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以家猫为动物模型,采用细胞外记录的方法,测试了82个初级视皮层细胞的方位和方向调谐以及感受野大小.基于细胞的面积整合特性,区分出52个外周抑制型细胞和30个外周无抑制型细胞.所有被测细胞均存在强的方位选择性,而外周无抑制型细胞比抑制型细胞有更强的方位选择性.两类细胞的方向选择性没有显著性差异.外周抑制型细胞比外周无抑制型细胞有着更大的动作电位发放率.采用两种不同方法测量两类细胞的感受野范围,却产生了不同的结果:用最小反应区测量发现抑制型细胞的经典感受野更大,而用面积整合曲线测量时外周无抑制型细胞的感受野更大.  相似文献   

猫视皮层17,18区神经元对错觉轮廓的反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了轻度麻醉下猫视皮层17, 18区细胞对错觉轮廓刺激的反应特性, 比较了对错觉轮廓有明显反应的细胞对真实轮廓和错觉轮廓刺激的感受野特性的异同. 共记录了猫视皮层17, 18区200个方位/方向选择性细胞, 其中有42%的细胞是错觉轮廓反应细胞. 将这些细胞对真实轮廓和错觉轮廓的反应进行比较, 尽管错觉轮廓反应细胞对移动光棒和错觉轮廓光棒的方位/方向调制曲线十分相似, 但对移动错觉棒和移动光棒的反应模式(潜伏期和反应时程)不同. 对由光栅组成的错觉轮廓而言, 细胞的反应大小与组成光栅的相位无关, 并且细胞对组成错觉轮廓光栅的最优空间频率比对普通移动光栅的最优空间频率要高得多, 说明细胞确实是对轮廓本身反应, 而不是对组成轮廓的光栅的末端反应. 某些速度调制类型的细胞对移动错觉棒反应的最优速度比对移动光棒的最优速度要低得多. 进一步验证了猫视皮层17, 18区部分细胞能对错觉轮廓反应, 并且观察到这些细胞对错觉轮廓和真实轮廓有不同的感受野反应特性, 提示视觉系统对两种刺激图形的检测机制可能存在着差异.  相似文献   

用脑光学成像精确测定猫初级视皮层视野拓扑投射关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chen X  Shou TD 《生理学报》2003,55(5):541-546
利用基于脑内源信号的光学成像和二维互相关分析的方法,对猫初级视皮层17区的视野拓扑离心度(即视网膜-皮层拓扑关系)进行了精确测量。当采用在同一屏幕内处于上下视野的、方位互相垂直的两个相邻光栅刺激时,皮层中一部分区域的绝大部分细胞因同时兴奋而导致方位功能图模糊不清。将这种方位功能图和用单一方位(水平或垂直)全屏光栅刺激所得到的功能图进行比较,通过计算每一像素的互相关系数,从而获得皮层的精确视野拓扑离心度。同时用电生理的方法测量了同一视皮层内的单细胞的感受野位置,证明这种方法得到的视野离心度和光学记录方法得到的相同。因此,本研究为大面积地确定视皮层细胞感受野在视野中的位置提供了一种快速和较准确的方法。  相似文献   

Zhou J  Shi XM  Peng QS  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):533-539
对人类和动物的心理学研究证实,老年个体的视觉对比敏感度相对青年个体显著下降。为揭示其可能的神经机制,采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术研究青、老年猫(Felis catus)初级视皮层(primary visual cortex,V1)细胞对不同视觉刺激对比度的调谐反应。结果显示,老年猫V1细胞对视觉刺激反应的平均对比敏感度比青年猫显著下降,这与灵长类报道的研究结果相一致,表明衰老影响视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度是灵长类和非灵长类哺乳动物中普遍存在的现象,并可能是介导老年性视觉对比敏感度下降的神经基础。另外,与青年猫相比,老年猫初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性显著增强,信噪比下降,感受野显著增大,表明衰老导致的初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度下降伴随着皮层内抑制性作用减弱。  相似文献   

简单细胞方位选择性感受野组织形成的神经网络模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了阐明视皮层简单细胞方位选择性感受野形成的动态组织过程, 试图构建一个由侧膝体神经元和视皮层简单细胞组成的, 且遵从Hebbian学习规则的神经网络模型. 通过该模型来考察简单细胞对自然图像刺激特征的编码过程和神经表达. 结果表明, 感受野的结构正反映了简单细胞的最优方位选择性, 它也是由非监督学习过程决定并自组织涌现的. 这还说明简单细胞的方位选择性是在层间细胞的相互作用基础上动态自组织的结果.  相似文献   

高等哺乳动物视皮层细胞方位选择性的形成机制一直是视觉研究的热点。近来许多新的实验事实和假说,使长期占统治地位的会聚学说面临挑战。不同假说争论的问题在于:皮层下的输入和皮层内作用二者谁在方位造反性的形成过程中起讯作用?皮层内对方位选择性强度的放大作用主要是兴奋性的还是抑制的?本文对有关这一研究的新进展作了评述,试图使人们更全面地认识视觉方位选择性这一经典感受野特性。  相似文献   

感受野是视觉系统信息处理的基本结构和功能单元。X、Y细胞是两类主要的视网膜神经节细胞。生理实验发现,在经典感受野之外还存在一个大范围的在周边去抑制区。文中采用周边去抑制区对经典外周的去抑制非线性使用方式,建立一个二维的与实验结果联系紧密的X、Y细胞统一的复合感受野模型。该模型不仅能模拟X细胞的null-test反应和Y细胞的on-off反应,还模拟了Y细胞在低空频刺激时的信频反应、圆面积空间的倍频  相似文献   

已知光敏蛋白菌紫质LB膜具有类似于视觉系统感受野的对光微分响应。利用这个特性,本文组装了一对人工视皮层条型简单细胞感受野,并测定了其朝向选择特性及ON-区闪光融合频率响应特性。在此基础上,用这一对人工感受野组成了猫视皮层细胞双眼汇聚功能模拟系统,并模拟了猫视皮层细胞双眼汇聚功能。  相似文献   

感觉皮层神经元的非经典感受野(简称"外周")对经典感受野(简称"中心")的调节作用广泛存在于哺乳动物中,被认为是感觉皮层神经元的基本特性.以初级视皮层神经元为例,刺激其外周能有效地调节刺激其中心引起的反应,这种作用主要是抑制性的.理解初级视皮层神经元的外周对中心的调节机制能够深入揭示哺乳动物的感觉皮层神经元信息处理的基本原则.本文综述了引起初级视皮层神经元非经典感受野对经典感受野调节作用的神经环路机制和计算模型研究的进展.  相似文献   

周逸峰  寿天德 《生理学报》1988,40(2):131-139
用金属微电极记录了114个猫皮层17、18区细胞对不同方位光栅图象刺激的反应。细胞最优方位与其感受野中心在视网膜的位置间有系统性关系,即最优方位总是倾向于垂直于各感受野中心与视网膜中心区(area centralis)的连线。这一规律对在18区或17、18区全体记录到的细胞而言,有统计意义。 在17、18区内,仅对于感受野位于视网膜离心度(eccentricity)大于9°视角的细胞、具有较窄感受野(宽度小于2.5°)的细胞以及感受野处于视网膜垂直经线附近的细胞,上述规律才有统计意义,而对感受野离心度小于9°的细胞、感受野宽度大于2.5°的细胞以及感受野在倾斜经线附近的细胞,上述规律不明显。  相似文献   

Yao H  Li CY 《Neuron》2002,35(3):547-553
The primary visual cortex is organized into clusters of cells having similar classical receptive field (CRF) properties. Nonclassical, extra-receptive fields (ERFs) can either inhibit or facilitate the response elicited by stimulation within the CRF. Here, we report that in the primary visual cortex of cat, neurons with similar inhibitory or facilitatory ERF properties are also grouped into clusters. These clusters are randomly distributed in all cortical layers, with no detectable relationship with orientation and ocular dominance columns. This functional organization of neurons with respect to ERF properties may allow an efficient processing of global visual information.  相似文献   

Hu M  Wang Y  Wang Y 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25410
The visual information we receive during natural vision changes rapidly and continuously. The visual system must adapt to the spatiotemporal contents of the environment in order to efficiently process the dynamic signals. However, neuronal responses to luminance contrast are usually measured using drifting or stationary gratings presented for a prolonged duration. Since motion in our visual field is continuous, the signals received by the visual system contain an abundance of transient components in the contrast domain. Here using a modified reverse correlation method, we studied the properties of responses of neurons in the cat primary visual cortex to different contrasts of grating stimuli presented statically and transiently for 40 ms, and showed that neurons can effectively discriminate the rapidly changing contrasts. The change in the contrast response function (CRF) over time mainly consisted of an increment in contrast gain (CRF shifts to left) in the developing phase of temporal responses and a decrement in response gain (CRF shifts downward) in the decay phase. When the distribution range of stimulus contrasts was increased, neurons demonstrated decrement in contrast gain and response gain. Our results suggest that contrast gain control (contrast adaptation) and response gain control mechanisms are well established during the first tens of milliseconds after stimulus onset and may cooperatively mediate the rapid dynamic responses of visual cortical neurons to the continuously changing contrast. This fast contrast adaptation may play a role in detecting contrast contours in the context of visual scenes that are varying rapidly.  相似文献   

Song XM  Wang Y  Zhu Z  Li CY 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e15025
In V1 of cats and monkeys, activity of neurons evoked by stimuli within the receptive field can be modulated by stimuli in the extra-receptive field (ERF). This modulating effect can be suppressive (S-ERF) or facilitatory (F-ERF) and plays different roles in visual information processing. Little is known about the cellular bases underlying the different types of ERF modulating effects. Here, we focus on the morphological differences between the S-ERF and F-ERF neurons. Single unit activities were recorded from V1 of the cat. The ERF properties of each neuron were assessed by area-response functions using sinusoidal grating stimuli. On completion of the functional tests, the cells were injected intracellularly with biocytin. The labeled cells were reconstructed and morphologically characterized in terms of the ERF modulation effects. We show that the vast majority of S-ERF neurons and F-ERF neurons are pyramidal cells and that the two types of cells clearly differ in the size of the soma, in complexity of dendrite branching, in spine size and density, and in the range of innervations of the axon collaterals. We propose that different pyramidal cell phenotypes reflect a high degree of specificity of neuronal connections associated with different types of spatial modulation.  相似文献   

The orientation tuning properties of the non-classical receptive field (nCRF or “surround”) relative to that of the classical receptive field (CRF or “center”) were tested for 119 neurons in the cat primary visual cortex (V1). The stimuli were concentric sinusoidal gratings generated on a computer screen with the center grating presented at an optimal orientation to stimulate the CRF and the surround grating with variable orientations stimulating the nCRF. Based on the presence or absence of surround suppression, measured by the suppression index at the optimal orientation of the cells, we subdivided the neurons into two categories: surround-suppressive (SS) cells and surround-non-suppressive (SN) cells. When stimulated with an optimally oriented grating centered at CRF, the SS cells showed increasing surround suppression when the stimulus grating was expanded beyond the boundary of the CRF, whereas for the SN cells, expanding the stimulus grating beyond the CRF caused no suppression of the center response. For the SS cells, strength of surround suppression was dependent on the relative orientation between CRF and nCRF: an iso-orientation grating over center and surround at the optimal orientation evoked strongest suppression and a surround grating orthogonal to the optimal center grating evoked the weakest or no suppression. By contrast, the SN cells showed slightly increased responses to an iso-orientation stimulus and weak suppression to orthogonal surround gratings. This iso-/orthogonal orientation selectivity between center and surround was analyzed in 22 SN and 97 SS cells, and for the two types of cells, the different center-surround orientation selectivity was dependent on the suppressive strength of the cells. We conclude that SN cells are suitable to detect orientation continuity or similarity between CRF and nCRF, whereas the SS cells are adapted to the detection of discontinuity or differences in orientation between CRF and nCRF.  相似文献   

Corticotropin-releasing factor receptors and actions in rat Leydig cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rat Leydig cells possess functional high affinity receptors for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). CRF inhibited human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-induced androgen production in cultured fetal and adult Leydig cells in a dose-dependent manner, but it had no effect on basal testosterone secretion. Comparable inhibitory effects of CRF were observed in the presence or absence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. CRF treatment caused a marked reduction of steroid precursors of the androgen pathway (from pregnenolone to testosterone) during gonadotropin stimulation, but it did not influence their basal levels. The inhibitory action of CRF on hCG-induced steroidogenesis was fully reversed by 8-bromo-cAMP but was not affected by pertussis toxin. The action of CRF was rapid; and it was blocked by coincubation with anti-CRF antibody. CRF caused no changes in hCG binding to Leydig cells, and in contrast to other target tissues, CRF did not stimulate cAMP production, indicating that CRF receptors are not coupled to Gs in Leydig cells. These studies have demonstrated that CRF-induced inhibition of the acute steroidogenic action of hCG is exerted at sites related to receptor/cyclase coupling or cAMP formation. The inhibitory effects of CRF in the Leydig cell do not occur through the Gi unit of adenylate cyclase, but could involve pertussis toxin-insensitive G protein(s). These observations demonstrate that CRF has a novel and potent antireproductive effect at the testicular level. Since CRF is synthesized in the testis and is present in Leydig cells, it is likely that locally produced CRF could exert negative autocrine modulation on the stimulatory action of luteinizing hormone on Leydig cell function.  相似文献   

We develop a unified model accounting simultaneously for the contrast invariance of the width of the orientation tuning curves (OT) and for the sigmoidal shape of the contrast response function (CRF) of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1). We determine analytically the conditions for the structure of the afferent LGN and recurrent V1 inputs that lead to these properties for a hypercolumn composed of rate based neurons with a power-law transfer function. We investigate what are the relative contributions of single neuron and network properties in shaping the OT and the CRF. We test these results with numerical simulations of a network of conductance-based model (CBM) neurons and we demonstrate that they are valid and more robust here than in the rate model. The results indicate that because of the acceleration in the transfer function, described here by a power-law, the orientation tuning curves of V1 neurons are more tuned, and their CRF is steeper than those of their inputs. Last, we show that it is possible to account for the diversity in the measured CRFs by introducing heterogeneities either in single neuron properties or in the input to the neurons. We show how correlations among the parameters that characterize the CRF depend on these sources of heterogeneities. Comparison with experimental data suggests that both sources contribute nearly equally to the diversity of CRF shapes observed in V1 neurons.  相似文献   

本文用传统的转筒式运动条纹刺激及电视运动条纹图形刺激两种方法进行了OKN实验,对所引起的OKN反应进行了定量比较,结果证明两者的刺激效果是相似的;用电视运动图象刺激方法,分别在中心视场和周边视场进行刺激实验,阐明了OKN主要是由作用于视网膜中央区域的运动图象刺激所引起的;并对OKN的动态反应进行了实验分析,在正弦速度刺激下,OKN增益主要取决于刺激运动的加速度,而不是单纯取决于刺激运动的速度或频率,并在脉冲速度刺激的OKN实验中,用动态反应时间阐明了这一结论.  相似文献   

Here, we report that emotional stressors (restraint, footshock) can affect humoral immune responses as well as the capacity of immune and accessory cells to secrete interleukins. Acute restraint stress (5 min) caused a 4- to 6-fold enhancement of splenic antibody responses to sheep red blood cells. In an attempt to study endocrine mechanisms, we administered antibodies raised in rats to corticotropin releasing factor (CRF). Intravenous administration of these antibodies prior to stress-exposure and immunization prevented the stress-induced increase in the humoral response. In a parallel experiment, we observed that CRF-immunoneutralization prevented the restraint stress-induced increase in plasma ACTH concentrations, but was without effect on plasma prolactin, melanocyte stimulating hormone, adrenaline and noradrenaline responses. These data suggest the presence of an indirect pathway involving ACTH and related peptides by which CRF controls humoral responses to stress. A pathway involving a direct mechanism of CRF at the level of the immune cells will be discussed. In a set of other experiments, we addressed the question of whether interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 plasma levels induced by injection of endotoxin could be modulated by emotional stress. Exposure to prolonged footshock stress (20 min) prior to endotoxin injection resulted in a blunted plasma ACTH and interleukin-1 response, without affecting the endotoxin-induced plasma interleukin-6 respose. These data suggest that at least one level at which emotional stress may influence immune function is by changing the capacity of immune cells to produce and/or secrete immune regulatory interleukins.  相似文献   

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