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Activation of endothelial cells by cytokines and endotoxin causes procoagulant and pro-inflammatory changes over a period of hours. We postulated that the same functional state might be achieved more rapidly by changes in the metabolism of heparan sulfate, which supports many of the normal functions of endothelial cells. We previously found that binding of anti-endothelial cell antibodies and activation of complement on endothelial cells causes the rapid shedding of endothelial cell heparan sulfate. Here we report the biochemical mechanism responsible for the release of the heparan sulfate. Stimulation of endothelial cells by anti-endothelial cell antibodies and complement resulted in the release of 35S-heparan sulfate proteoglycan and partially degraded 35S-heparan sulfate chains. Degradation of the 35S-heparan sulfate chains was not necessary for release since heparin and suramin prevented cleavage of the heparan sulfate but did not inhibit release from stimulated endothelial cells. The 35S-heparan sulfate proteoglycan released from endothelial cells originated from the cell surface and had a core protein similar in size (70.5 kD) to syndecan-1. Release was due to proteolytic cleavage of the protein core by serine and/or cysteine proteinases since the release of heparan sulfate was inhibited 87% by antipain and 53% by leupeptin. Release of heparan sulfate coincided with a decrease of ∼︁7 kD in the mass of the protein core and with a loss of hydrophobicity of the proteoglycan, consistent with the loss of the hydrophobic transmembrane domain. The cleavage and release of cell-surface 35S-heparan sulfate proteoglycan might be a novel mechanism by which endothelial cells may rapidly acquire the functional properties of activated endothelial cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cloned bovine aortic endothelial cells were cultured with [35S]Na2SO4 and proteolyzed extensively with papain. Radiolabeled heparan sulfate was isolated by DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. The mucopolysaccharide was then affinity fractionated into two separate populations utilizing immobilized antithrombin. The heparan sulfate, which bound tightly to the protease inhibitor, represented 0.84% of the mucopolysaccharide mass, accounted for greater than 99% of the initial anticoagulant activity, and exhibited a specific activity of 1.16 USP units/10(6) 35S-cpm. However, the heparan sulfate that interacted minimally with the protease inhibitor constituted greater than 99% of the mucopolysaccharide mass, represented less than 1% of the starting biologic activity, and possessed a specific anticoagulant potency of less than 0.0002 USP unit/10(6) 35S-cpm. An examination of the disaccharide composition of the two populations revealed that the high-affinity heparan sulfate contained a 4-fold or greater amount of GlcA----GlcN-SO3-3-O-SO3 (where GlcA is glucuronic acid), which is a marker for the antithrombin-binding domain of commercial heparin, as compared with the depleted material. Cloned bovine aortic endothelial cells were incubated with [35S]Na2SO4 as well as tritiated amino acids and completely solubilized with 4 M guanidine hydrochloride and detergents. The double-labeled proteoglycans were isolated by DEAE-Sephacel, Sepharose CL-4B, and octyl-Sepharose chromatography. These hydrophobic macromolecules were then affinity fractionated into two separate populations utilizing immobilized antithrombin. The heparan sulfate proteoglycans which bound tightly to the protease inhibitor represented less than 1% of the starting material and exhibited a specific anticoagulant activity as high as 21 USP units/10(6) 35S-cpm, whereas the heparan sulfate proteoglycan that interacted weakly with the protease inhibitor constituted greater than 99% of the starting material and possessed a specific anticoagulant potency as high as 0.02 USP unit/10(6) 35S-cpm. The high-affinity heparan sulfate proteoglycan is responsible for more than 85% of the anticoagulant activity of the cloned bovine aortic endothelial cells. Binding studies conducted with 125I-labeled antithrombin demonstrated that these biologically active proteoglycans are located on the surface of cloned bovine aortic endothelial cells.  相似文献   

A healthy vascular endothelium is coated by the endothelial glycocalyx. Its main constituents are transmembrane syndecans and bound heparan sulphates. This structure maintains the physiological endothelial permeability barrier and prevents leukocyte and platelet adhesion, thereby mitigating inflammation and tissue oedema. Heparinase, a bacterial analogue to heparanase, is known to attack the glycocalyx. However, the exact extent and specificity of degradation is unresolved. We show by electron microscopy, immunohistological staining and quantitative measurements of the constituent parts, that heparinase selectively sheds heparan sulphate from the glycocalyx, but not the syndecans.  相似文献   

The functions of sulphated monosaccharides within glycosaminoglycans(GAGs) and glycoproteins are being studied intensely, but progressis hindered by an inability to selectively desulphate glycoconjugates.We recently identified an N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate sulphatase(NG6SS) from bovine kidney that can remove sulphate from N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate(GlcNAc-6-SO4) within oligosaccharides and glycoproteins. However,the potential ‘endosulphatase’ activity of the NG6SStoward GAGs is not known. To test for this possibility, [3H]glucosamine-,[3H]galactose- and 35SO4- labelled keratan sulphate (KS) wereseparately prepared by metabolic radiolabelling of bovine cornea.NG6SS quantitatively removed sulphate from KS without releaseof sugar fragments. The enzyme had a Km of 4.7 mM toward freeGlcNAc-6-SO4, but its Km for commercially available bovine cornealKS was found to be 9.1 µM. Analyses of both KS and heparansulphate after treatment with NG6SS demonstrated significantloss of sulphate from GlcNAc-6-SO4 in both GAGs. These findingsmay be relevant for future studies aimed at defining the function(s)of GlcNAc-6-SO4 residues in GAGs and understanding the catabolismof GAGs, especially in regard to sulphatidoses, such as SanfilippoD syndrome in humans, which involves a deficiency of NG6SS activity catabolism endosulphatase glycosaminoglycans sulphation  相似文献   

Analogs of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) having higher biological activity than LHRH itself are being mainly used to study the biological effects and the mechanism of action of LHRH. In the present study, conditions for the direct 3H-labelling at the histidine residue of analogs of LHRH were worked out, circumventing the synthesis of precursor peptides for labelling. [D-Phe6,desGly10]-LHRH ethylamide and [D-Ser(But)6,desGly10]-LHRH ethylamide were tritiated by tritium gas and a 10% Pd/Al2O3 catalyst to high specific radioactivities. The labelled peptides are sufficiently stable to be used in biochemical studies. The degradability of the analogs by homogenates of various tissues of rats was compared with that of the native LHRH. The analogs were shown to be distinctly degradable, but to a lower extent. The kidney homogenate degrades the analogs [D-Phe6,desGly10]- and [D-Ser(But)6,desGly10]-LHRH ethylamide with 35 and 50%, respectively, of the velocity observed with LHRH, whereas the degradation velocity of the analogs by a homogenate of the hypothalamus and pituitary is only 10% of that of LHRH. It is suggested that the lower degradability of the analogs at peripheral sites and target sites (pituitary, ovary) explains partly their higher biological activity.  相似文献   

We have isolated from the conditioned medium of an established endothelial cell line a heparan sulphate proteoglycan whose involvement in the inhibition of the extrinsic coagulation pathway was reported in previous studies [Colburn & Buonassisi (1982) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 104, 220-227]. The proteoglycan was purified by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography, and appears to be free of contaminating proteins as determined by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the radioiodinated protein core before and after removal of the glycosaminoglycan chains by treatment with heparitinase. By this procedure the Mr of the protein core was estimated to be 22000. The N-terminal end was sequenced up to amino acid 25. The 21st residue is likely to be glycosylated. Analysis of the purified proteoglycan by gel-filtration chromatography yielded Kd values of 0.2 for the whole molecule and 0.35 for the glycosaminoglycan chains. The structure that emerges from these data is that of a heparan sulphate proteoglycan characterized by a relatively small protein core and few glycosaminoglycan chains.  相似文献   

Hypotonic stress (HTS) induces various responses in vascular endothelium, but the molecules involved in sensing HTS are not known. To investigate a possible role of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) in sensing HTS, we compared the responses of control bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) with those of cells treated with heparinase III, which exclusively degrades HSPG. Tyrosine phosphorylation of 125 kDa FAK induced by HTS (-30%) in control cells was abolished in heparinase III-treated BAECs. The amplitude of the volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC) current, whose activation is regulated by tyrosine kinase, was significantly reduced by the treatment with heparinase III. Also, HTS-induced ATP release through the VRAC pore and the concomitant Ca(2+) transients were significantly reduced in the heparinase III-treated BAECs. In contrast, exogenously applied ATP evoked similar Ca(2+) transients in both control and heparinase III-treated BAECs. The transient formation of actin stress fibers induced by HTS in control cells was absent in heparinase III-treated BAECs. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) also induced FAK phosphorylation, actin reorganization and ATP release in control BAECs, but heparinase III did not affect these LPA-induced responses. We conclude from these observations that HSPG is one of the sensory molecules of hypotonic cell swelling in BAECs.  相似文献   

Structural requirements for heparan sulphate self-association   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To investigate heparan sulphate self-association, various sub-fractions of beef-lung heparan sulphate have been subjected to affinity chromatography on heparan sulphate-agarose. A particular variant of heparan sulphate was chiefly bound to matrices substituted with the same or cognate heparan sulphates. N-desulphation and N-acetylation abolished the chain-chain interaction. Also, dermatan sulphates and chondroitin sulphates showed affinity for heparan sulphate-agarose. [3H]Heparan sulphates that were bound to a heparan sulphate-agarose were desorbed by elution with the corresponding heparan sulphate chains and also with unrelated heparan sulphates, heparin, and the galactosaminoglycans to various degrees. However, the corresponding heparan sulphate species was the most efficient at low concentrations. Dextran sulphate was unable to desorb bound heparan sulphate. When the corresponding heparan sulphate was N-desulphated/N-acetylated, carboxyl-reduced, or periodate-oxidised (D-glucuronate), the modified polymer was unable to displace [3H]heparan sulphate from heparan sulphate-agarose. The displacing ability of heparin was also destroyed by periodate oxidation. It is concluded that self-interaction between heparan sulphate chains is strongly dependent on the overall molecular conformation. The N-sulphate and carboxylate groups as well as the integrity of the D-glucuronate residue are all essential for maintaining the proper secondary structure.  相似文献   

Confluent cultures of a human neuroblastoma cell line (CHP100) were incubated for 48 h with d-[1-3H]glucosamine and sodium [35S]sulphate. Radioactive glycosaminoglycans were analysed in the growth medium, rapid trypsin digest of the cell monolayer and a 1% (w/v) Triton/0.5 M NaOH extract of the final cell pellet. Sulphated glycosaminoglycans co-chromatographed when eluted by NaCL gradient from DEAE-cellulose. The medium contained mainly chondroitin sulphates, whereas the cell surface was enriched in heparan sulphate. Heparan sulphate was isolated as chondroitinase ABC-resistant material and treated with nitrous acid. Analysis of the scission products on Bio-Gel P-10 yielded fragments varying in size from single disaccharides to glycans consisting of nine disaccharide units. Cell-surface and medium heparan sulphate had respectively 52% and 54% N-sulphated glucosamine residues distributed in similar patterns along the polymer chain. The N:O-sulphate ratio of neuroblastoma heparan sulphate was 1.1:1. Analysis by high-voltage electrophoresis of di- and tetrasaccharide products produced by nitrous acid treatment showed that the distribution of ‘O’-sulphate groups differed strikingly between heparan sulphates from the medium and cell-surface compartments. A di-O-sulphated tetrasaccharide was identified in both heparan sulphate species. The absence of detectable amounts of 35[S]sulphate associated with fragments larger than tetrasaccharide supports the close topographical association of N-sulphate and O-sulphate groups.  相似文献   

The binding of pig mucosal heparin and rat liver heparan sulphate to rat liver cells is demonstrated. The process is shown to be time dependent, reversible and saturable. The maximal amount of heparin bound to the cells exceeds that of heparan sulphate, on a molar basis.The binding of both polysaccharides is specific, in that excess amounts of glycosaminoglycans other than heparin-related do not affect the binding reaction.The binding of heparin to cells was markedly reduced when incubations were performed at low temperature or after trypsin treatment of the cells.  相似文献   

A cloned embryonic mouse cell line contained specific cell-surface receptors for heparin and both the number and affinity appeared to be unchanged in a simian-virus-40-transformed subclone. In competitive binding assays heparan sulphate from the control clone was bound preferentially compared to that from the transformed subclone, indicating that the altered sulphation of heparan sulphate from transformed cells results in a lowered affinity for cell-surface receptors. Evidence was obtained suggesting that endogenous proteoglycans were not held at the cell surface by binding to these receptors alone. However the possibility that proteoglycans embedded in the plasma membrane may interact with the receptor has not been ruled out.  相似文献   

Zhao  Shancheng  Wang  Zhen 《Glycoconjugate journal》2020,37(2):151-164
Glycoconjugate Journal - Heparan sulfate (HS) with various sulfation patterns is one of important modulators of cancer cell fate through interacting with numerous growth factors. Here we found HS...  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate is an important mediator in determining vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotype. The sulphation pattern of the heparan sulphate chains is critical to their function. We have examined the initial step in the biosynthesis of the sulphated domains mediated by the enzyme heparan sulphate N-deacetylase/N-sulphotransferase (NDST). Rabbit aortic SMC in primary culture exhibited NDST enzyme activity and expressed NDST-1 in their Golgi apparatus, with maximal expression in SMC 2 days after dispersal in primary culture confirmed by Western blot analysis. Endothelial cells, macrophages and fibroblasts expressed NDST-1 but had generally less intense staining than SMC, although SMC expression decreased with culture. The uninjured rat aorta also showed widespread expression of NDST-1. After balloon de-endothelialisation, NDST-1 could not be detected in SMC of the neointima in the early stages of neointimal formation, but was re-expressed at later time points (after 12 weeks). In human coronary arteries, SMC of the media and the diffuse intimal thickening expressed NDST-1, while SMC in the atherosclerotic plaque were negative for NDST-1. We conclude that SMC may regulate their heparan sulphate sulphation at the level of expression of the enzyme heparan sulphate NDST in a manner related to their phenotypic state.  相似文献   

The polysaccharide heparan sulphate is ubiquitously expressed as a proteoglycan in extracellular matrices and on cell surfaces. Heparan sulphate has marked sequence diversity that allows it to specifically interact with many proteins. This Review focuses on the multiple roles of heparan sulphate in inflammatory responses and, in particular, on its participation in almost every stage of leukocyte transmigration through the blood-vessel wall. Heparan sulphate is involved in the initial adhesion of leukocytes to the inflamed endothelium, the subsequent chemokine-mediated transmigration through the vessel wall and the establishment of both acute and chronic inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

The self-association between heparan sulphate chains has been investigated by using heparan sulphate oligosaccharides for the competitive elution of [3H]heparan sulphate from heparan sulphate-agarose. Partial or complete periodate-oxidation followed by alkali-catalysed scission afforded oligomers having the general structure GlcN-(HexA-GlcN)n-R. Oligosaccharides with n greater than 5 were able to desorb bound heparan sulphate, provided that mixed or alternating arrangements of iduronate and glucuronate were present in these fragments. Longer fragments were more effective than shorter ones. The present results corroborate previous proposals that the highly copolymeric regions of heparan sulphate serve as contact zones for the chain-chain association.  相似文献   

Cell surface-associated heparan sulfate proteoglycans, predominantly perlecan, are involved in the process of binding and endocytosis of thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) by vascular endothelial cells. To investigate the structural properties of heparan sulfate (HS) side chains that mediate this interaction, the proteoglycans were isolated from porcine endothelial cells and HS chains obtained thereof by beta-elimination. To characterize the structural composition of the HS chains and to identify the TSP-1-binding sequences, HS was disintegrated by specific chemical and enzymatic treatments. Cell layer-derived HS chains revealed the typical structural heterogeneity with domains of non-contiguously arranged highly sulfated disaccharides separated by extended sequences containing predominantly N-acetylated sequences of low sulfation. Affinity chromatography on immobilized TSP-1 demonstrated that nearly all intact HS chains possessed binding affinity, whereas after heparinase III treatment only a small proportion of oligosaccharides were bound with similar affinity to the column. Size fractioning of the bound and unbound oligosaccharides revealed that only a specific portion of deca- to tetradecasaccharides possessed TSP-1-binding affinity. The binding fraction contained over 40% di- and trisulfated disaccharide units and was enriched in the content of the trisulfated 2-O-sulfated L-iduronic acid-N-sulfated-6-O-sulfated glucosamine disaccharide unit. Comparison with the disaccharide composition of the intact HS chains and competition experiments with modified heparin species indicated the specific importance of N- and 6-O-sulfated glucosamine residues for binding. Further depolymerization of the binding oligosaccharides revealed that the glucosamine residues within the TSP-1-binding sequences are not continuously N-sulfated. The present findings implicate specific structural properties for the HS domain involved in TSP-1 binding and indicate that they are distinct from the binding sequence described for basic fibroblast growth factor, another HS ligand and a potential antagonist of TSP-1.  相似文献   

1. A method was developed for determination of the uronic acid composition of heparin-like glycosaminoglycans. Polymers or oligosaccharides are degraded to monosaccharides by a combination of acid hydrolysis and deamination with HNO2. The resulting uronic acid monosaccharides (accounting for about 70% of the uronic acid contents of the starting materials) are isolated and converted into the corresponding aldono-1,4-lactones, which are separated by g.l.c. The calculated ratios of glucuronic acid/iduronic acid are reproducible within 5%. 2. Samples of heparin from pig intestinal mucosa (molar ratio of sulphate/disaccharide unit, 2.40) and heparan sulphate from human aorta (sulphate/disaccharide ratio, 0.46) were subjected to uronic acid analysis. l-Iduronic acid constituted 77% and 19% respectively of the total uronic acid contents. 3. The correlation between the contents of sulphate and iduronic acid indicated by this finding also applied to the fractionated deamination products of the two polymers. The sulphated fragments varied in size from disaccharide to octasaccharide (or larger) and showed sulphate/disaccharide molar ratios in the range of 0.05–2.0. The proportion of iduronic acid increased with increasing ester sulphate contents of the oligosaccharides. 4. Previous studies on the biosynthesis of heparin in a cell-free system have shown that l-iduronic acid residues are formed by C-5 epimerization of d-glucuronic acid units at the polymer level; the process requires concomitant sulphation of the polymer. The results obtained in the present structural study conform to these findings, and suggest further that similar mechanisms may operate in the biosynthesis of heparan sulphate. The epimerization reaction appears to be linked to the sulphation of hydroxyl groups but does not seem to require sulphation of the target uronic acid residues. The significance of sulphamino groups in relation to the formation of iduronic acid is unknown.  相似文献   

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