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Induction by phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene of enzymes metabolizing xenobiotics in rat exposed 55 hrs to hyperoxia, is maintained. The level of microsomal pulmonary and hepatic cytochrome P-450 has even increased. In rat protected against a hyperoxia 6 days, stimulation of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase does not decrease and malondialdehydes level does not change. These results assume the probable role of enzymatic induction in the tolerance to hyperoxia induced in rast by treatment with phenobarbital and 3- methylcholanthrene.  相似文献   

Glucuronidation reactions catalysed by rat liver microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase are differentially inducible by 3-methylcholanthrene and phenobarbital. To elucidate the molecular basis of this functional heterogeneity the enzyme was purified from livers of rats pretreated with the inducing agents. Using cholate solubilization, chromatography on Bio-Gel A-1.5m and on DEAE-cellulose in the presence of the nonionic detergent Brij 58, two enzyme forms could be separated. Both forms were subsequently purified to apparent homogeneity by affinity chromatography on UDP-hexanolamine Sepharose 4B, 3-Methylcholanthrene-inducible enzyme activity towards 1-naphthol, 4-nitrophenol, 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene and N-hydroxy-2-naphthylamine copurified with one enzyme form (enzyme 1). In contrast phenobarbital-inducible enzyme activity towards morphine, chloramphenicol and 4-hydroxybiphenyl was associated with the other enzyme fraction (enzyme 2). Sodium dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gels showed similar molecular weights of 54000 for enzyme 1 and 56000 for enzyme 2. The results suggest the presence of at least two forms of UDP-glucuronyltransferase in rat liver. Factors affecting enzyme activity in purified and membrane-bound states are discussed.  相似文献   

The reactivity of the non-narcotic substances, cyproheptadine and N-desmethylcyproheptadine with morphine: UDP-glucuronyltransferase was studied in rabbit hepatic microsomal preparations. Cyproheptadine produced a potent competitive inhibition of morphine glucuronidation in vitro (Ki=0.08 mM) whereas its N-desmethyl derivative was significantly less effective (Ki=0.4 mM). No cyproheptadine glucuronide was formed in these reactions suggesting that cyproheptadine acts as a dead-end inhibitor. Results indicate that the mechanism of the inhibition of morphine: UDP-glucuronyltransferase by cyproheptadine is similar to that produced by opioids and is related to the presence of the N-alkyl group in it structure.  相似文献   

The ability of phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC) to induce liver microsomal and soluble enzymes was compared in Sprague-Dawley and Long-Evans rats. 3MC increased the V for the aniline hydroxylase and stimulated the formation of the hemoprotein P448 to a similar extent in the 2 strains of rats. On the other hand phenobarbital increased the V for the microsomal enzyme aniline hydroxylase and aminopyrine demethylase and enhanced the activity of the soluble enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase only in Sprague-Dawley rats. It induced a more marked increase of cytochrome P450 in the Sprague-Dawley than in the Long-Evans strain.  相似文献   

Eight electrophoretically homogeneous forms of cytochrome P-450 were isolated from liver microsomes of phenobarbital (PB)- and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC)-induced male Wistar rats, using chromatography on 1.8-diaminooctyl-Sepharose, SEAE-Sephacel and hydroxylapatite. These cytochrome forms were compared to those described in literature in terms of their ability to metabolize androstenedione (AD), benzphetamine (BP) and 7-ethoxyresorufin (7-ER). Cytochrome P-450b capable of catalyzing with a high specificity the 16-hydroxylation of AD and N-demethylation of BP, and cytochrome P-450e immunologically related to P-450b but incapable of catalyzing these reactions were isolated from PB-microsomes. Besides, a male-specific cytochrome P-450h catalyzing the 16 alpha-hydroxylation of AD was isolated from PB-microsomes. Cytochrome P-450c possessing a high 7-ER-O-deethylase activity, and a high spin cytochrome P-450d as well as cytochrome P-450a specifically catalyzing the 7 alpha-oxidation of AD were isolated from MC-microsomes. Two forms of cytochrome P-450 isolated from PB-microsomes possessed no such activities. Data from immunochemical analysis suggest that one of these forms can be identified as cytochrome P-450k. It is concluded that the specificity of metabolism and the molecular activity of Wistar rat liver cytochrome P-450 forms are comparable with the corresponding parameters of hemoproteins isolated from other rat species. At the same time, data from metabolic analysis are suggestive of differences in the levels of certain cytochrome P-450 forms, in particular P-450a.  相似文献   

Using hydrophobic and ion-exchange chromatography, cytochromes P-450 and P-448 from liver microsomes of C 57 BL mice induced by phenobarbital and 3-methylcholantrene were isolated. The cytochromes purified to homogeneity as evidenced from SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were characterized in terms of molecular weight and catalytic and spectral properties and by peptide mapping. Cytochrome P-450, in contrast to cytochrome P-448, was not bound to the ion-exchanger and was eluted in a void volume. Cytochrome P-450 (Mr = 51 000) elicits a low spin signal and reveals a high catalytic activity toward aminopyrine and a low catalytic activity toward benz(a)pyrene. Cytochrome P-448 (Mr = 55 000) elicits both high an low spin signals and reveals a high catalytic activity toward benz(a)pyrene and a low catalytic activity toward aminopyrine. Limited proteolysis with papain demonstrated the differences in the proteins primary structure.  相似文献   

Microsomal membranes from the slow-growing Morris hepatoma 9618A catalyze, in the presence of t-butyl hydroperoxide, lower rates of lipid peroxidation than rat liver microsomes. The cytochrome P-450 content of hepatoma microsomes is about 40% that of the liver. SKF 525-A, an inhibitor of mixed-function oxidase, produces in hepatoma microsomes a P-450 type I binding spectrum similar to that of hepatic microsomes. The concentration of the inhibitor required for half-maximal spectral change is about 2 microM in both microsome types. SKF 525-A or ethylmorphine inhibit lipid peroxidation of normal and tumor microsomes to the same extent (about 60%). Treatment of the tumor-bearing rats with 3-methylcholanthrene increases the hepatoma cytochrome P-450 to values comparable to those of control membranes, although the hemoprotein has a peak in the CO-reduced difference absorption spectrum at 448 nm. The cytochrome P-448 induction is accompanied by an almost complete restoration of the hydroperoxide-dependent lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The "fast" phase reduction of microsomal cytochromes P-450 and P-448 and their benz(a)pyrene (BP) hydroxylase activity was investigated as a function of menadione concentrations. Within a narrow concentration range (1.5-3 microM) menadione activates cytochrome P-448 reduction and the BP hydroxylase activity. At higher concentrations menadione inhibits cytochromes P-450 and P-448 reduction and BP hydroxylation with participation of the both cytochromes. These data suggest that menadione molecules present in membrane lipids serve as an additional electron carrier to cytochrome P-448, the active site of which is embedded into lipids. The activating effect is unobserved is case of cytochrome P-450 with an active site localized in the aqueous phase. The number of different BP metabolites formed at low (3 microM) menadione concentrations in the microsomes of rats induced with 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) and phenobarbital (PB) was compared. In PB-induced microsomes the amount of 7,8-dihydrodiol rises whereas the total content of BP metabolites decreases. Contrariwise, in MC-induced microsomes the synthesis of all BP metabolites is augmented. Menadione has a very weak effect on the ratio of different BP metabolites in PB- and MC-microsomes, but strongly inhibits the formation of more polar metabolites. This results in a marked reduction of the number of "dangerous" BP diolepoxides.  相似文献   

In the present study we analyzed the effect of spironolactone administration on hepatic and intestinal p-nitrophenol-UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity. We used microsomal preparations from male and female Wistar rats to establish whether or not this effect was sex dependent. Enzyme activity was measured in the presence of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, a presumed physiological activator of the enzyme. Female but not male microsomes showed an increase in enzyme activity of both hepatic and intestinal tissue preparations in response to the inducer pretreatment. In addition, the inducer effect observed in female rats showed a tissue-related difference, since percent increase in the intestinal enzyme activity was greater than that in the liver (127 and 52%, respectively). These results suggest that factors regulating enzyme activity or mechanisms involved in the inducer effect of spironolactone could be different in the intestinal mucosa in comparison to the liver. A possible explanation of sex-related response to spironolactone administration was discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of treatment with phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) on the amounts of sex-specific forms of cytochrome P-450, namely P-450-male and P-450-female, in male and female rats were studied. Although treatment with phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene or PCB markedly increased the total amount of hepatic cytochrome P-450, P-450-male and P-450-female were rather decreased or not significantly changed. Thus, the percentages of P-450-male and P-450-female in the total cytochrome P-450 were decreased in liver microsomes from the treated rats. The increases in specific cytochrome P-450, such as P-448-H, P-448-L, and P-450I-c accounted for the increase in the total amount of cytochrome P-450 in the treated rats. The treatment with phenobarbital or PCB increased the activities of testosterone 16 alpha-hydroxylase, benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase and aminopyrine N-demethylase more markedly in female rats than in male rats. Similarly, the treatment with 3-methylcholanthrene increased benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase more markedly in female rats. Therefore, the sex-differences in testosterone 16 alpha-hydroxylase, benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase, and aminopyrine N-demethylase activities became smaller after the drug treatment. These results indicate that sex-specific P-450-male and P-450-female were unaffected, or even depressed by the agents in some cases.  相似文献   

The activity of cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase system from rat liver microsomes after induction by phenobarbital and 3-methylcholantrene in early neonatal period (3-16 days after birth) was studied. It was found that the total amount of cytochrome P-450 increases after injection of these inducers in neonatal rats of all age groups. In parallel, in the case of 3-methylcholantrene induction the benz(a)pyrene hydroxylase and 7-ethoxyresorufin deethylase activities increase; phenobarbital induction causes a rise in the benzphetamine-N-demethylase and benz(a)pyrene hydroxylase activities. Immunochemical analysis involving the use of antibodies specifically directed against cytochrome P-450 of adult rats revealed that the level of cytochrome P-450 in the case of 3-methylcholantrene induction increases from 5 to 50%, whereas that of cytochrome P-450 upon phenobarbital induction increases from 5 to 40% in liver microsomes of 3- and 16-day-old rats. The mode of inhibition of various substrates metabolism by antibodies in neonatal rat microsomes suggests that the 3-methylcholantrene-induced cytochrome P-448, like in adult rats, participates in the hydroxylation of benz(a)pyrene and O-deethylation of 7-etoxyresorufin. The participation of phenobarbital-induced cytochrome P-450 in the metabolism of benzphetamine and aldrin in neonatal rats is much lower than in the adult ones. The metabolism of benz(a)pyrene in phenobarbital-induced neonatal rat microsomes in all age groups is not inhibited by antibodies. The age-dependent differences in inhibition of metabolism and the increase in the benz(a)pyrene hydroxylase activity in phenobarbital-induced rats suggest that the spectrum of inducible forms of cytochrome P-450 in neonatal rats differ from that in adult animals.  相似文献   

The effect of phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene pretreatment on the biliary excretion of phenolsulphonphthalein (PSP) was investigated in male Wistar rats. The dye was injected at a single dose of 200 mumol/kg body wt. About 20% of the compound was excreted as a glucuronide in the controls, the liver UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity toward PSP being 0.064 +/- 0.005 nmol.min-1.mg protein-1. Treatment for two weeks with phenobarbital (354 mumol.kg body wt-1.day-1) caused a transient increase in conjugated and unconjugated PSP excretion, but glucuronyltransferase activity was not modified. 3-Methylcholanthrene pretreatment for 4 days (75 mumol.kg body wt-1.day-1) also enhanced biliary excretion of the dye, but the increase corresponded only to the glucuronide and glucuronyltransferase activity was significantly enhanced by 20%. Our data indicate that not only the rate of biotransformation but also other factors could be responsible for increased PSP biliary excretion following administration of microsomal enzyme inducers.  相似文献   

Metabolites of 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) formed by rat liver microsomes were analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography. The metabolic profile is significantly different from previous studies using thin layer chromatography. The major metabolites include 1-and 2-hydroxy-3-MC. Use of the high pressure liquid chromatographic system allows for the separation of at least seven new metabolites. The amounts of three of these new metabolites are substantially decreased when the potent epoxide hydrase inhibitor 3,3,3-trichloropropene oxide is added to the incubation system. These results then suggest the formation of epoxides of 3-methylcholanthrene other than the K-region oxide.  相似文献   

A form of UDP-glucuronyltransferase has been purified from liver microsomes of 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats by a simple and rapid method involving chromatography on DEAE-Toyopearl and UDP-hexanolamine Sepharose columns. The purified preparation gave a single protein band (Mr 54,000) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It catalyzed the glucuronidation of not only phenolic xenobiotics such as 4-nitrophenol, 1-naphthol, and eugenol but also serotonin, which is an endogenous compound. Its activities toward 4-hydroxybiphenyl and testosterone were very low and no activity was detected toward bilirubin. After removal of the detergent (Emulgen 911), the transferase activity was stimulated by various phospholipids, about 10-fold activation being attained with phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine. On nitrocellulose sheets concanavalin A, but not wheat germ agglutinin, bound to the purified transferase, and this binding was abolished in the presence of alpha-methylmannoside and after treatment of the enzyme with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (Endo H). These observations provided evidence that the transferase is a glycoprotein carrying a "high mannose type" of oligosaccharide chain(s). The NH2-terminal 7 residues of the purified enzyme were determined to be Thr-Lys-Leu-Leu-Val-Trp-Pro.  相似文献   

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