses of invading species over multiple spatial scales allow a better understanding of ecological processes governing invasion dynamics.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades it has become increasingly obvious that disturbance, whether natural or anthropogenic in origin, is ubiquitous in ecosystems. Disturbance-related processes are now considered to be important determinants of the composition, structure and function of ecological systems. However, because disturbance and succession processes occur across a wide range of spatio-temporal scales their empirical investigation is difficult. To counter these difficulties much use has been made of spatial modelling to explore the response of ecological systems to disturbance(s) occurring at spatial scales from the individual to the landscape and above, and temporal scales from minutes to centuries. Here we consider such models by contrasting two alternative motivations for their development and use: prediction and exploration, with a focus on forested ecosystems. We consider the two approaches to be complementary rather than competing. Predictive modelling aims to combine knowledge (understanding and data) with the goal of predicting system dynamics; conversely, exploratory models focus on developing understanding in systems where uncertainty is high. Examples of exploratory modelling include model-based explorations of generic issues of criticality in ecological systems, whereas predictive models tend to be more heavily data-driven (e.g. species distribution models). By considering predictive and exploratory modelling alongside each other, we aim to illustrate the range of methods used to model succession and disturbance dynamics and the challenges involved in the model-building and evaluation processes in this arena.  相似文献   

The chemical and biological characteristics of Lake Guiers (Senegal) have changed markedly since the impoundment of the Senegal River (Diama and Manantali dams) and subsequent development of irrigated agriculture in the nineteen eighties. On a longitudinal transect of 10 stations (from south to north), the environmental characteristics and the spatial variability of physicochemical variables, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were studied. Within a marked south‐north gradient, the southern stations were characterized by the highest conductivity and pH and by the lowest values of suspended solids, chlorophyll‐a concentrations and phytoplankton abundance (mainly Chlorophycea, Cyanobacteria and Bacillariophycea). The spatial distribution of zooplankton showed a clear distinction between the southern zone, characterized by the presence of the rotifers Brachionus falcatus and Conochiloides sp., the cladoceran Bosmina longirostris, the cyclopoid Thermocyclops neglectus and the calanoid Pseudodiaptomus hessei. A co‐inertia analysis clearly showed that environmental factors and phytoplankton drives the spatial distribution of zooplankton communities. The comparison of our data with previous studies suggests a marked change in the biological communities since the impoundment of the Senegal River, with rarefaction of P. hessei and proliferation of the cyclopoid Mesocyclops ogunnus. Several hypotheses are discussed to explain these biological changes. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

大鸨(Otis tarda)是我国I级重点保护野生鸟类,对大鸨重要栖息地种群数量的变化趋势进行研究,将为大鸨及其栖息地的保护提供科学依据。2017年至2020年,对内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区内及周边的大鸨种群数量动态进行了全面调查,共选择33个监测地点,对大鸨的数量、性别和分布地点进行了调查。结果表明,大鸨种群数量从2017年193只增加至2020年253只;大鸨1月的越冬种群数量从2017年67只减少至2019年55只,2020年重新恢复至67只。各月大鸨种群数量呈现较大的变化,数量高峰期分别是5月和10月。12月至次年2月,越冬种群数量50 ~ 70只。雌性大鸨从3月开始监测到,数量高峰值出现在4月和5月,达到50 ~ 70只,不同的年份略有差别;6月之后数量开始下降,至9月开始略有回升,在10月以后,野外基本观察不到雌性个体。在野外易于观察的4月,2017至2020年4年中雌雄比的平均值是1︰2。2017年和2018年,大鸨在马鞍山区域分布较多,数量也较为稳定。然而进入2019年,分布地点减少,这可能与当地人类活动的干扰有关;2020年保护区功能区进行了调整,将2014年调整出保护区范围的马鞍山区域重新划入保护区中,湿地和草地面积均有所增加,大鸨分布地点数量逐渐恢复。针对目前保护区存在的问题,建议采取退耕还草、加强保护空缺管理及禁牧等保护措施对大鸨及其栖息地进行保护。  相似文献   

Background: Twelve distinct explanations have been proposed for the co‐existence of species in ecological communities. Types of mechanism: The mechanisms can be divided into those that are stabilizing, i.e. with an increase‐when‐rare mechanism, and those that are equalizing, the latter on their own only delaying the exclusion of species. However, by evening out fitness, equalizing mechanisms can facilitate the operation of stabilizing mechanisms. Importance: It is suggested that circular interference networks, co‐evolution of similar interference ability, cyclic succession, equal chance (neutrality) and initial patch composition are likely to be unimportant, or perhaps not even occur. Equal chance is an equalizing mechanism. Allogenic disturbance, alpha‐niche differentiation, environmental fluctuation (relative non‐linearity and/or the storage effect) and pest pressure are probably important. All four are stabilizing. More evidence is needed on aggregation, interference/dispersal trade‐offs and the spatial mass effect. Aggregation and the spatial mass effect are equalizing. Suggestions are made of the evidence needed to make informed judgements on which contribute the most to co‐existence in plant communities.  相似文献   

茂兰喀斯特森林林隙幼苗出现的时空格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过4次对茂兰自然保护区喀斯特森林林隙内种子的天然萌发情况进行观测,分析了林隙内幼苗的萌发数量、存活率及幼苗出现的时空分布格局。结果发现:林隙中大多数萌发的幼苗存活率均较高,平均存活率达50%以上,林隙的形成,不但提高了喀斯特森林树种的萌发率,也提高了幼苗的存活率。林隙中心、近中心、林隙边缘各区域幼苗的密度存在显著的空间差异,山拐枣(Poliothyrsis sinensis)、多脉榆(Ulmus castaneifolia)等树种在林隙中心幼苗密度最大,圆果化香(Platycarya longipes)、翅荚香槐(Cladrastis platycarpa)、圆叶乌桕(Sapium rotundifolium)、掌叶木(Handeliodendron bodinieri)、黄连木(Pistacia chinen-sis)和云贵鹅耳枥(Carpinus pubescens)等树种在林隙近中心幼苗密度最大,而樟叶槭(Acercinnamomifolium)、球核荚蒾(Viburnumpropinquum)、小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia)、轮叶木姜子(Litsea verticillata)等则在林隙边缘光照较弱的地方生长良好。幼苗出现的时间分布特征明显,整个观察期幼苗都持续萌发,但大多数树种幼苗出现在第2观测期(3月),幼苗出现数目从第2次到后面的几次观察期显著下降。林隙3个区域幼苗出现不是同步的,林隙中心的幼苗出现最快,与其它两个部位相比,林隙边缘的幼苗出现有滞后现象。研究结果表明林隙中心的环境条件有利于种子萌发,但林隙近中心却更利于幼苗存活。  相似文献   

The study of nutritional ecology has proven to be useful for understanding many aspects of primate behavior and ecology and is a valuable tool in primate conservation. However, to date this approach has had limited application since chemical analyses of food items is very time-consuming and collections of perishable food material are often made in remote field locations. Such logistic difficulties have led to plant material being collected in a variety of fashions, and it is not known how variation in collection method might influence our understanding of the chemical basis of dietary selection. A standardization of collection methods is greatly needed to allow for direct comparison among studies. To develop an appropriate standardized method and to evaluate past research, it is necessary to understand along what dimensions plant chemistry varies. We evaluated variation in nutritional value—protein, fiber, digestibility, alkaloids, saponins, cyanogenic glycocides, and minerals—of leaf material from species eaten by red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) of Kibale National Park, Uganda. We consider variation at 3-levels: among trees, time periods, and areas. While there was considerable variation among species with respect to protein, digestibility, and saponins, there was also variation among individuals of the same species; in fact, individuals may vary by as much as 20%. The average coefficients of variation (CV) among individuals of the same species are 13.4 for protein, 12 for digestibility, and 43 for saponins, while the average CV among species are 35, 31.3, and 82.4, respectively. No species showed a variable response with respect to testing for the presence or absence of cyanogenic glycocides, while 2 of 11 species tested for alkaloids showed a variable response. Over 2 years there was evidence of variation among time periods in the chemical composition of the same food items. The protein-to-fiber ratio of mature leaves of the same species collected from 4 sites separated by 12 km within Kibale was also variable and in some cases the variation among sites was greater than the differences among species. For example, while Funtumia latifolia had little variation in protein-to-fiber ratio at 3 sites (0.44 at all sites), the remaining site was 28% greater. Because temporal variation is less than variation among individuals, it is likely more important to sample from multiple trees at a single point in time than to sample across time. However, the most accurate assessment of nutrient intake is obtained by collecting plant material from the specific trees selected for consumption.  相似文献   

For several decades, behavioral ecologists have studied theeffects of the environment on the behavior of individuals;but only fairly recently they have started to ask the reversequestion: how do the behavioral strategies of individuals affectthe composition and dynamics of populations and communities?Although intuitively obvious, this feedback from individualto higher levels is difficult to demonstrate, except in systemswith exceptionally fast and marked responses of the populationsto the behavior of its members. Such a system exists in sperm-dependentspecies. In European water frogs, for instance, successfulreproduction of a hybrid species (R. esculenta, genotype LR)requires mating with one of its parental species (R. lessonae,genotype LL), except in the rare cases where hybrids are triploid.The sexual host LL, however, should avoid matings with the sexual parasite LR, because the resulting LR offspring willeliminate the L genome from their germ line. In this studywe investigate how this conflict is solved. Since water froghybrids come in both sexes, rather than as females only likein other sperm-dependent systems, we performed the tests withboth females and males. One individual was given a choice betweentwo individuals of the opposite sex, one an LL and the otheran LR. In both species, females showed the predicted preferencefor LL males, whereas males did not discriminate between LLand LR females. On the individual level, we interpret the sexdifference in choosiness by the lower costs from mating withthe wrong species (LR) and the higher benefits from matingwith large individuals in males than in females. In "normal"species, male preference for large (i.e. more fecund) femalesis advantageous, but in this system such a choice can resultin mating with the larger LR females. With respect to the structureand dynamics of mixed populations, we discuss that the observed female preference is consistent with the higher mating successof LL males found in nature. Hence, mate female choice is astrong candidate for a mechanism promoting coexistence of thesperm-dependent hybrid and its sexual host. This confirms predictionsfrom previous theoretical models.  相似文献   

Biologists studying short-lived organisms have become aware of the need to recognize an explicit temporal extend of a population over a considerable time. In this article we outline the concept and the realm of populations with explicit spatial and temporary boundaries. We call such populations “temporally bounded populations”. In the concept, time is of the same importance as space in terms of a dimension to which a population is restricted. Two parameters not available for populations that are only spatially defined characterise temporally bounded populations: total population size, which is the total number of individuals present within the temporal borders, and total residence time, which is the sum of the residence times of all individuals. We briefly review methods to estimate these parameters. We illustrate the concept for the large blue butterfly (Maculinea nausithous) and outline insights into ecological and conservation-relevant processes that cannot be gained without the use of the concept.  相似文献   

Population size distributions were examined for 12 species of trees co-occurring at Chamela Biological Station in Jalisco, Mexico. Species had been selected as congeneric pairs and trios similar in gross morphology and ecology in order better to identify correlates of relative abundance. Rarer species were found unanimously to have more irregular distributions of individuals among size classes than more common species when distributions were compared to a smooth, descending curve constructed from population mean stem diameters (an exponential distribution). Examination among species of patterns of deviation from these corresponding smooth distributions indicates that the most reasonably inferred cause for the observed pattern is consistent differences in degree of fluctuation in recruitment into adult size classes. These results thereby suggest a demographic difference between locally rarer and more common species that may be generally associated with observed differences in relative abundance and indicate a focus for management of rarity in forest trees.  相似文献   

2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)在全球200多个国家蔓延,对世界公共卫生环境、民众生命健康安全与社会经济带来了巨大影响。为了解病毒传播的时空特征及驱动因子对新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)防控的重要意义,本研究基于2020年1月21日~2020年3月10日浙江省各县、市(区)的COVID-19疫情数据,按照病例数的变化情况将疫情时期分为迅速增长期、高位回落期、控制减少期和稳定期,发现省外输入病例主要确诊于迅速增长期和高位回落期,省内扩散病例主要确诊于控制减少期和稳定期。利用ArcGIS软件进行数据可视化,总结了两种病例类型在浙江省各县、市(区)分布的时空变化特征,发现浙江省新冠肺炎疫情在温州最为严重,其次是杭州、宁波和台州;并利用地理探测器方法探究了各因子的作用,发现社会经济因子和城市建设因子影响较大,自然环境因子影响较小。  相似文献   

Extensive fires in recent decades in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) garnered much attention for causing a significant decrease in the extent of conifer forest cover. Meanwhile, conifer forests in unburned parts of the GYE have continued to increase in extent and density. Conifer cover increase has been well documented by repeat historical photography, but the average rate of increase and the spatial variation remain unquantified. We examined changes in conifer cover across biophysical gradients in the GYE based on stratified random samples from aerial photographs. The percent conifer cover for samples in 1971 and 1999 was quantified to determine the frequency and rate of conifer cover change. A slight majority of samples (56%) showed no change, whereas increases (22%) were balanced by decreases (22%). However, among samples that were not recently burned or logged, or already closed-canopy, nearly 40% increased in conifer cover, at an average annual rate of 0.22%. We quantified significant variability in the frequency and rate of conifer cover increase across gradients of elevation, aspect, vegetation type, and proximity to nearby conifer forest. The most dynamic locations were low density conifer woodlands on northerly aspects at lower elevations, with average annual rates of increase up to 0.51%. This study is significant because it demonstrates that rates of conifer cover increase vary across biophysical gradients, an important consideration for management of dynamic forest ecosystems. Improved understanding of this variability helps us to better understand what factors ultimately cause conifer cover increase. It is also a critical step towards accurate quantification of the magnitude of carbon uptake by conifer cover increase.  相似文献   

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