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Comment on: Gumireddy K, et al. Nat Cell Biol 2009; 11:1297-304.  相似文献   

Identification of auxins by a chemical genomics approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen auxenic compounds were discovered in a screen of 10 000 compounds for auxin-like activity in Arabidopsis roots. One of the most potent substances was 2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)-N-(4-H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)acetamide (WH7) which shares similar structure to the known auxenic herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). A selected set of 20 analogues of WH7 was used to provide detailed information about the structure-activity relationship based on their efficacy at inhibiting and stimulating root and shoot growth, respectively, and at induction of gene expression. It was shown that WH7 acts in a genetically defined auxin pathway. These small molecules will extend the arsenal of substances that can be used to define auxin perception site(s) and to dissect subsequent signalling events.  相似文献   

Prorenin, the inactive biosynthetic precursor of renin, is proteolytically cleaved in the renal juxtaglomerular cells to renin. The activity of renin is rate-limiting for generation of angiotensin II in the circulation. We identified a renal thiol protease which activates and accurately cleaves the 43-amino acid prosegment of human recombinant prorenin. In the current studies, 6.5 mg of this protease was purified from human renal cortex using a three-step procedure dependent upon Leu-Leu-arginyl affinity chromatography. This represented an overall 766-fold purification and resulted in three protein bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of molecular weights 30,000, 25,000, and 24,000. All three bands cross-reacted with an anti-human liver cathepsin B antibody upon immunoblot analysis; electrolution of each band and amino-terminal sequence analysis confirmed that the Mr 30,000 protein was mature cathepsin B and the Mr 25,000 and 24,000 bands were cathepsin B subunits. The pH optimum for the hydrolysis of pure human recombinant prorenin by pure renal cathepsin B was 6, and the Michaelis-Menten constant, Km, of the reaction was 1.4 x 10(-9) M. Immunostaining of human kidney using a sheep anti-human cathepsin B antibody demonstrated the presence of cathepsin B in the juxtaglomerular areas of the kidney, as well as in the renal proximal tubules. Electron microscopic immunohistochemistry using the same antibody demonstrated cathepsin B in dense secretory granules of the juxtaglomerular cells. Renin was also shown to be present in these granules. This study provides both biochemical and morphological evidence that renal cathepsin B is a human prorenin-processing enzyme.  相似文献   

Prediction of bull fertility is critical for the sustainability of both dairy and beef cattle production. Even though bulls produce ample amounts of sperm with normal parameters, some bulls may still suffer from subpar fertility. This causes major economic losses in the cattle industry because using artificial insemination, semen from one single bull can be used to inseminate hundreds of thousands of cows. Although there are several traditional methods to estimate bull fertility, such methods are not sufficient to explain and accurately predict the subfertility of individual bulls. Since fertility is a complex trait influenced by a number of factors including genetics, epigenetics, and environment, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive methodological approach to clarify uncertainty in male subfertility. The present review focuses on molecular and functional signatures of bull sperm associated with fertility. Potential roles of functional genomics (proteome, small noncoding RNAs, lipidome, metabolome) on determining male fertility and its potential as a fertility biomarker are discussed. This review provides a better understanding of the molecular signatures of viable and fertile sperm cells and their potential to be used as fertility biomarkers. This information will help uncover the underlying reasons for idiopathic subfertility.  相似文献   

When deprived of neurotrophic factors, neuronal cells undergo a form of programmed cell death that involves a cascade of gene expression. To better understand this cascade, we screened the genes induced during programmed cell death evoked in neuronal PC6-3 cells by NGF-depletion and discovered a novel gene, NIPK (Neuronal cell death Inducible Putative Kinase), that contains a kinase-like domain. Expression of NIPK was also induced in cultured sympathetic neurons by NGF deprivation and in cortical neurons exposed to the Ca2+ ionophore, A23187. In contrast, NIPK was not induced during non-neuronal cell death evoked by serum or growth factor deprivation, or by treatment with methyl methanesulfonate, an agent that causes cell death by damaging DNA. Taken together, these findings suggest that NIPK is involved in programmed cell death via a pathway that is present in neurons but is absent in non-neurons.  相似文献   

The regulated secretory pathway of neurons is the major source of extracellular A beta that accumulates in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Extracellular A beta secreted from that pathway is generated by beta-secretase processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP). Previously, cysteine protease activity was demonstrated as the major beta-secretase activity in regulated secretory vesicles of neuronal chromaffin cells. In this study, the representative cysteine protease activity in these secretory vesicles was purified and identified as cathepsin B by peptide sequencing. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated colocalization of cathepsin B with A beta in these vesicles. The selective cathepsin B inhibitor, CA074, blocked the conversion of endogenous APP to A beta in isolated regulated secretory vesicles. In chromaffin cells, CA074Me (a cell permeable form of CA074) reduced by about 50% the extracellular A beta released by the regulated secretory pathway, but CA074Me had no effect on A beta released by the constitutive pathway. Furthermore, CA074Me inhibited processing of APP into the COOH-terminal beta-secretase-like cleavage product. These results provide evidence for cathepsin B as a candidate beta-secretase in regulated secretory vesicles of neuronal chromaffin cells. These findings implicate cathepsin B as beta-secretase in the regulated secretory pathway of brain neurons, suggesting that inhibitors of cathepsin B may be considered as therapeutic agents to reduce A beta in AD.  相似文献   

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have long been considered as potent molecules promoting neuronal cell death and contributing to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we demonstrate that AGE-albumin, the most abundant AGE product in human AD brains, is synthesized in activated microglial cells and secreted into the extracellular space. The rate of AGE-albumin synthesis in human microglial cells is markedly increased by amyloid-β exposure and oxidative stress. Exogenous AGE-albumin upregulates the receptor protein for AGE (RAGE) and augments calcium influx, leading to apoptosis of human primary neurons. In animal experiments, soluble RAGE (sRAGE), pyridoxamine or ALT-711 prevented Aβ-induced neuronal death in rat brains. Collectively, these results provide evidence for a new mechanism by which microglial cells promote death of neuronal cells through synthesis and secretion of AGE-albumin, thereby likely contributing to neurodegenerative diseases such as AD.  相似文献   

Glycosylation plays crucial regulatory roles in various biological processes such as development, immunity, and neural functions. For example, α1,3-fucosylation, the addition of a fucose moiety abundant in Drosophila neural cells, is essential for neural development, function, and behavior. However, it remains largely unknown how neural-specific α1,3-fucosylation is regulated. In the present study, we searched for genes involved in the glycosylation of a neural-specific protein using a Drosophila RNAi library. We obtained 109 genes affecting glycosylation that clustered into nine functional groups. Among them, members of the RNA regulation group were enriched by a secondary screen that identified genes specifically regulating α1,3-fucosylation. Further analyses revealed that an RNA-binding protein, second mitotic wave missing (Swm), upregulates expression of the neural-specific glycosyltransferase FucTA and facilitates its mRNA export from the nucleus. This first large-scale genetic screen for glycosylation-related genes has revealed novel regulation of fucTA mRNA in neural cells.  相似文献   

VIGS (virus induced gene silencing) is considered as a powerful genomics tool for characterizing the function of genes in a few closely related plant species. The investigations have been carried out mainly in order to test if a pre-existing VIGS vector can serve as an efficient tool for gene silencing in a diverse array of plant species. Another route of investigation has been the constructing of new viral vectors to act in their hosts. Our approach was the creation of a heterologous system in which silencing of endogenous genes was achieved by sequences isolated from evolutionary remote species. In this study, we showed that a TRV-based vector cloned with sequences from a gymnosperm, Taxus baccata L. silenced the endogenous phytoene desaturase in an angiosperm, N. benthamiana. Our results showed that inserts of between 390 and 724 bp isolated from a conserved fragment of the Taxus PDS led to silencing of its homolog in tobacco. The real time analysis indicated that the expression of PDS was reduced 2.1- to 4.0-fold in pTRV-TbPDS infected plants compared with buffer treated plants. Once the best insert is identified and the conditions are optimized for heterologous silencing by pTRV-TbPDS in tobacco, then we can test if TRV can serve as an efficient silencing vector in Taxus. This strategy could also be used to silence a diverse array of genes from a wide range of species which have no VIGS protocol. The results also showed that plants silenced heterologously by the VIGS system a minimally affected with respect to plant growth which may be ideal for studying the genes that their complete loss of function may lead to decrease of plant growth or plant death.  相似文献   

A shotgun lipidomics approach that allowed the analysis of eight lipid classes directly from crude extracts of the soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti is presented. New MS-MS transitions are reported for the analysis of monomethylphosphatidylethanolamines, dimethylphosphatidylethanolamines, and three bacterial non-phosphorus-containing lipid classes [sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols, ornithines, and diacylglyceryl-(N,N,N-trimethyl)-homoserines]. Unique MS-MS transitions allowed the analysis of isomeric species from various lipid classes without chromatography. Analyses required small sample amounts and minimal preparation; thus, this methodology has excellent potential to be used as a screening tool for the analysis of large numbers of samples in functional genomics studies. FA distributions within lipid classes of S. meliloti are described for the first time, and the relative positions of fatty acyl substituents (sn-1, sn-2) in phospholipids are presented. FA distributions in diacylglyceryl-(N,N,N-trimethyl)-homoserines were identical to those of phospholipids, indicating a common biosynthetic origin for these lipids. The method was applied to the analysis of mutants deficient in the PhoB regulator protein. Increased lipid cyclopropanation was observed in PhoB-deficient mutants under Pi starvation.  相似文献   

We report that CCR3 is not expressed on freshly isolated peripheral and germinal B cells, but is up-regulated after stimulation with IL-2 and IL-4 (approximately 98% CCR3(+)). Ligation of CCR3 by eotaxin/chemokine ligand (CCL) 11 induces apoptosis in IL-2- and IL-4-stimulated primary CD19(+) (approximately 40% apoptotic cells) B cell cultures as well as B cell lines, but has no effect on chemotaxis or cell adhesion. Freshly isolated B cells express low levels of CD95 and CD95 ligand (CD95L) (19 and 21%, respectively). Expression is up-regulated on culture in the presence of a combination of IL-2, IL-4, and eotaxin/CCL11 (88% CD95 and 84% CD95L). We therefore propose that ligation of such newly induced CCR3 on peripheral and germinal B cells by eotaxin/CCL11 leads to the enhanced levels of CD95 and CD95L expression. Ligation of CD95 by its CD95L expressed on neigboring B cells triggers relevant death signaling pathways, which include an increase in levels of Bcl-2 expression, its functional activity, and the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytosol. These events initiate a cascade of enzymatic processes of the caspase family, culminating in programmed cell death. Interaction between CCR3 and eotaxin/CCL11 may, besides promoting allergic reactions, drive activated B cells to apoptosis, thereby reducing levels of Ig production, including IgE, and consequently limit the development of the humoral immune response. The apoptotic action of eotaxin/CCL11 suggests a therapeutic modality in the treatment of B cell lymphoma.  相似文献   



Poxviruses are important pathogens of humans, livestock and wild animals. These large dsDNA viruses have a set of core orthologs whose gene order is extremely well conserved throughout poxvirus genera. They also contain many genes with sequence and functional similarity to host genes which were probably acquired by horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

The cloning of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) cDNAs provides a basis for understanding the actions of glucocorticoids in the central nervous system. Structural evidence is presented for the identity of the type I corticosteroid binding site as the MR expressed in the brain. This identification is supported by the anatomical distribution of MR mRNA, determined by in situ hybridization histochemistry, which parallels the steroid autoradiographic localization of the type I sites. An in vitro assay for MR and GR function demonstrates that these receptors respond to different levels of glucocorticoid, suggesting that together they confer a larger dynamic range of sensitivity to this hormone. These studies lead to a new hypothesis for glucocorticoid action in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The Nogo receptor (NgR) plays a central role in mediating growth-inhibitory activities of myelin-derived proteins, thereby severely limiting axonal regeneration after injury of the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS). The inhibitory proteins Nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein (OMgp) all bind to the extracellular leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain of NgR, which provides a large molecular surface for protein-protein interactions. However, epitopes within the LRR domain of NgR for binding Nogo, MAG and OMgp have not yet been revealed. Here, we report an evolutionary approach based on the ribosome display technology for detecting regions involved in ligand binding. By applying this method of "affinity fingerprinting" to the NgR ligand binding domain we were able to detect a distinct region important for binding to Nogo. Several residues defining the structural epitope of NgR involved in interaction with Nogo were subsequently confirmed by alanine scanning mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The recent advent of mass spectrometry-based methodologies for the analysis of complex protein mixtures opens new opportunities for the discovery of biomarkers that may aid in the diagnostic work-up of cancer. Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the most common form of low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the Western Hemisphere. Identification of tumor markers that facilitate early disease detection would be a significant advance in the management of FL. We have employed a strategy that entailed propagation of a follicular-derived cell line in serum-free media, protein extraction, and reverse-phase liquid chromatography, with subsequent electrospray ionization and tandem mass spectrometry analysis for the identification of proteins that are released by FL. Using a two-peptide minimum per protein and standard criteria, 209 proteins (5.6% maximum predicted error rate) released from the FL cells were identified. The released proteins included several growth factors, cytokines, acute phase reactants and cellular components previously known to be present in FL cells. Importantly, a greater proportion of proteins previously unassociated with FL were identified with high statistical confidence. Our studies provide a list of proteins, which may be candidates for early screening, diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of patients with a suspected or biopsy-confirmed diagnosis of FL.  相似文献   

Understanding active proinflammatory mechanisms at and before type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) onset is hindered in humans, given that the relevant tissues are inaccessible and pancreatic immune responses are difficult to measure in the periphery by traditional approaches. Therefore, we investigated the use of a sensitive and comprehensive genomics strategy to investigate the presence of proinflammatory factors in serum. The sera of recent onset diabetes patients (n = 15, 12 possessing and 3 lacking islet cell autoantibodies), long-standing diabetes patients (n = 12), "at risk" siblings of diabetes patients (n = 9), and healthy controls (n = 12) were used to induce gene expression in unrelated, healthy PBMC. After culture, gene expression was measured with microarrays and normalized expression data were subjected to hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling. All recent onset sera induced an expression signature (192 UniGenes; fold change: >1.5, p < 0.01; false discovery rate: <0.01) that included IL-1 cytokine family members and chemokines involved in monocyte/macrophage and neutrophil chemotaxis, as well as numerous receptors and signaling molecules. This molecular signature was not induced with the sera of healthy controls or long standing diabetes patients, where longitudinal analysis of "at risk" siblings (n = 3) before and after onset support the hypothesis that the signature emerges years before onset. This study supports prior investigations of serum that reflect disease processes associated with progression to T1DM. Identification of unique inflammatory mediators may improve disease prediction beyond current islet autoantibodies. Furthermore, proinflammatory serum markers may be used as inclusion criteria or endpoint measures in clinical trials aimed at preventing T1DM.  相似文献   

Hamilton JJ  Reed JL 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34670
Genome-scale network reconstructions are useful tools for understanding cellular metabolism, and comparisons of such reconstructions can provide insight into metabolic differences between organisms. Recent efforts toward comparing genome-scale models have focused primarily on aligning metabolic networks at the reaction level and then looking at differences and similarities in reaction and gene content. However, these reaction comparison approaches are time-consuming and do not identify the effect network differences have on the functional states of the network. We have developed a bilevel mixed-integer programming approach, CONGA, to identify functional differences between metabolic networks by comparing network reconstructions aligned at the gene level. We first identify orthologous genes across two reconstructions and then use CONGA to identify conditions under which differences in gene content give rise to differences in metabolic capabilities. By seeking genes whose deletion in one or both models disproportionately changes flux through a selected reaction (e.g., growth or by-product secretion) in one model over another, we are able to identify structural metabolic network differences enabling unique metabolic capabilities. Using CONGA, we explore functional differences between two metabolic reconstructions of Escherichia coli and identify a set of reactions responsible for chemical production differences between the two models. We also use this approach to aid in the development of a genome-scale model of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002. Finally, we propose potential antimicrobial targets in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Staphylococcus aureus based on differences in their metabolic capabilities. Through these examples, we demonstrate that a gene-centric approach to comparing metabolic networks allows for a rapid comparison of metabolic models at a functional level. Using CONGA, we can identify differences in reaction and gene content which give rise to different functional predictions. Because CONGA provides a general framework, it can be applied to find functional differences across models and biological systems beyond those presented here.  相似文献   

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