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The responses of oxonol dyes to single and multiple single turnovers of the photosynthetic apparatus of photosynthetic bacteria have been studied, and compared with the responses of the endogenous carotenoid pigments. The absorbance changes of the oxonols can be conveniently measured at 587 nm, because this is an isosbestic point in the ‘light-minus-dark’ difference spectrum of the chromatophores.The oxonols appear to respond to the light-induced ‘energization’ by shifting their absorption maxima. In the presence of K+, valinomycin abolished and nigericin enhanced such shifts, suggesting that the dyes respond to the light-induced membrane potential. Since the dyes are anions at neutral pH values, they probably distribute across the membrane in accordance with the potential, which is positive inside the chromatophores. The accumulation of dye, which is indicated by a decrease in the carotenoid bandshift, poises the dye-membrane equilibrium in favor of increased dye binding and this might be the cause of the spectral shift.The dye response has an apparent second-order rate constant of approx. 2 · 106 M?1 · s?1 and so is always slower than the carotenoid bandshift. Thus the dyes cannot be used to monitor membrane potential on submillisecond timescales. Nevertheless, on a timescale of seconds the logarithm of the absorbance change at 587 nm is linear with respect to the membrane potential calibrated with the carotenoid bandshift. This suggests that under appropriate conditions the dyes can be used with confidence as indicators of membrane potential in energy-transducing membranes that do not posses intrinsic probes of potential.  相似文献   

Optical indicators of the cationic, cyanine and anionic oxonol classes were used to evaluate the plasma membrane potential of animal cells in suspension and in monolayer culture. The optical signals were calibrated by using diffusion potentials either of K+ (in the presence of valinomycin) or of H+ (in the presence of carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone; FCCP); both classes of dye gave similar values of plasma membrane potential, in the range -40 to -90 mV for different cell types. Addition of haemolytic Sendai virus or Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin depolarizes cells and causes them to leak monovalent cations; these effects are antagonized by extracellular Ca2+. Cells infected with vesicular stomatitis or Semliki Forest virus become depolarized during an infectious cycle; infection with other viruses was without affect on plasma membrane potential.  相似文献   

Oxonol VI as an optical indicator for membrane potentials in lipid vesicles   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Experiments with large unilamellar dioleoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles were carried out in order to study the effect of membrane potential on the fluorescence of Oxonol VI. A partition equilibrium of dye between membrane and water was found to exist with a partition coefficient gamma identical to c lipid/c water of about 19,000 (at zero voltage). In the presence of an inside-positive membrane potential, the negatively charged dye accumulates in the intravesicular aqueous space according to a Nernst equilibrium. This leads to an increased adsorption of dye to the inner lipid monolayer and to a concomitant increase of fluorescence. The fluorescence change can be calibrated as a function of transmembrane voltage by generating a potassium diffusion potential in the presence of valinomycin. The intrinsic fluorescence of the membrane-bound dye is not affected by voltage; the whole influence of voltage on the fluorescence results from voltage-dependent partitioning of the dye between water and membrane. The voltage dependence of the apparent partition coefficient can be quantitatively described by a three-capacitor model in which the dye is assumed to bind to adsorption planes located on the hydrocarbon side of the membrane/solution interface. Oxonol VI was found to be suitable for detecting changes of membrane potential associated with the activity of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase in reconstituted vesicles. When ATP is added to the external medium, pump molecules with the ATP-binding side facing outward become activated; this results in a translocation of net positive charge towards the vesicle interior. Under this condition, fluorescence changes corresponding to (inside-positive) potentials of up to 150-200 mV are observed. After the build-up of the membrane potential, a quasi-stationary state is reached in which the pump current is compensated by a back-flow of charge through passive conductance pathways.  相似文献   

Membrane potential can be measured optically using a variety of molecular probes. These measurements can be useful in studying function at the level of an individual cell, for determining how groups of neurons generate a behavior, and for studying the correlated behavior of populations of neurons. Examples of the three kinds of measurements are presented. The signals obtained from these measurements are generally small. Methodological considerations necessary to optimize the resulting signal-to-noise ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

Cells of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum cultivated anaerobically in light show phototaxis. The behavior of individual cells in response to the phenomenon is reversal(s) of the swimming direction when the intensity of the light available to them abruptly decreases. The tactic response was inhibited by antimycin, an inhibitor of the photosynthetic electron transfer system. The inhibitory effect of antimycin was overcome by phenazine methosulfate. Motility of the cells was not impaired by antimycin under aerobic conditions. Valinomycin plus potassium also inhibited their phototactic response; however, valinomycin or potassium alone had no effect. A change in membrane potential of the cells was measured as an absorbance change of carotenoid. Changes in the membrane potential caused by "on-off" light were prevented by antimycin and by valinomycin plus potassium, but not by antimycin plus phenazine methosulfate nor valinomycin or potassium alone. The results indicated that the phototactic response of R. rubrum is mediated by a sudden change in electron flow in the photosynthetic electron transfer system, and that the membrane potential plays an important role in manifestation of the response.  相似文献   

Various dyes were assessed for their ability to discriminate between viable and non-viable bacteria. Two methods of killing were employed: by heat treatment or by gramicidin treatment. Staining was carried out in two ways; by staining directly in the medium or by washing cells prior to staining in buffer. Carbocyanine and rhodamine 123 dyes only exhibited small changes in fluorescence between viable and non-viable populations of bacteria. Both oxonol dye (bis 1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid trimethine oxonol) and calcafluor white proved much more useful.  相似文献   

Generation of membrane potential (Δψ) and transmembrane pH difference (ΔpH) was studied in PPi-energized chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum by means of measurements of carotenoid and bacteriochlorophyll absorption changes, atebrin and 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonate fluorescence responses, and phenyldicarbaundecaborane transport.The data obtained are consistent with the suggestion that carotenoid, bacteriochlorophyll and phenyldicarbaundecaborane responses are indicators of Δψ, while an atebrin response is an indicator of ΔpH. The fluorescence of 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonate is affected both by Δψ and ΔpH.  相似文献   

Comparative X-ray diffraction studies, in conjunction with infrared absorption spectroscopy, were performed on chromatophores isolated from various purple photosynthetic bacteria in order to achieve a better understanding of the molecular structure of the photosynthetic unit. Purple non-sulfur bacteria used were Rhodospirillum rubrum, Rhodospirillum molischianum, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, and Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Chromatophores of Chromatium vinosum, as a typical example of purple sulfur bacteria, were also investigated. The results were as follows. Distinct equatorial X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from chromatophores of all the bacteria examined. They showed diffuse, continuous diffraction patterns having several maxima, and the patterns are evidently distinguished from those of either crystalline or amorphous material. The pattern indicates that the photosynthetic unit in the chromatophore has a highly organized molecular structure in the plane of the membrane. Bacteria whose major photosynthetic pigment is bacteriochlorophyll alpha can be categorized in three groups from the viewpoint of near infrared absorption spectra. X-ray diffraction patterns are also grouped accordingly, although the differences are minimal and the patterns display common features. In other words, the bacteriochlorophyll forms, which are bacteriochlorophyll-protein complexes exhibiting different near-infrared absorption spectra, show different X-ray patterns: the molecular structure of photosynthetic units is closely related to the state of pigment in each complex, although the "X-ray" molecular structure is mainly concerned with the arrangement of constituent protein molecules at the present resolution, whereas the "spectroscopic" structure reflects the local environment of pigment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Safranine and the cyanine dye, 3',3'-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine (diSC3-5), were examined as membrane potential probes in cytochrome c oxidase vesicles. The spectra of the vesicle-associated dyes resemble those of the same dyes in organic solvents, indicating that safranine and diSC3-5 probably dissolve in a hydrophobic region of the proteoliposomal membrane. This binding of safranine to proteoliposomes occurs with a dye-membrane dissociation constant in the micromolar range. The binding of safranine and of diSC3-5 to liposomes or proteoliposomes is accompanied by fluorescence enhancement. This enhanced fluorescence is quenched by respiration or by the establishment of a K+ diffusion potential by valinomycin (negative interior). An optimal dye/lipid ratio was required to secure maximum fluorescence quenching of the dyes, whether that quenching was active or passive. Calibrations of both the safranine and the diSC3-5 responses with K+ diffusion potentials were also affected by the dye/lipid ratio. At lower dye/lipid ratios, the calibration curve was linear at higher potentials but deviated from linearity at lower potentials. The converse was true at higher dye/lipid ratios. The non-linearity of the calibration curve at higher potential was attributed to a 'saturation' effect; it may also involve increased permeability of proteoliposomal membrane to protons. Destacking of dye at the lower dye/lipid ratio was probably responsible for the non-linearity of the calibration curves at lower potentials. When all these effects are taken into account, the steady-state value of delta psi generated during maximal proteoliposomal respiration was calculated to be between 140 and 160 mV (interior negative) when measured with either safranine or diSC3-5. We conclude that quantitative estimates of delta psi values can be made using these probes in cytochrome c oxidase reconstituted proteoliposomes provided that appropriate precautions are taken.  相似文献   

The change in surface potential induced by addition of mono- or divalent cations to a chromatophore suspension was monitored by carotenoid absorbance changes (a probe which is intrinsic to the membrane). The change in carotenoid absorbance elicited by an alteration of the surface potential is strongly dependent on the presence of ionophores; the absorbance changes (due to addition of MgCl2) in the presence of valinomycin or gramicidin are larger than those in the presence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone or cabonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. These differences in carotenoid absorbance change reflect the degree in which the membrane resistance has been shunted. Gramicidin or high concentrations of valinomycin (10−6 M) appear to be sufficiently effective as shunt in order that the totality of the change in external surface potential is seen as an intramembrane potential difference as sensed by the carotenoids. It is also shown that the decay of the carotenoid changes induced by the addition of salt to the medium is a measure of the intrinsic permeability of the chromatophore membrane for the added cation.  相似文献   

The chromatophores of Chromatium vinosum, as well as six other photosynthetic bacteria, contained two or more proteins which were insoluble when heated in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 2-mercaptoethanol (beta-ME). When the chromatophores were dissolved at room temperature in SDS-beta-ME, these proteins were present in the SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles, but when the samples were dissolved at 100 degrees C, they were absent or considerably diminished. When one-dimensional gels of chromatophores solubilized at room temperature were soaked in the SDS-beta-ME solution and heated to 100 degrees C and the gels were run in a second dimension, the proteins became immobilized in the original first-dimension gel, where they could be detected by staining. The two major proteins so affected in C. vinosum had apparent molecular weights of 28,000 and 21,000. The chromatophores of several other photosynthetic bacteria also contained predominant proteins between 30,000 and 19,000 molecular weight, which became insoluble when heated in the presence of SDS and beta-ME. In at least two of the species examined, these appeared to be reaction center proteins. The conditions causing the proteins to become insoluble were complex and involved temperature, SDS concentration, and the presence of sulfhydryl reagents. The chromatophores of four of the Chromatiaceae species and two strains of one of the Rhodospirillaceae species examined had a protein-pigment complex that was visible in SDS-polyacrylamide gel profiles of samples dissolved at room temperature but was absent in samples dissolved at 100 degrees C.  相似文献   

The characteristics of transmittance and fluorescence changes of 4-(p-aminostyryl)-1-pyridinium dyes in response to voltage-clamp pulses on the squid giant axon were examined. A zwitterionic styryl dye displays transmittance and excitation spectra on the voltage-clamped squid axon with shapes similar to those previously measured on a model membrane system and consistent with a postulated electrochromic mechanism. The speed of the transmittance response is faster than 1.2 microseconds. The size of the fluorescence change is a factor of 40 lower than on the model membrane; this diminution can be rationalized in terms of the background fluorescence from Schwann cells and the nonoptimal geometric arrangement of the axon membrane. When the emission spectrum is dissected from the excitation response, a nonelectrochromic component is found. This component might result from molecular motion during the excited state lifetime. A positively charged dye permeates the axon membrane and displays complex response waveforms dependent on the method of application and the axon holding potential. This contrasts markedly with model membrane results where the behavior of the cationic and zwitterionic dyes were indistinguishable.  相似文献   

The dichroism was measured in films of air-dried and, consequently, flattened chromatophores of Chromatium vinosum, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum. The values (deltaA/A) of dichroism in C. vinosum were found to be -1.05 at 590 nm and 0.75 in the near infrared region. The values of dichroism in R. sphaeroides were -0.70 at 590 nm and 0.80 at 870 nm. The values of dichroism in R. rubrum were -1.45 at 590 nm and 0.97 at 870 nm.  相似文献   

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