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Labeobarbus altianalis and L. bynni bynni are hexaploid cyprinid fishes in the genus Labeobarbus. In the Great Lakes region of Africa, these two large-bodied barbs exhibit considerable morphological variations. Their intraspecific classification, currently based on geographical distribution and morphological variation, is of limited application due to the overlapping nature of the water systems. Patterns of genetic variation in the Albertine and Victoria drainage basins in Uganda were assessed using mitochondrial sequences of the control region (470 basepairs) and the cytochrome b gene (627 basepairs). At the control region 36 distinct haplotypes were observed in a total of 177 individuals. Relatively low overall nucleotide diversity (π = 0.010) was observed. Hierarchical analysis of the molecular variance revealed significant differentiation between populations in the total sample (F ST = 0.172, p < 0.001), among populations within each basin (F SC = 0.047, p < 0.001), but no significant subdivision among basins (F CT = 0.131, p > 0.05). Phylogenetic analysis of the control region haplotypes resulted in a star-shaped phylogeny, with no clusters that reflect current taxonomic designation, morphotypes or basins. Phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome b gene sequences resulted in a tree topology similar to that observed for the control region. Thus the morphological characteristics separating the two species are intraspecific variation and the whole sample probably belongs to the same species.  相似文献   

Although the subfamily Zapodinae (Rodentia, Dipodidae) contains only five species, the phylogeny and taxonomy of these species are still being disputed. First, whether Eozapus and Napaeozapus should be treated as independent genera or subgenera of Zapus has been argued for a long period. Second, the subspecific genetic differentiation of Chinese jumping mouse (Eozapus setchuanus) has not been studied in detail, neither from morphological nor molecular aspects. In this study, the phylogenetic relationship among all the five species of Zapodinae was reconstructed using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the nuclear interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein gene. Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses were conducted. The results showed that two major clades could be recognized within Zapodinae. Eozapus setchuanus, is the species endemic to China, strongly formed a monophyletic clade. In the other clade, genus Zapus received significant support in all analyses to be the sister group of the genus Napaeozapus. By comparing genetic distances among these three genera, we conclude that both Eozapus and Napaeozapus should be considered as valid genera rather than subgenera of Zapus. Furthermore, we observed that the two subspecies of E. setchuanus did not form reciprocally monophyletic groups, thus the traditional taxonomy which divided E. setchuanus into two subspecies based on only one morphological character was questionable.  相似文献   

Bouton 《Ecology letters》2000,3(3):166-171
I show that distribution patterns of rock-dwelling haplochromine cichlids in the south-eastern part of Lake Victoria can be explained by allopatric speciation alone. Observed patterns are consistent with a progressive invasion of different lineages from older ( = deeper) parts of the lake, after which some lineages speciate more frequently than others. Based on a quantitative analysis of distribution data, Seehausen and van Alphen conclude that a high percentage of sympatric speciation (17.5%) is essential to explain the patterns. In my view this conclusion has its origins in an unjustifiable assumption. Seehausen and van Alphen assume that the unresolved phylogeny is balanced. However, allopatric speciation would typically result in imbalanced phylogenies.  相似文献   

During the second half of the last century, the Lake Victoria ecosystem has undergone drastic ecological changes. Most notable has been the decline in the populations of many endemic cichlid fishes. The lake has lost nearly 200 haplochromines and one tilapiine, Oreochromis esculentus. The above changes have been attributed to effects of species stocking and, in particular, from predation pressure by the introduced Nile perch, Lates niloticus. Other factors that have led to the decline of the endemic species include intensive non-selective fishing, extreme changes in the drainage basin, increased eutrophication, and the invasion of the lake by the water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. However, the remnants of some species that had disappeared from Lake Victoria occur abundantly in the Yala Swamp lakes (Kanyaboli, Sare and Namboyo). This paper discusses the biodiversity of the swamp and the three lakes and gives suggestions for their conservation.  相似文献   

Two new species of Myxosporidia, Myxidium baicalensis sp. n., Myxidium donecae sp. n. are described from the gall bladder of fishes from Baikal. Myxidium baicalensis sp. n. parasitising gobies Cyphocottus megalops, Asprocottus platycephalus, and other host species, while Myxidium donecae sp. n. parasitising Baikal oil fishes Comephorus baicalensis and C. dybowski.  相似文献   

Many examples of cryptic marine species have been demonstrated with biochemical and molecular studies. In most cases, a broadly distributed taxon is actually a group of sibling species that can be distinguished (upon closer examination) by ecological or morphological characters. Fishes of the family Albulidae constitute a notable exception. Bonefish (Albula spp.) morphology and ecology are highly conserved around the globe, and their extended pelagic larval stage could allow population connections on a vast geographic scale. Based on this perceived homogeneity, bonefishes were classified as a single pantropical species, A. vulpes. However, allozyme studies of Hawaiian populations indicated that two sympatric species (A. glossodonta and A. neoguinaica) are included in the synonymy of A. vulpes. To ascertain the number and distribution of evolutionary partitions in Albula, we surveyed 564 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b from 174 individuals collected at 26 locations. Sequence comparisons reveal eight deep lineages (d = 5.56-30.6%) and significant population structure within three of the four lineages that could be tested (phiST = 0.047-0.678). These findings confirm the genetic distinctiveness of the three species noted above and invoke the possibility of five additional species. Clock estimates for mtDNA indicate that these putative species arose 4-20 million years ago. Distinct evolutionary lineages coexist in several sample locations, yet show little morphological or ecological differentiation in sympatry. Thus, bonefish species seem to defy the evolutionary conventions of morphological differentiation over time and ecological displacement in sympatry. Despite multiple cases of sympatry, sister-taxa relationships inferred from mtDNA indicate that divergence in allopatry has been the predominant speciation mechanism in Albula. Stabilizing selection in the homogeneous habitat occupied by bonefishes (tropical sand flats) could promote the retention of highly conserved morphology and ecology.  相似文献   

Michael Willis 《Hydrobiologia》1985,120(2):107-118
The life-cycle, growth, and reproductive success of a stream-dwelling Erpobdella octoculata (L.) were studied over a 19-month period at two sites, one above and one below an input of zinc pollution from mine-waste. Samples were collected monthly using quadrats. The blotted wet weight of all leeches was measured. An histological technique was employed to determine sexual maturity. Reproductive success was measured by estimating the numbers of cocoons and number of eggs per cocoon at each site. A wet ashing technique, followed by analysis using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, was used to determine the extent of bioaccumulation of zinc. Total zinc and other metals in the waters were similarly analysed.Differences were found between the populations at the two sites. The life-history of the Erpobdella above the contamination was comparable to that found for other stream-dwelling populations previously studied. Observed differences in densities of leeches between sites in the present and in previous studies by other workers may be due to recorded differences in the abundance of available food. At the polluted site, there was evidence that (a) there was a delay in cocoon deposition and hence hatching of young, (b) the adult leeches produced more misshapened and empty cocoons, (c) no relationship existed between the area of cocoons with eggs and number of eggs present, and (d) the proportion of young to adult leech was smaller at the polluted site. At the polluted site, higher levels of zinc were recorded in the tissues of Erpobdella and there was some evidence for the active intake of zinc by the leech.  相似文献   



Our goal was to assess the conservation status of the understudied and naturally uncommon habitat specialist, the golden mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli), at the edge of its range where its historically fragmented habitat has been subjected to severe loss.


Peninsular Florida, north of approximately 27° latitude, USA.


We used data gathered from museum collections, regional biologists, geographic information systems (GIS) layers, field surveys and DNA sequencing to determine the habitats that best explain the distribution of the species, examine changes in the geographic extent of both the species and its habitats, and compare genetic differentiation between populations occupying disjunct regions. The results from these multiple analyses were combined to assess the conservation status of the species.


Golden mouse occurrence records align well with the distribution of hardwood habitats in Florida. These habitats occur naturally as ‘islands’, but have become increasingly fragmented by anthropogenic land use. Despite habitat loss, the location of the southern range periphery has remained relatively unchanged in location over the past century. Genetic analysis reveals a history of limited dispersal of females among habitat ‘islands’ that likely predates anthropogenic landscape fragmentation. This pattern suggests that isolated populations that are extirpated will have little to no chance of successful recolonization.

Main conclusions

The combined results from multiple analyses produced a more complete picture of the threats faced by this previously data‐deficient species than any single analysis would have. Although the species' southern range limit cannot be shown to have retracted in the face of human expansion, habitat fragmentation clearly has put the species at increased risk. Conservation and management of hardwood habitats are critical to the persistence of the golden mouse at the edge of its range.  相似文献   

Abstract The independent effects of smoke, ash, and wet and dry heat treatments on seedling emergence from the soil seed bank were tested for soils from fire-prone heathy woodlands in western Victoria. A total of 763 individuals from 56 species were recorded from the surface soil samples (which covered a total area of 1 m2). Both species richness and density of seedlings was greater for smoke- and heat-treated samples than for controls and ash-treated samples. However, only the density differences were significant. Mean seed bank densities for the smoke and heat treatments ranged from 855 ± 70m?2 to 1080 ± 58 m?2 and are similar to estimates obtained elsewhere in Australia for heat-treated soils from dry sclerophyll communities. Of the 56 species recorded, 46 occurred in the smoke and heat treatments but only 33 in the control and ash treatments. The sudden increase in surface soil pH, exchangeable cations and extractable phosphorus which was associated with the ash treatment did not act as a trigger for germination in any of the species recorded here. Chemical constituents from smoke do appear to provide a stimulus separate from the effects of heat, but were not identified with any particular taxa.  相似文献   

Since May 1979, 190 rodents in the family Sciuridae, representing three genera and nine species, have been collected in the western United States and northern Mexico and examined for coccidia; 71 (37%) had coccidian oocysts in their feces. These included 2 of 12 (17%) Eutamias canipes; 7 of 12 (58%) E. dorsalis; 18 of 50 (36%) E. merriami; 33 of 96 (34%) E. obscurus; 3 of 4 (75%) E. townsendii; 3 of 9 (33%) Sciurus aberti; 1 of 1 S. griseus; 1 of 1 Tamiasciurus hudsonicus mogollonensis; and 3 of 5 (60%) T. mearnsi. The following coccidians were identified from infected rodents: Eimeria cochisensis n. sp. and Eimeria dorsalis n. sp. from E. canipes, E. cochisensis, E. dorsalis, and E. tamiasciuri from E. dorsalis, E. dorsalis and E. tamiasciuri from E. merriami; E. cochisensis, E. dorsalis, E. tamiasciuri, and E. wisconsinensis from E. obscurus; E. cochisensis and E. dorsalis from E. townsendii; E. ontarioensis and E. tamiasciuri from S. aberti; E. tamiasciuri from S. griseus; E. tamiasciuri and E. toddi from T. h. mogollonensis; and E. tamiasciuri from T. mearnsi. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria dorsalis n. sp. were ovoid, 21.9 x 16.8 (17-24 x 14-20) micrometer with sporocysts ovoid, 11.5 x 6.9 (10-14 x 6-8) micrometer. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria cochisensis n. sp. were spheroid to subspheroid, 16.7 x 15.3 (15-18 x 14-17) micrometer, with sporocysts ovoid, 8.4 x 5.6 (6-11 x 4-7) micrometer. Fifty-five of 71 (77%) infected hosts had oocysts of only one eimerian species in their feces at the time they were examined. One eimerian, E. tamiasciuri, was found in seven of nine host species in three genera. A list is provided of all eimerians (22, including the species described here) that have been described in the literature from Eutamias, Sciurus, and Tamiasciurus spp.  相似文献   

The causes, effects and extent of minnow Phoxinus phoxinus introductions in Norway are reviewed to assess why the introductions have had severe effects, especially where brown trout Salmo trutta is the only fish species present. The natural distribution of minnow in Norway was mainly restricted to low altitude localities in the south-eastern part of the country and in some northern areas. The distribution area expanded considerably throughout the 1900s, especially in mountain areas, due in part to the use of minnows as live bait for angling. Although minnow densities do not seem unusually high in the relatively complex fish communities of its native range, the species can achieve very high population densities when introduced to communities with few fish species, such as in the numerous recently invaded lakes where brown trout was the only fish species present. The dense minnow populations in these lakes appear to have led to reduced recruitment and growth rates in the brown trout, with abundances on average 35% lower in lakes where minnow has been introduced. The success of minnow in harsh habitats demonstrates their phenotypic and ecological plasticity, but also implies that their original distribution in Norway was restricted by early immigration history and not by environmental limitations. This suggests that human-assisted spread of the species could have strong adverse effects in Scandinavia lakes of low fish species richness.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(8):996-1003

Ligation of the Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) death receptors has been associated with cancer specific apoptotic execution in a number of model systems. This has generated tremendous interest in the use of TRAIL as a potential therapeutic modality. However, recent evidence indicates that resistance to TRAIL might present with a therapeutic challenge. In this short report, we review the basic biology of TRAIL signalling in cancer cells, highlight the mechanisms underlying resistance to TRAIL and the ability of small molecule compounds to re-sensitize cells to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. In particular, we provide evidence that intracellular reactive oxygen species could be critical in regulating the response of cancer cells to TRAIL.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic environmental change is often implicated in the emergence of new zoonoses from wildlife; however, there is little mechanistic understanding of these causal links. Here, we examine the transmission dynamics of an emerging zoonotic paramyxovirus, Hendra virus (HeV), in its endemic host, Australian Pteropus bats (fruit bats or flying foxes). HeV is a biosecurity level 4 (BSL-4) pathogen, with a high case-fatality rate in humans and horses. With models parametrized from field and laboratory data, we explore a set of probable contributory mechanisms that explain the spatial and temporal pattern of HeV emergence; including urban habituation and decreased migration-two widely observed changes in flying fox ecology that result from anthropogenic transformation of bat habitat in Australia. Urban habituation increases the number of flying foxes in contact with human and domestic animal populations, and our models suggest that, in addition, decreased bat migratory behaviour could lead to a decline in population immunity, giving rise to more intense outbreaks after local viral reintroduction. Ten of the 14 known HeV outbreaks occurred near urbanized or sedentary flying fox populations, supporting these predictions. We also demonstrate that by incorporating waning maternal immunity into our models, the peak modelled prevalence coincides with the peak annual spill-over hazard for HeV. These results provide the first detailed mechanistic framework for understanding the sporadic temporal pattern of HeV emergence, and of the urban/peri-urban distribution of HeV outbreaks in horses and people.  相似文献   

The number of Miniopterus bat species on Madagascar and the nearby Comoros islands (Malagasy region) has risen from four to 11. These recently described cryptic taxa have been differentiated primarily based on molecular markers and associated a posteriori morphological characters that corroborate the different clades. Members of this Old World genus are notably conservative in morphology across their range. Several sites on Madagascar hold up to four small‐bodied taxa of this genus that are morphologically similar to one another, although they can be distinguished based on the tragus, an ear structure associated with echolocation. Miniopterus often emit species‐specific calls. In the present study, we analyze the bioacoustics of the 11 species of Miniopterus currently recognized from the Malagasy region, with an initial identification of the 87 recorded and collected individuals based on molecular markers and certain morphological characters. In most cases, bioacoustic parameters differentiate species and have taxonomic utility. Miniopterus griveaudi populations, which occur on three islands (Madagascar, Anjouan, and Grande Comore), showed no significant differences in peak echolocation frequencies. After running a discriminant function analysis based on five bioacoustic parameters, some mismatched assignments of Malagasy species were found, which include allopatric sister‐taxa and sympatric, phylogenetically not closely‐related species of similar body size. Because the peak echolocation frequencies of two species (Miniopterus sororculus and Miniopterus aelleni) were independent of body size, they were acoustically distinguishable from cryptic sympatric congeners. The small variation around the allometric relationship between body size and peak echolocation frequency of Malagasy Miniopterus species suggests that intraspecific communication rather than competition or prey detection may be the driver for the acoustic divergence of these two species. Our well‐defined echolocation data allow detailed ecological work to commence aiming to test predictions about the relative roles of competition, prey availability, and social communication on the evolution of echolocation in Malagasy Miniopterus species. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 284–302.  相似文献   

Renno JF  Gazel C  Miranda G  Pouilly M  Berrebi P 《Genetica》2007,131(3):325-336
Genetic variability of Trichomycterus from the region of Torotoro (Bolivia, Upper Amazon), distributed in the same watershed where the habitat is structured by waterfalls, canyons and a cave, was studied by allozyme (twelve putative loci) and RFLP-mtDNA (DLoop and cytochrome b) analyses. Alloenzymatic variation studied by Correspondence Analysis and Maximum Likelihood Analysis revealed a four-group structure, which was largely congruent with the distribution of the 14 mtDNA haplotypes. Two of these four clusters (I and II) were differentiated by two diagnostic loci (IDH and G3PDH), two semi-diagnostic loci (PGM and 6PGDH) and consequently a very high Fst value (estimator θ = 0.77). Therefore, clusters I and II are reproductively isolated. The distribution limit of these two (sibling) species does not correspond to those of the morphological species of Trichomycterus identified in this region: the epigean T. cf. barbouri and the hypogean T. chaberti. However, hypogean fish exhibited two mtDNA haplotypes, a private one and another shared with the epigean Trichomycterus from upstream reaches.  相似文献   

I conducted an exhaustive literature review on Japanese knotweeds s.l. (including Reynoutria japonica, R. sachalinensis and R. ×bohemica), especially on the effects of these invasive plants on biodiversity and ecological processes or the chemical and physical characteristics of invaded habitats. A total of 44 studies have been published, the earliest in 2005, in peer-reviewed journals. Most studies were conducted in Europe, the others in the USA. Invasive knotweeds have major negative impacts on native plants, while the abundant litter produced and the deep rhizome system alter soil chemistry to the benefit of the invaders. However, the effects of knotweeds on other groups of species vary, with a combination of losers (soil bacteria, most arthropods and gastropods, some frogs and birds) and winners (most fungi, detritivorous arthropods, aquatic shredders, a few birds). This literature review highlights significant knowledge gaps of the effects of knotweeds on biodiversity (vertebrates) and ecological processes (ecohydrology). To what extent knotweed invasions have an impact on the population dynamics of native plants and animals on a regional to national scale remains to be verified. Although there is some evidence that knotweed invasions have negative effects on the environment, the research to date remains modest and a more extensive effort is needed to better define the environmental impacts of these plant invaders.  相似文献   

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