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Genomic sequence of rat beta-globin minor gene.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

We have investigated the mechanism of activation of an inactive but functionally intact hamster thymidine kinase (TK) gene by the chemical carcinogen N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Following carcinogen treatment of TK- RJK92 Chinese hamster cells, aminopterin-resistant (HATr) colonies appeared at a frequency 50-fold higher than in untreated controls. More than 80% of these HATr variants expressed TK enzymatic activity and were divided into high- and low-activity classes. In all TK+ variants, TK expression was correlated with demethylation in the 5' region of the TK gene and the appearance a 1,400-nucleotide TK mRNA. Using high-performance liquid chromatography to measure the level of genomic methylation, we found that four of five high-activity lines demonstrated extensive genomic hypomethylation (approximately 25% of normal level) that was associated with demethylation of all TK gene copies. Restriction endonuclease analysis of 15 low-activity lines revealed four instances of sequence alterations in the far-5' region of the TK gene and one instance of a tandem low-copy amplification. In these lines, the structurally altered gene copy was demethylated. Thus, we propose that a chemical carcinogen can activate TK expression by several different mechanisms. Focal demethylation with or without gene rearrangement was associated with low TK activity, whereas demethylation throughout the genome was associated with high TK activity.  相似文献   

A Chinese hamster ovary cyclophilin cDNA sequence.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The nucleotide sequence for a glutamine synthetase (GS) mRNA from gene-amplified Chinese hamster (CHO) cells was determined from recombinant cDNA clones obtained from both pBR322 and lambda gt10 libraries and by primer extension. The sequence obtained contains about 1400 bp corresponding to a minor species of mRNA terminated by a poly A sequence. The mRNA contains 146 nucleotides of 5'-noncoding region, 1119 bp of coding sequence, and 108 bp of 3'-noncoding sequence with a 32 bp poly(A) tail. The polyadenylation site used shows little homology with efficient polyadenylation sites, but has considerable complementarity with U4 RNA. The predicted amino acid sequence, starting from an initiation codon with the preferred sequence surrounding it, indicates that Chinese hamster GS has high homology with published bovine brain GS peptides and enabled an ordering of these peptides. There is homology between the mammalian GS enzymes and glutamine synthetases obtained from plants and cyanobacteria but no obvious homology between the CHO cell GS sequence and that of other ATP hydrolysing enzymes.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA was extracted from a cadmium resistant Chinese hamster (CHO) cell line, enriched for metal-induced, abundant RNA sequences and cloned as double-stranded cDNA in the plasmid pBR322. Two cDNA clones, pCHMT1 and pCHMT2, encoding two Chinese hamster isometallothioneins were identified, and the nucleotide sequence of each insert was determined. The two Chinese hamster metallothioneins show nucleotide sequence homologies of 80% in the protein coding region and approximately 35% in both the 5' and 3' untranslated regions. Interestingly, an 8 nucleotide sequence (TGTAAATA) has been conserved in sequence and position in the 3' untranslated regions of each metallothionein mRNA sequenced thus far. Estimated nucleotide substitution rates derived from interspecies comparisons were used to calculate a metallothionein gene duplication time of 45 to 120 million years ago.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of the Chinese hamster thymidine kinase gene.   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
My colleagues and I have cloned a nearly full-length Chinese hamster thymidine kinase (TK) cDNA in a lambda gt10 vector and characterized this cDNA by nucleotide sequencing. The hamster TK protein is encoded in this cDNA by a 702-base-pair open reading frame which specifies a 25,625-dalton protein closely homologous to the previously described human and chicken TK proteins. Using cDNA nucleotide sequence data in conjunction with sequence data derived from selected subclones of the hamster TK gene recombinant phage lambda HaTK.5, we have resolved the structure of the TK gene, finding the 1,219 base pairs of the cDNA sequence to be distributed through 11.2 kilobases of genomic DNA in at least seven exon segments. In addition, we have constructed a variety of Chinese hamster TK minigenes and exonuclease III-S1 derivatives of these genes which have permitted us to define the limits of the Chinese hamster TK gene promoter and demonstrate that efficient TK transformation of Ltk- cells by TK minigenes depends on the presence of both TK intervening sequences and sequences 3' to the site of mRNA polyadenylation.  相似文献   

A Chinese hamster ovary cell line, KG1MS which is resistant to 5 mM methionine sulphoximine overproduces glutamine synthetase. Overproduction of this 42 000 mol. wt. polypeptide is not seen in either parental KG1 or revertant KG1MSC4-0 cell lines which are resistant to 3 microM and 8 microM methionine sulphoximine, respectively. Restriction endonuclease analysis of DNA from KG1MS cells produces a pattern of amplified DNA fragments not seen in parental KG1 or revertant KG1MSC4-0 digests. Hybridization of cDNA probes complementary to KG1MS poly(A) mRNA against Southern blots of KG1MS restriction digests identifies a specific subset within these amplified sequences which is not detected by cDNA probes made from parental KG1 poly(A) mRNA. One 8.2-kb BglII fragment of KG1MS DNA identified by cDNA hybridization has been cloned to produce recombinant pGS-1. mRNA hybrid selected by pGS-1 translates to a 42 000 mol. wt. polypeptide which co-migrates in polyacrylamide gels with the over-produced protein in KG1MS cells and purified glutamine synthetase. pGS-1 also hybridizes to several mRNA species abundant in KG1MSC4-M, but not KG1, poly(A) mRNA extracts. The high level of resistance to methionine sulphoximine shown by KG1MS cells is due to amplification of a DNA sequence of at least 50 kb which contains the coding region for the enzyme glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Genomic sequence, splicing, and gene annotation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

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