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Within the yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase, subunit h is a small nuclear encoded protein belonging to the so-called "peripheral stalk" that connects the enzyme catalytic F(1) component to the mitochondrial inner membrane. This study examines the role of subunit h in ATP synthase function and assembly using a regulatable, doxycycline-repressible subunit h gene to overcome the strong instability of the mtDNA previously observed in strains lacking the native subunit h gene. Yeast cells expressing less than 3% of subunit h, but still containing intact mitochondrial genomes, grew poorly on respiratory substrates because of a major impairment of ATP synthesis originating from the ATP synthase, whereas the respiratory chain complexes were not affected. The lack of ATP synthesis in the subunit h-depleted (deltah) mitochondria was attributed to defects in the assembly/stability of the ATP synthase. A main feature of deltah-mitochondria was a very low content (<6%) in the mitochondrially encoded Atp6p subunit, an essential component of the enzyme proton channel, which was in large part because of a slowing down in translation. Interestingly, depletion of subunit h resulted in dramatic changes in mitochondrial cristae morphology, which further supports the existence of a link between the ATP synthase and the folding/biogenesis of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Subunits e and g of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATP synthase are required to maintain ATP synthase dimeric forms. Mutants devoid of these subunits display anomalous mitochondrial morphologies. An expression system regulated by doxycycline was used to modulate the expression of the genes encoding the subunits e and g. A decrease in the amount of subunit e induces a decrease in the amount of subunit g, but a decrease in the amount of subunit g does not affect subunit e. The loss of subunit e or g leads to the loss of supramolecular structures of ATP synthase, which is fully reversible upon removal of doxycycline. In the absence of doxycycline, mitochondria present poorly defined cristae. In the presence of doxycycline, onion-like structures are formed after five generations. When doxycycline is removed after five generations, cristae are mainly observed. The data demonstrate that the inner structure of mitochondria depends upon the ability of ATP synthase to make supramolecular structures.  相似文献   

E J Bowman  T E Knock 《Gene》1992,114(2):157-163
We have isolated and sequenced cDNA and genomic clones encoding the alpha and beta subunits of the Neurospora crassa ATP synthase. The genes are not linked to each other: atp-1(alpha) maps to either linkage group I or V, and atp-2(beta) lies on linkage group II. The two genes resemble each other in having a large number of introns, five in atp-1 and seven in atp-2, mostly positioned near their 5' ends and varying in length from 60-332 bp. The coding regions of both genes have a high G+C content (59%) and use a low number of codons, 46 (atp-1) and 44 (atp-2), a feature associated with highly expressed genes. Northern-blot analysis shows both genes are expressed at high levels during mycelial growth. Comparison of the exon-intron structures of the beta-subunit-encoding gene with those from human and tobacco showed a similar number of introns, several closely positioned, but no exact conservation in position, size or sequence of introns.  相似文献   

The involvement of subunit 6 (a) in the interface between yeast ATP synthase monomers has been highlighted. Based on the formation of a disulfide bond and using the unique cysteine 23 as target, we show that two subunits 6 are close in the inner mitochondrial membrane and in the solubilized supramolecular forms of the yeast ATP synthase. In a null mutant devoid of supernumerary subunits e and g that are involved in the stabilization of ATP synthase dimers, ATP synthase monomers are close enough in the inner mitochondrial membrane to make a disulfide bridge between their subunits 6, and this proximity is maintained in detergent extract containing this enzyme. The cross-linking of cysteine 23 located in the N-terminal part of the first transmembrane helix of subunit 6 suggests that this membrane-spanning segment is in contact with its counterpart belonging to the ATP synthase monomer that faces it and participates in the monomer-monomer interface.  相似文献   

Subunits 6 and 8 of the mitochondrial ATPase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are encoded by the mitochondrial genome and translated from bicistronic mRNAs containing both reading frames. The stability of the two major species of ATP8/6 mRNA, which differ in the length of the 5'-untranslated region, depends on the expression of several nuclear-encoded factors. In the present study, the product of the gene designated AEP3 (open reading frame YPL005W) is shown to be required for stabilization and/or processing of both ATP8/6 mRNA species. In an aep3-disruptant strain, the shorter ATP8/6 mRNA was undetectable, and the level of the longer mRNA was reduced to approximately 35% that of wild type. Localization of a hemagglutinin-tagged version of Aep3p showed that the protein is an extrinsic constituent of the mitochondrial inner membrane facing the matrix.  相似文献   

In the mitochondrial ATP synthase (mtATPase) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the stoichiometry of subunits d, oligomycin-sensitivity conferring protein (OSCP), and b is poorly defined. We have investigated the stoichiometry of these subunits by the application of hexahistidine affinity purification technology. We have previously demonstrated that intact mtATPase complexes incorporating a Hex6-tagged subunit can be isolated via Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid affinity chromatography (Bateson, M., Devenish, R. J., Nagley, P., and Prescott, M. (1996) Anal. Biochem. 238, 14-18). Strains were constructed in which Hex6-tagged versions of subunits d, OSCP, and b were coexpressed with the corresponding wild-type subunit. This coexpression resulted in a mixed population of mtATPase complexes containing untagged wild-type and Hex6-tagged subunits. The stoichiometry of each subunit was then assessed by determining whether or not the untagged wild-type subunit could be recovered from Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid purifications as an integral component of those complexes absorbed by virtue of the Hex6-tagged subunit. As only the Hex6-tagged subunit was recovered from such purifications, we demonstrate that the stoichiometry of subunits d, OSCP, and b in yeast is 1 in each case.  相似文献   

The b subunit dimer of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase, along with the delta subunit, is thought to act as a stator to hold the alpha(3)beta(3) hexamer stationary relative to the a subunit as the gammaepsilonc(9-12) complex rotates. Despite their essential nature, the contacts between b and the alpha, beta, and a subunits remain largely undefined. We have introduced cysteine residues individually at various positions within the wild type membrane-bound b subunit, or within b(24-156), a truncated, soluble version consisting only of the hydrophilic C-terminal domain. The introduced cysteine residues were modified with a photoactivatable cross-linking agent, and cross-linking to subunits of the F(1) sector or to complete F(1)F(0) was attempted. Cross-linking in both the full-length and truncated forms of b was obtained at positions 92 (to alpha and beta), and 109 and 110 (to alpha only). Mass spectrometric analysis of peptide fragments derived from the b(24-156)A92C cross-link revealed that cross-linking took place within the region of alpha between Ile-464 and Met-483. This result indicates that the b dimer interacts with the alpha subunit near a non-catalytic alpha/beta interface. A cysteine residue introduced in place of the highly conserved arginine at position 36 of the b subunit could be cross-linked to the a subunit of F(0) in membrane-bound ATP synthase, implying that at least 10 residues of the polar domain of b are adjacent to residues of a. Sites of cross-linking between b(24-156)A92C and beta as well as b(24-156)I109C and alpha are proposed based on the mass spectrometric data, and these sites are discussed in terms of the structure of b and its interactions with the rest of the complex.  相似文献   

Cross-linking experiments showed that the supernumerary subunit i is close to the interface between two ATP synthases. These data were used to demonstrate the presence of ATP synthase dimers in the inner mitochondrial membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A cysteine residue was introduced into the inter-membrane space located C-terminal part of subunit i. Cross-linking experiments revealed a dimerization of subunit i. This cross-linking occurred only with the dimeric form of the enzyme after incubating intact mitochondria with a bis-maleimide reagent, thus indicating an inter-ATP synthase cross-linking, whereas the monomeric form of the enzyme exhibited only an intra-ATP synthase cross-linking with subunit 6, another component of the membranous domain of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

All five subunits of yeast mitochondrial F1-ATPase have been isolated by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. This procedure allows micro-preparative purification of all the subunits with 60% recoveries. The complete amino acid sequence of the epsilon-subunit has been established. This has been achieved by the sequence analysis of subnanomole amounts of the intact molecule and that of peptides derived by enzymatic digestion with endoproteinase Arg-C and by chemical cleavage with hydroxylamine. Yeast ATP synthase epsilon-subunit is composed of 61 residues with a calculated molecular mass of 6612 Da. This polypeptide is rather basic since it contains 7 basic residues and 3 acidic residues. This study shows a slight similarity with the bovine epsilon-subunit ATP synthase since there are 16 identical residues.  相似文献   

We investigated ATP hydrolysis by a mutant (DeltaNC) alpha3beta3gamma subcomplex of F0F1-ATP synthase from the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 that is defective in the noncatalytic nucleotide binding sites. This mutant subcomplex was activated by inorganic phosphate ions (Pi) and did not show continuous ATP hydrolysis activity in the absence of Pi. Pi also activated the wild-type alpha3beta3gamma subcomplex in a similar manner. Sulphate activated wild-type alpha3beta3gamma but not DeltaNC alpha3beta3gamma, indicating that Pi activation did not involve noncatalytic sites but that sulphate activation did. Pi also activated ATP hydrolysis and coupled proton translocation by the wild-type and DeltaNC F0F1-ATP synthases reconstituted into vesicle membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast genes for the alpha, beta and epsilon subunits of wheat chloroplast ATP synthase have been determined. Open reading frames of 1512 bp, 1494 bp and 411 bp are deduced to code for polypeptides of molecular weights 55201, 53796 and 15200, identified as the alpha, beta and epsilon subunits respectively by homology with the subunits from other sources and by amino acid sequencing of the epsilon subunit. The genes for the beta and epsilon subunits overlap by 4 bp. The gene for methionine tRNA is located 118 bp downstream from the epsilon subunit gene. Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences of the alpha and beta subunits with those from other species suggest regions of the proteins involved in adenine nucleotide binding.  相似文献   

The subunit ε of mitochondrial ATP synthase is the only F1 subunit without a homolog in bacteria and chloroplasts and represents the least characterized F1 subunit of the mammalian enzyme. Silencing of the ATP5E gene in HEK293 cells resulted in downregulation of the activity and content of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex and of ADP-stimulated respiration to approximately 40% of the control. The decreased content of the ε subunit was paralleled by a decrease in the F1 subunits α and β and in the Fo subunits a and d while the content of the subunit c was not affected. The subunit c was present in the full-size ATP synthase complex and in subcomplexes of 200–400 kDa that neither contained the F1 subunits, nor the Fo subunits. The results indicate that the ε subunit is essential for the assembly of F1 and plays an important role in the incorporation of the hydrophobic subunit c into the F1-c oligomer rotor of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.  相似文献   

The highly dissociable alpha 3 beta 3 subunit complex (Mr = 319,582) of thermophilic ATP synthase was crystallized on a mercury surface under oxygen. The two-dimensional crystal was compared with that of TF1 (Mr = 385,351, alpha 3 beta 3 gamma delta epsilon subunit complex) by means of computer image processing. The crystals showed the same hexagonal lattice (a = b = 10 nm), despite the difference in their molecular weights. The color images of the two protein molecules were also hexagonal. However, there was an open hole in the image of the alpha 3 beta 3 complex, where small subunits (gamma, delta, and epsilon) of TF1 may have been located. The structure of this heterohexamer is consistent with that deduced from other physical parameters.  相似文献   

Genetically encoded fluorescent cross-linking agents represent powerful tools useful both for visualising and modulating protein interactions in living cells. The far-red fluorescent protein HcRed, which is fluorescent only in a dimer form, can be used to promote the homo-dimerisation of target proteins, and thereby yield useful information about biological processes. We have in yeast cells expressed HcRed fused to a subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase (mtATPase). This resulted in cross-linking of the large multi-subunit mtATPase complex within the inner-membrane of the mitochondrion. Fluorescence microscopy revealed aberrant mitochondrial morphology, and mtATPase complexes isolated from mitochondria were recovered as fluorescent dimers under conditions where complexes from control mitochondria were recovered as monomers. When viewed by electron microscopy normal cristae were absent from mitochondria in cells in which mATPase complexes were cross-linked. mtATPase dimers are believed to be the building blocks that are assembled into supramolecular mtATPase ribbons that promote the formation of mitochondrial cristae. We propose that HcRed cross-links mATPase complexes in the mitochondrial membrane hindering the normal assembly/disassembly of the supramolecular forms of mtATPase.  相似文献   

Spinach leaf mitochondrial F0F1 ATPase has been purified and is shown to consist of twelve polypeptides. Five of the polypeptides constitute the F1 part of the enzyme. The remaining polypeptides, with molecular masses of 28 kDa, 23 kDa, 18.5 kDa, 15 kDa, 10.5 kDa, 9.5 kDa and 8.5 kDa, belong to the F0 part of the enzyme. This is the first report concerning identification of the subunits of the plant mitochondrial F0. The identification of the components is achieved on the basis of the N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis and Western blot technique using monospecific antibodies against proteins characterized in other sources. The 28-kDa protein crossreacts with antibodies against the subunit of bovine heart ATPase with N-terminal Pro-Val-Pro- which corresponds to subunit F0b of Escherichia coli F0F1. Sequence analysis of the N-terminal 32 amino acids of the 23-kDa protein reveals that this protein is similar to mammalian oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein and corresponds to the F1 delta subunit of the chloroplast and E. coli ATPases. The 18.5-kDa protein crossreacts with antibodies against subunit 6 of the beef heart F0 and its N-terminal sequence of 14 amino acids shows a high degree of sequence similarity to the conserved regions at N-terminus of the ATPase subunits 6 from different sources. ATPase subunit 6 corresponds to subunit F0a of the E. coli enzyme. The 15-kDa protein and the 10.5-kDa protein crossreact with antibodies against F6 and the endogenous ATPase inhibitor protein of beef heart F0F1-ATPase, respectively. The 9.5-kDa protein is an N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding protein corresponding to subunit F0c of the E. coli enzyme. The 8.5-kDa protein is of unknown identity. The isolated spinach mitochondrial F0F1 ATPase catalyzes oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity of 3.5 mumol.mg-1.min-1. The enzyme catalyzes also hydrolysis of GTP (7.5 mumol.mg-1.min-1) and ITP (4.4 mumol.mg-1.min-1). Hydrolysis of ATP was stimulated fivefold in the presence of amphiphilic detergents, however the hydrolysis of other nucleotides could not be stimulated by these agents. These results show that the plant mitochondrial F0F1 ATPase complex differs in composition from the other mitochondrial, chloroplast and bacterial ATPases. The enzyme is, however, more closely related to the yeast mitochondrial ATPase and to the animal mitochondrial ATPase than to the chloroplast enzyme. The plant mitochondrial enzyme, however, exhibits catalytic properties which are characteristic for the chloroplast enzyme.  相似文献   

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