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Six tall herb and fern vegetation types in Røldal have been investigated. They are referred to the alliances Lactucion alpinae and Alno–Ulmion. Lactucion alpinae is divided into two suballiances, one oligotrophic to mesotrophic (Dryoptero–Calamagrostenion purpureae) to which are referred Athyrium distentifolium– Salix scrub, and Athyrium distentifolium meadow, and one eutrophic (Lactucenion alpinae) to which belongs Geranium sylvatkum meadow and Lactuca alpina meadow. Alnus incana forest, herb/fern and Matteuccia struthiopteris types belong to Alno–Ulmion. Lactucion alpinae is considered subalpine, whilst Alno Uimion is prealpine.
The pre– and subalpine zones are considered oceanic sections of middle– and upper oroboreal vegetation zones.  相似文献   

This paper considers the contribution of pollen analysis to conservation strategies aimed at restoring planted ancient woodland. Pollen and charcoal data are presented from organic deposits located adjacent to the Wentwood, a large planted ancient woodland in southeast Wales. Knowledge of the ecosystems preceding conifer planting can assist in restoring ancient woodlands by placing fragmented surviving ancient woodland habitats in a broader ecological, historical and cultural context. These habitats derive largely from secondary woodland that regenerated in the 3rd–5th centuries a.d. following large-scale clearance of Quercus-Corylus woodland during the Romano-British period. Woodland regeneration favoured Fraxinus and Betula. Wood pasture and common land dominated the Wentwood during the medieval period until the enclosures of the 17th century. Surviving ancient woodland habitats contain an important Fagus component that probably reflects an earlier phase of planting preceding conifer planting in the 1880s. It is recommended that restoration measures should not aim to recreate static landscapes or woodland that existed under natural conditions. Very few habitats within the Wentwood can be considered wholly natural because of the long history of human impact. In these circumstances, restoration should focus on restoring those elements of the cultural landscape that are of most benefit to a range of flora and fauna, whilst taking into account factors that present significant issues for future conservation management, such as the adverse effects from projected climate change.  相似文献   

磷限制是亚热带人工林经营面临的主要问题之一,研究阔叶树代替针叶树造林对不同土壤层次磷组分和有效性的影响对维持亚热带地区森林生态系统的可持续发展具有重要意义。以1993 年春天在二代杉木林采伐迹地上同时营造的阔叶树米老排人工林和针叶树杉木人工林为对象,研究0~100 cm不同土层土壤理化性质、磷组分及其有效性的变化。结果表明: 两种林分下土壤有机磷含量均随土层加深而显著下降;与杉木林相比,米老排林0~10 和10~20 cm土层有效磷含量显著增加,分别增加35.7%和86.2%,易分解态磷和中等易分解态磷均随土层加深而显著降低,表层(0~20 cm)土壤易分解态磷和中等易分解态磷含量显著增加,80~100 cm土层难分解态磷含量显著降低,下降13.6%,20~80 cm土层游离态铁含量显著降低。冗余分析表明,可溶性有机碳和游离态铁是土壤磷组分变化的关键影响因子。在杉木采伐迹地上营造阔叶树改变了磷在土壤剖面上的分布格局,有利于提高磷的有效性。  相似文献   

Summary Much of the tree and shrub planting that has been conducted on farms in Western Australia over the past three decades has not been done with the specific intention of creating habitat or conserving biodiversity, particularly commercially oriented monocultures like oil mallee plantings. However, such plantings may nonetheless provide some habitat resources for native plants and animals. This study assessed the habitat quality of farm plantings (most of which were not planted with the primary intention of biodiversity conservation) at 72 sites across a study region in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia. Widely accepted habitat metrics were used to compare the habitat resources provided by planted farmland vegetation with those provided by remnant woodland on the same farms. The impact of adjacency of plantings to woodland and, in the case of oil mallees, the planting configuration on predicted habitat quality is assessed. Condition Benchmarks for five local native vegetation communities are proposed. Farmland plantings achieved an average Vegetation Condition Score (VCS) of 46 out of a possible 100, while remnant woodland on the same farms scored an average 72. The average scores for farm plantings ranged from 38–59 depending on which of five natural vegetation communities was used as its benchmark, but farm plantings always scored significantly less than remnant woodland (P < 0.001). Mixed species plantings on average were rated more highly than oil mallees (e.g. scores of 42 and 36 respectively using the Wandoo benchmark) and adjacency to remnant woodland improved the score for mixed plantings, but not for oil mallees. Configuration of oil mallees as blocks or belts (i.e. as an alley farming system) had no impact on the VCS. Planted farmland vegetation fell short of remnant woodland in both floristic richness (51 planted native species in total compared with a total of more than 166 naturally occurring plant species in woodland) and structural diversity (with height, multiple vegetation strata, tree hollows and woody debris all absent in the relatively young 7–15‐year‐old farm plantings). Nonetheless farmland plantings do have measurable habitat values and recruitment and apparent recolonization of plantings with native plant species was observed. Habitat values might be expected to increase as the plantings age. The VCS approach, including the application of locally relevant Benchmarks is considered to be valuable for assessing potential habitat quality in farmland vegetation, particularly as a tool for engaging landholders and natural resource management practitioners.  相似文献   

Zbigniew Dzwonko 《Ecography》2001,24(2):198-204
The influence of dominant tree species. soil conditions and distance ärom an adjacent ancient ouk-liernbeam woodland upon the floristic composition. species richness and spatial distributions of species in a pine wood planted on dry rendzina soil were studied in southern Poland. It was found that. in spite of a 52-yr long succession. the cover and composition of species in the pine wood were significantly different from that in the adjacent ancient woodland. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and stepwise regression analyses showed that the distance to the ancient woodland had a significant influence on species distributions in the recent wood. The numbers of species from the Querco-Fagerea class. vegetatively reproducing species and myrrnochores decreased with this distance. whereas the numbers of tree species in the shrub and field layers and anemochores increased. The light intensity had a positive effect on the numbers of species in the shrub layer. non-woodland species and anemochores. The number of woodland species increased considerably with the cover of quickly decomposing litter and with thickness of the humus layer. The migration rate of many woodland species. calculated on occurrence of the farthest individuals was very' slow. varying from 0J8 m yr' to 0.38 m yr'. These results indicate that the availability of micro-sites suitable for seed germination and plant development determined the successful colonization of the recent wood to an extent comparable with the seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven communities in limestone areas of Shikoku have been described and considered from a phytosociological point of view.The evergreen broad-leaved forests and scrubs in the warm temperate region are included in the Camellietea japonicae, and deciduous broad-leaved and coniferous forests excluding the Carpinus turczaninovii-Zabelia integrifolia association in the cool temperate region belong to the Fagetea crenatae. These classes are inclusive of climatic climaxes, and the major dominants are not characteristic of limestone areas. A noticeable fact, however, is the occurrence of the Quercus glauca-Nandina domestica association in limestone areas, where the Castanopsis cuspidata forests prevailing in climatic climaxes are replaced by this association.The limestone vegetation varies considerably with the situation and the physiographic factors, and the most characteristic community typified by the Carpinus turczaninovii-Zabelia integrifolia association appears in xeric sites. This association, having a wide altitudinal range, is not included in any known classes, and the floristic composition is particularized by a large number of endemic and disjunctive elements.
Zusammenfassung Als Ergebnis der pflanzensoziologischen Studien über Wälder und Sträucher in Kalkgegenden von Shikoku, Süd-Japan, wurden elf Pflanzengesellschaften beschrieben.Die immergrünen Wälder und Sträucher im warmtemperierten Gebiet werden in die Klasse Camellietea japonicae eingereiht, während im kalttemperierten Gebiet die Sommergrün- und Nadelwälder ausschließlich der Carpinus turczaninovii-Zabelia integrifolia-Assoziation, Klasse Fagetea crenatae, gehören.Diese Klassen bestehen aus klimatischen Klimaxgesellschaften, und die wichtigeren Dominanten sind keine Kalk-Spezialisten. Es ist aber zu bemerken, daß sich die Quercus glauca-Nandina domestica-Assoziation in Kalkgegenden befindet, wo die in klimatischen Klimaxgesellschaften überwiegenden Castanopsis cuspidata-Wälder durch diese Assoziation ersetzt werden.Mit dem Standort und den physiographischen Faktoren verändert sich die Kalkvegetation ansehnlich, und die durch die Carpinus turczaninovii-Zabelia integrifolia-Assoziation höchst charakteristisch dargestellte Pflanzengesellschaft erscheint in trockenen Standorten. Diese Assoziation wird in keine der bekannten Klassen eingeschlossen, die floristische Zusammensetzung kennzeichnet sich durch eine große Anzahl endemischer und disjunkter Elemente.

Else Marie Friis 《Grana》2013,52(3):113-128
Reproductive organs of Salvinia and Azolla were found together with other small plant remains in the Middle Miocene Fasterholt flora, Denmark. They were examined by the use of SEM and TEM; this was done with the three species of Azolla for the first time. Salvinia is represented by one, or possibly two, species. The megaspore of S. cerebrata has a characteristic surface sculpture of irregular, rounded ridges. Some specimens differ from the typical S. cerebrata by having strongly developed verrucae or clavae. They are described as Salvinia sp., but it is possible that they represent a variety of S. cerebrata. Azolla is represented by three species. A. nikitinii and A. ventricosa have nine floats in two tiers; massulae have not been found. A. tuganensis has three floats in one tier, massulae have anchor-shaped glochidia.  相似文献   

Climate change may amplify the adverse effects of fragmentation by also affecting interspecific interactions. Increased competition may reduce the ability of already stressed species to acquire resources (breeding sites and food), reducing recruitment and the long‐term viability of species. We assessed how measures of recruitment of native birds were influenced by the area of native vegetation, vegetation characteristics, vegetation change as an indication of degradation, and the occurrence of an increasingly prevalent native competitor (the noisy miner Manorina melanocephala). We recorded avian breeding behavior on 120 forest transects in the box‐ironbark forests of south‐eastern Australia, in 2010–2011. On the same transects, we measured vegetation characteristics that had previously been measured in 1995–1997 to assess vegetation change during a 13‐yr drought. Vegetation area and the abundance of the noisy miner had a greater effect on species’ breeding behavior than did local vegetation characteristics and vegetation degradation. Greater abundances of the noisy miner reduced breeding activities of species with a body mass smaller than the noisy miner (< 63 g), while breeding increased in some larger (> 63 g) species. Recruitment measures for the noisy miner were positively associated with smaller fragments and greater vegetation change indicating that fragmentation and vegetation degradation have facilitated the colonization or recruitment by the noisy miner. The interaction between climate change, fragmentation and vegetation degradation appears to have led to increased effects of interspecific competition in fragments of native vegetation, with potential adverse effects on the viability of many bird species. The spread and increasing abundance of a hyperaggressive native species suggests that species assemblages will be increasingly disrupted by the interacting effects of climate change, fragmentation, degradation and interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract A floristic survey of the ultramafic areas of Tasmania was undertaken. In the northern areas dry sclerophyll communities with a heath understorey were found on this substrate, while in the wetter western and southern areas this geology supported heathlands, wet scrubs, wet sclerophyll/mixed forests and rainforests. One of the most striking features of the ultramafic areas in Tasmania is the variable degree of physiognomic differentiation between adjacent ultramafic and non-ultramafic substrates at the different sites. Physiognomic differentiation is less on non-lateritic soil types or where accumulation of colluvial material has occurred. Only three ultramafic endemic taxa have been recorded in Tasmania. One taxon is restricted to the dry north of the State while the other two taxa are found on the west coast. The endemic taxa appear to be associated with lateritic soil development. The two ultramafic endemics of the west coast are unreserved at present.  相似文献   

A. M. WILSON  R. J. FULLER  C. DAY  & G. SMITH 《Ibis》2005,147(3):498-511
The southeast corner of the East Anglian Fens supports a large concentration of Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos territories. A total of 382 territories were located in extensive surveys in 1999 and 2000, probably representing over 5% of the English population. Transect counts revealed that the Fenland population is restricted in distribution and is associated with localized thickets of scrub. The highest densities are found on humus‐rich soils, suggesting that soil type, in addition to habitat availability, may have a strong influence on the Nightingale's distribution in this region. This paper provides the first assessment of habitat requirements of the Nightingale in scrub, which now forms a principal habitat for the species in England. Detailed studies of the attributes of over 100 Nightingale territories revealed subtle differences in the vegetation structure of these thickets when compared with paired, unoccupied, but apparently similar thickets. The Nightingale territories tended to have a higher proportion of bare ground or short vegetation in the field layer under the canopy, whereas paired sites were more likely to have low field layer vegetation beneath the canopy. The bare ground within the thickets is a feature of shading beneath very dense foliage cover. Within Nightingale territories, low field layer volume and shrub twig volume at the thicket edges was higher than in unoccupied thickets. The differences detected in vegetation structure suggest that a dense and continuous canopy forming a shell over bare ground but with dense low foliage at thicket edges provides the ideal vegetation structure for Nightingales in scrub habitats. Our study suggests that Nightingales occupy scrub of a very specific structure, and specific stage in vegetation succession. This structure probably provides an optimal combination of foraging habitat, microclimate and cover from predators. It is suggested that humus‐rich soils may be preferred because they may support a particularly rich source of invertebrate food, but this remains to be tested empirically.  相似文献   

Abstract Exotic plant invasions are a significant problem in urban bushland in Sydney, Australia. In low‐nutrient Hawkesbury Sandstone communities, invasive plants are often associated with urban run‐off and subsequent increases in soil nutrients, particularly phosphorus. Fire is an important aspect of community dynamics in Sydney vegetation, and is sometimes used in bush regeneration projects as a tool for weed control. This study addressed the question: ‘Are there differences in post‐fire resprouting and germination of native and exotic species in nutrient‐enriched communities, compared with communities not disturbed by nutrient enrichment?’ We found that in non‐enriched areas, few exotic species emerged, and those that did were unable to achieve the rapid growth that was seen in exotic plants in the nutrient‐enriched areas. Therefore, fire did not promote the invasion of exotic plants into areas that were not nutrient‐enriched. In nutrient‐enriched areas after fire, the diversity of native species was lower than in the non‐enriched areas. Some native species were able to survive and compete with the exotic species in terms of abundance, per cent cover and plant height. However, these successful species were a different suite of natives to those commonly found in the non‐enriched areas. We suggest that although fire can be a useful tool for short‐term removal of exotic plant biomass from nutrient‐enriched areas, it does not promote establishment of native species that were not already present.  相似文献   

土壤温度变化及热传递是影响土壤和大气水热交换的重要过程,而植被是决定这种变化和影响的环境因子之一。通过比较林地与裸地土壤热特性的差异分析植被对土壤热扩散的影响。研究内容包括观测2007年长白山阔叶红松林区不同深度的土壤温度以及同期土壤含水量和叶面积指数。分析不同深度林地与裸地土壤温度年周期特征,根据热传导方程估算各土壤层温度的阻尼深度和热扩散率,并探讨引起林地与裸地土壤热特性差异的可能原因。结果表明,林地与裸地的土壤温度有明显的时空变化规律。随着深度的增加,土壤温度年周期的振幅逐渐减小、相位逐渐增大、平均值逐渐升高。林地土壤温度年平均值低于裸地,表层年平均温度相差约0.8℃;地表以下相同深度处,林地土壤温度年周期的振幅约低于裸地2.6—2.9℃,相位约小于裸地0.2—0.24 rad(角速度),这表明林地土壤温度极大值和极小值出现的时间比裸地滞后约11—14d。土壤温度阻尼深度和热扩散率随深度的增加而逐渐增大,而在1.6—3.2m则略有降低的趋势。林地与裸地土壤温度和热特性的时空特征和差异可能与土壤含水量和叶面积指数有关。  相似文献   

Soil/litter inhabiting annelids and arthropods were studied for one year in a mesic deciduous woodland, Andersby ängsbackar, one of the most northerly areas in Sweden to possess unbroken oak/hazel vegetation. Lumbricidae, Enchytraeidae, Collembola, Acari, Coleoptera, Diptera and Araneae were important faunal groups with regard to abundance, biomass and respiratory metabolism. Annual mean biomass (8 g dw m−2) and respiration (450 kJ m −2 yr−1) of the joint annelid and arthropod community were dominated by lumbricids (76 and 50%, respectively). The biomass and respiration of the annelids and arthropods at Andersby were lower than in some other oak forests in northwestern Europe, probably because of lower soil temperature, lower litter supply and because some lumbricid and diplopod species were at their northern border of distribution.
Of the annual respiration, saprovores, fungivores, carnivores and root-feeders contributed 65, 19, 14 and 1.5%, respectively. The saprovore percentage was lower at Andersby than at other mull sites compared, probably as an effect of the northern climate, which might favour microbial saprovory. The fungivore and carnivore percentages were higher, which might be due to the presence of a litter layer throughout the year.  相似文献   

基于B2气候变化情景数据, 利用大气-植被相互作用模式AVIM2, 模拟预测了1981-2040年中国成熟林植被和土壤固碳速率的时空变化特征及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明, 中国森林区域平均气温从1981年的7.8 ℃增加到2040年的9.0 ℃, 森林区域降水量略有增加。成熟林植被碳总量从8.56 Pg C增加到9.7 Pg C, 植被固碳速率在-0.054-0.076 Pg C·a-1之间波动, 平均值为0.022 Pg C·a-1。成熟林土壤碳总量从30.2 Pg C增加到30.72 Pg C, 土壤固碳速率在-0.035-0.072 Pg C·a-1之间波动, 平均值为0.010 Pg C·a-1。虽然研究时段内中国植被和土壤固碳总量均没有显著变化趋势, 但区域植被和土壤固碳速率对气候变化的响应具有显著空间差异。未来在气温增幅较大的东北和东南林区, 特别是在东北的长白山林区, 森林植被和土壤固碳速率将大大降低; 而在气温增幅不大的西南林区南部和其他林区, 植被和土壤固碳速率将提高。统计结果表明未来气候变暖不利于成熟林固碳。  相似文献   

北京永定河-海河干流河岸带植物的区系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修晨  欧阳志云  郑华 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1535-1547
探讨了北京永定河-海河干流河岸带植物区系特征。结果表明,河岸带植被中共有维管束植物37科100属134种,其中包括种子植物36科100属133种,蕨类植物1科1种。北京永定河-海河干流河岸带植物种类比较丰富,其中,在科的组成结构上,植物种类主要集中于少数几个大科如为禾本科和菊科,而多数科只有少数种或单种。在属的组成结构上,主要以单种属和小属为主。对其中种子植物的植物区系分布类型在种级水平上进行了分析,结果表明:河岸带共有4大类区系性质成分和16个地理成分类型,总体呈温带特性,各类温带分布类型67种,占河岸带植物总种数的50%。各河段河岸带植物区系结构存在差异:永定河山峡段与海河干流段区系结构比较相近,各结构在植物种所占比例上的排序为温带类世界类热带类亚洲类;而大部分长期干涸的永定河平原段,则温带类热带类世界类亚洲类。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the impacts of future climate change on vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate in China’s forests.
The vegetation and soil carbon storage were predicted by the atmosphere-vegetation interaction model (AVIM2) based on B2 climate change scenario during the period of 1981-2040. This study focused on mature forests in China and the forested area maintained constant over the study period. The carbon accumulation rate in year t is defined as the carbon storage of year t minus that of year t-1.
Important findings
Under B2 climate change scenario, mean air temperature in China’s forested area was projected to rise from 7.8 °C in 1981 to 9.0 °C in 2040. The total vegetation carbon storage was then estimated to increase from 8.56 Pg C in 1981 to 9.79 Pg C in 2040, meanwhile total vegetation carbon accumulation rate was estimated to fluctuate between -0.054-0.076 Pg C·a-1, with the average of 0.022 Pg C·a-1. The total soil carbon storage was estimated to increase from 30.2 Pg C in 1981 to 30.72 Pg C in 2040, and total soil carbon accumulation rate was estimated to vary in the range of -0.035-0.072 Pg C·a-1, with the mean of 0.010 Pg C·a-1. The response of vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate to climate change had significant spatial difference in China although the two time series did not show significant trend over the study period. Our results also showed warming was not in favor of forest carbon accumulation, so in the northeastern and southeastern forested area, especially in the Changbai Mountain, with highest temperature increase in the future, the vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate were estimated to decrease greatly. However, in the southern of southwestern forested area and other forested area, with relatively less temperature increase, the vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate was estimated to increase in the future.  相似文献   

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