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The taxonomic status of three forms of the harvestman Mitopus morio in Britain have been examined. These have been identified by previous workers as a small, upland M, morio cinerascens , a larger, lowland M. morio morio , and a northern M. morio borealis. In this paper, the delimitation of trinomials has been found to be inappropriate for M. morio. since all three forms have been shown to lie at different points on a continuum of phenotypic variation within the species M. morio. It is suggested that this phenotypic variation is mediated by the variation in temperature regimes between different localities.  相似文献   

Pedro  Gnaspino 《Journal of Zoology》1996,239(3):417-435
Goniosoma spelaeum (Mello-Leitão) is a widespread trogloxene harvestman in caves of the Ribeira Valley in São Paulo State. It inhabits walls and ceilings near cave entrances. Populations inhabiting six selected caves of the region were analysed during this study. Mark-recapture techniques were used to estimate population sizes. Populations vary from tens to hundreds of individuals in each cave, and vary throughout the year. Barra Bonita cave had the largest population and was used to identify other ecological features of the species. These harvestmen show a high degree of philopartry, and recapture rate was high. They remain motionless inside the caves during the day, leaving them after dark to forage, and return just after dawn. They always feed outside the caves and do not carry food into the caves. Soft-bodied insects were the main food observed in the field. In the laboratory, they accepted plant and animal items and industrial foods. Their main predators are the spider Ctenus fasciatus , the heteropteran Zelurus travassosi , and the marsupial Philander opossum , and their main parasites are dipteran larvae (probably Phoridae).  相似文献   

Although the order Opiliones constitutes the third‐largest group of arachnids, this creature is still mysterious and has a rich unexplored field compared to what is known about insects and crustaceans. The order Opiliones is traditionally regarded as a close relative of mites, mainly because of morphological similarities in external body structure; however microstructural organization of the ganglionic neurons and nerves in the harvestman Leiobunum japonicum is quite similar to the central nervous system (CNS) in all extant arachnids. The CNS consists of a large neural cluster with paired appendicular nerves. The esophagus passes through the neural cluster and divides it into the upper supraesophageal ganglion (SpG) and the lower subesophageal ganglion (SbG). The dorsal part of the SpG has a quite condensed cell body compared with other parts of the CNS and has two main components, the protocerebrum and the cheliceral ganglion. The protocerebrum receives the optic nerves and has four main groups of neuropiles from the optic lobes, the superior central body, the lateral neuropils (corpora pedunculata) and the inferior neuropil. However, a pair of pedipalpal and four pairs of appendage nerves including several pairs of abdominal nerves arise from the nerve masses of the SbG.  相似文献   

The defensive secretion of the harvestman Camarana flavipalpi (Gonyleptidae) was chemically characterized, revealing the presence of a single, highly volatile component (2-methyl-5-ethyl-phenol). Individuals do not frequently use chemical defenses and rely mainly on thanatosis as defense. Two types of emission of secretions were recorded: a globule at the gland opening without liquid displacement and liquid displacement along the lateral margins of the dorsal scute with accumulation of fluid at the lateroposterior area of the body. The anterior opening of the ozopore is covered by an integumentary dome that faces the laterodorsal area of the scute. The lateral channel is well defined near the opening of the ozopore and along the lateral margin of the dorsal scute as rows of small granules. The ozopore morphology of C. flavipalpi is similar to closely related species and simplified when compared with other species that promptly release chemical secretions.  相似文献   

We analyzed a hybrid zone between two chromosome races (2n = 16 and 2n = 22) of a Japanese harvestman, Gagrellopsis nodulifera Sato and Suzuki (Arachnida: Opiliones: Phalangiidae). The hybrid zone is located in the eastern part of Tottori Prefecture, western Honshu. The width of the zone is approximately 5 to 15 km. Three independent tandem fusions/fissions seem to be the main cause of the karyotypic differences between the parental races. Ten karyotypic variants were found in the hybrid zone. They differed by numbers of diploid chromosomes and trivalents detected in meiosis. In most of the collecting sites, karyotypic heterozygotes were less common than expected. A positive correlation was found between number of trivalents in a karyotype and its deficiency rate. In some sites, the deficit of heterozygous individuals was accompanied by an excess of the intermediate homozygotes. One of the three transects across the zone was studied in detail. We found that three types of single heterozygotes (2n = 17, 2n = 19 and 2n = 21) formed a series of successive, spatially separated peaks along the transect. Two types of intermediate homozygotes (2n = 18 and 2n = 20) were also spatially separated. The most parsimonious explanation of such a structure is the staggering of clines of three tandem (or Robertsonian) fusion/fission variants that differentiate the parental races caused by selection against multiple heterozygotes. Analysis of nondisjunction in single heterozygotes demonstrated that there was a strong interindividual variation in nondisjunction rate. The mean frequency of aneuploid MII in single heterozygotes was 0.10 +/- 0.03. Crossover exchanges in some critical regions of trivalents result in abnormal chromosomal configurations: chromosomes with unequal chromatids and dicentric chromosomes. Frequency of crossover-induced chromosomal abnormalities was low in single heterozygotes (approximately equal to 4%), and was unexpectedly high in the double heterozygotes (approximately equal to 15%). Selection against karyotypic heterozygotes is considered as a main evolutionary force responsible for the structuring of the hybrid zone. A positive association between diploid chromosome number and altitude was found. The race 2n = 16 tended to occupy lower altitudes than the 2n = 22 parental race. Differences in ecological preferences may be a result of previous adaptations to different environments in allopatry. A hypothesis concerning the origin and evolution of the hybrid zone is proposed.  相似文献   

We describe herein the sperm morphology of the harvestman Iporangaia pustulosa. Adult males were dissected, the reproductive tract was schematized and the seminal vesicle was processed by light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The male reproductive tract is composed of a tubular testis, two deferent ducts, a seminal vesicle, a propulsive organ and a penis, similar to that observed in other Opiliones. The spermatozoa from the seminal vesicle are oval, aflagellate and immotile, presenting a nucleus surrounding an invagination of the cytoplasm, as well as a complex acrosome and projections on the cell surface. In the testis, spermatozoa are devoid of projections. In the seminal vesicle, they gradually acquire the projections with tufts adhering to it. Consequently, spermatozoa in various distinct stages of projection development can be found in the seminal vesicle. We believe that these projections (1) could help transport sperm along the male and perhaps female reproductive tracts; (2) are used to anchor the spermatozoa inside the female spermatheca in order to avoid mechanical displacement by the genitalia of other males and (3) may play a role in oocyte recognition. We propose that the evolution of aflagellarity in Opiliones is related to the unique morphology of the female reproductive tract. Since eggs are fertilized on the tip of the ovipositor just prior to being laid, there is no advantage favoring sperm mobility. Additionally, female sperm receptacles are small and males that produced small spermatozoa would have a higher chance of fertilizing more eggs.  相似文献   

Animals present an enormous variety of behavioural defensive mechanisms, which increase their survival, but often at a cost. Several animal taxa reduce their chances of being detected and/or recognized as prey items by freezing (remaining completely motionless) in the presence of a predator. We studied costs and benefits of freezing in immature Eumesosoma roeweri (Opiliones, Sclerosomatidae). Preliminary observations showed that these individuals often freeze in the presence of the syntopic predatory spider Schizocosa ocreata (Araneae, Lycosidae). We verified that harvestmen paired with predators spent more time freezing than when alone or when paired with a conspecific. Then, we determined that predator chemical cues alone did not elicit freezing behaviour. Next, we examined predator behaviour towards moving/non-moving prey and found that spiders attacked moving prey significantly more, suggesting an advantage of freezing in the presence of a predator. Finally, as measure of the foraging costs of freezing, we found that individuals paired with a predator for 2 h gained significantly less weight than individuals paired with a conspecific or left alone. Taken together, our results suggest that freezing may protect E. roeweri harvestmen from predatory attacks by wolf spiders, but at the cost of reduced food and/or water intake.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles of the North American harvestman Leiobunum aldrichi are exhaustively surveyed and compared with other chelicerates to clarify the evolutionary morphology and phylogenetic relationships of arachnids. Representatives of 104 muscle groups are described and illustrated, and their possible functions are proposed. Comparisons of the feeding apparatus of L. aldrichi with that of other opilions, especially Sim (Cyphophthalmi) and Acromares (Laniatores), and two scorpion genera ( Centruroides, Pandinus ) indicate that the pharyngeal apparatus in L. aldrichi is derived and that its ability to accommodate large food particles is a secondary rather than primitive condition. Comparisons reveal several possible synapomorphies between Opiliones and Scorpiones suggesting that these orders may be sister groups. Apparently unique synapomorphies include an extrinsic cheliceral muscle that arises from the carapace and inserts on the second cheliceral article (deutomerite); an epistome divided into distal and proximal parts by a transverse sulcus; pharyngeal dilator muscles supported by a peripharyngeal skeleton formed by one dorsomedial and two ventrolateral epistomal processes, the latter also with muscular attachments to the endosternite; a specialized preoral chamber (stomodieca) derived from extensions (coxapophyses) of the coxae of the pedipalp and first two leg pairs; internal processes associated with the coxapophyses that serve, in part, as an attachment for muscles operating the coxa-trochanter joints, and lateral endosternal suspensor muscles that insert on the arthrodial membrane between the leg coxae. These are the first observations providing explicit support for an Opiliones-Scorpiones clade.  相似文献   

The internal phylogeny of the arachnid order Opiliones is investigated by including molecular data from five molecular markers for ca. 140 species totalling 43 families of Opiliones. The phylogenetic analyses consisted of a direct optimization (DO) approach using POY v. 4 and sophisticated tree search algorithms as well as a static alignment analysed under maximum likelihood. The four Opiliones suborders were well‐supported clades, but subordinal relationships did not receive support in the DO analysis, with the exception of the monophyly of Palpatores (=Eupnoi + Dyspnoi). Maximum‐likelihood analysis strongly supported the traditional relationship of Phalangida and Palpatores: (Cyphophthalmi ((Eupnoi + Dyspnoi) Laniatores)). Relationships within each suborder are well resolved and largely congruent between direct optimization and maximum‐likelihood approaches. Age estimates for the main Opiliones lineages suggest a Carboniferous diversification of Cyphophthalmi, while its sister group, Phalangida, diversified in the Early Devonian. Diversification of all suborders predates the Triassic, and most major lineages predate the Cretaceous. The following taxonomic changes are proposed. Dyspnoi: Hesperonemastoma is transferred to Sabaconidae. Insidiatores: Sclerobunidae stat. nov. is erected as a family for Zuma acuta. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

Harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) are especially dependent on chemical cues and are often regarded as animals that rely mainly on contact chemoreception. Information on harvestman sensilla is scarce when compared to other arachnid orders, especially concerning internal morphology. Using scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy, we investigated tarsal sensilla on the distal tarsomeres (DT) of all leg pairs in Heteromitobates discolor (Laniatores, Gonyleptidae). Furthermore, we explored the typological diversity of sensilla present on the DT I and II in members of the suborder Laniatores, which include two thirds of the formally described opilionid fauna, using species from 17 families representing all main laniatorian lineages. Our data revealed that DT I and II of H. discolor are equipped with wall-pored falciform hairs (two types), wall-pored sensilla chaetica (two types) and tip-pored sensilla chaetica, while DT III and IV are mainly covered with trichomes (non-sensory) and tip-pored sensilla chaetica. The ultrastructural characteristics support an olfactory function for all wall-pored sensilla and a dual gustatory/mechanoreceptive function for tip-pored sensilla chaetica. Based on our comparative SEM survey, we show that wall-pored sensilla occur in all investigated Laniatores, demonstrating their widespread occurrence in the suborder and highlighting the importance of both legs I and II as the sensory appendages of laniatorean harvestmen. Our results provide the first morphological evidence for olfactory receptors in Laniatores and suggest that olfaction is more important for harvestmen than previously thought.  相似文献   

Alpine pastures are typical examples of “high nature value farmlands”, representing important habitats harbouring unique biological communities. Disturbance induced by overgrazing influences significantly ecosystem processes, in which invertebrates play a major role. To develop new models of sustainable management of pastures, more knowledge is needed of the animal communities, essential to the ecological functioning of pasture ecosystems. The apparent poor ecological state of several pastures in the Natural Regional Park of Alpi Marittime (NW-Italy) lead us to evaluate the influence of grazing history on biodiversity, using spider and harvestmen assemblages as key groups. Four different pastoral types characterized by four different grazing histories were identified using the Daget-Poissonet method. Spiders and harvestmen were collected by means of pitfall traps. Arachnid assemblages were characterized in terms of composition, abundance, species richness, richness of endemic species and taxonomic relatedness. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were used to test differences among assemblages occurring in each pastoral type. Furthermore, we tested differences in terms of plant communities (species richness and percentage of zoogenic species). Specificity and fidelity of every spider and harvestmen species within pastoral types were explored by the IndVal (Indicator Value) procedure. Fifty-eight species of spiders and seven species of harvestmen were collected (2,304 individuals). Pastoral types related to intensive grazing were characterized by the dominance of diurnal wanderer spiders (namely Lycosidae) while, conversely, nocturnal wanderers (mainly Gnaphosidae) were more abundant in extensive pastoral types. Results show that both species richness and spider abundance were higher in abandoned areas of extensive grazing, while endemic assemblages were richer in extensive grazed areas, which also hosted the most diverse plant community. Furthermore, most of the indicator species of spiders of this type were endemic, characterized by more demanding ecological requirements.  相似文献   

A unique pathway that utilizes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) networks is proposed for screening pigment granule formation in the retina of adult Eumesosoma roeweri. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) functions to transport pigment particles to the formative site. Each site is composed of concentric, interconnected rings of SER that are filled with dense-cored, spherical pigment particles. Formation of the screening pigment granule begins by the release of particles from the innermost rings of carrier SER. Continued release followed by fusion and condensation of the pigment particles results in the formation of a mature pigment granule.  相似文献   

This research was aimed to analyse the genetic diversity of Geraeocormobius sylvarum, a forest‐dwelling Neotropical harvestman with a disjunct distribution, separated by approximately 630 km of semi‐arid environments. The usefulness of a fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene as molecular marker was tested in 109 individuals. Results showed high levels of both haplotype and nucleotide diversity in populations corresponding to north‐eastern Argentina, the core area of the species range. A strong genetic structuring was detected, supported by both the phylogenetic trees and the haplotype network, with six identifiable haplogroups. Populations of the Yungas ecoregion did not show significant diversity levels, suggesting a putative recent introduction of the species into that region. The overall results suggest that the present genetic diversity of the species is consistent with past fragmentation events of the species range (in refuges?), probably during the Last Glacial Maximum. The COI gene was concluded to be a well‐suited marker to associate past environmental events with the high genetic diversity observed in this species.  相似文献   

Several arachnid species use chemicals to detect sexual partners. In harvestmen, there are evidences that chemicals may play a role in intraspecific communication. Using the behavior of Discocyrtus prospicuus (Holmberg 1876), whose males expose the penis to females before they engage in mating posture, we tested if males detect females by contact chemoreception (chemicals left on the substrate) and if males detect females by olfaction. First, we exposed males to three experimental groups, where males had to choose between two substrates: female chemicals/blank control; male chemicals/blank control; female/male chemicals. Then, we gave males access to volatiles of males, females, and control simultaneously. We predicted that males would expose the penis when approaching volatiles and chemicals deposited on the substrate by females. We also tested if males spent more time close to the source of female volatiles and on the substrate with female chemicals and if males tapped the substrate with female chemicals for more time than the others. Finally, we put males and females together to observe if males would expose the penis upon touching the female’s cuticle. Most of our predictions were not supported, though males did tap for more time when exposed to female cues instead of male cues and exposed the penis in 70% of the observations when interacting with the female but only after touching her. Our data does not support olfaction as a way to detect females and corroborate the idea that contact chemicals, either on the substrate or on female’s cuticle, play an important role in the detection and recognition of the opposite sex. This is the first evidence in harvestmen that males may react differently to female/male chemicals.  相似文献   

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