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The mitochondrial isoform of creatine kinase (Mi-CK, EC purified to homogeneity from chicken cardiac muscle by the mild and efficient technique described in this article was greater than or equal to 99.5% pure and consisted of greater than or equal to 95% of a distinct, octameric Mi-CK protein species, with a Mr of 364,000 +/- 30,000 and an apparent subunit Mr of 42,000. The remaining 5% were dimeric Mi-CK with an apparent Mr of 86,000 +/- 8,000. Octamerization was not due to covalent linkages or intermolecular disulfide bonding. Upon dilution into buffers of low ionic strength and alkaline pH, octameric Mi-CK slowly dissociated in a time-dependent manner (weeks-months) into dimeric Mi-CK. However, the time scale of dimerization was reduced to minutes by the addition to diluted Mi-CK octamers of a mixture of Mg2+, ADP, creatine and nitrate known to induce a transition-state analogue complex (Milner-White, E.J., and Watts, D. C. (1971) Biochem. J. 122, 727-740). The conversion was fully reversible, and octamers were reformed by simple concentrations of Mi-CK dimer solutions to greater than or equal to 1 mg/ml at near neutral pH and physiological salt concentrations in the absence of adenine nucleotide. After separation of the two Mi-CK species by gel filtration, electron microscopic analysis revealed uniform square-shaped particles with a central negative-stain-filled cavity in the octamer fractions and "banana-shaped" structures in the dimer fractions. Mi-CK was localized inside the mitochondria by immunogold labeling with polyclonal antibodies. A dynamic model of the octamer-dimer equilibrium of Mi-CK and the preferential association of the octameric Mi-CK form with the inner mitochondrial membrane is discussed in the context of regulation of Mi-CK activity, mitochondrial respiration, and the CP shuttle.  相似文献   

Phosphate extraction of mitochondrial creatine kinase (Mi-CK, EC from freshly isolated intact mitochondria of chicken cardiac muscle, after short swelling in hypotonic medium, yielded more than 90% of octameric and only small amounts of dimeric Mi-CK as judged by fast protein liquid chromatography-gel permeation analysis of the supernatants immediately after extraction of the enzyme. In extraction buffer, octameric Mi-CK displayed a tendency to dissociate, albeit at a slow rate with a half-life of approximately 3-5 days, into stable dimers. Experiments with purified Mi-CK octamers or dimers, or defined mixtures thereof, incubated under identical conditions with Mi-CK-depleted mitoplasts revealed that both oligomeric forms of Mi-CK can rebind to mitoplasts. However, the association of Mi-CK was strongly pH-dependent and, in addition, octameric and dimeric Mi-CK showed different pH dependences of rebinding. Therefore, it was possible under certain pH conditions to rebind either both oligomeric forms or selectively the octamers only. Furthermore, evidence is presented that Mi-CK dimers partially form octamers upon rebinding to the inner membrane. The differential association of the two oligomeric Mi-CK forms with the inner mitochondrial membrane together with the dynamic equilibrium between octameric and dimeric Mi-CK (Schlegel, J., Zurbriggen, B., Wegmann, G., Wyss, M., Eppenberger, H.M., and Wallimann, T. (1988) J. Biol. Chem., 263, 16942-16953) suggest that both oligomeric forms are physiologically relevant. A change in the octamer to dimer ratio may influence the association behavior of Mi-CK in general and thus modulate mitochondrial energy flux as discussed in the phosphoryl creatine circuit model (Wallimann, T., Schnyder, T., Schlegel, J., Wyss, M., Wegmann, G., Rossi, A.-M., Hemmer, W., Eppenberger, H.M., and Quest, A.F.G. (1989) Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 315, 159-176.  相似文献   

The purification of creatine kinase from beef heart mitochondria is described. The purified enzyme appears as a single band after electrophoresis on SDS gels. Electrophoresis on cellulose acetate followed by staining for creatine kinase activity shows two forms of the enzyme. The slower migrating (m-1) form upon concentration is converted to the more rapidly migrating form (m-2). The reverse conversion occurs if the m-2 is incubated with β-mercaptoethanol. These results are consistent with a reversible oxidation of protein sulfhydryl group (s).  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK) has been postulated to consist of two flexibly hinged domains. A previously demonstrated protease-sensitive site in M-CK (Morris & Jackson, 1991) has directed our attempts to dissect mitochondrial CK (Mi-CK) into two protein fragments encompassing amino acids [1-167] and [168-380]. When expressed separately in Escherichia coli, the two fragments yielded large amounts of insoluble inclusion bodies, from which the respective polypeptides could be purified by a simple two-step procedure. In contrast, co-expression of the two fragments yielded a soluble, active, and correctly oligomerizing enzyme. This discontinuous CK showed nearly full specific activity and was virtually indistinguishable from native Mi-CK by far- and near-UV CD. However, the positive cooperativity of substrate binding was abolished, suggesting a role of the covalent domain linkage in the crosstalk between the substrate binding sites for ATP and creatine. The isolated C-terminal fragment refolded into a native-like conformation in vitro, whereas the N-terminal fragment was largely unfolded. Prefolded [168-380] interacted in vitro with [1-167] to form an active enzyme. Kinetic analysis indicated that the fragments associate rapidly and with high affinity (1/K1 = 17 microM) and then isomerize slowly to an active enzyme (k2 = 0.12 min-1; k-2 = 0.03 min-1). Our data suggest that the C-terminal fragment of Mi-CK represents an autonomous folding unit, and that the folding of the C-terminal part might precede the conformational stabilization of the N-terminal moiety in vivo.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial isoenzymes of creatine kinase (MtCK), ubiquitous uMtCK and sarcomeric sMtCK, are key enzymes of oxidative cellular energy metabolism and play an important role in human health and disease. Very little is known about uMtCK in general, or about sMtCK of human origin. Here we have heterologously expressed and purified both human MtCK isoenzymes to perform a biochemical, kinetic and structural characterization. Both isoenzymes occurred as octamers, which can dissociate into dimers. Distinct Stokes' radii of uMtCK and sMtCK in solution were indicative for conformational differences between these equally sized proteins. Both human MtCKs formed 2D-crystals on cardiolipin layers, which revealed further subtle differences in octamer structure and stability. Octameric human sMtCK displayed p4 symmetry with lattice parameters of 145 A, indicating a 'flattening' of the octamer on the phospholipid layer. pH optima and enzyme kinetic constants of the two human isoenzymes were significantly different. A pronounced substrate binding synergism (Kd > Km) was observed for all substrates, but was most pronounced in the forward reaction (PCr production) of uMtCK and led to a significantly lower Km for creatine (1.01 mM) and ATP (0.11 mM) as compared to sMtCK (creatine, 7.31 mM; ATP, 0.68 mM).  相似文献   

Bovine heart mitochondria suspended in 0.25 M sucrose were treated with 0.3% glutaraldehyde (GA). The membranes were disintegrated by ultrasonication in 0.25 M KCl and precipitated by centrifugation. The supernatant was assayed for creatine kinase (CKm) oligomeric forms by ultracentrifugation in a sucrose density gradient. A kinetic analysis of membrane-bound CKm was performed before and after ultrasonication. The data obtained suggest that the CKm octamer is the only form of CKm bound to mitochondrial membranes during GA treatment. This finding was confirmed by an analysis of extracts from untreated mitochondria using high resolution gel filtration.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of negatively stained and metal-shadowed mitochondrial creatine kinase (Mi-CK) molecules purified as described by Schlegel et al. (Schlegel, J., Zurbriggen, B., Wegmann, E., Wyss, M., Eppenberger, H. M., and Wallimann, T. (1988) J. Biol Chem. 263, 16942-16953) revealed a homogeneous population (greater than or equal to 95%) of distinctly sized square-shaped, octameric particles with a side length of 10 nm that frequently exhibited a pronounced 4-fold axis of symmetry. The cube-like molecules consist of four dimers that are arranged around a stain-accumulating central cavity of 2.5-3 nm in diameter. This interpretation is supported by single particle averaging including correlation analysis by computer. Upon prolonged storage or high dilution, the cube-like octamers tended to dissociate into "banana-shaped" dimers. Sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium experiments yielded an s value of 12.8-13.5 S and an Mr of 328,000 +/- 25,000 for the octameric cubes. An s value of 5.0 S and a Mr of 83,000 +/- 8,000 was found under conditions which revealed banana-shaped dimers. These dimers proved to be very stable, as their dissociation into monomers of 45 kDa (s value = 2.0 S) required 6 M guanidine HCl. Thus, the oligomeric structures observed in the electron microscope are identified as Mi-CK dimers (banana-shaped structures) and cubical Mi-CK octamers assembled from four Mi-CK dimers. The octameric nature of native Mi-CK and the formation of Mi-CK dimers were confirmed by direct mass measurements of individual molecules by scanning transmission electron microscopy yielding a molecular mass of 340 +/- 55 kDa for the octamer and 89 +/- 27 kDa for the dimer. A structural model of Mi-CK octamers and the possible interaction with ATP/ADP-translocator molecules as well as with the outer mitochondrial membrane is proposed. The implications with respect to the physiological function of Mi-CK as an energy-channeling molecule at the producing side of the phosphoryl creatine shuttle are discussed.  相似文献   

The review contains the analysis of present-day concepts on the physiological role of the creatine kinase system. A hypothesis on the buffering functions of the creatine kinase system which ensures a constant ATP level in cells and a hypothesis according to which phosphocreatine is a macroergic phosphate carrier from mitochondria to the sites of their utilization are considered. In connection with the creatine phosphate carrier hypothesis according to which the transport function of the creatine kinase system is provided for by an effective function of mitochondrial creatine kinase, feasible mechanisms of mitochondrial creatine kinase activity regulation are considered: as a result of creation of local concentration of nucleotide substrates as well as changes in the properties of creatine kinase itself which may result from the enzyme conversion from the membrane-bound to the free form or from the interconversion of oligomeric forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

To examine the role of changes in the distribution of the creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes [BB, MB, MM, and mitochondrial CK (mito-CK)] on the creatine kinase reaction velocity in the intact heart, we measured the creatine kinase reaction velocity and substrate concentrations in hearts from neonatal rabbits at different stages of development. Between 3 and 18 days postpartum, total creatine kinase activity did not change, but the isoenzyme distribution and total creatine content changed. Hearts containing 0, 4, or 9% mito-CK activity were studied at three levels of cardiac performance: KCl arrest and Langendorff and isovolumic beating. The creatine kinase reaction velocity in the direction of MgATP production was measured with 31P magnetization transfer under steady-state conditions. Substrate concentrations were measured with 31P NMR (ATP and creatine phosphate) and conventional biochemical analysis (creatine) or estimated (ADP) by assuming creatine kinase equilibrium. The rate of ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation was estimated with oxygen consumption measurements. These results define three relationships. First, the creatine kinase reaction velocity increased as mito-CK activity increased, suggesting that isoenzyme localization can alter reaction velocity. Second, the reaction velocity increased as the rate of ATP synthesis increased. Third, as predicted by the rate equation, reaction velocity increased with the 3-fold increase in creatine and creatine phosphate contents that occurred during development.  相似文献   

The cDNA and deduced amino-acid sequences for dimeric and octameric isoforms of creatine kinase (CK) from a protostome, the polychaete Chaetopterus variopedatus, were elucidated and then analysed in the context of available vertebrate CK sequences and the recently determined crystal structure of chicken sarcomeric mitochondrial CK (MiCK). As protostomes last shared a common ancestor with vertebrates roughly 700 million years ago, observed conserved residues may serve to confirm or reject contemporary hypotheses about the roles of particular amino acids in functional/structural processes such as dimer/octamer formation and membrane binding. The isolated cDNA from the dimeric CK consisted of 1463 nucleotides with an open reading frame of 1116 nucleotides encoding a 372-amino-acid protein having a calculated molecular mass of 41.85 kDa. The percentage identity of C. variopedatus dimeric CK to vertebrate CK is as high as 69%. The octameric MiCK cDNA is composed of 1703 nucleotides with an open reading frame of 1227 nucleotides. The first 102 nucleotides of the open reading frame encode a 34-amino-acid leader peptide whereas the mature protein is composed of 375 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 42.17 kDa. The percentage identity of C. variopedatus MiCK to vertebrate CK is as high as 71%. This similarity is also evident in residues purported to be important in the structure and function of dimeric and octameric CK: (a) presence of seven basic amino acids in the C-terminal end thought to be important in binding of MiCK to membranes; (b) presence of a lysine residue (Lys110 in chicken MiCK) also thought to be involved in membrane binding; and (c) presence of a conserved tryptophan thought to be important in dimer stabilization which is present in all dimeric and octameric guanidino kinases. However, C. variopedatus MiCK lacks the N-terminal heptapeptide present in chicken MiCK, which is thought to mediate octamer stabilization. In contrast with vertebrate MiCK, polychaete octamers are very stable indicating that dimer binding into octamers may be mediated by additional and/or other residues. Phylogenetic analyses showed that both octamer and dimer evolved very early in the CK lineage, well before the divergence of deuterostomes and protostomes. These results indicate that the octamer is a primitive feature of CK rather than being a derived and advanced character.  相似文献   

Using isoelectrofocusing in three pH gradients differing in the initial pH value of the ampholyte gel mixture and in gradient pH range, the isoelectric points for the dimeric and octameric forms of mitochondrial creatine kinase from bovine heart and pigeon breast muscle were determined. The isoelectric points for the dimer and octamer are equal to 9.67 +/- 0.01 and 8.93 +/- 0.05 for the heart enzyme and to 9.56 +/- 0.08 and 8.91 +/- 0.23 for the skeletal muscle enzyme. The correctness of identification of the oligomeric forms of mitochondrial creatine kinase was confirmed by ultracentrifugation in a sucrose density linear gradient. Since creatine kinase is known to bind to mitochondrial membrane cardiolipin by electrostatic forces, it can be assumed that both oligomeric forms of the enzymes can bind to the membranes. However, the properties of the creatine kinase dimer suggest its greater ability to bind to mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

Rabbit heart mitochondrial creatine kinase has been recently shown to exist in two oligomeric forms: a dimer and an octamer, the latter being the form associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane [(1988) Biochem.Biophys. Res. Commun. 153,1310.]. We report here on the determination of the isoelectric points (pI) of the two purified forms by thin layer isoelectric focusing. The pI of the dimer is 8.2 and that of the octamer is 8.8; the former is higher by more than one pH unit than that of the cytoplasmic form MM-CK. It is proposed that the higher pI of the octamer is responsible for its binding to the inner membrane.  相似文献   

A procedure for purifying creatine kinase from bovine heart mitochondria, including enzyme extraction from mitochondria with salt solutions, concentration on cellulose phosphate gel and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-300 has been developed. Using ultracentrifugation in a sucrose density gradient and gel filtration, it was demonstrated that mitochondrial creatine kinase is present in solution as a mixture of two main forms, i. e., an octamer and a dimer. The distribution of the oligomeric forms is not influenced by changes in the ionic strength from 0.02 to 0.25, temperature (5-20 degrees C), freezing-thawing and the nature of monovalent anions (Cl-, NO3-, CH3COO-) and cations (Na+, K+) present in the medium. At pH 6.0, the predominant form is the octamer; an increase in pH induces its dissociation. An equilibrious mixture of the creatine kinase reaction substrates in the presence of Mg2+ also causes octamer dissociation; no dissociation is observed in the absence of Mg2+ or in the presence of one of the substrates. The non-working couple of substrates, Mg-ADP and creatine, causes dissociation of the octamer in the presence of Cl-, but not of CH3COO-. It is assumed that the dissociating effect of the substrates is due to conformational changes in the subunits concomitant with the formation of the creatine kinase active center in the course of catalysis. At physiological concentrations of nucleotide substrates, the degree of octamer dissociation depends on pH, creatine phosphate/creatine ratio and Pi. It is assumed that the above factors may regulate the reversible conversion of the octamer into the dimer in vivo.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of cardiac sarcomeric mitochondrial creatine kinase (creatine N-phosphotransferase, EC, sMi-CK), namely, brain ubiquitous Mi-CK (uMi-CK) and an atypical Mi-CK detected in the serum of a patient with ovarian cancer, was studied by isoelectric focusing. These Mi-CKs were found to be slightly different from each other with respect to their pIs under the examined conditions. The atypical Mi-CK was found to be an atypically oxidized form of uMi-CK. Results suggest that these heterogeneities of Mi-CK are caused by the genotypes, structures, biological functions and metabolism/dissimilation of Mi-CKs in the mitochondria and intravascular circulation.  相似文献   

The biochemical and biophysical characterization of the mitochondrial creatine kinase (Mi-CK) from chicken cardiac muscle is reviewed with emphasis on the structure of the octameric oligomer by electron microscopy and on its membrane binding properties. Information about shape, molecular symmetry and dimensions of the Mi-CK octamer, as obtained by different sample preparation techniques in combination with image processing methods, are compared. The organization of the four dimeric subunits into the Mi-CK complex as apparent in the end-on projections is discussed and the consistently observed high binding affinity of the four-fold symmetric end-on faces towards many support films and towards each other is outlined. A study on the oligomeric state of the enzyme in solution and in intact mitochondria, using chemical crosslinking reagents, is presented together with the results of a search for a possible linkage of Mi-CK with the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT). The nature of Mi-CK binding to model membranes, demonstrating that rather the octameric than the dimeric subspecies is involved in lipid interaction and membrane contact formation, is resumed and put into relation to our structural observations. The findings are discussed in light of a possiblein vivo function of the Mi-CK octamer bridging the gap between outer and inner mitochondrial membranes at the contact sites.  相似文献   

It was found that in the octameric form of mitochondrial creatine kinase (Mr = 340 kD), only 52% of active centers bind Mg-ADP into a E-Mg-ADP-creatine complex with the dissociation constant, K(Cr)ADP, of 0.105 mM, which is close to the Km value for the enzyme (0.072 mM). In the dimeric form of cytoplasmic creatine kinase (Mr = 82 kD), 100% of active centers bind Mg--ADP; the K(Cr)ADP value (0.11 mM) is close to the Km value for the given enzyme preparation (0.083 mM). All active centers of rabbit muscle cytoplasmic creatine kinase were shown to form an analog of the transition state complex (ATSC) - E-Mg-ADP-NO3- -creatine. The constant for Mg-ADP dissociation from ATSC is identical for all centers of cytoplasmic creatine kinase and equals to 6.0 microM. The curves for ATSC saturation with Mg-ADP in the presence of iodacetamide for mitochondrial creatine kinase were constructed and computer analyzed. It was shown that in the octameric form of the enzyme only 54 +/- 13% of subunits can form ATSC. The constant for Mg-ADP dissociation from ATSC, KATSCADP is equal to 1.9 +/- 0.8 microM. It was concluded that 50% of subunits of the octameric form of mitochondrial creatine kinase are not involved in the catalytic act due to masking of their active centres and their inability to form transition state complexes. A model of regulation of cell supply with high energy compounds, e.g., ATP, creatine phosphate, via association-dissociation of mitochondrial creatine kinase oligomers is proposed.  相似文献   

Purification of human mitochondrial creatine kinase has been difficult and procedures that were highly successful in purifying canine enzyme failed for human mitochondrial creatine kinase. In the present study, we employed ultracentrifugation to remove the lipid, urea to prevent aggregation, followed by a final step of chromatofocusing which yielded a preparation of human mitochondrial creatine kinase with a specific enzyme activity of greater than 400 IU/mg. Biochemical and immunological characterization showed the preparation to be highly pure and free of even trace amounts of other creatine kinase isoenzymes. Antiserum specific for mitochondrial creatine kinase was developed which exhibited no cross-reactivity to cytosolic creatine kinase and mitochondrial creatine kinase did not cross-react with antiserum to the cytosolic forms. Marked differences were noted, both biochemically and immunologically, between mitochondrial creatine kinase and the cytosolic forms. Human mitochondrial creatine kinase was shown to have a molecular weight of around 82,000 and to be composed of two subunits of equal molecular weights around 41,000. Aggregates of mitochondrial creatine kinase were observed with molecular weights of around 200,000 in the absence of urea or if isolated from material after having undergone proteolysis. Isolation from fresh material or in the presence of urea inhibited aggregate formation for both canine and human mitochondrial creatine kinase. Despite claims of several investigators that mitochondrial creatine kinase exhibits two to three forms with varying molecular weights, our data indicate a single enzyme form made up of a subunit with a molecular weight of 41,000 and the high molecular weight aggregates appear to be induced artifacts. A radioimmunoassay was developed for human mitochondrial creatine kinase which, with appropriate modifications, should detect mitochondrial creatine kinase in human plasma.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase (MtCK) is responsible for the transfer of high energy phosphate from mitochondria to the cytosolic carrier, creatine, and exists in mammals as two isoenzymes encoded by separate genes. In rats and humans, sarcomere-specific MtCK (sMtCK) is expressed only in skeletal and heart muscle, and has 87% nucleotide identity across the 1257 bp coding region. The ubiquitous isoenzyme of MtCK (uMtCK) is expressed in many tissues with highest levels in brain, gut, and kidney, and has 92% nucleotide identity between the 1254 bp coding regions of rat and human. Both genes are highly regulated developmentally in a tissue-specific manner. There is virtually no expression of sMtCK mRNA prior to birth. Unlike cytosolic muscle CK (MCK) and brain CK (BCK), there is no developmental isoenzyme switch between the MtCKs. Cell culture models representing the tissue-specific expression of either sMtCK or uMtCK are available, but there are no adequate developmental models to examine their regulation. Several animal models are available to examine the coordinate regulation of the CK gene family and include 1) Cardiac Stress by coarctation (sMtCK, BCK, and MCK), 2) Uterus and placenta during pregnancy (uMtCK and BCK), and 3) Diabetes and mitochondrial myopathy (sMtCK, BCK, and MCK). We report the details of these findings, and discuss the coordinate regulation of the genes necessary for high-energy transduction.  相似文献   

Recombinant human thymidine kinase 2 (hTK2) expressed in Escherichia coli has been found to bind tightly a substoichiometric amount of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dTTP > dCTP > dATP), known to be strong feedback inhibitors of the enzyme. Incubation of hTK2 with the substrate dThd was able to release the dNTPs from the active site during purification from E. coli and thus allowed the kinetic characterization of the noninhibited enzyme, with the tetrameric hTK2 showing slightly higher activity than the most abundant dimeric form. The unliganded hTK2 revealed a lower structural stability than the inhibitor-bound enzyme forms, being more prone to aggregation, thermal denaturation, and limited proteolysis. Moreover, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence (ITF), far-UV circular dichroism (CD), and limited proteolysis have revealed that hTK2 undergoes distinct conformational changes upon binding different substrates and inhibitors, which are known to occur in the nucleoside monophosphate kinase family. The CD-monitored thermal denaturation of hTK2 dimer/tetramer revealed an irreversible process that can be satisfactorily described by the two-state irreversible denaturation model. On the basis of this model, the parameters of the Arrhenius equation were calculated, providing evidence for a significant structural stabilization of the enzyme upon ligand binding (dCyd < MgdCTP < dThd < dCTP < dTTP < MgdTTP), whereas MgATP further destabilizes the enzyme. Finally, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was used to study in real time the reversible binding of substrates and inhibitors to the immobilized enzyme. The binding affinities for the inhibitors were found to be 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than for the corresponding substrates, both by SPR and ITF analysis.  相似文献   

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