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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a class of integral membrane proteins mediating physiological functions fundamental for survival, including energy homeostasis. A few years ago, an amino acid sequence of a novel GPCR gene was identified and named GPR178. In this study, we provide new insights regarding the biological significance of Gpr178 protein, investigating its evolutionary history and tissue distribution as well as examining the relationship between its expression level and feeding status. Our phylogenetic analysis indicated that GPR178 is highly conserved among all animal species investigated, and that GPR178 is not a member of a protein family. Real-time PCR and in situ hybridization revealed wide expression of Gpr178 mRNA in both the brain and periphery, with high expression density in the hypothalamus and brainstem, areas involved in the regulation of food intake. Hence, changes in receptor expression were assessed following several feeding paradigms including starvation and overfeeding. Short-term starvation (12–48h) or food restriction resulted in upregulation of Gpr178 mRNA expression in the brainstem, hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex. Conversely, short-term (48h) exposure to sucrose or Intralipid solutions downregulated Gpr178 mRNA in the brainstem; long-term exposure (10 days) to a palatable high-fat and high-sugar diet resulted in a downregulation of Gpr178 in the amygdala but not in the hypothalamus. Our results indicate that hypothalamic Gpr178 gene expression is altered during acute exposure to starvation or acute exposure to palatable food. Changes in gene expression following palatable diet consumption suggest a possible involvement of Gpr178 in the complex mechanisms of feeding reward.  相似文献   

Abstract: Previously, we reported a modest but significant reduction in the concentration of neuropeptide Y in frontal cortices from victims of suicide relative to age-matched natural or accidental death control subjects. The reduction in neuropeptide Y appeared to be greatest in a subgroup of victims of suicide for which there was indirect evidence of histories of depression. We pursued these initial findings in the present study by measuring neuropeptide Y concentrations in frontal cortices from natural or accidental death control subjects and from suicide victims in whom a firm diagnosis of major depression was established by psychiatric autopsy. Because several subjects with major depression had a comorbid diagnosis of alcoholism, a group of victims of suicide that had an Axis I diagnosis of alcohol dependence was also studied. No significant differences in neuropeptide Y concentrations were observed between control subjects and victims of suicide with major depression or victims of suicide with alcohol dependence. These findings do not support a role for neuropeptide Y in major depression.  相似文献   

Abstract: The carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic regions of the rat neurokinin 1 (substance P) and neurokinin 2 (neurokinin A) receptors have been exchanged to determine if this region of the neurokinin 1 receptor is involved in its desensitization. When expressed at similar levels in stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines, receptors containing the carboxy-terminal region of the neurokinin 1 receptor desensitized significantly more (as measured by reduction of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate response) when preexposed for 1 min to 1 µ M neurokinin, indicating a role for the carboxy-terminal region of the neurokinin 1 receptor in its desensitization. Measurement of receptor internalization using radiolabeled neurokinins (0.3 n M ) indicated that ∼75–80% of the receptors were internalized in each cell line after 10 min at 37°C, with no observable correlation between neurokinin receptor desensitization and internalization. Measurement of loss of receptor surface sites for cell lines CHO NK1 and CHO NK1NK2 following exposure to 1 µ M substance P also indicated no obvious relationship between the percent desensitization and percent of receptors internalized. Also, two inhibitors of neurokinin 1 receptor internalization, phenylarsine oxide and hyperosmolar sucrose, did not inhibit neurokinin 1 receptor desensitization. The protein kinase inhibitors Ro 31-8220, staurosporine, and Zn2+ had no effect on neurokinin 1 receptor desensitization, indicating that the kinases affected by these agents are not rate-limiting in neurokinin 1 receptor desensitization in this system.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 (SV40) outer shell is composed of 72 pentamers of VP1. The core of the VP1 monomer is a β-barrel with jelly-roll topology and extending N- and C-terminal arms. A pentapeptide hinge, KNPYP, tethers the C-arm to the VP1 β-barrel core. The five C-arms that extend from each pentamer insert into the neighbouring pentamers, tying them together through different types of interactions. In the mature virion, this element adopts either of six conformations according to their location in the capsid. We found that the hinge is conserved among 16 members of the Polyomaviridae, attesting to its importance in capsid assembly and/or structure. We have used site-directed mutagenesis to gain an understanding into the structural requirements of this element: Y299 was changed to A, F, and T, and P300 to A and G. The mutants showed reduction in viability to varying degrees. Unexpectedly, assembly was reduced only to a small extent. However, the data showed that the mutants were highly unstable. The largest effect was observed for mutations of P300, indicating a role of the proline in the virion structure. P300G was more unstable than P300A, indicating a requirement for rigidity of the pentapeptide hinge. Y299T and Y299A were more defective in viability than Y299F, highlighting the importance of an aromatic ring at this position. Structural inspection showed that this aromatic ring contacts C-arms of neighbouring pentamers. Computational modelling predicted loss of stability of the Y mutants in concordance with the experimental results. This study provides insights into the structural details of the pentapeptide hinge that are responsible for capsid stability.  相似文献   

Obesity is an underlying risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Increased hepatic lipid accumulation is a hallmark in the progression of NAFLD and impairments in liver phosphatidylcholine (PC) metabolism may be central to the pathogenesis. Hepatic PC biosynthesis, which is linked to the one-carbon (C1) metabolism by phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase, is known to be important for hepatic lipid export by VLDL particles. Here, we assessed the influence of a high-fat (HF) diet and NAFLD status in mice on hepatic methyl-group expenditure and C1-metabolism by analyzing changes in gene expression, protein levels, metabolite concentrations, and nuclear epigenetic processes. In livers from HF diet induced obese mice a significant downregulation of cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) and an increased betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) expression were observed. Experiments in vitro, using hepatoma cells stimulated with peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPARα) agonist WY14,643, revealed a significantly reduced Cbs mRNA expression. Moreover, metabolite measurements identified decreased hepatic cystathionine and L-α-amino-n-butyrate concentrations as part of the transsulfuration pathway and reduced hepatic betaine concentrations, but no metabolite changes in the methionine cycle in HF diet fed mice compared to controls. Furthermore, we detected diminished hepatic gene expression of de novo DNA methyltransferase 3b but no effects on hepatic global genomic DNA methylation or hepatic DNA methylation in the Cbs promoter region upon HF diet. Our data suggest that HF diet induces a PPARα-mediated downregulation of key enzymes in the hepatic transsulfuration pathway and upregulates BHMT expression in mice to accommodate to enhanced dietary fat processing while preserving the essential amino acid methionine.  相似文献   

PCR-ribotyping is a broadly used method for the classification of isolates of Clostridium difficile, an emerging intestinal pathogen, causing infections with increased disease severity and incidence in several European and North American countries. We have now carried out clustering analysis with selected genes of numerous C. difficile strains as well as gene content comparisons of their genomes in order to broaden our view of the relatedness of strains assigned to different ribotypes. We analyzed the genomic content of 48 C. difficile strains representing 21 different ribotypes. The calculation of distance matrix-based dendrograms using the neighbor joining method for 14 conserved genes (standard phylogenetic marker genes) from the genomes of the C. difficile strains demonstrated that the genes from strains with the same ribotype generally clustered together. Further, certain ribotypes always clustered together and formed ribotype groups, i.e. ribotypes 078, 033 and 126, as well as ribotypes 002 and 017, indicating their relatedness. Comparisons of the gene contents of the genomes of ribotypes that clustered according to the conserved gene analysis revealed that the number of common genes of the ribotypes belonging to each of these three ribotype groups were very similar for the 078/033/126 group (at most 69 specific genes between the different strains with the same ribotype) but less similar for the 002/017 group (86 genes difference). It appears that the ribotype is indicative not only of a specific pattern of the amplified 16S–23S rRNA intergenic spacer but also reflects specific differences in the nucleotide sequences of the conserved genes studied here. It can be anticipated that the sequence deviations of more genes of C. difficile strains are correlated with their PCR-ribotype. In conclusion, the results of this study corroborate and extend the concept of clonal C. difficile lineages, which correlate with ribotypes affiliation.  相似文献   

Diversity at pathogen genetic loci can be driven by host adaptive immune selection pressure and may reveal proteins important for parasite biology. Population-based genome sequencing of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for the most severe form of malaria, has highlighted two related polymorphic genes called dblmsp and dblmsp2, which encode Duffy binding-like (DBL) domain-containing proteins located on the merozoite surface but whose function remains unknown. Using recombinant proteins and transgenic parasites, we show that DBLMSP and DBLMSP2 directly and avidly bind human IgM via their DBL domains. We used whole genome sequence data from over 400 African and Asian P. falciparum isolates to show that dblmsp and dblmsp2 exhibit extreme protein polymorphism in their DBL domain, with multiple variants of two major allelic classes present in every population tested. Despite this variability, the IgM binding function was retained across diverse sequence representatives. Although this interaction did not seem to have an effect on the ability of the parasite to invade red blood cells, binding of DBLMSP and DBLMSP2 to IgM inhibited the overall immunoreactivity of these proteins to IgG from patients who had been exposed to the parasite. This suggests that IgM binding might mask these proteins from the host humoral immune system.  相似文献   



With the ever-increasing number of gene sequences in the public databases, generating and analyzing multiple sequence alignments becomes increasingly time consuming. Nevertheless it is a task performed on a regular basis by researchers in many labs.  相似文献   



Major depressive disorder (MDD) has been associated with abnormal structure and function of the brain''s affective network, including the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). However, it is unclear if alterations of resting-state function in this affective network are present at the initial onset of MDD.


To examine resting-state function of the brain''s affective network in first-episode, medication-naive patients with MDD compared to healthy controls (HCs).


Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) was performed on 32 first-episode, medication-naive young adult patients with MDD and 35 matched HCs. The amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF) of the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal and amygdala-seeded functional connectivity (FC) were investigated.


Compared to HC, MDD patients showed reduced ALFF in the bilateral OFC and increased ALFF in the bilateral temporal lobe extending to the insular and left fusiform cortices. Enhanced anti-correlation of activity between the left amygdala seed and the left OFC was found in MDD patients but not in HCs.


Reduced ALFF in the OFC suggests hypo-functioning of emotion regulation in the affective network. Enhanced anti-correlation of activity between the amygdala and OFC may reflect dysfunction of the amygdala-OFC network and additionally represent a pathological process of MDD.  相似文献   

Proteins or regions of proteins that do not form compact globular structures are classified as intrinsically unstructured proteins (IUPs). IUPs are common in nature and have essential molecular functions, but even a limited understanding of the evolution of their dynamic behavior is lacking. The primary objective of this work was to test the evolutionary conservation of dynamic behavior for a particular class of IUPs that form intrinsically unstructured linker domains (IULD) that tether flanking folded domains. This objective was accomplished by measuring the backbone flexibility of several IULD homologues using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The backbone flexibility of five IULDs, representing three kingdoms, was measured and analyzed. Two IULDs from animals, one IULD from fungi, and two IULDs from plants showed similar levels of backbone flexibility that were consistent with the absence of a compact globular structure. In contrast, the amino acid sequences of the IULDs from these three taxa showed no significant similarity. To investigate how the dynamic behavior of the IULDs could be conserved in the absence of detectable sequence conservation, evolutionary rate studies were performed on a set of nine mammalian IULDs. The results of this analysis showed that many sites in the IULD are evolving neutrally, suggesting that dynamic behavior can be maintained in the absence of natural selection. This work represents the first experimental test of the evolutionary conservation of dynamic behavior and demonstrates that amino acid sequence conservation is not required for the conservation of dynamic behavior and presumably molecular function.  相似文献   

Evolution of pathogen virulence is affected by the route of infection. Also, alternate infection routes trigger different physiological responses on hosts, impinging on host adaptation and on its interaction with pathogens. Yet, how route of infection may shape adaptation to pathogens has not received much attention at the experimental level. We addressed this question through the experimental evolution of an outbred Drosophila melanogaster population infected by two different routes (oral and systemic) with Pseudomonas entomophila. The two selection regimes led to markedly different evolutionary trajectories. Adaptation to infection through one route did not protect from infection through the alternate route, indicating distinct genetic bases. Finally, relatively to the control population, evolved flies were not more resistant to bacteria other than Pseudomonas and showed higher susceptibility to viral infections. These specificities and trade-offs may contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation for resistance in natural populations. Our data shows that the infection route affects host adaptation and thus, must be considered in studies of host-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

Rad54 is a dsDNA-dependent ATPase that translocates on duplex DNA. Its ATPase function is essential for homologous recombination, a pathway critical for meiotic chromosome segregation, repair of complex DNA damage, and recovery of stalled or broken replication forks. In recombination, Rad54 cooperates with Rad51 protein and is required to dissociate Rad51 from heteroduplex DNA to allow access by DNA polymerases for recombination-associated DNA synthesis. Sequence analysis revealed that Rad54 contains a perfect match to the consensus PIP box sequence, a widely spread PCNA interaction motif. Indeed, Rad54 interacts directly with PCNA, but this interaction is not mediated by the Rad54 PIP box-like sequence. This sequence is located as an extension of motif III of the Rad54 motor domain and is essential for full Rad54 ATPase activity. Mutations in this motif render Rad54 non-functional in vivo and severely compromise its activities in vitro. Further analysis demonstrated that such mutations affect dsDNA binding, consistent with the location of this sequence motif on the surface of the cleft formed by two RecA-like domains, which likely forms the dsDNA binding site of Rad54. Our study identified a novel sequence motif critical for Rad54 function and showed that even perfect matches to the PIP box consensus may not necessarily identify PCNA interaction sites.  相似文献   

The absence of learning-related redistribution of hippocampal protein kinase C (PKC) has been correlated with impairment of learning performance induced by developmental lead (Pb) exposure. This study was designed to examine whether the properties of brain PKC are altered by chronic Pb exposure during development. Two-tenth percent Pb acetate was administered to pregnant and lactating dams and then administered to weanlings in drinking water until postnatal day (PN) 56. Effects of Pb on translocation of PKC were studied in brain slices prepared from hippocampus. When the slices were treated with 0.33 M phorbol-12, 13-dibutyrate (PDBu) for 15 min, a significant increase in PKC activity was observed in the membrane fraction of hippocampal slices from Pb-exposed rats, suggesting that chronic Pb exposure potentiates PDBu-activated PKC translocation. Data obtained from saturation binding assays in the frontal cortices of Pb-exposed rats showed a decrease in the dissociation constant (KD) in both membrane and cytosolic PKC. A decrease in the total binding sites (Bmax) of [3H]PDBu binding was only observed in membrane PKC. Furthermore, developmental Pb exposure decreased PKC-, but not PKC-, -II, and - in the membrane fraction of the hippocampus and the frontal cortex. These results indicate that chronic Pb exposure during development increases phorbol ester binding affinity, enhances phorbol ester-induced translocation of PKC, and down-regulates membrane PKC, mainly PKC-.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of sleep deprivation (SD) in adaptation of the coupling between visual information and body sway in young adults’ postural control due to changes in optic flow characteristics. Fifteen young adults were kept awake for approximately 25 hours and formed the SD group, while fifteen adults who slept normally the night before the experiment participated as part of the control group. All participants stood as still as possible in a moving room before and after being exposed to one trial with higher amplitude and velocity of room movement. Postural performance and the coupling between visual information, provided by a moving room, and body sway were examined. Results showed that after an abrupt change in visual cues, larger amplitude, and higher velocity of the room, the influence of room motion on body sway was decreased in both groups. However, such a decrease was less pronounced in sleep deprived as compared to control subjects. Sleep deprived adults were able to adapt motor responses to the environmental change provided by the increase in room motion amplitude. Nevertheless, they were not as efficient as control subjects in doing so, which demonstrates that SD impairs the ability to adapt sensorimotor coupling while controlling posture when a perturbation occurs.  相似文献   

We have used viruslike particles (VLPs) of human papillomaviruses to study the structure and assembly of the viral capsid. We demonstrate that mutation of either of two highly conserved cysteines of the major capsid protein L1 to serine completely prevents the assembly of VLPs but not of capsomers, whereas mutation of all other cysteines leaves VLP assembly unaffected. These two cysteines form intercapsomeric disulfides yielding an L1 trimer. Trimerization comprises about half of the L1 molecules in VLPs but all L1 molecules in complete virions. We suggest that trimerization of L1 is indispensable for the stabilization of intercapsomeric contacts in papillomavirus capsids.  相似文献   

Xuhua Xia 《Genetics》2015,199(2):573-579
Two alternative hypotheses attribute different benefits to codon-anticodon adaptation. The first assumes that protein production is rate limited by both initiation and elongation and that codon-anticodon adaptation would result in higher elongation efficiency and more efficient and accurate protein production, especially for highly expressed genes. The second claims that protein production is rate limited only by initiation efficiency but that improved codon adaptation and, consequently, increased elongation efficiency have the benefit of increasing ribosomal availability for global translation. To test these hypotheses, a recent study engineered a synthetic library of 154 genes, all encoding the same protein but differing in degrees of codon adaptation, to quantify the effect of differential codon adaptation on protein production in Escherichia coli. The surprising conclusion that “codon bias did not correlate with gene expression” and that “translation initiation, not elongation, is rate-limiting for gene expression” contradicts the conclusion reached by many other empirical studies. In this paper, I resolve the contradiction by reanalyzing the data from the 154 sequences. I demonstrate that translation elongation accounts for about 17% of total variation in protein production and that the previous conclusion is due to the use of a codon adaptation index (CAI) that does not account for the mutation bias in characterizing codon adaptation. The effect of translation elongation becomes undetectable only when translation initiation is unrealistically slow. A new index of translation elongation ITE is formulated to facilitate studies on the efficiency and evolution of the translation machinery.  相似文献   

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