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Binding of [(3)H]gibberellin A(1) (GA(1)) to extracts of dwarf pea epicotyls was investigated using sliced pea epicotyls (0.5-1.0 millimeter thick) that had been incubated in a solution containing [(3)H]GA(1) at 0 C for 3 days. Gel filtration of a 100,000g supernatant indicated binding to a high (HMW) and an intermediate molecular weight (IMW) fraction with estimated molecular weights of 6 x 10(5) daltons and 4 to 7 x 10(4) daltons, respectively. The bound (3)H-activity was [(3)H]GA(1) and not a metabolite as deduced by thin layer chromatography. The bound label did not sediment during centrifugation at 100,000g for 2 hours; also, binding was not disrupted after treatment of a combined HMW and IMW fraction with DNase, RNase, or phospholipase A or C, but it was disrupted by protease or heat treatment. These facts suggest that binding of [(3)H]GA(1) was occurring to a soluble protein(s). [(3)H]GA(1) bound to a combined HMW and IMW fraction was not susceptible to changes in pH, nor could it be exchanged with a variety of GAs tested under in vitro conditions. Under in vivo equilibrium conditions, biologically active GAs, such as GA(1), GA(3), GA(4), GA(5), GA(7), and keto GA(1), could reduce the level of [(3)H]GA(1) binding, whereas inactive GAs, such as iodo GA(1) methyl ester, GA(8), GA(13), GA(26), and non-GAs, such as (+/-)abscisic acid, had no effect. By varying the concentration of [(3)H]GA(1) in the incubation medium, the specific binding of [(3)H]GA(1) appeared to be due to two classes of binding sites having estimated K(d) of 6 x 10(-8) molar and 1.4 x 10(-6) molar. The concentrations of the two sites were estimated to be 0.45 picomole per gram and 4.04 picomoles per gram on a fresh weight and 0.1 picomole per milligram and 0.9 picomole per milligram on a soluble protein basis, respectively.  相似文献   

Effects of ancymidol (Anc) and gibberellin A3 (GA3) on rootgrowth, osmotic concentration and cell-wall extensibility ofthe root were investigated in the gibberellin-sensitive cultivarof dwarf pea, Little Marvel. Anc strongly suppressed elongationof both shoots and roots in darkness. Although the elongationof shoots of this dwarf cultivar was severely retarded in thelight, it was repressed still further by Anc. GA3 promoted elongationof shoots both in the presence and in the absence of Anc, whereasit reversed suppression of root elongation by Anc. The concentrationof GA3 required for the recovery of root elongation was lowerthan that required for the promotion of shoot elongation. Treatmentwith Anc led to increased thickening of roots with increasednumbers of cells per cross section and lateral expansion ofcells in the cortex. GA3 had little effect on the osmotic concentration of cell sapobtained from root segments. Anc-treated roots did not respondto acid solutions by elongation, whereas GA3-treated roots respondednormally to such solutions. Anc suppressed but GA3 enhancedthe cell-wall extensibility of roots as measured in vivo andin vitro. These results indicate that a low concentration of gibberellinplays a role in normal elongation of roots by maintaining theextensibility of the cell wall in this gibberellin-sensitivedwarf pea. (Received January 17, 1994; Accepted July 15, 1994)  相似文献   

Information on the involvement of elongation-controlling hormones, particularly gibberellin (GA), in UV-B modulation of stem elongation and leaf growth, is limited. We aimed to study the effect of UV-B on levels of GA and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) as well as involvement of GA in UV-B inhibition of stem elongation and leaf expansion in pea. Reduced shoot elongation (13%) and leaf area (37%) in pea in response to a 6-h daily UV-B (0.45 W m?2) exposure in the middle of the light period for 10 days were associated with decreased levels of the bioactive GA1 in apical stem tissue (59%) and young leaves (69%). UV-B also reduced the content of IAA in young leaves (35%). The importance of modulation of GA metabolism for inhibition of stem elongation in pea by UV-B was confirmed by the lack of effect of UV-B in the le GA biosynthesis mutant. No UV-B effect on stem elongation in the la cry-s (della) pea mutant demonstrates that intact GA signalling is required. In conclusion, UV-B inhibition of shoot elongation and leaf expansion in pea depends on UV-B modulation of GA metabolism in shoot apices and young leaves and GA signalling through DELLA proteins. UV-B also affects the IAA content in pea leaves.  相似文献   

Tritium-labeled gibberellin A9 (3H-GA9) was metabolized by etiolated shoots of dwarf pea (Pisum sativum cv. Meteor) to GA20, GA10, 2,3-dihydro-GA31, and a number of highly polar, acidic GA-like substances. Identifications were made by gasliquid radiochromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Kinetic studies showed that GA30 and 2,3-dihydro-GA31 were produced within 5 hours following 3H-GA9 application to pea shoots. The polar GA-like substances were produced between 5 and 10 hours after 3H-GA9 application. Levels of GA10 increased with time, and since no GA10 was produced during the purification procedures, GA10 was, in all probability, produced from 3H-GA9 within the plant tissue. The radioactive interconversion products produced by pea from 3H-GA9 have chromatographic properties similar to biologically active GA-like substances present in etiolated shoots of dwarf pea. Large scale applications of 3H-GA9 with very low specific activity to etiolated pea shoots showed that the radioactivity of the interconversion products was correlated exactly with biological activity as assayed by dwarf rice (Oryza sativa cv. Tan-ginbozu).  相似文献   

Insensitivity to Gibberellin in Dwarf Wheats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The responses to GA were observed in three genetically distinctdwarf wheats and compared to that of tall controls. Height,internode number and length, dry weight, and flowering timewere greatly affected by GA in the tall varieties, and hardlyat all in the dwarfs. However, the dwarfs did respond by producingmore tillers, unlike the tall varieties which produced lesslateral growth with GA treatment. The aleurone layers of the seeds of the tall varieties and Norin10-Brevor 14 produced -amlyase in response to GA, whereas inthe other dwarfs this response was greatly diminished. The possible modes of action of the hormone in wheat is discussedin the light of these results.  相似文献   

Tritium-labeled gibberellin A20 ([3H]GA20) was applied via the pedicel to immature pods and seeds of dwarf peas and three harvests were made at days 5, 10, and 23 (mature) after application. Of the five metabolites of [3H]GA20, the three in highest yield were GA29, an α,β-unsaturated ketone, and a compound (B), whose structure was only tentatively assigned. The metabolic sequence GA20 → GA29 → compound B → the ketone was indicated. The amount of [3H]GA29 in both seeds and pods was highest at day 5 and declined to its lowest level at maturity. The amount of the [3H]ketone in the seed increased with time to its highest level at maturity. It is suggested that compound B and the ketone represent the major pathway of catabolism of GA29, a 2β-hydroxylated GA of low biological activity, and that the ketone is not metabolized, or only slowly metabolized, during seed maturation.  相似文献   

Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the genes involved in gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis are regulated by bioactive GA levels. With the recent cloning of GA 2-oxidase genes from pea, we investigated whether this homeostatic regulation extends to the genes controlling GA deactivation in this species, utilizing two well-characterized GA-deficient mutants, ls and na and a GA-accumulating mutant, sln. The pea GA 2-oxidases showed feed-forward effects at the mRNA level, while the endogenous levels of GA20, GA29, GA1, and GA8 showed no evidence of feed-forward regulation. Analyses of genomic Southern blots and expressed sequenced tag (EST) databases suggest that other GA 2-oxidases could possibly account for this lack of feed-forward on GA levels.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of overexpressing a pumpkin gibberellin (GA) 20-oxidase gene encoding an enzyme that forms predominantly biologically inactive products on GA biosynthesis and plant morphology in transgenic lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv Vanguard) plants. Lettuce was transformed with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase gene downstream of a strong constitutive promoter cassette (El2-35S-Omega). The transgenic plants in which the pumpkin gene was detected by polymerase chain reaction were dwarfed in the T(2) generation, whereas transformants with a normal growth phenotype did not contain the transgene. The result of Southern-blot analysis showed that the transgene was integrated as a single copy; the plants segregated three dwarfs to one normal in the T(2) generation, indicating that the transgene was stable and dominant. The endogenous levels of GA(1) and GA(4) were reduced in the dwarfs, whereas large amounts of GA(17) and GA(25), which are inactive products of the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase, accumulated in these lines. These results indicate that a functional pumpkin GA 20-oxidase is expressed in the transgenic lettuce, resulting in a diversion of the normal pathway of GA biosynthesis to inactive products. Furthermore, this technique may be useful for controlling plant stature in other agricultural and horticultural species.  相似文献   

To determine whether or not the changes in the orientation ofmicrotubules (MTs) that are induced by GA3 and ABA result fromchanges in the rate of epicotyl elongation caused by these hormones,we examined the effects of GA3 and ABA on the orientation ofMTs in epidermal cells of decapitated epicotyls of the dwarfpea (Pisum sativum cv. Little Marvel), in which neither GA3nor ABA causes changes in the rate of epicotyl elongation. Cuttings taken from GA3-pretreated seedlings were decapitatedand treated with ABA. ABA eliminated the GA3-induced predominanceof transverse MTs and treatment with ABA resulted in a predominanceof longitudinal MTs in the decapitated cuttings. However, ABAdid not reduce the rate of epicotyl elongation in these samples.Cuttings taken from ABA-pretreated seedlings were decapitatedand treated with GA3. GA3 caused the orientation of MTs to changefrom longitudinal to transverse in the decapitated cuttings.However, GA3 had no promotive effect on elongation of theseepicotyls. The results indicate that both ABA and GA3 have the abilityto change the orientation of MTs by mechanisms that do not involvechanges in the rate of cell elongation. (Received August 18, 1992; Accepted January 18, 1993)  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on the first and second internodes and 4-cm-long apical segments of main roots of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings, grown in the light and decapitated above the second node on the seventh day after seed germination. Endogenous phytohormones were measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay during three days after decapitation of seedlings. The IAA level in the internodes decreased 2–3 times on the second day after decapitation of seedlings while the cytokinin level increased 5–6 times for zeatin and zeatin riboside (Z and ZR) and 1.5–2 times for isopentenyl adenine and isopentenyl adenosine (IP and IPA). In contrast to internodes, the IP and IPA contents in the roots of decapitated seedlings did not change, but the levels of Z and ZR increased 1.5–2 times compared to intact plant roots. The IAA level in the apical region of root remained almost unchanged after the removal of shoot apex. It was concluded that the apical meristem of the main root is not the site of the cytokinin response to the auxin signal coming from the stem apex and that a slight accumulation of Z and ZR after decapitation is due to upper zones of the root. There was no difference in the content of gibberellin-like substances between the internodes of intact and decapitated seedlings. However, the content of gibberellins (GA) in the root tip decreased after decapitation of seedling, which suggests an essential role of apical bud in supplying the root with GA and/or intermediates for their biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Callitriche platycarpa is a freshwater plant characterized by floating rosettes of leaves connected to the water-bed by threadlike (diameter < 1 mm) stems. The internodes within the rosettes are immature and short (< 2 mm). If they mature at the water surface, they become 10 to 30 mm long, but if the rosette is submerged the internodes elongate faster and to a greater extent (25–60 mm). This method of growth rate control is of interest.  相似文献   

WILSON  K. 《Annals of botany》1961,25(3):363-372
Data are given relating cell length and pit-field frequencyto internode length, as influenced by the application of gibberellicacid. Both cell extension and cell division are affected, thelatter especially in internodes developing later after treatment.Where enhanced cell extension only occurs, existing pit-fieldsmerely become spaced out. Where cell division is involved, thisis accompanied by an increase in pit-field numbers so that daughtercells of the same type tend to have a characteristic number.This is in accordance with earlier observations on other plantsand confirms the suggestion made previously of the existenceof rather different patterns of cell-wall extension in dividing,as distinct from merely enlarging, cells.  相似文献   

Changes in Endogenous Gibberellin Levels in Tulipa Bulblets during Ontogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The endogenous gibberellin activity of Tulipa gesneriana cv.Apeldoorn bulbiets of field-grown mother bulbs was determinedduring ontogeny by paper and gas-liquid chromatography and thedwarf pea bioassay. It was shown that the gibberellin activityof bulblets increased dramatically in November-March and declinedsharply in April-July. The increase in gibberellin-like substanceswas considered to be derived primarily by synthesis within thebulblets with possible contributions via translocation fromthe mother bulb scales, roots and shoots. Gibberellin A13 wastentatively identified by gas-liquid chromatography but theother components of the bulbiet extracts remained unidentified.  相似文献   

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