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The factors controlling the distribution of phytoplankton stocks, species composition, and their physiological status in the Southern Ocean are reviewed. In the last decade, the key data sources have been observational and experimental. Together, they provide a framework to understand the complex temporal and spatial patterns of environmental control within the distinct basins and ecological provinces. High resolution remotely sensed observational data have overcome the issue of geographical remoteness. Furthermore, by exploiting seasonal and spatial differences in algal distributions, observational data have enabled the cross‐correlation of such trends with patterns in other environmental properties. Perturbation experiments have offered a mechanistic understanding to help interpret observational data by altering environmental properties under carefully controlled conditions. A consistent set of trends, on the modes of environmental control of phytoplankton processes, is now emerging across the different basins and provinces. The key determinants are light, iron, and silicic acid supply (top‐down control was not considered). However, their interplay in time and space (i.e. simultaneous limitation of phytoplankton processes) is less clear, requires further study, and is discussed. Future challenges include the need to understand better the mode(s) of environmental control on key algal functional groups via more taxon‐ and species‐specific studies. The initiation of more time‐series moorings with “smart” bio‐optical and sampling sensors are needed to define the seasonal distributions of algal taxa. Moreover, new perturbation experiments are required to investigate the influence on phytoplankton processes of projected climate‐mediated alteration of mixed layer depth and nutrient supply as widely predicted by modelers.  相似文献   

In species that reproduce into uncertain environments, the relationship between mean reproductive success (the abundance of new recruits) and the variance in reproductive success (whether adults contribute disproportionally more offspring) may not be straightforward because of stochastic environmental processes that create high variance in reproductive success among adults. In this study, we investigated the relationships between oceanography, reproductive success and reproductive variance in the black rockfish, Sebastes melanops, a long‐lived temperate reef fish with pelagic larvae. We quantified black rockfish recruitment, genetic diversity and growth rates from otolith microstructure over 5 years (2005–2009) during which oceanographic conditions differed. We used cross‐correlations to determine windows of time during which oceanographic variables were significantly correlated with the resulting abundance or genetic diversity of recruits. We found that warmer ocean temperatures were positively correlated with the abundance of recruits, as well as the effective number of breeders. In contrast, the strength of coastal upwelling during settlement was positively correlated with the annual abundance of new recruits, but was negatively correlated with the effective number of breeders. Larval growth rates were explained substantially more by temperature than by upwelling and suggested that temperature affected survival through growth, while upwelling affected survival through transport. Our results indicated that cold ocean temperatures and intense upwelling caused sweepstakes‐like processes to operate on black rockfish populations, despite high abundances of recruits. We propose that a decoupling of the mean and variance in reproductive success may be characteristic of organisms that reproduce into uncertain environments.  相似文献   

Growing interest in spatial ecology is promoting new approaches to the study of seed dispersal, one of the key processes determining the spatial structure of plant populations. Seed-dispersion patterns vary among plant species, populations and individuals, at different distances from parents, different microsites and different times. Recent field studies have made progress in elucidating the mechanisms behind these patterns and the implications of these patterns for recruitment success. Together with the development and refinement of mathematical models, this promises a deeper, more mechanistic understanding of dispersal processes and their consequences.  相似文献   

Eastern boundary current systems are among the most productive and lucrative ecosystems on Earth because they benefit from upwelling currents. Upwelling currents subsidize the base of the coastal food web by bringing deep, cold and nutrient‐rich water to the surface. As upwelling is driven by large‐scale atmospheric patterns, global climate change has the potential to affect a wide range of significant ecological processes through changes in water chemistry, water temperature, and the transport processes that influence species dispersal and recruitment. We examined long‐term trends in the frequency, duration, and strength of continuous upwelling events for the Oregon and California regions of the California Current System in the eastern Pacific Ocean. We then associated event‐scale upwelling with up to 21 years of barnacle and mussel recruitment, and water temperature data measured at rocky intertidal field sites along the Oregon coast. Our analyses suggest that upwelling events are changing in ways that are consistent with climate change predictions: upwelling events are becoming less frequent, stronger, and longer in duration. In addition, upwelling events have a quasi‐instantaneous and cumulative effect on rocky intertidal water temperatures, with longer events leading to colder temperatures. Longer, more persistent upwelling events were negatively associated with barnacle recruitment but positively associated with mussel recruitment. However, since barnacles facilitate mussel recruitment by providing attachment sites, increased upwelling persistence could have indirect negative impacts on mussel populations. Overall, our results indicate that changes in coastal upwelling that are consistent with climate change predictions are altering the tempo and the mode of environmental forcing in near‐shore ecosystems, with potentially severe and discontinuous ramifications for ecosystem structure and functioning.  相似文献   

The long-term variability of marine turtle populations remains poorly understood, limiting science and management. Here we use basin-scale climate indices and regional surface temperatures to estimate loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Borrowing from fisheries research, our models investigate how oceanographic processes influence juvenile recruitment and regulate population dynamics. This novel approach finds local populations in the North Pacific and Northwest Atlantic are regionally synchronized and strongly correlated to ocean conditions--such that climate models alone explain up to 88% of the observed changes over the past several decades. In addition to its performance, climate-based modeling also provides mechanistic forecasts of historical and future population changes. Hindcasts in both regions indicate climatic conditions may have been a factor in recent declines, but future forecasts are mixed. Available climatic data suggests the Pacific population will be significantly reduced by 2040, but indicates the Atlantic population may increase substantially. These results do not exonerate anthropogenic impacts, but highlight the significance of bottom-up oceanographic processes to marine organisms. Future studies should consider environmental baselines in assessments of marine turtle population variability and persistence.  相似文献   

Global changes alter the dynamics of biodiversity, and are forecasted to continue or worsen in the decades to come. Modelling approaches used to anticipate these impacts are mainly based on the equivalence between spatial and temporal response to environmental forcings, generally called space-for-time substitution. However, several processes are known to generate deviations between spatial and temporal responses, potentially undermining the prediction based on space-for-time substitution. We here used high-resolution data from the french breeding bird survey to quantify and map the deviation between spatial and temporal patterns of bird abundances resulting from the dynamics of 124 species monitored in 2133 sites between 2001 and 2012. Using independent empirical data, we then tested specific predictions linked to the determinants (anthropogenic activities) and processes (lagged responses to environmental changes) potentially generating these deviations. We found that deviations between spatial and temporal patterns of abundances were particularly structured in space for bird communities. Following our predictions, these space–time deviations were positively correlated with the human influence on ecosystems, and linked with colonization–extinction ratios and community completeness, two markers of ongoing delayed responses to environmental changes. Our results suggest that the deviations between spatial and temporal patterns are related to recent anthropogenic environmental changes and disequilibrium responses to these changes. Investigating deviations between spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity might open promising perspectives for a formal quantification of disequilibrium state of biodiversity at large spatial scale.  相似文献   

The comparative-experimental approach uses identically designed, replicated experiments at different sites along environmental gradients in order to gain insight into the changing dynamics of communities with changing environmental conditions. Such studies reveal how ecological processes vary in intensity and interact to produce community structure. Early emphases were on the community consequences of shifting top-down impacts, competition and disturbance with environmental stress. Recent advances include the more precise quantification of gradients and thus a better understanding of species responses to the environment, and the revelation that bottom-up forces can vary significantly on within-region scales, with major consequences for the impact of top-down forces and thus community dynamics. Here the use of the method to examine the role of geographic location (coastal ecosystems in different hemispheres) and oceanographic conditions (upwelling vs downwelling) on these bottom-up/top-down linkages is advanced. We show that a bottom-up factor (prey recruitment) and a top-down effect (predation rate) vary consistently with oceanographic conditions within each coastal ecosystem, and also between geographic locations (New Zealand, Oregon). In general, both recruitment and predation rates are higher in Oregon. It is postulated that these differences are common responses to oceanographic variation, and that between-hemisphere differences result from the stronger and more persistent upwelling in the California Current ecosystem.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to establish the relationship between different Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF) epidemiological situations found at different sites and the related large-scale environmental conditions. Large-scale environmental records (vegetation index, temperature, precipitation and elevation) were obtained from a series of monthly NOAA satellite images and global databases considered suitable for modeling climatic and other environmental determinants of large-scale biogeographical regions. The temporal variation in vegetation for cycles of winter-summer showed a greater variation in the nonendemic region than in the other two regions. On the other hand, the average of the temporal variation in precipitation in cycles of spring–autumn was more different in the historic region than in the other two regions, and land surface temperatures in cycles of spring–autumn showed differences between the epidemic region and the other two regions. We found good separation among the epidemic, historic and nonendemic sites, with the greatest difference found between epidemic and nonendemic sites. The classification of sites showed a tendency for grouping according to the epidemiological situation, but there was some variation. It seems possible to establish a close relationship between the state of AHF incidence and the environmental history of sites suggesting the possibility of predicting epidemiological behavior using environmental conditions derived from satellite data.  相似文献   

1. Spatial variation in habitat quality and its demographic consequences have important implications for the regulation of animal populations. Theoretically, habitat quality is typically viewed as a single gradient from 'poor' to 'good', but in wild populations it is possible that there are multiple environmental gradients that determine spatial variation in demography. 2. Understanding environmental gradients is important to gain mechanistic insights into important population processes, but also to understand how populations might respond to environmental change. Here, we explore habitat and elevation gradients and their implications for population persistence using detailed long-term data on 600 individuals of the Mauritius kestrel. These data allow us to statistically separate spatial variation in demography from variation arising out of individual or environmental quality and explore its relationships with habitat and topography. 3. Birds that breed earlier in the season have higher reproductive success, and we found that the timing of breeding varies significantly between territories. This variation is primarily driven by elevation, with birds breeding progressively later as elevation increases. 4. Pre-fledging survival from the egg to fledgling stage (independently of timing), and recruitment, also varied significantly between territories. This variation is driven by the habitat surrounding breeding sites with increasing agricultural encroachment causing survival and recruitment to decline. 5. Taken together, our results suggest that there are likely to be multiple environmental gradients affecting spatial variation in productivity in wild populations, and hence multiple and different routes through which environmental change might have consequences for population dynamics by modifying spatial processes.  相似文献   

Population size and structure, as well as individual growth rates, condition, and reproductive output, respond to environmental factors, particularly in short-lived and fast-growing squid species. We need to understand the mechanisms through which populations respond to environmental conditions, to predict when or if established relationships, used as management tools to forecast recruitment strength, might break down completely. Identifying characteristics of successful recruits who have grown under different environmental scenarios may improve our understanding of the mechanistic connections between environmental conditions and the temporal variation in life history characteristics that ultimately affect recruitment. This 5-year study sought to determine the association between key life history characteristics of southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis (growth rate, body size, and patterns of repro-somatic energy allocation) and the environmental conditions experienced by individuals on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. Among years, all population and individual parameters examined were highly variable, despite the environmental regime during the study not encompassing the extremes that may occur in this dynamic region. Temperature was not clearly associated with any of the individual or population differences observed. Populations of apparently similar abundance were composed of individuals with strikingly different biological characteristics, therefore seeking relationships between abundance and environmental parameters at gross levels did not shed light on the mechanisms responsible for population size. Importantly, inter-annual differences in squid size, condition, reproductive investment, and possibly growth rate, were sex-specific, indicating that males and females responded differently to similar factors. Among years differences in body size were extreme, both among the male component of the population and between genders. The relative importance of many size-based processes that contribute to population size and structure (e.g. predation, starvation, competition, and reproductive success) will therefore vary inter-annually.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A number of neuroimaging techniques have been employed to understand how visual information is transformed along the visual pathway. Although each technique has spatial and temporal limitations, they can each provide important insights into the visual code. While the BOLD signal of fMRI can be quite informative, the visual code is not static and this can be obscured by fMRI’s poor temporal resolution. In this study, we leveraged the high temporal resolution of EEG to develop an encoding technique based on the distribution of responses generated by a population of real-world scenes. This approach maps neural signals to each pixel within a given image and reveals location-specific transformations of the visual code, providing a spatiotemporal signature for the image at each electrode. Our analyses of the mapping results revealed that scenes undergo a series of nonuniform transformations that prioritize different spatial frequencies at different regions of scenes over time. This mapping technique offers a potential avenue for future studies to explore how dynamic feedforward and recurrent processes inform and refine high-level representations of our visual world.  相似文献   

There have been important advances in understanding the relative importance of environmental and spatial processes for the variation in species composition across a set of local communities linked by dispersal (i.e. metacommunities). However, community composition-environment relationships change over time, and the mechanisms shaping such temporal variation in metacommunities encompassing large environmental gradients remain poorly understood. If the ability of statistical models to predict community composition-environment relationships depends on the sampling year, snapshot metacommunity studies would have limited implications, both theoretical and applied. Here, we partitioned the variation in compositional data of frog communities and asked if the relative importance of environmental and spatial components change over years at broad spatial scales (hereafter, protected areas in coastal and inland regions) of southeastern Brazil. These regions have marked differences in environmental characteristics as well as the size and composition of their regional species pool. Our results showed that the factors explaining the temporal variability in community composition-environment relationships were congruent for the inland region, which is less productive and characterized by harsh environmental conditions. In contrast, the relative importance of environmental and spatial components changed over years in the coastal region, which has more productive environments and benign conditions. Although snapshot studies will continue to provide important information about metacommunity dynamics, researchers have to be better able to incorporate the temporal variation inherent in community composition-environment relationships, which may be especially important in productive environments.  相似文献   

At a broad (regional to global) spatial scale, tropical vegetation is controlled by climate; at the local scale, it is believed to be determined by interactions between disturbance, vegetation and local conditions (soil and topography) through feedback processes. It has recently been suggested that strong fire–vegetation feedback processes may not be needed to explain tree‐cover patterns in tropical ecosystems and that climate–fire determinism is an alternative possibility. This conclusion was based on the fact that it is possible to reproduce observed patterns in tropical regions (e.g. a trimodal frequency distribution of tree cover) using a simple model that does not explicitly incorporate fire–vegetation feedback processes. We argue that these two mechanisms (feedbacks versus fire–climate control) operate at different spatial and temporal scales; it is not possible to evaluate the role of a process acting at fine scales (e.g. fire–vegetation feedbacks) using a model designed to reproduce regional‐scale pattern (scale mismatch). While the distributions of forest and savannas are partially determined by climate, many studies are providing evidence that the most parsimonious explanation for their environmental overlaps is the existence of feedback processes. Climate is unlikely to be an alternative to feedback processes; rather, climate and fire–vegetation feedbacks are complementary processes at different spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

A vast range of research applications in biodiversity sciences requires integrating primary species, genetic, or ecosystem data with other environmental data. This integration requires a consideration of the spatial and temporal scale appropriate for the data and processes in question. But a versatile and scale flexible environmental annotation of biodiversity data remains constrained by technical hurdles. Existing tools have streamlined the intersection of occurrence records with gridded environmental data but have remained limited in their ability to address a range of spatial and temporal grains, especially for large datasets. We present the Spatiotemporal Observation Annotation Tool (STOAT), a cloud-based toolbox for flexible biodiversity–environment annotations. STOAT is optimized for large biodiversity datasets and allows user-specified spatial and temporal resolution and buffering in support of environmental characterizations that account for the uncertainty and scale of data and of relevant processes. The tool offers these services for a growing set of near global, remotely sensed, or modeled environmental data, including Landsat, MODIS, EarthEnv, and CHELSA. STOAT includes a user-friendly, web-based dashboard that provides tools for annotation task management and result visualization, linked to Map of Life, and a dedicated R package (rstoat) for programmatic access. We demonstrate STOAT functionality with several examples that illustrate phenological variation and spatial and temporal scale dependence of environmental characteristics of birds at a continental scale. We expect STOAT to facilitate broader exploration and assessment of the scale dependence of observations and processes in ecology.

In ecology and evolution, processes, data collection, and inference or prediction usually occur at different scales in space and time. This study introduces a cloud-based toolbox for the flexible fusion of biodiversity records with remotely sensed and other environmental information that supports an assessment and accounting of such scale dependencies.  相似文献   

While ecologists have long recognized the influence of spatial resolution on species distribution models (SDMs), they have given relatively little attention to the influence of temporal resolution. Considering temporal resolutions is critical in distribution modelling of highly mobile marine animals, as they interact with dynamic oceanographic processes that vary at time‐scales from seconds to decades. We guide ecologists in selecting temporal resolutions that best match ecological questions and ecosystems, and managers in applying these models. We group the temporal resolutions of environmental variables used in SDMs into three classes: instantaneous, contemporaneous and climatological. We posit that animal associations with fine‐scale and ephemeral features are best modelled with instantaneous covariates. Associations with large scale and persistent oceanographic features are best modelled with climatological covariates. Associations with mesoscale features are best modelled with instantaneous or contemporaneous covariates if ephemeral processes are present or interannual variability occurs, and climatological covariates if seasonal processes dominate and interannual variability is weak.  相似文献   

Aim Many competing hypotheses seek to identify the mechanisms behind species richness gradients. Yet, the determinants of species turnover over broad scales are uncertain. We test whether environmental dissimilarity predicts biotic turnover spatially and temporally across an array of environmental variables and spatial scales using recently observed climate changes as a pseudo‐experimental opportunity. Location Canada. Methods We used an extensive database of observation records of 282 Canadian butterfly species collected between 1900 and 2010 to characterize spatial and temporal turnover based on Jaccard indices. We compare relationships between spatial turnover and differences in an array of relevant environmental conditions, including aspects of temperature, precipitation, elevation, primary productivity and land cover. Measurements were taken within 100‐, 200‐ and 400‐km grid cells, respectively. We tested the relative importance of each variable in predicting spatial turnover using bootstrap analysis. Finally, we tested for effects of temperature and precipitation change on temporal turnover, including distinctly accounting for turnover under individual species’ potential dispersal limitations. Results Temperature differences between areas correlate with spatial turnover in butterfly assemblages, independently of distance, sampling differences or the spatial resolution of the analysis. Increasing temperatures are positively related to biotic turnover within quadrats through time. Limitations on species dispersal may cause observed biotic turnover to be lower than expected given the magnitude of temperature changes through time. Main conclusions Temperature differences can account for spatial trends in biotic dissimilarity and turnover through time in areas where climate is changing. Butterfly communities are changing quickly in some areas, probably reflecting the dispersal capacities of individual species. However, turnover is lower through time than expected in many areas, suggesting that further work is needed to understand the factors that limit dispersal across broad regions. Our results illustrate the large‐scale effects of climate change on biodiversity in areas with strong environmental gradients.  相似文献   

There has been a proliferation of studies aimed at predicting the distributions of species from environmental variables despite evidence that spatial interpolation or spatially‐constrained mechanistic models have comparable explanatory power. Moreover, the processes behind environmental and spatial correlations – and their interactions – remain elusive. Here, we examined geographic patterns in the amount of variation explained by environmental correlation and exogenous or endogenous spatial autocorrelation for 4423 terrestrial vertebrate species in Africa using variation partitioning analysis. We also tested the effects of range size and taxonomic class on the relative importance of environmental and spatial correlations, and contrasted empirical patterns to two environmentally‐neutral models to identify potential underlying environmental and spatial mechanisms. Results showed that geographic range size was associated with environmental and spatial variation components in ways that where qualitatively indistinguishable from environmentally‐neutral species with constrained dispersal, suggesting that proportions of variation are due to range cohesiveness rather than other ecological processes. As a consequence, large‐scale patterns of biodiversity should be studied cautiously due to the difficulty of obtaining evidence of causal mechanistic links between species distributions and spatio‐environmental gradients. However, we also uncovered ecologically‐meaningful patterns in the residuals of the relationship between range size and the respective variation components, which differed among vertebrate classes. Moreover, these patterns coincided with contemporary biogeographical regions. This study, therefore, demonstrates that it is possible to extract meaningful environmental and spatial associations that potentially link ecological and biogeographical processes.  相似文献   

Environmental changes and human activities can have strong impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. This study investigates how, from a quantitative point of view, simultaneously both environmental and anthropogenic factors affect species composition and abundance of exploited groundfish assemblages (i.e. target and non-target species) at large spatio-temporal scales. We aim to investigate (1) the spatial and annual stability of groundfish assemblages, (2) relationships between these assemblages and structuring factors in order to better explain the dynamic of the assemblages’ structure. The Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone (MEEZ) is of particular interest as it embeds a productive ecosystem due to upwelling, producing abundant and diverse resources which constitute an attractive socio-economic development. We applied the multi-variate and multi-table STATICO method on a data set consisting of 854 hauls collected during 14-years (1997–2010) from scientific trawl surveys (species abundance), logbooks of industrial fishery (fishing effort), sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration as environmental variables. Our results showed that abiotic factors drove four main persistent fish assemblages. Overall, chlorophyll a concentration and sea surface temperature mainly influenced the structure of assemblages of coastal soft bottoms and those of the offshore near rocky bottoms where upwellings held. While highest levels of fishing effort were located in the northern permanent upwelling zone, effects of this variable on species composition and abundances of assemblages were relatively low, even if not negligible in some years and areas. The temporal trajectories between environmental and fishing conditions and assemblages did not match for all the entire time series analyzed in the MEEZ, but interestingly for some specific years and areas. The quantitative approach used in this work may provide to stakeholders, scientists and fishers a useful assessment for the spatio-temporal dynamics of exploited assemblages under stable or changing conditions in fishing and environment.  相似文献   

Single molecule force spectroscopy methods, such as optical and magnetic tweezers and atomic force microscopy, have opened up the possibility to study biological processes regulated by force, dynamics of structural conformations of proteins and nucleic acids, and load-dependent kinetics of molecular interactions. Among the various tools available today, optical tweezers have recently seen great progress in terms of spatial resolution, which now allows the measurement of atomic-scale conformational changes, and temporal resolution, which has reached the limit of the microsecond-scale relaxation times of biological molecules bound to a force probe. Here, we review different strategies and experimental configurations recently developed to apply and measure force using optical tweezers. We present the latest progress that has pushed optical tweezers’ spatial and temporal resolution down to today’s values, discussing the experimental variables and constraints that are influencing measurement resolution and how these can be optimized depending on the biological molecule under study.  相似文献   

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