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陈远辉 《四川动物》2000,19(3):191-191
笔者1998年参加建国以来第一次全国野生动物调查时,在不违背统一操作规程的原则下,根据南方山区的特点,对适合南方山区的两爬动物调查方法加以探索,重点突出“晚间调查”和采用“拉开距离调查”。晚间调查的发现数明显高于白天。且夜间调查中发现了新种“莽山后棱蛇”及其分布、习性、活动规律等重要资料。说明晚间调查两爬动物是一种重要的方法。1 调查方法原则上采用《湖南省陆生野生动物资源调查与监测技术操作细则》规定的步行调查,样带长度6400m,单侧宽50m,每个样带选择4~6条样线,每条样线长150m。根据地形和山区的实际情况,重点…  相似文献   

红外相机安放于地面和林冠层对野生动物监测结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红外相机技术在野生动物研究中日趋普及, 逐渐成为重要的生物多样性监测手段。过去的监测常局限于地面, 而针对林冠层的监测较少, 这对野生动物的多样性评估影响尚未可知。为此, 本研究在生物多样性丰富的碧罗雪山南段, 将20台红外相机分别拍摄地面层(0.5-1.5 m)和林冠层(5-10 m)配对比较, 累计拍摄2,319个有效相机日, 平均每对相机同步进行112.5 d的监测。监测期间共拍摄到44种野生动物(不包括鼠形啮齿类), 其中兽类20种, 鸟类24种; 冠层和地面红外相机监测的物种相似度为29.54%; 15种动物仅拍摄于林冠层, 16种动物仅拍摄于地面, 13种动物拍摄于两个林层。研究结果表明不同林层监测的物种组成存在显著差异, 林冠层与地面层监测都具有不可替代性; 不同林层红外相机的监测手段也能用于研究野生动物的空间选择和生态位分化。红外相机监测中根据目标物种的习性在相应的林层设置相机能提高物种发现率; 为全面掌握区域森林生态系统野生动物的多样性, 红外相机监测需要兼顾不同林层这一点需要在监测规范中明细。  相似文献   

红外相机技术在我国野生动物监测中的应用: 问题与限制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红外相机(camera traps)作为对野生动物进行“非损伤”性采样的技术, 已成为研究动物多样性、种群生态学及行为学的常用手段之一。其发展和普及为中国野生动物多样性和物种保育研究带来了诸多机会。如今, 国内大多数自然保护区都在运用红外相机技术开展物种监测工作。本文结合20年来已发表的相关研究, 从内容、实验设计以及发展趋势方面, 总结了目前红外相机技术在应用过程中出现的共性问题; 并就相机对动物的干扰性、影像识别、研究的适用范围及安全保障四个方面, 对该项技术在实践中存在的限制进行了探讨。最后结合红外相机技术未来的发展方向, 提出了建立技术规范、数据集成和共享、影像数据版权维护、提高监测效率等问题。  相似文献   

蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2020,28(2):256-37
进入21世纪以来, 中国爆发了SARS与新型冠状病毒肺炎两场重大传染病。研究表明这两场传染病的疫源可能是蝙蝠, 也可能还有其他中间宿主动物, 人们纷纷要求立法禁止食用野生动物。事实上, 国家已经立法禁止食用受法律保护的和非法来源的野生动物, 市场调查也未发现有蝙蝠出售。那么, SARS病毒与新型冠状病毒是如何从野生动物传到人类的? 我们应当从这两场疫病中吸取哪些教训? 除了全面禁止非法食用野生动物外, 笔者建议: (1)完善野生动物疫病立法, 填补立法空缺。修订现有法律关于野生动物疫病自然疫源地建设项目的管理条款。(2)设立常设机构, 覆盖野生动物疫病调查监测、人与野生动物接触界面检疫监管、易感人群免疫、法律与科学知识普及和疾病防治整个流行病环节, 实现野生动物疫病的早预防、早发现、早治疗, 切实保证社会公共卫生安全。(3)建立野生动物疫病的防控机制, 定期鉴别携带病原的野生动物, 加强对蝙蝠的监测, 发布野生动物疫源疫病控制红线, 加强野生动物疫病执法和预防管理。(4)完善动物生产管理、动物产品及其销售市场的检疫程序。改革人们现场宰杀动物、追求食用鲜活动物食品的习惯。  相似文献   

智能传感器、人工智能、信息技术等现代科学技术的创新应用极大地提升了人类在全球生物多样性保护和恢复方面的潜力。结合国内外相关研究案例, 本文的主要内容包括: (1)对过去30年间(1991-2021年)中国野生动物红外相机监测研究相关文献资料进行总结分析; (2)结合国内2011年以来的典型案例, 对技术方法、物种发现与编目、形态与行为研究、生态学研究和保护管理等主题领域的进展进行总结分析; (3)结合国外近期的典型案例, 对红外相机监测与研究的重点领域进行评估分析; (4)对中国野生动物红外相机监测研究的未来发展提出相关建议。通过回顾, 本文旨在明晰国内外红外相机技术在野生动物监测研究中的创新应用和发展趋势, 为中国在该领域的未来发展提供参考依据, 以便更好地服务于中国生物多样性监测与研究网络建设和以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设, 为推进国家生态文明建设、保障生态安全和生物安全提供决策支持和科学依据。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国已开展了大量陆生脊椎动物的本底调查和多样性研究项目,取得了一系列成果,并有学者针对兽类、鸟类和两栖爬行类的野外调查监测进行了总结和展望,但尚缺乏对所有陆生脊椎动物类群的调查历史和现状的分析及基于文献收集的研究,特别是对调查方法和技术手段的对比与总结。因此,本文通过文献收集的方法,基于中国知网、Web of Science核心合集和以图书检索为主的读秀学术搜索,以“兽类”“鸟类”“爬行类”“两栖类”“动物资源”“调查”“监测”“新种”“新记录”和“物种多样性”作为检索词,检索并筛选了与兽类、鸟类、爬行类及两栖类陆生脊椎动物调查相关的文献资料共3,504篇,对陆生脊椎动物调查的研究文献在全国各省级行政区、生物多样性热点地区的分布,及其运用的调查方法和技术手段进行了系统的分析和比较。结果表明:相较兽类和两栖爬行类的调查,我国鸟类多样性的调查最多,发表文献占所有文献的70.26%。四川、云南的陆生脊椎动物调查最多,分别发表285篇、260篇文献。分布于我国的4个全球生物多样性热点地区的调查强度存在显著差异,印缅生物多样性热点地区和中国西南山地的研究文献较多,分别为348篇、...  相似文献   

周立  李刚  孔雪  陈朗  冯勇 《生物资源》2020,42(4):461-469
自2019年底以来,全球范围内爆发了新型冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2引起的COVID-19大流行。SARS-CoV-2与蝙蝠来源的严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)样冠状病毒高度同源,且穿山甲等野生动物中也鉴定出了同源性高的SARS样冠状病毒,提示SARS-CoV-2的源头与野生动物有关,野生动物资源利用与保护相关的生物安全问题凸显。在此背景下,本文介绍了常见的人畜共患病毒,提出了人类在利用野生生物资源时如何预防此类病毒的建议和思考。呼吁全社会应高度重视野生动物资源生物安全问题,形成"动物的健康即人类的健康、坚决不吃野味"的全民共识。  相似文献   

微课是一种为在线学习而生的,以学习者为中心设计的可视化学习资源。微课的应用往往离不开翻转课堂。为了解决"食品微生物学实验"课程中存在的"教"与"学"的问题,本文构建了基于微课视频的翻转课堂实验教学模式,总结出了"一视、二台、三看、四仿、五评"的实验课教学策略。该教学模式实现了"以教为主"向"以学为主"的转变,以及"知识传授为主"向"能力培养为主"的转变,提高了学生的自主学习能力和学习兴趣,对提高教学效果具有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

2014年5月至2019年4月, 作者采用红外相机技术调查了浙江省钱江源国家公园的兽类及鸟类多样性。将整个国家公园划分为267个1 km × 1 km的调查网格, 每个网格内设置3个固定调查位点, 使用1台红外相机定期在同一网格内的位点之间进行轮换。其中, 古田山片区在5年内共完成14轮次调查, 古田山以外的区域自2018年7月纳入调查范围, 何田、长虹片区完成2次轮换, 齐溪片区完成1次轮换。在253个网格内的741个有效位点上共获得140,413个相机工作日的数据, 采集兽类和鸟类的照片和视频268,833份, 有效探测数74,368次, 鉴定出21种野生兽类, 72种野生鸟类, 5种家畜及家禽。包括国家一级重点保护野生动物2种, 即黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)、白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti); 国家二级重点保护野生动物17种, 合计占野生物种总数的20.4%。被IUCN物种红色名录评估为易危(VU)的5种, 近危(NT)的4种, 合计占物种总数的9.7%。被中国脊椎动物红色名录评估为濒危(EN)的1种, 易危(VU)的9种, 近危(NT)的10种, 合计占物种总数的21.5%。相对多度指数最高的大中型兽类为小麂(Muntiacus reevesi), 鸟类为白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)。本次调查获得了国家公园内兽类和鸟类的多样性组成、空间分布和相对多度, 为长期科研监测和科学管理提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

实验动物细菌学质量控制标准是评价实验动物质量的重要指标,本文在分析发达国家实验动物质量标准的基础上,结合目前的检测现状,对我国实验动物细菌学监测标准在检测项目、检测方法、检测频率、取样要求等方面存在的问题进行了分析并提出建议。  相似文献   

Commercial trade in wildlife is the major cause of species endangerment and a main threat to animal welfare in China and its neighboring countries. Driven by consumptive use for food and traditional medicine, the large volume of both legal and illegal trade in wildlife has caused great destruction to ecosystems and pushed many species to the brink of extinction. Data gathered from trading hubs at ports, boundary markets, city markets and stores, indicates the large amount of wildlife traded in the region of Guangxi, Yunnan and Qinghai provinces, a direct result of the numerous wildlife markets available. In a survey distributed in various trading places, while about half of the respondents agreed that wildlife should be protected, 60% of them had consumed wildlife at some point in the last 2 years. The results also indicated that law and regulation on wildlife trade control is insufficient. Wildlife trade controls are very limited because of bias on the utilization of wildlife as a natural resource to be exploited by the government agencies. The survey also shows that the current situation of wildlife consumption in key cities in China is serious, especially the consumption for food. The main consumption groups in China are male and young people with high education levels and good incomes. The key in public awareness publicity and education is to give them more information on the negative impacts of wildlife consumption and knowledge of protection.  相似文献   

Line transect counting of a wildlife population is considered a sampling from a planar marked point process, where the marks describe the detectability of the animals. Sampling properties of transect counts and a new density estimator are derived from a counting process, which is a shot-noise field induced by the marked point process. A general formula for the sampling variance of a transect is derived and applied to compare five common types of transects. Some stereological connections of transect sampling and density estimators are shown.  相似文献   

粪样在野生动物研究中的作用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
野生动物数量少,取样难度大;在野外工作时,动物肌肉和血液样品还难以保存。这些给野生动物研究带来很大不便。由于动物粪样容易收集,易于保存,对动物的影响小,在野生动物研究中得到了广泛的应用。粪样分析已经应用在动物的领域、食性、消化动态、疾病与寄生虫、种群数量和遗传结构、有效种群大小、食物链与食物网、能量流与物质流的研究等方面。研究证明,在野生动物的研究和保护中,通过粪样可以得到许多关键性问题的答案。  相似文献   

Abstract: A previous analysis of the content of articles published in The Wildlife Society (TWS) journals from 1937 to 1989 concluded that TWS should strive to publish more articles on nongame and endangered species, ecosystems, habitat fragmentation, and human dimensions. We revisited this analysis and included the years 1990–2007 to determine whether, and how, TWS journals have addressed previous concerns. We also analyzed changes in subject content for TWS journals from 1937 to 2007 using selected terms that we considered indicative of emerging trends within the wildlife profession and society by documenting patterns of use of these terms as key words. Additionally, we evaluated authorship patterns for all TWS journals during 1937–2007 to determine trends in both numbers of authors per article and author affiliations. Our analysis demonstrated that the content of TWS journals has changed over time, and the changes reflected emerging themes in TWS, the wildlife profession, and society. We documented increases in published studies of nongame species and multiple species and articles with multiple authorships representing diverse affiliations. We argue that these patterns reflect a TWS response to shifts in public opinion, policy developments, advances in technology, and changes in university curricula. Although the number of studies published on human dimensions and conservation education has increased over time, these disciplines remained underrepresented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Roadside survey data have been used frequently to assess species occurrence and population trends and to establish conservation priorities. However, most studies using such data assume that samples are representative of either the amount of habitat or its rate of change at larger spatial scales. We tested both of these assumptions for the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) from 1974 to 2001 in New Brunswick, Canada. Our study focused on mature forest—a cover type that we predicted would be characterized by rapid change due to human activities and that is of high ecological importance. We also sought to determine whether land cover changes adjacent to BBS routes were related to bird population trends detected in BBS data. Within all 3 time periods examined (1970s, 1980s, and 1990s), the amount of mature forest adjacent to BBS routes was significantly lower than in surrounding 1° blocks of latitude and longitude. This could be problematic for studies that use roadside data to compare the relative abundance of species. On average, mature forest declined at a rate of-1.5% per year over the 28-year study period. We detected no significant difference in the rate of change between degree blocks and BBS routes over this time span. However, in the 1970s and 1980s, mature forest declined more rapidly in degree blocks (-2.7%/yr) than adjacent to BBS routes (-0.5/yr). We also found that the BBS trend for a mature forest-associated species, blackburnian warbler (Dendroica fusca), was correlated with the trend in mature forest along BBS routes. This, combined with slower rates of mature forest change along routes in the 1970s and 1980s, suggests that BBS data may have underestimated population declines during this period. It is important that research be conducted to test for potential biases in roadside surveys caused by uneven rates of landscape change, particularly in regions characterized by rapid habitat alteration.  相似文献   

2005年,我们进行了部分动物园饲养野生动物使用疫苗情况调查,了解到动物园动物使用36种疫苗预防31种疫病,其中涉及人兽共患病9种,7种疫病是动物园动物没有明确发生但在进行免疫预防的疾病。调查发现所用疫苗没有适应野生动物使用的疫苗和相应的免疫程序,疫苗接种均是参照家畜家禽的使用剂量和程序,大部分动物园动物没有进行禽流感、狂犬病等人兽共患病的监测,动物园之间的技术交流较少。主要原因是技术落后、设备缺乏、人员不济。应加强对圈养野生动物疾病防控技术的研究,加强对动物园动物重要疫病的监测,进一步加强动物园之间对疫病信息的交流和防疫资源的利用,加大对动物园动物疫病的研究投入。  相似文献   

河南太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区(济源)内野生动物种类非常丰富,但已多年未进行过野生动物本底资源调查。于2015年1月至7月,在保护区4个林场内设置了51个2km×2km网格,采用红外相机技术对保护区内兽类和地栖性鸟类资源进行调查。经过6,014个捕获日的调查,共记录到野生兽类5目13科17种,鸟类6目12科28种,其中东北刺猬(Erinaceus amurensis)、红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)、灰林鸮(Strix aluco)、宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)、虎斑地鸫(Zoothera dauma)、紫啸鸫(Myophonus caeruleus)、普通(Sitta europaea)、黄腹山雀(Parus venustulus)、斑胸钩嘴鹛(Pomatorhinus gravivox)、画眉(Garrulax canorus)等10个种类为保护区新记录种。首次在该保护区拍摄到国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物——豹(Panthera pardus)和林麝(Moschus berezovskii),以及国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物猕猴(Macaques mulatta)、黄喉貂(Martes flavigula)、勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)、红腹锦鸡和灰林鸮。兽类以猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)的相对丰富度指数最高为4.57;鸟类以红腹锦鸡的相对丰富度指数最高为2.03。调查结果显示保护区仍保存较为完整的大中型兽类群落,但顶级捕食者数量稀少,应加大对其栖息地及猎物的保护恢复力度。此外,相机拍摄到大量放牧活动照片,说明当地人为干扰严重,应加强管理。本次调查初步掌握了太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区(济源)内兽类和地栖性鸟类的资源现状,为保护区开展红外相机野生动物长期监测积累了基础资料。  相似文献   

识别野生动物的适宜生境并在适宜生境之间构建生态廊道能够提高生境连通性, 有利于加强种群间基因交流并缓解生境破碎化带来的不利影响。本研究基于生境适宜性评价结果确定了塔什库尔干野生动物自然保护区内马可波罗盘羊(Ovis polii)的核心生境斑块, 运用廊道设计模型Linkage Mapper识别最低成本廊道并确定其优先级。结果表明, 马可波罗盘羊适宜生境主要分布在保护区西北部, 核心生境斑块少且破碎化明显, 夏冬两季核心生境斑块均为28个, 潜在生态廊道分别为45和47条。采用成本加权距离与欧几里得距离之比(CWD : EucD)以及成本加权距离与最低成本路径长度之比(CWD : LCP)两种度量方法评估了生态廊道的质量与重要性。以CWD : EucD来衡量, 夏季质量最高的4条廊道分别是皮斯岭至帕日帕克、同库至马尔洋、科克吐鲁克至帕日帕克, 以及哈尔努孜至同库; 冬季质量最高的3条廊道分别是其克尔克尔至亚希洛夫、萨提曼至依西代尔、其克尔克尔至科克吐鲁克。CWD : LCP分析表明, 夏季质量最高的廊道分别是哈尔努孜至阔克加尔和阔克加尔至马尔洋; 冬季质量最高的廊道分别是爱勒米希至塔萨拉、沙尔比列西南至依西代尔。利用流中心性评估各核心生境斑块和廊道的重要性表明, 帕日帕克、塔萨拉和马尔洋这三个斑块在促进马可波罗盘羊迁移扩散方面的贡献值最高。夏季皮斯岭至帕日帕克、同库至马尔洋和马拉特至其克尔克尔这3条廊道的贡献值最高; 冬季爱勒米希至塔萨拉、沙尔比列至沙尔比列西南和铁尔布尔列至沙尔比列这3条廊道的贡献值最高, 上述核心生境斑块和生态廊道在维持保护区马可波罗盘羊种群迁徙扩散中发挥着关键作用。此外, 赞坎、沙尔比列等斑块虽然面积小、贡献值低, 但起到了维持景观中重要斑块连通的踏脚石作用, 其重要性也不可忽略。研究结果可为塔什库尔干野生动物保护区马可波罗盘羊有效保护、保护区功能区划优化以及当地基础建设项目的规划选址提供科学指导。  相似文献   

The radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by smart phones on biological systems has wide media coverage and public concern in recent years. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of fourth-generation cell phone radiation exposure on hematological (Total leukocyte count, Total erythrocyte count, and hemoglobin %), biochemical (Serum creatinine) parameters, and histopathological changes in the kidney and testis of Swiss albino mice. A total of 30 male Swiss albino mice weighing 45–65 g was randomly divided into three groups (n = 10). The first group A was the control group, the second group B, was exposed to 40 minutes of mobile phone radiation daily, the third group C was exposed to 60 minutes of radiation daily from two 2400 Megahertz fourth-generation connected mobile phones for 60 days, respectively. The electromagnetic radiation frequency radiometer measured the frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted from cell phones. The specific absorption rate was calculated as 0.087 W/kg. The control group was kept under similar conditions, but the electromagnetic field was not given for the same period. All the mice were sacrificed at the end of the experiment. The blood samples were collected for hematobiochemical study, and then kidney and testis tissues were collected for histopathological study. Results of the study showed that the body weight and total erythrocyte count values were significantly (p < 0.05) decreased while total leukocyte count, hemoglobin %, and serum creatinine values were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in both the radiation exposure groups relative to the control group. Histopathological observation showed the kidney of 60 minutes exposed mice interstitial inflammation that causes marked mononuclear cellular infiltration compared to the 40 minutes and control mice. Compared to control mice, histopathological examinations of testicular tissue from the exposed mice, showed irregular in shapes and non-uniform sizes and fewer spermatogenic cells layer that leads to the larger lumen in the seminiferous tubules. It is concluded that fourth-generation cell phone radiation exposure may affect blood hemostasis and inflammation of mice's kidney and testis tissue. Based on these studies, it is important to increase public consciousness of potential adverse effects of mobile phone radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation exposure.  相似文献   

This paper retraces: (1) the promulgation of protectionist wildlife policies by colonial administrators at the turn of the 19th Century in Zimbabwe, and their evolutionary trajectory over distinct time periods, (2) the paradigmatic shift and the extent of evolution of wildlife policies with respect to the devolution thrust and local community participation to date. The aim is to re-ignite and keep alive the debate for the improvement of local community livelihoods by meeting their aspirations and addressing poverty. Another section explores the robustness of local community institutional framework following decades of research on their efficacy in the face of internal weaknesses and external pressures. This is discussed in the context of contested devolution and decentralisation concepts which not in the distant past became fashionable rhetoric in the field of local community empowerment in natural resource management. Areas of contests have been explored using a case study approach. Extensive literature consultation and gleaning of 127 published and relevant sources cutting across national, regional and global realms reveal that Zimbabwe and most southern African countries have evolved progressive policies. However, consistent with most literature, the implementation of these otherwise progressive policies remains problematic. Hence, the question, ‘when will community-based wildlife conservation initiatives like communal areas management programme for indigenous resources (CAMPFIRE) achieve their initially intended goals of devolution?’ remains largely unaddressed.  相似文献   

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