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It was found out, that mean ratio of unfed taiga ticks Ixodes persulcatus having a life cycle of 3-5 and 6 years counts respectively (N = 6) 33.6, 52.8, 13.2 and 0.4%. Data on absolute number of I. persulcatus individuals in the process of onthogenesis is given. It is shown, that mortality of different unfed stages increases from larva to imago. In the autumn-winter period, the mean ratio of eliminated individuals counted 16% of larvae, 20% of nymphs, and 38 of imago. The mortality in the spring-summer period caused mainly by the deficit of hosts and counted for these stages 3, 82 and 98% respectively. Engorged ticks successfully undertake unfavorable conditions both in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods. Their mean mortality in the period from feeding to moulting does not exceed 12%.  相似文献   

Results of two large-scale surveys of Ixodes persulcatus distribution were compared. Surveys were conducted in a south taiga forest area in the Khabarovsk region two and ten years after a great fire. The direct inhibiting effect of the fire on the population of I. persulcatus was not continuous though apparent. By the moment of pyrogenic small forests formation on slash fires, i.e. during the period not exceeding 2-3 complete developmental cycles of I. persulcatus, the abundance and spatial structure of its population are restored completely.  相似文献   

The study conducted in 1996-1997 has shown that in large town lads there is a steady population of the taiga tick with the maximum number 3 specimens per 1 km of account route. In these lads there are well developed wood and shrub layer, grass cover and thick ground litter layer. Tick larvae often occur on rodents from these territories. In lads and gardens, where the ground litter is ruined and herbal cover is oppressed, the taiga ticks do not occur. In outskirts the number of ticks is higher. Abundance of ticks in these areas has an inverted dependence upon recreational load degree.  相似文献   

A retrospective estimation of the abundance dynamics of the taiga tick Ixodes persulcatus in mixed coniferous and leaf-bearing forests of the Udmurtia Republic in the period 1957-1986 was carried out. A possibility to estimate the absolute number of all stages of I. persulcatus based on relative indices. Females of I. persulcatus lay 20,250 eggs per 1 hectare, and this number of eggs gives birth to 15,000 larvae. From this number, 7870 larvae hibernate and 6550 individuals became fed. The number of nymphs is 5930, among which 5110 individuals live up to spring, and 1390 became fed. The number of adult mites in autumn is 1250; in subsequent spring this number decreases to 780. The mean number of engorged females is 8. The mortality rate of ticks caused by the deficit of hosts increases from preimaginal stages to adults; for larvae, nymphs and imago this index is 16.6, 72.8, and 97.9%, respectively. Quotas of individuals with 3-, 4- and 5-year life cycle among the unfed imago are 70.4, 28.0, and 1.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

Three generations of the taiga tick Ixodes persulcatus, the descendants from naturally infected females, have been examined by means of dark field and phase contrast microscopies and indirect immunofluorescent reactions with monoclonal antibodies. Location of borreliae in oocytes was examined by means of electron microscopy. The examined ticks derived from 9 females collected in the Novgorod Province, from 6 females of 1st laboratory generation and 5 females of the 2nd generation. In total, 250 larvae, 178 nymphs, 59 females and 70 males of three consequent generation have been examined. Almost 100% of descendants of naturally infected females were infected with Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. and similar infection rate was observed in unfed tick larvae collected in field conditions. The borreliae received transovarially to larvae of the 1st generation then were transmitted to 100% nymphs and imago of this generation and two next generations.  相似文献   

In children and adults Ixodes persulcatus adheres mostly often to axillary space, neck, anterior surface of the trunk and comparatively seldom to extremities in distal direction. Rather often in children the tick adheres to the head; with age the strength of adhering to the axillary space increases. The topography of adherings of I. persulcatus is closely associated with the character of activities and clothes of the population, ecological characters of the tick, size, anatomical, hystological and physiological properties of the man's organism in child's, juvenile and adult age, and weather-climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The first tarsal segment of the taiga tick bears 4 general types of sensilla (except for sensilla forming the Haller's sensory organ on the dorsal surface of the tarsus): tactile mechanoreceptor sensilla of 3 types, contact chemo-mechanoreceptor sensilla of 2 types, and double-walled pore sensilla. One of these types, the chemo-mechanoreceptor upper-pore sensilla, was found only in the Ixodinae, and not found in the examined representatives of the Amblyomminae. This type of sensilla was also found in the palpal receptor organ of the ixodid and argasid ticks.  相似文献   

The method of estimation of the biological age in non-feeding tick females by the level of adipose inclusions in the cells of the midgut and fat body is developed. In order to estimate the fat reserves in non-feeding females, alive ticks were dissected and fragments of their internal were vitally stained with the pregnant solution of sudan III in 70 % ethanol. Three age-specific groups were established: I, young females whose intestines and fat body were filled with fat inclusions; II, mature females whose fat reserves were partially expended; III, old females having isolated fat inclusions in their midgut and fat body.  相似文献   

Basic postulates of the theory of natural focality of infections are considered in terms of modern ecological parasitology using the example of Ixodes ricinus and I. persulcatus ticks, the main vectors of tickborne encephalitis and borrelioses in Eurasia. Consideration is given to data on the population structure of ticks, their distribution in ecosystems, abundance, mortality at different stages of the life cycle, seasonal dynamics of activity, occurrence on different vertebrate species, relationships with potential hosts, and connections agents of infections. Due to long individual life span and development of one generation over 3–6 years, tick vector provide not only for transmission of pathogens, but also for their long-term storage and amplification. Several alternative routes of tick infection of ticks provide for pathogen exchange between individuals at different phases of development within one generation and between feeding ticks of different generations.  相似文献   

The method of estimation of the biological age in hungry tick females by revealing of the degree of lipid inclusions in the cells of the midgut and of the fat body is assumed. In order to estimate the degree of fat reserves in hungry females, live ticks were dissected and fragments of their internal organs were vitally stained with the saturated solution of Sudan III in 70% ethanol. Three age-specific groups were established, including (I) young females whose intestines and fat body were filled with fat inclusions; (II) mature females whose fat reserves were partially expended; and (III) old females possessing solitary fat inclusions in their midgut and fat body.  相似文献   

Gene's organ of the camel tick Hyalomma (Hyalomma) dromedarii is located in the anterodorsal region of the body cavity ventrad to the scutum. It consists of a short stalk, dividing posteriorly into 2 pairs of horns and then into tubular glands. In unfed ticks, the epithelial layer of both the stalk and horns is lined internally by 2 cuticular layers; an inner, thin, greatly folded, dense layer surrounds the organ main lumen, and an outer, thick, slightly folded, less dense layer abuts the cell apices. Only the inner cuticular layer extends into the horn posterior region and appears perforated with numerous pore canals and covered with fine, cuticular projections. The horn and tubular glands epithelium is structurally consistent with a secretory function that apparently increases as feeding progresses. During oviposition, the inner cuticular layer unfolds and inflates into a pair of balloonlike structures that evert through the organ external aperture to receive and manipulate each egg as it is laid, coating it with a waxy layer that prevents desiccation. The fine cuticular projections may have a function in gripping the eggs as they leave the vagina. This organ appears to be everted by hydrostatic pressure from the hemolymph and is retracted by muscles.  相似文献   

Ethological experiments with the desert tick Hyalomma asiaticum asiaticum are conducted. It is shown that tick inhabiting open landscapes discovers his host using his eyes. Since the eyes of this species have a poor resolving possibility, black objects with white strips drawn on it are less attractive for the tick. When the tick scans an area looking for host, the principal optical axis of his eyes is directed not higher than 20 degrees. In allows the tick to discover objects having angular sizes of 5 degrees and greater.  相似文献   

Seasonal cohorts of the unfed Ixodes persulcatus imago in the study area were found to consist of the ticks passed through three-, four-, and five-year life cycles, in the ratio 72.6, 26.4, and 2.0% respectively, on the base of mean long-term values. Such ratio is established if 91.7% of larvae and 79.9% of nymphs develop without diapause, while the rest of larvae and nymphs develop with diapause. Mean duration of the tick generation is 3.3 years, with the fluctuations in certain of the years within the limits of 3.15-3.36 years.  相似文献   

The population of earthworms has been studied in the main types of old-growth dark coniferous forests of Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve (Komi Republic) that have not been subject to anthropogeniс impact for a long time. Ten species of earthworms have been identified. The greatest diversity (7 species), abundance, and biomass of earthworms has been revealed in the tall-grass fir–spruce forests. P. diplotetratheca had the greatest abundance. E. nordenskioldi nordenskioldi and E. atlavinyteae had the greatest biomass. The lowest species diversity (3 species), abundance, and biomass of earthworms have been found in the largefern, blueberry–green moss, and sphagnum–horsetail fir–spruce forests. The role of deadwood in maintaining the species diversity of Lumbricidae in dark coniferous forests has been demonstrated. The complexes of Lumbricidae have been considered in anthropogenically disturbed territories, where the following species with a habitat range to the south of the northern and middle taiga have been identified: L. rubellus, A. rosea, A. caliginosa caliginosa, and E. fetida.  相似文献   

In four extensive disjunct areas of the distribution range of Ixodes crenulatus Koch, 1844 complexes of samples in 8 locations, and separate samples in two locations have been studied (fig.). Morphological characters (sizes of organs of idiosome, gnathostoma, legs, as well as some proportions of organs), which show statistically significant differences between complexes of samples on all corresponding stages of ontogenesis were revealed (tabl. 1, 2). Statistically significant differences were determined by Student's criterion (table. 3, 4). We use the term "transit" characters to denote these characters if they have to addition a similar tendency at all stages of ontogenesis. Complexes of samples showing statistically significant differences of transit characters are considered by us as morphotypes. Apparently these differences of morphotypes were formed evolutionally. In European disjunct area morphotypes divided into two groups on the basis of the degree of differences: western (A, B), and eastern (C, D, E). Degree of differences of morphotypes within each group is low, whereas one between of these two groups is high and corresponds to differences of morphotypes A, B from all Asian morphotypes (F, G, H, I, J), and of morphotypes C, D, E from Asian ones in mountain disjunct areas I. crenulatus (G, H, I, J). At the same time Eastern-European complex of morphotypes (C, D, E) is morphologically similar to the morphotype from north Kazakhstan disjunct area (F). All Asian morphotypes have high degree of differences one from the other. Species of the genus Marmota are initial hosts of I. crenulatus, they retain the main role as hosts in Eastern-European and Asian morphotypes: C, D, E, F--M. bobac bobac (Muller, 1776), G--M. baibacina centralis (Thomas, 1909), I, J--M. sibirica sibirica (Radde, 1862). The most aberrant in all characters morphotypes are the ones inhabiting European areas (A, B), where marmots are exterminated. These morphotypes parasitize on hibernating carnivores.  相似文献   

Ixodes uriae is a common ectoparasite of colonial seabirds in the circumpolar areas of both hemispheres. Despite its potential effects on host population dynamics and its role as a vector of pathogens, little is known about the reproductive strategies of this tick under natural conditions. Multiple mating of engorged females has been recorded in several instances, but the resulting paternity of offspring and its potential evolutionary significance have never been evaluated. Here, the paternity of offspring produced by females collected in the field was determined by using 5 polymorphic microsatellite markers. The results indicate that multiple mating in I. uriae can lead to multiple paternity in broods and, given the life history of this parasite, may be related to the adaptive benefits of producing genetically diverse offspring. Copulations took place both before and after the female's blood meal, but most successful fertilizations seemed to occur before engorgement. This suggests that the mating strategies of this tick may have evolved in response to local environmental constraints and, in particular, to the availability of conspecific ticks.  相似文献   

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