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A geometric morphometric analysis was conducted on wing‐vein landmarks on exemplar species of the family Simuliidae of the following genera: Parasimulium, Gymnopais, Twinnia, Helodon, Prosimulium, Greniera, Stegopterna, Tlalocomyia, Cnephia, Ectemnia, Metacnephia, Austrosimulium, and Simulium. Generalized least squares superimposition was performed on landmarks, followed by a principal component analysis on resulting Procrustes distances. Patterns of shape change along the principal component axes were visualized using the thin‐plate spline. The analysis revealed wing shape diversity through (1) the insertion points of the subcosta and R1, resulting in the terminus of the costa exhibiting a trend towards a more apical position on the wing, and (2) the insertion point of the humeral cross vein, resulting in the anterior branch of the media exhibiting a trend toward a more basal position on the wing. Canonical variates analysis of Procrustes distances successfully assigned all exemplar species into their a priori taxonomic groupings. The diversity in wing shape reveals a trend towards decreased length of basal radial cell and increased costalization of anterior wing veins in the evolutionary transition from plesiomorphic prosimuliines to more derived simuliines. The functional significance of these evolutionary transitions is discussed. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Species delimitation within recently evolved groups can be challenging because species may be difficult to distinguish morphologically. Following the General Lineage Concept, we apply a multiple evidence approach to assess species limits within the carpet chameleon Furcifer lateralis, which is endemic to Madagascar and exported in large numbers for the pet trade. Cryptic speciation within F. lateralis was considered likely because this species (1) has a vast distribution, (2) occupies exceptionally diverse habitats and (3) exhibits subtle regional differences in morphology. Phylogenetic trees reconstructed using nuclear and mitochondrial genes recovered three well-supported clades corresponding with geography. Morphological results based on canonical variates analysis show that these clades exhibit subtle differences in head casque morphology. Ecological niche modelling results found that these phylogenetic groups also occupy unique environmental space and exhibit patterns of regional endemism typical of other endemic reptiles. Combined, our findings provide diverse yet consistent evidence for the existence of three species. Consequently, we elevate the subspecies F. lateralis major to species rank and name a new species distributed in northern and western Madagascar. Initial ecological divergence, associated with speciation of F. lateralis in humid eastern habitat, fits the Ecographic Constraint model for species diversification in Madagascar. By contrast, the second speciation event provides some support for the Riverine Barrier model, with the Mangoky River possibly causing initial isolation between species. These findings thus support two contrasting models of speciation within closely related species and demonstrate the utility of applying a combined-evidence approach for detecting cryptic speciation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the performance of 3D digitizer, CT scanner, and surface scanner in detecting cranial fluctuating asymmetry. Sets of 32 landmarks (6 in the midline and 13 bilateral) were acquired from 14 archeological crania using a 3D digitizer, and from 3D models generated from a CT scanner and surface scanner using Viewbox 4. Levels of shape variation were analyzed in MorphoJ using Procrustes analysis of variance and Principal component analysis. Intra-observer error accounted for 1.7%, 1.8%, and 4.5% of total shape variation for 3D digitizer, CT scanner, and surface scanner respectively. Fluctuating asymmetry accounted for 15%–16% of total shape variation. Variation between techniques accounted for 18% of total shape variation. We found a higher level of missing landmarks in our surface scan data than for both 3D digitizer and CT scanner data, and both 3D model-based techniques sometimes obscured taphonomic damage. All three 3D techniques are appropriate for measuring cranial fluctuating asymmetry. We advise against combining data collected with different techniques.  相似文献   

Background and AimsThe relative contributions of inter- and intraspecific variation to phytolith shape and size have only been investigated in a limited number of studies. However, a detailed understanding of phytolith variation patterns among populations or even within a single plant specimen is of key importance for the correct taxonomic identification of grass taxa in fossil samples and for the reconstruction of vegetation and environmental conditions in the past. In this study, we used geometric morphometric analysis for the quantification of different sources of phytolith shape and size variation.MethodsWe used landmark-based geometric morphometric methods for the analysis of phytolith shapes in two extant grass species (Brachypodium pinnatum and B. sylvaticum). For each species, 1200 phytoliths were analysed from 12 leaves originating from six plants growing in three populations. Phytolith shape and size data were subjected to multivariate Procrustes analysis of variance (ANOVA), multivariate regression, principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis.Key ResultsInterspecific variation largely outweighed intraspecific variation with respect to phytolith shape. Individual phytolith shapes were classified with 83 % accuracy into their respective species. Conversely, variation in phytolith shapes within species but among populations, possibly related to environmental heterogeneity, was comparatively low.ConclusionsOur results imply that phytolith shape relatively closely corresponds to the taxonomic identity of closely related grass species. Moreover, our methodological approach, applied here in phytolith analysis for the first time, enabled the quantification and separation of variation that is not related to species discrimination. Our findings strengthen the role of grass phytoliths in the reconstruction of past vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Hymenoptera contain a large number of species complexes that are as yet unresolved by traditional taxonomic studies. Evolutionary studies as well as biological control programmes often require further investigations which cannot rely on simple qualitative morphological characters; in many cases, particularly with dried specimens housed in museums, molecular approaches cannot be used. Recent developments in geometric morphometrics and statistical exploratory approaches open new perspectives for the objective evaluation of morphological characters in this taxonomic context. In this study, geometric morphometrics and pattern recognition approaches were applied to the wing shape and venation of two closely related braconid species considered to differ by subtle qualitative morphological head characters. Exploratory analyses such as kernel density estimates and Gaussian mixture analyses were used to explore the structure of the data in the multivariate morphometric space. Discrimination techniques (linear discriminant functions and neural networks combined with cross‐validations) were used to estimate the taxonomic value of qualitative characters. Gaussian mixtures highlighted the existence of two non‐overlapping groups. A good congruence was found between one of the two groups and the a priori defined Bassus tumidulus. The misclassification rate was higher for B. tegularis specimens, which also appeared morphometrically heterogeneous. Discrimination between the two a priori defined species was incomplete with misclassification rates higher than, or equal to, 6%. In most cases, the lack of congruence between species and morphometrically defined subgroups could be related to specimens that exhibited ambiguous qualitative character states. In summary, if two entities are present, they still need to be defined morphologically, while B. tegularis heterogeneity calls for further investigation of specimens of known origin and hosts. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80, 89–98.  相似文献   

The subgenus Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) (Diptera: Culicidae) includes the primary vectors of Plasmodium spp. in Colombia. Most adult females of this subgenus are difficult to identify in the field using the available keys. With the objective of further investigating the discriminatory power of modern morphometrics, both landmark‐based and outline‐based approaches were explored using the wing venation geometry of 11 Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) species. Wing shape was able to separate the closest species of the subgenus. When the 11 species were analysed together, validated classification scores on average 5.3–8.6 times higher than those expected by chance were observed. These scores computed from the total sample of 11 species were not satisfactory for the recognition of Anopheles benarrochi B, Anopheles oswaldoi s.l. and Anopheles strodei. These sibling species were captured in sympatry. To improve the identification power of the morphometric tool, it was necessary to analyse these species separately from the remaining species. The best classification scores were obtained using a combination of 12 landmarks collected not only on the intersections of wing veins, but also on spots. An outline approach also gave excellent reclassification scores. Another pair of sibling species, collected in allopatry, Anopheles nuneztovari and Anopheles rangeli, also showed high classification scores.  相似文献   

The epidermal maxilla II-gland of Scutigera coleoptrata was investigated using light and electron microscopy. The glandular epithelium surrounds a spacious integumental cavity at the base of the maxilla II. The gland is formed as a compound gland organ that is composed of thousands of epidermal gland units. Each of them consists of four different cell types: a secretory cell, an accessory or intermediary cell, and a proximal and distal canal cell. The intermediary and the two canal cells form a conducting canal. Only in the most distal part of the intermediary cell is the canal lined by a cuticle. In the area of the two canal cells, the conducting canal is completely covered by a cuticle. The canal passes through the cuticle and opens into the spacious integumental cavity, which serves as a secretion reservoir. The structural organization of the epidermal maxilla II-gland was compared to that of other compound epidermal gland organs in Chilopoda and Diplopoda. All these glandular organs in Myriapoda share the same ground pattern.  相似文献   

The lateral ocelli of Scolopendra cingulata and Scolopendra oraniensis were examined by electron microscopy. A pigmented ocellar field with four eyes arranged in a rhomboid configuration is present frontolaterally on both sides of the head. Each lateral ocellus is cup-shaped and consists of a deeply set biconvex corneal lens, which is formed by 230–2,240 cornea-secreting epithelial cells. A crystalline cone is not developed. Two kinds of photoreceptive cells are present in the retinula. 561–1,026 cylindrical retinula cells with circumapically developed microvilli form a large distal rhabdom. Arranged in 13–18 horizontal rings, the distal retinula cells display a multilayered appearance. Each cell layer forms an axial ring of maximally 75 rhabdomeres. In addition, 71–127 club-shaped proximal retinula cells make up uni- or bidirectional rhabdomeres, whose microvilli interdigitate. 150–250 sheath cells are located at the periphery of the eye. Radial sheath cell processes encompass the soma of all retinula cells. Outside the eye cup there are several thin layers of external pigment cells, which not only ensheath the ocelli but also underlie the entire ocellar field, causing its darkly pigmented. The cornea-secreting epithelial cells, sheath cells and external pigment cells form a part of the basal matrix extending around the entire eye cup. Scolopendromorph lateral ocelli differ remarkably with respect to the eyes of other chilopods. The dual type retinula in scolopendromorph eyes supports the hypothesis of its homology with scutigeromorph ommatidia. Other features (e.g. cup-shaped profile of the eye, horizontally multilayered distal retinula cells, interdigitating proximal rhabdomeres, lack of a crystalline cone, presence of external pigment and sheath cells enveloping the entire retinula) do not have any equivalents in scutigeromorph ommatidia and would, therefore, not directly support homology. In fact, most of them (except the external pigment cells) might be interpreted as autapomorphies defining the Pleurostigmophora. Certain structures (e.g. sheath cells, interdigitating proximal rhabdomeres, discontinuous layer of cornea-secreting epithelial cells) are similar to those found in some lithobiid ocelli (e.g. Lithobius). The external pigment cells in Scolopendra species, however, must presently be regarded as an autapomorphy of the Scolopendromorpha.  相似文献   

The forcipules of centipedes are the only known example in the animal kingdom of an evolutionary transition from walking legs to venom-injecting appendages. They provide a classic case of an evolutionary novelty under most (but not all) definitions of that concept. Although there is a reasonable literature on forcipules, and on the forcipular segment more generally, it is fragmentary and scattered. Also, many previous studies have been based on a single species and hence have no comparative component. Here, we build on this earlier literature by providing detailed qualitative and quantitative information on the forcipular segments of representatives of the five extant orders of centipedes. Our results reveal notable differences between the orders – as well as considerable variation within some of them. The pattern of inter-group differences can be used to infer, albeit cautiously, a major evolutionary trend from a presumed scutigeromorph-like last common ancestor (LCA), in which the forcipules were probably leg-like (as in present-day scutigeromorphs) to a more specialized claw-like structure with movement restricted to the horizontal plane. This morphological trend may reflect an ecological trend from open-habitat ambush predation to leaf-litter and subterranean predatory opportunism.  相似文献   

Further geometric morphometric analysis of the genus Eysarcoris was done based on the former studies to classified the nine Eysarcoris species from China.In this study,six characters,such as forewing,hindwing,pygophore,head,pronotum and scutellum,were selected to investigate the shape variation of Eysarcoris.Significant divergence in the shapes of the six characters was observed among the species (p < 0.05).For all methods,phenetic similarity based on the six characters agrees with the current status of the genus.The cluster analysis of eight species are consistent with the traditional morphological studies.CVA analysis also shows that the values of the six characters are not equal in taxonomy.Pygophore,forewing,hindwing and pronotum play more important roles in the classification.  相似文献   

李荣荣  李敏  闫江  张虎芳  白明 《昆虫学报》2019,62(9):1081-1089
【目的】北二星蝽Eysarcoris aeneus是一种广泛分布于古北区的重要农业害虫,可危害多种经济作物。其刺肩型和钝肩型前胸背板后侧角长度存在差异,暗示其种内变异的存在。【方法】基于几何形态学的多元回归分析(multivariate regression)、主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)、典型变量分析(canonical variate analysis, CVA)和判别函数分析(discriminant function analysis, DFA),对采集于中国19个地区的142头标本(98头北二星蝽标本和44头作为外群的广二星蝽E.ventralis标本)的前翅、后翅、头和小盾片4个性状进行分析比较,研究北二星蝽钝肩型和刺肩型之间的形态变异。【结果】对于所研究的4个性状来说,北二星蝽钝肩型和刺肩型标本间均未检测到异速生长的存在。主成分分析中,钝肩型和刺肩型的标本均有重叠,典型变量分析则显示它们之间存在显著差异(马氏距离和普氏距离的P值均小于0.01)。判别函数分析显示,依据这4个性状两型样本间的正确判别率在67%~89%之间。【结论】结果表明,前翅、后翅、头和小盾片都可以作为北二星蝽钝肩型和刺肩型之间形态变异的评价指标,小盾片特征具有最高水平的鉴别价值;对于所研究的这4个性状来说,北二星蝽钝肩型和刺肩型之间都表现出显著的形状差异,而它们的质心距离差异不显著,说明相对于体型大小差异分析,形状差异分析能更灵敏地揭示谱系间的变异。本研究表明几何形态学可以有效地描述北二星蝽的种内形态变异,为蝽类昆虫种内变异的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Relative warp analysis and eigenshape analysis were used to explore the patterns of variation of erratic shell shapes in and among six species of crevice-dwelling pterioid bivalves. The results of morphometric analyses revealed that a great deal of the variance of shell shape within each species can be reduced into principal components which display patterns of variation common to all species examined. In the species with striking variability, a few sets of principal components account for most of the variance of shell shape. On the other hand, in the species lacking considerable variability, several components contribute to form a given variety. Comparison of relative warp and eigenshape scores with centroid sizes indicates that the direction of ontogenetic shape change has been modified through evolution to produce adaptations to habitats such as crevices or the undersides of rocks.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79, 285–297.  相似文献   

To compare the relative magnitude of variation in shell morphology within and among lakes, Elliptio complanata were collected from low and high exposure areas in each of four small lakes in south-central Ontario. Nested ANOVA's on shell length, height, width and weight revealed that shell morphology varied much more between sites of differing exposure within a lake than among lakes of differing alkalinity. Canonical variates analysis showed that clams from high exposure areas had larger and proportionately taller and heavier shells than those from low exposure areas. There was no relationship between alkalinity of lakes and shell morphology. These results suggest that the use of unionid shell morphology to predict long-term whole lake water chemistry (e.g. alkalinity) requires sampling designs which take into account within-lake variation in shell morphology.  相似文献   

Previous work on orchid seeds has shown that characters associated with the seed coat may be useful for classification and phylogeny at a suprageneric level. The seed morphology of several species of the tribe Chloraeeae was analysed using traditional morphometrics, and the seed shape was studied, for the first time, using tools of geometric morphometrics. Seed characters were evaluated by their discriminative power and the information they may provide in a phylogenetic context. By contrast with previous findings, seed shape resulted in a continuum among the taxa studied, and in only a few cases could genera or groups of species be discriminated on the basis of shape. However, seed size, expressed as centroid size, was a variable character and informative at a phylogenetic level. Traditional measures of seed coat, mainly those of seed coat cells, were also helpful for the discrimination of genera and species, agreeing with previous statements about their utility in taxonomy and phylogeny. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 171–183.  相似文献   

Species discovery and identification has long relied on traditional morphometric analyses, although molecular methods for species delimitation are becoming increasing popular and important. Despite an increase in studies that rely solely on molecular data to differentiate between species, additional evidence that supports genealogically‐based species delimitation is desirable at least for field and museum identification of species and is part of an integrative approach to taxonomy. The present study uses geometric morphometric (GM) analyses to examine six species of milksnake (genus Lampropeltis) that have recently been delimited based on multilocus data in a coalescent framework. Landmarks are plotted onto the dorsal view of 487 specimens and canonical variate analysis (CVA) is used to determine whether the differences in head shape of these six species can be used to correctly classify specimens. For five of the six species, CVA accurately classifies individuals >70% of the time. The present study illustrates that, although GM‐based analyses may not correctly differentiate between species 100% of the time, GM methods can be useful for detecting shape differences between species and help to corroborate species delimitation. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Taxonomic confusion among closely related and morphologically similar Deprea species has persisted in the literature and in the identification of species. Morphological variation among three closely related, monophyletic Deprea species was studied to determine if and how they can be distinguished. Their sympatric occurrence in Venezuela afforded an opportunity to couple field study with analysis of herbarium specimens representing their entire geographic range. An analysis of 94 morphological characters resulted in five vegetative and 13 reproductive taxonomically informative traits. Canonical variates analysis clearly separated the three species using six quantitative traits. We conclude that these taxa, although quite variable and similar morphologically, are taxonomically distinct. Results of character analysis indicated that D. orinocensis is morphologically more similar to D. bitteriana than either are to D. paneroi. In D. paneroi, small, sterile anthers on fruit-bearing plants and the absence of fruits on plants possessing large, plllen-bearing anthers, suggest cryptic dioecy. Based on these data, D. granulosa is considered to be a synonym of D. orinocensis: Athenaea bitteriana, a misapplied synonym, is the correct basionym and is applicable to many specimens identified as D. granulosa. We submit a new combination, D. bitteriana (Werderm.) Sawyer & Benítez, and designate a lectotype to accommodate these findings.  相似文献   

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