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We explored how a woody plant invader affected riparian bird assemblages. We surveyed 15 200‐m‐long transects in riparian zones in a much‐changed landscape of eastern Victoria, Australia. Abundance, species‐richness, foraging‐guild richness and composition of birds were compared in transects in three habitat types: (i) riparian zones dominated by the invasive willow Salix × rubens; (ii) riparian zones lined with native woody species; and (iii) riparian zones cleared of almost all woody vegetation. We also measured abundance and richness of arthropods and habitat structure to explore further the effects of food resources and habitat on the avifauna. We observed 67 bird species from 14 foraging guilds. Native riparian transects had more birds, bird species and foraging guilds than willow‐invaded or cleared transects. Habitat complexity increased from cleared to willow‐invaded to native riparian transects, as did abundance of native and woodland‐dependent birds. Native shrub and trees species had more foliage and branch‐associated arthropods than did willows, consistent with a greater abundance and variety of foraging guilds of birds dependent on this resource. Willow spread into cleared areas is unlikely to facilitate greatly native bird abundance and diversity even though habitat complexity is increased. Willow invasion into the native riparian zone, by decreasing food resources and altering habitat, is likely to reduce native bird biodiversity and further disrupt connectivity of the riparian zone.  相似文献   

Does predation maintain tit community diversity?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
European tits of the genus Parus constitute a complex group of coexisting boreal birds. Here we present a survey of the distribution of three coniferous-living Parus species and one of their main predators, the pygmy owl ( Glaucidium passerinum ), on nine isolated islands in Scandinavia. On all islands the coal tit ( Parus ater ) is the sole tit species when the pygmy owl is absent. The two larger species, the willow tit ( P. montanus ) and the crested tit ( P. cristatus ), only coexist with the coal tit when pygmy owls are present. We suggest that the coexistence of willow tits, crested tits and coal tits is the result of a combination of competition for food and predator-safe foraging sites. The smaller coal tit is superior in exploitation competition for food, while the two larger species have an advantage in interference competition for predator-safe foraging sites. The association between the distribution of the pygmy owl and the two larger tit species on isolated islands in Scandinavia is consistent with the idea that the pygmy owl is a keystone predator.  相似文献   

The ecological effects of light pollution are becoming better understood, especially in birds. Recent studies have shown that several bird species can use street lighting to extend activity into the night during the breeding season. However, most of these studies are correlational and little is known about the effects of artificial night lighting on the timing of activities outside the breeding season. During winter, low temperatures and short days may limit foraging opportunities and can negatively affect survival of resident birds. However, night lighting may allow them to expand the time niche available for foraging. Here, we report on a study where we repeatedly manipulated the amount of night lighting during early winter at automated feeding stations in a natural forest. We used video‐recordings at the feeders to determine the time of the first (at dawn) and last (at dusk) foraging visits for six songbird species. We predicted that all species, and in particular the naturally early‐foraging species, would advance their daily onset of foraging during the mornings with night lighting, but would show minimal or no delays in their daily cessation of foraging during the lighted evenings. We found that two early‐foraging species, the blue tit and the great tit, started foraging earlier during the experimentally lighted mornings. However, in great tits, this effect was weak and restricted to nights with inclement weather. The light treatment did not have any effect on the start of foraging in the willow/marsh tit, the nuthatch, the European jay, and the blackbird. Artificial night lighting did not cause later foraging at dusk in any of the six species. Overall, our results suggest that artificial light during winter has only small effects on timing of foraging. We discuss these findings and the importance of temperature and winter weather in shaping the observed foraging patterns.  相似文献   

Adult aquatic insects emerging from streams are a fundamental resource sustaining riparian bird communities in broad-leaved deciduous forests. We investigated how stream geomorphology affects the aquatic insect flux and insectivorous bird abundance in 26 riparian-forest plots during spring season in northern Japan. Lateral dispersal of emergent aquatic insects into the riparian forest exponentially decreased with distance from the stream. Similar to aquatic insect distribution, flycatchers and gleaners concentrated their foraging attacks around the stream channel, preying intensively upon emergent aquatic insects. In contrast, bark probers consumed fewer emergent aquatic insects. The abundance of flycatchers and gleaners was closely related to stream geomorphology, whereas that of bark probers was associated with snag density in the study plots. A path analysis showed that the study plots with longer stream channels had greater aquatic insect abundance. This can be interpreted as a consequence of the increased amount of both stream edge and stream surface, where emergent aquatic insects readily penetrate. The increased flux of aquatic insects by stream meanders elevated gleaner abundance in the study plots. In addition, their abundance was directly affected by stream length per se. On the other hand, flycatcher abundance was only directly affected by stream length. Flycatchers, which mainly consumed emergent aquatic insects in the air, may have increased in response to the increase in suitable foraging sites (i.e., open spaces adjacent to perches) accompanying longer stream channels. Although the causal links affecting bird abundance differed among guilds, meandering streams apparently support abundant insectivorous birds in riparian forests. Therefore, to conserve riparian bird communities, it will be necessary to maintain the functions of stream geomorphology that affect the magnitude of energy transfer across the forest-stream interface.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examined effects of prescribed fire on 3 wintering, bark-foraging birds, hairy woodpeckers (Picoides villosus), pygmy nuthatches (Sitta pygmaea), and white-breasted nuthatches (S. carolinensis), in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests of northern Arizona, USA. During winters of 2004–2006, we compared bird density, foraging behavior, and bark beetle activity among burned treatment and unburned control units. Hairy woodpecker density was 5 times greater in burn units, whereas white-breasted nuthatches and pygmy nuthatches had similar densities between treatments. Compared to available trees, trees used by foraging hairy woodpeckers had 9 times greater odds of having bark beetles in control units and 12 times greater odds in burn units. Tree diameter appeared to be the main factor bark-foraging birds used in selecting winter foraging trees. Our results suggest that forest managers can use prescribed fire treatments without detrimental effects to wintering nuthatches, while providing additional food to hairy woodpeckers.  相似文献   

Daily patterns of body mass gain in four species of small wintering birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretically, the trajectories describing the daily accumulation of body reserves are expected to differ between bird species in relation to whether or not they hoard food. To carry reserves on the body may be costly and hoarding species can be expected to hoard food early in the day when light and retrieve it in the afternoon, with a concomitant rapid increase in body mass. Also, the increased food predictability resulting from being able to consume hoarded food late in the day should lead to a relatively faster gain in body reserves in the afternoon in hoarding species compared to non-hoarders. Non-hoarders may have to hedge against possible afternoon losses of foraging opportunities by accumulating more reserves early in the day.
In this study the daily patterns of body mass gain in four small bird species resident during winter in Scandinavia are described. Individually known birds were trained to come to a permanent feeder and their body masses were recorded every hour throughout the day with a remote-controlled balance. The hoarding willow tit Parus montanus , marsh tit P. palustris and European nuthatch Sitta europaea all displayed the most rapid gain in body mass in the early hours of the day. After the initial burst in the morning, reserves were accumulated at a roughly constant rate for the remainder of the day. In contrast, the non-hoarding great tit P. major apparently gained body reserves at a more even rate. The daily pattern of body mass gain found in the hoarding species differs from prevailing theoretical predictions, whereas the pattern in the non-hoarding great tit is in a better agreement with theory, from which this pattern has been predicted repeatedly.  相似文献   

Summary We studied experimentally interspecific competition among foliage-gleaning passerine birds by manipulating the density of resident tits. In 1988 tit density was experimentally increased on three small islands in a central Finnish lake, and decreased on three other islands by tit removal. In order to avoid the effects of between-island differences in habitat quality, the role of the islands was reversed when the experiment was repeated in the following year. Censuses and observations on foraging and feeding behaviour were conducted to assess the numerical and behavioural responses of migrant conguilders (mainly chaffinches and willow warblers) with respect to the manipulated abundance of the tits. We also measured whether variation in food consumption of tits affected the frequency with which the migrants found food by calculating average intervals between successful prey captures, time lags to prey-capture and giving-up times. Our results indicate that interspecific competition is of minor importance in structuring breeding bird assemblages and species feeding ecologies on the study islands. No consistent difference in foraging or feeding niches of chaffinches and willow warblers was found between low and high tit density conditions. Niche overlap analysis showed no avoidance by chaffinches and willow warblers of the microhabitats which tits used. Tit abundance had no significant effect on feeding success or behaviour. Experimentally increased abundance of resident birds was associated with increased abundance of breeding migrants, however. This pattern was found not only in the foliage gleaning guild but also with all passerine birds, indicating that food was not an important contributor to this pattern. We elaborate a hypothesis suggesting heterospecific attraction in northern breeding bird assemblages. Habitat generalist migrants may use the presence of residents as an indicator of safe and/or productive breeding sites in northern unpredictable circumstances.  相似文献   

The indirect effect of tree defense on bird foraging habitat via lepidopterous larvae was studied by focusing on phenological changes in each component. The seasonal changes in foraging habitat of the narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina), the distribution pattern of arthropod populations, and the leaf characteristics related to the defense system against insect herbivores were studied in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in northern Japan. Narcissus flycatchers foraged in the canopy from late May to mid June, on the ground from late June, with lepidopterous larvae being the most preferred prey (about 80% of total prey items), and again in the canopy in July. The biomass of lepidopterous larvae was much more abundant within 3 weeks after budbreak in the canopy in late May, and thereafter decreased rapidly in mid June. By contrast, the larvae were abundant on the forest floor from early to late June. These were mainly caused by their downward migration in early to mid June. After budbreak, the leaf toughness and tannin content of two deciduous tree species (maple and oak) increased, while nitrogen and water content decreased. The strengthening of defense traits of canopy leaves caused changes in the abundance and distribution of the lepidopterous larvae. The foraging habitat of the flycatcher subsequently shifted in response to the changes in abundance and distribution of the lepidopterous larvae. In this study, the evidence of the indirect effects of trees on bird foraging habitat was presented by focusing on the phenological changes in relationships among each component in this three-trophic system.  相似文献   

The separation of abiotic and biotic factors affecting populations and communities is an important step in understanding how climate change can influence ecological processes, but quantifying their relative contribution to community changes is a challenge. We assessed the effect of temperature and species interactions on the population dynamics of a forest bird community with a hierarchical dynamic population model in a Bayesian framework. We used a long‐term time‐series (1956–2012) of four secondary cavity‐nesting birds with similar food and nesting requirements but different migration habits, to analyse the effects of the four species population size and the local weather fluctuations on each species’ population dynamics. We found clear evidence of a negative effect of two resident species (blue tit and great tit) on a long‐distance migrant (pied flycatcher). Among the residents we only found a competition effect of the great tit on the marsh tit. The birds showed opposite responses to weather: the pied flycatcher favoured colder springs whereas the blue tit and great tit favoured warmer springs. Although alternative mechanisms cannot be ruled out, our results suggest that the resident species (blue tit and great tit) could adjust to increasing spring temperature while the migrant species (pied flycatcher) could not, leading progressively to the exclusion of the pied flycatcher from the area. These results point out the potential role of competitive interactions by providing insightful clues, call for refined research, and support recent efforts to include population dynamics in species distribution models.  相似文献   

A manipulative field experiment was performed to determine the effect of birds, subsidized by aquatic insect emergence, on the insect herbivores in a riparian deciduous forest. Insectivorous birds were observed more frequently in the riparian forest than in upland forest away from the stream, utilizing both herbivorous insects feeding on the riparian vegetation and aquatic insects emerging from the stream as their prey. Field experiments revealed that the insect herbivore population in the riparian forest was more depressed by bird predation than that in the upland forest. This suggests that allochthonous prey input to the in situ prey population was responsible for a modification in the interaction between birds and herbivorous insects, resulting in a heterogeneous food web structure in the forest.  相似文献   

Summary Density and breeding success of the great tit Parus major, blue tit Parus caeruleus and collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis were studied in nest box colony in oak forest over a period of 19 years.Intraspecific density dependent clutch size reduction was found with blue tit and great tit. In interspecific relation the high density of blue tits reduced the clutch size of great tits.In the hatching period neither intraspecific nor interspecific density dependence were showed between the tits when the third competitive species, collared flycatcher was present. The collared flycatcher significantly reduced the hatching success of both tit species and the number of fledglings of great tit.The effects of the great tits and combined density of the great and blue tits on the hatching failure and number of fledglings of collared flycatcher were found when the density of the tits was high. There were not significant relationships to the single density of blue tits.The temporal variability of the competition of the three bird species is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of four components of predation risk, namely predation pressure, spatial variation in woody cover, visibility, and flock size, on the behaviour of four species of the Parus guild (crested tit, P. cristatus , willow tit, P. montanus , coal tit, P. ater , and goldcrest, Regulus regulus ) at the edge of patches of mature boreal forest. Birds used the exposed side of the edge (matrix) mainly during periods with low levels of predation pressure by pygmy owls ( Glaucidium passerinum ). Some species avoided edges under low light conditions. Birds in large groups were more prone to cross the edge, whereas group cohesion increased in risky situations, especially in the most vulnerable species (coal tit and goldcrest). The effects of these three components of predation risk were not general in that only some species responded to them, and in that intra-specific responses were not always consistent. In contrast, all behaviours examined in all four bird species (occurrence, matrix crossing, edge crossing, and group cohesion) appeared to be strongly affected by habitat-mediated predation risk. Mature boreal forests appeared to be qualitatively superior to any type of matrix in terms of protection against predators. Birds generally avoided open matrix, and seemed to move towards and across more developed stages in forest regeneration according to the ratio between food intake and predation risk attributable to a given matrix type. Open matrix (farmland and clearcuts) and very young plantations strongly restricted the rate of bird movement between old forest patches. Our results contrast with the widespread thought that birds have a great potential to use fragmented landscapes in a fine-grained manner. These limited movements across the landscape during winter might have important repercussions on the occupation of some forest patches by tits, their subsequent reproduction, and in turn their population dynamics.  相似文献   

黑龙江省嫩江高峰林区2004年度鸟类环志监测报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2004年在黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场开展了鸟类环志研究工作,共环志鸟类100种22 194只,其中春季84种10 256只,秋季82种11 938只,隶属10目30科。春季以棕眉山岩鹨(Prunella montanella)、田(Emberiza rustica)、红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)、燕雀(Fringilla montifringilla)、小(E.pusilla)、黄眉柳莺(Phylloscopus inornatus)、栗(E.rutila)等7种为迁徙鸟类的优势种(数量大于500只),环志7534只,占春季环志数量的73.5%;秋季以黄眉柳莺、燕雀、田、银喉长尾山雀(Aegithalos caudatus)、黄雀(Carduelis spinus)、白腰朱顶雀(C.flammea)等6种为迁徙鸟类的优势种,环志8764只,占秋季环志数量的73.4%;通过环志,发现两种黑龙江省鸟类新记录———姬鹬(Lymnocryptes minimus)、棕眉柳莺(P.armandi-i),高峰林场环志的白腰朱顶雀、红喉姬(Ficedula parva)分别被挪威、俄罗斯回收。这是欧洲国家...  相似文献   

We analysed whether patterns of microhabitat use by Blue Tits Parus caeruleus , Great Tits Parus major and Crested Tits Parus cristatus inhabiting a mixed forest consistently matched the patterns of food availability experienced by foraging birds during spring-summer. The use of five microhabitats by each bird species (the foliage of three tree species, shrubs and ground) and the availability of food in trees during the prebreeding, breeding and post-breeding periods of the birds' annual cycle were measured. All three tit species foraged mainly in the outer part of tree canopies (small branches and leaves or needles). Tit distributions between tree species matched food resource distributions irrespective of overall food resource levels, which varied four-fold between the study periods, and tit species. Tits also exploited secondary microhabitats (shrubs and ground) in periods of low food availability; Blue Tits tended to use shrubs, whereas Great and Crested Tits foraged on the ground. Between-trees distributions fitted that expected from an ideal free distribution, suggesting that food availability and intraspecific exploitative competition were the main factors governing tree use by tits. In contrast, patterns of use of secondary microhabitats (shrubs and ground) seemed to indicate a role for the species-specific morphological configurations of each tit species since Blue Tits are better adapted to hang and tended to forage in shubs, whereas Great and Crested Tits are better adapted to feed on horizontal surfaces and tended to forage on the ground. No evidence of interspecific interactions was observed. Overall, the results pointed to an independent exploitation of Mediterranean mixed forest by each bird species, food availability and food accessibility being the main factors affecting microhabitat use by foraging tits.  相似文献   

Post-breeding habitats of nine passerine species were studied in the permanently flooded reed beds of ponds near the village Pusté úlany (SW Slovakia) in 2002. Structural features of reed beds and the abundance of all birds studied were sampled at two sites and eight study plots. The reed bed structure and abundance of four passerines differed considerably between the individual study plots. The variations in vegetation structure were also caused by winter reed burning in the SE part of study area. Stems in burnt reed beds were smaller and thinner than unburnt. Abundance of the reed warbler and to a lesser extent sedge warbler was higher in tall reed beds, while the bearded tit preferred thick reed stems. Position of reed beds along the shore — open water gradient was an important factor in terms of abundance at the study plots in the case of the reed bunting. This species showed a strong preference for the reed bed edge with open water. Horizontal distribution of other species seems to be random, however, the birds with the exception of Savi’s warbler preferred the upper stratum of reed bed in vertical distribution. Our field data corroborate with those found in experimental studies concerning with ecomorphological characteristics of birds. Some inconsistencies, however, could also be caused by other factors (e.g. foraging preferences). Comparison of breeding and post-breeding habitat requirements of the studied bird species confirmed a more or less random distribution of the majority of species in the post-breeding period. Some variation was found in the cases of only the reed warbler and bearded tit.  相似文献   

The beneficial role of insectivorous birds potentially contributing to the biological control of forest insect pests appears crucial in the context of climate warming, especially for species currently expanding their range such as the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Larvae of T. pityocampa are aposematic and carry true urticating setae which, together with overwintering in silk winter nests, prevent them from predation by most insectivorous forest birds. The present review aims at pointing out which bird species can regularly feed on this key forest defoliator throughout its distribution range, and which predation strategies allow birds to cope with the urticating setae carried by late-instar larvae. At least seven bird species can be considered as regular predators of the pine processionary moth: four large migrant specialists (great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius, common cuckoo Cuculus canorus, European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus and Eurasian hoopoe Upupa epops) and three small sedentary generalists (great tit Parus major, crested tit Lophophanes cristatus and coal tit Periparus ater). Each species has developed morphological traits and foraging techniques to feed on different life stages of T. pityocampa throughout the year: (i) gizzard wall structure allowing the consumption of caterpillars with urticating setae (cuckoos); (ii) nocturnal foraging on moth imagos by aerial hawking (nightjars); (iii) ground probing on below-ground pupae with long curved bill (hoopoe); and (iv) shifted predation period in autumn and winter on eggs, early- and late-instar larvae, with particular feeding technique allowing to eat only the inner parts of urticating larvae stages (tits). Although several avian predators regularly feed on T. pityocampa, only a few specialist and generalist insectivorous birds may contribute to regulate its populations, especially when population density of the moth is low. Moreover, their efficiency may possibly be threatened by mismatches associated with climate change.  相似文献   

We test whether the spatial distribution of birds within a habitat is determined by predation risk and also by interspecific competition. The work was carried out in a montane mixed forest of central Spain with four Parus species, the long-tailed tit ( Aegithalos caudatus ) and the nuthatch ( Sitta europaea ). Experimental feeders, that varied in their risk of predation, were used to control the effect of natural variations in food availability and quality on the habitat use patterns of different species. Tree gleaning passerines avoided feeding on dark inner forest places far from edges, distant from protective cover, outside the inner tree canopy and near the ground; they preferred deciduous, relatively clear forest plots. These effects remained invariable across years and weather conditions. There was a common pattern of selection of foraging locations by the four Parus species: proximity to cover and height above ground and over the lowest branches of the tree canopy positively influenced the use of feeding places. According to these patterns, the vigilance proportion of species was significantly higher when feeding far from cover than when birds were feeding near pine foliage. This pattern was also common for the four studied Parus species. Nevertheless, the interspecific dominance hierarchy of the species was positively correlated with the use of the safest feeders (feeders farther the ground and nearer from protective cover within tree canopy), being the converse with the most exposed ones. Therefore, the results of this paper demonstrate that the selection of feeding locations within habitat follows a pattern minimizing predation risk. Interspecific dominance hierarchies can lead to the exploitation of unfavourable risky patches by subordinate species.  相似文献   

Spatial subsidies of energy and nutrients can influence the distribution of consumers in riparian habitats. This study compared the abundance and composition of bird assemblages and the availability of volant insect prey within the riparian zone (≤ 30 m from the stream) and further inland (100–250 m away) within a secondary forest in monsoonal Hong Kong. Replicated point-counts of birds and insect light trapping were conducted in each zone during the wet and dry season of 2006–2007. The biomass of adult aquatic insects in the riparian zone was nine to 12 times higher than inland during both seasons, however, total insect biomass (aquatic plus terrestrial insects) in the riparian zone was only 49 percent (wet season) and 18 percent (dry season) greater. More birds (both numbers of individuals and species) were recorded in the riparian zone, and this difference was particularly conspicuous during the wet season. Most of the wet-season difference was due to the greater number of insectivorous birds in the riparian zone (123% greater than inland), and may have reflected the relative availability of adult aquatic insects. These findings confirm the importance of riparian zones as feeding habitats for forest birds, and have implications for conservation planning and setting the boundaries of protected areas.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of migratory warblers (genus: Sylvia) in poor and high quality habitat patches at a stopover site in the northern Negev, Israel. The purpose of our study was to test predictions based on the ideal free distribution (IFD) model by using a natural ecosystem which has a high turnover of individuals moving between unfamiliar foraging patches. We trapped birds in two groves of Pistacia atlantica embedded within a coniferous forest. The fruit-density ratio between these groves was 45:1. We compared bird density, body condition and habitat matching (the ratio between bird density and resource density) at the two sites. To analyse the data we integrated two approaches to density-dependent habitat selection: the isodar method and the habitat matching rule. As predicted by the IFD model, we found that habitat suitability decreased with bird density with a high correlation between warbler densities in the two habitat patches. Contrary to IFD predictions, warbler density in the poor patch was higher than expected by the habitat-matching rule. This habitat under-matching, had a cost: in the rich habitat the average energy gain per individual bird was higher than in the poor habitat. Further analysis suggests that the apparent habitat under-matching is not due to interference or differences in warbler competitive abilities. Therefore, we suggest that this migratory bird community is not at equilibrium because the birds possess imperfect knowledge of resource distribution. We propose that this lack of knowledge leads to free, but not ideal distributions of migrant birds in unfamiliar stop over sites.  相似文献   

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