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Protein expression by Haemophilus influenzae under iron-limiting growth conditions was examined. The five type b strains and four nontypeable strains studied all expressed a new protein of about 40 kDa when deprived of iron during growth. Most strains also expressed a protein of about 31 kDa under the same growth conditions. Both the 40- and 31-kDa proteins were not expressed by cells grown in iron-replete medium. The 40- and 31-kDa proteins were not expressed in iron-deficient medium to which an excess of ferric nitrate had been added, and therefore it was concluded that their expression was iron regulated. These iron-repressed proteins were localized to the periplasmic space. The amino-terminal sequences of both proteins were determined. The N-terminal sequence of the 40-kDa protein had 81% similarity to the N terminus of Fbp, the major iron-binding protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis. The 31-kDa protein sequence showed no homology with any known protein sequence. As no plasmids were found in the strains, it was concluded that these proteins were chromosomally encoded.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding protein (PBP) alterations have been associated with non-beta-lactamase-mediated ampicillin resistance in Haemophilus influenzae. We evaluated the PBP profiles of several ampicillin-susceptible and -resistant clinical isolates of H. influenzae to determine how consistently the described alterations occurred, and to document the reproducibility of the PBP profiles for this species. The MIC of ampicillin ranged from 0.06 to 0.13 microgram ml-1 for the susceptible isolates at an inoculum of 100,000 c.f.u. when tested by broth dilution, and was 0.5 microgram ml-1 for all four isolates when tested by agar dilution. The MIC for the resistant isolates ranged from 4 to 8 micrograms ml-1 when tested by broth dilution, and from 1.5 to 16 micrograms ml-1 when tested by agar dilution. At least eight distinct PBPs with molecular masses ranging from 27 to 90 kDa were detected both in cell membrane preparations and whole cell (in vivo) binding assays done on cells in the exponential growth phase. PBP variability was evident both in the ampicillin-susceptible and -resistant isolates; however, much greater variability existed within the four resistant strains. The differences in PBP patterns included (1) electrophoretic mobility, (2) binding capacity for the antibiotic and (3) the presence of additional PBPs in two of the resistant isolates. However, decreased binding capacity was consistently demonstrated in PBP 5 (56 kDa) of all of the resistant isolates. Saturation curves with both penicillin and ampicillin indicated that PBP 5 had decreased affinity for the antibiotics.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) organisms produce pili, which mediate attachment to human cells and are multimeric structures composed of a 24-kDa subunit called pilin or HifA. Although pili from other organisms contain additional proteins accessory to pilin, no structural components other than pilin have been identified in Hib pili. Previous analysis of a Hib pilus gene cluster, however, suggested that two genes, hifD and hifE, may encode additional pilus subunits. To determine if hifD and hifE encode pilus components, the genes were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the resulting proteins were purified and used to raise polyclonal antisera. Antisera raised against C-terminal HifD and HifE fragments reacted with H. influenzae HifD and HifE proteins, respectively, on Western immunoblots. Western immunoblot analysis of immunoprecipitated Hib pili demonstrated that HifD and HifE copurified with pili. In enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, antisera raised against a recombinant HifE protein that contained most of the mature protein reacted more to piliated Hib than to nonpiliated Hib or to a mutant containing a hifE gene insertion. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed that the HifE antiserum bound to pili and demonstrated that the antiserum bound predominantly to the pilus tips. These data indicate that HifD and HifE are pilus subunits. Adherence inhibition studies demonstrated that the HifE antiserum completely blocked pilus-mediated hemagglutination, suggesting that HifE mediates pilus adherence.  相似文献   

Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF) is a recently described pediatric septicemia caused by a strain of Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius. The pilus specified by this bacterium may be important in BPF pathogenesis, enhancing attachment to host tissue. Here, we report the cloning of two haf (for H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius fimbriae) gene clusters from a cosmid library of strain F3031. We sequenced a 6.8-kb segment of the haf1 cluster and identified five genes (hafA to hafE). The predicted protein products, HafA to HafD, are 72, 95, 98, and 90% similar, respectively, to HifA to HifD of the closely related H. influenzae type b pilus. Strikingly, the putative pilus adhesion, HifE, shares only 44% identity with HafE, suggesting that the proteins may differ in receptor specificity. Insertion of a mini-gammadelta transposon in the hafE gene eliminated hemadsorption. The nucleotide sequences of the haf1 and haf2 clusters are more than 99% identical. Using the recently published sequence of the H. influenzae Rd genome, we determined that the haf1 complex lies at a unique position in the chromosome between the pmbA gene and a hypothetical open reading frame, HI1153. The location of the haf2 cluster, inserted between the purE and pepN genes, is analogous to the hif genes on H. influenzae type b. BPF fimbrial phase switching appears to involve slip-strand mispairing of repeated dinucleotides in the pilus promoter. The BPF-associated H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius pilus system generally resembles other H. influenzae, but the possession of a second fimbrial gene cluster, which appears to have arisen by a recent duplication event, and the novel sequence of the HafE adhesin may be significant in the unusual pathogenesis of BPF.  相似文献   

Plasmid transformation in Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Purified 34-megadalton-plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid from antibiotic-resistant strains of Haemophilus influenzae transforms competent strains of H. influenzae more efficiently if the recipient strains contain certain other 30-megadalton plasmids.  相似文献   

Plasmid-to-plasmid recombination in Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
No recombination between plasmids was observed after conjugal transfer of a plasmid into a cell carrying another plasmid. Two types of such recombination took place after transformation, one type being Rec+ dependent and suggesting a preferred site of recombination. The other much rarer type was at least partially Rec+ independent.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for identifying essential genes by using an in vitro transposition system, with a small (975 bp) insertional element containing an antibiotic resistance cassette, and mapping these inserts relative to the deduced open reading frames of Haemophilus influenzae by PCR and Southern analysis. Putative essential genes are identified by two methods: mutation exclusion or zero time analysis. Mutation exclusion consists of growing an insertional library and identifying open reading frames that do not contain insertional elements: in a growing population of bacteria, insertions in essential genes are excluded. Zero time analysis consists of monitoring the fate of individual insertions after transformation in a growing culture: the loss of inserts in essential genes is observed over time. Both methods of analysis permit the identification of genes required for bacterial survival. Details of the mutant library construction and the mapping strategy, examples of mutant exclusion, and zero time analysis are presented.  相似文献   

Plasmid transfer in Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Twenty-nine strains of Haemophilus influenzae highly resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, or tetracycline were examined for the presence of plasmids. Agarose gel electrophoresis of ethanol-precipitated cell extracts revealed large plasmids in 11 strains, of which 7 were conjugative. Plasmid transfer by conjugation between isogenic strains was quite efficient, but transfer between different serotypes was nearly always much more inefficient. Type I or II restriction enzymes do not appear to be barriers to this transfer. Encapsulated cells can be both efficient donors and recipients. Small plasmids were seen in three strains, but only two of the three are resistance factors (RSF0885, pUB703). Thus, in 17 isolates antibiotic resistance genes are believed to be located in the bacterial chromosome. Most of these resistances could be transferred by genetic transformation into the widely used Rd strain. In some cases transfer of chromosomal resistance into conjugative plasmids was observed in both rec+ and rec host cells. Since transfer by conjugation seems to be the more efficient process, it is puzzling that in the majority of the 29 isolates studied resistance genes appeared to be in the chromosome.  相似文献   

Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS), a potential target for antimicrobial agents, catalyzes the first common step in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. The gene coding for the AHAS catalytic subunit from Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) was cloned, overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and purified. To identify new inhibitory scaffolds, we used a high-throughput screen to test 221 small diverse chemical compounds against Hi-AHAS. Compounds were selected for their ability to inhibit AHAS in vitro. The screen identified 3 compounds, each representing a structural class, as Hi-AHAS inhibitors with an IC50 in the low micromolar range (4.4-14.6 μM). The chemical scaffolds of the three compounds were oxa-1-thia-4-aza-cyclopenta[b]naphthalene (KHG25229), phenyl-2,3-dihydro-isothiazole (KHG25386), and phenyl-pyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid phenylamide (KHG25056). Further, molecular docking of the two most potent chemicals, KHG25229 and KHG25386, in Hi-AHAS yielded binding energies of −10.41 and −9.21 kcal/mol, respectively. The binding modes were consistent with inhibition mechanisms, as both chemicals oriented outside the active site. As the need for novel antibiotic classes to combat drug resistant bacteria increases, screening compounds that act against Hi-AHAS may assist in the identification of potential new anti-Hi drugs.  相似文献   

Metabolic factors that suppress development of competence in Haemophilus influenzae during growth in the synthetic medium MI(c) have been identified. These include inosine, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, glycerol, and uracil. It is also possible to initiate competence in the presence of these substances if the oxygen tension in the culture is temporarily reduced.  相似文献   

Mutations affecting gyrase in Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants separately resistant to novobiocin, coumermycin, nalidixic acid, and oxolinic acid contained gyrase activity as measured in vitro that was resistant to the antibiotics, indicating that the mutations represented structural alterations of the enzyme. One Novr mutant contained an altered B subunit of the enzyme, as judged by the ability of a plasmid, pNov1, containing the mutation to complement a temperature-sensitive gyrase B mutation in Escherichia coli and to cause novobiocin resistance in that strain. Three other Novr mutations did not confer antibiotic resistance to the gyrase but appeared to increase the amount of active enzyme in the cell. One of these, novB1, could only act in cis, whereas a new mutation, novC, could act in trans. An RNA polymerase mutation partially substituted for the novB1 mutation, suggesting that novB1 may be a mutation in a promoter region for the B subunit gene. Growth responses of strains containing various combinations of mutations on plasmids or on the chromosome indicated that low-level resistance to novobiocin or coumermycin may have resulted from multiple copies of wild-type genes coding for the gyrase B subunit, whereas high-level resistance required a structural change in the gyrase B gene and was also dependent on alteration in a regulatory region. When there was mismatch at the novB locus, with the novB1 mutation either on a plasmid or the chromosome, and the corresponding wild-type gene present in trans, chromosome to plasmid recombination during transformation was much higher than when the genes matched, probably because plasmid to chromosome recombination, eliminating the plasmid, was inhibited by the mismatch.  相似文献   

We have identified a gene for the addition of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) in an alpha-2,3-linkage to a lactosyl acceptor moiety of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the human pathogen Haemophilus influenzae. The gene is one that was identified previously as a phase-variable gene known as lic3A. Extracts of H. influenzae, as well as recombinant Escherichia coli strains producing Lic3A, demonstrate sialyltransferase activity in assays using synthetic fluorescent acceptors with a terminal galactosyl, lactosyl or N-acetyl-lactosaminyl moiety. In the RM118 strain of H. influenzae, Lic3A activity is modulated by the action of another phase-variable glycosyltransferase, LgtC, which competes for the same lactosyl acceptor moiety. Structural analysis of LPS from a RM118:lgtC mutant and the non-typeable strain 486 using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy confirmed that the major sialylated species has a sialyl-alpha-(2-3)-lactosyl extension off the distal heptose. This sialylated glycoform was absent in strains containing a lic3A gene disruption. Low amounts of sialylated higher molecular mass glycoforms were present in RM118:lgtC lic3A, indicating the presence of a second sialyltransferase. Lic3A mutants of H. influenzae strains show reduced resistance to the killing effects of normal human serum. Lic3A, encoding an alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase activity, is the first reported phase-variable sialyltransferase gene.  相似文献   

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