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Receptors for purines and pyrimidines are expressed throughout the cardiovascular system. This study investigated their functional expression in porcine isolated pancreatic arteries. Pancreatic arteries (endothelium intact or denuded) were prepared for isometric tension recording and preconstricted with U46619, a thromboxane A2 mimetic; adenosine-5′-diphosphate (ADP), uridine-5′-triphosphate (UTP) and MRS2768, a selective P2Y2 agonist, were applied cumulatively, while adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) and αβ-methylene-ATP (αβ-meATP) response curves were generated from single concentrations per tissue segment. Antagonists/enzyme inhibitors were applied prior to U46619 addition. ATP, αβ-meATP, UTP and MRS2768 induced vasoconstriction, with a potency order of αβ-meATP > MRS2768 > ATP ≥ UTP. Contractions to ATP and αβ-meATP were blocked by NF449, a selective P2X1 receptor antagonist. The contraction induced by ATP, but not UTP, was followed by vasorelaxation. Endothelium removal and DUP 697, a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, had no significant effect on contraction to ATP but attenuated that to UTP, indicating actions at distinct receptors. MRS2578, a selective P2Y6 receptor antagonist, had no effect on contractions to UTP. ADP induced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation which was inhibited by MRS2179, a selective P2Y1 receptor antagonist, or SCH58261, a selective adenosine A2A receptor antagonist. The contractions to ATP and αβ-meATP were attributed to actions at P2X1 receptors on the vascular smooth muscle, whereas it was shown for the first time that UTP induced an endothelium-dependent vasoconstriction which may involve P2Y2 and/or P2Y4 receptors. The relaxation induced by ADP is mediated by P2Y1 and A2A adenosine receptors. Porcine pancreatic arteries appear to lack vasorelaxant P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors.  相似文献   

Following vessel wall injury, platelets adhere to the exposed subendothelium, become activated and release mediators such as TXA2 and nucleotides stored at very high concentration in the so-called dense granules. Released nucleotides and other soluble agents act in a positive feedback mechanism to cause further platelet activation and amplify platelet responses induced by agents such as thrombin or collagen. Adenine nucleotides act on platelets through three distinct P2 receptors: two are G protein-coupled ADP receptors, namely the P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptor subtypes, while the P2X1 receptor ligand-gated cation channel is activated by ATP. The P2Y1 receptor initiates platelet aggregation but is not sufficient for a full platelet aggregation in response to ADP, while the P2Y12 receptor is responsible for completion of the aggregation to ADP. The latter receptor, the molecular target of the antithrombotic drugs clopidogrel, prasugrel and ticagrelor, is responsible for most of the potentiating effects of ADP when platelets are stimulated by agents such as thrombin, collagen or immune complexes. The P2X1 receptor is involved in platelet shape change and in activation by collagen under shear conditions. Each of these receptors is coupled to specific signal transduction pathways in response to ADP or ATP and is differentially involved in all the sequential events involved in platelet function and haemostasis. As such, they represent potential targets for antithrombotic drugs.  相似文献   

A series of small molecules based on a chemotype identified from our compound collection were synthesized and tested for binding affinity (IC(50)) at the human Neuropeptide Y Y(2) receptor (NPY Y(2)). Six of the 23 analogs tested possessed an NPY Y(2) IC(50) ≤ 15 nM. One member of this series, JNJ 31020028, is a selective, high affinity, receptor antagonist existing as a racemic mixture. As such a synthetic route to the desired enantiomer was designed starting from commercially available (S)-(+)-mandelic acid.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetically activated oocytes cannot develop to term in mammals due to the lack of paternal gene expression and failed X chromosome inactivation (XCI). To further characterize porcine parthenogenesis, the expression of 18 imprinted genes was compared between parthenogenetic (PA) and normally fertilized embryos (Con) using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The results revealed that maternally expressed genes were over-expressed, whereas paternally expressed genes were significantly reduced in PA fetuses and placentas. The results of bisulfite sequencing PCR (BSP) demonstrated that PRE-1 and Satellite were hypermethylated in both Con and PA fetuses and placentas, while XIST DMRs were hypomethylated only in PA samples. Taken together, these results suggest that the aberrant methylation profile of XIST DMRs and abnormal imprinted gene expression may be responsible for developmental failure and impaired growth in porcine parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

Fibroblast proliferation and procollagen production are central features of tissue repair and fibrosis. In addition to its role in blood clotting, the coagulation cascade proteinase thrombin can contribute to tissue repair by stimulating fibroblasts via proteolytic activation of proteinase-activated receptor-1 (PAR1). During hemostasis, the coagulation cascade proteinase factor X is converted into factor Xa. We have previously shown that factor Xa upregulates fibroblast proliferation via production of autocrine PDGF. In this study, we further examined the effects of factor Xa on fibroblast function and aimed to identify its signaling receptor. We showed that factor Xa stimulates procollagen promoter activity and protein production by human and mouse fibroblasts. This effect was independent of PDGF and thrombin production, but dependent on factor Xa proteolytic activity. We also showed that PAR1-deficient mouse fibroblasts did not upregulate procollagen production, mobilize cytosolic calcium, or proliferate in response to factor Xa. Desensitization techniques and PAR1-specific agonists and inhibitors were used to demonstrate that PAR1 mediates factor Xa signaling in human fibroblasts. This is the first report that factor Xa stimulates extracellular matrix production. In contrast with endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts appear to be the only cell type in which the effects of factor Xa are mediated mainly via PAR1 and not PAR2. These findings are critical for our understanding of tissue repair and fibrotic mechanisms, and for the design of novel approaches to inhibit the profibrotic effects of the coagulation cascade without compromising blood hemostasis.  相似文献   

Tumor growth of colorectal cancers accompanies upregulation of cyclooxygenase-2, which catalyzes a conversion step from arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H(2) (PGH(2)). Here, we compared the expression levels of thromboxane synthase (TXS), which catalyzes the conversion of PGH(2) to thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2)), between human colorectal cancer tissue and its accompanying normal mucosa. It was found that TXS protein was consistently upregulated in the cancer tissues from different patients. TXS was also highly expressed in human colonic cancer cell lines. Depletion of TXS protein by the antisense oligonucleotide inhibited proliferation of the cancer cells. This inhibition was rescued by the direct addition of a stable analogue of TXA(2). The present results suggest that overexpression of TXS and subsequent excess production of TXA(2) in the cancer cells may be involved in the tumor growth of human colorectum.  相似文献   

Small non-coding RNAs, microRNAs (miRNA), inhibit the translation or accelerate the degradation of message RNA (mRNA) by targeting the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) in regulating growth and survival through gene suppression. Deregulated miRNA expression contributes to disease progression in several cancers types, including pancreatic cancers (PaCa). PaCa tissues and cells exhibit decreased miRNA, elevated cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and increased prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) resulting in increased cancer growth and metastases. Human PaCa cell lines were used to demonstrate that restoration of miRNA-143 (miR-143) regulates COX-2 and inhibits cell proliferation. miR-143 were detected at fold levels of 0.41 ± 0.06 in AsPC-1, 0.20 ± 0.05 in Capan-2 and 0.10 ± 0.02 in MIA PaCa-2. miR-143 was not detected in BxPC-3, HPAF-II and Panc-1 which correlated with elevated mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) and MAPK kinase (MEK) activation. Treatment with 10 μM of MEK inhibitor U0126 or PD98059 increased miR-143, respectively, by 187 ± 18 and 152 ± 26-fold in BxPC-3 and 182 ± 7 and 136 ± 9-fold in HPAF-II. miR-143 transfection diminished COX-2 mRNA stability at 60 min by 2.6 ± 0.3-fold in BxPC-3 and 2.5 ± 0.2-fold in HPAF-II. COX-2 expression and cellular proliferation in BxPC-3 and HPAF-II inversely correlated with increasing miR-143. PGE2 levels decreased by 39.3 ± 5.0% in BxPC-3 and 48.0 ± 3.0% in HPAF-II transfected with miR-143. Restoration of miR-143 in PaCa cells suppressed of COX-2, PGE2, cellular proliferation and MEK/MAPK activation, implicating this pathway in regulating miR-143 expression.  相似文献   

Comparison of the anorexigenic activity of CRF family peptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) family peptides have an important role in the control of food intake. We investigated the effects of CRF family peptides on food intake and body weight gain in mice. Of the CRF family peptides, including CRF, urocortin1 (Ucn1), urocortin2 (Ucn2) and urocortin3 (Ucn3), peripherally administered Ucn1 was shown to have the most potent inhibitory effect on the food intake and body weight gain of both lean and high fat fed obese mice. In addition, repeated administration of Ucn1 lowered blood glucose and acylated ghrelin, and decreased the visceral fat weight of high fat fed obese mice.  相似文献   

The Na+,K+-ATPase transforms the energy of ATP to the maintenance of steep electrochemical gradients for sodium and potassium across the plasma membrane. This activity is tissue specific, in particular due to variations in the expressions of the alpha subunit isoforms one through four. Several mutations in alpha2 and 3 have been identified that link the specific function of the Na+,K+-ATPase to the pathophysiology of neurological diseases such as rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism and familial hemiplegic migraine type 2. We show a mapping of the isoform differences and the disease-related mutations on the recently determined crystal structure of the pig renal Na+,K+-ATPase and a structural comparison to Ca2+-ATPase. Furthermore, we present new experimental data that address the role of a stretch of three conserved arginines near the C-terminus of the alpha subunit (Arg1003-Arg1005).  相似文献   

Khurana S  George SP 《FEBS letters》2008,582(14):2128-2139
Villin is a tissue-specific actin modifying protein that is associated with actin filaments in the microvilli and terminal web of epithelial cells. It belongs to a large family of actin-binding proteins which includes actin-capping, -nucleating and/or -severing proteins such as gelsolin, severin, fragmin, adseverin/scinderin and actin crosslinking proteins such as dematin and supervillin. Studies done in epithelial cell lines and villin knock-out mice have demonstrated the function of villin in regulating actin dynamics, cell morphology, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, cell migration and cell survival. In addition, the ligand-binding properties of villin (F-actin, G-actin, calcium, phospholipids and phospholipase C-gamma1) are mechanistically important for the crosstalk between signaling pathways and actin reorganization in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Kim SY  Kim TJ  Lee KY 《FEBS letters》2008,582(13):1913-1918
We report a novel function of peroxiredoxin-1 (Prx-1) in the ASK1-mediated signaling pathway. Prx-1 interacts with ASK1 via the thioredoxin-binding domain of ASK1 and this interaction is highly inducible by H2O2. However, catalytic mutants of Prx1, C52A, C173A, and C52A/C173A, could not undergo H2O2 inducible interactions, indicating that the redox-sensitive catalytic activity of Prx-1 is required for the interaction with ASK1. Prx-1 overexpression inhibited the activation of ASK1, and resulted in the inhibition of downstream signaling cascades such as the MKK3/6 and p38 pathway. In Prx-1 knockdown cells, ASK1, p38, and JNK were quickly activated, leading to apoptosis in response to H2O2. These findings suggest a negative role of Prx-1 in ASK1-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Selection of the most stable reference gene is critical for a reliable interpretation of gene expression data using RT-PCR. In order so, 17 commonly used genes were analyzed in Wistar rat duodenum, jejunum, ileum and liver following a fat gavage and at two time periods. These reference genes were also tested in liver from Zucker (fa/fa) on a long-term dietary trial. Four strategies were used to select the most suitable reference gene for each tissue: ranking according to biological coefficient of variation and further validation by statistical comparison among groups, geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper programs. No agreement was observed among these approaches for a particular gene, nor a common gene for all tissues. Furthermore we demonstrated that normalising using an inadequate reference conveyed into false negative and positive results. The selection of genes provided by BestKeeper resulted in more reliable results than the other statistical packages. According to this program, Tbp, Ubc, Hprt and Rn18s were the best reference genes for duodenum, jejunum, ileum and liver, respectively following a fat gavage in Wistar rats and Rn18s for liver in another rat strain on a long-term dietary intervention. Therefore, BestKeeper is highly recommendable to select the most stable gene to be used as internal standard and the selection of a specific reference expression gene requires a validation for each tissue and experimental design.  相似文献   

Environmental constraints disturb plant metabolism and are often associated with photosynthetic impairments and yield reductions. Among them, low positive temperatures are of up most importance in tropical plant species, namely in Coffea spp. in which some acclimation ability has been reported. To further explain cold tolerance, the impacts on photosynthetic functioning and the expression of photosynthetic-related genes were analyzed. The experiments were carried out along a period of slow cold imposition (to allow acclimation), after chilling (4 °C) exposure and in the following rewarming period, using 1.5-year-old coffee seedlings of 5 genotypes with different cold sensitivity: Coffea canephora cv. Apoatã, Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí, Coffea dewevrei and 2 hybrids, Icatu (C. arabica × C. canephora) and Piatã (C. dewevrei × C. arabica). All genotypes suffered a significant leaf area loss only after chilling exposure, with Icatu showing the lowest impact, a first indication of a higher cold tolerance, contrasting with Apoatã and C. dewevrei. During cold exposure, net photosynthesis and Chl a fluorescence parameters were strongly affected in all genotypes, but stomatal limitations were not detected. However, the extent of mesophyll limitation, reflecting regulatory mechanisms and/or damage, was genotype dependent. Overnight retention of zeaxanthin was common to Coffea genotypes, but the accumulation of photoprotective pigments was highest in Icatu. That down-regulated photochemical events but efficiently protected the photosynthetic structures, as shown, e.g., by the lowest impacts on Amax and PSI activity and the strongest reinforcement of PSII activity, the latter possibly reflecting the presence of a photoprotective cycle around PSII in Icatu (and Catuaí). Concomitant to these protection mechanisms, Icatu was the sole genotype to present simultaneous upregulation of caCP22, caPI and caCytf, related to, respectively, PSII, PSI and to the complex Cytb6/f, which could promote better repair ability, contributing to the maintenance of efficient thylakoid functioning. We conclude that Icatu showed the best acclimation ability among the studied genotypes, mostly due to a better upregulation of photoprotection and repair mechanisms. We confirmed the presence of important variability in Coffea spp. that could be exploited in breeding programs, which should be assisted by useful markers of cold tolerance, namely the upregulation of antioxidative molecules, the expression of selected genes and PSI sensitivity.  相似文献   

The involvement of salicylic acid (SA) in the regulation of stress-induced flowering in the short-day plant pharbitis (also called Japanese morning glory) Ipomoea nil (formerly Pharbitis nil) was studied. Pharbitis cv. Violet was induced to flower when grown in 1/100-strength mineral nutrient solution under non-inductive long-day conditions. All fully expanded true leaves were removed from seedlings, leaving only the cotyledons, and flowering was induced under poor-nutrition stress conditions. This indicates that cotyledons can play a role in the regulation of poor-nutrition stress-induced flowering. The expression of the pharbitis homolog of PHENYLALANINE AMMONIA-LYASE, the enzyme activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL; E.C. and the content of SA in the cotyledons were all up-regulated by the stress treatment. The Violet was also induced to flower by low-temperature stress, DNA demethylation and short-day treatment. Low-temperature stress enhanced PAL activity, whereas non-stress factors such as DNA demethylation and short-day treatment decreased the activity. The PAL enzyme activity was also examined in another cultivar, Tendan, obtaining similar results to Violet. The exogenously applied SA did not induce flowering under non-stress conditions but did promote flowering under weak stress conditions in both cultivars. These results suggest that stress-induced flowering in pharbitis is induced, at least partly, by SA, and the synthesis of SA is promoted by PAL.  相似文献   

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