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Concerns about the commercialization of genetics have spawned a debate over the symbolic logic and meaning of DNA. The assumption is that different meanings for DNA have social and ethical consequences. Genetic essentialism as an interpretive meaning for DNA is argued to encapsulate values of materialism and autonomy that make it compatible with capital accumulation. Whether or not genetic commerce actually requires genetic essentialism is an empirical question and this study proposes that it is not difficult to find non-essentialist genetics. Two paths of inquiry are adopted. First, the history and origins of the distinction between genotype and phenotype is revisited. This history of gene theory, in particular the effort to purge vitalism, is linked to DNA and the central dogma of molecular biology. Secondly, a rather specialized debate within anthropology about the meaning of mana is introduced. An analysis of definitions for genotype and phenotype reveals a structure commensurate with the metaphysics of mana. Parallels are established between how the meaning of mana has been essentialized and the current efforts to fix the symbolic logic of DNA.  相似文献   

The ethnographic interpretation of "meaningless" ritual—ritual in which participants are not able to give verbal accounts of the symbolic meanings involved—poses basic questions about the relationships among language, culture, and meaning. Along with verbal meaning expressible in language, rituals are often observed to have important practical meaning outside of language. Aside from basic how-to, facilitating dimensions, practical meaning systems can also constitute metaphor and accomplish reference in ways that are parallel to, yet distinct from, verbal and gestural language functions. Techniques of language analysis are useful in interpreting practical meaning in ritual if language meaning is viewed from the perspective of Wittgensteinian use-based semantics and language is seen in context of a more general multidomain meaning system module that supports the communicative aspects of culture. [Keywords: ritual, aesthetics, communication, ethnography, Fiji]  相似文献   

Moving beyond the ecological functionalism of Pigs for the Ancestors, Roy Rappaport's subsequent work on ritual explored how the "obvious aspects" of ritual's formalism and the need to perform it literally embody in its performers expressions of sanctity and truth that counter the threats of lying and alternative inherent in symbolic communication. He recognized that symbolic meaning and truth presuppose social cooperation and trust between individuals, and ritual serves uniquely to reaffirm this mutuality at the level of both individual behavior and conventional meaning. Through a study of male greetings among olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis), this paper illustrates how ritual in Rappaport's sense may indeed intensify cooperation in socially complex but nonlinguistic contexts by establishing a behaviorally transparent means of certifying otherwise opaque individual intentions. Thus, not only may ritual sanctify symbolic communication, but it also may have played a crucial role in its evolution, [ritual, sociocultural evolution, religion and society, symbolic communication, olive baboons, primate social behavior]  相似文献   

Research in animal behavior begins by identifying what animals are doing. In the course of observation, the observer comes to see animals as performing a particular activity. How does this process work? How cn we be certain that behavior is identified correctly? Wittgenstein offers an approach to these questions. looking at the uses of certainly rather than attempting to find rules that guarantee it. Here two stages in research are distinguished: first, watching animals, and second, reporting the results to other scientists. Certainly about what animals are doing, has different uses at each stage.  相似文献   

Calcium functions as a secondary messenger within the cytosols of eukaryotes. This serves as a reference point to evaluate three related questions:Exploration of these three interrelated questions indicates the importance of more sensitive techniques and of a refined concept of information transfer and transduction. 1. Calcium, as well as cyclic AMP, also functions as a paracrine messenger; how specific and extensive is this use? 2. Calcium binding proteins and calcium extrusion mechanisms have been identified in prokaryotes; does it function as a messenger? 3. The concentrations of other divalent cations, especially zinc and magnesium, are well regulated and perturbations have specific physiological impacts; are these divalents involved in information transfer? Exploration of these three interrelated questions indicates the importance of more sensitive techniques and of a refined concept of information transfer and transduction.  相似文献   

Mordini E  Massari S 《Bioethics》2008,22(9):488-498
According to a popular aphorism, biometrics are turning the human body into a passport or a password. As usual, aphorisms say more than they intend. Taking the dictum seriously, we would be two: ourself and our body. Who are we, if we are not our body? And what is our body without us? The endless history of identification systems teaches that identification is not a trivial fact but always involves a web of economic interests, political relations, symbolic networks, narratives and meanings. Certainly there are reasons for the ethical and political concerns surrounding biometrics but these reasons are probably quite different from those usually alleged.  相似文献   

For many years, it has been known that archaic hominids had more robust long bones than do living populations, a fact that has been linked to their more physically strenuous lives. But many questions remain. How much stronger, for example, were Neanderthals than living humans? And what does this difference in strength tell us about the behavior of our ancestors? Recent research has shown that some of our earlier assumptions about robusticity and behavior in earlier humans are either simplistic or untrue. For example, it is now clear that although earlier humans were, on the average, stronger than living peoples, this is not invariably the case. Some modern human groups have even stronger humeri than those of Neanderthals. The fact that changes in robusticity do not always neatly coincide with subsistence or technological change suggests that interpretations derived in large measure from stone-tool technology and other artifactual evidence may be misleading. This new information on physical strength in earlier humans necessitates a reassessment of traditional ideas about earlier human behavior.  相似文献   

This article analyses revolutionary social change by exploring how people attempt to create a radically different future by taking action in the present, and the challenges that beset this transformation. Examining the relationship between the future, the present, and the past, the article takes the case of the spread of armed underground Maoist guerrillas in India to ask two questions: First, why does India hang on to this form of utopianism when the rest of the world appears to have abandoned it? Second, how and why does the ‘muck of the past’ influence the production of a radically different future? In answering these questions, this article suggests that for both processes of radical social change and our theories of them, we need to reinsert our analyses of politico‐economic conditions into our ideologies of social change.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, assisted reproduction has introduced new challenges to the way people conceive and build their families. While the numbers of donor-conceived (DC) individuals have increased worldwide, there are still many controversies concerning access to donor information. Is there a fundamental moral right to know one’s genetic background? What does identity in DC families mean? Is there any relationship between identity formation and disclosure of genetic origins? These questions are addressed by analysing core regulatory discourse (ethical recommendations and codes of practice). This analysis shows that the notion of narrative identity is suitable for defining and answering these questions. This review analyses the meaning of resemblance in DC families and the way donors are selected following affinity-ties and discusses disclosure strategies and agreements. As a preliminary conclusion, it could be said that, in the field of third-party reproduction, knowing about the donor conception significantly contributes towards the development of a narrative identity and also serves as a moral basis for the child’s right to know.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the social and political implications of the substantial expansion of genetic tests and neonatal screening. The introduction of neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis is one of the significant developments that have fuelled debate on their appropriateness. It has raised a series of questions on the pros and cons, the role of evidence in biomedicine, and the articulation between the therapeutic approach and foetal selection. In this respect France provides an ideal research field as it was one of the first countries to generalize this screening, launched in January 2002. Several questions arise: What were the terms of the debate in France and their underlying logics? How was consensus reached? More generally, what does this screening tell us about policies on life forms today?  相似文献   

Halliday  G. 《Dreaming》2010,20(4):219
What does it mean to interpret a dream? While reading Stekel, an underappreciated but fascinating author, I was struck both by his keen insights as well as his interpretive limitations. This led to broader questions concerning the polyvocal concept of “meaning” in the interpretation of dreams. This article suggests the meaning of dreams can include wish fulfillments, univocal translations, clarifying the life context, morphological equivalences, associations, and personal history. Stepping back, even the question of “interpretation” versus “appreciation” reminds us that the need, if any, for interpretation will vary depending on who is asking the question. Indeed, reflections on the “who” or ego in the dream leads beyond dreaming to ultimate questions concerning the reality of ego and meditative reflections on what it means to truly be awake and aware of life as it is. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In his 1991 book, Intraspecific Variation in the Social Systems of Wild Vertebrates, Dale Lott1 reviews the evidence that a single social system does not characterize a species. Rather, he says, the longer a species is studied and the wider the range of habitats in which it is studied, the more variation is discovered. I strongly recommend this book as a concise review of recent studies on nonprimate vertebrates for anyone needing a comparative perspective on a question that deeply concerns students of primates. The clarity of Lott's exposition led me to ask several questions. If differences in the behavior of populations can be described in terms of differences in the behavior of individuals, what is gained by speaking in terms of a social system? What is a social system anyway? Is it possible that the social system is a concept that might actually get in the way of understanding social behavior?  相似文献   

One of the most common themes in ethnography is the symbolic incorporation of animals as quasi-social subjects, as well as the interpreting of animal behavior as motivated by intentionality, and having social relationships similar to those of humans. The question arises, does this distinction between the social and natural world also diverge at the level of perception? If so, why? To investigate these issues a test of holistic perception—a form of visual perception almost exclusively used when looking at human faces—of roosters was conducted among Balinese with different levels of interest in and exposure to roosters. The findings suggest that holistic perception does emerge for environmental objects under certain conditions.  相似文献   

As evidence for the existence of brain?expressed imprinted genes accumulates, we need to address exactly what they are doing in this tissue, especially in terms of organizational themes and the major challenges posed by reconciling imprinted gene action in brain with current evolutionary theories attempting to explain the origin and maintenance of genomic imprinting. We are at the beginning of this endeavor and much work remains to be done but already it is clear that imprinted genes have the potential to influence diverse behavioral processes via multiple brain mechanisms. There are also grounds to believe that imprinting may contribute to risk of mental and neurological disease. As well as being a source of basic information about imprinted genes in the brain (e.g., via the newly established website, www.bgg.cardiff.ac.uk/imprinted_tables/index.html), we have used this chapter to identify and focus on a number of key questions. How are brain?expressed imprinted genes organized at the molecular and cellular levels? To what extent does imprinted action depend on neurodevelopmental mechanisms? Do imprinted gene effects interact with other epigenetic influences, especially early on in life? Are imprinted effects on adult behaviors adaptive or just epiphenomena? If they are adaptive, what areas of brain function and behavior might be sensitive to imprinted effects? These are big questions and, as shall become apparent, we need much more data, arising from interactions between behavioral neuroscientists, molecular biologists and evolutionary theorists, if we are to begin to answer them.  相似文献   

Living Homo sapiens can define itself using both behavioral and anatomical uniquenesses. But is this possible when looking backward? Using a strict morphological definition, Homo sapiens can probably be traced back in the fossil record to about 150 kyr ago, which fits well with molecular estimates for the ancestor of all living human populations. However, activities reliably indicating established symbolic cognition can be recognized in the archaeological record only back to under 100 kyr ago. Since it is probable that the potential for symbolic cognition was born in the genetic/structural alterations that also gave rise to the distinctive morphological entity Homo sapiens, it appears that the expression of the human symbolic cognitive potential had to await, for many millennia, the >discovery< of that potential through a cultural rather than a biological stimulus. Most plausibly, this stimulus was the invention of language. Modern human symbolic cognition is not an extrapolation of pre-existing evolutionary trends, suggesting that Homo sapiens is not biologically >fine-tuned< for any specific behavior patterns.  相似文献   

Hooded seal pups are suckled for a total of four days; chimpanzees and elephants sometimes are suckled for as long as eight years. This enormous range suggests considerable diversity in reproductive strategies. Lactation represents early maternal effort, whereas weaning is the infant's transition to nutritional independence. Weaning behavior is thus important from two interconnected perspectives: that of the infant during this transition and that of the mother with the cessation of lactation and the resumption of her reproductive capacity. What controls such diversity in the duration of lactation? What are the consequences of this diversity for mothers in terms of reproduction and for infants in terms of their growth and survival? How are differences in lactation reflected in behavioral interactions? The answers to these questions involve consideration of weaning and growth, and have implications for life histories.  相似文献   

The teeth of every primate, living and extinct, are covered by a hard, durable layer of enamel. This is not unique: Almost all mammals have enamel-covered teeth. In addition, all of the variations in enamel structure that occur in primates are also found in other groups of mammals. Nevertheless, the very complexity of enamel and the variation we see in it on the teeth of living and fossil primates raise questions about its evolutionary significance. Is the complex structure of primate enamel adaptive? What, if anything, does enamel structure tell us about primate phylogeny? To answer these questions, we need to look more closely at the characteristics of prismatic enamel in primates and at the distribution of those characteristics, both in relation to our knowledge of primate dental function and feeding ecology and from a phylogenetic perspective.  相似文献   

Is a painful experience less bad for you if you will not remember it? Do you have less reason to fear it? These questions bear on how we think about medical procedures and surgeries that use an anesthesia regimen that leaves patients conscious – and potentially in pain – but results in complete ‘drug‐induced amnesia’ after the fact. I argue that drug‐induced amnesia does not render a painful medical procedure a less fitting object of fear, and thus the prospect of amnesia does not give patients a reason not to fear it. I expose three mistakes in reasoning that might explain our tendency to view pain or discomfort as less fearful in virtue of expected amnesia: a mistaken view of personal identity; a mistaken view of the target of anticipation; and a mistaken method of incorporating past evidence into calculations about future experiences. Ultimately my argument has implications for whether particular procedures are justified and how medical professionals should speak with anxious patients about the prospect of drug‐induced amnesia.  相似文献   

Previous empirical work suggests that firms with high environmental performance tend to be profitable, but questions persist about the nature of the relationship. Does stronger environmental performance really lead to better financial performance, or is the observed relationship the outcome of some other underlying firm attribute? Does it pay to have cleanrunning facilities or to have facilities in relatively clean industries? To explore these questions, we analyze 652 U.S. manufacturing firms over the time period 1987–1996. Although we find evidence of an association between lower pollution and higher financial valuation, we find that a firm's fixed characteristics and strategic position might cause this association. Our findings suggest that “When does it pay to be green?” may be a more important question than “Does it pay to be green?”  相似文献   

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