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Summary The discovery of the hidden, built-in macroconidia in the four members of the Faviform Group of the dermatophytes, i.e.,Achorion schoenleinii, Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton verrucosum andMicrosporon ferrugineum, is described.To bring the hidden, built-in macroconidia to full fructification, i.e., to force the production of imperfect and perfect organs of fructification (macroconidia, cleistothecia), two entirely different techniques have been used: 1) the hair-soil method, 2) the yeast extract method.The two techniques, entirely independent from each other, yielded the same result: the ancestral form of the four members of the Faviform Group of dermatophytes. The imperfect form is described asFavomicrosporon pinettii,Benedek, 1965, sp. nov. The perfect form isAnixiopsis stercoraria (Hansen)Hansen, 1897.The ancestral form was found not only in and cultured from the strains of those dermatophytes derived from pathological material, but it was also recovered from its saprophytic habitat, from the soil (potting soil).
Zusammenfassung Die Entdeckung der verborgenen, eingebauten Makrokonidien in den vier Representanten der Faviformen Gruppe der Dermatophyten, i.e.Achorion schoenleinii, T. violaceum, T. verrucosum, Microsporon ferrugineum, wird beschrieben.Um die verborgenen, eingebauten Makrokonidien zur vollen Fruchtbildung zu bringen, i.e. um die Produktion der imperfekten und perfekten Organe der Fruktifikation (Makrokonidien, Kleistothecien) zu erzwingen, sind zwei völlig verschiedene Methoden benutzt worden: 1) die Haar-Erde-Methode, und 2) die Hefeextrakt-Methode.Beide Methoden, völlig unabhängig von einander, haben zu demselben Ergebnis geführt, i.e. zur Entdeckung der Urform von den vier Representanten der Faviformen Gruppe der Dermatophyten. Die imperfekte Form wird alsFavomicrosporon pinettii,Benedek, 1965, sp. nov. beschrieben. Die perfekte Form istAnixiopsis stercoraria (Hansen)Hansen, 1897.Die ancestrale Form wurde nicht nur aus den Stämmen jener Dermatophyten gezüchtet, die aus pathologischen Produkten gewonnen worden sind, sondern auch aus dem natürlichen Habitat: von der Erde (potting soil).

Résumé La découverte des macroconidies occultes et encastrées dans les quatre membres du Groupe Faviforme des dermatophytes:Achorion schoenleinii, Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton verrucosum etMicrosporon ferrugineum, est décrite.Pour forcer les macroconidies occultes et encastrées à la fructification complète, i.e. de produire des organs de reproduction imparfaits et parfaits, macroconidies et cleistothecia, on a fait l'usage de deux techniques complètement différentes: 1) des cheveux sur sol et 2) de l'extraction de levure.Toutes les deux méthodes, complètement indépendantes l'une de l'autre, ont produit le même résultat: la forme ancestrale des quatre membres de la Groupe Faviforme des dermatophytes. La forme imparfaite est décrite commeFavomicrosporon pinettii,Benedek, 1965, sp. nov. et la forme parfaite commeAnixiopsis stercoraria (Hansen)Hansen, 1897.La forme ancestrale a été trouvée non seulement dans les souches des dermatophytes indiquées et en cultivées, provenantes des produits pathologiques, mais aussi du sol, du terrain jardinier.

Summary Very little progress had been made on the question whether organs of higher fructification occur in dermatophytes. Only two significant studies can be noted. One was the elaboration of the hypothesis byMatruchot &Dassonville that dermatophytes because of morphological similarities with certain fungi (Myxotrichum, Gymnoascus, Arachniotus) belong with them to the Gymnoascaceae. However, this generalization was unwarranted, since their hypothesis was based on a single strain of a dermatophyte, designated by them as Trichophyton, sp. without the species having been more closely determined. Moreover, they did not produce any evidence for their generalization that all dermatophytes should, or necessarily must belong to the Gymnoascaceae. Finally,Matruchot &Dassonville had never seen either pycnidia or perithecia in their cultures. To say the least, their hypothesis, whether right or wrong, must await further demonstrations that pycnidia and/or perithecia do exist in the dermatophytes.The only apparently successful attempt at solving the question of the existence of higher organs of fructification in dermatophytes has been made byNannizzi. His findings must be considered valid, unless duplications of his experiments would prove to the contrary. However, the same objection has to be made against his generalization as was raised against the generalization ofMatruchot &Dassonville. This is that ALL dermatophytes must necessarily belong to the Gymnoascaceae.Nannizzi succeeded in producing pycnidia only in the form-genusTrichophyton, in the speciesTr. mentagrophytes (Ch. Robin, 1853) andTr. equinum Matruchot. He also was successful in his endeavor in the form—genusAchorion, in the speciesAchorion gypseum Bodin. However, his attempts to produce higher organs of fructification inMicrosporon lanosum Sabouraud and inAchorion Quinckeanum Zopf failed.
Zusammenfassung Versuche, betreffs des gegenwärtigen Standes der Fruchtkörperproduktion in Dermatophyten, die sich nun auf sechs Jahrzehnte erstrecken, sind kritisch beleuchtet worden.Es konnte nur ein einziger, anscheinend erfolgreicher Versuch verzeichnet werden, der vonNannizzi, 1926. Mit seiner speziellen Technik, indem er Dermatophyten auf natürlichen Nährböden (Federn, Leder, Knochen, Haare) züchtete, war es ihm gelungen, Pykniden in der Form-GattungTrichophyton, in den ArtenTr. mentagrophytes (Ch. Robin, 1853) undTr. equinum Matruchot hervorzurufen. In der Form-GattungAchorion sind Pykniden in der ArtAchorion gypseum Bodin produziert worden in einem Nährboden von Waldboden gemischt mit Stückchen von altem Leder. Jedoch sind seine Versuche, Pykniden inMicrosporon lanosum Sabouraud und inAchorion Quinckeanum Zopf hervorzurufen, fehlgeschlagen.

Summary Absorbancy measurements and electron microscopy of isolated rat liver mitochondria show that simple osmotic swelling is not prevented by cyanide plus -hydroxybutyrate. Similarly, electron microscopy shows that these two agents do not prevent the swelling induced by inorganic phosphate. However, the absorbancy decrease induced by inorganic phosphate is inhibited by cyanide plus -hydroxybutyrate.These findings cast doubt on the validity of the absorbancy method as an index of mitochondrial morphology. The evidence also indicates that both simple osmotic swelling and that induced by inorganic phosphate are independent of respiration. An osmotic mechanism is proposed as an alternative.Dedicated to Prof. Berta Scharrer on her 60th birthday.This study was supported by Research Grants GM-08900, NB-02145, NB-05219 from the U.S.P.H.S. and a Lederle Medical Faculty Award. Fine technical assistance was provided by Mrs. Cynthia Jones, Miss Ursula Moeller and Mr. Stanley Brown.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Arbeit wurde auf Anregung von Herrn Prof. Dr. H.Wurmbach ausgeführt. Ich danke ihm für die freundliche Förderung der Arbeit, sowie Herrn Prof. Dr. A.Goebel, Pathol. Inst. d. Univ. Köln, für wertvolle Hinweise. Die Untersuchungen wurden von derDeutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg, gefördert.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont isolé, par le procédé deVanbreuseghem, des couches superficielles du sol, un champignon appartenant au genreAleurisma Link. Ils ont réussi, bien que difficilement, de l'inoculer à l'homme, chez lequel ce champignon a provoqué un herpès circiné typique. Le rôle pathogène de l'Aleurisma a été confirmé par la rétroculture des vésicules de la lésion expérimentale, rétroculture qui a reproduit exactement le champignon inoculé. Outre les affinités botaniques (présence des aleuries) et pathogéniques (capacité de provoquer des dermatomycoses superficielles), les auteurs ont découvert une certaine parenté antigénique entre les dermatophytes communs et le champignon isolé par eux. Bien plus, leurs propriétés fermentatives étaient aussi semblables. La présence dans le sol de champignons autres que les dermatophytes communs, mais assez proches d'eux, tant du point de vue botanique et fermentatif que du point de vue pathogénique et antigénique, vient, selon les auteurs, à l'appui de la thése, d'après laquelle, les dermatophytes proviennent des champignons saprophytes du sol.
Summary The authors isolated, from the superficial layers of the soil, a fungus belonging to the genusAleurismaLink. Although with difficulty, they were able to inoculate this fungus in man. The lesion it provoked, was of herpes circinatus type. The cultures obtained from the vesicles of the experimental lesion reproduced the strain first inoculated. Besides the botanical (presence of aleuries) and pathogenic affinities (capacity of causing superficial mycosis) the authors were able to demonstrate a certain antigenic resemblance between this fungus and the common ringworm agents. Their fermentative properties were also similar.The presence in the soil of fungi related to dermatophytes, their botanical, fermentative, pathogenic and antigenic affinities are considered by the authors as an argument in behalf of the thesis, according which, dermatophytes take their origin from saprophytic fungi of the soil.

Capsella comprises diploid (C. grandiflora andC. rubella) and tetraploid taxa. It is argued that the tetraploidC. bursa-pastoris is of intraspecific origin despite disomic inheritance and fixed heterozygosity. It is of considerable age as evidenced by the fossil record and molecular data. Gene duplication by polyploidization and a mixed mating system provided the genetic flexibility for greatest colonizing success. Pronounced variation patterns at a micro- and macrogeographic scale are observed inC. bursa-pastoris for many characters including life history traits, leaf morphology and allozymes. This variation pattern can be explained by several components comprising phylogenetic age, random processes, ecotypic variation and colonization history. The adaptive strategy ofC. bursa-pastoris cannot be assigned to either ecotypic differentiation or phenotypic plasticity alone. It depends on the trait under study.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The cells of Halobacterium sp., strain 5, contain a large number of highly refractile bodies of the type which Petter (1932) suggested were gas-filled vacuoles. The present studies support Petter's contention, but the evidence for the exact chemical nature of the vacuole content is still indirect. It is not carbon dioxide or oxygen, but might possibly be nitrogen. Strain 5 loses spontaneously and with a high frequency the ability to make the vacuoles.When vacuolated cells are subjected to pressure, the vacuoles disappear, but can recover upon aeration. Oxygen and the organic constituents of the growth medium stimulate the recovery, whereas 2.4-dinitrophenol inhibits it. A procedure is described for the isolation of the vacuoles. The vacuoles are bounded by a membrane which reveals itself in electron micrographs of thin sections as a 1-layered structure about 30 Å thick.Dedicated to Prof. C. B. van Niel on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary The A. studied 572 cases of dematomycosis and identified the causative agent in 519 (90.7%). Mosaic fungi were observed through direct examination only in scales from feet, independently of demonstration of dermatophytes; for this reason diagnostic value was not attached to those figures. The nutritional tests in 126 strains confirmedGeorg's results and was particularly useful for the identification ofT. tonsurans, T. megninii andT. verrucosum.Account is given about the agents obtained from the different localizations.T. verrucosum was identified for the first time in Portugal, andT. megninii seemed more frequent than in other countries.The A. found 66 cases with multiple localizations and assumes that tinea must be considered a single infection produced by dermatophytes in skin and its appendages independently of its clinical form or localization.Supported by a grant of the Instituto de Alta Cultura, Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Prof. Dr.G. Klein danke ich an dieser Stelle herzlichst für die Freundlichkeit, mit welcher er mir die wichtigste neueste Literatur zur Verfügung stellte.Sarajevo, Botanische Abteilung des Landesmuseums, im März 1928  相似文献   

Summary Rhodopseudomonas palustris metabolizes p-hydroxybenzoate aerobically via a series of specific reactions which are partly described. The pathway similar to that described for aerobic pseudomonads. The requisite enzymes are absent in extracts of cells grown anaerobically under photosynthetic conditions with p-hydroxybenzoate, benzoate and malate, or aerobically with benzoate or malate. An intermediate of the reaction sequence presumably induces in a retrograde fashion.Dedicated to Prof. C. B. van Niel on the occasion of his 70th birthday. I wish especially to acknowledge a debt to Prof. C. B. van Niel, who offered an assistant so much encouragement and suggested this and so many other problems in his summer Microbiology Course.The early portion of this work was done in collaboration with Dr. E. R. Leadbetter in the laboratory of R. Y. Stanier at Berkeley. Mrs. C. Feist generously provided a sample of -hydroxymuconic semialdehyde. This investigation was supported by the U.S. Public Health Service, Grant HD-02448.  相似文献   

After a biometric study the taxon Asyneuma pichleri (Vis.) D. Lakui & F. Conti comb. nova is re-evaluated. This taxon, endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, has been confused in the past with A. trichocalycinum (Ten.) K. Malý. Lectotypes are designated for both taxa. Statistically significant differences were found between A. pichleri (from Balkan peninsula) and A. trichocalycinum (from Apennines) based on multivariate analysis and discriminant analysis of morphometric data. A. pichleri is morphologically well differentiated from the A. trichocalycinum by its longer corolla lobes and style. These differences are particularly pronounced when considering the ratios between corolla length/width and style length/stigma length.We would particularly like to thank Prof. Radomir Lakui from Sarajevo, who has pointed to differences between the Apennines and Balkan populations of the A. trichocalycinum complex, and who has induced our research. We would also like to extend our gratitude to our colleagues for helping us in solving many problems and dilemmas: Annalisa Santangelo (Herbarium Neapolitanum, NAP), Rossella Marcucci (Erbario Patavinum, PAD), Anna Millozza (Erbario – RO, Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza), Prof. Vladimir Stevanovi and Gordana Tomovi (Department of Plant Ecology and Phytogeography, Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade), Sneana Vukojii (Herbarium of Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac University of Belgrade, BEOU), Olja Vasi and Marjan Niketi (Natural-History Museum Belgrade, BEO), Prof. Werner Greuter (Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem), Dr Kit Tan (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh), Prof. Vlado Matevski (Faculty of Natural Sciences University of Skopje), Chavdar Gussev (Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Science), and to anonymous reviewers for many proposals and improvements.  相似文献   

In the light, 2 out of the 4 newly testedChlorella vulgaris strains were found to use about as many amino acids as a source of nitrogen as the previously investigated strain Delft; the other 2C. vulgaris strains and 3 of theAnkistrodesmus strains used only a few. The 4thAnkistrodesmus strain used none.On the average,l-amino acids supported better growth thand-amino acids, butd-serine was preferred tol-serine by 3Ankistrodesmus strains.In the dark, growth was only obtained withC. vulgaris strain Delft, and only on a few of thel-amino acids,l-leucine in particular.The author is indebted to the Direction of the Academic Hospital Dijkzigt, Rotterdam and to Prof. Dr. H. Esseveld, Head of the Central Bacteriological Laboratory, Rotterdam, for providing facilities for the performance of this study.He thanks Mrs. Dr. H. J. Leijnse-Ybema for her help in making the chromatograms, and Mr. J. B. Lenstra, pharmacist, for advice in matters of organic chemistry.  相似文献   

The rare unicellular rhodophytePorphyridium griseum has been collected and isolated from basins, fed with thermal water, in Piestany, Czechoslovakia. This is the first report ofP. griseum sinceGeitler's find in the Neusiedler See, Austria. Ultrastructural investigations of the new strain demonstrate thatP. griseum belongs to the closely related genusRhodella. Comparison with current species ofRhodella and pigment analyses show thatP. griseum is identical to the marineR. reticulata and a new combination,Rhodella grisea (Geitler) comb. nov., is proposed to include both organisms.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Prof. K. v. Frisch zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.Ausführliche Tabellen und Zahlenangaben finden sich in der Inaugural-Dissertation Ludmilla Osswald, Univ. München, April 1945.  相似文献   

The yeast Candida maltosa can utilize L-lysine as sole nitrogen and sole carbon source accompanied by accumulation of -N-acetyl-L-lysine, indicating that lysine is metabolized by way of N-acetylated intermediates. A novel lysine acetyltransferase catalyzing the first step in this pathway, the N-acetylation of the -amino group of L-lysine, was found in this yeast. The enzyme, acetyl-CoA:L-lysine N-acetyltransferase, is strongly induced in cells grown on L-lysine as sole carbon source. The enzyme is specific for both L-lysine and acetyl-CoA. The K m values are 10 mM for L-lysine and 0.33 mM for acetyl-CoA. The enzyme has a maximum activity at pH 8.1.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. F. Böttcher in occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The differential equations valid for technical heat exchangers can also describe the O2 exchange in the blood capillaries and the exchange of molecules like THO and acetamid in the renal tubules. Differences in the boundary conditions occur, however. Hence, these differential equations were resolved for the corresponding boundary conditions. The results permit us to conclude that the concentration profiles occurring in the capillaries and renal tubules, as a result of diffusion in the capillary cross-section, can, generally speaking, be disregarded for the following reason: Although the differences in partial pressure between the capillary wall and capillary centre, at the beginning of the capillaries come to 40–60 mm Hg, they descrease rapidly. The calculations have shown, that the time constant for the saturation process of the plasma (10 msec), is small in comparison with the contact time of the blood (100 msec). In the tissue capillaries, the differences in partial pressure between the capillary wall and the centre come to about 4–6 mmHg. This difference remains constant over the total capillary length.
Bedeutung der Symbole A Atmungsintensität des Gewebes - R a Radius des Standardzylinders - r i Capillarradius - K 1 Kroghscher Diffusionskoeffizient im Capillarinnern Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Herrn Prof. Dr. Dörr, Herrn Prof. Dr. Passow und Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. Thews danke ich für wertvolle Anregungen.  相似文献   

Summary Groups of large cells in the cerebral ganglion of Leptodora kindtii join in intricate patterns to enclose lacunar spaces. The cell surfaces bordering on these lacunae are covered by long, densely packed microvilli that all but fill the spaces. Near their brush borders the cells are joined by adhesion plates; for the rest they are separated from each other by glial septa. The possible significance of these structures is discussed.Dedicated to an inspiring teacher and loyal friend, Prof. F. Wassermann on the occasion of his 80th birthday, August 13, 1964.Supported by Grant No. NB-02145 from the United States Public Health Service. The expert assistance of Mrs. Cynthia Jones, Mrs. Sarah Wurzelmann, and Mr. Stanley Brown is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Growth form parameters ofCapsella bursa-pastoris populations, including a wide range of different environments, have been analyzed from random block field and growth chamber experiments. Changes in one character are often correlated with changes in another. Of special interest are correlations detected with the onset of first flowering. Variation in each of the characters is clearly influenced by both phenotypic and genotypic components. However, genotype — environment interactions are also subject to variation. Therefore, the adaptive significance of a given parameter is not found to be constant over the entire geographical range of the genus. Alpine populations tend to shift from annual to biannual life cycles.Part of a series Adaptation in life history traits of colonizing plant species. Part of a doctoral thesis by the first author. Dedicated to Prof. Dr.Karl Mägdefrau on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary Four different species and strains ofFusarium, namely,F. oxysporum f.vasinfectum (Atk.)Snyder &Hansen,F. solani (Mart.)App. &Wr.,F. vasinfectum (Atk.) f1 Wr. strainFahmy, andF. vasinfectum Atk. are responsible for cotton wilt in U.A.R. Pathogenicity experiments have shown that the four experimentalFusaria possess varying degrees of pathogenicity towards two susceptible cotton varieties, namely, Karnak and Bahtim 190. On the other hand, Ashmouni cotton proved resistant to the fourFusaria. Variability of pathogenicity of the experimentalFusaria is not only related to host cotton plant or parasite, but also to nitrogenous fertilizer or manurial treatment of the soil. Resistance of Ashmouni cotton was not broken in presence of sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate or stable manure added to soil inoculated with any of the fourFusaria. The application of nitrogen fertilizers or manure resulted on the whole, in increased wilt-disease incidence of the susceptible cotton varieties. Stable manure enhanced predisposition to vascular-wilt more than other nitrogen treatments, especially in presence of the virulentF. oxysporum f.vasinfectum or both strains ofF. vasinfectum Atk. Ammonium nitrate induced the sudden appearance of mottling characteristic of vascular-wilt of cotton when Bahtim 190 plants were raised in nitrogen-fertilized soil inoculated withF. solani (Mart.)App. &Wr. At the same time, the raised affected plants showed increased growth-vigour and enhanced maturity of their leaves.  相似文献   

Soredia of the cyanobacterial lichenPeltigera didactyla were cultivated on soil substratum in the natural environment. Various developmental stages (germination, formation of a soredia field, differentiation of thallus lobes with soralia and fruiting bodies) were attained during a cultivation period of 6–7 months. Our field experiments revealed that the ephemeral pioneer lichenPeltigera didactyla has a short life cycle. Thus this lichen is a well-suited object for further investigations on thallus morphogenesis of lichens with cyanobionts.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

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